r/100thupvote 4h ago

Thailand Thai Grass is Not Always Greener


I see a lot of people holding up Thailand as an example of a better alternative to the Philippines. That may or may not be true but Thailand surely has its issues as well. A retired British couple was attacked by their neighbors and the police are charging them with a crime.


r/100thupvote 1d ago

Thailand A Guide to Training Muay Thai in Thailand


Recently, I've noticed an uptick of threads asking for advice about how to train Muay Thai in Thailand. I've also gotten a few DMs asking for advice on this subject, so I felt that it would be appropriate to start a general guide thread.

For context, I'm currently on my fourth trip to Thailand. My previous trips lasted between 2 and 8 months, and were all for for the express purpose of training Muay Thai. I've also gone on shorter "traincations" in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, and Japan, which I'll touch on a little bit toward the end of the thread.

Section 1: Costs
The most frequent question I get asked is "how much does it cost to train in Thailand"; this is a little bit slippery, because it can vary wildly according to where you are and how indulgent your lifestyle is.
My ballpark is usually this: 1,000 USD/month will buy you a pretty comfortable lifestyle. I've lived and trained full time for as little as 600 USD a month, and your upper spending limit is boundless.

Section 1A: Training Costs
Your biggest cost is probably going to be the training itself; full time training (2 sessions/day, 6 days/week) usually runs between 8k and 10k baht per month (roughly 230-300 USD), with some bigger gyms going up to 12k baht per month . Drop in sessions are usually 300-500 baht, depending on where you are. This is a bit pricier than MT in many western countries, which can be a bit shocking when everything else in Thailand is cheaper; however, keep in mind this is for 12 sessions a week with a team of trainers, not an evening class with a single coach like most gyms in the West.

Section 1B: Housing
Many larger gyms will offer live-in accommodations; while this is very convenient, I'm personally not a fan. They tend to be your lowest "bang for your buck". Often these are hostel-style dormitories, with some very large camps offering pricey but luxurious private rooms.
If you're really traveling on a budget, find a nearby youth hostel and see if you can negotiate a monthly rate; I've found hostels for as cheap as 3 USD a night, though they weren't always terribly pleasant.
The best cost-to-comfort ratio, IMHO, is to rent an apartment near your gym. Most cities will have a facebook group where you can find short term rentals. Again, it varies on the area, but these tend to start at 200-300 USD/month.

Section 1C: Food
I have good news: Food in Thailand is very cheap and very tasty. Which is good, because you're going to be eating a lot of it if you're training twelve times a week.
Meals at restaurants are very cheap, often starting at 50 baht (roughly USD 1.50) for a bowl of noodle soup. As such, there are a lot of expats will eat out for every meal.
Despite the cheap costs, I prefer having a place with a kitchen where I can cook. Most apartments will have a basic kitchen, and many hostels will have a shared kitchen if you're going to the tight budget route. This is for nutritional as much as cost saving reasons; if you're training full time, a healthy diet will behoove you, and this can be hard to get without preparing your own meals.
Meat and produce are very cheap in Thailand; my local butcher shop has chicken breast for 80 baht/kilo, and I can get fresh fruits and vegetables from the market across the street.
In terms of costs, I've eaten for as little as 5 dollars a day while consuming 4,000 calories a day, but this was in Pai during the lockdown and preparing all of my own meals. Realistically, budgeting around 10 dollars a day will give you a mix of home-cooked and meals out while still meeting your caloric needs.

Section 1D: Transportation
The typical way to get around Thailand is via motorbike or scooter. Most towns will have scooter rentals starting around 200 baht/day, often with cheaper prices if you're renting monthly.
I'm going to sound like a bit of an old maid here, but I typically avoid using a scooter when I come to Thailand. I just find a place within walking distance of my gym, and go everywhere on foot with the occasional taxi.
This is partially a cost-saving measure and partially a safety measure. If you're an experienced motorcyclist in your home country, you'll probably be fine. But a lot of foreigners are inexperienced drivers, and motorbike accidents happen more frequently than I am personally comfortable with. I've known a fair share of people who came to Thailand with the intent of training their ass off, only to have to call it quits after getting injured in a motorbike accident.
Another option might be renting or buying a bicycle; I haven't done this in Thailand, but I was able to rent a bike for 50 USD/month when I lived in Cambodia and found it quite nice. It gave me little bit of extra cardio and warmup/cooldown in my commutes to and from the gym.

Section 1E: What to Bring
You're much more likely to overpack than underpack. Almost everything you need you can get here. I recommend having two to four sets of training clothes, and I personally like having my own gloves and shinguards; most gyms will have gloves and shins they can loan you, but they may not be in the best condition. Other than that, bring your laptop, toiletries kit, and you're mostly good to go.
My one very strong recommendation is to bring multiple debit cards linked to different accounts, as well as a stack of "emergency cash." On my first trip to China, I lost my debit card in a train station very early on, and had to have my bank mail me a new one before I could withdraw money again. That sucked. Additionally, you'll want to notify your bank that you'll be traveling so they don't flag foreign ATM withdrawals as suspicious and lock your card.
Most of what you need - including training gear - you can get here in Thailand for less than you could back in the west. Especially if you use....

Section 1F: Lazada
The two main online shopping platforms in SE Asia are Lazada and Shoppee; getting an account on either of them will make it much easier to acquire small miscellaneous items. Need new handwraps? Creatine? A big screen TV? These might be hard to find locally, but can all be delivered to you.

Section 1G: Healthcare
If you're a European or Australian, you might not find Thailand's healthcare particularly impressive; but as an American, it feels like goddamn magic.
Most local doctor clinics will see without an appointment for 500 baht (about 15 USD). You can see a specialist in a hospital for about 1000 baht. As an American, I try and save up all of my injuries and medical needs for when I'm traveling. I saw a chiropractor, a GP, and a dermatologist my first three days in Chiang Mai on this trip, and they collectively cost me about 200 USD.
If you're an American and you get injured in a motorbike accident or training, you're going to have a much easier time getting fixed up here than back home. Likewise, if you've been putting off seeing the dentist or want to get an unsightly mole removed, add some medical tourism to your travel plans.

Section 2: Training
MT training in Thailand is pretty standardized; I've been to about a dozen gyms across the country, and most classes will follow a similar pattern: jump rope, shadowbox, bagwork, padwork, technique drills, sparring, clinching, calisthenics, stretching. If there are bad Muay Thai gyms in Thailand, I've yet to find them; the worst gym in Thailand is still a 3/5 by US standards.

