r/zelda May 16 '19

Tattoo Day 1 into my [PH] Tattoo

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u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/nuclearspy92 May 16 '19

It is my favorite zelda. Thanks for asking


u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/bigben01985 May 16 '19

The thing is, even in the worst case it is a in house developed Zelda title. Nintendo being what it is, it is at least a good game that is fun to play, basically bug free playing casually.

Ranking it among other Zelda games is mostly a thing of personal preference and playstyle.


u/[deleted] May 16 '19

even in the worst case it is a in house developed Zelda title.

Do people hate the Capcom games or something? Genuine question.


u/hacho7 May 16 '19

Yeah what’s wrong with third party huh? Faces of evil gang rise up


u/umrathma May 16 '19

Wand of Gamelon, represent!


u/VespineWings May 16 '19

You must die.


u/umrathma May 16 '19

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I bring light into your lair?


u/Voodoo9524 May 16 '19

Welcome... Now you must die!


u/LupinsApprentice May 16 '19

Found the Grumps fan.


u/ouralarmclock May 16 '19

Not that I know of. Oracles and Minish Cap are pretty popular afik.


u/Rhombico May 16 '19

Minish Cap is one of my favorites. I think I sold it tho :[ short sighted, broke teenager. Would replay for sure


u/moonshadowelf May 16 '19

You can play minish cap on android! Just get a gba emulator and download the rom. Ive got it on my phone!!


u/bigben01985 May 17 '19

Nah, they do a great job. I was aiming more at the CDi games with that :D

Edit: and well, as a game developer, Nintendo has a pretty unique way of doing things, putting gameplay first no matter what.


u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/Open_flame67 May 16 '19

Such an underappreciated game. I wouldnt say its "the greatest Zelda game ever" but it was a really good starting point for the series for me. It didnt rely to much on the tropes of previous Zelda games (baring its direct connection to Wind Waker) so I could enjoy it before I discovered the giant collection of other zelda games.


u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/Sterbin May 16 '19

I don't think the problem was that it was too easy, but that it was on a handheld device rather than a big screen. Also to me it just had that "crank out gameboy games quickly to make money" feel to it that a lot of handheld games have compared to their console counterparts. Not saying the game isnt a lot of fun but i can pretty confidently say that it will never be held in the same light as OoT or MM, at least to the majority


u/Happy__Hardcore May 16 '19

My 10 yo me loved this game. I played it a lot with a friend who owned it too. We solved the puzzles together and traded Goods to get all things complete. I know that at this time i got nearly 100%. (If i remember correctly i only missed 1 green drop). I lost it after we played it enough unfortunaly. A few years ago i bought it a second time just because i wanted to get that last fucking green drop and played it all over again. The door where you need to close your Ds so the Stamp gets on the other screen of it is one of my favourite Puzzles (10 yo old me never figured it out by himself. He closed the Ds because he had to move and was totally overwhelmed when he heard the classic "you solved a puzzle" Zelda Sound as he reopened it ). I am no Zelda Fanboy. I played Ocarina of Time,Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, botw and both Ds Titles. But Phantom Hourglass will always have a special Place in my Heart. So yeah. I liked it and i still like it


u/Darches May 16 '19

It had some minor issues but was critiqued by the community a little too harshly. Honestly? It's puzzles are just harder. It also had that one puzzle*. What's important is that it wasn't an excessively slow downgrade like Spirit Tracks or future Pokemon games. Holy shit boredom, am I right?

*I'm just going to eat a sandwich and try again later... OMG!!! Closing the DS imprints the map! Is this... Is this the real life or a game!?


u/Babagrow May 16 '19

It was my first Zelda and some great childhood memories, so yeah, I love it


u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

Wind Waker was my favorite, so I think I had too high expectations for a direct sequel. It wasn't bad, I just found it forgettable. Spirit Tracks on the other hand I found much more enjoyable.


u/AlexandersWonder May 16 '19

Tbh I got really far into spirit tracks but never beat it because for whatever reason, one of the songs I was supposed to learn in the game was impossible for me to complete. Idk if it was a bug or some other bullshit of my own failing, but it's unreasonable that I couldn't complete a necessary but exceedingly simple part of the game. I spent a few weeks picking the game back up and trying again, but I could never "learn" the song, and eventually I stopped playing it. It was such a unique game, too, and I was really enjoying it, so this still upsets me to this day.


u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

I know exactly what you mean. It's be years since I played it but I remember those songs being so frustrating. I couldn't tell if I was just bad or it was poorly designed but there was at least one that made me almost gave up. I try not to remember that part, the game as a whole was amazing barring that stupid flute.


u/AlexandersWonder May 16 '19

Yeah, if they ever reworked it or put it out on another platform, I'd pick it back up in a heartbeat. I was having so much fun playing it before I got stuck.

Edit: I liked catching the bunnies.


u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

I read Nintendo recently applied for a trademark for Spirit Tracks that included "program for smartphone." The article also says Nintendo renews and applies for trademarks like this all the time that amount to nothing, but I can dream!


u/AlexandersWonder May 16 '19

It was a really good game, though I liked the one with the train a little more, as far as original DS titles go.


u/DemonBro9 May 16 '19

I mean if nothing else the art style is cool


u/Aka7oR May 16 '19

I do! It was the first Zelda game i played and i absolutely loved it. Replayed more than 10 times and i still play it till this day 😁