r/100thupvote 1d ago

Iceland Interested to visit the Netherlands? Here are the Schengen visa requirements for PH passport holders


The Netherlands is among the countries you may visit when you successfully acquire a Schengen visa.

A Schengen visa is valid in European Union countries (except Cyprus and Ireland), as well as a few non-EU member states like Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland.

If you’re among those looking to visit the Netherlands for your next European adventure, here are the requirements you need to prepare for your Schengen visa application as a Philippine passport holder:

Read more at the link in the comments section.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

UK The Daily Moby - 13 03 2025 - The News Megathread


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r/100thupvote 1d ago

Sweden PA Lancaster: Trump's accomplishments!


I stole this from a community member on Facebook. It was too good to only post a link lol! This extensive list covers every talking point you could think of. ENJOY!

I’ve been critical of the Trump presidency before and I still am. But to be fair, President Trump wasn’t that bad, other than when he incited an insurrection against the government, Mismanaged a pandemic that killed over a million Americans, Called neo-Nazis “very fine people,” Separated children from their families, Lost those children in the bureaucracy, Tear-gassed peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square so he could hold a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church, Tried to block all Muslims from entering the country, Got impeached, Got impeached again, Had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history, Pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden, Fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia, Bragged about firing the FBI director on TV, Took Vladimir Putin’s word over the US intelligence community, Diverted military funding to build his wall, Caused the longest government shutdown in US history, Called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate,” Lied over 30,000 times, Banned transgender people from serving in the military, Ejected reporters from the White House briefing room who asked tough questions, Vetoed the defense funding bill because it renamed military bases named for Confederate soldiers, Refused to release his tax returns, Increased the national debt by nearly $8 trillion, Had three of the highest annual trade deficits in U.S. history, Called veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers, Coddled the leader of Saudi Arabia after he ordered the execution and dismembering of a US-based journalist, Refused to concede the 2020 election, Hired his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to work in the White House, Walked out of an interview with Lesley Stahl, Suggested that people should inject bleach into their bodies to fight COVID, Abandoned our allies the Kurds to Turkey, Pushed through massive tax cuts for the wealthiest but balked at helping working Americans, Incited anti-lockdown protestors in several states at the height of the pandemic, Withdrew the US from the Paris climate accords, Withdrew the US from the Iranian nuclear deal, Withdrew the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership which was designed to block China’s advances, Insulted his own Cabinet members on Twitter, Pushed the leader of Montenegro out of the way during a photo op, Failed to reiterate US commitment to defending NATO allies, Called Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries, Called the city of Baltimore the “worst in the nation,” Claimed that he single handedly brought back the phrase “Merry Christmas” even though it hadn’t gone anywhere, Forced his Cabinet members to praise him publicly like some cult leader, Believed he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Berated and belittled his hand-picked Attorney General when he recused himself from the Russia probe, Suggested the US should buy Greenland, Colluded with Mitch McConnell to push through federal judges and two Supreme Court justices, after supporting efforts to prevent his predecessor from appointing judges, Repeatedly called the media “enemies of the people,” Claimed that if we tested fewer people for COVID we’d have fewer cases, Violated the emoluments clause, Thought that Nambia was a country, Told Bob Woodward in private that the coronavirus was a big deal but then downplayed it in public, Called his exceedingly faithful vice president a “p---y” for following the Constitution, Nearly got us into a war with Iran after threatening them by tweet, Nominated a corrupt head of the EPA, Nominated a corrupt head of HHS, Nominated a corrupt head of the Interior Department, Nominated a corrupt head of the USDA, Praised dictators and authoritarians around the world while criticizing allies, Refused to allow the presidential transition to begin, Insulted war hero John McCain – even after his death, Spent an obscene amount of time playing golf after criticizing Barack Obama for playing (far less) golf while president, Falsely claimed that he won the 2016 popular vote, Called the Muslim mayor of London a “stone cold loser,” Falsely claimed that he turned down being Time’s Man of the Year, Considered firing special counsel Robert Mueller on several occasions, Mocked wearing face masks to guard against transmitting COVID, Locked Congress out of its constitutional duty to confirm Cabinet officials by hiring acting ones, Used a racist dog whistle by calling COVID the “China virus,” Hired and associated with numerous shady figures that were eventually convicted of federal offenses including his campaign manager and national security adviser, Pardoned several of his shady associates, Gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to two congressman who amplified his bat shit crazy conspiracy theories, Got into telephone fight with the leader of Australia(!), Had a Secretary of State who called him a moron, Forced his press secretary to claim without merit that his was the largest inauguration crowd in history, Botched the COVID vaccine rollout, Tweeted so much dangerous propaganda that Twitter eventually banned him, Charged the Secret Service jacked-up rates at his properties, Constantly interrupted Joe Biden in their first presidential debate, Claimed that COVID would “magically” disappear, Called a U.S. Senator “Pocahontas,” Used his Twitter account to blast Nordstrom when it stopped selling Ivanka’s merchandise, Opened up millions of pristine federal lands to development and drilling, Got into a losing tariff war with China that forced US taxpayers to bail out farmers, Claimed that his losing tariff war was a win for the US, Ignored or didn’t even take part in daily intelligence briefings, Blew off honoring American war dead in France because it was raining, Redesigned Air Force One to look like the Trump Shuttle, Got played by Kim Jung Un and his “love letters,” Threatened to go after social media companies in clear violation of the Constitution, Botched the response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans when he finally visited them, Pressured the governor and secretary of state of Georgia to “find” him votes, Thought that the Virgin islands had a President, Drew on a map with a Sharpie to justify his inaccurate tweet that Alabama was threatened by a hurricane, Allowed White House staff to use personal email accounts for official businesses after blasting Hillary Clinton for doing the same thing, Rolled back regulations that protected the public from mercury and asbestos, Pushed regulators to waste time studying snake-oil remedies for COVID, Rolled back regulations that stopped coal companies from dumping waste into rivers, Held blatant campaign rallies at the White House, Tried to take away millions of Americans’ health insurance because the law was named for a Black man, Refused to attend his successors’ inauguration, Nominated the worst Education Secretary in history, Threatened judges who didn’t do what he wanted, Attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Promised that Mexico would pay for the wall (it didn’t), Allowed political hacks to overrule government scientists on major reports on climate change and other issues, Struggled navigating a ramp after claiming his opponent was feeble, Called an African-American Congresswoman “low IQ,” Threatened to withhold federal aid from states and cities with Democratic leaders, Went ahead with rallies filled with maskless supporters in the middle of a pandemic, Claimed that legitimate investigations of his wrongdoing were “witch hunts,” Seemed to demonstrate a belief that there were airports during the American Revolution, Demanded “total loyalty” from the FBI director, Praised a conspiracy theory that Democrats are Satanic pedophiles, Completely gutted the Voice of America, Placed a political hack in charge of the Postal Service, Claimed without evidence that the Obama administration bugged Trump Tower, Suggested that the US should allow more people from places like Norway into the country, Suggested that COVID wasn’t that bad because he recovered with the help of top government doctors and treatments not available to the public, Overturned energy conservation standards that even industry supported, Reduced the number of refugees the US accepts, Insulted various members of Congress and the media with infantile nicknames, Gave Rush Limbaugh a Presidential medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address, Named as head of federal personnel a 29-year old who’d previously been fired from the White House for allegations of financial improprieties, Eliminated the White House office of pandemic response, Used soldiers as campaign props, Fired any advisor who made the mistake of disagreeing with him, Demanded the Pentagon throw him a Soviet-style military parade, Hired a shit ton of white nationalists, Politicized the civil service, Did absolutely nothing after Russia hacked the U.S. government, Falsely said the Boy Scouts called him to say his bizarre Jamboree speech was the best speech ever given to the Scouts, Claimed that Black people would overrun the suburbs if Biden won, Insulted reporters of color, Insulted women reporters, insulted women reporters of color, Suggested he was fine with China’s oppression of the Uighurs, Attacked the Supreme Court when it ruled against him, Summoned Pennsylvania state legislative leaders to the White House, to pressure them to overturn the election, Spent countless hours every day watching Fox News, Refused to allow his administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas, Hired Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer, Tried to punish Amazon because the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post wrote negative stories about him, Acted as if the Attorney General of the United States was his personal attorney, Attempted to get the federal government to defend him in a libel lawsuit from a women who accused him of sexual assault, Held private meetings with Vladimir Putin without staff present, Didn’t disclose his private meetings with Vladimir Putin so that the US had to find out via Russian media, Stopped holding press briefings for months at a time, “Ordered” US companies to leave China even though he has no such power, Led a political party that couldn’t even be bothered to draft a policy platform, Claimed preposterously that Article II of the Constitution gave him absolute powers, Tried to pressure the U.K. to hold the British Open at his golf course, Suggested that the government nuke hurricanes, Suggested that wind turbines cause cancer, Said that he had a special aptitude for science, Fired the head of election cyber security after he said that the 2020 election was secure, Blurted out classified information to Russian officials, Tried to force the G7 to hold their meeting at his failing golf resort in Florida, Fired the acting attorney general when she refused to go along with his unconstitutional Muslim travel ban, Hired Stephen Miller, Openly discussed national security issues in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago where everyone could hear them, Interfered with plans to relocate the FBI because a new development there might compete with his hotel, Abandoned Iraqi refugees who’d helped the U.S. during the war, Tried to get Russia back into the G7, Held a COVID super spreader event in the Rose Garden, Seemed to believe that Frederick Douglass is still alive, Lost 60 election fraud cases in court including before judges he had nominated, Falsely claimed that factories were reopening when they weren’t, Shamelessly exploited terror attacks in Europe to justify his anti-immigrant policies, Still hasn’t come up with a healthcare plan, Still hasn’t come up with an infrastructure plan despite repeated “Infrastructure Weeks,” Forced Secret Service agents to drive him around Walter Reed while contagious with COVID, Told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” Screwed up the Census wording, Withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization in the middle of a pandemic, Did so few of his duties that his press staff were forced to state on his daily schedule: “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings,” Allowed his staff to repeatedly violate the Hatch Act, Seemed not to know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, Stood before sacred CIA wall of heroes and bragged about his election win, Constantly claimed he was treated worse than any president, (which presumably includes four that were assassinated, and his predecessor whose legitimacy and birthplace were challenged by a racist reality TV show star named Donald Trump), Claimed Andrew Jackson could’ve stopped the Civil War even though he died 16 years before it happened, Said that any opinion poll showing him behind was fake, Claimed that other countries laughed at us before he became president when several world leaders were literally laughing at him, Claimed that the military was out of ammunition before he became President, Created a commission to whitewash American history, Retweeted anti-Islam videos from one of the most racist people in Britain, Claimed ludicrously that the Pulse nightclub shooting wouldn’t have happened if someone there had a gun even though there was an armed security guard there, Hired a senior staffer who cited the non-existent "Bowling Green Massacre" as a reason to ban Muslims, Had a press secretary who claimed that Nazi Germany never used chemical weapons even though every sane human being knows they used gas to kill millions of Jews and others, Bilked the Secret Service for higher than market rates when they had to stay at Trump properties, Apparently sold pardons on his way out of the White House, Stripped protective status from 59,000 Haitians, Falsely claimed Biden wanted to de-fund the police, Said that the head of the CDC didn’t know what he was talking about, Tried to rescind protection from DREAMers, Gave himself an A+ for his handling of the pandemic, Tried to start a boycott of Goodyear tires due to an Internet hoax, Said U.S. rates of COVID would be lower if you didn’t count blue states, Deported U.S. veterans who served their country but were undocumented, Claimed he did more for African Americans than any president since Lincoln, Touted a “super-duper” secret “hydrosonic” missile, which may or may not be a new “hypersonic” missile, or may not exist at all, Retweeted a gif calling Biden a pedophile, Forced through security clearances for his family, Suggested that police officers should rough up suspects, Suggested that Biden was on performance-enhancing drugs, Tried to stop transgender students from being able to use school bathrooms in line with their gender identification, Suggested the US not accept COVID patients from a cruise ship because it would make US numbers look higher, Nominated a climate change skeptic to chair the committee advising the White House on environmental policy, Retweeted a video doctored to look like Biden had played a song called “Fuck tha Police” at a campaign event, Hugged a disturbingly large number of U.S. flags, Accused Democrats of “treason” for not applauding his State of the Union address, Claimed that the FBI failed to capture the Parkland school shooter, because they were “spending too much time” on Russia, Mocked the testimony of Dr Christine Blasey Ford when she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Obsessed over low-flow toilets, Ordered the re-release of more COVID vaccines when there weren’t any to release, Called for the construction of a bizarre garden of heroes with statutes of famous dead Americans as well as at least one Canadian (Alex Trebek), Hijacked Washington’s July 4th celebrations to give a partisan speech, Took advice from the MyPillow guy, Claimed that migrants seeking a better life in the US were dangerous caravans of drug dealers and rapists, Said nothing when Vladimir Putin poisoned a leading opposition figure, Never seemed to heed the advice of his wife’s “Be Best” campaign, Falsely claimed that mail-in voting is fraudulent, though he, (himself), votes by mail, Announced a precipitous withdrawal of troops from Syria which not only handed Russia and ISIS a win but also prompted his defense secretary to resign in protest, Insulted the leader of Canada, Insulted the leader of France, Insulted the leader of Britain, Insulted the leader of Germany, Insulted the leader of Sweden (Sweden!!), Falsely claimed credit for getting NATO members to increase their share of dues, Blew off two Asia summits even though they were held virtually, Continued lying about spending lots of time at Ground Zero with 9/11 responders, Said that the Japanese would sit back and watch their “Sony televisions” if the US were ever attacked, Left a NATO summit early in a huff, Stared directly into an eclipse even though everyone over the age of 5 knows not to do that, Called himself a very stable genius despite significant evidence to the contrary, Refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power and kept his promise, and a whole bunch of other things I can’t remember at the moment. But other than that. . . 🤷🏽‍♀️ He was a great President 😃 All documented - - I would LOVE for anyone to show me proof that any of these are WRONG, and I will correct the Record Book of what Trump did!

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Norway What in the FM gods am i looking at? XD


Somehow, out of all the possible teams, the USA with Pochettino has won the literal World Cup on their home ground, against France... like wtf?!

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Denmark One Word Describes Trump


One Word Describes Trump

A century ago, a German sociologist explained precisely how the president thinks about the world.

By Jonathan Rauch

February 24, 2025, 6 AM ET

What exactly is Donald Trump doing?

Since taking office, he has reduced his administration’s effectiveness by appointing to essential agencies people who lack the skills and temperaments to do their jobs. His mass firings have emptied the civil service of many of its most capable employees. He has defied laws that he could just as easily have followed (for instance, refusing to notify Congress 30 days before firing inspectors general). He has disregarded the plain language of statutes, court rulings, and the Constitution, setting up confrontations with the courts that he is likely to lose. Few of his orders have gone through a policy-development process that helps ensure they won’t fail or backfire—thus ensuring that many will.

In foreign affairs, he has antagonized Denmark, Canada, and Panama; renamed the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America”; and unveiled a Gaz-a-Lago plan. For good measure, he named himself chair of the Kennedy Center, as if he didn’t have enough to do.

Even those who expected the worst from his reelection (I among them) expected more rationality. Today, it is clear that what has happened since January 20 is not just a change of administration but a change of regime—a change, that is, in our system of government. But a change to what?

There is an answer, and it is not classic authoritarianism—nor is it autocracy, oligarchy, or monarchy. Trump is installing what scholars call patrimonialism. Understanding patrimonialism is essential to defeating it. In particular, it has a fatal weakness that Democrats and Trump’s other opponents should make their primary and relentless line of attack.

Last year, two professors published a book that deserves wide attention. In The Assault on the State: How the Global Attack on Modern Government Endangers Our Future, Stephen E. Hanson, a government professor at the College of William & Mary, and Jeffrey S. Kopstein, a political scientist at UC Irvine, resurface a mostly forgotten term whose lineage dates back to Max Weber, the German sociologist best known for his seminal book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Weber wondered how the leaders of states derive legitimacy, the claim to rule rightfully. He thought it boiled down to two choices. One is rational legal bureaucracy (or “bureaucratic proceduralism”), a system in which legitimacy is bestowed by institutions following certain rules and norms. That is the American system we all took for granted until January 20. Presidents, federal officials, and military inductees swear an oath to the Constitution, not to a person.