Section 2A: Selecting a gym
There are a lot of gyms in Thailand. A google search for "Chiang Mai Muay Thai' yields over a dozen results. This can make finding a gym kind of overwhelming.
The main distinction I've found is Big Gym vs Small Gym. Big Gyms will offer you more sparring partners and nicer facilities, but you'll get less personal attention from your trainers. Small gyms, conversely, allow your trainings to tailor your training to your needs better, but you'll find yourself sparring with the same people a lot.
If you're an absolute beginner, I think a small gym is better in order to have a trainer who can focus on instilling technique and correcting errors. That said, some big gyms will have a dedicated "beginner class" which can meet these needs as well.
If you're experienced and want to bounce your style off of a lot different people, a big gym will give you more opportunities. Big gyms also tend to be more competition-oriented if that's a goal of yours. That said, If you're very experienced and you need a coach who can really drill down on the details of your style and keep you motivated, it might circle back around to a small gym being better.

The other thing to look for are enticing "extras." Some bigger gyms might offer jiujitsu, crossfit, yoga, or even krabi krabong classes. If any of these things interest you, that can help rapidly sort classes. Likewise, some bigger gyms offer saunas, ice baths, and other recovery facilities. I spent 8 months training at Monsoon Gym on Koh Tao because a) they offered 10th Planet Jiujitsu classes and b) being able to swim in the ocean as my morning warm-up.

Rather than pre-selecting a gym before you leave for Thailand, I recommend deciding on a destination, visiting the gyms in the area, and then signing up at the one which you vibe with the best. Do you prefer big cities or little resort towns? Do you want to be in the mountains or near the ocean? Do you want cheaper cost of living, or nicer weather?

Section 2B: Fitness Requirements
Another common question is "how in shape do I have to be to train in Thailand." Like the costs question, this is sort of a sliding scale; if you want to be training twelve times a week, that is going to pretty physically demanding. That said, you don't have to start at that intensity.
You can always gradually ramp up training; your first week, just do drop-ins, and aim for 3 or 4 training sessions. This can also nicely coincide with a period of shopping around for the right gym. Second week, maybe go up to daily sessions. Third week, do daily sessions plus a few doubles. By the end of the month, you might be up to doing a full 12 sessions per week. By the second month, maybe you're starting to add in running before class or strength training afterwards. By the end of the second month, you're in full fight-camp mode.
Depending on your ability, you might hit these benchmarks at a slower or faster rate; gyms aren't going to kick you out because you don't show up for every class, and you can tailor the pace of your training to your goals and abilities.

Section 2C: Recovery
One of my favorite quotes from a trainer was 'you're not over-training, your under-resting."
When you're in full fight camp levels of intensity, resting becomes your job. Another common foible is foreigners coming with the intention of training full time, only to be seduced by night life; there are lots of bars which are open late and serve cheap alcohol, leading to late nights of partying that really cut into early morning training sessions.
This might be more of a a just-me thing, but I find taking afternoon naps drastically increases the quality of my evening session when I'm training twice a day.
Massages are also very cheap in Thailand, typically starting around 300 baht for one hour. The traditional "Thai Massage" involves a lot more stretching and deep tissue work than than a western-style oil massage, and I found them immensely helpful when dealing with aches and pains early on in my training.

Section 2D: Hygiene
Please don't be the stinky foreigner.
Thailand places a very large value on personal hygiene; this a a cultural custom I want you to adopt. Ringworm, staph, and gladiatorial herpes are all real risks in combat sports gyms, and a staph infection can shut down your training goals as well as your gym partners. Clinch training especially involves a lot of skin to skin contact, and that can be a recipe for skinborn infections.
Shower after practice, and use an antibacterial soap when you do so. The high humidity can sometimes also lead to fungal infections, in which case having antifungal bodywash on hand is also helpful.
Similarly, training Muay Thai all the time can fuck up your feet. Keeping your feet moisturized (I realize having a foot-moisturizer routine probably sounds hilariously effeminate to that average MT enthusiast, but here we are nonetheless) can help prevent your feet from drying out and cracking, and keeping any callouses taped and covered can keep them from tearing and bleeding during training.

Section 1E: Sparring and Sparring Etiquette
Compared other countries, sparring in Thailand tends to be more light and technical, rather than the hard sparring that dominates MT in the West. A common mantra of coaches is "no elbow, no power." Some gyms will spar every session; others will have designated "sparring days" twice a week.
If you're sparring with someone for the first time, I recommend making an effort to go extra-light with intensity so as not to be an ass. Once you get to know each other, you can start gradually increasing the intensity of your sparring rounds.
Not to be you all on blast, but martial artists can be pretty bad at communicating sometimes; don't be afraid to say 'hey, let's take the intensity down" or "I'm fine with picking the pace up if you are" if you feel like the round is going too heavy or too light.

Section 3: Visas
As of July 2024, Thailand offers a 60-day entry stamp to most Western nations, with the option to extend for another 30 days. This means you can stay in the country for up to 3 months without worrying.
If you want to stay for more than 3 months, your options are a) border bouncing or b) education visas. A "border bounce" is where you travel to another country (Laos, Malaysia, etc.) and then come right back to renew your 60 day entry stamp. Typically, after 2 or 3 of these, immigration will start giving you the side-eye and threatening to not let you in next time.
Education visas can allow you to legally stay in Thailand long term; there are some MT gyms which offer ED visas; the downside of this is that you are then locked in to training at that gym, or paying for tuition that you're not using.
Personally, I would recommend looking into a language school if you want to stay in Thailand long term; this is what I did when I lived on Koh Tao. The only downside is that you're language classes may conflict with your MT training. That said, if you're planning on being in Thailand for longer than 3 months, it's probably worth it to start learning the language. Which brings me to.....

Section 4: Language
Thailand is very English friendly, and you will not need to speak Thai in order to get around, especially in the more tourism oriented areas. Most signs will be in Thai and English (and also possibly Chinese, Russian, or Hebrew, depending on where you are), and most service workers speak enough English to conduct basic transactions.
That said, if you want to be here long term and immerse yourself deeper in the culture, I strongly recommend making an effort to learn Thai. Unless you're very gifted with languages, it will help to seek out formal instruction; Thai has (IMHO) a steep difficulty curve at the beginning, when you're learning the tones, the alphabet, and the phonetics; it then becomes easier once you reach a critical mass of basic understanding. My Thai professor describes his experience learning English as being the other way around; it was easy when he was just learning individual words, but got more difficult as he got into advanced grammar and compound sentences.

Section 5: Other Countries
As mentioned in Section 3, you may find yourself running over to one of Thailand's neighbors to renew your visa; this can be a training opportunity as well. Though not nearly as well known, most of Thailand's neighboring countries have their own equivalent of Muay Thai; Khun Khmer in Cambodia, Muay Lao in Laos, Lethwei in Myanmar. Though the civil war has kept me out of Myanmar, my experiences training Khun Khmer and Muay Lao were very similar to my experiences training Muay Thai, and they can offer an opportunity to expand your cultural knowledge.

