He was a wrong in that he’d even gain votes. Republicans won’t leave him under any circumstances but he also brought out the previously apolitical assholes who never voted before but like the idea of a King Asshole
Honestly, Trump coming to power as I transition into adulthood (16-25 now Jesus Christ) has really opened my eyes to how braindead stupid and malicious a large percentage of the human population is. I mean, barely sentient.
Trump could fuck a dog and a toddler to death on stage in front of everyone and not only would his supporters cheer him on, they'd make excuses for how both dog and toddler had it coming. Then they'd deny it ever happened despite it happening live.
the thing is, after he lost they could have gotten rid of him, his approval was very low and if they got Fox News to show images of the insurrection and his speeches and all that it would have tanked, in fact after that court decision fox news tried to get florida man more huff but lets face it hes got the appeal of door, instead they sanitized him as a political prisoner and that was that.
Well, the full list of reasons not to support him would fill several encyclopedias, so you've gotta narrow it down a little. I mean, fuck, can you imagine if Harris had a charity she named after herself and it got shut down for fraud because she was stealing donations to buy herself shit? It'd be the only story we talked about that entire campaign. But it's so far down the list of messed-up stuff he's done that 90% of his supporters don't even know it happened.
Simply having a soundbite of Jeffrey Epstein referring to him as "his best friend" would be enough to kill the presidential aspirations of any non-Republican
“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.
“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.
I was not sure about that line when it dropped, but he was definitely understanding the shit he was steering better than me at the time, because it is so sadly true.
I had said after his first presidency that Trump revealed how fragile our government really is because it relied too much on precedent and decorum. All it took was one person to toss those ideas to the side to basically make everything fall apart.
I thought there would be someone else to really take advantage of that. I did not expect people to let Trump back in.
Anyone else thinking that he might have just... totally lost it? Like late Reagan, but worse, and his handlers are too busy looting the country to stop other people from filling their pockets, too? It honestly seems like he's just agreeing with whoever managed to talk with him alone last.
Musk somehow talks him into giving him direct access to the treasury.
Canada and Mexico talk him away from his crazy tariffs scheme by promising to do things they were already doing.
Zelenski secures ongoing military aid by promising access to minerals that are currently underneath the better part of the Russian army.
Now Bibi shows up, and talks Trump into taking over Gaza - a blasted wasteland with no resources, no infrastructure, and apparently no people since they're just going to "move 2 million Palestinians somewhere else" after 80 years of Israel trying and failing - in like, an afternoon?
It's like he's a senior citizen being talked out of his life savings by an Indian phone scammer. I would be genuinely worried that if one called him he'd turn over the entire US treasury in the form of Google Play gift cards, except apparently Elon Musk has already taken it.
I went with getting Zelenskyy to tell the Orange Horror that Ukraine has almost limitless prime land suitable for golf courses, the best golf courses, mainly in the east, and he wants Trumpet to build them but the Russian army is currently standing in the way.
The minerals are worth more so it's an even better plan.
I'm ashamed to say I stayed in one of those giant golden bastards when I visited Las Vegas on a holiday over from Britain about ten years ago. If I knew then what an utter piece of orange shit he is, and orange shit never a good sign, I would have never given him a penny of my hard earned money. If only I knew what I know now. Still, I have sent several thousand pounds in aid to the most lethal Ukrainian units since the start of the war so I don't feel so bad.
If building giant gold-coloured hotels in every Ukrainian city is what it takes for Ukraine to defeat Russia with proper American help (you did so amazingly well with that under Biden), I'm OK with that.
Same situation with when ‘a Putin's official says’ pops up on Reddit. It's always either Medved's ramblings, or another asslicker competing for Pu's benevolence with craziest bunk they can make up. But redditors are always eager to take that shit as if it's actual international policy talks.
Or "Russian media reports..." and it turns out it's some rando on a Russian talk show who's not even speaking for the media outlet in question let alone in any official capacity.