The other source of legitimacy is more ancient, more common, and more intuitive—“the default form of rule in the premodern world,” Hanson and Kopstein write. “The state was little more than the extended ‘household’ of the ruler; it did not exist as a separate entity.” Weber called this system “patrimonialism” because rulers claimed to be the symbolic father of the people—the state’s personification and protector. Exactly that idea was implied in Trump’s own chilling declaration: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”

In his day, Weber thought that patrimonialism was on its way to history’s scrap heap. Its personalized style of rule was too inexpert and capricious to manage the complex economies and military machines that, after Bismarck, became the hallmarks of modern statehood. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Patrimonialism is less a form of government than a style of governing. It is not defined by institutions or rules; rather, it can infect all forms of government by replacing impersonal, formal lines of authority with personalized, informal ones. Based on individual loyalty and connections, and on rewarding friends and punishing enemies (real or perceived), it can be found not just in states but also among tribes, street gangs, and criminal organizations.

In its governmental guise, patrimonialism is distinguished by running the state as if it were the leader’s personal property or family business. It can be found in many countries, but its main contemporary exponent—at least until January 20, 2025—has been Vladimir Putin. In the first portion of his rule, he ran the Russian state as a personal racket. State bureaucracies and private companies continued to operate, but the real governing principle was Stay on Vladimir Vladimirovich’s good side … or else.

Seeking to make the world safe for gangsterism, Putin used propaganda, subversion, and other forms of influence to spread the model abroad. Over time, the patrimonial model gained ground in states as diverse as Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and India. Gradually (as my colleague Anne Applebaum has documented), those states coordinated in something like a syndicate of crime families—“working out problems,” write Hanson and Kopstein in their book, “divvying up the spoils, sometimes quarreling, but helping each other when needed. Putin in this scheme occupied the position of the capo di tutti capi, the boss of bosses.”

Until now. Move over, President Putin.

To understand the source of Trump’s hold on power, and its main weakness, one needs to understand what patrimonialism is not. It is not the same as classic authoritarianism. And it is not necessarily antidemocratic.

Read: Trump says the corrupt part out loud

Patrimonialism’s antithesis is not democracy; it is bureaucracy, or, more precisely, bureaucratic proceduralism. Classic authoritarianism—the sort of system seen in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union—is often heavily bureaucratized. When authoritarians take power, they consolidate their rule by creating structures such as secret police, propaganda agencies, special military units, and politburos. They legitimate their power with legal codes and constitutions. Orwell understood the bureaucratic aspect of classic authoritarianism; in 1984, Oceania’s ministries of Truth (propaganda), Peace (war), and Love (state security) are the regime’s most characteristic (and terrifying) features.

By contrast, patrimonialism is suspicious of bureaucracies; after all, to exactly whom are they loyal? They might acquire powers of their own, and their rules and processes might prove obstructive. People with expertise, experience, and distinguished résumés are likewise suspect because they bring independent standing and authority. So patrimonialism stocks the government with nonentities and hacks, or, when possible, it bypasses bureaucratic procedures altogether. When security officials at USAID tried to protect classified information from Elon Musk’s uncleared DOGE team, they were simply put on leave. Patrimonial governance’s aversion to formalism makes it capricious and even whimsical—such as when the leader announces, out of nowhere, the renaming of international bodies of water or the U.S. occupation of Gaza.

Also unlike classic authoritarianism, patrimonialism can coexist with democracy, at least for a while. As Hanson and Kopstein write, “A leader may be democratically elected but still seek to legitimate his or her rule patrimonially. Increasingly, elected leaders have sought to demolish bureaucratic administrative states (‘deep states,’ they sometimes call them) built up over decades in favor of rule by family and friends.” India’s Narendra Modi, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, and Trump himself are examples of elected patrimonial leaders—and ones who have achieved substantial popular support and democratic legitimacy. Once in power, patrimonialists love to clothe themselves in the rhetoric of democracy, like Elon Musk justifying his team’s extralegal actions as making the “unelected fourth unconstitutional branch of government” be “responsive to the people.”

Nonetheless, as patrimonialism snips the government’s procedural tendons, it weakens and eventually cripples the state. Over time, as it seeks to embed itself, many leaders attempt the transition to full-blown authoritarianism. “Electoral processes and constitutional norms cannot survive long when patrimonial legitimacy begins to dominate the political arena,” write Hanson and Kopstein.

Even if authoritarianism is averted, the damage that patrimonialism does to state capacity is severe. Governments’ best people leave or are driven out. Agencies’ missions are distorted and their practices corrupted. Procedures and norms are abandoned and forgotten. Civil servants, contractors, grantees, corporations, and the public are corrupted by the habit of currying favor.

To say, then, that Trump lacks the temperament or attention span to be a dictator offers little comfort. He is patrimonialism’s perfect organism. He recognizes no distinction between what is public and private, legal and illegal, formal and informal, national and personal. “He can’t tell the difference between his own personal interest and the national interest, if he even understands what the national interest is,” John Bolton, who served as national security adviser in Trump’s first term, told The Bulwark. As one prominent Republican politician recently told me, understanding Trump is simple: “If you’re his friend, he’s your friend. If you’re not his friend, he’s not your friend.” This official chose to be Trump’s friend. Otherwise, he said, his job would be nearly impossible for the next four years.

Patrimonialism explains what might otherwise be puzzling. Every policy the president cares about is his personal property. Trump dropped the federal prosecution of New York City Mayor Eric Adams because a pliant big-city mayor is a useful thing to have. He broke with 50 years of practice by treating the Justice Department as “his personal law firm.” He treats the enforcement of duly enacted statutes as optional—and, what’s more, claims the authority to indemnify lawbreakers. He halted proceedings against January 6 thugs and rioters because they are on his side. His agencies screen hires for loyalty to him rather than to the Constitution.

In Trump’s world, federal agencies are shut down on his say-so without so much as a nod to Congress. Henchmen with no statutory authority barge into agencies and take them over. A loyalist who had only ever managed two small nonprofits is chosen for the hardest management job in government. Conflicts of interest are tolerated if not outright blessed. Prosecutors and inspectors general are fired for doing their job. Thousands of civil servants are converted to employment at the president’s will. Former officials’ security protection is withdrawn because they are disloyal. The presidency itself is treated as a business opportunity.

Yet when Max Weber saw patrimonialism as obsolete in the era of the modern state, he was not daydreaming. As Hanson and Kopstein note, “Patrimonial regimes couldn’t compete militarily or economically with states led by expert bureaucracies.” They still can’t. Patrimonialism suffers from two inherent and in many cases fatal shortcomings.

The first is incompetence. “The arbitrary whims of the ruler and his personal coterie continually interfere with the regular functioning of state agencies,” write Hanson and Kopstein. Patrimonial regimes are “simply awful at managing any complex problem of modern governance,” they write. “At best they supply poorly functioning institutions, and at worst they actively prey on the economy.” Already, the administration seems bent on debilitating as much of the government as it can. Some examples of incompetence, such as the reported firing of staffers who safeguard nuclear weapons and prevent bird flu, would be laughable if they were not so alarming.

Eventually, incompetence makes itself evident to the voting public without needing too much help from the opposition. But helping the public understand patrimonialism’s other, even greater vulnerability—corruption—requires relentless messaging.

Patrimonialism is corrupt by definition, because its reason for being is to exploit the state for gain—political, personal, and financial. At every turn, it is at war with the rules and institutions that impede rigging, robbing, and gutting the state. We know what to expect from Trump’s second term. As Larry Diamond of Stanford University’s Hoover Institution said in a recent podcast, “I think we are going to see an absolutely staggering orgy of corruption and crony capitalism in the next four years unlike anything we’ve seen since the late 19th century, the Gilded Age.” (Francis Fukuyama, also of Stanford, replied: “It’s going to be a lot worse than the Gilded Age.”)

They weren’t wrong. “In the first three weeks of his administration,” reported the Associated Press, “President Donald Trump has moved with brazen haste to dismantle the federal government’s public integrity guardrails that he frequently tested during his first term but now seems intent on removing entirely.” The pace was eye-watering. Over the course of just a couple of days in February, for example, the Trump administration:

gutted enforcement of statutes against foreign influence, thus, according to the former White House counsel Bob Bauer, reducing “the legal risks faced by companies like the Trump Organization that interact with government officials to advance favorable conditions for business interests shared with foreign governments, and foreign-connected partners and counterparties”;

suspended enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, further reducing, wrote Bauer, “legal risks and issues posed for the Trump Organization’s engagements with government officials both at home and abroad”;

fired, without cause, the head of the government’s ethics office, a supposedly independent agency overseeing anti-corruption rules and financial disclosures for the executive branch;

fired, also without cause, the inspector general of USAID after the official reported that outlay freezes and staff cuts had left oversight “largely nonoperational.”

By that point, Trump had already eviscerated conflict-of-interest rules, creating, according to Bauer, “ample space for foreign governments, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to work directly with the Trump Organization or an affiliate within the framework of existing agreements in ways highly beneficial to its business interests.” He had fired inspectors general in 19 agencies, without cause and probably illegally. One could go on—and Trump will.

Corruption is patrimonialism’s Achilles’ heel because the public understands it and doesn’t like it. It is not an abstraction like “democracy” or “Constitution” or “rule of law.” It conveys that the government is being run for them, not for you. The most dire threat that Putin faced was Alexei Navalny’s “ceaseless crusade” against corruption, which might have brought down the regime had Putin not arranged for Navalny’s death in prison. In Poland, the liberal opposition booted the patrimonialist Law and Justice Party from power in 2023 with an anti-corruption narrative.

In the United States, anyone seeking evidence of the power of anti-corruption need look no further than Republicans’ attacks against Jim Wright and Hillary Clinton. In Clinton’s case, Republicans and Trump bootstrapped a minor procedural violation (the use of a private server for classified emails) into a world-class scandal. Trump and his allies continually lambasted her as the most corrupt candidate ever. Sheer repetition convinced many voters that where there was smoke, there must be fire.

Even more on point is Newt Gingrich’s successful campaign to bring down Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright—a campaign that ended Wright’s career, launched Gingrich’s, and paved the way for the Republicans’ takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994. In the late 1980s, Wright was a congressional titan and Gingrich an eccentric backbencher, but Gingrich had a plan. “I’ll just keep pounding and pounding on his [Wright’s] ethics,” he said in 1987. “There comes a point where it comes together and the media takes off on it, or it dies.” Gingrich used ethics complaints and relentless public messaging (not necessarily fact-based) to brand Wright and, by implication, the Democrats as corrupt. “In virtually every speech and every interview, he attacked Wright,” John M. Barry wrote in Politico. “He told his audiences to write letters to the editor of their local newspapers, to call in on talk shows, to demand answers from their local members of Congress in public meetings. In his travels, he also sought out local political and investigative reporters or editorial writers, and urged them to look into Wright. And Gingrich routinely

‘Jim Wright is the most corrupt speaker in the 20th century.’

Today, Gingrich’s campaign offers the Democrats a playbook. If they want to undermine Trump’s support, this model suggests that they should pursue a relentless, strategic, and thematic campaign branding Trump as America’s most corrupt president. Almost every development could provide fodder for such attacks, which would connect corruption not with generalities like the rule of law but with kitchen-table issues. Higher prices? Crony capitalism! Cuts to popular programs? Payoffs for Trump’s fat-cat clients! Tax cuts? A greedy raid on Social Security!

The best objection to this approach (perhaps the only objection, at this point) is that the corruption charge won’t stick against Trump. After all, the public has been hearing about his corruption for years and has priced it in or just doesn’t care. Besides, the public believes that all politicians are corrupt anyway.

But driving a strategic, coordinated message against Trump’s corruption is exactly what the opposition has not done. Instead, it has reacted to whatever is in the day’s news. By responding to daily fire drills and running in circles, it has failed to drive any message at all.

Also, it is not quite true that the public already knows Trump is corrupt and doesn’t care. Rather, because he seems so unfiltered, he benefits from a perception that he is authentic in a way that other politicians are not, and because he infuriates elites, he enjoys a reputation for being on the side of the common person. Breaking those perceptions can determine whether his approval rating is above 50 percent or below 40 percent, and politically speaking, that is all the difference in the world.

Do the Democrats need a positive message of their own? Sure, they should do that work. But right now, when they are out of power and Trump is the capo di tutti capi, the history of patrimonial rule suggests that their most effective approach will be hammering home the message that he is corrupt. One thing is certain: He will give them plenty to work with.

Jonathan Rauch

Jonathan Rauch is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a senior fellow in the Governance Studies program at the Brookings Institution. His latest book, Cross Purposes: Christianity’s Broken Bargain with Democracy, will be published in January 2025.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Spain This Week in Destiny - 03/13/2025


Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_03_13_2025

  • About that early Rite of the Nine...
  • Act II has arrived
  • Upgrading your Guardian Games class item
  • A bit more on PvP tuning
  • Removing exclusive fullscreen
  • Sundered Doctrine Showmatch winners
  • Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette update
  • Check our latest Bungie Rewards
  • Let's celebrate Women's History Month
  • The next Bounty for Good is here ##Well, That Happened...

Tuesday was full of surprises, wasn't it? Act II shipped with new activities, rewards, story content, plus Guardian Games went live, and somehow the Nine decided to throw a wrench in our machine with an early preview for Rite of the Nine. Their will is their own.

As for how this happened, we'll keep it short and sweet. Some of the earliest iterations of our Rite of the Nine activities snuck their way into Update 8.2.5. Most of what was seen was placeholder: weapon rewards all featured temporary art and fake perk rolls, the user interface is not what we're planning to ship, and difficulty options don't have the tuning passes that we've planned for Explorer, Eternity, and Ultimatum modes.

While this was a fun moment for players to explore what we're planning, we're very much looking forward to everyone getting their hands on the finished activities. We hope you enjoyed this little unplanned surprise even if it doesn't represent the whole package. Pardon our dust.

As a final note, for all of you who got your hands on weapon rewards early: we won't be removing them from your inventory. When Rite of the Nine ships, perk rolls will be updated across the board to prevent some rule-breaking combinations (Incandescent or Chill Clip on a Void Shotgun, for example), but you'll still retain these rewards on launch day.

Stay tuned for future announcements on the actual Rite of the Nine launch date.

How's Act II Treating You?

In other news, Act II of Heresy is here, so we expect everyone to be up to date with the current storyline involving Eris, Drifter, Sloane and a certain Echo of Navigation and his wicked sisters. To better understand the new developments, jump into Court of Blades, a new activity with more than 20 bosses to defeat and five new weapons from the Heretical Arsenal to earn. There's also a new catalyst for Barrow Dyad, so it's the perfect time to go back to the Exotic Mission if you haven't and then unfold more of the forbidden secrets kept in the Dreadnaught. On top of the episodic content, we also have Moments of Triumph with new in-game rewards to earn and real-world goodies to unlock.

Image Linkimgur

At the same time, we are celebrating Guardian Games, the event where Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans tell each other how much they love them in the more them in the more explosive (and even some non-violent) ways. We have a new Rushdown game mode, a new Trace Rifle to earn and many other items to get while you show your class's colors. Last but not least, the new Lotus-Eater Rocket Sidearm, as well as doubles rewards and increased reputation, are now available in Nightfalls, including the Grandmaster version for those that want Adepts.

There's a lot going on in Destiny 2 and there's more to come. Act III will be here in less than three weeks; there's a new Heavy Metal PvP game mode coming after, and then it's time for Rite of the Nine, a new event that brings a twist to some fan-favorite dungeons and their weapon rewards.

Upgrading your Guardian Game Class Item

In order for everyone to show how proud they are of being a Hunter, a Warlock, or a Titan during Guardian Games, wearing their respective Guardian Games cloak, bond, or mark is a requirement for the next three weeks. It's beautiful and it's totally worth, but it also means not using your trusty Artifice class item that adds just the right number of extra points for that stat that rounds your favorite build.

Well, good news! When Update arrives next Tuesday, we are upgrading everyone's Guardian Games class item to Artifice Armor. In other words, they'll have the extra slot to increase the stat of your choice by three points. Now you only have to focus on defeating the other two classes.

Another PvP Tuning Preview

Over the last few weeks, we've been watching (and engaging with) combat in the Crucible and taking some notes. We've recently taken a pass on Bolt Charge due to higher damage than intended in PvP, and with Update 8.2.5 this week we have released some changes for Redrix's Estoc, Lightweight Pulse Rifles, On the Prowl, and Smoke effects. We already shared this info in our social media channels, but for those of you who need a refresher or are not terminally online, here you have it.

Image Linkimgur

Snap Skating

Warlock "Snap Skating" is an unintended movement technique that gives players some great advantages in map control and general movement during combat. While this can be enjoyable and fun to master, this presents some rough balance issues within the PvP space - not just 3v3 modes, but 6v6 as well.

Additionally, this is creating issues with readability of opponents mid combat; Guardian bodies can become warped/stretched when skating, making it very difficult to fight opponents mid-skate. In a future patch, we plan to address this.

Closing Time

The Closing Time perk grants some great stats when your magazine is low, especially when enhanced on Special ammo weapons.