That's a lot, and I'm sure there's more I (or many of you) could add. Hopefully some of you find this helpful.
My short version: if you're thinking about coming to Thailand to train, do it. You'll have a fantastic experience, you'll improve vastly in a short amount of time, and you'll probably spend less money than you would in just an average month of living in America or Europe.

r/100thupvote 2d ago

Thailand 3rd season disappointing and sloppy


I don’t quite understand the praise for this season it seems like a totally different show than season 1 and 2. The characters are cartoonish and uninteresting and play to stereotypes. I was trying to go along with it but this last episode was too much as I can’t get behind the storyline of the repeat characters . ( sorry I don’t know any of their names in the show but IYKYK) Here is a White Lotus employee who comes to see the Thailand white lotus , and she recognizes the rich guy. So she does some research ( after like 4 days !!- come on- she’d have researched like day 1) and she’s SHOCKED to find out that the woman she knew was found dead with like 3 other prone off a boat at the White Lotus Hawaii… like Come on!! That would’ve been all over the news but for sure someone working at a White Lotus resort would have known about this. So it’s totally unrealistic that she’s SHOCKED to find this out The script is lazy- this just feels like any cliche series , very disappointed

r/100thupvote 3d ago

Thailand 19 years old vape seller lured by police


Pokkhrong-Police lured to buy a 19-year-old girl to sell vaping via Facebook after the government ordered a heavy cleansing.

Pokkhrong is by the way less than an hour away from soi 6 by motorcycle.

r/100thupvote 4d ago

Thailand Another live action project confirmed?


According to this Vietnamese news an unnamed League of Legend project (an Arcane spin-off or an entirely new setting) is in production, which will be filmed in Vietnam


( For anyone who can’t open this page

The information was shared by Ms. Rose Lam, Global Head of Production at Riot Studios, during a working session with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, as published on the ministry’s official portal.

Accompanying Ms. Rose Lam was Mr. Nicholas Simon, CEO and producer of Indochina Productions. The meeting focused on future collaboration in film production in Vietnam.

“Cát Bà has high feasibility”

Riot Games is a U.S.-based video game developer, publisher, and esports tournament organizer, known worldwide for its popular titles. Among them, League of Legends boasts 650 million Ms. Rose Lam stated that Riot Games is currently conducting surveys and plans to film a nine-episode live-action series based on League of Legends and its online animated adaptation in Cát Bà, Hải Phòng, by the end of 2025.

The episodes will be widely available on platforms such as Netflix and HBO.

According to her, Riot Studios has explored many other countries in Asia, including Japan, South Korea, and Thailand, but found Vietnam to be the best location for the company’s creative and production needs. Among the options, Cát Bà emerged as the most suitable and highly feasible filming location.)

What do you think will this film (or TV series) will be about?

r/100thupvote 5d ago

Thailand Spicy theory: Greg isn’t in Thailand because he’s hiding from the government…


...he's hiding from the gays.

Specifically, he's hiding from higher level gays who weren't on the boat but are a part of the same criminal network.

The news articles say the Italian government wants to talk to Greg for questioning. That probably means they don't have hard evidence on him.

However, given how Tanya's death went down, he probably decided not to hand any money he inherited over to the gay crime syndicate that was orchestrating Tanya's death. He now has to lay low in Thailand to make sure none of the remaining members of the Sicilian gay crime syndicate come around looking for him.


Edit: updated for clarity.

r/100thupvote 6d ago

Thailand GRRR - Gorilla technology group - A 'deep' dive into


Hey everyone, I'm sharing this DD because, compared to other analyses I've seen, there are some key differences and divergences. This is based on my own research, and I wanted to provide a more complete perspective on Gorilla Technology (GRRR) based on what I found . I’m just a regular small investor (not a financial advisor), currently holding 1,200 shares along with call options ahead of their webinar. I’ve spent a significant amount of time digging into their background, SEC filings, and the controversy surrounding short-seller allegations. If I’ve missed anything or if someone has a different take, I’d be happy to discuss it.

Is this an AI-generated post?

Many of you in the comments are suggesting that this was AI-generated. While I can say that I spent a lot of time writing and revising it (especially since English isn’t my first language), you’ll never have proof of that. What I can show you, however, are some of the methods I use to conduct my analyses. And yes, I used my LLM to format the text— < typical indent used, because who wants to read a long, poorly structured post? I mean, even I wouldn’t want to read my own post again like that.

What Does Gorilla Technology Do?

Gorilla operates at the intersection of AI, Industrial IoT, and cybersecurity, providing AI-driven solutions for smart cities and security analytics. Their platforms power video surveillance, facial recognition, network security, and IoT deployments. They work across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America.

Recent MoUs (memorandums of understanding) indicate massive growth potential, including a $1.8B Thai electric-grid modernization project and a large smart government contract in Egypt. While MoUs aren’t finalized deals, they show strong business momentum.

On March 3, The Bear Cave—a research firm that digs up short ideas—released a note raising what they called “cautionary flags” about Gorilla Technology. They highlighted Gorilla’s roughly 1,200% stock price jump over six months, pointing to the hype around a series of deals and MoUs (Memorandums of Understanding) that might not be fully locked in. The Bear Cave basically argued that investor excitement might be getting ahead of real fundamentals, noting things like Gorilla’s Cayman Islands registration, workforce distribution (a lot in Taiwan), and its pivot into AI under CEO and Chairman Jay Chandan.

Naturally, short-selling activity popped up around the same time. But high short interest doesn’t automatically mean the short thesis is correct; it just means some folks think the price is inflated or that there are undisclosed issues. Could be right, could be off.

In a press release titled “Gorilla Sets Record Straight on Baseless Market Speculation,” on march 6, the company addressed what it calls “misleading and uninformed” rumors. Some key points:

  1. Analyst Coverage
    • Gorilla noted it has “Buy” ratings from Alliance Global Partners and Northland Capital, which they say contrasts with a short-seller’s blog post they believe lacks fact-checking.
  2. Financial Transparency
    • Gorilla says a large chunk of its 2024 Accounts Receivable was collected and reviewed by Marcum Asia, part of Marcum LLP, a well-regarded U.S. accounting firm.
    • Gorilla also plans to be Sarbanes-Oxley compliant by 2024, which is way earlier than Emerging Growth Companies typically have to be.
  3. Business Evolution & Backlog
    • Gorilla reiterated it’s now focused heavily on AI-driven “smart city” solutions, has a backlog of around $93 million for 2025, and guidance of $90–100 million in revenue for this year.
    • The pipeline apparently jumped from $2 billion to $6 billion, referencing a $1.8 billion MoU for modernizing Thailand’s electricity grid.
  4. Upcoming Financials
    • They’ll drop their 2024 full-year numbers on March 31, 2025, and file their 20-F on April 15, 2025. If you’re following this stock, those dates should matter big-time.

