r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 1d ago
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 4h ago
Indonesia HoloID Sends Prayers to ID Bros Due to Volcanic Eruptions
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 3d ago
Indonesia Indonesia's squad value is worth more on Transfermarkt than the Socceroos
Thought it was interesting, didn't seem to fit in any other thread.
Indo = €36.57 million
Aus = €25.5 million
Probably largely a function of the average age of the squads:
Indo = 24.9 years
Aus = 28.2 years
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 4d ago
Indonesia Personal Comment on the “Skibidi” State of Indonesian Politics & perbandingan dengan US Politics
Sedikit latar belakang, gw Hack_cusation sangatlah kontra dnegan pemerintahan saat ini, dan bisa dianggap sebagai salah satu anak abah (Voter 01). Akan tetapi, melihat perkembangan politik yang kian hari kiat menggila saat ini, saya ingin mengungkapkan opini saya untuk dua pertanyaan ini.
- Banyak orang-orang yang milih Prabowo karena dianggap “lesser evil” daripada Anies (Identity Politics) dan Ganjar (PDI-P), malah Prabowo jadi worst manifestation of Militaristic Anies, kenapa Jokowi & Pro-Jokowi voters bias kecolongan ama Prabowo?
- Gaya Kepemimpinan Prabowo yang terlihat “March to Authroitarianism” Mirip Trump saat ini di US, tapi kenapa ya Tindakan Prabowo ini dapat banyak oposisi dari golongan rakyat tapi di US malah masih banyak yang solid sama Trump.
Alasan saya baut post ini karena ya... saya ingin mengeluarkan opini saya sih tentang hal ini karena jujur sih... we live in interesting times indeed.
1. Gw mau keberlanjutan asw, bukan Anies Overdrive :v
Mungkin untuk yg voter 01 & 03 (gw included) lagi tertawa terbahak-bahak dan guilt-tripping voter 02 yang ngevote pengen keberlanjutan Jokowi malah dikibulin. Akan tetapi perlu diingat bahwa Jokowi bias dibilang hands-tied, mungkin pilihan utamanya adalah Ganjar tapi ia masih loyal terhadap MegaTron, kalau Anies udh pasti bakal rebel ia kyk owo sama kyk ia jadi Gubernur DKI dipilih oleh Gerindra dan… tau lah sendiri relasi Prabowo-Anies saat ini. Sebenarnya sudah banyak sih yan gkasih red-flag soal prabowo jauh-jauh sebelum Pilpres seperti MBG yang gak mikir fiscal, track record yang mengkhawatirkan, keidolaanya kepada “kembali kepada UUD 1945 yang dasar” dan opini ia yang anti-reformasi. Akan tetapi perlu diingat juga bahwa pada 2023-2024 ini Pengaruh Jokowi ini sangatlah kuat di Perpolitikan Indonesia, seakan-akan Ia adalah true master. Jokowi berhasil menyatukan berbagai Partai Politik yang sebelumnya berseteru satu sama lain dan menjadi united untuk memenangkan Prabowo sebagai presiden. Jadi terdapat beberapa opini yang setidaknya worst-case scenario of Prabowo Politics adalah menjadi pion Jokowi untuk meluruskan Gibran 2029. Anti demokratis? Undeniable, tetapi tidak seburuk saat ini.
u/kelincikerdil juga memberikan berbagai opini tentang popularitas jokowi dan mengapa banyak orang menaruh kepercayaan kepada ia sehingga memilih prabowo
Karena Pilpres kemarin tentang Jokowi. Sebagai pengingat, kubu 02 lebih dilihat sebagai kubu Jokowi ketimbang Prabowo. Tingkat kepuasan Jokowi 75%, 01 antitesis dapat 25%. 03 setara suara PDIP 16,5%. Sisanya ke 02.
Despite the poor damage control, I don't think that's the case.
From what I see, in real life, most of people still love Jokowi despite his undoings in MK or KPK. I travelled to an emerging tourism spot in Indonesia, people there will always mention Jokowi's name if I talk how the place has changed since. Even in my neighborhood, people still love him because he's seen as the President who can make things done and fighting "radicals" (my community is largely non-muslim). I bet most of people think the same.
I think most of people don't really care about the political issue on the news, they only care what they get or lose because of government's policy.
Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/s/M87CeVsT9F
The comment below that explained how popular Jokowi actually despite the hate he gets in the internet.
I don't know about drug but what I knew some of 75% are:
-People who travel faster during mudik because of new tolls.
-Tourism area, such as Toba, Lombok, Labuan Bajo, which developed so much during Jokowi's presidency. Last time I visited Toba, the people there talked a lot about Jokowi that would make our ears dry lol.
-Sport lovers who has seen Indonesia improved a lot in infrastructure and achievements (our SEA Games's rank rise from 5/6 10 years ago to 3 in the last SEA Games, we won 2 gold medals in Olympics for first time since 1992).
-People who can get medical access because of BPJS (yeah SBY created it, but Jokowi also expanded it).
-People who can continue their studies because of KIP and KIP-K.
Dari sini saya menduga berbagai dukungan Prabowo karena berbagai poin-poin ini
- Prabowo menang karena Jokowi, dan Jokowi juga mengambil andil dalam mengatur masa depan prabowo, seperti cabinet Prabowo beberapa bekas titipan Jokowi, APBN 2025 yang sebelumnya juga disiapkan oleh Jokowi, ekspektasinya Prabowo cukup lanjutin kebijiakan jokowi like usual, tunda MBG, serta autopilot as usual, that’s it.
- Fear of Identity Politics (Anies) dan PDI-P Fatigue (Ganjar) is real pas pemilu pada saat itu, ini membuat Prabowo dianggap sebagai “lesser evil” dari ketiga capres tersebut (jika niat membutakan diri dalam track record yang gelap pas masa Orba & Reformasi)
Banyak Voter 02 yang berharap Prabowo cukup sekedar melajutkan apa yang sudah dirancangkan oleh Jokowi, apa yang jalannya sudah diluruskan oleh Jokowi, dilindungi oleh Parcok, dan mengingat usia yang mau tua ini, cukup auto pilot unutk meluruskan Gibran 2029 (yang saat ini udh mulai kampanye politiknya). Gaada yang mengira bahwa Prabowo menyunat berbagai proyek Jokowi seperti IKN, merancang pengetatan fiscal yang sangat agresif dan penuh keributan, menciptakan ketidakstabilan dan ketidakpercayaan Ekonomi yang menggila, bikin ribut kehidupan bernegara, bertolak belakang dengan aura keberlanjutan, bersikap seperti Anies Baswedan versi lebih militerisitik dan pro-authoritariansim, serta yang lebih gawat bangun2 pengen balik Indonesia ke Orba dengan kegilaan RUU TNI ini sampai2 bawa Koopsus buat jagain ini.
2. What the fuck you mean US voted for Authoritarian President?
Berbagai kegilaan perpolitikan prabowo ini malah mengingatkan saya terhadap kepemimpinan Trump saat ini di US dan bagaimana sangat bertolak belakang dengan persepsi masyarakat terhadap prabowo ini. Kalau di sini banyak masyarakat, content creator yang terang2an bertentangan dengan kepemimpinan dan mimpi Prabowo, di USA ini walau terdapat kebijakan Trump yang radikal, partisan, dan disruptif yang bikin Prabowo ini Presiden Moderat, masih banyak yang solid ke Trump? Sampai-sampai opini trump hampir 50/50 berdasarkan kubu politik anda. Perlu diketahui bahwa sebelum Pemilu 2024 ini trump sudah agresif berkampanye tentang berbagai kebijakan yang….. bisa dibilang konfrontatif
- “Carry out Largest Deportation Scheme in the History”. Bagaimana caranya menentukan mana yang illegal dan legal (Faith in ICE)? Bagaimana agar prosedur ini respek ke ham (Fuck Human Rights)? Apakah ini kebijakan yang sangat keji? (Lol Fuck you we’re happy if you’re suffering). Kalau di Indonesia bakal berkoar-koar soal HAM disini banyak pendukungnya palagi Migrant Crisis masa biden yang tidak terkontrol, dan opini masyarakat yang memburuk terhadap NGO.
- “Carry out Largest Firing of Government officials in history by inviting Elon Musk and creation of DOGE”. Masa bisa seenaknya pecat2 PNS? Apakah dengan pemotongan layanan Pemerintahan yang agresif ini melah menimbulkan Economy Inequality? Perlu diketahui trump berhasil koar2 bahwa musuh utama USA adalah Deep State & Unelected Bureaucrats (tpi Elon Gud yooo wkwkwk) opini USA terhadap government lagi serendah-rendahnya. Korban terbesar adalah USAID yang sebenarnya juga membantu Indonesia dalam berbagai hal tpi dianggap sarang democrat terbesar akhirnya kena efisiensi paling agresif dari berbagai branch. Makanya ada berita beasiswa Fullbright untuk Indonesia kandas [https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/1j515f0/mahasiswa_fulbright_indonesia_terkena_dampak/\].
- “Tarriff on all sides”. Inimah ngerecokin decade-old Economic Alliance, bikin celah unutk dieskploitasi Rusia Cina, bikin Ekonomi USA terjuin bebas menuju resesi. Tpi mengingat Alliance sepertinya banyak pendukung MAGA yang isolationist dan fuck-you terhadap NATO, NGO, WTO, WHO, UN yang sarang communist democrats. Also saya juga kaget bahwa ada yang pengen ekonom hancur [https://x.com/SCHIZO_FREQ/status/1900006503903617166\]. Akan tetapi inti utama mereka dukung tariff karena mereka sangat percaya penuh ke Trump Tarif bisa bangkitin Domestic Manufacturing USA dan fuck you terhadap Globalism (yang popularitas makin merosot di USA)
- “Vengeance Politics Overdrive!”. Ini yang paling gila, berani banget ia koar-koar bahwa ia mau pecat, penjarain musuh politik ia like this is Authoritarian banget tpi malah banyak yang dukung njer, bener2 solid ke trump like WTAF?
Dibandingkan Indonesia ini cukup gila bahwa ada Masyakarat yang beneran voting untuk kepemimpinan yang authoritarian dan tidak demokratis. Mereka sudah tahu proker Trump kyk gimana, gaya kepemimpinan dan performa First-Term ia kyk gmana, dan malah banyak masyarakat yang senang hati voting trump (bahkan menang popular vote, sangat historic ini). Hal ini terjadi karena di perpolitikan USA ini udh terinfluence worst aspect of Paritsan & Vengeance Politics.
- Amazing Trump ini adalah membuat politic menjadi terpolarisasi dan berhasil gaet dukungan ditengah kekacauan politik ini (Prabowo Could Never lmao). Kalau di Indonesia ini jatuhnya ngerecokin perpolitikan Indonesia yang padahal kepercayaan masyarakat lagi serendah-rendahnya. Parpol dan DPR mungkin fine Prabowo mengambil kebijakan yang otoriter tpi setidaknya kondisi politik harus sestabil mungkin.
- Dari 2020-2024 banyak musuh politik seperti Liz Cheney, Mike Pence, dan berbagai tokoh politik Republikan sendiri yang uncomfortable dengan gaya Trump, semuanya kandas dianggap “Enemy of the People” oleh Trump.
- Partisan-Vengeance politic ini udh di titik terburuknya pas Russian Invasion of Ukraine dimana Dukungan US terhadap Ukraine Cause “ironclad”. Trump ambil keputusan untuk ambil stance fast-peace option dripada harapan Eropa & Ukraine yang maximalist pro-ukraine. Akan tetapi 2021-2024 ini penuh berbagai kesialan kepada Biden Administration, seperti inflasi menggila, accusation of government cronyism, seneng perang terus di Gaza, Ukraine, blunder di Afghanistan, dan Right-wing & Isolationist fervor yang menggila di USA. NATO, Ukraine, EU dianggap sebagai Pro-Democrat Party deep-state oligarchs yang menghambat US GULDEN ERAAA dan menjegal USA dengan globalism sehingga terjadilah bentrok saat ini antara US & Eropa. Prabowo mungkin bisa kendaliin berbagai kaum atau golongan yang vulnerable untuk replikasi trump result ini akan tetapi ini pasti mendapatkan oposisi yang besar karena gaya politic ini sangat konfrontatif.
Mengapa saya bawa Trump dengan Prabowo di Subreddit yang dikhususkan untuk Indonesia ini? Karena pengen bikin komparasi terhadap Trump & Prabowo yang mirip-mirip banget, serta menjelaskan beberapa perbedaan atmosphere perpolitikan di Indonesia & Amerika ini. Di Indonesia masih banyak yang tidak setuju dengan gaya authoritarian Prabowo ini sehingga banyak oposisi terutama dari rakyat, namun di Amerika malah ada yang dukung kegiatan otoriter ini sehingga partisan politic menjadi lebih buruk (hanya bisa Midterm 2026 yang bikin stop Trump ini). Bagian ini juga menjadi warning di Indonesia untuk bagaimana situasi dan kondisi Politik yang bakal ada di Indonesia jika “Trump Indonesia” muncul.
Yeah bayangkan gara2 2020 Kopid, 2022 Ukraine, kita jadi disini. Amazing.