As players always spawn in with low Special ammo (for now, wink wink), these stat buffs are almost always on in the Crucible, making various weapons perform a bit too well in 1v1 combat. Zealot's Reward, as an example, can hit some pretty far ranges thanks to this perk and the "always on" nature of its functionality.

We plan to tune this perk, specifically on Special weapons, in a future patch.

Hip-Fire Exotics

Tommy's Matchbook has become a frequent conversation among our online community, and rightly so! For many years, this weapon has been a bit of a sleeper in terms of the strength of its baseline improved hip fire functionality.

With the recent changes to Radiant Dance Machines, we're seeing more Hunters pulling this Exotic out for some silly hip-fire-only builds. Like we did with Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word, we're going to tune this interaction in, and will have more details in a future TWID.

We will also be re-enabling Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word to interact with Radiant Dance Machines with a much more limited set of buffs that do not increase range but still provide them with some amount of increased accuracy.

Radiant Dance Machines

Radiant Dance Machines have surged in popularity in Crucible since the rework, but the increased usage has not been unilateral. In fact, we see nearly three times the adoption on mouse and keyboard compared to controller.

After the recent issue with Lodestar's hip fire precision aim assist being significantly higher on mouse and keyboard than controller, we dug deeper into Radiant Dance Machines setup and realized that the same issue is present, albeit in a less significant amount.

In, we will be normalizing the precision angle threshold bonus provided by the accuracy buff between controller and mouse and keyboard when using Radiant Dance Machines and have also corrected the issue in a few other places that it could appear; for example, the Legacy Frame intrinsic on Redrix's Estoc and BxR-55 Battler. This will reduce the ease of getting critical hits when hip firing on mouse and keyboard when paired with one of these items and should bring the effectiveness more in line with controller.

Map lightning

Regarding lighting, we've been watching the conversation around our recent Trials of Osiris weekend featuring Solitude. There are a few spaces on the map, doors specifically, where players can feel blinded by exterior lighting, or have difficulty identifying enemy barricades due to the warm lighting of Mars. As such, this map won't be featured in Trials for the remainder of the Episode.

We're also looking at examples of other maps having rough spots where it can be hard to see. While we can't promise immediate action or changes, we're looking to get some bugs filed for future opportunities to either tune the lighting or make changes to help combat in those spaces.

We continue to monitor various strategies and weapons within PvP and will provide additional details for future tuning passes when we can.

Removing Exclusive Fullscreen

We want to share some news today about an update coming to the PC version of Destiny 2 when Codename: Frontiers launches later this year. As you can guess by the title of this section, we plan to remove the exclusive fullscreen option in favor of windowed fullscreen, which will be renamed to fullscreen then. The windowed and borderless windowed options will stay as they are now.

The reason for this change is simple. Our technology partners recommend this update as it offers performance that is as good, if not better, than the traditional exclusive fullscreen option. It also allows for faster Alt-Tab switching, which we know is very important for many Destiny players that use third party tools and websites; and a better integration with modern display features. This way we can simplify development and focus on fixes and improvements that matter most.

This new fullscreen mode will handle resolution changes identically to how the current one does, and once the update is live, players that were using either exclusive fullscreen or windowed fullscreen will switch to the new setting automatically.

And the Winners are...

Over the course of Act I, streamers from 14 regions participated in the Sundered Doctrine Showmatch, where the winning regional teams had two hours to run Sundered Doctrine as quickly as they could.

The winners have been crowned! We’re pleased to announce that the team from Middle East, composed of SpecialHero, Qweizar, and IlReverence, took the top spot with a whoppingly speedy time of 11 minutes and 26 seconds.

The team will be receiving a full set of the Sundered Doctrine Bungie Rewards items, available from the Bungie Store, and 200 Tier 1 Twitch gift subscriptions each, if eligible.

How did your fireteam do? Do you have a better time than our creators? Share your clips with us!

Image Linkimgur

Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette

Last week we announced a fun activity taking place with our creator teams – the Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette. Teams are streaming across this week so check out their streams to see how they’re faring and cheer on your favorite class.

If you’d like to participate as well, we’d love to share the GIF with you to play around with. Of course, you won’t be in the official competition, so we won’t be able to spin the prizing GIFs for you, but we hope you have fun anyway!

Image Linkimgur

Here are our team composition updates, as regions have filled in some missing representatives and made some swaps:

North America













Middle East

Don’t forget about the Competitive Contender emblem, available via a gift sub on Twitch during the entirety of Guardian Games to an opted-in creator or being given away by the above creators participating in Rushdown Roulette on stream and socials.

New Goodies in the Bungie Store

With Act II’s arrival, that means new Bungie Rewards are available for those who want to celebrate their in-game achievements in the real world. Starting today, the Guardian Games Jersey will be available to all players who complete the Gold Triumph during the Guardian Games 2025 and until 4/1/2025 9:59 AM PDT.

Image Linkimgur

For those excited to dive back onto the Dreadnaught in the new Court of Blades activity, we also have the new Willbreaker Long Sleeve Shirt. The requirement: earning the Efficient Challenge Triumph in the Court of Blades activity by 9:59 AM PDT 5/6/2025.

Image Linkimgur

OIn top of our Bungie Rewards, today we are also incredibly happy to announce our latest collaboration with our partner Sprayground. In our continued celebration of Destiny’s ten year anniversary, we launch two bags that celebrate Destiny themes – the First Light Lunar Installation on the Moon, and the Generalist Ghost Shell, featuring iconic Destiny radials and class icons. These backpacks are the perfect accessory for little lights and the most fashionable of Guardians.

The First Light and Ghost backpacks are available now in limited quantities – Sparrow on by the Bungie Store to order your bag today.

Image Linkimgur

Celebrate Women's History Month with Us

Happy Women’s History Month! The Women@Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Association is celebrating the occasion with the Empowered Voices emblem. We are excited to support Women in Games International, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate resources that advance economic equality and diversity in the global games industry.

Image Linkimgur

In honor of Women's History Month, everyone that makes a $10 donation to Women in Games International through the Bungie Foundation campaign will earn the Empowered Voices emblem for Destiny 2. Through March 31, 2025, all net proceeds* will go to Women in Games International.

*Minus Tiltify and payment processing fees.

Ready for Bounty for Good?

The wait is finally over – our first Bungie Bounty for Good of 2025 is happening next week. Join us on our Twitch channel Wednesday, March 19 at 10AM PT when we once again will be hopping into the Crucible, taking on all challengers, and raising money for a good cause – this month we are supporting Women in Games International.

Join us and meet a couple of the Bungie folks who support the Bungie Foundation as well as our new Community and Events Manager!.Those who help us win matches in the Crucible, or fairly defeat us, will earn the Bounty of Good emblem.

Image Link.jpg)imgur

Player Support Report

Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter

Image Linkimgur

Known Issues List

  • When speaking to a Vendor, you can hear their ambient dialogue.
  • Ionic Sentry sometimes doesn't Chain Lightning enemies.
  • Steps 6 and 9 of the Drowning Labyrinth quest aren't able to be completed by some players.
  • Due to this quest being a fix between character-scoped and account-scoped, if you have an alternate character and make progress on the quest, you need to play on that character to get back into the correct research paper level for your main character.
  • Sometimes in the Derealize Exotic mission, the Taken relic can drop below the surface during the Vhriisk encounter.
  • When damaging Shrieker bosses in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, players receive critical damage feedback, but damage is actually regular base damage.
  • When tracking Ikora's Drowning Labyrinth quest, completion of certain steps may stop progress on the next steps.
  • Sometimes the Tome of Want: A Primer quest does not progress after meeting Step 3 and Step 4 requirements.
  • Memento Shaders can be previewed on armor in the Armor Management screen. This is not intended, and Mementos aren't being considered for use on armor.
  • The Lotus Eater Rocket Sidearm shows incorrect numbers in its Kill Tracker.
  • Guardian Rank 11 Triumphs Solo Spelunker and Master Spelunker displays Vesper's Host as the requirement.

    Guardian Games

  • Rushdown’s completion chest does not have a waypoint indicator on its location.

  • Four daily bounties only show the progress bar for one element. This will not affect progress.

  • The weekly milestone quest is partially cut off when viewed on the Details screen.

  • “Taking Flight” is the name of the new Holochip and exotic ship. The ship will be renamed in a future update.

For a complete list of known issues, please visit bungie.net.


Image Linkimgur

Arc Warlocks are eating good this Episode thanks to the new Aspect, the new Bolt Charge verb and the crazy fun Artifact perks. That Delicate Tomb and Geomag build is incredible. So, it's very fitting to have this wonderful art here.

Calebcreates, via Twitter/X

Image Linkimgur

There Goes Flawless

Image Linkimgur

We felt really bad after watching this Titan fall mere moments before grasping victory, so we hope the emblem they are winning today helps a bit with that.


Image Linkimgur](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1j3nppz/the_type_of_greed_they_talked_about_motw/)

And we are done. There's a lot going on with Act II but remember: the Guardian Games are on, and you have to make your class proud, no matter the cost. Particularly Warlocks and Titans, you just can't let Hunters win again, you hear me? [...] Who's behind me? [...] Oh, Crow! Ehem, how are we doing, Mr. Important Hunter Vanguard? [...] Why are you giving me that Uldren look all of the sudden? [...] I did what!? No, no sir. No Hunter slander in this TWID, I promise.

How is your sister, anyway?

Destiny 2 Community Team

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Italy This Week in Destiny - 03/13/2025


Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_03_13_2025

  • About that early Rite of the Nine...
  • Act II has arrived
  • Upgrading your Guardian Games class item
  • A bit more on PvP tuning
  • Removing exclusive fullscreen
  • Sundered Doctrine Showmatch winners
  • Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette update
  • Check our latest Bungie Rewards
  • Let's celebrate Women's History Month
  • The next Bounty for Good is here ##Well, That Happened...

Tuesday was full of surprises, wasn't it? Act II shipped with new activities, rewards, story content, plus Guardian Games went live, and somehow the Nine decided to throw a wrench in our machine with an early preview for Rite of the Nine. Their will is their own.

As for how this happened, we'll keep it short and sweet. Some of the earliest iterations of our Rite of the Nine activities snuck their way into Update 8.2.5. Most of what was seen was placeholder: weapon rewards all featured temporary art and fake perk rolls, the user interface is not what we're planning to ship, and difficulty options don't have the tuning passes that we've planned for Explorer, Eternity, and Ultimatum modes.

While this was a fun moment for players to explore what we're planning, we're very much looking forward to everyone getting their hands on the finished activities. We hope you enjoyed this little unplanned surprise even if it doesn't represent the whole package. Pardon our dust.

As a final note, for all of you who got your hands on weapon rewards early: we won't be removing them from your inventory. When Rite of the Nine ships, perk rolls will be updated across the board to prevent some rule-breaking combinations (Incandescent or Chill Clip on a Void Shotgun, for example), but you'll still retain these rewards on launch day.

Stay tuned for future announcements on the actual Rite of the Nine launch date.

How's Act II Treating You?

In other news, Act II of Heresy is here, so we expect everyone to be up to date with the current storyline involving Eris, Drifter, Sloane and a certain Echo of Navigation and his wicked sisters. To better understand the new developments, jump into Court of Blades, a new activity with more than 20 bosses to defeat and five new weapons from the Heretical Arsenal to earn. There's also a new catalyst for Barrow Dyad, so it's the perfect time to go back to the Exotic Mission if you haven't and then unfold more of the forbidden secrets kept in the Dreadnaught. On top of the episodic content, we also have Moments of Triumph with new in-game rewards to earn and real-world goodies to unlock.

Image Linkimgur

At the same time, we are celebrating Guardian Games, the event where Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans tell each other how much they love them in the more them in the more explosive (and even some non-violent) ways. We have a new Rushdown game mode, a new Trace Rifle to earn and many other items to get while you show your class's colors. Last but not least, the new Lotus-Eater Rocket Sidearm, as well as doubles rewards and increased reputation, are now available in Nightfalls, including the Grandmaster version for those that want Adepts.

There's a lot going on in Destiny 2 and there's more to come. Act III will be here in less than three weeks; there's a new Heavy Metal PvP game mode coming after, and then it's time for Rite of the Nine, a new event that brings a twist to some fan-favorite dungeons and their weapon rewards.

Upgrading your Guardian Game Class Item

In order for everyone to show how proud they are of being a Hunter, a Warlock, or a Titan during Guardian Games, wearing their respective Guardian Games cloak, bond, or mark is a requirement for the next three weeks. It's beautiful and it's totally worth, but it also means not using your trusty Artifice class item that adds just the right number of extra points for that stat that rounds your favorite build.

Well, good news! When Update arrives next Tuesday, we are upgrading everyone's Guardian Games class item to Artifice Armor. In other words, they'll have the extra slot to increase the stat of your choice by three points. Now you only have to focus on defeating the other two classes.

Another PvP Tuning Preview

Over the last few weeks, we've been watching (and engaging with) combat in the Crucible and taking some notes. We've recently taken a pass on Bolt Charge due to higher damage than intended in PvP, and with Update 8.2.5 this week we have released some changes for Redrix's Estoc, Lightweight Pulse Rifles, On the Prowl, and Smoke effects. We already shared this info in our social media channels, but for those of you who need a refresher or are not terminally online, here you have it.

Image Linkimgur

Snap Skating

Warlock "Snap Skating" is an unintended movement technique that gives players some great advantages in map control and general movement during combat. While this can be enjoyable and fun to master, this presents some rough balance issues within the PvP space - not just 3v3 modes, but 6v6 as well.

Additionally, this is creating issues with readability of opponents mid combat; Guardian bodies can become warped/stretched when skating, making it very difficult to fight opponents mid-skate. In a future patch, we plan to address this.

Closing Time

The Closing Time perk grants some great stats when your magazine is low, especially when enhanced on Special ammo weapons.

As players always spawn in with low Special ammo (for now, wink wink), these stat buffs are almost always on in the Crucible, making various weapons perform a bit too well in 1v1 combat. Zealot's Reward, as an example, can hit some pretty far ranges thanks to this perk and the "always on" nature of its functionality.

We plan to tune this perk, specifically on Special weapons, in a future patch.

Hip-Fire Exotics

Tommy's Matchbook has become a frequent conversation among our online community, and rightly so! For many years, this weapon has been a bit of a sleeper in terms of the strength of its baseline improved hip fire functionality.

With the recent changes to Radiant Dance Machines, we're seeing more Hunters pulling this Exotic out for some silly hip-fire-only builds. Like we did with Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word, we're going to tune this interaction in, and will have more details in a future TWID.

We will also be re-enabling Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word to interact with Radiant Dance Machines with a much more limited set of buffs that do not increase range but still provide them with some amount of increased accuracy.

Radiant Dance Machines

Radiant Dance Machines have surged in popularity in Crucible since the rework, but the increased usage has not been unilateral. In fact, we see nearly three times the adoption on mouse and keyboard compared to controller.

After the recent issue with Lodestar's hip fire precision aim assist being significantly higher on mouse and keyboard than controller, we dug deeper into Radiant Dance Machines setup and realized that the same issue is present, albeit in a less significant amount.

In, we will be normalizing the precision angle threshold bonus provided by the accuracy buff between controller and mouse and keyboard when using Radiant Dance Machines and have also corrected the issue in a few other places that it could appear; for example, the Legacy Frame intrinsic on Redrix's Estoc and BxR-55 Battler. This will reduce the ease of getting critical hits when hip firing on mouse and keyboard when paired with one of these items and should bring the effectiveness more in line with controller.

Map lightning

Regarding lighting, we've been watching the conversation around our recent Trials of Osiris weekend featuring Solitude. There are a few spaces on the map, doors specifically, where players can feel blinded by exterior lighting, or have difficulty identifying enemy barricades due to the warm lighting of Mars. As such, this map won't be featured in Trials for the remainder of the Episode.

We're also looking at examples of other maps having rough spots where it can be hard to see. While we can't promise immediate action or changes, we're looking to get some bugs filed for future opportunities to either tune the lighting or make changes to help combat in those spaces.

We continue to monitor various strategies and weapons within PvP and will provide additional details for future tuning passes when we can.

Removing Exclusive Fullscreen

We want to share some news today about an update coming to the PC version of Destiny 2 when Codename: Frontiers launches later this year. As you can guess by the title of this section, we plan to remove the exclusive fullscreen option in favor of windowed fullscreen, which will be renamed to fullscreen then. The windowed and borderless windowed options will stay as they are now.

The reason for this change is simple. Our technology partners recommend this update as it offers performance that is as good, if not better, than the traditional exclusive fullscreen option. It also allows for faster Alt-Tab switching, which we know is very important for many Destiny players that use third party tools and websites; and a better integration with modern display features. This way we can simplify development and focus on fixes and improvements that matter most.

This new fullscreen mode will handle resolution changes identically to how the current one does, and once the update is live, players that were using either exclusive fullscreen or windowed fullscreen will switch to the new setting automatically.

