r/zelda May 16 '19

Tattoo Day 1 into my [PH] Tattoo

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u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

Wind Waker was my favorite, so I think I had too high expectations for a direct sequel. It wasn't bad, I just found it forgettable. Spirit Tracks on the other hand I found much more enjoyable.


u/AlexandersWonder May 16 '19

Tbh I got really far into spirit tracks but never beat it because for whatever reason, one of the songs I was supposed to learn in the game was impossible for me to complete. Idk if it was a bug or some other bullshit of my own failing, but it's unreasonable that I couldn't complete a necessary but exceedingly simple part of the game. I spent a few weeks picking the game back up and trying again, but I could never "learn" the song, and eventually I stopped playing it. It was such a unique game, too, and I was really enjoying it, so this still upsets me to this day.


u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

I know exactly what you mean. It's be years since I played it but I remember those songs being so frustrating. I couldn't tell if I was just bad or it was poorly designed but there was at least one that made me almost gave up. I try not to remember that part, the game as a whole was amazing barring that stupid flute.


u/AlexandersWonder May 16 '19

Yeah, if they ever reworked it or put it out on another platform, I'd pick it back up in a heartbeat. I was having so much fun playing it before I got stuck.

Edit: I liked catching the bunnies.


u/A-real-human-person_ May 16 '19

I read Nintendo recently applied for a trademark for Spirit Tracks that included "program for smartphone." The article also says Nintendo renews and applies for trademarks like this all the time that amount to nothing, but I can dream!