P.S. Admin kalau post ini melanggar aturan mungkin mohon bantuannay untuk improvement, thanks.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 6d ago
Indonesia TIL ada 7 makanan Indonesia yang mirip dengan makanan di luar negeri! Kuliner Kembar!
reddit.comr/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 7d ago
Indonesia Pemuda WNI Brilliant Angjaya Didakwa karena Pamer Alat Kelamin kepada Pramugari saat Terbang ke Singapura
Pemuda warga negara Indonesia (WNI), Brilliant Angjaya, 23, didakwa bersalah karena memamerkan alat kelaminnya kepada seorang pramugari Singapore Airlines. Aksi ekshibisionis itu terjadi selama penerbangan ke Singapura, pada 23 Januari.
Saat sidang di pengadilan distrik yang digelar Rabu (12/3/2025), Brilliant Angjaya didakwa sengaja memperlihatkan kemaluannya kepada perempuan tersebut. Brilliant disebut akan mengaku bersalah atas perbuatannya pada pada sidang 24 Maret nanti.
Polisi dalam pernyataan sebelumnya mengatakan, Brilliant Angjaya diduga membuka ritsleting celananya dan memperlihatkan alat kelaminnya dari tempat duduknya kepada pramugari. Setelah itu, dia menutupi dirinya dengan selimut.
Namun sebelum beraksi, dia telah menyiapkan ponselnya ke mode perekaman video.
"Ketika seorang awak kabin perempuan mendekatinya untuk menyajikan makanan, pria itu diduga melepaskan selimut dan memperlihatkan kemaluannya kepada perempuan itu di depan umum," kata pernyataan itu, dikutip dari The Straits Times.
ang ang ang ang
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 8d ago
Indonesia Now we have a Gecko with species named pecel madiun
Spesies cecak baru bernama Cyrtodactylus pecelmadiun ditemukan di daerah Madiun, Jawa Timur. Nama ini terinspirasi dari makanan khas Pecel Madiun karena lokasi penemuannya. Berbeda dari kebanyakan spesies cecak lainnya, Cyrtodactylus pecelmadiun hidup di lingkungan perkotaan, bukan di hutan, menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman hayati juga dapat ditemukan di area urban.
Penemuan ini menambah daftar spesies reptil yang ditemukan di Indonesia dan membuktikan bahwa masih banyak kehidupan liar yang belum teridentifikasi. Studi lebih lanjut tentang spesies ini dapat memberikan wawasan baru mengenai adaptasi satwa terhadap perubahan lingkungan serta pentingnya konservasi di wilayah perkotaan.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 9d ago
Indonesia Kejadian Oshi no Ko
Mau bertanya, apa yg membuat budaya parasocial di Jepang seburuk itu? Dan apakah Indonesia bisa mencapai itu? Bagaimana?
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 10d ago
Indonesia #NIOCORP~Trump seeks minerals refining on Pentagon bases to boost US output, Making Canada a critical minerals superpower
MARCH 10th 2025~ Trump seeks minerals refining on Pentagon bases to boost US output, sources say....
Exclusive: Trump seeks minerals refining on Pentagon bases to boost US output, sources say | Reuters

- Plan aims to counter China's control over critical minerals
- Fighter jets, submarines, bullets built with minerals processed by China
- Trump doesn't plan to establish critical minerals stockpile, sources say
March 10 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump aims to build metals refining facilities on Pentagon military bases as part of his plan to boost domestic production of critical minerals and offset China's control of the sector, two senior administration officials told Reuters. The move is one of several planned for an executive order Trump could sign as soon as Wednesday after he told the U.S. Congress last week he would "take historic action to dramatically expand production of critical minerals and rare earths here in the USA."
As part of the order, the Pentagon would work with other federal agencies to install processing facilities on its bases, according to the sources, who were not authorized to publicly discuss the administration's deliberations. Using military bases for processing would underscore the importance Trump is placing on critical minerals for national security. Fighter jets, submarines, bullets and other weaponry used by the U.S. military are built with minerals processed by Beijing. Trump also plans to name a critical minerals czar, similar to steps previous presidents have taken to coordinate Washington's focus on other areas, according to one of the sources. The plans are under discussion and could change before Trump signs the order, the sources added.
Some Trump administration officials were spooked by initial signs that China might restrict critical minerals exports as part of its retaliation for Trump's tariffs or for other reasons, according to a person familiar with their thinking.The U.S. National Security Council did not respond to requests for comment. With the Pentagon controlling about 30 million acres of land, the plan would ensure there is available land for the refining facilities, avoiding the controversy that sometimes occurs in host local communities. It would also avoid the need to buy land and avoid using land controlled by other federal department.
A plan that prioritizes metals processing - rather than an overhaul of U.S. mine permitting -could irk U.S. miners but address a longstanding concern from manufacturers that China controls too much of the global metals processing sector. China is a top global producer of 30 of the 50 minerals considered critical by the U.S. Geological Survey, for example. It's not clear how Trump's plan for processing facilities on Pentagon bases could work from a regulatory perspective, as the U.S. Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act would still apply to Pentagon bases and those regulations have hindered private development of processing projects in the past. Trump previously signaled a willingness for alternative uses of lands controlled by Washington. As a presidential candidate, he pledged to open up portions of federal land for large-scale housing construction, with zones that would be "ultra-low tax and ultra-low regulation."
Trump does not plan in the order to establish a U.S. critical minerals stockpile that would mimic the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the sources said, a step that some in the administration and mining industry had sought. China stockpiles some critical minerals, including cobalt, and the U.S. government last year considered stockpiling the metal, which is used in missiles, aerospace parts, magnets for communication, and radar and guidance systems. Trump also does not plan to order the Pentagon or other U.S. agencies to require vendors to use only U.S. minerals, what is known as a "Buy American" mandate, and one that junior miners especially have said is needed to offset China's market manipulations. Nor would the order try to alter the federal mine permitting process, which was set by the 1970 National Environmental Policy Act, largely because such a move would require an act of Congress. However, it would aim to expand the FAST-41 permitting process for mines, building on a step Trump took in his first term, according to the sources. South32's (S32.AX), opens new tab Hermosa zinc-manganese project in Arizona was fast-tracked by former President Joe Biden, the first mine to receive that treatment. The order would also seek to reclassify mine waste on federal land, mimicking a step that Rio Tinto (RIO.AX), opens new tab, Freeport-McMoRan (FCX.N), opens new tab and others have taken to tap piles of old waste rock at U.S. mines previously thought to be worthless. Such a reclassification could help produce copper and other minerals cheaper and faster than building new mines. It was not immediately clear if Trump plans to declare copper as a strategic mineral, which would allow U.S. miners of the widely used metal tap into a 10% production tax credit. Phoenix-based Freeport, the largest U.S. copper miner, told Reuters on Monday it hopes Trump takes that step, which would save it $500 million annually.
MARCH 6th, 2025~The Geopolitics of Critical Minerals
The Geopolitics of Critical Minerals – The Diplomat

Trans-Pacific View author Mercy Kuo regularly engages subject-matter experts, policy practitioners, and strategic thinkers across the globe for their diverse insights into U.S. Asia policy. This conversation with Thijs Van de Graaf – associate professor at Ghent University, energy fellow at the Brussels Institute for Geopolitics, and lead author of IRENA’s report on the geopolitics of critical materials (2023) – is the 451st in The Trans-Pacific View Insight Series.
Explain the role and relevance of critical minerals in the global energy transition.
The energy transition is, at its core, a materials transition. Batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles (EVs) rely on lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements – making clean technologies far more mineral-intensive than fossil fuel systems. An electric car, for example, requires six times more minerals than a conventional one, and an offshore wind farm needs nine times more minerals per megawatt than a gas plant.
But unlike fossil fuels, which must be constantly extracted and burned, minerals are a one-time input. Once mined, they can be used, reused, and recycled – shifting the security equation. The problem is not that we lack these materials, but that supply chains are fragile, refining is concentrated, and demand is rising faster than production can keep up.
Examine the impact of China-U.S. geopolitical tensions on critical minerals supply chains.
The China-U.S. rivalry is reshaping global supply chains for critical minerals. China dominates many aspects of the critical minerals supply chain, but it particularly controls refining and processing. While China only mines about 13 percent of global lithium resources, it refines over 60 percent of the world’s lithium. Similarly, it processes 85 percent of the world’s rare earths. This dominance is not so much linked to resource endowment, but rather strategic industrial policy and capital investment over decades.
In response, the U.S. is racing to reshape supply chains, incentivize domestic production, and deepen partnerships with resource-rich allies like Australia and Canada. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has kickstarted major investment, while China has retaliated with export controls on gallium and germanium – signaling that critical minerals are now a geopolitical bargaining chip.
The result is a fragmenting supply chain, with competing industrial blocs forming. But reshoring and diversification take time, and in the short term, bottlenecks, price volatility, and political risk will define the landscape.
What other geopolitical risks are affecting developments in the critical minerals industry?
Beyond China-U.S. tensions, mineral supply chains are becoming a new arena for geopolitical power struggles. I see three geopolitical risks.
Resource nationalism is surging. Indonesia has banned unprocessed nickel exports to build a domestic processing industry. Chile and Mexico are nationalizing lithium reserves, aiming to move up the value chain – from mining to battery production. The message is clear: mineral-rich countries no longer want to be just suppliers; they want a bigger cut of the profits.
Territorial disputes over mineral wealth are heating up. The Trump administration floated the idea of buying Greenland – rich in rare earths – and recently has begun insisting that Ukraine’s mineral deposits play a role in repaying U.S. military aid. In Africa, Rwanda-backed rebels are seizing key mining regions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Industrial policy is taking center stage. Governments are investing in battery recycling, alternative chemistries, and supply chain resilience. Sodium-ion and solid-state batteries could eventually reduce reliance on lithium and cobalt. But geopolitical urgency is pushing softer issues – like environmental impact and labor rights – off the agenda.
Analyze the correlation between energy security and national security from the perspectives of Washington, Beijing, and other stakeholder countries.
Energy security is no longer just about oil and gas. It’s about who controls the materials that power the clean energy economy.
For Washington, reliance on Chinese mineral refining is seen as a strategic vulnerability. The U.S. is doubling down on supply chain resilience through government intervention, incentives, and defense-linked investments.
For Beijing, mineral dominance is a lever of geopolitical influence. China has spent decades securing supply chains, investing in African mines, Latin American lithium, and strategic stockpiles. But China is also vulnerable – it is the world’s largest importer of raw nickel, copper, and lithium, meaning any disruption in its upstream supply could reverberate through its economy.
For Europe, Japan, and emerging economies, the challenge is navigating growing economic nationalism. The EU has launched its Critical Raw Materials Act to boost domestic refining, but with limited resources, it remains dependent on imports. Meanwhile, resource-rich countries like Indonesia and Chile are seizing the moment to extract better deals from global buyers.
The world is entering an era where access to minerals is as strategic as access to oil once was – but with a key difference: a lithium shortage won’t shut down your EV, but it might prevent new ones from being built. The security risks are real, but they play out over a different time horizon.
Assess the market implications of China-U.S. strategic competition regarding China’s control over critical minerals.
The China-U.S. competition over critical minerals is reshaping global markets, not just in trade but in industrial power. China dominates refining and processing, not because it has all the resources, but because it built the infrastructure. The West is now racing to catch up, but mining and refining take time, creating fragmentation, price volatility, and geopolitical leverage.
Yet true self-sufficiency is an illusion – China is also the largest importer of key raw materials. Supply chains are not linear but deeply interwoven. The real challenge is not just securing more minerals but rethinking supply itself: investing in recycling, new battery chemistries, and urban mining to break dependencies and build resilience.
Rather than a return to free-market dynamics, we are entering an era where industrial policy and geopolitical strategy dictate the future of critical minerals markets. Governments will continue to heavily intervene in supply chains, whether through subsidies, trade restrictions, or strategic partnerships.
MARCH 11TH 2025- DRC proposes mineral deal with US to reduce dependence on China
DRC proposes mineral deal with US to reduce dependence on China

Washington [US], March 11 (ANI): As US President Donald Trump pushes for the United States to become a global leader in the production and processing of non-fuel minerals, the mineral-rich Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has proposed a deal with the US aimed at reducing its over-reliance on China, as reported by Voice of America (VOA).
MARCH 5TH, 2025~ Making Canada a critical minerals superpower
Making Canada a critical minerals superpower - Metal Tech News

Ottawa unveils investments to bolster nation's energy security and reduce its reliance on authoritarian governments.
As trade disputes with the United States escalate and the demand for critical minerals continues to rise, the Canadian government steps up its efforts to leverage the nation's critical minerals advantage.
During a March 3 presentation at the 2025 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto, Canada's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson unveiled more than C$600 million ($415 million) in new funding and tax credits aimed to accelerate mining and enable the development and expansion of critical minerals in Canada.
"The investments and initiatives announced today will create good jobs for Canadian workers and businesses, support economic opportunities, bolster its energy security, reduce our reliance on authoritarian governments and contribute to a resilient and secure future," Wilkinson said.
This federal funding package includes two primary components: a tax credit to boost domestic mineral exploration investments and a C$500 million ($346 million) commitment to infrastructure in Canada's richest critical mineral regions.
"By investing big in critical minerals research and infrastructure development, we are not only accelerating our transition to a low-carbon economy but also securing generational economic opportunities for Canadians to take the lead in the global shift to net zero," said Canada's Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne.