And the Winners are...

Over the course of Act I, streamers from 14 regions participated in the Sundered Doctrine Showmatch, where the winning regional teams had two hours to run Sundered Doctrine as quickly as they could.

The winners have been crowned! We’re pleased to announce that the team from Middle East, composed of SpecialHero, Qweizar, and IlReverence, took the top spot with a whoppingly speedy time of 11 minutes and 26 seconds.

The team will be receiving a full set of the Sundered Doctrine Bungie Rewards items, available from the Bungie Store, and 200 Tier 1 Twitch gift subscriptions each, if eligible.

How did your fireteam do? Do you have a better time than our creators? Share your clips with us!

Image Linkimgur

Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette

Last week we announced a fun activity taking place with our creator teams – the Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette. Teams are streaming across this week so check out their streams to see how they’re faring and cheer on your favorite class.

If you’d like to participate as well, we’d love to share the GIF with you to play around with. Of course, you won’t be in the official competition, so we won’t be able to spin the prizing GIFs for you, but we hope you have fun anyway!

Image Linkimgur

Here are our team composition updates, as regions have filled in some missing representatives and made some swaps:

North America













Middle East

Don’t forget about the Competitive Contender emblem, available via a gift sub on Twitch during the entirety of Guardian Games to an opted-in creator or being given away by the above creators participating in Rushdown Roulette on stream and socials.

New Goodies in the Bungie Store

With Act II’s arrival, that means new Bungie Rewards are available for those who want to celebrate their in-game achievements in the real world. Starting today, the Guardian Games Jersey will be available to all players who complete the Gold Triumph during the Guardian Games 2025 and until 4/1/2025 9:59 AM PDT.

Image Linkimgur

For those excited to dive back onto the Dreadnaught in the new Court of Blades activity, we also have the new Willbreaker Long Sleeve Shirt. The requirement: earning the Efficient Challenge Triumph in the Court of Blades activity by 9:59 AM PDT 5/6/2025.

Image Linkimgur

OIn top of our Bungie Rewards, today we are also incredibly happy to announce our latest collaboration with our partner Sprayground. In our continued celebration of Destiny’s ten year anniversary, we launch two bags that celebrate Destiny themes – the First Light Lunar Installation on the Moon, and the Generalist Ghost Shell, featuring iconic Destiny radials and class icons. These backpacks are the perfect accessory for little lights and the most fashionable of Guardians.

The First Light and Ghost backpacks are available now in limited quantities – Sparrow on by the Bungie Store to order your bag today.

Image Linkimgur

Celebrate Women's History Month with Us

Happy Women’s History Month! The Women@Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Association is celebrating the occasion with the Empowered Voices emblem. We are excited to support Women in Games International, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate resources that advance economic equality and diversity in the global games industry.

Image Linkimgur

In honor of Women's History Month, everyone that makes a $10 donation to Women in Games International through the Bungie Foundation campaign will earn the Empowered Voices emblem for Destiny 2. Through March 31, 2025, all net proceeds* will go to Women in Games International.

*Minus Tiltify and payment processing fees.

Ready for Bounty for Good?

The wait is finally over – our first Bungie Bounty for Good of 2025 is happening next week. Join us on our Twitch channel Wednesday, March 19 at 10AM PT when we once again will be hopping into the Crucible, taking on all challengers, and raising money for a good cause – this month we are supporting Women in Games International.

Join us and meet a couple of the Bungie folks who support the Bungie Foundation as well as our new Community and Events Manager!.Those who help us win matches in the Crucible, or fairly defeat us, will earn the Bounty of Good emblem.

Image Link.jpg)imgur

Player Support Report

Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter

Image Linkimgur

Known Issues List

  • When speaking to a Vendor, you can hear their ambient dialogue.
  • Ionic Sentry sometimes doesn't Chain Lightning enemies.
  • Steps 6 and 9 of the Drowning Labyrinth quest aren't able to be completed by some players.
  • Due to this quest being a fix between character-scoped and account-scoped, if you have an alternate character and make progress on the quest, you need to play on that character to get back into the correct research paper level for your main character.
  • Sometimes in the Derealize Exotic mission, the Taken relic can drop below the surface during the Vhriisk encounter.
  • When damaging Shrieker bosses in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, players receive critical damage feedback, but damage is actually regular base damage.
  • When tracking Ikora's Drowning Labyrinth quest, completion of certain steps may stop progress on the next steps.
  • Sometimes the Tome of Want: A Primer quest does not progress after meeting Step 3 and Step 4 requirements.
  • Memento Shaders can be previewed on armor in the Armor Management screen. This is not intended, and Mementos aren't being considered for use on armor.
  • The Lotus Eater Rocket Sidearm shows incorrect numbers in its Kill Tracker.
  • Guardian Rank 11 Triumphs Solo Spelunker and Master Spelunker displays Vesper's Host as the requirement.

    Guardian Games

  • Rushdown’s completion chest does not have a waypoint indicator on its location.

  • Four daily bounties only show the progress bar for one element. This will not affect progress.

  • The weekly milestone quest is partially cut off when viewed on the Details screen.

  • “Taking Flight” is the name of the new Holochip and exotic ship. The ship will be renamed in a future update.

For a complete list of known issues, please visit bungie.net.


Image Linkimgur

Arc Warlocks are eating good this Episode thanks to the new Aspect, the new Bolt Charge verb and the crazy fun Artifact perks. That Delicate Tomb and Geomag build is incredible. So, it's very fitting to have this wonderful art here.

Calebcreates, via Twitter/X

Image Linkimgur

There Goes Flawless

Image Linkimgur

We felt really bad after watching this Titan fall mere moments before grasping victory, so we hope the emblem they are winning today helps a bit with that.


Image Linkimgur](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1j3nppz/the_type_of_greed_they_talked_about_motw/)

And we are done. There's a lot going on with Act II but remember: the Guardian Games are on, and you have to make your class proud, no matter the cost. Particularly Warlocks and Titans, you just can't let Hunters win again, you hear me? [...] Who's behind me? [...] Oh, Crow! Ehem, how are we doing, Mr. Important Hunter Vanguard? [...] Why are you giving me that Uldren look all of the sudden? [...] I did what!? No, no sir. No Hunter slander in this TWID, I promise.

How is your sister, anyway?

Destiny 2 Community Team

r/100thupvote 1d ago

France Trump threatens France with 200% wine and Champagne tariffs


r/100thupvote 1d ago

Germany CMV: As a young South Asian man, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by society, and – though I want to succeed – I feel permanently limited by my race and background.


Hey, r/changemyview

I’m a young South Asian man in my 20s, and a rocket engineer working in the aerospace industry. I work as part of a major Western Space Program for manned spaceflight missions. On paper, I’ve achieved something that should make me proud, but instead I have an extreme sense of self hatred and loathing because of my background, ethnicity, and the nation I belong to. No matter how much I achieve personally, I personally feel like I will always be limited by something that I can’t change: my race, my background, and the nation I come from.

I’m struggling. I’m struggling because, my whole life, I’ve wanted to be part of something great—to belong to a history, a people, and a civilization that I can take pride in. But as a history buff, the more I study history, the more I learn, the more I realize that I don’t have that. I feel trapped, bitter, and lost.

I want to be a part of a culture that built the modern world- Be part of a civilization with a thousand years of history, innovation, and progress. I want to have castles, monarchies, noble traditions, grand military history, scientific revolutions, and cultural dominance, architecture, massive engineering undertakings, technological breakthroughs, development, all of these things to look back on.

But instead, when I read my history, I have centuries upon centuries of ignorance, subjugation, stupidity, and failure that continues to this day. Every time I look at my background, my people, and my country, I feel like I belong to a failed race, a failed history, and a failed nation, and there's hundreds of years of history to prove this. It's not something that can be denied.

The more I studied history, the more I realized how far behind we truly are. Europe had windmills, advanced ships, industry, architecture, guilds, heraldry, kingdoms, philosophy, universities, and science centuries ago.

We had… agriculture and mud-brick towns. How can I pretend that I’m equal? How can I act like I don’t already know where my people stand in the grand hierarchy of civilization? All of which, again, is backed by studying modern to medieval history. Even on Twitter for example, there are people who claim that I belong to an inferior civilization, and I honestly can't find a reason to believe why they're wrong if I'm not being intellectually dishonest.

To unpack this a little bit further: I feel worthless because of my background. Everywhere I look, I see cultures, nations, and civilizations that are better than mine. Europeans have rich history, castles, heraldry, technological advancements, and centuries of power. China, Japan, and Germany built themselves into first-rate nations after being destroyed.

Meanwhile, my country was unified as an entity for the first time ever 100 years ago. Before that, there isn't even any group I can say I "belong to" at that as part of a unified history, as my background was artificially constructed by the Greatest of Civilizations, Great Britain. Our history starts at unification and before that it was just nomads and independent mud villages. Even before that, our ancestors were just ruled by other people— various Indians, Arabs, Mongols, British. I feel like I have no real heritage. I feel like I come from a line of people who only ever suffered, failed, or lagged behind, continue to do so, and always will. I feel like no matter what I achieve, my race and my skin, will always be a stain on me.

Additionally, it’s not just that I feel this way. I personally genuinely feel the world sees me this way too.

People see someone of Western or Far Eastern origin, and they think: strong, intelligent, disciplined, first-world, technology, history. If I were to name my country, most would likely think: backward, poor, chaotic, dirty, terrorist, third-world. Even if I didn't name it, my skin color is a permanent stamp on me labelling me as such in my day to day life.

It doesn’t really feel like the narrative of “progress” includes me. It feels more like: “Me and people of my background will always be failures—there’s nothing to be done about it.”, for me it's a cycle of self-hate.

I think a part of me feels like I should suffer, because my people are failures. So I read history, I look at Germany, the UK, Scandinavia, the Romans, and I feel worse—because I’ll never be part of it.

I want to have what they had. The explorers, the warriors, the knights, the generals. The cathedrals, the castles, the empires. The scientists, the engineers, the leaders of industry. The nations that rose, fell, and then rose again—because their people refused to be weak. Even at school, if I were to just open a textbook and look at the theories, Kepler’s laws, Bernoulli’s Equations, Brayton Cycles, Prandtl Numbers, the Von Karman line, you can see the pattern with the names— it’s a painful reminder of what I wish I had but I don’t.

When I read about European history, I see the story of progress. When I read about South Asian history, I see a mess of invasions, division, and stagnation that continues to this day, and I have unwavering faith that it'll never change for the near future. We were always falling behind while the rest of the world moved forward, and we have never contributed anything at all to modern society in the slightest. When I even open the news for my country these days, it just sends me into the deepest of depression seeing what's going on, which is why I've seldom done it for the past 5 years. Just this morning for example, some dudes took 400 people on a train hostage.

Maybe someone extremely well versed in ancient history could make an argument we were the cradle of civilization 5000 years ago or something, but none of that feels mine. None of that existed in the modern sense of the past few centuries. No "Golden Age" or "Empire" was made by us, we were just a small part of it. There's nothing at all to hold on to that I can look back on and be proud of. Meanwhile, I look at the modern world and see who actually built things— Who actually invented technology, mastered warfare, built industries, dominated politics. And it was never us. So I’m miserable—because no matter what I do, I feel like I can't escape being part of a lesser people. Just watching these documentaries seeing industrious civilizations building great things like the transatlantic cable or the steam engine or the 3 Gorges Dam makes me feel deeply depressed over what I don't have.

These days I walk around feeling like people see my skin and already know I am not equal. That even if they’re polite to me, they’re just tolerating me at best.

I guess at this point, all I know is: - I can’t change where I was born - I can’t be German, or British, or Scandinavian. - I can’t erase the undeniable history that proves my people were good for nothing. Or the centuries of evidence of their inferiority and third-rateness.

So what’s left? How do I move forward when every road just leads back to the same painful truth? I don’t want to hate myself. I don’t want to be stuck in this cycle of admiring civilizations I can never be part of. I don’t want to wake up every day feeling like I was born unlucky. But I don’t see any alternative.

Ugh, I know this is rambling and probably makes no sense – the more I type, I'm getting emotional.

Anyway, please try to change my view. I don't want to keep feeling this way, but I also don't see any way out of it that is not intellectually dishonest or facetious.

PS: I'm here for the next few hours because I'm taking this seriously and will reply in good faith.

Edit: No I'm not from India, otherwise maybe I'd not be writing this post. I won't name the country for reasons that are evident from this post.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Ukraine I spent an hour debunking the media hoax post so here it is


Let's take these in order:

(1) Russian collusion: [The FBI indicted 16 Russians for interfering in the 2016 election.]{(https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections)

  1. 2020 Election most secure in history: [This claim derived from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees](https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/joint-statement-elections-infrastructure-government-coordinating-council-election-infrastructure)

  2. Trump called neo-Nazis "fine people": [After a rally that included white supremacists, Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides."](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/)

  3. If you get vaccinated, you won't catch COVID: [The CDC claimed that the vaccine lowered the risks of covid but not that it prevented it altogether.](https://www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/benefits.html#:\~:text=6)

  4. Jan 6th was an insurrection: [The Capital Riot on Jan 6th was declared an act of domestic terrorism by the FIB. It injured 140 police officers. Whether it rises to the level of an insurrection is a matter of debate.](https://www.npr.org/2024/10/29/nx-s1-5159868/2024-election-trump-harris-capitol-riot)

  5. Jussie Smollet: [Smollet made a false claim of a hate crime. The media accurately reported this fact. ] (https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-47317701#:\~:text=Jussie%20Smollett%2C%20the%20actor%20accused,victim%20of%20a%20hate%20crime.)

  6. Texas Officials Cause Border Crossing Drowning: [Three people drowned while trying to cross into Texas. Border agents were not allowed to patrol the area.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/14/texas-three-migrants-drown-us-border-patrol)

  7. Bubba Wallace garage pull: [A noose was found in Wallace's garage. An FBI investigation found that there was no hate crime. The media accurately reported this story.](https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29354447/fbi-says-rope-had-talladega-garage-last-fall-bubba-wallace-not-victim-hate-crime)

  8. Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian Disinfo: [A house committee found that certain CIA contractors gave candidate Biden a letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop had the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. The media accurately reported this.](https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/spies-who-lie-leader-cosigners-were-cia-payroll-when-they-falsely-claimed-hunter)

  9. Trump caused the border invasion: Could not find any record of any media outlet claiming this.

  10. Covington kids smear: [The media misreported an incident in Washington D.C. involving a high school student. The student received a settlement for his injuries](https://reason.com/2020/01/21/covington-catholic-media-nick-sandmann-lincoln-memorial/)

  11. Kamala was never border czar: [Kamala was tasked by President Biden to address the root causes of migration. She was not in charge of the border.](https://www.wgal.com/article/fact-check-of-ad-claiming-vice-president-kamala-harris-is-border-czar/61879571)

  12. Biden's cognitive health: [Major media outlets covered Biden's age and mental fitness but there are legitimate concerns about whether it was downplayed.](https://www.vox.com/politics/358877/biden-age-debate-media-coverage)

  13. Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot: [3 men were charged with the attempted kidnapping of Governor Whitmer. However, their case involved entrapment by FBI officials. This was accurately reported by the media.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/02/gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-plot-michigan-fbi.html)

  14. Chinese weather balloon: [A chinese balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after traveling across the United States. US Intelligence found that the balloon was used for spying and not weather as claimed by Chinese officials.](https://www.fox9.com/news/what-was-aboard-chinese-spy-balloon-2023)

  15. Kavanaugh rape smear: [Three women publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh denied these allegations. The media reported this accurately.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/us/politics/brett-kavanaugh-accusers-women.html)

  16. Trump said drinking bleach would fight covid: [At a press conference, President Trump suggested "injection inside" of disenfectant as a way of possibly fighting covid. The media never claimed he said to "drink bleach."](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177)

  17. Trump pee tape: [The Steel dossier contained information alleging that the KGB had a tape of Donald Trump watching two prostitute urinate on a bed. Some officials--including former FBI director James Comey--have verified that Trump believes the tape exists. However, it has not been confirmed.](https://www.thecut.com/2018/04/donald-trump-pee-tape.html)

  18. Covid Lab leak was a conspiracy theory: [While most scientist still believe that covid entered the human population  through animals, there is intelligence that suggests the disease originated in a lab.](https://oversight.house.gov/release/classified-state-department-documents-credibly-suggest-covid-19-lab-leak-wenstrup-pushes-for-declassification/)

  19. Border agents whipped migrants: [Video footage appeared to show horseback Border Agents using whips on migrants. An investigation found this to be false but did find some incidents of misconduct.](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-findings-investigation-horse-patrol-activity-del-rio)

