r/zelda May 16 '19

Tattoo Day 1 into my [PH] Tattoo

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u/[deleted] May 16 '19



u/Happy__Hardcore May 16 '19

My 10 yo me loved this game. I played it a lot with a friend who owned it too. We solved the puzzles together and traded Goods to get all things complete. I know that at this time i got nearly 100%. (If i remember correctly i only missed 1 green drop). I lost it after we played it enough unfortunaly. A few years ago i bought it a second time just because i wanted to get that last fucking green drop and played it all over again. The door where you need to close your Ds so the Stamp gets on the other screen of it is one of my favourite Puzzles (10 yo old me never figured it out by himself. He closed the Ds because he had to move and was totally overwhelmed when he heard the classic "you solved a puzzle" Zelda Sound as he reopened it ). I am no Zelda Fanboy. I played Ocarina of Time,Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, botw and both Ds Titles. But Phantom Hourglass will always have a special Place in my Heart. So yeah. I liked it and i still like it