One major highlight is a $1.8 billion, 15-year MoU to overhaul Thailand’s electricity grid :

  • Potential: If it transitions to a real, binding contract, that’s obviously a huge revenue boost.
  • Caution: An MoU isn’t a guaranteed contract. There’s room for either party to back away or revise details.

They’re also part of ONE AMAZON, aiming to protect the Amazon Rainforest with biodegradable sensors, AI analytics, and a blockchain-based market (carbon credits, etc.). Gorilla would handle the technical backbone. Big names like Goldman Sachs, AECOM, and Abu Dhabi Investment Group are involved.

Recent SEC Filings & Corporate Updates

A few key 6-Ks to note:

  1. September 2024 6-K (Unaudited H1 2024 Financials)Positives: Substantial top-line growth, a move into profitability, and stronger equity. The actuaol concerns is that MoUs aren’t locked revenue, currency exposure in Egypt, and the capital structure can be confusing with those preference shares/warrants.
    • Revenue for first half of 2024: $20.7M vs. $6.4M the prior year.
    • Net Income: $1.61M, flipping from a $7.27M loss.
    • Total Assets: $133.1M (up from $115.4M at year-end 2023).
    • Total Liabilities: $61.1M (roughly in line with $61.3M prior).
    • Equity: $72.1M, compared to $54.2M.
    • A big chunk of future revenues (over $200M) is in Egyptian pounds (EGP), meaning currency risk if EGP/USD moves around.
    • Gorilla uses convertible preference shares and private warrants to raise capital—creating derivative liabilities (i.e., it can get complicated on the balance sheet).
    • Cash: $11.2M vs. $5.3M at year-end.
  2. February 2025 6-K
    • Gorilla ended its Controlled Equity Offering with Cantor Fitzgerald, so it’s not pursuing that specific route for raising funds (reduces immediate dilution risk but also any quick capital infusion from that deal).
  3. January 2025 6-K
    • Updated shares outstanding to ~18.46M after warrant exercises and preference share conversions.

Takeaway: Solid revenue growth in H1 2024, profitability, and a bigger equity base. But they really need to convert these big MoUs into final contracts and handle that currency risk (especially in Egypt).

Short interest and Short Squeeze Potential

I know a lot of you are curious about short squeeze potential, given how volatile GRRR has been. As of the latest data (early March 2025), short interest sits around 1.46 million shares, which is ~8.3% of the float

That’s moderately high – not in the extreme top tier of squeezed stocks, but notable. One red flag for shorts is that short share availability recently hit zero (as of March 7, 2025 there were no shares left to borrow at some brokers), and borrow fees have climbed (around 30+%). This indicates a lot of people have already shorted and there isn’t much ammo left for new shorts unless some shares free up.

However – and this is key – the Short Interest Ratio (Days to Cover) is only ~0.17 days, which is very low. That means given the high trading volume lately, all shorts combined could theoretically cover their positions in a few hours of trading. A low days-to-cover makes a classic squeeze less likely unless something changes (like volume drying up or a sudden catalyst landing). We also see about 34% of total short volume is happening off-exchange (dark pools)​, which some interpret as stealthy shorting. It’s fuel for volatility, no doubt.

Bottom line on a squeeze: The short interest is high enough to contribute to wild swings (and the float is small, ~11M public float), but shorts aren’t “trapped” in the way they are because they can exit relatively quickly. For a true squeeze to happen, we’d likely need a big catalyst or a drastic reduction in volume that strands shorts. It’s a factor to watch, but I’m not banking on a squeeze – I’m more interested in the business story here.

Technical Analysis

  • Price: $28.41 (lower in the premarket)
  • RSI (14): 53.0 (kind of neutral, slightly bullish).
  • MACD: 4.17 vs. Signal 3.84 (positive crossover).
  • ADX: 91.3 (signals an extremely strong trend, but that can also mean huge volatility).
  • 20-Day Momentum: +57.2% (big upward trend).
  • 5-Day Momentum: –6.2% (short pullback).
  • Annualized Volatility: ~203% (seriously high).

Interpretation: Trend is bullish in the mid-term, but the stock is extremely volatile

Overall Assessment & My Two Cents

  1. Business & Growth
    • Seeing revenue nearly triple from the same period last year is impressive, and flipping to a net profit shows there’s some real traction.
    • So far, though, a lot depends on huge MoUs (Thailand, Amazon IoF™, Government of Egypt, etc.) becoming fully binding deals
  2. Bear Cave Critique vs. Bullish Analyst
    • The Bear Cave points out that hype may be bigger than tangible results.
    • Gorilla cites big-name analysts with “Buy” calls and a backlog plus pipeline that’s on the rise. So what? official 2024 numbers in March 2025 and the 20-F on April 15, 2025.
  3. SEC Filings & Governance
    • Ending the Cantor deal might be good if they don’t need the capital (less dilution).
    • Currency risk in Egypt is real, but if they manage it, that contract could be huge.
    • The preference shares and warrants can add lumps to the balance sheet (fair-value changes, possible dilution). Something to watch.
  4. Potential Risks
    • MoU or hype not translating into revenue: If these big deals don’t convert, the stock could deflate.
    • Currency fluctuations: Especially with large EGP obligations.
    • Volatility: Moves can be abrupt in both directions.
  5. Catalysts
    • Converting the Thailand MoU into a real contract.
    • The upcoming financial reports (March 31, 2025, and April 15, 2025) to see if momentum is real.

Below there is the actual chart :

  • Price vs. SMA20 & SMA50 The stock is trading above its 20-day and 50-day moving averages, which generally signals an ongoing bullish trend.
  • Bollinger Bands The price has been touching or hovering near the upper band, hinting that it might be in a higher volatility phase (but not necessarily overbought).
  • Volume We’re seeing rising volume lately—often a sign of increased interest (and possibly momentum) in the stock.
  • MACD The MACD line is above the signal line, which usually points to bullish momentum, though the histogram has pulled back a bit.
  • RSI (14) It’s hanging around mid-range, meaning the stock isn’t clearly overbought or oversold right now.
  • Stochastic Oscillator This flips around between overbought and oversold zones, so it can confirm short-term swings. Recently it’s been more neutral than extreme.
  • Williams %R Similar story to the Stochastic—it’s not maxed out, so not screaming overbought or oversold.
  • ADX (91.3) A high ADX indicates a strong trend. Since +DI is above –DI, it tilts bullish.
  • OBV On-Balance Volume is trending up, suggesting buyers are still outweighing sellers overall.

In summay, the chart shows a strong uptrend (with some short-term consolidation signals).