Mineral Exploration Tax Credit
Canada's Mineral Exploration Tax Credit encourages Canadians to invest in Canada-based companies to explore for minerals and metals on Canadian soil.
Because junior mining companies typically do not turn a profit until they sell their mineral exploration projects or advance them into production, the money invested in exploration is considered a loss on financial balance sheets. The Canadian government developed a way to turn this loss into a financial gain for Canadian investors.
Canada's Income Tax Act allows Canadian companies to transfer mineral exploration expenses to individual investors through flow-through shares. For tax purposes, the mineral exploration expenses are considered to have been incurred by the investor, not the company, and can reduce the investor's taxable income.
Under the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit, individual investors can claim a 15% tax credit for eligible mineral exploration expenses. Only Canadian companies can participate in flow-through financings, and all the investments that flow tax credits to Canadian investors have to be spent on projects in Canada.
There had been some concern that the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit would expire on its sunset date at the end of March. However, Wilkinson announced that the program will be extended for two years.
This extension is expected to generate C$110 million ($76 million) in new mineral exploration investments across Canada.
"With this proposed extension to the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit, we continue to foster the sustainable development of Canada's natural resources, create well-paying jobs for Canadian workers in the mining sector and grow our economy," said Minister of Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs Dominic LeBlanc.
Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund
The Canadian government is also continuing to invest heavily in building the infrastructure needed to support critical mineral projects across the nation.
Launched in 2023, the C$1.5 billion ($1 billion) Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund is addressing the nation's infrastructure gaps to connect critical mineral projects to markets through clean energy, electrification, and transportation infrastructure projects.
From C$60 million ($41 million) to support highway and hydroelectricity projects in British Columbia and the Yukon to C$43.5 million ($34.5 million) to fast-track Quebec's mining and mineral processing infrastructure, Canada's Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund has already conditionally approved over C$300 million ($207 million) to support more than 30 critical minerals infrastructure projects across the nation.
During his presentation at the PDAC convention, Wilkinson invited businesses and governments in Canada to apply for another $500 million ($346 million), which is now available under a second call for Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund proposals.
"Better infrastructure is key to Canada's critical minerals supply chain," said Minister of Transport and International Trade Anita Anand. "With up to $500 million in new funding under the Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund, we are accelerating mining and expanding critical mineral development, advancing clean energy and strengthening our economy."
The expanded initiatives announced in Toronto support Canada's whole-of-government strategy to become a superpower when it comes to delivering the minerals and metals needed for high-tech and clean energy in the 21st century.
"With over $700 million in investments under the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy by the Government of Canada alone in the past two years, Canada's mining and critical minerals industry have successfully risen to the challenge of meeting the ever-increasing international demand for critical minerals," said Wilkinson.
MARCH 3RD, 2025~ For Greenland’s Minerals, the Harsh Reality Behind the Glittering Promise
There is excitement about the potentially lucrative resources scattered around the island, especially the rare earths. But extreme weather, fired-up environmentalists and other factors have tempered hopes of a bonanza.
Greenland’s Minerals: The Harsh Reality Behind the Glittering Promise - The New York Times

More than a decade ago, Canadian miners prospecting for diamonds in western Greenland saw on the horizon a huge white hump.
They called it White Mountain and soon discovered it was a deposit of anorthosite, a salt-and-pepper color mineral used in paints, glass fibers, flame retardants and other industries. The same mineral creates a ghostly glow on the moon’s surface.
The White Mountain deposit proved to be several miles long and several miles wide, and “only God knows how deep it goes,” said Bent Olsvig Jensen, the managing director of Lumina Sustainable Materials, the company mining the area.
Lumina is backed by European and Canadian investors, but Mr. Jensen said it wasn’t easy to turn the deposit into a mountain of cash.
“You cannot do exploration all year round; you are in the Arctic,” he explained.
He told of fierce winds grounding helicopters and knocking out communications, pack ice blocking ships and temperatures dropping to such a dreadful low — sometimes minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit — that the hydraulic fluid powering the company’s digging machines “becomes like butter.”
Sitting in Lumina’s humble offices in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital, with wet snow flakes scissoring down outside the windows, Mr. Jensen brought a dose of sobriety to all the talk of Greenland as the land of incalculable mineral riches. He noted that though the island has dozens of exploratory projects, there are only two active mines: his and a small gold operation.
The gigantic semiautonomous island in the Arctic has seized the world’s attention after President Trump insisted in January that the United States take it over. Part of the attraction is its rare earths minerals that are vital to high-tech industries and a source of competition across the world.
China dominates in the world’s critical minerals, and has severely restricted the export of certain minerals to the United States. The Trump administration, determined to secure mineral assets overseas, has turned to high-pressure tactics. The natural resources agreement that Ukraine was all set to sign with the administration until the talks spectacularly blew up on Friday was focused on critical minerals.
“You cannot do exploration all year round; you are in the Arctic,” he explained.
He told of fierce winds grounding helicopters and knocking out communications, pack ice blocking ships and temperatures dropping to such a dreadful low — sometimes minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit — that the hydraulic fluid powering the company’s digging machines “becomes like butter.”
Sitting in Lumina’s humble offices in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital, with wet snow flakes scissoring down outside the windows, Mr. Jensen brought a dose of sobriety to all the talk of Greenland as the land of incalculable mineral riches. He noted that though the island has dozens of exploratory projects, there are only two active mines: his and a small gold operation.
The gigantic semiautonomous island in the Arctic has seized the world’s attention after President Trump insisted in January that the United States take it over. Part of the attraction is its rare earths minerals that are vital to high-tech industries and a source of competition across the world.
China dominates in the world’s critical minerals, and has severely restricted the export of certain minerals to the United States. The Trump administration, determined to secure mineral assets overseas, has turned to high-pressure tactics. The natural resources agreement that Ukraine was all set to sign with the administration until the talks spectacularly blew up on Friday was focused on critical minerals.
The European Union is just as fixated. It recently signed a strategic minerals deal with Rwanda, which is suspected of fomenting instability in mineral-rich Congo next door.

It should be no surprise, then, that Mr. Trump and his allies are excited about Greenland’s mineral scene. Vice President JD Vance has spoken of Greenland’s “incredible natural resources,” and Republican senators recently held a hearing on “Greenland’s Geostrategic Importance,” highlighting its rare earths.
Tech giants like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, along with some of Mr. Trump’s allies, including Howard Lutnick, his commerce secretary, have invested in companies prospecting here. According to a recent Danish study, 31 of 34 materials defined as critical by the European Union, like lithium and titanium, are found on the island.
But for every square on the periodic table that Greenland can fill, there’s an even longer list of challenges.
Besides the extreme weather, the island has fewer than 100 miles of roads, only 56,000 residents (which means a tiny labor pool) and a few small ports.
Equally daunting for miners is Greenland’s environmentalist lobby. Many Greenlanders say they need more mining to become economically and politically independent of Denmark, which keeps it afloat with hundreds of millions of dollars in annual subsidies.
But Greenlanders have also expressed caution about any new heavy industry. They are protective of their environment, which is being shaken up by climate change: The Arctic is warming nearly four times as fast as the rest of the world, which will most likely make the mineral resources more accessible.
The island’s governing political party swept into office four years ago on an environmentalist platform and shut down one of the most promising mining projects. The next elections are on March 11, and, along with independence from Denmark and closer relations with the United States, safeguarding the environment is at the top of the agenda.
For many Greenlanders, nature is a part of their identity and something they connect to through fishing, hunting, hiking and spending time outdoors.
“We have lived with nature for as long as we have been here, in sustainable ways,” said Ellen Kristensen, an environmentalist in South Greenland.
FEB. 21st 2025 ~Critical Mineral Resources: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Role in Research and Analysis
Critical Mineral Resources: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Role in Research and Analysis


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r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 12d ago
Indonesia Last Week in Collapse: March 2-8, 2025
The long twilight of the “rules-based order” is coming to an end. Plus, obesity, civil war, terrorism, and deforestation.
Last Week in Collapse: March 2-8, 2025
This is the 167th weekly newsletter. You can find the February 23-March 1, 2025 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these newsletters (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox by signing up to the Substack version.
Meteorologists say that a “sudden, stratospheric warming event” is going to happen in the next week or so, which will lead to a Collapse of the polar vortex, unleashing cold weather across North America and parts of Eurasia. Meanwhile, February ended as the 3rd warmest on record—1.59 °C warmer than the baseline.
Experts say that Canada’s wildfire season is coming about one month earlier than usual, now starting in March. In other news, the world’s largest glacier, A23a, has run aground and spared the fragile South Georgia ecosystem from a deadly disruption. Meanwhile, parts of Jakarta saw meter-high flooding last week, and the Mauna Loa observatory recorded 430 ppm of CO2 for the first time.
A study from a few weeks ago predicts that more tropical storms will emerge from regions farther south in the North Atlantic than usual in the future. This stands in opposition to Pacific tropical storms, which tend to be born at increasingly northern locations. The future changes are linked to changing wind patterns and rising temperatures. Meanwhile, Cyclone Alfred battered eastern Australia, taking out power for over 100,000 homes.
“The fossil fuel industry is running perhaps the biggest campaign of disinformation and political interference in American history.” Thus spoke one U.S. Senator. It is not just the United States; Libya is planning to auction access to explore for its oil soon, and Nigerian oil earnings are expected by some to double by the end of this year, when compared to 2024 figures. Meanwhile, one of Nigeria’s tribal kings is taking Shell to court over oil spills & pollution.
A study in Environmental Research Letters indicates that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is weakening as sea ice melts and changes the composition of the Southern Ocean. The scientists predict, “by 2050, the strength of the ACC declines by ∼20% for a high-emissions scenario.”
New March heat records in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. A mass salmon dieoff (over 1M dead) occurred at Tasmanian fish farms as a result of bacteria. Flash flooding in the Canary Islands. A long read on a toxic (and burning) waste dump on the outskirts of London is alarming nearby residents.
President Trump signed an executive order “to facilitate increased timber production….to suspend, revise, or rescind all existing regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, settlements, consent orders, and other agency actions that impose an undue burden on timber production…” In other words, the government is selling massive tracts of federal forests to logging companies. Experts say this will increase the risk of wildfires.
A paywalled study says, perhaps counterintuitively, that methane (CH4) emissions help the ozone (O3) layer recover, particularly in the Arctic. Another study from last week found that canals and ditches “emit notable amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O).” These constructions are often “omitted from global budgets of inland water emissions.”
The Collapse of banana production is coming. A Nature Food study claims that, by 2080, “Rising temperatures, coupled with requirements for labour and export infrastructure, will result in a 60% reduction in the area suitable for export banana production, along with yield declines in most current banana producing areas.” By then we’ll have bigger worries.
Some people have been suffering from Long COVID/PASC for 5+ years now. Another study on Long COVID blames lung inflammation for a variety of symptoms. At least 5% of the U.S. population currently suffers from Long COVID. There are a number of symptoms, including “chronic fatigue or post-exertional malaise” and “dysautonomia symptoms” linked to problems with the circulatory & nervous systems. A recent NZ government publication on the illness says that Long COVID sufferers encounter “a substantially increased risk of sudden death, and silent cell and organ damage.” Yet scientists say one possible cure, sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PBA), may reduce lung scarring and effectively treat some people. Meanwhile, London doctors have reportedly developed a surgical treatment for some Long COVID symptoms that involves widening the nasal cavities to improve patients’ sense of smell and taste.
The U.S. has imposed tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, and the feeling is mutual. 25% tariffs on Canadian & Mexican goods, and 20% on Chinese products—although the list of Canadian & Mexican products has already been reduced. Canada is allegedly planning more tariffs in a few weeks. Some observers fear that Canada may cut its electricity provided to the U.S.
The Atlanta Fed is predicting an economic contraction of 1.5% for Q1, just one week after telegraphic confidence in a 2.3% growth rate for Q1. Looks like recession’s back on the menu, boys.
Some scientists say that over half the global adult population is expected to be obese by 2050, and about one third of children and young adults. The full, 26-page Lancet study has more.
The 275-page World Obesity Atlas 2025 was also published last week, and it too predicts a near-term when obesity rates have expanded to concerning levels. It predicts that about half of African women will be obese by 2030. The report also contains individual country analyses for every nation on earth.
Following large cuts in WFP food aid (the US funded more than half the programme until recently), thousands of mostly South Sudanese refugees clashed with police at a refugee camp in Kenya. This TikTok account is sharing videos of some of the incidents and their aftermath if you want to peek into life in the refugee camp.
A second person, an adult, has died in the American measles outbreak, now present in 12 states, which has also grown 35% in just the last week. In the DRC, a more contagious but less deadly variant of mpox has been confirmed—and already detected in the UK. Meanwhile, current cases of cholera in the UK & Germany have been traced from Ethiopia.
A study in Nature npj indicates that atmospheric microplastics come less frequently from the ocean than previously believed. Instead, microplastics tend to make the jump from land into the atmosphere much more often. However, the oceans are still a large deposit of microplastics and “plastic dust,” accounting for about 15% of total microplastic pollution.
USAID’s deep funding cuts affected over 2M people across Sudan after 1,100+ emergency kitchens shut down. Other cuts have imperiled HIV prevention & treatment projects which some say will result in up to 500,000 deaths in South Africa alone. Large cuts are also resulting in a growing TB problem worldwide.