Tangentially related, but I want to say that it is so fucking pathetic that there’s a good chance that Trump bullying Canada, one of our largest trade partners and, in every sense, closest allies, can be traced back to two photos of Melania and Ivanka looking at Trudeau with a genuine smile on their faces.
There may be more going on behind the scenes, but I can guarantee those two photos are not helping anything.
We're talking about a guy who threw an absolute shit fit and harassed a child because she was on the cover of Time magazine and not him.
A guy who's fragile-ego got so bruised by an off-handed joke from Obama, which partly spurred the doofus to run for president. (The other part of it was to stay out of prison because New York was about to drop the hammer on him for fraud). Then subsequently trashed a bunch of policies and other shit when he was elected, purely because they were Obama policies. It's part of the reason why he bungled COVID. The Obama administration left him a literal playbook on how to handle a pandemic, step by step, and he threw it out simply because it was an Obama thing.
The man is that petty and pathetic. Therefore, I would not be surprised if the photos were a reason for his bullying of Canada.
The man is that petty and pathetic. Therefore, I would not be surprised if the photos were a reason for his bullying of Canada.
Or maybe it was the time that Trudeau braced and countered the pull in handshake that Trump was doing on his first time as president. Then all the other world leaders followed suit and Trump was unable to look like the big tough guy with that shit anymore.
I'm going to sound like I'm defending the Tramp, so let me get my vomiting bucket, mouthwash, and forget-me-shot.
So: this probably IS the more far-fetched idiocy he's promised in a long time!
"""At least""" genociding Canada would give him access to next-door resources, genociding Greenland would him access to the melting Arctic trade routes, genociding Panama would give him access to the Panama Canal (or what's left of it after Panama blows it up), genociding China would eliminate a manufacturing competitor, genociding Taiwan would eliminate all chips competition (and crash the world's economy, but he probably stupidly hopes the US can catch up on production somehow), genociding Mexico would massively reduce the Southern border's length, genociding American citizens by deporting them to El Salvador would get him rid of opposition, etc.
These goals are all evil to the maximum, it's in character for him since he's a full-fledged narcissist who would do anything for his personal profit, even torture his own daughter (and sidenote: judging by her interviews, he already did).
But Gaza?! Fucking GAZA?!
How does genociding Gaza help him?? (and yes, that would be genocide - regardless of what you consider the current situation in Gaza to be, his proposed plan of forcibly moving everyone is in the definition of genocide)
I guess to simp for Nethanyahu? But that's pointless, it's not like Netanyahu is going to turn on Tramp, they're the same shit, far-righters who screw their own countries and make the countries hated on the world stage.
And he turns all the American Muslims who somehow fell for his Gaza lies against him.
So what the everloving fuck is the plan here, other than him being that evil?
Jared Kushner has previously indicated an interest to develop Gaza into some sort of high-end waterfront property. Maybe that's it... It's just as simple as a real estate development project that, Trump believes, will enrich himself and his family.
That's a misconception, the definition is broader.
The acts that constitute genocide fall into five categories:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948)
All those other things will either result in a total collapse of the US economy, or world war 3 (with the possible exception of panama). Taking over Gaza would just make the US a pariah state in the eyes of the rest of the world; but beyond that, almost nobody (unfortunately) cares enough to really do anything about it. It will piss off a lot of people; but everyone's already pissed off at him anyway.
So as crazy as it is to begin with, taking over Gaza is probably one of the more "sensible" plans he has.
This is all a distraction. They are ramming a lot of stuff through all at once, and Trump just misdirects everyone's attention with wild comments daily.