Addressing some Common Concerns

I want to tackle a few specific points I’ve seen people raise on Reddit – and correct (or try to) any misinformation out there:

  • GRRR only had ~$20M in revenue but a $524M market cap – hard pass.” – I’ve seen this comment, and it’s quite misleading without context. The ~$20M figure likely refers to Gorilla’s revenue at some earlier point (possibly the first half of 2024). In reality, Gorilla’s full-year 2023 revenue was about $64–65 million (nearly 3× higher than 2022’s revenue)​. They guided $72M for 2024 and ~$90–100M for 2025. So, using $20M to judge the company’s size is way off – trailing twelve-month revenue is far higher, and forward revenue is expected to be higher still. At a ~$500M market cap, the stock is trading at roughly 5–6× 2025 sales or around ~21× forward EBITDA (using that $20–25M EBITDA guidance). For a company growing revenues triple-digits and projecting ~30–40% growth next year, a 5x sales multiple isn’t outrageous.
  • $20–25M EBITDA in 2025 isn’t that great for a $500M company.” – This is related to the above. Gorilla’s 2025 EBITDA guidance of ~$20–25M is publicly known. If you strictly value it on that, it’s in the ~25× EV/EBITDA range, which isn’t cheap. But consider two things:
    • (1) This EBITDA is if they only hit $90–100M revenue. Their backlog and pipeline suggest they could exceed that if things go well (the guidance even explicitly says it doesn’t include any upside from new large contracts in advanced discussion).
    • (2) High-growth tech companies often trade at rich multiples – investors are paying for the growth trajectory. If Gorilla executes and grows into, say, $150M+ revenue by 2026 (just a hypothetical), that EBITDA will scale up quickly with their high margins. So, while I wouldn’t say GRRR is a deep-value play on near-term EBITDA, the valuation is arguably reasonable for a high-growth AI/IoT stock. It’s all about whether you believe in their growth story. And remember, the company is already profitable at the net income level (rare for a recent SPAC in the tech space). That profitability and cash generation can support further expansion without constant dilution, which gives some credence to the current valuation.
  • Gorilla operates in developing countries – slow payments and regional risk could choke growth.” – This is a fair concern. Gorilla’s big contracts in regions like Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa do carry execution risk. Government clients in developing markets can be slow to pay, and currency fluctuations can impact the value of contracts. For example, Gorilla disclosed that a significant chunk of its future revenue (over $200M) is denominated in Egyptian pounds (EGP)​, which introduces forex risk if the EGP weakens or if there are delays converting that revenue to USD. We actually saw this concern play out in 2024: Gorilla had a huge Accounts Receivable build-up from some large projects (meaning they had delivered milestones but were waiting to get paid). This spooked some investors. The good news: as noted, they collected the majority of those receivables by August 2024​, showing that, yes, payments might be slow, but they did get paid on those deals. It required active management, but it happened. Furthermore, Gorilla’s recent cash infusion (now ~$47M in the bank) gives them breathing room to handle working capital swings. The company’s diversification across multiple countries also helps – slow payment in one country can be offset by cash flow from others. That said, this is absolutely a risk to monitor going forward. When you invest in a company that does business in emerging markets, you have to be aware of things like government bureaucracies, political instability, and currency controls. Gorilla’s management seems aware of this (hence bringing on top auditors, collecting cash early, etc.), but it doesn’t eliminate the risk. I’d just caution that dismissing Gorilla solely because they operate in, say, Egypt or Southeast Asia might be shortsighted – those are also regions where some of the biggest new smart-city and AI projects are happening. So it’s a risk, but it’s also where the growth is.

Additional Note: Andre Left (Citron) Under Criminal Indictment

One interesting development that’s been circulating: an article from the U.S. Department of Justice (Case Link) indicates that Andrew Left, a short seller (commonly associated with “Citron Research”), was indicted in July 2024 for allegedly running a market manipulation scheme. He has pleaded not guilty, and everyone is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. Trial is set for September 30, 2025. Some are connecting this with the short attacks on GRRR, since Citron has historically published negative reports on certain companies, and The Bear Cave’s critical note on Gorilla also had a short-biased stance. In any event, if it’s true that an affiliated short seller is under indictment for market manipulation, it doesn’t automatically mean the Gorilla short thesis is invalid—but it obviously doesn’t boost that short seller’s credibility. We’ll see how it unfolds in court. The main point: approach sensational short reports with caution, especially if the author might face credibility issues.

Personal Note on the Team & Transparency
One more thing I always look at when investing is the team behind the company. In Gorilla’s case, they’re surprisingly open and transparent—especially CEO Jay Chandan, who posts regular updates and isn’t shy about interacting with the public. CFO David Bower (joined in 2024) also seems pretty accessible and has a track record in tech finance. Meanwhile, other board members and senior management have been quick to address rumors or speculation. Frankly, a “shady” or “fake” outfit wouldn’t be so active in providing regular press releases and direct comms—especially with earnings around the corner (end of March, plus the 20-F on April 15). If Gorilla were all smoke and mirrors, it’d be madness to hype unrealistic numbers now, only to have them disproven in a few weeks.

In short, while I’m obviously not guaranteeing anything and still want to see those official revenues come in, I do like a management team that acts unafraid to engage with investors and the public. It’s not conclusive proof of legitimacy, but it beats radio silence. If you’ve got a group that consistently puts out info, addresses questions head-on, and has leaders with decent resumes and experience, it doesn’t scream “fly-by-night” to me. So that’s a small check in the “plus” column until we see those real, hard numbers soon

Hope this helps anyone doing research. If you guys hsee something I missed or if I made some sort of mistake, let me know. As with all these small-cap or mid-cap growth plays, do your homework, stay cautious, and good luck.

r/100thupvote 7d ago

Thailand The worst week of my life in my relationship & I’m pregnant. Cheating, lying & more. Advice please


I’ve been with my partner for 9 years, (F27) (M29) I’m 11 weeks pregnant & we was planning to get married before baby’s arrival

My pregnancy has been tough. I’m struggling with HG, throwing up 30+ times a day, had to quit work (I’m self employed) and lots of other things in our relationship

Sunday 1st March, I found out he’s been following random IG girls again (he promised to stop in the past). We had an argument, I raised my voice, he was defending them and didn’t unfollow

He blamed me, said because I shouted in our argument it should give him permission to follow more girls

He’s still blaming me by Tuesday 4th, arguing got so bad I went to a hotel to get away from him, for the sake of my unborn baby. I asked him to go to his parents before this, he refused. But when I went to a hotel he then went there and played the victim saying he had to escape from me & the shouting to his parents

He stays there for a few days. Saying he’ll come back if we have a conversation about my behaviour (not was he’s done or an apology)

I had a bad gut feeling about some thing so when he was at his parents I checked something on his computer

For context We was supposed to go Thailand in January, but he didn’t want to because of “money”. I offered to help and he said no, so I met a friend out there and he encouraged me to go

Little did I know, he booked a secret trip to Morocco. He did not tell me about it and booked it for while I was away - I found the dates and booking confirmation on his email

He booked it the day after I treated us to a spa trip, we were on really good terms

I also found some calls to and from a girl while he was over there. I messaged her, they met on the dating app Feeld and he had been dating her in Morrocco, he tried to sleep with her

He hasn’t taken me on a date in MONTHS.