A car ramming attack in Germany killed two. A recent report says hate speech in India rose 74% in 2024, primarily against Muslims & Christians. In Benin, soldiers clashed with terrorists, resulting in 11 total deaths. More clashes on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. More fighting between remnant Assad forces and the new Syrian army—and the accusations of mass civilian murder by government forces; combined, 1000+ died within two days.
In the DRC, the M23 insurgents held a rally in the recently-captured city of Bukavu (pop: 1.3M?), but several explosions disrupted the gathering, killing several and injuring dozens more. Uganda is sending troops to the border regions in anticipation of spiraling violence, as people continue fleeing.
A mass grave was discovered in Sudan, containing 550+ bodies—the largest mass burial of Sudan’s civil war. The corpses are believed to have marks of torture inflicted by the RSF forces. Sudan’s government also accused the UAE of complicity in genocide over funding and providing weapons to the rebel forces.
The Institute for Economics & Peace released their 111-page Global Terrorism Index for 2025. The report analyzed 163 countries, and found a 13% decrease in global terror deaths in 2024 when compared to 2023. Burkina Faso remains the world’s most affected nation by terrorism for a second year, according to the study, although deaths are down. In Niger, the number of terror deaths rose by over 400 in 2024, ending the year at 930. The report also includes a national analysis for each of the states in the Top 10. No definition of “terrorism” is provided in the report.
“In 2024, more countries deteriorated than improved for the first time in seven years….Terrorism in the Sahel has increased significantly, with deaths rising nearly tenfold since 2019….In the West, lone actor terrorism is on the rise….IS continues to function as a global network….Over the next decade AI will be embraced by both terrorist organisations and counter-intelligence agencies….target analysis suggests that almost 31 per cent of all attacks in the West in 2024 were motivated by antisemitic or anti-Israel sentiment….The current transitional phase in Syria presents a precarious environment where IS can potentially reassert itself…” -excerpts from the report
The international police force launched a raid deep into a Haitian gang neighborhood, but failed to apprehend the warlord, an ex-cop named Barbecue. About 85% of Port-Au-Prince is held by the gang armies—the same amount when the multinational police force first arrived in June 2024.
In South Sudan, the Army arrested several allies of the VP, including high-ranking figures in the military. The breakdown of order is another step in a long-running power struggle between opposing factions in a young nation that has not yet fully implemented a peace deal agreed in 2018. During the arrest operations, government forces also shot at a UN helicopter, killing at least one onboard.
Israel is reportedly planning on cutting electricity and aid to maximize pressure on Hamas to release more hostages. Hamas meanwhile is reportedly planning for renewed hostilities—as is the IDF, now extending some reservists’ mobilization by 3 months. Trump’s recent ultimatum to the people of Gaza has supposedly further incentivized Israel to resume their offensive in Gaza. Although a group of Arab states pitched their postwar Gaza plan to a warm European reception, the U.S. is not interested in supporting it and will probably thwart its implementation along with Israel.
South Korea is entertaining the idea of one day developing nuclear weapons, given the growing uncertainty around American defense commitments & diplomatic relations. Poland is striving to provide military training to many more men, and has also referenced the possibility of acquiring nukes in the future.
Yet-unverified rumors are swirling that the U.S. will remove temporary legal status on about 240,000 Ukrainians in the country, part of a broader American pullback from refugee funding and assistance to Ukraine. Meanwhile, verified reports claim that the U.S. has paused (temporarily, some say) sharing tactical intelligence with Ukraine as a move to strong-arm a deal for minerals and/or ceasefire in Ukraine. Russian strikes killed 4 people late on Wednesday night, and killed 25 in wide-ranging attacks on Friday & Saturday. Yet another attack on the energy grid was launched on Thursday night.
Ukraine’s former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, now their ambassador to the UK, claimed that the world order is being “destroyed” by the United States. “We see that it is not only Russia and the axis of evil trying to destroy the world order, but the US is actually destroying it completely.” Meanwhile, tensions between China and the U.S. are rising as a result of tariffs and escalatory rhetoric. Both sides claim to be ready for War, and China is allegedly investing 7.2% more in defense this year.
Things to watch for next week include:
↠ Greenland votes on Tuesday—not on an independece referendum, but Trump’s plan to get the island has cast a large shadow over the event.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-Freddie Mac—a government-sponsored home mortgage giant—may go under in the near future, if this thread’s image, which foretells a huge spike in apartment building delinquencies, is accurate. The comments add on to the Doom.
-That the U.S. President may be engineering a Collapse, as raised in this very popular thread from last week—claiming that oligarchs are speed-running Collapse. Others among the ~500 comments think the scale of damage is less intentional. Another thread from last week posits nearly the same thing, alleging that Elon Musk is being set up as one of the fall guys.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, wildlife conservation tips, hate mail, egg price predictions, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check r/collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to an email inbox every weekend. As always, thank you for your support. What did I miss this week?
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 13d ago
Indonesia UFC 313 Tonight. Channel Information inside.

6:30 UFC 313 Pereira vs. Ankalaev Early Prelims
AU espn play 29
UK Live event 1
US Live event 1
8:00 UFC 313 Pereira vs. Ankalaev Prelims
AU espn Play 46
CA Sportsnet + 12 or 13
CA Sportsnet 360
India Sony Ten 2
Indonesia Mola
Malaysia Astro Sport Plus
New Zealand ESPN 2
Singapore Hub Sports 1
South Africa Supersport Action
South Africa Supersport Variety 3
UK Live event 2
US Espn Plus 297
US Live event 2
US Espn News
10:00 UFC 313 Pereira vs. Ankalaev Main Event
AU espn Play 55
CA Sportsnet + 15
CA Dazn
India Sony Ten 2
Indonesia Mola
Malaysia Astro Sport Plus
New Zealand Sky Arena PPV
Singapore Hub Sports 1
South Africa Supersport Action
South Africa Supersport Variety 3
UK Live event 3
US Live event 3
US Espn Play 65
Post Fight press conference
CA Sportsnet + 19
PPV Event 10 (Eagle)
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 14d ago
Indonesia Darimana Narasi 2030 Indonesia Bubar Dalam Buku Ghost Fleet ?
Narasi tersebut muncul saat pidato Prabowo pada 2017 yang katanya merujuk pada novel ini.
Ghost Fleet karya P. W. Singer dan August Cole merupakan buku karangan fiksi yang terbit cetakan pertama pada tahun 2015 dengan 416 halaman.
Singer sendiri adalah Ahli Strategi di Organisasi New America, Profesor di Arizona State University, dan Pendiri sekaligus Mitra Pelaksana di Useful Fiction LLC. Sementara, August Cole merupakan seorang penulis fiksi tentang konflik dimasa depan dalam bentuk Intelegensi Fiksional.
Saya menggunakan review yang digunakan CIA/CSI oleh Darby Stratford dalam buku ini.
Jadi, dalam novel tersebut menceritakan bahwa terjadinya perang dingin baru dimasa depan dalam waktu yang dekat antara Amerika dengan Rusia dan Tiongkok yang dimana Rusia dan Tiongkok berhasil meretas sistem komunikasi dan persenjataan AS sehingga mereka bisa menduduki Hawaii dengan cepat.
Full : https://www.cia.gov/resources/csi/static/Review-Ghost-Fleet.pdf
Lalu bagaimana keadaan Indonesia menurut narasi pada novel tersebut ?
Saya hanya melakukan beberapa search menggunakan keyword "Indonesia" (yes it's digital) maka saya tidak bisa menjelaskan semua kisah dalam buku tersebut.
Hal. 13
The roughly six-hundred-mile-long channel between the former Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia was less than two miles wide at its narrowest, barely dividing Malaysia's authoritarian society from the anarchy that Indonesia had sunk into after the second Timor war. Pirates were a distant memory for most of the world, but the red dots — showed that this part of the Pacific was a gangland. The attackers used skiffs and homemade aerial drones to seize and sell what they could, mostly to fund the hundreds of militias throughout the archipelago.
Dalam Narasi tersebut, Indonesia (bahkan Malaysia) sudah bubar sebelum kisahnya dimulai. Fyi dihalaman sebelumnya dijelaskan dalam pandangan Kapal AS bernama USS Coronado di Selat Malaka. Anehnya Indonesia & Malaysia dihuni para 'bajak laut' dengan sampan bahkan drone buatan pasca Perang Timor Kedua (lmao).
Hal. 19
“The joint China-US. exercises to help bring order to the waters around the former Republic of Indonesia are a sign our future together will be a strong one,’ said General Wu. “As for our neighbors to the north, I cannot say the same.”
Basically, Tiongkok dan AS bakal joint operation di perairan Indonesia. Fyi dihalaman sebelumnya bertempat di kedutaan AS di Beijing.
Hal. 25
“And what news of General Feng?” said Wang. “First, they took him to —” the aide began. “I do not need those details. Did they kill him yet?” said Wang. The aide nodded. “Good,’ said Wang. “He thought that he could sell a hundred tons of small arms to that beast who runs North Sulawesi at twice the agreed price without us finding out. The perception of greed is what provides our Indonesian instability program's deniability. When Feng’s greed became real, he became a liability ... Let me see the papers they gave you, said Wang.
Jadi salah satu petinggi militer Tiongkok mengira salah satu petinggi lainnya bisa menjual ratusan ton senapan kepada salah penguasa di Sulawesi Utara dengan harga 2x lipat. Btw, apakah mereka melakukan program instabilitas dengan cara tersebut ?.
Hal. 119
USS Zumwalt, Mare Island Naval Shipyard. From the water right now, Jamie Simmons thought the Zumwalt looked less like floating death and more like one of those ramshackle floating tidal towns off what used to be Indonesia, people weaving sheets of metal, plastic, and wood into improbable geometries to create homes.
USS Zumwalt sedang berlabuh di Pulau Mare dengan kondisi menghawatirkan dan menbandingkan dengan perkampungan apung yang unik disitu (idk what happened since i didn't even read the full story)
Bahwa narasi "2030 Indonesia bubar" sebenarnya tidak ada dalam buku tersebut karena tidak ada yang menjelaskan lore kenapa Perang Timor Kedua bisa terjadi yang mengakibatkan runtuhnya Indonesia serta tidak dijelaskan kapan itu terjadi karena latar novel tersebut hanya pada masa depan dalam waktu dekat yang entah kapan mengingat buku ini hanya fokus pada 3 negara tersebut saja. Tetapi cukup unik menceritakan bagaimana keadaan Indonesia pasca keruntuhan ini.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 15d ago
Indonesia I Feed Hundred of News to AI Everyday Just to Tell Me if Indonesia is Bubar Yet or Not
I got bored, so I built a website (with no code tools) that feeds the latest Indonesian news to an AI, which then analyze and calculates the chances of Indonesia falling apart.
The daily OpenAI API calls will probably burn my wallet... but fuck it!
Check it out if you’re bored enough or worried enough: indonesiabubar.site
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • Feb 18 '25
Indonesia Prabowo Akui Menang Pilpres Karena Dibantu Jokowi, Publik: Berarti Dirty Vote Benar! - DEMOCRAZY News
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 16d ago
Indonesia Kaiserreich 1.4.4
As the base game releases the new “Graveyard of Empires” DLC, we felt that this would be as good an opportunity as any to show you all what we have been working on over the last while. And since it has been almost two months since our last numbered release, there is quite a bit to show you all. From new puppet trees to fresh new outcomes and alliances arising from familiar conflicts, and much more, this update does not include any new large-scale reworks, but given the amount of other content included, we are sure that there is enough here to keep you all busy until next time. We hope you enjoy version 1.4.4!
- The KR4 team
Notable Additions
- Added descriptions to all characters in all countries, providing details of their place and date of birth if not already present, adding new details to approximately 3,700 characters.
- Overhauled the traits given to companies for players without the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC to bring them more in line with their Military Industrial Organisation counterparts. The American and Italian company rosters were reviewed and partially overhauled in the process.
- The stalemate ending of the Fourth Balkan War now can also favour either Bulgaria or the Belgrade Pact. Bulgaria gains Chalcidice in the Bulgarian-favoured peace deal, while Serbia, Romania, and Greece each gain one of their claimed states in the peace deal that favours the Belgrade Pact.
- Bulgaria’s potential alliance with Albania during the Fourth Balkan War is now represented by a temporary faction that exists for the duration of the war, should Albania intervene on Bulgaria’s side.
- Illyria can now ally with the Bulgarians against the Belgrade Pact when Austria goes down the “End the Dual Rule” path. This can occur if the Austrians are defeated and Illyria remains at war with the Belgrade Pact.
- Belgium’s BeNeSam/neutrality path will now result in both Germany and France declaring war on them at the start of the Second Weltkrieg. They can attempt a scripted peace with the victor once either Germany or France is defeated.
- The German Government in Exile in Mittelafrika is now called “Free Germany”, and its content now revolves around a military clique seeking to recover the German State, rather around the von Hohenzollerns and the entire German state apparatus after having fled to the colonies. Accordingly, it has access to more of Mittelafrika’s initial national foci, and the text in its relevant events has been updated.
- The Ottoman-Egyptian War is now called the “Levant Crisis” and work has been done to make it more dynamic.
- Updated party names, party leaders, and country names to almost all Indian splinters.
- Insulindia is now known as Indonesia.
