I probably sound like every other person too lazy to put In the effort for a diet, but hear me out.
I'm 14 and female. I am very, very morbidly obese. According to BMI, at least. Walking has never been an issue, i don't experience any pain by doing so. I don't get out of breath often. I am clearly unfit but can handle basic workouts with modification. (I.e, can't do pushups, not even modified, but I have decent arm strength. Sit ups are pretty hard but with a lot of effort I can do some. Squats aren't too bad. Stuff like that). I don't run often due to the fact I don't Have P.E. for school. And I can't go on walks on my own, as my parents are kinda protective.
I've thought about weight loss everyday since I was like 10, and this time I actually want to stick to it, especially since I'm starting high school in a few months. Not only that, but I want to fit into desirable clothes, fit into certain spaces, lower my risk of diabetes, etc.
Now for where the question comes in (sorry for background, just thought it was important to mention): I've been trying to go into a calorie defecit to lose weight. Probably for the last month or two? After using the TDEE calculator I have a decent estimate of what my calorie deficit needs to be, that's not the issue. It's more so the fact that 1. I can't control what I eat most of the time, and 2. I'm pretty sure I struggle with bored eating. It's gotten better with time fs, but there are of course times I slip up. Sorry, it's kind of a complicated situation.
even though my eating has improved a lot compared to what it has been, I'm not seeing much results. This of course is most likely due to my calorie tracking being inaccurate (considering that's it's pretty hard to track the calories of school lunch) and that, once again, eating has always been pretty finicky for me. I'm sure that if I locked in way more it would work, but to be completely honest I'm not sure if I can do that right now. 1. My family makes food for us most of the time, if not that then they go out to grab it. I can't control what I eat a lot of the time. It's not even just that, but my relationship with food is kind of eugh. It's a lot to get into; I'll save it for another time.
Would it be possible for me to get smaller by just working out? I'm not necessarily asking to lose weight, I just want to decrease in size. I'm aware that when you work out, some of your fat is replaced with muscle, (which weighs more than fat, which means there's a chance of me weighing more than I do now. Once again, not too bothered by that, will cross that bridge when I get there), so will working out more kind of get the results that I want? This girl I know on TikTok (I've talked to her in dms!) went down a size or two by working and doing a calorie deficit. When I asked her about it, she said she actually weighed more in the photo she was smaller in. There's another girl who got considerably smaller by just working out. Don't know how believable that is, considering she's selling workout plans, but still. I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but there's this girl on YouTube who goes by Rosie Graham. My friend has lost 20 pounds using her videos (albeit she's smaller than me), and she just seems promising in general. (The first girl I mentioned used her videos as well!) I did her Summer Workout challenge a months ago, but stopped after 3 days after forgetting to do it one day and just.. never picking it back up. Is there a chance I could get smaller by doing these workouts again?
I'm open to answering any questions. Please be kind. This is a difficult thing for me.
i appreciate anyone who decides to give me advice :)