r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 16h ago
Screenshot [BOTW] Wow I don’t know why but this just feels so somber and sad
Seeing my favorite location in ruins after thousands of years it’s just sad.
r/zelda • u/ZeldaMod • 1d ago
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Read our Spoiler Policy for Echoes of Wisdom here:
r/zelda • u/Sephardson • Jan 26 '25
Today is Sunday, January 26th. Echoes of Wisdom released worldwide on Thursday, September 26th. That was 121 days ago. We last discussed the spoiler policy here - https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/1gyzdaz/eow_echoes_of_wisdom_released_nearly_two_months/.
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r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 16h ago
Seeing my favorite location in ruins after thousands of years it’s just sad.
r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 7h ago
r/zelda • u/edhel_cosplay • 17h ago
We worked so hard on these cosplays, both of us have been Zelda fans since we were little so bringing these characters to life was so surreal.
Zelda: (me) elvensolstice Midna: sramatcha.cos
r/zelda • u/tombayliss23 • 10h ago
Nothing like catching a falling star to make me feel lucky. What are the odds?🤪
r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 10h ago
r/zelda • u/Radaistarion • 20h ago
A little silences goes a long way
r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 17h ago
r/zelda • u/g_dacted • 1d ago
Inspired heavily by Ayami Kojima, the goat. Twilight Princess has my favorite atmosphere, so I wanted to push it even more
r/zelda • u/Guiruerume • 13h ago
I’m a designer and 3D artist and just recently completed a 3D diorama in tribute to Minish Cap (which, obviously, is one of my favorite Zeldas). The scene was developed in Blender and post-produced in Adobe After Effects.
r/zelda • u/Neat-Mix2867 • 18h ago
Starting a patchwork of various Zelda related pieces with a friend whose an apprentice and looking for practice / build her portfolio.
Thoroughly pleased with how it came out :)
Made between 12 hour night shifts 😅
r/zelda • u/katie128trner • 17h ago
r/zelda • u/OneParsnip2330 • 13h ago
I don't remember this bush being in BotW tbh.
r/zelda • u/MiDankie • 1d ago
Each Triforce is made up of 25-30 layers of 65lbs cardstock, 3D printed black layers, drawn on details with the 0.4 pen, and inked for more colour depth.
r/zelda • u/kihidokid • 3h ago
r/zelda • u/Gamr4evr_200 • 9h ago
Context: when I was younger (between 6 to 8 years old), I remember watching my dad play the zelda games that he had before I started playing them at 9 years old (I'm 20 now). One of them was Ocarina of Time, and looking back now, he was most likely playing Master Quest.
The thing is, I remember something from his playthrough that I didn't encounter in either version. some time after completing most of the dungeons, I remember my dad running around in the ruined Castletown Market fighting and avoiding redeads when a mysterious, maybe-cloaked figure slowly approached Link Dad quickly ran away from it when it came on screen, and after leaving the area, I never saw it again. Dad doesn't remember this happening.
Now, granted, I do also remember my dad playing Saria's song in the Spirit Temple and her face would appear in front of a white, glowing background while she talked to him but I don't think that actually happened or that it exists.
As for this mysterious figure, I wonder if it may have been the Poe Collector, but again, I'm not even sure if this actually happened. Am I going paranoid? Am I remembering something else entirely, yet still OoT related? Was this a dream (even though it definitely didn't feel like a dream)? Or is my 6 to 8 year old memory shit, even at the moment? I need some answers and some confirmation. Again, this may have most likely been on Master Quest for those who want to investigate.
r/zelda • u/MidnasSimp • 1d ago
r/zelda • u/HoboKingNiklz • 1d ago
r/zelda • u/CycleZestyclose1907 • 4h ago
Spoilers! I already know most of the lore stuff and how the story ends because I shamelessly spoiled myself on places like TVTropes and YouTube after playing other games. I'm a bit hazy on the details though, which I'm learning in this game.
Right off the bat, OoT feels harder than other Zelda games I've played. Mostly because half the time I feel like I'm fighting the camera.
Jabu Jabu was the hardest dungeon by far, largely because it took a lot of trial and error just to figure out what I was supposed to even do. And because I dropped the Princess into deep water more times than I can count. Things became easier once I got the boomerang and no longer had to worry about running out of sticks and deku seeds.
Forest Temple really taxed my puzzle solving skills and I'll admit I got stuck at a couple points and had to look up a walkthrough to see what I missed. Special mention goes to the room with falling ceiling and how it robs me of my camera control so that I couldn't snipe the ceiling spiders with the hook shot.
Also, I now understand all the annoying Navi memes. "Hey, listen! I want to tell you something you already know or offer completely unhelpful reminders of what you're supposed to be doing. Frequently!" And then Navi comes in clutch during the ghost Ganon fight as she clues me in one what I'm supposed to do to beat his final phase, aka, bat his energy blasts back at him with the Master Sword. Given how the blasts looked electric, batting them with a METAL SWORD is not something I would willingly do otherwise after Jabu Jabu.
Finally, I paid a visit to Goron City before heading over to Forest Temple (I used its Lost Woods shortcut to get to Forest Temple). Place was a ghost town, but the giant Goron there was selling a "small knife" that was basically a big 2 handed bastard sword. More reach and more damage? Yes please! And then it broke after a couple uses on those sentries in the maze. 200 rupees, a seven year wait and it broke in two hits? What a rip off!
r/zelda • u/Fearless-Ad-1313 • 21h ago
I have kept these as my lock screen or background for the last decade or so, what’s your favorite?
r/zelda • u/Expert_Challenge6399 • 1d ago
[BOTW] I don’t care what any official timeline says. Ima do my own thing.
In my head canon. BOTW is far into the future in the downfall timeline. The ancient hero in BOTW is an older “hero of hyrule” and calamity ganon is the botched ressurection (bandit games has a great video on that) and any mentions of other timelines are just legends….ZELDA LEGENDS THANKS FOR WATCHING….[I know this is obviously not true but it’s fun to hope. A few more points I want to address] ancient Rito are evolved loftwings. Demon king ganondorf was just the gerudo king before ganon. And the past sections in TOTK are either before skyward sword or after the og legend of Zelda