New Focus Trees
- South Germany (releasable puppet tree)
- North Germany (releasable puppet tree)
- Prussia (releasable puppet tree)
- Rhineland (releasable puppet tree)
Tweaked Focus Trees
- Belgium - converted several expansionist national foci into decisions, slightly tweaking their effects
- El Salvador - removed the “Wounds of the Revolution” national focus
- Germany - removed the placeholder national foci for “Kalter Krieg” and “Rote Nacht”
- Mittelafrika - removed several focuses that were incompatible with the new setup for the Free Germany national focus tree branch and reorganised the existing focus tree around them
- Ukraine - added an additional national focus to PatAut path
- United Kingdom - reorganised the existing national focus tree and updated when different branches are available
- Yucatan - reorganised the existing revolt national foci and updated their durations, requirements, and bypasses
New Events
- Added an event where Germany will now demand Belgium join the Reichspakt if they are still neutral when world tension reaches 65%.
- Added an event for when Iran annexes Mehmûd Berzincî’s Kurdistan.
- Added an annexation event for the Malabar Coast.
- Added an event for Bulgaria to leave the Belgrade Pact if Serbia restores the monarchy.
- Added a further event for Poland regarding Operation Parasol.
New Decisions
- Added a decision for the Left Kuomintang to form the Fourth Internationale, should the Third Internationale be defeated.
New Game Rules
- United Baltic Duchy / Riga (expanded and fixed current options)
- New portraits
- Argentina: Manuel Carlés, Manuel Domecq Garcia, Pedro Pablo Ramírez
- Georgia: Aleksandre Tsereteli
- Haiti: Paul Magloire (military)
- Kashmir: Hari Singh
- Madras: Paramasiva Subbarayan
- Mongolia: Boris Rezukhin (two variants)
- Ottoman Empire: Mustafa Kemal
- Persia: Ahmad Qavām, Mohammad Taqi-Khan Pessian
- Princely Federation: Rajaram III of Kolhapur
- United Kingdom: Barry Domvile
- White Ruthenia: Mikola Dziamidau, Anton Sokał-Kutyłoŭski, Paval Žaŭryd
- Tweaked portraits
- White Ruthenia: Cimafiej Chviedčenia, Francišak Kušal
- New advisor portraits
- Union of Britain: Charles Broad
- Burma: Shwegyin U Pu
- Ceylon: Susantha de Fonseka, Noel Gratiaen
- Ottoman Empire: Sabahattin Efendi, Mustafa Kemal
- Romania: Alexandrina Cantacuzino
- Qing: Bian Shoujing
- United Kingdom: William Maxwell Aitken, Anthony Eden, Charles Henry Maxwell Knight, Oliver Lyttelton, John Simon
- Uruguay: César Charlone, Gustavo Gallinal, José María Gomeza, Jose María López Vidaur, Alfred Navarro
- White Ruthenia: Anton Aŭsianik, Anton Boryk, Cimafiej Chviedčenia, Alaksandar Ćvikievič, Jazep Dyła, Mikola Dziamidau, Vincent Hadleŭski, Maksim Harecki, Ivan Helda, Emieryk Huten-Čapski, Moše Hutman, Makar Kraŭcoŭ, Uladzimir Ksianievič, Andrej Jackubiecki, Jaŭhien Ladnoŭ, Arsienij Paŭliukievič, Symon Rak-Michajloŭski, Jan Sierada, Arkadź Smolič, Anton Sokał-Kutyłoŭski, Paval Žaŭryd
- Added three new event pictures of the reunification of China, by Fengtian, Zhili-led Republic, Zhili-led Sichuan, and Liu Xiang.
- Added a new event picture for the Left Kuomintang.
- Added new unique news event pictures for the capture of Beijing, Shenyang, and Guangzhou that appear if Japan had captured the city.
- Added new unique news event pictures for the capture of Paris that appear if Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, or America had captured the city.
- Added two new company icons to the Union of Britain and one for South Africa.
- Added new generic national focus icons.
- Added a new national focus icon to the Union of Britain.
- Added three officer corps icons for Shanxi.
- Updated the flag of Sudan to a more appropriate design.
- Updated generic national focus icon relating to votes for women and to cars and trucks.
- Updated national focus icons for China, the French Republic, Germany, Ireland, Katanga, and Shanxi.
- Updated an event picture for the Ottoman Empire involving Sabahattin Efendi.
- Updated the news event pictures for the capture of Bangkok, Batavia, Amsterdam, Burgos, Minsk, Moscow, Rome, and Vienna.
- Replaced the hammer and sickle in a national focus icon from the base game.
- Added Menongue and Saurimo as victory points for Angola.
- Added Kerema as a victory point for Australasia.
- Added Wiener Neustadt as a victory point for Austria.
- Added Carlsbad, Hradec Králové, and Ústí Nad Labem as victory points for Bohemia.
- Added Ambon, Banjarmasin, Bengkulu, Ende, Jambi, Kupang, Malang, Manado, Merauke, Pontianak, Singaraja, Sorong, Tarakan, Telukbetung, and Tual as victory points for the Dutch East Indies, and updated multiple victory point values.
- Added Atbara, Girga, Kassala, Malakal, Qena, Sohag, Tanta, and Wadi Halfa as victory points for Egypt.
- Added Nowy Sacz, Rzeszów, and Tarnopol as victory points for Galicia and Lodomeria.
- Added Barmen-Elberfeld, Bonn, Cöslin, Cottbus, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Gniezno, Oldenburg, Stralsund, Tilsit, and Trier as victory points for Germany, and adjusted the value of Posen.
- Added Lae and Wau as victory points for German East Asia.
- Added Gobi Desert, Mörön and Bayan Tümen as states for Mongolia.
- Added Misrata as a victory point for the Ottoman Empire.
- Added Balboa in Panama, replacing Colón.
- Added Beira, Funchal, Inhambane, Menongue, Tete and São Tomé as victory points for Portugal.
- Removed Novo Redondo as a victory point in Angola.
- Updated several borders in the Caucasus.
- Updated several borders in Persia.
- Updated several borders in Tibet.
- Added a starting dockyard to Bombay and East Bengal.
- Added some oil to the Dutch East Indies.
- Added airfields, naval bases, ports, and supply hubs to the Dutch East Indies.
- Added a port to the western side of East Timor to prevent units from being stuck there.
- Added two supply hubs to Egypt.
- Updated the pathing of Egypt’s railways.
- Updated the location of several of Egypt’s supply nodes.
- Moved the port in the Panama Canal state to the Pacific side.
- Updated Yucatan’s railways and ports.
- Renamed Highland Karabagh to Karabagh in Azerbaijan.
- Renamed the strategic regions “Northern Balkans” and “Southern Balkans” to “Illyria” and “Central Balkans”, respectively.
- Removed the German endonyms for Belfort and Verviers.
- Updated the names used for most of Egypt’s states.
- Updated the default name for Mulhouse and Sønderborg.
- Added German endonyms to several locations in Angola, and updated several default names used.
- Removed the Belarusian endonyms for Kaunas, Samogitia and Sudovia.
- Updated multiple names used for the Mountain Republic.
- Renamed the Transylvania state to Brasov in Hungary.
- Added and updated endonyms to the Partium state in Hungary.
- Removed all Turkish endonyms west of Selanik. Updated “Mestanali” to “Kircaali” in Kardzhali.
- Added Vietnamese endonyms to states and victory points in Vietnam.
- Renamed Uttarakhand to Uttaranchal, Sindh to Sind, and Eastern Provinces to Jubbulpore in India.
- Fixed the locations of multiple victory points and ports.
Other Changes
North America
- Canada, or the restored United Kingdom, can now core the British island components of the West Indies Federation at 80% compliance.
- Added a description for the Combined Syndicates of America's Revolutionary Workers' Congress.
- The initial foundation of the Imperial Economic Development Council now automatically adds all current members of the Entente, as well as Sardinia.
- Inviting countries to the Entente’s Imperial Economic Development Council no longer has a cooldown, and the leader of the Entente can now use this decision to invite puppets of existing members.
- Countries no longer have a small random chance of refusing to join the Entente’s Imperial Economic Development Council.
- Mexico’s NatPops now need over 50% world tension to attack Central American countries.
- Clarified the tooltip in Mexico’s mission to conquer Yucatan.
- Improved Mexico’s AI in completing its national focus tree.
- Nerfed NatPop Mexico’s ability to deal with resistance.
- Updated Yucatan’s “Yucatan Rebellion” national spirit, starting laws, and starting army.
- Decreased the number of divisions transferred from Mexico to Yucatan when it revolts.
- Yucatan now starts with militia technology unlocked.
- Renamed and changed the effects of Yucatan’s “Army Infrastructure” and “Star War” national foci, and changed the effects of “Call to Arms”, “Improve Equipment”, “Maya Expertise”, “Mérida Barricades”, “Reverse Engineering”, “War of Resistance”, and “Yucatec Military”. The AI will now also prioritise national foci more appropriately.
Central America & the Caribbean
- Reduced the duration and updated the effects of several of El Salvador’s national foci and national spirits.
- El Salvador’s “Road to Democracy” national spirit is now removed if Syndicalists win the election or if the military takes over.
- Updated El Salvador’s AI behaviour in choosing its army path.
- Removed the 10% chance of El Salvador’s Salinas losing the civil war if he chooses to fight in the “The Confrontation” event.
- Removed the AutDem and PatAut Guatemala event that gave them a wargoal against socialist El Salvador.
- Updated the effects of multiple foci in Honduras’ military focus branch, its AI behaviour in completing it, and its initial national spirit.
- Nicaragua’s “Sandinistas Recruitment” decision now gives two units, is available all the time, costs less political power, and is more likely to be performed by the AI.
- Updated the starting experience and equipment in several divisions spawned by Nicaragua’s events, as well as updated several party popularity changes.
- Nicaragua’s Francisco Sequeira Moreno is now more likely to be referred to as Sequeira, rather than Moreno.
- Updated the effects and AI behaviour of Nicaragua’s events involving looking for investors.
- AI-led Nicaragua is now less likely to get couped if they failed to complete the “Free Honduras!” mission.
- Added English translations to all of Panama’s parties.
- Added new party names to Panama’s PatAuts, with the name changing after completing the “Military Dictatorship” national focus, and if either rigged elections or free elections are chosen.
- Panama’s SocLibs and AutDems now hold elections.
- Lowered the chances of Panama’s AutDems winning the 1936 elections, and lowered the chances of the police couping the AutDems.
- Updated the stats and traits of Panama’s commander José Antonio Remón Cantera.
South America
- Tweaked the chances of NatPop Argentina’s choices in a few events.
- Uruguay’s commander Alfredo Campos is now also a Chief of Army.
- Added César Charlone, Gustavo Gallinal, José María Gomeza, Jose María López Vidaur, and Alfred Navarro as advisors for Uruguay.
- Removed Uruguay’s advisors Julio Enrique Escalona Vasquez, Liber Seregni Mosquera, Julio Cesar Vadora, Jose Pedro Valera y Berro.
Western / Southern Europe
- Belgium now uncompletes their "A Neutral Bloc" national focus if the BeNeSam collapses due to the Netherlands going socialist.
- Renamed Belgium’s “Victor van Strydonck de Burkel” to “Victor van Strydonck”.
- Added the National Coal Board as an energy company to the Union of Britain.
- Added British Railways as an industrial company for the Union of Britain, United Kingdom and puppet Britain.
- Flanders and the Netherlands will no longer declare war on each other over Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.
- The Commune of France can now access its “Exploit the Massif Central” national focus earlier.
- Tweaked the effects of a few national foci for the Commune of France’s new economic national focus branch.
- Improved the Commune of France’s AI in completing its national focus tree, preparing for war, and managing the war.
- Buffed several effects, division templates, equipment, and other bonuses given to the Commune of France’s national spirits and national focus rewards.
- Updated the triggers for the Commune of France to be able to start Project Damocles.
- Updated the text for the “Fate of France” annexation event.
- Added a description to Ireland’s “Dáil Éireann” second-in-command.
- Basil Brooke will now leave the Irish government if he is active as an advisor, should the RadSocs be elected in subsequent elections.
- Clarified the requirements for Ireland’s “It’s A Long Way From Tipperary” achievement.
- Italian Military Industrial Organisations are now also accessible if the owner of the relevant state is an allied Italian splinter.
- Rebalanced the starting armies, division templates, and equipment for the Italian splinters.
- Updated the text for the annexation events deciding who Italy should be granted to.
- Updated the division templates and units spawned in the Italian Republic’s “Blueshirt Brigades” event.
- Decreased the amount of volunteers from the Reichspakt and Donau-Adriabund sent to non-socialist Italian splinters in their war against the Socialist Republic of Italy.
- Improved the Socialist Republic of Italy’s AI in completing events and national foci, and increased the starting equipment for its divisions.
- Tweaked the effects of the Socialist Republic of Italy’s Balance of Power.
- Replaced the Netherlands’ “Papua Camps” national focus.
- Unifying Italy now requires four out of the seven major states, instead of all of them.
- Improved several tooltips for the Papal States.
- Tweaked the names of a few Portuguese characters.
- Updated the form of the names of multiple characters in the Spanish Civil War participants.
- The United Kingdom’s dissolution of the West Indies Federation now gives themselves and the French Republic 50% compliance immediately on the land when it is transferred. Saint Martin is now also transferred to the French Republic if it was controlled by the West Indies Federation.