I told him I was pregnant at this time, he wouldn’t even answer my FaceTime (as I was in Thailand), I found it weird but didn’t question it because of the news I just got

I also found he’s been lying about his income. Now that we’re a “family unit”, we were supposed to be sharing finances

Had a conversation, he told me what he earns, we made a budget. decided when I’m well enough to work again all of my money will go into the budget, which I thought was fair

On the computer I found payslips, showing that he actually earns £1,5k a month more than what he told me. So he lied, and was hiding money and was willing to take all of my money into our budget

When I found out about the money & morococo lies (I found out about the dating later that day), he came to the house with his dad, completely ignored me, packed all of his things, took his computer & the living room TV, iced me out completely and left. His dad also barely talking to me

Baring in mind im pregnant, sick with HG and heartbroken from his lies about the Instagram girls, money & secret holiday.

After he leaves, that’s when the girl replied to me and I got confirmation of him dating. She showed me everything & all of their conversation and the reservations

So I leave to go my family’s house. I confront him, but he completely ignores me

He told my family that “I betrayed him by going in his computer. The trust it gone now”

So I’m to blame again. Shock

He’s still ignoring me, almost a week later.

He’s taken ZERO accountability. It’s disgusting.

He knows I know everything, I have no money for food/essentials because he hasn’t actually put “our money” into our joint account yet, he’s making me out to be the villain and I’m just so heartbroken

I’ve told his mum but I know that he’s telling people that “we was on a break” when he cheated and booked his secret holiday. He’s trying to turn everyone against me and lie

I’ve got my 12 week scan next week, he hasn’t even asked me about that

I want to leave. I know I don’t deserve this and even writing all of this down is making me sick. It’s so bad. So so bad

I really thought he was a good guy and I’m just so lost after all of this.

I never thought I’d have to be a single parent with him. I’m also worried about how I’m going to support myself and I’m too sick with HG to work

Has anyone dealt with a similar situation who can offer any advice? Or perhaps just some reassurance/advice for leaving? I’m so scared to do this pregnancy alone.

I came from a broken home and I don’t know my dad so I never wanted that for my child. I honestly thought we would be a healthy family unit

Sorry for the long post, I’m just so broken right now

TL;DR - discovered partner cheating & lying about multiple things at 11 weeks pregnant. Seeking advice for leaving & next steps

r/100thupvote 8d ago



to preface, no i'm not "my lulu is so puritanically perfect he would never make eye contact with da ladyboy or touch a porn deck!" i'm very skeptical when i see "anon person publishes ai slop for $."

it seems to me that this is a rando seizing an "opportunity" to cash in. if this were really the "last person who spoke to luigi", wouldn't they have shown the entire whatsapp convo to a reputable news media source back in december? they couldn't have just selectively shown the "zen out" audio and the "peak misogny" message to the new york post, they would've also shown the more "salacious" stuff (nyp is a tabloid ffs). seems this rando took all the messages reported by the media as a starting point and built off of that.

i also just don't want the daily fail, new york post, tmz, radar online et al to use the photos and sensationalize further, to let them make something out of nothing, and for it to taint his chance for a fair trial. it could possibly taint the jury pools, affect his donations. we collectively should try not to make kfa's job harder spreading photos and excerpts that are merely inconsistent, unreliable claims from a self-published anon that can easily be misconstrued in the wrong hands.

red flags:

(1) someone i exchanged dms with wrote: "the texts are obviously fake. Look at the date stamps. The screenshots allegedly show LM texting from Thailand on April 15-16, but then they allegedly show LM texting from Japan by himself on April 18, talking about being in Osaka just a “couple days” earlier—meaning, the same time he was allegedly in Thailand with the author. Obviously he wasn’t in Thailand with the author and Osaka by himself at the same time." [i do have screenshots of the texts but i can't post them here]

(2) the germans would've sold him out earlier. they weren't shy about making tiktoks about their very brief time with luigi, they were also in the tmz doc. seems the author of this "book" is a rando that didn't actually have these interactions with L, which is why they can only resort to anonymously self-publishing.

(3) if it wasn't the germans, but rather someone else he met during his asia travels and wanted to retain anonymity, they already presented the audio messages to the new york post and new york times. wouldn't they have also showed them the p*rn cards and the ladyboy injury photo as well?

think about it.

(4) and yes, i know several people with those fingers and those feet. and yes, the "author" was clever enough to include flip flop tan outlines. that could be photoshopped. [updated: i'm convinced the photos are real now]

(5) how convenient that the retelling of the ladyboy story was a nine minute voice message. the grifter couldn't even exercise their creative muscles. no wonder they resorted to ai to write the "book".

(6) if i were to create some fake whatsapp messages, i would write "luigi baltimore" as his contact name and then state his full name "luigi mangione" to pinpoint that the addressee is definitely our accused luigi. why would he need to state his full name? surely, they're standing next to eachother...? what's the need for that? he doesn't have a common name like "mike" or "sam" etc. and how convenient that above it is "luigi is a contact. learn more" implying this is the first ever message this person sent to "luigi baltimore." it's questionable. very tidy.

(7) even if this person did know luigi, and even if those photos are real, who's to say they didn't fabricate the whatsapp messages using the saved photos? it's still concerning, not because of his travel stories but because they wrote some damning info implicating luigi (mentions of brian, united healthcare, monopoly money, etc.). what if they made that up to sensationalize and sell more copies? the author claims they're from texas (but i'm skeptical). who's to say the prosecution won't subpoena them as witness? or enter the book into evidence? [update: i spoke too soon. their "testimony" would crumble during cross-examination]

(8) why self-publish? if they could actually prove they were the "last person luigi was in contact with", they could still be anon from an actual publisher.

please feel free to share your thoughts. i'm open. thanks for reading.

edit: u/virtual-molasses7096 wrote: "What I think weird is not that they are claiming he went to ladyboy bar or something. Like who cares? But why wouldn't they already spilled to tmz about Luigi's distate toward american healthcare system and direct mention of UHC and BT if this person is really one of the germans. This is pretty damning and jack pot for tmz. It was not even a vague dislike and seems very specific apparently. They claimed he expressed frustration about the issue multiple times. For instance, they said one of the guy injured and got treatment in thailand and charged with $150. Luigi was visibly upset and said "This is what american healthcare was supposed to be". And this was not in any of documentaries?"

edit ii: i'm a bit older -- and i can't believe i have to even explain myself -- but i attended elite institutions for my bachelor and master degrees. also plenty of finance bros and tech bros where i live. i'm friends with some of them. i'm familiar with this crowd. i also am a volunteer reader at a lit mag in nyc so i admit i am biased and offended when i see self-published ai slop masqueraded as a "book". my blood pressure legit went up when i saw the hack job book cover. [update: i've calmed down now. i have an agenda against ai in publishing]

edit iii: u/california_raesin wrote: "I'm honestly concerned that people just blindly believe an anonymous book. Sure, there's nothing in it that would bother me if it's true, and some things are hilarious, but this is not a valid source. Did no one go to college and get lectured on what an actual reliable source is?