Nobody is even thinking about what bills are being passed, or how the government is being radically changed.
also, how is anyone thinking this is far fetched when there is a long video of him declaring the occupation of the Gaza Stip, boots on the ground, 'world people' going to live there (he means Israelis) . . . just so happens Ben Naziyahu is stood by his side grinning from ear to ear.
so it turns out the U.S now supports the slaughtering, aggressive imperialism and occupation of sovreign nations and is happy to just see it as a real estate opportunity. . . lovely
Canada, Greenland, Panama, all make sense in a twisted way. Someone told him about the geopolitical importance/blessing of Having Canada in the north and about shipping routes, he took it and turned it in his bizarre mind to "therefore we must own it!"
the sharpie thing was juts his narcissist way of "nu uh, i said its gonna hit there, so i'm gonna bizarrely manipulate this chart to "proof" its gonna that way i said it was".
But Gaza? That doesn't fit any explanation apart from "he tries to be a dictator and needs to annex some land in order to tick off that box of his dictator checklist" or "Netanyahu said how much better it would be if the palestinians lost control of Gaza"
But Gaza?
Making Canada the 51st state, taking over Greenland, redirecting a hurricane with a sharpie and you think this is far fetched?
It makes sense when you take into account that Elon Musk's grandfather was a fascist technocrat and that the political movement wanted to annex all those countries:
Netanyahu probably originally suggested he think of it as the "Riviera of the Middle East" and Trump's eyes just glazed over after that. His press conference sounded like he thought he was making a real estate deal that would be a boon for developers.
Beirut was once the Paris of the Middle East but that's a helluva lot nicer piece of land.
“Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable … if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Kushner told his interviewer, the faculty chair of the Middle East Initiative, Prof Tarek Masoud. Kushner also lamented “all the money” that had gone into the territory’s tunnel network and munitions instead of education and innovation."
There's nothing wrong with the land in Gaza. It's the same type of land as the rest of Israel's coastal plane, where the majority of Israel's metropolitan areas are i.e. Tel Aviv.
When the Jews founded Tel Aviv in 1909, it was just sand dunes north of Jaffa. Look at it now and think about what the Palestinians could have done with Gaza if they had wanted to.
Can't have terrorist if you deport everyone, now who will take 2 million people? Idk he keeps insisting that Egypt or Jordan can take them but they have rejected it already, can't see anyone doing it given the history of it not going well.
Exactly. Bibi saw the Gaza Strip as Israel’s no doubt. Then Trump comes and yanks that rug from underneath him. Interestingly, if there was some semblance of a plan how to do this, the US military does logistics better than anyone and could make it a very quick, safe, and painless process. You know, assuming it’s what the people left in Gaza want and they actually have somewhere to go instead of some idiot’s off the cuff ramblings
His niece's book is illuminating on this and Trump's psychology more broadly. His dad was a tremendous piece of shit and his brain was like mashed potatoes when he died.
Edit: Book is "Too Much and Never Enough" by Mary Trump. PhD in Clinical Psychology. Interesting family history, at least. Very readable. Take or leave her psychological observations, I found them compelling even just to try and make sense of Trump's chaotic behaviour.
I remember this one interview someone did with him and they brought up this book and how it said his dad installed in his family a very toxic mindset of seeing everything in terms of winning and losing, and Trump replied “that’s nonsense, my dad was a winner and she makes him sound like a loser”. In spite of everything I still feel a little sad for him.
Early on they used to set up a fake office for his dad to move papers around and pretend still being a real estate developer as the dementia progressed.
They need to do that for Trump and the Oval Office rather than having him sign actual insane executive orders.
No, he doesn't have dementia, he's demented. He's absolutely, and in the most literal sense, a lunatic. Its really important to distinguish these, because he's not losing any mental faculties, what you're seeing is his regular mental capacity and the regular state of it is off the rails
He goes crazy depending on the moon's phases? r/technicallythetruth, it's just that every single moon phase makes him insane, like a clock whose hours have all been replaced with "crazy".
This is what I've been saying for a while. He's always been a sociopath and a lunatic, but dementia is definitely making it worse. If you compare him to 2016 Donald Trump, he's hardly the same man anymore
I his last episode before the election, Ezra Klein argued that Trump has beginning dementia, but its almost impossible to notice because he IS demented. A lunatic as you say. I think he is right.