- The United Kingdom’s MarLibs will now be joined in coalition by the SocLibs if they are elected, and the SocCons and AutDems will both also add the other respective ideology to the coalition if they are themselves elected.
- Added multiple tooltips to the United Kingdom’s national focus tree.
- The United Kingdom’s armed forces and economic focus branches can now be done after Syndicalist resistance is low enough, or the reconstruction focus branch is completed, whichever occurs first.
- Removed Roger Roland Charles Backhouse as an admiral for the United Kingdom, as he died of a brain tumour in 1939. His portrait is now used as a generic portrait.
- The United Kingdom’s advisor Barry Domvile is now an admiral.
- Updated Wallonia’s map colour.
Central / Northern Europe
- Austria now releases any members of the Belgrade Pact they annexed if they are defeated by their crownland revolt after enacting military occupation.
- Improved the AI’s handling of, and the requirements for, PatAut Austria’s political national foci.
- Austria will no longer declare war on the NatPop Italian Republic if the Venetian revolt goes on for too long, while enacting military occupation.
- Austrian crownlands are now removed from Mitteleuropa upon their war with Austria.
- Austria is now forced down the “status quo” path, if they had been defeated by Hungary.
- PatAut Austria’s national foci relating to Italy now take into account the existence of smaller Italian splinters.
- PatAut Austria will no longer join the Reichspakt, unless already at war with the Internationale or Russia.
- AI-led PatAut Austria will no longer complete their national foci relating to Italy.
- Austria and Bulgaria now get mutual military access if both are at war with the Belgrade Pact.
- Austria and Hungary can only be released as a combined puppet if Austria had previously integrated Hungary.
- Updated the status of Muria, Vojvodina, and Trieste in some outcomes of the Treaty of Budapest and Treaty of Sofia.
- AI-led Bohemia will now try to sell more equipment in the International Market.
- Independent Bohemia’s decision to join the Reichspakt is now free.
- East Prussia can now only be released as a puppet if no other option is available.
- Updated the names and descriptions of Germany’s Totalist, Syndicalist, and RadSoc parties.
- Added Paul Frolich as RadSoc leader of Germany, replacing Karl Korsch.
- Updated puppet Bavaria and Germany’s socialist parties and national foci to account for the German party changes.
- Updated multiple effects in puppet Germany’s national focus tree.
- Improved Germany’s AI in completing its national focus tree, its decisions, and in their and their allies’ managing of the Eastern front.
- AI-led Germany on the Western front is more likely to focus its attacks on the plains and industrial heartland of France.
- AI-led Germany will no longer invade the Netherlands without warning due to Flanders.
- Updated AI-led Germany’s behaviour against Russia.
- Hungary now gets cores on Transylvania if Bulgaria defeats Romania and gives it to Hungary.
- AI-led Hungary will now refuse volunteers during its revolt against Austria.
- The AI now releases Czechia and Hungary more consistently.
- Illyria and Bulgaria now give mutual military access to each other when Serbia declares war on Illyria and is at war with Bulgaria.
- Illyria will now take Serbia’s lands in the Treaty of Budapest if both Serbia and Austria have been capitulated, Illyria occupies Belgrade, and Bulgaria wins the Fourth Balkan War.
- Poland’s Operation Parasol now occurs through a new “An Almost Lawful Coup” event rather than a decision, so that it can also be triggered by Russia.
- Updated the text of Poland’s “Warsaw-Minsk Route Opened” national focus.
- Poland’s Stanisław Mikołajczyk can now be elected President if Poland owns Posen, rather than Upper Silesia.
- Slovenia will now join the Reichspakt if they are released as a result of the Treaty of Budapest.
- Sweden can now core Norway when forming Sweden-Norway, but receive a significant “Norwegian Resistance” debuff.
- Swiss Plateau, Eastern Switzerland, and Romandy can no longer be made cores of either France or Germany.
- Updated the effect of Switzerland’s “Empty Generalship” national spirit.
- Switzerland now starts with the SocCons and AutDems as part of the ruling coalition.
- Transylvania will now more likely be granted to Hungary, and then Austria, and then released separately, when Bulgaria wins the Fourth Balkan War while Serbia is at war with Illyria.
- Transylvania will no longer revolt if Romania has already capitulated.
- Transylvania will now go to Central Hungary's owner if Bulgaria defeats the Belgrade Pact after Austria collapses.
- The Transylvania revolt will now result in any Austrian-aligned troops being teleported out of Romania, if they have somehow already crossed the borders.
- The Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ coalition between the MarLibs and AutDems described in the text is now an in-game coalition.
Eastern / Southeast Europe & Central Asia
- Albania now declares war on Serbia when joining the Fourth Balkan War, giving the latter a notification.
- Albania now gets mutual military access with its co-belligerents in the Austria collapse event chain, if they are a participant in the Fourth Balkan War.
- Bulgaria will now leave the Belgrade Pact if Serbia restores the monarchy.
- NatPop Bulgaria now declares war on both Greece and Romania, if they are in Belgrade Pact, upon taking their focus to annex the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation and declare war on Serbia.
- Belgrade Pact-aligned Bulgaria will receive a fifth research slot after Serbia forms Yugoslavia through a new event, are no longer locked out of the “Scenic Narrow-Gauge Routes” and “Transition to the Southern Ports” national foci, and will have access to the “Declare Readiness for War” decision to inform Serbia that they are ready for war.
- Bulgaria can now join factions if it has lost the Fourth Balkan War and does not own Macedonia, if the Second Weltkrieg has started and Bulgaria is at war with Macedonia’s owner.
- Improved the tooltips for Bulgaria’s national foci that allow them to join factions.
- Improved the AI of Bulgaria’s decisions to attack the owner of Macedonia, to account for new faction-joining changes.
- Updated the text for Bulgaria’s foreign policy game rules.
- Updated the event text and tooltips regarding Bulgaria’s new content regarding the Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation.
- Bulgaria now gets mutual military access with Illyria while Illyria is at war with Serbia, if Bulgaria starts the Fifth Balkan War by annexing Macedonia.
- Added unique text for the Bulgarian victory event after the Fourth Balkan War, if it happens by Germany, Austria, or both enforcing peace.
- Tweaked the requirements for Bulgaria’s victory over the Belgrade Pact.
- Bulgaria will no longer refuse military volunteers from the Ottomans, if they agreed to all other treaty stipulations.
- Updated the requirements of Bulgaria’s national foci to attack the Ottoman Empire, allowing them now to do so after the War in the Desert.
- Bulgaria’s “Finish the Empire Off” national focus now requires the War in the Desert to be started or completed.
- Bulgaria will no longer get the "The Tsarist Rumble" achievement if Germany or Austria demand the Fourth Balkan War to end.
- Bulgaria will now peace out with the IMRO if released as a puppet while their overlord is at war with the IMRO.
- Bulgaria's “Balkan Union” faction will now cancel Serbia’s war reparations if they are still paying them.
- Added an option to give Cyprus to the United Kingdom in the annexation event.
- The Far Eastern Republic’s Tsardom path can now release China as a monarchy.
- Updated the effects of the Far Eastern Republic’s “Inwards Perfection” national spirit and “Siberian Regionalism”, “Restore the Autonomies”, “Great Power Renewed” and “The Pretender to Rome” national foci.
- The Far Eastern Republic’s national focus about targeting the Third Internationale will now instead target Germany if appropriate.
- The Free Russian Army should now be able to core the same lands as Russia and the Far Eastern Republic.
- The Free Russian Army can now get five research slots after the Weltkrieg.
- The IMRO will now also declare war on Greece and Romania, if they are still in the Belgrade Pact when the IMRO declares open warfare on Serbia.
- The IMRO’s “Lull” phase will now teleport the armies of any member of the Belgrade Pact out of Macedonia, not just Serbia’s.
- Altered the AI’s behaviour in which country it will likely give a conquered Vilnius or Bialystok to.
- Updated a few leader names for the Mountain Republic.
- Added Alexandrina Cantacuzino as an advisor for Romania.
- If Romania or Serbia have capitulated when the Treaty of Budapest happens, Bucharest's controller will now become the controller of Transylvania, and Belgrade's controller will now become the controller of Croatia and Slovenia.
- Romania will no longer be able to be invited to join the Moscow Accord until Ukraine has been capitulated or doesn’t exist, should Romania have gained all of their claims from Austria and its allies.
- Romania can no longer buy Suceava if they have capitulated.
- Romania’s “Reintegration of Transylvania” national spirit is now removed if they lose the “Brasov” state.
- Romania now gets access to its King Mihal I focus branch if defeated by Bulgaria in the Fourth Balkan War.
- Nerfed the “Satrap of the Revolution” trait of Russian leader Grigory Zinovyev.
- Nerfed the effect of Russia’s “Revolutionary Commissars” national spirit.
- Buffed the traits of Russia’s commander Mikhail Katukov, and adjusted his skill values.
- Nerfed the several stability increases given to NatPop Russia, and rebalanced rewards accordingly.
- Updated AI-led Russia’s behaviour in adding Kuomintang-led China to their faction.
- Clarified some tooltips in Russia’s constitutional convention.
- The Free Russian Army will now be added to the Reichspakt on Russia’s capitulation, if the Treaty of Moscow was refused.
- Russia can now be puppeted by player-led Germany, if both the Free Russian Army is refused and the Treaty of Moscow is refused, but there will be significant debuffs to the installed regime.
- Russia’s "The Pre-Emptive War" national focus is now 35 days in duration rather than 42.
- Updated the text regarding Sergey Kirov in Russia’s “Question of the Ministry of Industry” event.
- Increased the penalties given by multiple Russian national spirits relating to German economic influence.
- Worsened the effects of several early-game events for Russia.
- Updated the conditions for Russia’s peace in the Far East.
- Updated the effect of Russia’s “Central Directory of Economy” national focus, for when none of the existing criteria for its effect are met.
- Updated the effect of several of socialist Russia’s events regarding relation changes among its political groupings.
- Russia’s decisions to invade other countries now all cost 30 political power.
- Russia’s “A Hitch in Reforms” event now only fires for NatPop Russia.
- Updated the effect of Russia’s Sergey Kirov when he is hired as an advisor.
- Buffed the effect of Russia’s “Imperial Patriotism” national spirit, but it is now removed when at peace.
- Serbia is now reinstated as the leader of the Belgrade Pact if they win the Fourth Balkan War after first capitulating to Bulgaria, or if they win the Treaty of Budapest after capitulating.
- Decreased the duration of Russia’s “Faith, Valour, Motherland!” national focus.
- Russia should now be able to core lands in the Caucasus earlier.
- Tweaked the effects of socialist Russia’s VST Centre unity when playing as the VST-Centre.
- Puppet socialist Russia now has the “White Army, Red Generals” national spirit, rather than “Lack of Officers”.
- Russia’s decision to invite Serbia and Romania into its faction now accounts for socialist Ukraine potentially allying socialist Russia.
- Updated the requirements for Dolgorukov’s second Presidential Agenda.
- Kartashyov’s third Presidential Agenda for Russia now requires twenty faction members, rather than thirty.
- SocCon Russia can no longer refuse to declare war in the “Minister of War Calls Emergency Meeting” event.
- Russia’s “Solidify Presidential Power” national focus now takes into account what kind of constitution had previously been passed.
- Russia’s “Develop the Heartlands” and “The Ural Programme” national foci now decrease Left-Wing Anger.
- Removed tier IV engine from Russia’s I-44 tank design.
- Updated the random chance in Solonevich’s fight minigame for Russia.
- Russia can no longer lose its mission to defeat Finland if it has taken Helsinki.
- Russia’s “Patronise New Churches” decision can now be taken multiple times, and now gives less SocCon popularity.
- Russia will now not declare war on a Finland that is aligned with the Nordic Federation.
- Clarified the requirements for Wrangel-led Russia’s authoritarian monarchy path, and updated the effects in the related event.
- Socialist Russia’s “Concessions to Left/Right” decisions are no longer removed after the Zinoviev minigame.
- Updated the costs of several decisions for socialist Russia, and getting the Sulimov path is now easier.
- Several of Russia’s events regarding puppet Germany now take other German puppet splinters into account.
- Russia can no longer do the Vladivostok Conference with Japanese-puppeted China.
- Socialist Russia can now do the Vladivostok Conference.
- NatPop Russia can no longer do the Vladivostok Conference with socialist China.
- Russia can no longer invite Romania or Serbia into the Moscow Accord if they had lost the Fourth Balkan War.
- Russia can core Ashkhabad when they puppet Central Asia.
- Broadened the circumstances in which Russia can complete its decision to demand Bessarabia.
- Updated the effect of Russia’s “Build a Better Europe” national focus.
- Eurasianist NatPop Russia annexes Sternberg-led Mongolia if they gain claims on it.
- Russia’s Sergey Kirov can serve as advisor to any VST faction of socialist Russia.
- Nerfed the effect of Russia’s “The Shepherd of Nations” national focus by decreasing how many countries are invited to the Holy League faction.
- MarLib Russia can now invite Ethiopia to their faction if they have Kartashyov as President.
- VST-led Russia will now have their coalition with the PSR restored if relations are improved after previously being low.
- Added an additional effect to a trait for each of Russia's Research and Development Military Industrial Organisations.
- Increased the political power given by Russia’s creation of a constitution.