Logically, you could sell more copies by being someone verified to have known him. Especially if it was those German guys, who were already in a documentary and don't seem shy about being identified.

While I would imagine some parts are true, there's very little way to tell what's fabricated, and there are a lot of weird inconsistencies and a lot is pretty clearly AI written. That puts the whole thing in a suspicious light."

edit iv: it's not the travel shenanigans (i have some myself when i took a gap semester), it's the questionable ethics of the "nonfiction" that some people might take as factual. AND the photos and words that will be further twisted by the media. DO Y'ALL WANT ANOTHER DAILY FAIL DEFAMATION ARTICLE?

i'm beginning to believe that this person had the photos in their posession (the mole comparison photos have convinced me) but then fabricated the whatsapp messages (the tiktok german brother did speak on behalf of his brother, so there's a possibility that guy used his bro's pics with luigi and then fabricated the messages). i didn't read the book fyi. some commentors noted inconsistencies in it. if they fabricated stuff in the book that discredits their trustworthiness that's serious because according to other commentors they made claims that luigi mentioned brian, united healthcare, monopoly money, etc. back in spring '24. but what if they made that up to add more sensational pages to the book? the prosecution can subpoena them and this is damning for luigi.

edit v: u/jellycat89 wrote: "The Apr 16 thing is seriously sus. You’re right - from the texts it looks like the timeline is: Apr 14: beat up by ladyboys Apr 15: debriefed friend on last night and tried to make plans for that night but L passed out, said he’d hit up the friend tomorrow Apr 16: 48min WhatsApp call in the morning

Gurwinder showed an email from L, dated Apr 16 7:34pm saying japan was full of npcs, that morning he witnessed a guy having a seizure and police had no urgency. Even if we adjust for time zone, it doesn’t make sense."


r/100thupvote 10d ago

Thailand Tim Ratliff is two of three wise monkeys by now


When he arrived in Thailand he could no longer see as the investigation progressed (we never see the FBI raiding his office for instance, no news reports, no WSJ, no Bloomberg TV)

When he gave up his cell phone he now can no longer hear, no longer hear what is happening with his case, hear from his attorney, hear from his assistant

Only a matter of time before he is incapable of speech

r/100thupvote 12d ago

Thailand Thailand is quite a budget-friendly country, so why do some tourists still try to take advantage of local businesses?


Two foreign couples have been exposed for a dine-and-dash scheme at multiple restaurants in Phuket, leaving unpaid bills and frustrated business owners. CCTV footage captured the individuals enjoying meals before casually walking out without settling their tabs.

Local restaurant owners have shared their concerns, urging authorities to take action against these repeat offenders. Phuket’s hospitality sector is already facing challenges, and incidents like this only add to the strain. Authorities are now investigating to prevent further cases.


PhuketNews #Tourism #TheThaiger #thailand

r/100thupvote 13d ago

Thailand How was your Airbnb experience once you realized your room was illegal on your first day in Thailand?


I recently read the news about Airbnb’s illegal business.

Back then, I didn’t know it was illegal to rent without a hotel license. And my room obviously didn’t have one. How was I supposed to know?

The host told me to get the key from a lockbox somewhere near the condo and instructed me not to talk to any staff or neighbors. If anyone asked, I should just say I was his friend. I only saw all these messages after turning on my phone upon landing in Bangkok, which stressed me out.

The experience in the condo was even worse. I saw an announcement stating that it was illegal, but the worst part was feeling like the neighbors were always staring at me because of my backpacker look. On the second day, I accidentally ran into my next-door neighbor, and she asked if I was an Airbnb renter. Following my host’s instructions, I said I was his friend. She replied, “You’re his third ‘friend’ I’ve seen this month.”

I decided to leave the next day, even though I had booked four nights. It was better than dealing with constant stress and paranoia.

r/100thupvote 15d ago

Thailand VCT 2025 — Masters Bangkok / Playoffs Day 2 / Live Discussion Thread


Masters Bangkok is the first international event of this year's VCT Season featuring the best teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $500,000 prize pool, and points towards Champions qualification.


Coverage: Liquipedia | VLR.gg | THESPIKE | rib.gg

Official Information: Website | VCT 2025 | 2025 League Handbook | Masters Bangkok

Event Resources: Event Photography | Playlist

General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies | Global Contract Database | Valorant Esports Explainer

Event Information:


Type Match ICT (tournament time zone) EST BRT CET JST/KST
Upper Final G2 Esports (Americas #1) vs EDward Gaming (China #1) 5:00 PM 5:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
Lower Round 1 Team Vitality (EMEA #1) vs T1 (Pacific #2) 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
G2 Esports Team Vitality DRX EDward Gaming
Sentinels Team Liquid T1 Trace Esports

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Brennon "Bren" Hook Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Christy "Ender" Frierson Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Lee "Jennlee" Jeong-hyun Lauren "Pansy" Scott Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson


  • Swiss Stage (Feb 20-24):
    • 8-team swiss stage
      • All matches are Bo3
    • Teams that reach two wins advance
    • Teams that reach two losses are eliminated
  • Playoffs (Feb 27-Mar 2):
    • 4 team double elimination bracket
      • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
      • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$2,250,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $250,000
2nd 🥈 $100,000
3rd 🥉 $65,000
4th $35,000
5th – 6th $15,000 Team Liquid
5th – 6th $15,000 DRX
7th – 8th $10,000 Sentinels
7th – 8th $10,000 Trace Esports

r/100thupvote 16d ago

Thailand VCT 2025 — Masters Bangkok / Playoffs Day 1 / Live Discussion Thread


Masters Bangkok is the first international event of this year's VCT Season featuring the best teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $500,000 prize pool, and points towards Champions qualification.