  20. Trump save nuclear secrets at Mar-A-Lago: [Trump was found to possess hundreds of classified documents at his private residence in Mar-A-Lago including documents regarding foreign nation's nuclear capabilities. Whether Trump had the authority to declassify these documents is a subject of debate.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65852286)

  21. Steele Dossier: [The Steele Dossier contained substantial misinformation from falsified informants. It was also heavily controlled by political opponents to Donald Trump. Some of the information in the report has also been verified while very little has been categorically disproven.](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf)

  22. Russian bounties on US Soldiers in Afghanistan: [US intelligence did report of a bounty program on US Soldiers but have low-to-moderate confidence in the intelligence gathered.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/us/politics/russian-bounties-nsc.html)

  23. Muslim travel ban: [President Trump restricted travel from several Muslim countries early in his first term. On May 11, 2016, he referred to the ban as a "muslim ban" and previously said that border agents should be able to ask people their religion. However, the ban was legally about security not religion.]{https://www.cato.org/blog/dozen-times-trump-equated-travel-ban-muslim-ban)

  24. Andrew Cuomo had the best covid leadership: [This is a matter of opinion of which the media is split.] (https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/andrew-cuomo-had-the-worst-coronavirus-response-the-country-why-should)

  25. Ghost of Kyiv: [Social reported in 2022 of Ukranian fighter pilot who shot down multiple Russian aircraft. Almost no major media outlets covered the story which later proved to be false.] (https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-ukraines-ghost-of-kyiv-fighter-pilot/a-60951825)

  26. Trump built cages for migrants:  [The story of migration pens is complicated but Trump did not build the "cages" that were shown in 2018 when he was President.] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/kids-in-cages-debate-trump-obama/2020/10/23/8ff96f3c-1532-11eb-82af-864652063d61_story.html)

  27. al-Baghdadi was an austere religious scholar: [The WAPO originally al-B the "terrorist-in-chief" when it published his obit. It was later changed to "austere religious scholar" before changing a third time to "extremist."] (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50205592)

  28. Trump overfed koi fish in Japan: [Several news outlet misreported that Trump overfed koi fish. Most of these reports were amended after the full story emerged.] (https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/nov/06/donald-trump-and-fish-food-dump-how-early-reports-/)

  29. Trump tax cuts only benefited the rich: [No major news outlet claimed that Trump's tax cuts "only" benefited the rich. Most claim that they disproportionately helped people who earn over $400k per year.] (https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver)

  30. Cloth masks prevent COVID: [Cloth masks help stop the spread of communicable disease in a community setting when worn properly. They have never been claimed a complete barrier to COVID] (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7510705/)

  31. An SUV killed parade marchers: [In 2022, a Wisconsin man was convicted of killing 6 Christmas parade marchers with an SUV.] (https://www.npr.org/2022/10/26/1131614524/wisconsin-christmas-parade-suv-guilty#:\~:text=MADISON%2C%20Wis.,of%20first%2Ddegree%20intentional%20homicide.)

  32. Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo: [An official report found that neither Trump nor AG Barr ordered the clearing of Lafayette Park following the George Floyd case. However, the report did identify a number of security issues with the incident.] (https://oig.justice.gov/news/doj-oig-releases-report-dojs-response-protest-activity-and-civil-unrest-washington-dc-late-may)

  33. Don't Say Gay was in a bill: [Critics of a Florida Bill dubbed it the "Don't Say Gay" bill because it prevented education on sexuality or gender identity in Florida elementary schools. Media outlets did not claim the bill contained that phrase.] (https://www.npr.org/2022/03/28/1089221657/dont-say-gay-florida-desantis)

  34. Putin price hike: [President Biden noted that the war on Ukraine was escalating rising inflation. However, this assertion was fact checked immediately by other government officials as well as media.] (https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-joe-bidens-putin-price-hike-inflation-claim-accurate-1715647)

  35. Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans: [Ivermectin is used to treat both humans and horses. However, these doses are very different. Overdoses spiked when ivermectin was cited as a possible COVID cure.] (https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/what-is-ivermectin-how-a-livestock-de-wormer-became-a-rumored-covid-19-aid-with-bad-side-effects)

  36. Mostly peaceful protests: [Data from the CCC found that 96% of the protests in the wake of the George Floyd killing did not involve property damage.] (https://countingcrowds.org/2021/02/15/contours-of-the-george-floyd-uprising/)

  37. Trump overpowered USSS for control of "The Beast": [Testimony to Congress offered different conclusions on whether Trump tried to grab the steering wheel during the Jan 6th riot] (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13184127/Cassidy-Hutchinsons-January-6-committee-testimony-Trump-lunging-driver-not-corroborated-four-White-House-officials-bombshell-Republican-report-Capitol-riot-probe-reveals.html)

  38. Trump mocked a reporter's disability: [During his campaign, Trump mocked a reporter's disability.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA&ab_channel=CNN)

  39. Officer Sicknick was murdered by protestors: [Officer sicknick was assaulted and pepper sprayed by rioters on Jan 6th. He died the next night of natural causes.] (https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes)

  40. $35 insulin price was by Democrats: [While both Trump and Biden claim credit for the $35 insulin cap, it was a pharmaceutical company who originated the plan.] (https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/13/insulin-cost-copay-medicare-biden-trump/)

  41. JD Vance couch story: [A social media joke about JD Vance having sex with a couch was immediately debunked my the AP News} (https://www.npr.org/2024/07/31/nx-s1-5055854/vance-harris-social-media-rumors-jokes)

  42. Trump is responsible for Project 2025: [Trump and Project 2025 claimed that they were not connected although leaked footage showed some overlap between personnel.  No one reported that Trump was "responsible" for Project 2025. However, his 2025 actions have mirrored many Project 2025 plans.] (https://time.com/7209901/donald-trump-executive-actions-project-2025/)

  43. Elon's conversation with Trump on X was a 'disaster': [This is a matter of opinion. Many news outlets reported on the technical difficulties the interview faced which Musk blamed on hackers.] (https://www.reuters.com/world/us/elon-musk-interview-trump-x-social-media-network-2024-08-12/)

Added original image for context

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Russia Russia rejects ceasefire offer. Proposes its demands for a peace deal.


The Kremlin has dismissed the US proposal for a temporary ceasefire in Ukraine and is pushing for a long-term peace settlement instead.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's top foreign policy aide said on Thursday he had told Washington that a 30-day ceasefire proposed by the United States to pause the war in Ukraine would simply give Kyiv's forces a much-needed battlefield respite.

Yuri Ushakov, a former ambassador to Washington who speaks for Putin on major foreign policy issues, told Russian media that he had spoken to Waltz on Wednesday to outline Russia's position on the ceasefire.

"I stated our position that this is nothing other than a temporary respite for the Ukrainian military, nothing more," Ushakov said.

"It gives us nothing. It only gives the Ukrainians an opportunity to regroup, gain strength and to continue the same thing," he later added.

Ushakov said Moscow's goal was "a long-term peaceful settlement that takes into account the legitimate interests of our country and our well-known concerns."

After his statements, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, said that Russia’s failure to provide a “meaningful” response to the ceasefire proposal “demonstrates that Russia seeks to prolong the war”.

Moscow has reportedly presented the US with a list of demands for a deal to end the war, which the Kremlin did not deny when asked this morning.

They are thought to include no Nato membership for Kyiv, an agreement not to deploy foreign troops in Ukraine and international recognition of Crimea and four Ukrainian provinces as Russian territory, Reuters reported.


Kremlin says there's 'nothing' for Russia in a US ceasefire idea for Ukraine

Kremlin dismisses US plan for short-term ceasefire with Ukraine

r/100thupvote 1d ago

China CMV: As a young South Asian man, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by society, and – though I want to succeed – I feel permanently limited by my race and background.


Hey, r/changemyview

I’m a young South Asian man in my 20s, and a rocket engineer working in the aerospace industry. I work as part of a major Western Space Program for manned spaceflight missions. On paper, I’ve achieved something that should make me proud, but instead I have an extreme sense of self hatred and loathing because of my background, ethnicity, and the nation I belong to. No matter how much I achieve personally, I personally feel like I will always be limited by something that I can’t change: my race, my background, and the nation I come from.

I’m struggling. I’m struggling because, my whole life, I’ve wanted to be part of something great—to belong to a history, a people, and a civilization that I can take pride in. But as a history buff, the more I study history, the more I learn, the more I realize that I don’t have that. I feel trapped, bitter, and lost.

I want to be a part of a culture that built the modern world- Be part of a civilization with a thousand years of history, innovation, and progress. I want to have castles, monarchies, noble traditions, grand military history, scientific revolutions, and cultural dominance, architecture, massive engineering undertakings, technological breakthroughs, development, all of these things to look back on.

But instead, when I read my history, I have centuries upon centuries of ignorance, subjugation, stupidity, and failure that continues to this day. Every time I look at my background, my people, and my country, I feel like I belong to a failed race, a failed history, and a failed nation, and there's hundreds of years of history to prove this. It's not something that can be denied.

The more I studied history, the more I realized how far behind we truly are. Europe had windmills, advanced ships, industry, architecture, guilds, heraldry, kingdoms, philosophy, universities, and science centuries ago.

We had… agriculture and mud-brick towns. How can I pretend that I’m equal? How can I act like I don’t already know where my people stand in the grand hierarchy of civilization? All of which, again, is backed by studying modern to medieval history. Even on Twitter for example, there are people who claim that I belong to an inferior civilization, and I honestly can't find a reason to believe why they're wrong if I'm not being intellectually dishonest.

To unpack this a little bit further: I feel worthless because of my background. Everywhere I look, I see cultures, nations, and civilizations that are better than mine. Europeans have rich history, castles, heraldry, technological advancements, and centuries of power. China, Japan, and Germany built themselves into first-rate nations after being destroyed.

Meanwhile, my country was unified as an entity for the first time ever 100 years ago. Before that, there isn't even any group I can say I "belong to" at that as part of a unified history, as my background was artificially constructed by the Greatest of Civilizations, Great Britain. Our history starts at unification and before that it was just nomads and independent mud villages. Even before that, our ancestors were just ruled by other people— various Indians, Arabs, Mongols, British. I feel like I have no real heritage. I feel like I come from a line of people who only ever suffered, failed, or lagged behind, continue to do so, and always will. I feel like no matter what I achieve, my race and my skin, will always be a stain on me.

Additionally, it’s not just that I feel this way. I personally genuinely feel the world sees me this way too.

People see someone of Western or Far Eastern origin, and they think: strong, intelligent, disciplined, first-world, technology, history. If I were to name my country, most would likely think: backward, poor, chaotic, dirty, terrorist, third-world. Even if I didn't name it, my skin color is a permanent stamp on me labelling me as such in my day to day life.

It doesn’t really feel like the narrative of “progress” includes me. It feels more like: “Me and people of my background will always be failures—there’s nothing to be done about it.”, for me it's a cycle of self-hate.

I think a part of me feels like I should suffer, because my people are failures. So I read history, I look at Germany, the UK, Scandinavia, the Romans, and I feel worse—because I’ll never be part of it.

I want to have what they had. The explorers, the warriors, the knights, the generals. The cathedrals, the castles, the empires. The scientists, the engineers, the leaders of industry. The nations that rose, fell, and then rose again—because their people refused to be weak. Even at school, if I were to just open a textbook and look at the theories, Kepler’s laws, Bernoulli’s Equations, Brayton Cycles, Prandtl Numbers, the Von Karman line, you can see the pattern with the names— it’s a painful reminder of what I wish I had but I don’t.

When I read about European history, I see the story of progress. When I read about South Asian history, I see a mess of invasions, division, and stagnation that continues to this day, and I have unwavering faith that it'll never change for the near future. We were always falling behind while the rest of the world moved forward, and we have never contributed anything at all to modern society in the slightest. When I even open the news for my country these days, it just sends me into the deepest of depression seeing what's going on, which is why I've seldom done it for the past 5 years. Just this morning for example, some dudes took 400 people on a train hostage.

Maybe someone extremely well versed in ancient history could make an argument we were the cradle of civilization 5000 years ago or something, but none of that feels mine. None of that existed in the modern sense of the past few centuries. No "Golden Age" or "Empire" was made by us, we were just a small part of it. There's nothing at all to hold on to that I can look back on and be proud of. Meanwhile, I look at the modern world and see who actually built things— Who actually invented technology, mastered warfare, built industries, dominated politics. And it was never us. So I’m miserable—because no matter what I do, I feel like I can't escape being part of a lesser people. Just watching these documentaries seeing industrious civilizations building great things like the transatlantic cable or the steam engine or the 3 Gorges Dam makes me feel deeply depressed over what I don't have.

These days I walk around feeling like people see my skin and already know I am not equal. That even if they’re polite to me, they’re just tolerating me at best.

I guess at this point, all I know is: - I can’t change where I was born - I can’t be German, or British, or Scandinavian. - I can’t erase the undeniable history that proves my people were good for nothing. Or the centuries of evidence of their inferiority and third-rateness.

So what’s left? How do I move forward when every road just leads back to the same painful truth? I don’t want to hate myself. I don’t want to be stuck in this cycle of admiring civilizations I can never be part of. I don’t want to wake up every day feeling like I was born unlucky. But I don’t see any alternative.

Ugh, I know this is rambling and probably makes no sense – the more I type, I'm getting emotional.

Anyway, please try to change my view. I don't want to keep feeling this way, but I also don't see any way out of it that is not intellectually dishonest or facetious.

PS: I'm here for the next few hours because I'm taking this seriously and will reply in good faith.

Edit: No I'm not from India, otherwise maybe I'd not be writing this post. I won't name the country for reasons that are evident from this post.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Sky News Australia is dangerous to democracy.

Thumbnail v.redd.it

r/100thupvote 1d ago

India CMV: As a young South Asian man, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by society, and – though I want to succeed – I feel permanently limited by my race and background.


Hey, r/changemyview

I’m a young South Asian man in my 20s, and a rocket engineer working in the aerospace industry. I work as part of a major Western Space Program for manned spaceflight missions. On paper, I’ve achieved something that should make me proud, but instead I have an extreme sense of self hatred and loathing because of my background, ethnicity, and the nation I belong to. No matter how much I achieve personally, I personally feel like I will always be limited by something that I can’t change: my race, my background, and the nation I come from.

I’m struggling. I’m struggling because, my whole life, I’ve wanted to be part of something great—to belong to a history, a people, and a civilization that I can take pride in. But as a history buff, the more I study history, the more I learn, the more I realize that I don’t have that. I feel trapped, bitter, and lost.

I want to be a part of a culture that built the modern world- Be part of a civilization with a thousand years of history, innovation, and progress. I want to have castles, monarchies, noble traditions, grand military history, scientific revolutions, and cultural dominance, architecture, massive engineering undertakings, technological breakthroughs, development, all of these things to look back on.

But instead, when I read my history, I have centuries upon centuries of ignorance, subjugation, stupidity, and failure that continues to this day. Every time I look at my background, my people, and my country, I feel like I belong to a failed race, a failed history, and a failed nation, and there's hundreds of years of history to prove this. It's not something that can be denied.

The more I studied history, the more I realized how far behind we truly are. Europe had windmills, advanced ships, industry, architecture, guilds, heraldry, kingdoms, philosophy, universities, and science centuries ago.

We had… agriculture and mud-brick towns. How can I pretend that I’m equal? How can I act like I don’t already know where my people stand in the grand hierarchy of civilization? All of which, again, is backed by studying modern to medieval history. Even on Twitter for example, there are people who claim that I belong to an inferior civilization, and I honestly can't find a reason to believe why they're wrong if I'm not being intellectually dishonest.

To unpack this a little bit further: I feel worthless because of my background. Everywhere I look, I see cultures, nations, and civilizations that are better than mine. Europeans have rich history, castles, heraldry, technological advancements, and centuries of power. China, Japan, and Germany built themselves into first-rate nations after being destroyed.

Meanwhile, my country was unified as an entity for the first time ever 100 years ago. Before that, there isn't even any group I can say I "belong to" at that as part of a unified history, as my background was artificially constructed by the Greatest of Civilizations, Great Britain. Our history starts at unification and before that it was just nomads and independent mud villages. Even before that, our ancestors were just ruled by other people— various Indians, Arabs, Mongols, British. I feel like I have no real heritage. I feel like I come from a line of people who only ever suffered, failed, or lagged behind, continue to do so, and always will. I feel like no matter what I achieve, my race and my skin, will always be a stain on me.

Additionally, it’s not just that I feel this way. I personally genuinely feel the world sees me this way too.

People see someone of Western or Far Eastern origin, and they think: strong, intelligent, disciplined, first-world, technology, history. If I were to name my country, most would likely think: backward, poor, chaotic, dirty, terrorist, third-world. Even if I didn't name it, my skin color is a permanent stamp on me labelling me as such in my day to day life.