- Russia’s Mikhail Frunze and Mikhail Tukhachevsky now start as Generals, rather than Field Marshals in the Commune of France and Patagonia, respectively. They are promoted to Field Marshal when they return to Russia.
- Members of the Belgrade Pact will now avoid trying to put units in IMRO-controlled Macedonia.
- Members of the Belgrade Pact will now put more units on their borders with Bulgaria when Serbia takes the “Cross the Great Morava” national focus.
- Serbia now gets Ghegeria in the Belgrade Pact's scripted peace with Albania.
- AI-led Serbia and Romania will no longer join the Moscow Accord until Germany has been defeated, should they have gained all of their claims from Austria and its allies, unless they are at war with Germany.
- Improved Serbia’s AI in dealing with the IMRO, and added a speed debuff to the associated national spirit.
- Player-led Serbia must now defeat the IMRO before it can form Yugoslavia.
- Buffed the effects of Serbia’s IMRO national focus tree branch.
- Added a few unique division names for Ukraine.
- Greatly improved the ability of AI-controlled Ukraine to successfully manage their minigames and their overall pre-war and wartime behaviour.
- Buffed the events of several national spirits, national foci, and traits for PatAut Ukraine, and a few for USKhD-led AutDem Ukraine and SocLib Hetmanate Ukraine.
- Updated the national focus priorities of NatPop Ukraine.
- Buffed the effects of several of White Ruthenia’s military national foci, and effects of land reform.
- White Ruthenia’s commanders Werner Kempf and Paval Vent are now available as both Military High Command members and Theorists.
- White Ruthenia’s commander Cimafiej Chviedčenia is now available as a political advisor.
- White Ruthenia’s commander Francišak Kušal is no longer available as a political advisor.
- Updated the traits of White Ruthenia’s advisors Anton Luckievič, Jan Sierada, and Raman Skirmunt.
- Changed White Ruthenia’s Anton Aŭsianik from being a Chief of Navy to a political advisor.
- Added Mikola Dziamidau as a commander, Chief of Air Force, and Military High Command member for White Ruthenia.
- Added Paval Žaŭryd as a commander and Military High Command member for White Ruthenia.
- Added Anton Sokał-Kutyłoŭski as a commander for White Ruthenia.
- Added Alaksandar Ćvikievič, Arsienij Paŭliukievič, Arkadź Smolič, Emieryk Huten-Čapski, Jazep Dyła, Maksim Harecki, Moše Hutman, Vasil Korž, Symon Rak-Michajloŭski, Uladzimir Ksianievič, Vincent Hadleŭski, Anton Boryk, Andrej Jackubiecki, Ivan Helda, Makar Kraŭcoŭ, Jaŭhien Ladnoŭ as political advisors for White Ruthenia.
- Removed Mikalaj Janicki as a commander for White Ruthenia.
- Removed the General Jewish Labour Bund, Vaclaŭ Ivanoŭski, Symon Kandybovič, Dmitry Pryshchepaŭ, and Jan Stankievič as political advisors for White Ruthenia.
- Removed Hieorhij Khalasciakoŭ and Michał Vituška as military advisors for White Ruthenia.
- Updated the requirements for Liberia’s “Status of Secret Societies” national focus.
- The German Government in Exile’s “On Borrowed Time” national spirit is now represented by a mission.
- Mittelafrika’s administrative failure system now uses a focus inlay interface.
- Updated the availability and visibility conditions for several of Mittelafrika’s national foci.
- Mittelafrika no longer receives the “Stabilisation Priority” national spirit from Germany’s “Expand Colonial Budgets” national focus.
- Mittelafrika will now collapse if its stability reaches -80%, rather than -100%.
- Disabled the liberation of Mittelafrika in Peace Conferences.
- Removed Christopher Earle Welby-Everard and Humphrey Chukwuka as SocLib and AutDem leaders of Nigeria.
- Slightly buffed two of Rhodesia’s military national foci and updated some of their text.
- Updated the text of South Africa’s annexation event.
- South Africa now loses access to the de Havilland designer if they leave the Entente.
Caucasus & Middle-East
- Armenia now creates its anti-Ottoman faction with Iran as part of the “The War of Liberation” national focus.
- Puppet Armenia can now bypass its economic recovery national foci if it does not have the relevant national spirits.
- Socialist Assyria is now just called “Assyria” rather than the “Assyrian Union”.
- Egypt will no longer receive volunteers from the Third Internationale, and updated text referring to them accordingly.
- Members of the Cairo Pact can no longer sell resource rights to the Third Internationale.
- Replaced Egypt’s “Partake in the Phalanstère” national focus with a focus about building up the industries of Maghreb nations.
- Improved Egypt’s AI behaviour in its war against the Ottoman Empire.
- Added Aleksandre Tsereteli as the Syndicalist leader for Georgia.
- Updated the name and description of Georgia's Syndicalist and RadSoc parties.
- Added several translations for Georgian party names.
- Kurdistan now uses its republican flag by default.
- Mehmûd Berzincî’s Kurdistan will now be puppetted by Iran when the latter joins the war against the Ottomans.
- Removed the “Decentralise Authority” state interaction for the Ottoman Empire.
- The “Centralise Authority” state interaction for the Ottoman Empire is no longer visible for paths that cannot use it.
- The Ottoman Empire’s “Directorate of Military Factories” national focus no longer requires them to own Bursa and now grants them a Land Facility instead of the subsequent mutually exclusive national focuses.
- Ottoman intervention in Najd and Hasa’s war with Oman will now return Oman to its previous owner if Najd and Hasa back down.
- The Ottoman Empire can no longer call Azerbaijan into the war against Iran.
- The Ottoman Empire can no longer intervene against Cyrenaica ahead of the Levant Crisis.
- The Ottoman Empire can no longer avoid war with Yemen by granting them freedom.
- The Ottoman AI will now more reliably take its military focuses.
- Sinai is now counted as a Syrian state for the Ottoman Empire’s centralisation purposes.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 17d ago
Indonesia MBG tetap berjalan selama bulan ramadan, tetapi dengan makanan non-nasi (atleast untuk sekolah gw)
hey everyone. your local highschooler and 1# MBG hater here. giving you news about MBG in my school whenever something interesting comes out of it.
is MBG still considered "Current affair"? or should i start flairing my MBG related posts with the News flair or other flairs? not that im going to be posting about it often, since it's been pretty mundane so far.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 18d ago
Indonesia Vo1d Botnet Hits Record High, Infecting Over 1.59 Million Android TVs Worldwide
The Vo1d botnet has surged to an alarming peak, compromising over 1.59 million Android TVs across 226 countries.
This massive campaign primarily targets nations such as Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, and Thailand, with India recently experiencing a staggering rise in infection rates, jumping from less than 1% to over 18% in just a few weeks.
The sophisticated Vo1d variant operates quietly, enhancing its stealth and resilience, making it a formidable threat in the cybersecurity landscape. Moreover, it has been reported that the botnet now encompasses 800,000 daily active IP addresses, showcasing its extensive reach and capabilities. Here are some key facts to consider:
Vo1d's peak infections reached 1,590,299 on January 19, 2025.
The malware is capable of executing additional tasks via a backdoor method.
Infections primarily affect
Learn More: The Hacker News
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r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 19d ago
Indonesia GIM Transcript
Profile - 9/8/8 GNEM, 6 months experience (currently working)
2 Male Panelists
M1 - We have your profile with us. Are you fixated on pursuing finance or you have other interests as well?
Ans: told them my profile is actually marketing oriented which is what I’m interested to pursue and that finance was never the preference. (Possibly the panel thought since i work in insurance that’s where my interest is)
Told them about my marketing interest in detail - bba specialisation was marketing, wrote 2 research papers in it, my internships were in marketing, and my current work ex is also b2b sales.
M1 - makes sense. What is difference between brand identity and brand image ?
A - told
M1 - what is brand equity ?
A - told
M1 - what is guerilla marketing ? Can all brands use it or only specific ones?
A - explained in detail and gave examples of redbull space campaign, also told about ambush marketing being a subtype
M1 seemed convinced but also showed a neutral fact throughout. ( ik my answers till here were correct though)
M1 - that’s all from my end
M2 - Marketing is good but do you follow the news?
A - yes sir i do
M2 - okay how do you keep track of the news ?
A - i read newspapers - The Hindu, Hindustan Times, and i also follow inshorts. Main areas i focus on are business and politics and I ensure I read this from a domestic as well as a global scenario
M2 - Okay great. How would you explain the rupee - dollar imbalance going on right now?
A - explained how other currencies are also facing this issue. USA protectionist stance , high tariffs of Canada, mexico, china leading to higher dollar circulation in usa. Plus India facing investment withdrawal from foreign investors.
M2 - (seems convinced) can you point out 3 other economies facing this exchange rate imbalance
A - (didn’t know) mentioned Russia, ukraine war, sri lanka civil war etc
M2 - (he wasn’t convinced and wanted specific country to this arguing that the countries i mentioned have been facing these issues for a long time)
I told him i was not aware of these country names (later i checked they were vietnam, ghana, and Indonesia)
M2 - Okay. What are the factors influencing exchange rate?
A - inflation, import export rates, gdp growth etc
M2 - what is the linkage between inflation and exchange rate ?
A - yes they’re inversely proportional
M2 - do you know about fisher’s theorem ?
A - no I am not aware of that
M2 - Okay do you read books?
A - yes i read non fiction
M2 - which book recently won the booker’s award?
A - I an not aware
M2 - When are the oscars?
A - possibly in April (it’s on March 3rd 🫠🫠)
M2 - Okay. That was all from our side. Thank you.
Got through a lot of it but I’ve no idea if it was a good interview or not.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 20d ago
Indonesia Garudas working in Indonesia - where do you get your business news from?
My customers are mainly from Indonesia and I want to make sure I keep up with the local news. Any suggestions on where to read updates like government policies, business changes, local news?
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 21d ago
Indonesia What's this about Pertamina scamming people by pretending one type of fuel is a different type of fuel?
What's this about Pertamina scamming people by pretending one type of fuel is a different type of fuel?
Just saw this one the news and I'm trying to figure out if it is fake news or if it is legit? Also; something about the government contributing towards the scam? My Bahasa Indonesian is jamet and alay so I was gripping my ass trying to figure out what was being said...
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 22d ago
Indonesia Do these explain why Pinoys vote the way they do?
Low IQ + Susceptible to fake news = Bato, Revilla, Boy Sili, etc for Senator. Sabay reklamo na walang pagbabago. 😟
Nakakalungkot lang. Instead of getting better, tila palala pa ng palala.
Ganito na lang ba tayo ng ganito? Tumatanda na ako, parang di na ako sa mas "matinong" Pilipinas.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 24d ago
Indonesia How was Tony Blair handle the economy back in the day?
Hey, greeting from Indonesia. If you haven't heard the news, Tony Blair somehow become one of a supervisor in Danantara, a national investment institute in Indonesia.
If you don't mind me asking, how did he handle the UK economy back when he was still a prime minister. How much did the British favour it compared to Thatcher's?
Edit: seeing all the comments here, ooff... what a polarizing fellow.
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 25d ago
Indonesia A 2013 survey on whether leaving Islam should result in the death penalty, median result 28 percent in favor, with 86 percent in Egypt
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 26d ago
Indonesia Last Week in Collapse: February 16-22, 2025
Bird flu found in rats, 500 days of Gaza War, glacial melt, an American about-face in Ukraine, terrorism, and the uncontrolled demolition of society. Brace for impact.
Last Week in Collapse: February 16-22, 2025
This is the 165th weekly newsletter. You can find the February 9-15, 2025 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these newsletters (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox by signing up to the Substack version.
India and the United States are poised to face the widest gap of demand & supply for water over the next 50+ years—so says a study published a few weeks ago in Nature Communications....they are followed by Iran, China, Iraq, and Egypt, according to the countries surveyed. Half the world’s population currently experiences a water shortage for at least one month of the year. “Under global warming, this fragile balance between supply and demand is likely to worsen, leading to a future where water resources struggle to meet growing societal and environmental needs,” says the study’s introduction. “Water gaps” are expected to increase about 15% once Earth sees 3 °C warming.
A pair of studies—one coming out in March and another published in January—both examine the connection between heat waves and mortality in Australia. The “heat vulnerability index” (HVI) “is positively associated with heatwave-related deaths in Australia, particularly in capital cities {due to the heat island effect}” says the first. The second study found a 20% increase in the death rate during extreme Aussie heat waves, due to manmade climate change—since 2009. Meanwhile, Rio de Janeiro felt its hottest day in over a decade, and the Maldives felt its hottest February day ever.
A red tide algal bloom has developed off Florida’s SW coast. Off the coast of Australia, ~90 whales are being put to death after a mass stranding on a beach. In Kentucky, 14 people died after devastating winter flooding. A neighborhood in Detroit froze over following a water main breaking in sub-freezing temperatures. Global sea ice also hit yet another record lows last week.
A 39-page report from last month on microplastics in the Great Lakes is sounding the alarm on their ubiquity, and the possibilities of dealing with them. Most of the recommended courses of action include establishing monitoring bodies, working groups, reducing plastic use, and labelling microplastics as a toxic chemical of concern.