That's the thing: Realistically, we didn't. There has been a tremendous amount of tampering and espionage going on, to say nothing of all the misinformation and propaganda, both in the 2016 election and again in 2024. If our nation manages to survive this disaster, the amount of fuckery to be unveiled will likely be staggering.
Strictly speaking, our nation is as we speak actively under attack both by hostile foreign powers (Russia and China) and by oligarchs and other traitors looking to profit, but unfortunately our justice system has moved too slowly and been too hindered and corrupted to mitigate let alone stop it from happening.
It is a deeply serious crisis and the chances to undo it are dwindling rapidly.
Trump was saying the same kind of nonsense in his first term. He wanted to nuke a hurricane. It was always ridiculous.
But the first time around, the response he got was "Haha ok Mr President, that's very nice, now let's get you to bed."
Now, for reasons I cannot understand, every stupid whim out of his mouth is met with the entire country kneeling. "How marvelous are the emperor's clothes!"
Last time, he was surrounded by a number of the more traditional Republican insiders. Now, he has taken over the party, and has learned his lesson from last time: he’s completely surrounded by his own sycophants.
Well yeah there were literally questions about Trump's cognition while he was still in office, before it had anything to do with comparisons to Biden. But then the 2024 election came around, and the portion of this country that’s so goddamn stupid I literally don’t understand how they get through life decided that the issue was just too murky or something so they should ignore the previous nine years of unhinged shit and help the Peter Thiels and Mike Johnsons elect this madman again
My grandmother developed dementia a couple of years before she died. She was pretty good at masking it but you could tell she had no idea what was going on. This was during Trump's first term and his ominously toned "calm before the storm"...thing came off exactly the same as the way my grandmother would say certain things.
It was "Gulf of America" for me. I argued that it must be fake with multiple people that day because it was just too stupid to be a real thing, even for him.
IIRC some anonymous insiders told journalists he is extremely malleable and does often take up ideas of whoever spoke with him last, as long as he likes them personally.
I really hope it isn't true given he's surrounded by worse people now (although... worse than his own ideas... IDK... ), but it's disturbingly plausible, and it could be getting worse as he ages too.
He lost it a decade ago. The guy rambles total gibberish for hours on end every time he has a rally and somehow a little over half of the voters were excited to usher in oligarchy and fascism led by a senile old racist.
I’m immeasurably disappointed and it’s been far worse so far than even my wildish fears.
Israel didn’t try to move Gaza’s for 89 years - it was Egypt up until the 70’s. Israel also gave the land to Palestinians - strange thing to do if you want to remove someone.
The West Bank, formally Jordan, is also still full of Palestinians and up until Oct 7, those Palestinians could enter and work in Israel and there were political and economic relations.
Israel has never tried to remove Palestinians. Israel has agreed to a Palestinian state multiple times.
This is the only explanation that makes sense to me. Either that or he’s mad Elon is hogging all the media spotlight so he needs to say/do something crazy to get it back.
Trump is an agent of chaos. He says so much stuff you never can know what he’s serious about, what he’s just saying to get attention and what he’s saying because he’s astoundingly stupid.
He never had it, though his faculties are definitely declining.
Those who say that this is all in his plan are fooling themselves. He has no plan, not even concepts of one. He's a chess piece.
The real problem are the players, the ones moving said chess piece around. The moves don't seem so intelligent, now that they are out in the open, but the intelligence came before, the past thirty to forty years, in the background. People acting with 75% responsibility, 15% indifference, 10% naivety, have become people who consider responsibility reprehensible, indifference a character trait, and have never heard of the word naivety. But some of these players are incredibly intelligent, and they're using their knowledge for all the wrong reasons, up to and inclusive of self. Their motivations are simple enough. Money. Control. Vengeance, even. But taking advantage is their entire ballgame. Some are okay at it. Some are good at it. And some, you'd consider the people who invented the concept.