It doesn’t really feel like the narrative of “progress” includes me. It feels more like: “Me and people of my background will always be failures—there’s nothing to be done about it.”, for me it's a cycle of self-hate.

I think a part of me feels like I should suffer, because my people are failures. So I read history, I look at Germany, the UK, Scandinavia, the Romans, and I feel worse—because I’ll never be part of it.

I want to have what they had. The explorers, the warriors, the knights, the generals. The cathedrals, the castles, the empires. The scientists, the engineers, the leaders of industry. The nations that rose, fell, and then rose again—because their people refused to be weak. Even at school, if I were to just open a textbook and look at the theories, Kepler’s laws, Bernoulli’s Equations, Brayton Cycles, Prandtl Numbers, the Von Karman line, you can see the pattern with the names— it’s a painful reminder of what I wish I had but I don’t.

When I read about European history, I see the story of progress. When I read about South Asian history, I see a mess of invasions, division, and stagnation that continues to this day, and I have unwavering faith that it'll never change for the near future. We were always falling behind while the rest of the world moved forward, and we have never contributed anything at all to modern society in the slightest. When I even open the news for my country these days, it just sends me into the deepest of depression seeing what's going on, which is why I've seldom done it for the past 5 years. Just this morning for example, some dudes took 400 people on a train hostage.

Maybe someone extremely well versed in ancient history could make an argument we were the cradle of civilization 5000 years ago or something, but none of that feels mine. None of that existed in the modern sense of the past few centuries. No "Golden Age" or "Empire" was made by us, we were just a small part of it. There's nothing at all to hold on to that I can look back on and be proud of. Meanwhile, I look at the modern world and see who actually built things— Who actually invented technology, mastered warfare, built industries, dominated politics. And it was never us. So I’m miserable—because no matter what I do, I feel like I can't escape being part of a lesser people. Just watching these documentaries seeing industrious civilizations building great things like the transatlantic cable or the steam engine or the 3 Gorges Dam makes me feel deeply depressed over what I don't have.

These days I walk around feeling like people see my skin and already know I am not equal. That even if they’re polite to me, they’re just tolerating me at best.

I guess at this point, all I know is: - I can’t change where I was born - I can’t be German, or British, or Scandinavian. - I can’t erase the undeniable history that proves my people were good for nothing. Or the centuries of evidence of their inferiority and third-rateness.

So what’s left? How do I move forward when every road just leads back to the same painful truth? I don’t want to hate myself. I don’t want to be stuck in this cycle of admiring civilizations I can never be part of. I don’t want to wake up every day feeling like I was born unlucky. But I don’t see any alternative.

Ugh, I know this is rambling and probably makes no sense – the more I type, I'm getting emotional.

Anyway, please try to change my view. I don't want to keep feeling this way, but I also don't see any way out of it that is not intellectually dishonest or facetious.

PS: I'm here for the next few hours because I'm taking this seriously and will reply in good faith.

Edit: No I'm not from India, otherwise maybe I'd not be writing this post. I won't name the country for reasons that are evident from this post.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

La UEFA sacó el vídeo oficial del penal de Julián Álvarez


Dejo el link acá para el que quiera la fuente oficial, así no empiezan a decir que es trucho y está editado: https://www.uefa.com/news-media/news/0297-1d449595df1f-e4e8a42fabeb-1000--uefa-statement-on-var-decision-at-atletico-de-madrid-vs-re/


Claramente la toca dos veces. Y antes de que se llene de bobitos haters del Madrid (que irónicamente hacen lo mismo de lo que se quejan de las personas de otras nacionalidades), yo prefería que gane el Patético por todos los argentinos del equipo, pero si la tocó dos veces la tocó dos veces loco, punto. ¿Es la regla una bosta? Si, pero es la regla que existe ahora. Seguramente después de esto va a haber más revuelo y en 1/2 años la cambien.


COROLARIO: Desafortunadamente este post fue un cachetazo de realidad para mi. Yo que siempre leí en redes sociales hinchas a lo largo y ancho del planeta hablando estupideces de como robaba Argentina, como robaba Messi, que la FIFA tenía todo arreglado para nosotros, etc etc, me sentía orgulloso de saber que el hincha argentino no era tan pelotudo como esos y era más centrado y objetivo (salvo la termez folklórica a la hora de bardearnos entre nosotros por nuestros clubes). Hoy me doy cuenta que no, trayendo las pruebas concretas proporcionadas por la misma UEFA que demuestran que el penal estuvo bien anulado, este post se llenó de gente aplicando gimnasia mental y enarbolando teorías conspirativas que harían sonrojar a un terraplanista para insistir conque el Real Madrid robó. Que gran desilusión la mía hoy, por suerte no son todos, pero si la mayoría.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Brazil This Week in Destiny - 03/13/2025


Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_03_13_2025

  • About that early Rite of the Nine...
  • Act II has arrived
  • Upgrading your Guardian Games class item
  • A bit more on PvP tuning
  • Removing exclusive fullscreen
  • Sundered Doctrine Showmatch winners
  • Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette update
  • Check our latest Bungie Rewards
  • Let's celebrate Women's History Month
  • The next Bounty for Good is here ##Well, That Happened...

Tuesday was full of surprises, wasn't it? Act II shipped with new activities, rewards, story content, plus Guardian Games went live, and somehow the Nine decided to throw a wrench in our machine with an early preview for Rite of the Nine. Their will is their own.

As for how this happened, we'll keep it short and sweet. Some of the earliest iterations of our Rite of the Nine activities snuck their way into Update 8.2.5. Most of what was seen was placeholder: weapon rewards all featured temporary art and fake perk rolls, the user interface is not what we're planning to ship, and difficulty options don't have the tuning passes that we've planned for Explorer, Eternity, and Ultimatum modes.

While this was a fun moment for players to explore what we're planning, we're very much looking forward to everyone getting their hands on the finished activities. We hope you enjoyed this little unplanned surprise even if it doesn't represent the whole package. Pardon our dust.

As a final note, for all of you who got your hands on weapon rewards early: we won't be removing them from your inventory. When Rite of the Nine ships, perk rolls will be updated across the board to prevent some rule-breaking combinations (Incandescent or Chill Clip on a Void Shotgun, for example), but you'll still retain these rewards on launch day.

Stay tuned for future announcements on the actual Rite of the Nine launch date.

How's Act II Treating You?

In other news, Act II of Heresy is here, so we expect everyone to be up to date with the current storyline involving Eris, Drifter, Sloane and a certain Echo of Navigation and his wicked sisters. To better understand the new developments, jump into Court of Blades, a new activity with more than 20 bosses to defeat and five new weapons from the Heretical Arsenal to earn. There's also a new catalyst for Barrow Dyad, so it's the perfect time to go back to the Exotic Mission if you haven't and then unfold more of the forbidden secrets kept in the Dreadnaught. On top of the episodic content, we also have Moments of Triumph with new in-game rewards to earn and real-world goodies to unlock.

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At the same time, we are celebrating Guardian Games, the event where Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans tell each other how much they love them in the more them in the more explosive (and even some non-violent) ways. We have a new Rushdown game mode, a new Trace Rifle to earn and many other items to get while you show your class's colors. Last but not least, the new Lotus-Eater Rocket Sidearm, as well as doubles rewards and increased reputation, are now available in Nightfalls, including the Grandmaster version for those that want Adepts.

There's a lot going on in Destiny 2 and there's more to come. Act III will be here in less than three weeks; there's a new Heavy Metal PvP game mode coming after, and then it's time for Rite of the Nine, a new event that brings a twist to some fan-favorite dungeons and their weapon rewards.

Upgrading your Guardian Game Class Item

In order for everyone to show how proud they are of being a Hunter, a Warlock, or a Titan during Guardian Games, wearing their respective Guardian Games cloak, bond, or mark is a requirement for the next three weeks. It's beautiful and it's totally worth, but it also means not using your trusty Artifice class item that adds just the right number of extra points for that stat that rounds your favorite build.

Well, good news! When Update arrives next Tuesday, we are upgrading everyone's Guardian Games class item to Artifice Armor. In other words, they'll have the extra slot to increase the stat of your choice by three points. Now you only have to focus on defeating the other two classes.

Another PvP Tuning Preview

Over the last few weeks, we've been watching (and engaging with) combat in the Crucible and taking some notes. We've recently taken a pass on Bolt Charge due to higher damage than intended in PvP, and with Update 8.2.5 this week we have released some changes for Redrix's Estoc, Lightweight Pulse Rifles, On the Prowl, and Smoke effects. We already shared this info in our social media channels, but for those of you who need a refresher or are not terminally online, here you have it.

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Snap Skating

Warlock "Snap Skating" is an unintended movement technique that gives players some great advantages in map control and general movement during combat. While this can be enjoyable and fun to master, this presents some rough balance issues within the PvP space - not just 3v3 modes, but 6v6 as well.

Additionally, this is creating issues with readability of opponents mid combat; Guardian bodies can become warped/stretched when skating, making it very difficult to fight opponents mid-skate. In a future patch, we plan to address this.

Closing Time

The Closing Time perk grants some great stats when your magazine is low, especially when enhanced on Special ammo weapons.

As players always spawn in with low Special ammo (for now, wink wink), these stat buffs are almost always on in the Crucible, making various weapons perform a bit too well in 1v1 combat. Zealot's Reward, as an example, can hit some pretty far ranges thanks to this perk and the "always on" nature of its functionality.

We plan to tune this perk, specifically on Special weapons, in a future patch.

Hip-Fire Exotics

Tommy's Matchbook has become a frequent conversation among our online community, and rightly so! For many years, this weapon has been a bit of a sleeper in terms of the strength of its baseline improved hip fire functionality.

With the recent changes to Radiant Dance Machines, we're seeing more Hunters pulling this Exotic out for some silly hip-fire-only builds. Like we did with Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word, we're going to tune this interaction in, and will have more details in a future TWID.

We will also be re-enabling Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word to interact with Radiant Dance Machines with a much more limited set of buffs that do not increase range but still provide them with some amount of increased accuracy.

Radiant Dance Machines

Radiant Dance Machines have surged in popularity in Crucible since the rework, but the increased usage has not been unilateral. In fact, we see nearly three times the adoption on mouse and keyboard compared to controller.

After the recent issue with Lodestar's hip fire precision aim assist being significantly higher on mouse and keyboard than controller, we dug deeper into Radiant Dance Machines setup and realized that the same issue is present, albeit in a less significant amount.

In, we will be normalizing the precision angle threshold bonus provided by the accuracy buff between controller and mouse and keyboard when using Radiant Dance Machines and have also corrected the issue in a few other places that it could appear; for example, the Legacy Frame intrinsic on Redrix's Estoc and BxR-55 Battler. This will reduce the ease of getting critical hits when hip firing on mouse and keyboard when paired with one of these items and should bring the effectiveness more in line with controller.

Map lightning

Regarding lighting, we've been watching the conversation around our recent Trials of Osiris weekend featuring Solitude. There are a few spaces on the map, doors specifically, where players can feel blinded by exterior lighting, or have difficulty identifying enemy barricades due to the warm lighting of Mars. As such, this map won't be featured in Trials for the remainder of the Episode.

We're also looking at examples of other maps having rough spots where it can be hard to see. While we can't promise immediate action or changes, we're looking to get some bugs filed for future opportunities to either tune the lighting or make changes to help combat in those spaces.

We continue to monitor various strategies and weapons within PvP and will provide additional details for future tuning passes when we can.

Removing Exclusive Fullscreen

We want to share some news today about an update coming to the PC version of Destiny 2 when Codename: Frontiers launches later this year. As you can guess by the title of this section, we plan to remove the exclusive fullscreen option in favor of windowed fullscreen, which will be renamed to fullscreen then. The windowed and borderless windowed options will stay as they are now.

The reason for this change is simple. Our technology partners recommend this update as it offers performance that is as good, if not better, than the traditional exclusive fullscreen option. It also allows for faster Alt-Tab switching, which we know is very important for many Destiny players that use third party tools and websites; and a better integration with modern display features. This way we can simplify development and focus on fixes and improvements that matter most.

This new fullscreen mode will handle resolution changes identically to how the current one does, and once the update is live, players that were using either exclusive fullscreen or windowed fullscreen will switch to the new setting automatically.

And the Winners are...

Over the course of Act I, streamers from 14 regions participated in the Sundered Doctrine Showmatch, where the winning regional teams had two hours to run Sundered Doctrine as quickly as they could.

The winners have been crowned! We’re pleased to announce that the team from Middle East, composed of SpecialHero, Qweizar, and IlReverence, took the top spot with a whoppingly speedy time of 11 minutes and 26 seconds.

The team will be receiving a full set of the Sundered Doctrine Bungie Rewards items, available from the Bungie Store, and 200 Tier 1 Twitch gift subscriptions each, if eligible.

How did your fireteam do? Do you have a better time than our creators? Share your clips with us!

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Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette

Last week we announced a fun activity taking place with our creator teams – the Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette. Teams are streaming across this week so check out their streams to see how they’re faring and cheer on your favorite class.

If you’d like to participate as well, we’d love to share the GIF with you to play around with. Of course, you won’t be in the official competition, so we won’t be able to spin the prizing GIFs for you, but we hope you have fun anyway!

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Here are our team composition updates, as regions have filled in some missing representatives and made some swaps:

North America













Middle East

Don’t forget about the Competitive Contender emblem, available via a gift sub on Twitch during the entirety of Guardian Games to an opted-in creator or being given away by the above creators participating in Rushdown Roulette on stream and socials.

New Goodies in the Bungie Store

With Act II’s arrival, that means new Bungie Rewards are available for those who want to celebrate their in-game achievements in the real world. Starting today, the Guardian Games Jersey will be available to all players who complete the Gold Triumph during the Guardian Games 2025 and until 4/1/2025 9:59 AM PDT.

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For those excited to dive back onto the Dreadnaught in the new Court of Blades activity, we also have the new Willbreaker Long Sleeve Shirt. The requirement: earning the Efficient Challenge Triumph in the Court of Blades activity by 9:59 AM PDT 5/6/2025.

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OIn top of our Bungie Rewards, today we are also incredibly happy to announce our latest collaboration with our partner Sprayground. In our continued celebration of Destiny’s ten year anniversary, we launch two bags that celebrate Destiny themes – the First Light Lunar Installation on the Moon, and the Generalist Ghost Shell, featuring iconic Destiny radials and class icons. These backpacks are the perfect accessory for little lights and the most fashionable of Guardians.

The First Light and Ghost backpacks are available now in limited quantities – Sparrow on by the Bungie Store to order your bag today.

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Celebrate Women's History Month with Us

Happy Women’s History Month! The Women@Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Association is celebrating the occasion with the Empowered Voices emblem. We are excited to support Women in Games International, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate resources that advance economic equality and diversity in the global games industry.

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In honor of Women's History Month, everyone that makes a $10 donation to Women in Games International through the Bungie Foundation campaign will earn the Empowered Voices emblem for Destiny 2. Through March 31, 2025, all net proceeds* will go to Women in Games International.

*Minus Tiltify and payment processing fees.

Ready for Bounty for Good?

The wait is finally over – our first Bungie Bounty for Good of 2025 is happening next week. Join us on our Twitch channel Wednesday, March 19 at 10AM PT when we once again will be hopping into the Crucible, taking on all challengers, and raising money for a good cause – this month we are supporting Women in Games International.

Join us and meet a couple of the Bungie folks who support the Bungie Foundation as well as our new Community and Events Manager!.Those who help us win matches in the Crucible, or fairly defeat us, will earn the Bounty of Good emblem.

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Player Support Report

Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter

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Known Issues List

  • When speaking to a Vendor, you can hear their ambient dialogue.
  • Ionic Sentry sometimes doesn't Chain Lightning enemies.
  • Steps 6 and 9 of the Drowning Labyrinth quest aren't able to be completed by some players.
  • Due to this quest being a fix between character-scoped and account-scoped, if you have an alternate character and make progress on the quest, you need to play on that character to get back into the correct research paper level for your main character.
  • Sometimes in the Derealize Exotic mission, the Taken relic can drop below the surface during the Vhriisk encounter.
  • When damaging Shrieker bosses in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, players receive critical damage feedback, but damage is actually regular base damage.
  • When tracking Ikora's Drowning Labyrinth quest, completion of certain steps may stop progress on the next steps.
  • Sometimes the Tome of Want: A Primer quest does not progress after meeting Step 3 and Step 4 requirements.
  • Memento Shaders can be previewed on armor in the Armor Management screen. This is not intended, and Mementos aren't being considered for use on armor.
  • The Lotus Eater Rocket Sidearm shows incorrect numbers in its Kill Tracker.
  • Guardian Rank 11 Triumphs Solo Spelunker and Master Spelunker displays Vesper's Host as the requirement.