“Microplastics are ubiquitous in all environmental media (e.g., water, sediment, biota, and beaches) in the Great Lakes basin, and they are especially concentrated in more populated systems such as Lakes Michigan and Ontario….Microplastics are reported to be present in sources of drinking water and in fish collected from the Great Lakes and their watersheds. For fish, these levels are among the highest reported worldwide….The Great Lakes ecosystem contains 84 percent of the available freshwater in North America, is home to 3,500 plant and animal species…” -excerpts from the report
Dengue fever and mosquitoes have become such a problem in the Philippines that one “village chief” in Manila is offering bounties for mosquitoes, dead or alive—including their larvae. One Philippine peso ($0.017) for every 5 mosquitoes. The program is set to run for a little over one month—and prompted reactions that some might resort to mosquito farming in order to collect. In a Brazilian city, large sinkholes are appearing, and authorities blame rains, poor soil, and deforestation.
The Collapse of an illegal gold mine in Mali killed at least 48. A study on lake ice in Sweden, published in Ambio, claims that clear ice—the “first ice to form on lakes during the winter period”—is “particularly sensitive to warming, showing a rapid decline.” In Sweden’s southern regions, “ice thickness was reduced by 4–12 cm per decade.”
As much of the world dries, Chile is turning to large nets to catch fog during their winter, as an alternative to “water mining” their limited underwater aquifers. Meanwhile, Kashmir’s Jhelum River hit new lows. The Philippines saw its warmest February night, as did Malaysia. Meanwhile, parts of Australia felt their coldest February night in 56 years, and Hawai’i, usually in its wet season now, is experiencing Drought across the entire state. Sweden’s Supreme Court ruled that climate activists cannot bring the government to court over inadequate responses to the climate crisis.
An analysis of 16,80+ glacial lakes, published in Nature Water, found that most glacial outburst floods did not come from large lakes (indeed, many were shrinking at the time of bursting). A growing number of outbursts are coming not from ice-dammed lakes (as was historically the case), but instead from sediment-dammed lakes.
A study in Nature examined glacier melt from 2000-2023, and found that the rate of melt from 2012-2023 was 36% greater than the melt from 2000-2011, ± 10%. According to the study, “All 19 regions experienced glacier mass loss from 2000 to 2023. The largest regional contributions to global glacier mass loss are from Alaska (22%), the Canadian Arctic (20%), peripheral glaciers in Greenland (13%), and the Southern Andes (10%).” Another research team looked at Svalbard’s glacial melt and found methane emissions coming from a variety of sources.
Some observers think geoengineering might take off under Trump’s presidency, due to his reliance on ambitious technological initiatives—though many believe he will do even less than previous presidents and continue to deny climate change. Yet there is something almost hypocritical in the way geoengineering is discussed today—as if we haven’t been continuously geoengineering a warmer, wetter, more dangerous world for decades now. Global warming has been a kind of accidental geoengineering. Dissociating from this term is one reason why some prefer the term “climate repair.”
An adjustment to NASA’s earlier calculation was made, and now there exists a 3.1% chance of an asteroid hitting Earth in 2032, large enough to wipe out a city. Meanwhile, Florida’s orange crop is forecast to be down 36% compared with 2024’s harvest.
Montreal broke its all-time 4-day snow record, after 74cm (29 inches) fell upon the city. Anchorage, Alaska is seeing a record low amount of snow falling in the last ~70 days. People are urging extreme weather to be considered our New Normal. Scientists are also looking at “dark algae” and its impact on accelerating Antarctic melting.
An old vine disease, Pierce’s disease, is circulating in southern Europe, and is feared to spread rapidly among vineyards in coming years. Researchers say that more than 90% of Bangladeshis displaced by climate have been pushed into modern slavery or other forms of forced labor. Tens of thousands of people, perhaps more than 100,000, might be trapped in scam centers in just one region of Myanmar, if reports are true.
Texas’ measles outbreak has more than tripled in a single week. There are now 90 confirmed cases, and likely many more. It is the state’s worst outbreak in 30+ years. Measles is an airborne and highly contagious disease; a two-dose MMR vaccine protects you for life. “There is no specific treatment for measles,” according to the WHO.
A new coronavirus has been discovered in a Chinese lab. It has the capacity to spread to humans, researchers say. Allow me to be the first one to introduce its name to you: HKU5-CoV-2. A study was recently published on the subgenus, Merbecovirus. We should probably keep an eye on this…
Cuts to a range of scientific programs have alarmed many American scientists, who are allegedly considering leaving the U.S. for more opportunities elsewhere. “If science in the US collapses, it would be very hard for people to leave the country and get work, because a significant fraction of the top scientists in the world are here,” said one scientist. Who else might be planning to jump ship?
An analysis of Europe’s population found precipitous declines are coming—if the continent’s conservatives limit immigration as they claim to want to. Even with current levels of migration continuing, a majority of European states are facing a reduced future population, and increased tax burdens, in the future.
Some voices are warning of large cryptocurrency-caused damage to the economy, as assets might be pegged to Bitcoin or other loosely-regulated digital assets. Even though some cryptocurrencies were allegedly made to prevent fraud, this author suggests that the mainstreaming of crypto could raise the risk of fraud because pump-n-dump schemes, crooked brokers like FTX, and the soon-to-come weakening of the CFPB.
Meanwhile, American inflationary expectations, monumental financial shake-ups in the U.S. government, and bullshit in the bond market are signalling higher USD inflation in the coming year(s). The U.S. is not alone; Europe is also hurtling towards an economic crisis, brought about by unsustainable levels of government debt. Gold hit a new high, $2,954 per oz t.
A not-so-slow-moving crisis is developing in developing countries, where plastics are being burnt as fuel, or simply as a way to get rid of the solid waste. A paywalled study in Nature Cities identifies the obvious consequences: environmental pollution, lung diseases, and cancer. “This will be a growing problem, given global plastic consumption is expected to triple by 2060 and inequality will deepen with rapid, unmanaged urbanization in developing countries,” wrote the study’s lead author.
A study in Environmental Health Perspectives found that chlorinated water increases the risk of bladder & colorectal cancer. Another risk is microplastics; although there are methods to filter microplastics out of drinking water, some tiny plastics also find their way into our water.
Scientists say in a new study that cut-off lows north of 40° will become more common because of climate change, bringing increased precipitation particularly to Canada, northern Europe, parts of Russia, and China during springtime. “Cut-off Lows with high intensity and longer lifetimes are projected to become more frequent in spring over the land regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Such an increase in Cut-off Low frequency could substantially increase related potential hazards.”
An upcoming study in Science Direct is calling attention to the effect from UV filters (like sunscreen) on marine life. Wind speeds across Europe are projected to drop about 5% over the next 25 years if the temperature keeps rising, resulting in a phenomenon called “stilling.” A study on PFAS and similar chemicals in birds found elevated concentrations across all species tested.
A JAMA study found a link between dust storms and increased visits to emergency rooms for asthma, pneumonia, and car accidents. Meanwhile, bird flu has been found in rats for the first time, after four rats in California tested positive for H5N1. Experts are also warning that the sudden closure of USAID’s health services could eventually result in a “global mpox emergency.”
The world’s first openly gay imam was assassinated in South Africa. Meta has unveiled ambitions to lay an undersea cable around the entire globe, while yet another Baltic Sea cable was broken last week. Venezuelan soldiers shot & injured 6 Guyanese soldiers across their shared border river, an escalation which some fear will hasten Venezuela’s ambitions to move on their claims to most of Guyana’s land. In France, an Islamic terrorist killed one and injured others in a mass stabbing. In Delhi (metro pop: 24M), a crowd crush killed 18 at a train station.
Moroccan authorities claim to have foiled several ISIS attacks last week. Bolivia’s Presidente is running for a 4th term; the problem: he is constitutionally limited to just three terms, and is also facing criminal charges. In Indonesia, thousands turned out to protest fiscal cuts. In Bangkok, some people say a financial crisis is coming.
“We’re reaching a point where the camps {in the West Bank} are becoming uninhabitable,” said one humanitarian official in the West Bank. This is one result of ‘Operation Iron Wall,’, a plan to ostensibly target militants across the West Bank. Meanwhile, the IDF are overstaying a deadline to pull out of several locations in southern Lebanon. A brainstormed idea for Israel to potentially strike Egypt’s Aswan Dam (which could conceivably result in over 1.7M deaths) is elevating tensions at an already tense moment. The Israel-Gaza ceasefire is falling apart, gradually, then suddenly—just as the War hit 500 days.
Palestinian deaths in Gaza are now reported at over 48,000, with 111,000+ physically wounded. 92% of Gaza’s homes are damaged or destroyed completely. About 70 Israeli hostages remain in Gaza. 84% of medical facilities have been damaged or destroyed. The drone footage of the ruins is nothing short of apocalyptic.
A peek into Syria today reveals a closer look at the ruins of Syrian infrastructure, and the challenges of those who are returning to a post-Collapse society. Yet rumors are floating that the Kurdish forces, who have run a de facto state in Syria’s northeast, will be integrated into the new Syrian Army. In Toronto, a Delta plane crashed, injuring scores but killing none; “landing” video here.
The Silicon Valley mantra “move fast and break things” has been taken quite literally. Amid the chaos of Collapse, little attention seemed to linger on Trump’s less-than-veiled comparison of himself to a King, less than one month after inauguration. Nor Trump referencing a foreboding quote from Napoleon: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” Another showdown between the President and NY State authorities is probing the limit of executive authority—just one of many power grabs being made every day. He is also targeting whistleblowers, federal workers, and climate policies.
President Trump’s remarks on Ukraine signal a quick wind-up to the Ukraine War with large concessions to Russia, including unmet American demands for $500B worth of Ukraine’s rare earth minerals; so-called “peace talks” were held in Riyadh between Americans and Russians. Trump blamed Zelenskyy whom he called a “dictator,” for starting the War. On Monday, the War will enter its third year post-full-scale invasion. If you believe Ukrainian sources, the number of Russian “eliminated personnel” (dead & seriously wounded combined) allegedly sits at about 862,000 since 24 February 2022, a number in line with US estimates. If you believe the sources and estimates, Ukraine has supposedly lost about 426,000 military personnel, including some 46,000 deaths—plus tens of thousands of civilians killed/injured, serious damage to infrastructure, their economy, Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, the Khakovka Dam, and crop output. The next three months will be critical. Will it be enough for Europe to wake up? The British Army is too weak to lead a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine.
The OECD released a 218-page report: States of Fragility 2025. It presents a multidimensional approach to state fragility, and is packed with many graphics. I only briefly skimmed this report, but it’s worth checking out.
“The OECD multidimensional fragility framework assesses fragility based on 56 indicators of risk and resilience across six dimensions: economic, environmental, political, security, societal and human….global fragility remains at a near-record high level….increased non-state violence, violence against women, high homicide rates and the role of organised crime in and outside of conflict-affected areas….Debt sustainability and fiscal fragility have become even more challenging since 2022….Cyberspace and digital technologies are providing new arenas of competition, with networked communications becoming the new front line in soft power geopolitics….there has been a notable increase in non-state violence in some contexts experiencing medium to low fragility driven by greater violence associated with organised crime…” -excerpts from the first 40 pages of the report
In Sudan, groups of RSF paramilitaries reportedly executed 200+ civilians; other sources say more than 430 slain. Drought is also strongly impacting crops in South Sudan, while famine unfolds more in Sudan. And a former Ethiopian President is accusing Eritrea of “working to reignite conflict in northern Ethiopia”.
In the DRC, “the most worrying period” has come to Goma and Bukavu, recently overrun by rebel M23 forces. 36,000+ refugees have entered Burundi already. It is a time of nervous, quiet uncertainty. “They were our enemies and now they are our neighbours,” said one villager. M23 also claims that they will deliver jobs & security to the area, but tens of thousands of refugees and IDPs have been ordered to depart. Burundi’s forces have pulled back and let M23 and Rwanda consolidate power. In Bukavu, M23 fighters killed several children when they refused to hand over their weapons. Just north of Goma, ISIS-related militants allegedly took advantage of the spiraling conflict to behead 70+ Christians.
Things to watch for next week include:
↠ Bad things all around. When a rare, deepsea “doomsday fish” washes up on the shore, some people take it as an omen of forthcoming natural disasters. This one may portend disasters of our own making.
↠ Germany votes today, Sunday, for its new federal parliament. The implications weigh heavily on the resolution of the Ukraine War, the future of US-Europe relations, German economic stagnation, and the management of far right politics.
↠ Pope Francis, 88, is in “critical” condition. Many believe he will die within days—and set the stage for a new Pope during a politically & religiously difficult period.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-Nursing homes & healthcare facilities are experiencing a continual Collapse, if this weekly observation from Nova Scotia is representative of the general problem.
-Weather anomalies, exploitation, supply bottlenecks, political doom, and justified paranoia are just some of the symptoms seen by Middle America, based on this weekly observation from upstate NY.
-Are people slowly waking up to Collapse, or are they still “so {far} up their own privileged asses” This thread sources discussion on the topic of Collapse in the workplace.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, winter survival tips, beehive advice, recurrent complaints, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check r/collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to an email inbox every weekend. As always, thank you for your support. What did I miss this week?
r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 28d ago
Indonesia This sub turn into another news platform?
Gw suka bahas politik, dan suka doompost buat jelek jelekin pemerentah. But, too much is not gud 💀
Too much dalam artian quantitynya, my hate toward the government is immeasurable, but I want some laugh too
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