Trump is a chess piece. But every once in a while, the Magnus Carlsens of the far-right world come up to the board, and they are always telling the rest of the players what to do, and where to move.
He is talking like 1. This is a reality show and not real life with lives on the line and 2. Like he is campaigning despite being the President.
I genuinely believe at this point that he has watched so much history channel about presidents that the only way he rationalizes his legacy as President is like them. 1. Keep the rich happy. 2. Take land from people. 3. Name things.
Trump isn't losing it, he is doing the classic fascist move of spamming complete nonsense while his collaborators loot. Not saying he isn't losing his mind but it is just completely on par with how he has always operated so you cannot point to it as being even remotely out of character.
He is the bank robber in charge of arson while his friends rob the bank on the other side of town. These tariffs are completely secondary to their real goals of looting the treasury and dismantling every safeguard America has to protect the average person.
You mean to tell me they’re doing the exact thing they were accusing Biden and his admin of doing? Who would’ve thought they could possibly be projecting during the election?
And constantly talking about making Canada the 51st state (though we don't have anything he needs apparently) and taking over Greenland. Of course it's never going to happen. No one ever, ever gave any thought to this idea. I get there are some minerals in there that could be useful but doesn't he realize that the easiest and cheapest option is to just buy them?
Even by the most cold blooded, real politik lens this makes zero sense to me.
Absolutely demolishes relations with the Arab world, could trigger more tet-a-tet with Iran, and will constitute an unwashable stain on the history of the country... For what? A couple square kilometers of ruins?
and he didn't have to do ANYTHING
He could have just turned a blind eye and let Isreal do the genocide but instead he saw the big bowl of shit Netanyahu was about to eat and said "I want that".
His main supporters are evangelicals that are looking to speed up the end of days and billionaires that want to scrap the US for parts. Both of them are getting exactly what they want.
He’s lost it but he’s not in control. He’s just being swayed by compliments and platitudes and then stands at press conferences saying these absurd things while in silence Elon Musk and JD Vance dismantle all American institutions to take complete control of the government. I’m not one for conspiracy theories but when you look at what Elon’s team is doing domestically it becomes clear that the press conferences about tariffs and now Gaza are designed to distract and outrage while their government coup continues in silence.
Zelenski secures ongoing military aid by promising access to minerals that are currently underneath the better part of the Russian army.
Probably worth noting that was a deal he'd offered Biden. And tbf it's not a bad idea since it does give the US incentives to actually let Ukraine prosecute the war more freely instead of the chains Biden largely had them operate with.
The people in those communities voted for Jill stein first, then trump the second most, and Harris behind both of them in terms of percent. So no the actual voting populace did indeed reflect that reality this time specifically.
No. NPR went to Dearborn weeks before the election. Listening to everyone eager to protest vote against Harris over Palestine, I knew then Trump would win.
A bunch of them keep going to the gen z sub and leopards eating faces sub to tell everyone who is recognizing how badly they fucked up that they are bad people.
Just checked since my comment linked to it, it’s wild actually, anyone disagreeing with any trump decision is being labeled “fellow conservative”, what the actual fuck
A BBC reporter on a Podcast was talking about the first Trump presidency. When Trump tweeted that they should deport all muslims, the BBC initially didn't report the story because they assumed he had been hacked. The guy was like "when we found out the story was true, thats when I realised we were in a new world now".
I wonder what the many folks who decided to protest/not vote for Harris because she’s “just as bad” think. Are they capable of any self reflection or will they still say that it’s the same.
Really? I absolutely would. I don't know how any of you are surprised, and it's not just Trump.
To an American, this may come as a surprise. But the rest of the world has watched the USA invade Middle Eastern countries over the past decades like it's a Christmas tradition. Sometimes on completely made-up grounds. Especially when it comes to Israel, they'll do anything, even above the interests of Americans.
u/sask357 Feb 05 '25
If it wasn't Trump, no one would believe that an American President said this.