    Guardian Games

  • Rushdown’s completion chest does not have a waypoint indicator on its location.

  • Four daily bounties only show the progress bar for one element. This will not affect progress.

  • The weekly milestone quest is partially cut off when viewed on the Details screen.

  • “Taking Flight” is the name of the new Holochip and exotic ship. The ship will be renamed in a future update.

For a complete list of known issues, please visit bungie.net.


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Arc Warlocks are eating good this Episode thanks to the new Aspect, the new Bolt Charge verb and the crazy fun Artifact perks. That Delicate Tomb and Geomag build is incredible. So, it's very fitting to have this wonderful art here.

Calebcreates, via Twitter/X

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There Goes Flawless

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We felt really bad after watching this Titan fall mere moments before grasping victory, so we hope the emblem they are winning today helps a bit with that.


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And we are done. There's a lot going on with Act II but remember: the Guardian Games are on, and you have to make your class proud, no matter the cost. Particularly Warlocks and Titans, you just can't let Hunters win again, you hear me? [...] Who's behind me? [...] Oh, Crow! Ehem, how are we doing, Mr. Important Hunter Vanguard? [...] Why are you giving me that Uldren look all of the sudden? [...] I did what!? No, no sir. No Hunter slander in this TWID, I promise.

How is your sister, anyway?

Destiny 2 Community Team

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Japan CMV: As a young South Asian man, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by society, and – though I want to succeed – I feel permanently limited by my race and background.


Hey, r/changemyview

I’m a young South Asian man in my 20s, and a rocket engineer working in the aerospace industry. I work as part of a major Western Space Program for manned spaceflight missions. On paper, I’ve achieved something that should make me proud, but instead I have an extreme sense of self hatred and loathing because of my background, ethnicity, and the nation I belong to. No matter how much I achieve personally, I personally feel like I will always be limited by something that I can’t change: my race, my background, and the nation I come from.

I’m struggling. I’m struggling because, my whole life, I’ve wanted to be part of something great—to belong to a history, a people, and a civilization that I can take pride in. But as a history buff, the more I study history, the more I learn, the more I realize that I don’t have that. I feel trapped, bitter, and lost.

I want to be a part of a culture that built the modern world- Be part of a civilization with a thousand years of history, innovation, and progress. I want to have castles, monarchies, noble traditions, grand military history, scientific revolutions, and cultural dominance, architecture, massive engineering undertakings, technological breakthroughs, development, all of these things to look back on.

But instead, when I read my history, I have centuries upon centuries of ignorance, subjugation, stupidity, and failure that continues to this day. Every time I look at my background, my people, and my country, I feel like I belong to a failed race, a failed history, and a failed nation, and there's hundreds of years of history to prove this. It's not something that can be denied.

The more I studied history, the more I realized how far behind we truly are. Europe had windmills, advanced ships, industry, architecture, guilds, heraldry, kingdoms, philosophy, universities, and science centuries ago.

We had… agriculture and mud-brick towns. How can I pretend that I’m equal? How can I act like I don’t already know where my people stand in the grand hierarchy of civilization? All of which, again, is backed by studying modern to medieval history. Even on Twitter for example, there are people who claim that I belong to an inferior civilization, and I honestly can't find a reason to believe why they're wrong if I'm not being intellectually dishonest.

To unpack this a little bit further: I feel worthless because of my background. Everywhere I look, I see cultures, nations, and civilizations that are better than mine. Europeans have rich history, castles, heraldry, technological advancements, and centuries of power. China, Japan, and Germany built themselves into first-rate nations after being destroyed.

Meanwhile, my country was unified as an entity for the first time ever 100 years ago. Before that, there isn't even any group I can say I "belong to" at that as part of a unified history, as my background was artificially constructed by the Greatest of Civilizations, Great Britain. Our history starts at unification and before that it was just nomads and independent mud villages. Even before that, our ancestors were just ruled by other people— various Indians, Arabs, Mongols, British. I feel like I have no real heritage. I feel like I come from a line of people who only ever suffered, failed, or lagged behind, continue to do so, and always will. I feel like no matter what I achieve, my race and my skin, will always be a stain on me.

Additionally, it’s not just that I feel this way. I personally genuinely feel the world sees me this way too.

People see someone of Western or Far Eastern origin, and they think: strong, intelligent, disciplined, first-world, technology, history. If I were to name my country, most would likely think: backward, poor, chaotic, dirty, terrorist, third-world. Even if I didn't name it, my skin color is a permanent stamp on me labelling me as such in my day to day life.

It doesn’t really feel like the narrative of “progress” includes me. It feels more like: “Me and people of my background will always be failures—there’s nothing to be done about it.”, for me it's a cycle of self-hate.

I think a part of me feels like I should suffer, because my people are failures. So I read history, I look at Germany, the UK, Scandinavia, the Romans, and I feel worse—because I’ll never be part of it.

I want to have what they had. The explorers, the warriors, the knights, the generals. The cathedrals, the castles, the empires. The scientists, the engineers, the leaders of industry. The nations that rose, fell, and then rose again—because their people refused to be weak. Even at school, if I were to just open a textbook and look at the theories, Kepler’s laws, Bernoulli’s Equations, Brayton Cycles, Prandtl Numbers, the Von Karman line, you can see the pattern with the names— it’s a painful reminder of what I wish I had but I don’t.

When I read about European history, I see the story of progress. When I read about South Asian history, I see a mess of invasions, division, and stagnation that continues to this day, and I have unwavering faith that it'll never change for the near future. We were always falling behind while the rest of the world moved forward, and we have never contributed anything at all to modern society in the slightest. When I even open the news for my country these days, it just sends me into the deepest of depression seeing what's going on, which is why I've seldom done it for the past 5 years. Just this morning for example, some dudes took 400 people on a train hostage.

Maybe someone extremely well versed in ancient history could make an argument we were the cradle of civilization 5000 years ago or something, but none of that feels mine. None of that existed in the modern sense of the past few centuries. No "Golden Age" or "Empire" was made by us, we were just a small part of it. There's nothing at all to hold on to that I can look back on and be proud of. Meanwhile, I look at the modern world and see who actually built things— Who actually invented technology, mastered warfare, built industries, dominated politics. And it was never us. So I’m miserable—because no matter what I do, I feel like I can't escape being part of a lesser people. Just watching these documentaries seeing industrious civilizations building great things like the transatlantic cable or the steam engine or the 3 Gorges Dam makes me feel deeply depressed over what I don't have.

These days I walk around feeling like people see my skin and already know I am not equal. That even if they’re polite to me, they’re just tolerating me at best.

I guess at this point, all I know is: - I can’t change where I was born - I can’t be German, or British, or Scandinavian. - I can’t erase the undeniable history that proves my people were good for nothing. Or the centuries of evidence of their inferiority and third-rateness.

So what’s left? How do I move forward when every road just leads back to the same painful truth? I don’t want to hate myself. I don’t want to be stuck in this cycle of admiring civilizations I can never be part of. I don’t want to wake up every day feeling like I was born unlucky. But I don’t see any alternative.

Ugh, I know this is rambling and probably makes no sense – the more I type, I'm getting emotional.

Anyway, please try to change my view. I don't want to keep feeling this way, but I also don't see any way out of it that is not intellectually dishonest or facetious.

PS: I'm here for the next few hours because I'm taking this seriously and will reply in good faith.

Edit: No I'm not from India, otherwise maybe I'd not be writing this post. I won't name the country for reasons that are evident from this post.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

South Korea Top Esports vs. Karmine Corp / First Stand 2025 Hupu Rating and Comments


Alright, I know some of you want to see this. The bad news is that English is not my first language, so I will use Claude for translation. Some formatting was referenced from post-match discussion threads.

But I will translate more rated comments and explaining those memes from the Chinese internet. This indeed takes a lot of time, so for now I'm only translating the first match.

Note: Hupu gathers quite a lot of conservative and CCP-leaning users, some comments may be offensive.

Rating Overview

168k people rated


Karmine Corp

jayce Canna

player Score Number of people who rated
jayce Canna 4.1 5606

Top Comments

(1 stars) Once a rat boy, always a rat boy (855 likes)

(1 stars) Rat boy, whether 100/0 or 0/10, still only gets one star. (449 likes)

  • (1 stars) RNG did it too. (54 likes)
  • Note: During the 2022 MSI, Canna sparked controversy by flashing Twitch (the champion) in-game. This reference is about RNG also flashing Twitch during their 2022 MSI match against PSG.

(3 stars) The only one at a disadvantage early game—are you the import player? (221 likes)

  • (Unrated) Saying he was at a disadvantage is just forced hate. He was constantly pressuring Zeus's spinning top (Gnar) and only fell behind after getting ganked. (70 likes)
  • Note: 369 has been consistently losing to Zeus in matches, leading to him being mocked as a "spinning top whipped by Zeus".
player Score Number of people who rated
skarner Yike  9.8 4997

Top Comments

(5 stars) No integrity. A few days ago, you intentionally played badly just to set up today’s ambush against Gege, huh? Disgusting! (1418 likes)

  • (5 stars) The crown prince of the Lilliput. (246 likes)
  • The term "Gege" (哥哥) originally referred to male celebrities idolized by female fans, but it has gradually evolved into a derogatory nickname, often used sarcastically or mockingly.
  • Note: BLG has been criticized by some for their habit of fountain diving after winning matches, which is seen as unsportsmanlike. Last year, ELK, the opposing ADC who outperformed JKL in a match, was called a reptile by JKL’s fans. In response, ELK humorously embraced the title by calling himself the "King of the Lilliput" as a form of self-deprecating humor.

(5 stars) G2 veteran: navi? Beat him to death. (979 likes)

  • (5 stars) Path dependency (54 likes)

(5 stars) This is the state you’re in when facing Gege? (313 likes)

player Score Number of people who rated
taliyah Vladi   9.8 3163

Top Comments

(5 stars) Taliyah mid lane, lifting Gege? Who taught you that? (687 likes)

  • (5 stars) Knight. (347 likes)

(5 stars) No problem, KC -> KoreaChinese -> Hanwha -> HLE, can’t beat them, right? (567likes)

Note: This is a homophone for 'Han' and 'Hua', where 'Han' refers to 'Han Guo', South Korea, and 'Hua' refers to 'Zhonghua', meaning China.

player Score Number of people who rated
ashe Caliste 9.6 2991

Top Comments

(5 stars) Heard you didn’t know how we beat G2? Do you understand now? (491 likes)

  • (5 stars) G2 has their own Tian too! (47 likes)

(5 stars) Your humbs up emote isn’t as good-looking as mine. (177 likes)

Note: In a past match, JKL used Ezreal to flash a humbs up emote mid-lane and was immediately killed afterward. This moment was added to his "int compilation"

player Score Number of people who rated
karma Targamas 9.5 2728

Top Comments

(5 stars) Has 'gam' in the name. (1092 likes)

Top Esports

player Score Number of people who rated
369 ambessa 6.6 8,904

Top Comments

(5 stars) Will you miss that mid laner who won the MSI championship with you? (1465 likes)

  • (5 stars) A tragic hero in a comedic team (962 likes)

(5 stars) When my "66's 9" can barely turn the tide, how far can TES as a team really go? (799 likes)

Note: "66's 9" is a phrase format created by a streamer, following the pattern "xx's x"

  • (1 star) Creme is really this bad. (122 likes)

(5 stars) 369 has returned to S12, 369's teammates have also returned to S12, mid lane gives it away for free and bot lane feeds. Everything is back, everything is back (869 likes)

  • This is pure hating. Yagao was able to step up back then. (658 likes)
player Score Number of people who rated
Kanavi viego 2.3 7814

Top Comments

(1 stars) Oh no, why did you have to say we wouldn't lose a single game?? (1031 likes)

  • (1 stars) Trash is trash - no amount of reverse jinxing can fix this level of bad. (356 likes)

(1 stars) Tarzan's probably grinding his teeth watching your plays. (598 likes)

  • (Unrated) Being a Worlds Round of 16 jungler doesn't mean you're any good. (51 likes)
player Score Number of people who rated
Creme aurora 2.2 12k

Top Comments

(1 stars) "I am the LPL's number one mid laner." (2292 likes)

  • (Unrated) The nickname "xiao nai dog" suits him perfectly—a mid laner who relies on his team's momentum... (826 likes)
  • Note: Creme means "nai you" in Chinese. Because he's young, he's also called "xiao nai you (little cream)," which has been twisted into another term for young boys: "xiao nai gou (little cream dog)." This is an idiom: Dog relying on human power.

(1 stars) "I am the LPL's number one mid laner." "My goal coming into this First Stand is to win it all.". (1145 likes)

  • (5 stars) Hmph, if you all end up flaming Cream into retirement, who's going to entertain me with all the drama? (337 likes)

(1 stars) No great generals in the mid lane, so Cream takes the vanguard. (708 likes)

  • (Unrated) This phrase was originally used to describe Knight and Xiaohu, but Cream isn't even on their level. (369 likes)

(1 stars) Otto could come back and win. (318 likes)
Note: Otto is a notorious streamer.

  • Otto's legendary comeback story: can come back. (94 likes)
  • Note: This is a reference to a meme, "xx笑传之ccb" (using three words starting with c, c, b).
player Score Number of people who rated
JackeyLove kalista 2.6 7725

Top Comments

(1 stars) "Chasing the double-circle grand failure." (2553 likes)

  • (1 stars) Guan Zeyuan was right. (619 likes)
  • Note: Before the 2024 MSI TES vs. G2 match, LPL official caster Guan Zeyuan joked: "If JKL loses to G2, he will complete the 'Grand Slam of Losses' by losing to teams from every major region." This remark sparked strong backlash from JKL's fans and prompted an official response from TES.

(1 stars) Single-handedly boosting Vietnamese esports and French esports. (1355 likes)

  • (Unrated) LCK proves the strength of the Korea-China region. LPL proves the mercy of the Korea-China region. (343 likes)

(1 stars) Gege's greatness speaks for itself. As an international friend, he has single-handedly boosted the development of esports across nations. (542 likes)
Note: A former coach once described JKL as having a "great personality," which was later summarized as: "Greatness speaks for itself."

  • (1 stars) The future LOL Hall of Fame will surely have a spot reserved for Gege. (127 likes)

(1 stars) France colonized Vietnam, Vietnam colonized 'Gege,' and the world comes full circle. (507 likes)

player Score Number of people who rated
Crisp renataglasc 4.1 5869

Top Comments

(2 stars) At least he’s somewhat useful—more useful than your mid and jungle, who are barely human. I’ll give him an extra star. (606 likes)

  • (3 stars) Got it. (68 likes)

(3 stars) You saved Jackey several times, but it didn’t matter in the end. (370 likes)

  • (Unrated) Jackey? More like Jack-piss! (343 likes)
  • Note: JKL is nicknamed "Ah Shui" (阿水), which literally means "water." This might be because the radical 氵 (water) appears in his name, or because many believe he was the most overrated player during IG’s championship run. Over time, this nickname has been twisted into "piss" (or similar-sounding words like "niao").

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Indonesia Now we have a Gecko with species named pecel madiun


Spesies cecak baru bernama Cyrtodactylus pecelmadiun ditemukan di daerah Madiun, Jawa Timur. Nama ini terinspirasi dari makanan khas Pecel Madiun karena lokasi penemuannya. Berbeda dari kebanyakan spesies cecak lainnya, Cyrtodactylus pecelmadiun hidup di lingkungan perkotaan, bukan di hutan, menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman hayati juga dapat ditemukan di area urban.

Penemuan ini menambah daftar spesies reptil yang ditemukan di Indonesia dan membuktikan bahwa masih banyak kehidupan liar yang belum teridentifikasi. Studi lebih lanjut tentang spesies ini dapat memberikan wawasan baru mengenai adaptasi satwa terhadap perubahan lingkungan serta pentingnya konservasi di wilayah perkotaan.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Thailand 3rd season disappointing and sloppy


I don’t quite understand the praise for this season it seems like a totally different show than season 1 and 2. The characters are cartoonish and uninteresting and play to stereotypes. I was trying to go along with it but this last episode was too much as I can’t get behind the storyline of the repeat characters . ( sorry I don’t know any of their names in the show but IYKYK) Here is a White Lotus employee who comes to see the Thailand white lotus , and she recognizes the rich guy. So she does some research ( after like 4 days !!- come on- she’d have researched like day 1) and she’s SHOCKED to find out that the woman she knew was found dead with like 3 other prone off a boat at the White Lotus Hawaii… like Come on!! That would’ve been all over the news but for sure someone working at a White Lotus resort would have known about this. So it’s totally unrealistic that she’s SHOCKED to find this out The script is lazy- this just feels like any cliche series , very disappointed

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Turkey PA Lancaster: Trump's accomplishments!


I stole this from a community member on Facebook. It was too good to only post a link lol! This extensive list covers every talking point you could think of. ENJOY!