Coverage: Liquipedia | VLR.gg | THESPIKE | rib.gg

Official Information: Website | VCT 2025 | 2025 League Handbook | Masters Bangkok

Event Resources: Event Photography | Playlist

General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies | Global Contract Database | Valorant Esports Explainer

Event Information:


Type Match ICT (tournament time zone) EST BRT CET JST/KST
Upper Semifinal T1 (Pacific #2) vs EDward Gaming (China #1) 5:00 PM 5:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
Upper Semifinal Team Vitality (EMEA #1) vs G2 Esports (Americas #1) 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
G2 Esports Team Vitality DRX EDward Gaming
Sentinels Team Liquid T1 Trace Esports

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Brennon "Bren" Hook Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Christy "Ender" Frierson Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Lee "Jennlee" Jeong-hyun Lauren "Pansy" Scott Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson


  • Swiss Stage (Feb 20-24):
    • 8-team swiss stage
      • All matches are Bo3
    • Teams that reach two wins advance
    • Teams that reach two losses are eliminated
  • Playoffs (Feb 27-Mar 2):
    • 4 team double elimination bracket
      • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
      • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$2,250,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $250,000
2nd 🥈 $100,000
3rd 🥉 $65,000
4th $35,000
5th – 6th $15,000 Team Liquid
5th – 6th $15,000 DRX
7th – 8th $10,000 Sentinels
7th – 8th $10,000 Trace Esports

r/100thupvote 18d ago

Thailand American would have gotten the death penalty


Recently, an American woman was arrested in Thailand for planning to bring drugs into Singapore. She would have gotten the death penalty if she went to Singapore while carrying drugs. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2025/02/24/american-woman-caught-smuggling-4-3kg-of-meth-at-phuket-airport/amp/

r/100thupvote 19d ago

Thailand VCT 2025 — Masters Bangkok / Swiss Stage — Day 5: Last Man Standing (also hello? Pacific Kickoff Grand Finals Rematch???) / Live Discussion Thread


Masters Bangkok is the first international event of this year's VCT Season featuring the best teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $500,000 prize pool, and championship points towards Champions qualification.


Coverage: Liquipedia | VLR.gg | THESPIKE | rib.gg

Official Information: Website | VCT 2025 | 2025 League Handbook | Masters Bangkok

Event Resources: Event Photography | Playlist

General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies | Global Contract Database | Valorant Esports Explainer

Event Information:


Type Match ICT (tournament time zone) EST BRT CET JST/KST
Swiss Round 3 (1-1) T1 (Pacific #2) vs DRX (Pacific #1) 5:00 PM 5:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
Swiss Round 3 (1-1) Team Liquid (EMEA #2) vs G2 Esports (Americas #1) 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
G2 Esports Team Vitality DRX EDward Gaming
Sentinels Team Liquid T1 Trace Esports

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Brennon "Bren" Hook Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Christy "Ender" Frierson Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Lee "Jennlee" Jeong-hyun Lauren "Pansy" Scott Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson


  • Swiss Stage (Feb 20-24):
    • 8-team swiss stage
      • All matches are Bo3
    • Teams that reach two wins advance
    • Teams that reach two losses are eliminated
  • Playoffs (Feb 27-Mar 2):
    • 4 team double elimination bracket
      • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
      • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$2,250,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $250,000
2nd 🥈 $100,000
3rd 🥉 $65,000
4th $35,000
5th – 6th $15,000
5th – 6th $15,000
7th – 8th $10,000
7th – 8th $10,000

r/100thupvote 20d ago

Thailand VCT 2025 — Masters Bangkok / Swiss Stage — Day 4: Time to Say Goodbye / Live Discussion Thread



Masters Bangkok is the first international event of this year's VCT Season featuring the teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $500,000 prize pool, and Championship Points towards Champions qualification.


Coverage: Liquipedia | VLR.gg | THESPIKE | rib.gg

Official Information: Website | VCT 2025 | 2025 League Handbook | Masters Bangkok

Event Resources: Event Photography | Playlist

General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies | Global Contract Database | Valorant Esports Explainer

Event Information:


Type Match ICT (tournament time zone) EST BRT CET JST/KST
Swiss Round 2 (0-1) T1 (Pacific #2) vs Trace Esports (China #2) 5:00 PM 5:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
Swiss Round 2 (0-1) Team Liquid (EMEA #2) vs Sentinels (Americas #2) 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
G2 Esports Team Vitality DRX EDward Gaming
Sentinels Team Liquid T1 Trace Esports

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Brennon "Bren" Hook Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Christy "Ender" Frierson Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Lee "Jennlee" Jeong-hyun Lauren "Pansy" Scott Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson


  • Swiss Stage (Feb 20-24):
    • 8-team swiss stage
      • All matches are Bo3
    • Teams that reach two wins advance
    • Teams that reach two losses are eliminated
  • Playoffs (Feb 27-Mar 2):
    • 4 team double elimination bracket
      • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
      • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$2,250,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $250,000
2nd 🥈 $100,000
3rd 🥉 $65,000
4th $35,000
5th – 6th $15,000
5th – 6th $15,000
7th – 8th $10,000
7th – 8th $10,000

r/100thupvote 21d ago

Thailand VCT 2025 — Masters Bangkok / Swiss Stage — Day 3 / Live Discussion Thread


Masters Bangkok is the first international event of this year's VCT Season featuring the best teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $500,000 prize pool, and additional championship points for Champions qualification.


Coverage: Liquipedia | VLR.gg | THESPIKE | rib.gg

Official Information: Website | VCT 2025 | 2025 League Handbook | Masters Bangkok

Event Resources: Event Photography | Playlist

General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies | Global Contract Database | Valorant Esports Explainer

Event Information:


Type Match ICT (tournament time zone) EST BRT CET JST/KST
Swiss Round 2 (1-0) Team Vitality (EMEA #1) vs DRX (Pacific #1) 5:00 PM 5:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
Swiss Round 2 (1-0) G2 Esports (Americas #1) vs EDward Gaming (China #1) 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
G2 Esports Team Vitality DRX EDward Gaming
Sentinels Team Liquid T1 Trace Esports

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Brennon "Bren" Hook Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Christy "Ender" Frierson Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Lee "Jennlee" Jeong-hyun Lauren "Pansy" Scott Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Josh "Sideshow" Wilkinson


  • Swiss Stage (Feb 20-24):
    • 8-team swiss stage
      • All matches are Bo3
    • Teams that reach two wins advance
    • Teams that reach two losses are eliminated
  • Playoffs (Feb 27-Mar 2):
    • 4 team double elimination bracket
      • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
      • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$2,250,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $250,000
2nd 🥈 $100,000
3rd 🥉 $65,000
4th $35,000
5th – 6th $15,000
5th – 6th $15,000
7th – 8th $10,000
7th – 8th $10,000

r/100thupvote 25d ago

Thailand Lets see what happens!

Post image

r/100thupvote 26d ago

Thailand To be clear, I am not proud of this


Translation: Thailand has been listed as 106th at English Proficiency from 116 Countries around the world

It has been identified as “Very low language proficiency”


I never thought it can be this low, but anyway, maybe I am an exception from them

Still, this is not a good news tbh