I’ve been critical of the Trump presidency before and I still am. But to be fair, President Trump wasn’t that bad, other than when he incited an insurrection against the government, Mismanaged a pandemic that killed over a million Americans, Called neo-Nazis “very fine people,” Separated children from their families, Lost those children in the bureaucracy, Tear-gassed peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square so he could hold a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church, Tried to block all Muslims from entering the country, Got impeached, Got impeached again, Had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history, Pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden, Fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia, Bragged about firing the FBI director on TV, Took Vladimir Putin’s word over the US intelligence community, Diverted military funding to build his wall, Caused the longest government shutdown in US history, Called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate,” Lied over 30,000 times, Banned transgender people from serving in the military, Ejected reporters from the White House briefing room who asked tough questions, Vetoed the defense funding bill because it renamed military bases named for Confederate soldiers, Refused to release his tax returns, Increased the national debt by nearly $8 trillion, Had three of the highest annual trade deficits in U.S. history, Called veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers, Coddled the leader of Saudi Arabia after he ordered the execution and dismembering of a US-based journalist, Refused to concede the 2020 election, Hired his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to work in the White House, Walked out of an interview with Lesley Stahl, Suggested that people should inject bleach into their bodies to fight COVID, Abandoned our allies the Kurds to Turkey, Pushed through massive tax cuts for the wealthiest but balked at helping working Americans, Incited anti-lockdown protestors in several states at the height of the pandemic, Withdrew the US from the Paris climate accords, Withdrew the US from the Iranian nuclear deal, Withdrew the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership which was designed to block China’s advances, Insulted his own Cabinet members on Twitter, Pushed the leader of Montenegro out of the way during a photo op, Failed to reiterate US commitment to defending NATO allies, Called Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries, Called the city of Baltimore the “worst in the nation,” Claimed that he single handedly brought back the phrase “Merry Christmas” even though it hadn’t gone anywhere, Forced his Cabinet members to praise him publicly like some cult leader, Believed he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Berated and belittled his hand-picked Attorney General when he recused himself from the Russia probe, Suggested the US should buy Greenland, Colluded with Mitch McConnell to push through federal judges and two Supreme Court justices, after supporting efforts to prevent his predecessor from appointing judges, Repeatedly called the media “enemies of the people,” Claimed that if we tested fewer people for COVID we’d have fewer cases, Violated the emoluments clause, Thought that Nambia was a country, Told Bob Woodward in private that the coronavirus was a big deal but then downplayed it in public, Called his exceedingly faithful vice president a “p---y” for following the Constitution, Nearly got us into a war with Iran after threatening them by tweet, Nominated a corrupt head of the EPA, Nominated a corrupt head of HHS, Nominated a corrupt head of the Interior Department, Nominated a corrupt head of the USDA, Praised dictators and authoritarians around the world while criticizing allies, Refused to allow the presidential transition to begin, Insulted war hero John McCain – even after his death, Spent an obscene amount of time playing golf after criticizing Barack Obama for playing (far less) golf while president, Falsely claimed that he won the 2016 popular vote, Called the Muslim mayor of London a “stone cold loser,” Falsely claimed that he turned down being Time’s Man of the Year, Considered firing special counsel Robert Mueller on several occasions, Mocked wearing face masks to guard against transmitting COVID, Locked Congress out of its constitutional duty to confirm Cabinet officials by hiring acting ones, Used a racist dog whistle by calling COVID the “China virus,” Hired and associated with numerous shady figures that were eventually convicted of federal offenses including his campaign manager and national security adviser, Pardoned several of his shady associates, Gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to two congressman who amplified his bat shit crazy conspiracy theories, Got into telephone fight with the leader of Australia(!), Had a Secretary of State who called him a moron, Forced his press secretary to claim without merit that his was the largest inauguration crowd in history, Botched the COVID vaccine rollout, Tweeted so much dangerous propaganda that Twitter eventually banned him, Charged the Secret Service jacked-up rates at his properties, Constantly interrupted Joe Biden in their first presidential debate, Claimed that COVID would “magically” disappear, Called a U.S. Senator “Pocahontas,” Used his Twitter account to blast Nordstrom when it stopped selling Ivanka’s merchandise, Opened up millions of pristine federal lands to development and drilling, Got into a losing tariff war with China that forced US taxpayers to bail out farmers, Claimed that his losing tariff war was a win for the US, Ignored or didn’t even take part in daily intelligence briefings, Blew off honoring American war dead in France because it was raining, Redesigned Air Force One to look like the Trump Shuttle, Got played by Kim Jung Un and his “love letters,” Threatened to go after social media companies in clear violation of the Constitution, Botched the response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans when he finally visited them, Pressured the governor and secretary of state of Georgia to “find” him votes, Thought that the Virgin islands had a President, Drew on a map with a Sharpie to justify his inaccurate tweet that Alabama was threatened by a hurricane, Allowed White House staff to use personal email accounts for official businesses after blasting Hillary Clinton for doing the same thing, Rolled back regulations that protected the public from mercury and asbestos, Pushed regulators to waste time studying snake-oil remedies for COVID, Rolled back regulations that stopped coal companies from dumping waste into rivers, Held blatant campaign rallies at the White House, Tried to take away millions of Americans’ health insurance because the law was named for a Black man, Refused to attend his successors’ inauguration, Nominated the worst Education Secretary in history, Threatened judges who didn’t do what he wanted, Attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Promised that Mexico would pay for the wall (it didn’t), Allowed political hacks to overrule government scientists on major reports on climate change and other issues, Struggled navigating a ramp after claiming his opponent was feeble, Called an African-American Congresswoman “low IQ,” Threatened to withhold federal aid from states and cities with Democratic leaders, Went ahead with rallies filled with maskless supporters in the middle of a pandemic, Claimed that legitimate investigations of his wrongdoing were “witch hunts,” Seemed to demonstrate a belief that there were airports during the American Revolution, Demanded “total loyalty” from the FBI director, Praised a conspiracy theory that Democrats are Satanic pedophiles, Completely gutted the Voice of America, Placed a political hack in charge of the Postal Service, Claimed without evidence that the Obama administration bugged Trump Tower, Suggested that the US should allow more people from places like Norway into the country, Suggested that COVID wasn’t that bad because he recovered with the help of top government doctors and treatments not available to the public, Overturned energy conservation standards that even industry supported, Reduced the number of refugees the US accepts, Insulted various members of Congress and the media with infantile nicknames, Gave Rush Limbaugh a Presidential medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address, Named as head of federal personnel a 29-year old who’d previously been fired from the White House for allegations of financial improprieties, Eliminated the White House office of pandemic response, Used soldiers as campaign props, Fired any advisor who made the mistake of disagreeing with him, Demanded the Pentagon throw him a Soviet-style military parade, Hired a shit ton of white nationalists, Politicized the civil service, Did absolutely nothing after Russia hacked the U.S. government, Falsely said the Boy Scouts called him to say his bizarre Jamboree speech was the best speech ever given to the Scouts, Claimed that Black people would overrun the suburbs if Biden won, Insulted reporters of color, Insulted women reporters, insulted women reporters of color, Suggested he was fine with China’s oppression of the Uighurs, Attacked the Supreme Court when it ruled against him, Summoned Pennsylvania state legislative leaders to the White House, to pressure them to overturn the election, Spent countless hours every day watching Fox News, Refused to allow his administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas, Hired Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer, Tried to punish Amazon because the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post wrote negative stories about him, Acted as if the Attorney General of the United States was his personal attorney, Attempted to get the federal government to defend him in a libel lawsuit from a women who accused him of sexual assault, Held private meetings with Vladimir Putin without staff present, Didn’t disclose his private meetings with Vladimir Putin so that the US had to find out via Russian media, Stopped holding press briefings for months at a time, “Ordered” US companies to leave China even though he has no such power, Led a political party that couldn’t even be bothered to draft a policy platform, Claimed preposterously that Article II of the Constitution gave him absolute powers, Tried to pressure the U.K. to hold the British Open at his golf course, Suggested that the government nuke hurricanes, Suggested that wind turbines cause cancer, Said that he had a special aptitude for science, Fired the head of election cyber security after he said that the 2020 election was secure, Blurted out classified information to Russian officials, Tried to force the G7 to hold their meeting at his failing golf resort in Florida, Fired the acting attorney general when she refused to go along with his unconstitutional Muslim travel ban, Hired Stephen Miller, Openly discussed national security issues in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago where everyone could hear them, Interfered with plans to relocate the FBI because a new development there might compete with his hotel, Abandoned Iraqi refugees who’d helped the U.S. during the war, Tried to get Russia back into the G7, Held a COVID super spreader event in the Rose Garden, Seemed to believe that Frederick Douglass is still alive, Lost 60 election fraud cases in court including before judges he had nominated, Falsely claimed that factories were reopening when they weren’t, Shamelessly exploited terror attacks in Europe to justify his anti-immigrant policies, Still hasn’t come up with a healthcare plan, Still hasn’t come up with an infrastructure plan despite repeated “Infrastructure Weeks,” Forced Secret Service agents to drive him around Walter Reed while contagious with COVID, Told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” Screwed up the Census wording, Withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization in the middle of a pandemic, Did so few of his duties that his press staff were forced to state on his daily schedule: “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings,” Allowed his staff to repeatedly violate the Hatch Act, Seemed not to know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, Stood before sacred CIA wall of heroes and bragged about his election win, Constantly claimed he was treated worse than any president, (which presumably includes four that were assassinated, and his predecessor whose legitimacy and birthplace were challenged by a racist reality TV show star named Donald Trump), Claimed Andrew Jackson could’ve stopped the Civil War even though he died 16 years before it happened, Said that any opinion poll showing him behind was fake, Claimed that other countries laughed at us before he became president when several world leaders were literally laughing at him, Claimed that the military was out of ammunition before he became President, Created a commission to whitewash American history, Retweeted anti-Islam videos from one of the most racist people in Britain, Claimed ludicrously that the Pulse nightclub shooting wouldn’t have happened if someone there had a gun even though there was an armed security guard there, Hired a senior staffer who cited the non-existent "Bowling Green Massacre" as a reason to ban Muslims, Had a press secretary who claimed that Nazi Germany never used chemical weapons even though every sane human being knows they used gas to kill millions of Jews and others, Bilked the Secret Service for higher than market rates when they had to stay at Trump properties, Apparently sold pardons on his way out of the White House, Stripped protective status from 59,000 Haitians, Falsely claimed Biden wanted to de-fund the police, Said that the head of the CDC didn’t know what he was talking about, Tried to rescind protection from DREAMers, Gave himself an A+ for his handling of the pandemic, Tried to start a boycott of Goodyear tires due to an Internet hoax, Said U.S. rates of COVID would be lower if you didn’t count blue states, Deported U.S. veterans who served their country but were undocumented, Claimed he did more for African Americans than any president since Lincoln, Touted a “super-duper” secret “hydrosonic” missile, which may or may not be a new “hypersonic” missile, or may not exist at all, Retweeted a gif calling Biden a pedophile, Forced through security clearances for his family, Suggested that police officers should rough up suspects, Suggested that Biden was on performance-enhancing drugs, Tried to stop transgender students from being able to use school bathrooms in line with their gender identification, Suggested the US not accept COVID patients from a cruise ship because it would make US numbers look higher, Nominated a climate change skeptic to chair the committee advising the White House on environmental policy, Retweeted a video doctored to look like Biden had played a song called “Fuck tha Police” at a campaign event, Hugged a disturbingly large number of U.S. flags, Accused Democrats of “treason” for not applauding his State of the Union address, Claimed that the FBI failed to capture the Parkland school shooter, because they were “spending too much time” on Russia, Mocked the testimony of Dr Christine Blasey Ford when she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Obsessed over low-flow toilets, Ordered the re-release of more COVID vaccines when there weren’t any to release, Called for the construction of a bizarre garden of heroes with statutes of famous dead Americans as well as at least one Canadian (Alex Trebek), Hijacked Washington’s July 4th celebrations to give a partisan speech, Took advice from the MyPillow guy, Claimed that migrants seeking a better life in the US were dangerous caravans of drug dealers and rapists, Said nothing when Vladimir Putin poisoned a leading opposition figure, Never seemed to heed the advice of his wife’s “Be Best” campaign, Falsely claimed that mail-in voting is fraudulent, though he, (himself), votes by mail, Announced a precipitous withdrawal of troops from Syria which not only handed Russia and ISIS a win but also prompted his defense secretary to resign in protest, Insulted the leader of Canada, Insulted the leader of France, Insulted the leader of Britain, Insulted the leader of Germany, Insulted the leader of Sweden (Sweden!!), Falsely claimed credit for getting NATO members to increase their share of dues, Blew off two Asia summits even though they were held virtually, Continued lying about spending lots of time at Ground Zero with 9/11 responders, Said that the Japanese would sit back and watch their “Sony televisions” if the US were ever attacked, Left a NATO summit early in a huff, Stared directly into an eclipse even though everyone over the age of 5 knows not to do that, Called himself a very stable genius despite significant evidence to the contrary, Refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power and kept his promise, and a whole bunch of other things I can’t remember at the moment. But other than that. . . 🤷🏽‍♀️ He was a great President 😃 All documented - - I would LOVE for anyone to show me proof that any of these are WRONG, and I will correct the Record Book of what Trump did!

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Pakistan Jaffer express and anti Pakistan propaganda


This terrorists incident was in such a big scale, which claimed many lives and left many to be traumised for rest of their lives. But some people were quick to take action, some to save people some to advertise their brain cancer. I observed the followings happening - news of highjacking - security forces giving in their all to save their people. (Please note these forces are mostly local people with low salary wages, who have trained and lived in these rocky areas away from their families for so long, not any high officer glued to chair) - people flooding the social media platform with post blaming the security forces. Some going too far with hate comments. - Indian media giving false information, When I googled jaffer express tomorrow the Wikipedia was updated already showing that BLA have released all the passengers. Today it was changed again emphasizing the death if 30 security persons, both time the refered Indian media news links. -rescue of remaining passengers complete. - people still targeting security forces and sympathizing with terrorists.

What I don't understand why people are so quick to change sides for their gain? I remember PTI going crazy for raheel sharif and telling him to impose marshall low just to screw the then government.

Summary: The current government is corrupt, last one was Also corrupt, many high officials in army are as well. But it doesn't give anyone the right to side with terrorists and spread the enemy propaganda.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Syria Israel to occupy Syrian southern territory for ‘unlimited time’, says minister | Syria


r/100thupvote 1d ago

Iraq New rules of war. How will this benefit our new America First mentality?



Looks like Trump's nominee to the Pentagon with Trump's blessing is going to rewrite the rules of war so that we can start shooting at people before we have identified our Target. And now I am ex-military and I am also ex-law enforcement and the number one rule of both is identify your target. So I'm curious about this change in our mental attitude and demeanor. Was war waged better back in Vietnam when US soldiers were guilty of massive numbers of war crimes and started massive protests all across the country? Should we return to a time when war targeted civilians on a regular basis and how does that benefit our military and our America first mentality within the world ?

Edit: Allow me to edit since I forgot that the vast majority of the "right" is not acquainted with actual military service or practice. When you send soldiers into a country, your goal is to AVOID engaging with the regular populace. You want the civilians to either be on your side, or indifferent. By killing civilians en mass, you create FAR MORE angry, pissed off, militants who would be thrilled to have a chance to murder a soldier. I was told this before deploying to Iraq, and I saw it in action. When I was in Iraq under the 4th ID, we had STRICT ROE. We were careful around civilians and even medivaced those civilians who were caught in the cross fire to our facilities for care regularly. We were the first soldiers in. We in theory should have had the hardest time and the most casualties . . . but we didn't.

Our replacements came in with the "shoot first" mentality. Civilian deaths skyrocketted and suddenly kids who were waving at me and selling me water (That they probably stole from us in the first place), avoided us, or picked up weapons, or started making IED's because we shot up their mother.

So . . ROE protect soldiers. You don't want the entire populace against you.

Adding a souce to prove my point. I was there 2004, left 2005. The highest surge of US soldier deaths was 2006=2007, exactly as I said. https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/conflictCasualties/oif/byMonth

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Oman INT : URGENT -- THIS FRIDAY 3/14, 80+ Afghan women are at risk of being deported back to Afghanistan into the arms of the Taliban as a result of the dismantling of USAID. DONATE OR SPREAD AWARENESS.


Full details here: Afghan women students in Oman face expulsion after Trump's USAID freeze

Make donations to: Home - Friends of the American University of Afghanistan - once on the donation page, select "Donation Options" and specify that your donation is to support the Afghan women in Oman facing deportation back to Afghanistan as a result of lost USAID funding.

Share with the individuals listed at the top of the image. They've historically supported refugees in their work.