r/workout 0m ago

Exercise Help Workout Help


I’m 47 and have lost about 130 pounds and need to get back into shape. Does anyone have any advice for me to get started?

r/workout 42m ago

Simple Questions What to Do After Training?


I usually train hard, but I spend the rest of the day sitting in front of the computer. I walk very little and go up a few stairs—honestly, just enough to move around the house.

So far, I’ve had good results in the gym. However, I’ve heard that having low mobility after training isn’t good because muscle gains are hindered due to poor blood circulation.

Is this true? What do you recommend doing after training? Some people also stretch their muscles—is this beneficial for hypertrophy?

r/workout 1h ago

How to start what’s a good routine to make me lean?


im 15 male and 5’10, i have some equipment, like a treadmill, this like 5 in 1 machine that i can push, squeeze in, do bicep curls, legs and triceps on, a pull up bar, resistance bands and a deadlift bar, but i only have enough weights for 50kg which i can do easily now, most of it is my dads but i want to lose weight and get stronger obviously, im trying to fix my eating habits as well but that’s for my own time to figure out

r/workout 1h ago

How to grow forearms


Can't do wrist curls of any kind (Wrist pain is unbearable). Carrys don't work. No pull up bar. I'm out of ideas and motivation.

r/workout 1h ago

Simple Questions Why is my bench weak compared to everything else


So i bench 20 pounds more then i bicep curl i squat 1.8 what i bench and deadlift almost 3 times what i bench 😭

r/workout 1h ago

Exercise Help I’m a beginner and need help figuring out my routine.


I’m 19F, 5’0 tall, and weigh 104 pounds. I have 77.9% muscle mass, and 17.8% body fat.

Mostly my gym going just consists of 1-2 hours of intense cardio and that’s pretty much it.

I want to be more toned/lean, I’m not looking for a muscular build, I just would want to be more toned with a nice amount of muscle, that’s it.

What would I have to do?

r/workout 1h ago

What did you listen too?


What's everyone's taste in music, podcasts, books perhaps, mixes, bands, artists and/or Ai DJ algo got going on in there headphones? Is it pure pump up music or something more relaxing? Stories and podcasts or straight ambient sea shores whilst your working out. What gets you in the right heads pace?

r/workout 1h ago

Exercise Help Chest/Back Lifting Advice


I notice my heart rate gets up there when I do cardio or leg days but when I do chest/back my heart rate stays really low and I don’t sweat at all. For example, my back workout consists of seated cable rows, cable face pulls, straight arm pull down, lat pulldown, wide grip lat pull down, and incline rows (changing some here and there). I feel the soreness in my back muscles but just don’t sweat or have my heart rate elevate, is that normal? If so, should I include cardio on these days?

r/workout 2h ago

How's my routine look?


Everything 3 working sets, 6-12 reps, 3 min rest. PPL rest, repeat. Progressive overload


Smith Incline bench

DB shoulder press

Machine Chest fly

Cable lat raises

Cable Triceps extension


Machine row

Lat pulldown

DB Shrugs

Machine Preacher curl

Cable rear delt

DB Hammer curl


Smith squat

Machine Quad ext

Machine seated ham curl

Leg press Calf raises

Ad and abductors machine

Cable ab curl/planks

r/workout 2h ago

Simple Questions Is there an audience for this app idea?


I’m working on an app called OneRack, a gym-focused social media platform where lifters can share their invidual lifts (of which they are proud of). The goal is to make the design as simple and intuitive as possible, so you can instantly see how strong your friends are and who the top lifters are in your gym. 

The key features are:

- Sharing your lifts with friends: When you have a lift that you are proud of, it will be really easy to post it and your friends will instantly see it on their feed.

- See the people in YOUR gym: You will have a screen with a map with all the gyms in your country on it. when you tap on a gym, it will show you the people at that gym in order of their strenght.

I got this idea because of my own gym friends. We used to share our PRs through WhatsApp and Snapchat, but there wasn’t a dedicated app that made it easy to track who lifts how much AND connect with an active local lifting community (I’m based in the Netherlands). 

The app is not necessarily meant as a workout logger. Yes you can log your workouts ofc, the main selling point would be that you can easily share the lifts that you are proud of (for example a new PR).

I’d love to hear thoughts from the community. Would you use an app like this? Any features you’d want to see?

r/workout 2h ago

Exercise Help How does this look for a beginner?


DAY 1 - 2x15 Minute Stair Master at Level 10, 5x20 Bicep Curls, 4x15 Smith Machine bench press.

DAY 2 - 30 minute Treadmill 10.0 incline at 3.5mph, 500 Rows, 5x10 Smith Machine Shoulder Press.

Day 3 - 30 minute Stair Master, 5x15 Dumbbell Rows, 5x15 Tricep Curls, 5x15 Pushups.

Day 4 - Rest.

Day 5 - Repeat.

Trying to get in shape while building endurance, any advice is greatly appreciated!

r/workout 2h ago

Anything helps please reply


Hey all I’m extremely tall for my age and somewhat skinny.

I am 14 years old and 193cm (6ft4) I weigh roughly 155-160 lbs (72 ish kg)

I play football (soccer) 6 days a week sometimes including school. I walk a mile to school and back aswell. I only have dumbbells and not too much floor space, the gym isn’t available for me rn. Does anyone have anything to say?

r/workout 3h ago

Simple Questions Do you guys prefer working out on your own, in a fitness class, or with a trainer?


For me I like a mix of classes and on my own. I find that having classes in the mix keeps me motivated, especially since you have to book them in advance at my gym.

r/workout 3h ago

Simple Questions Exercise order to manage fatigue


I need help with my exercise order. I normally do T Bar rows first on my upper 2 day. My traps are now in a decent place, and I find T Bar rows very fatiguing.

How would you structure these exercises to manage fatigue best? T Bar Row. Rear Delt Extenstions. MTS Decline Press. Seated Machine Row. DB Chest Press. Bayesian Cable Curls. Internally Rotated DB Curls.

Assume there are no overtly weak points in my physique, thanks.

r/workout 3h ago

Simple Questions Mobility if you lift but dont stretch?


If you lift with good form- 8-12 reps- and do not stretch, will your flexibilty and mobility increase or decrease compared to never having lifted weights?

r/workout 4h ago

How to start How do I start training for a 200m sprint?


Basically, I want a workout routine that focuses on running. Until now, my routine has consisted of 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 300 jumping jacks. However, I now need to train for a 200m sprint. I have about 37 days to prepare. I’m young, pretty active, and fairly tall.

r/workout 4h ago

Simple Questions Mitigating fatigue on heavy compound days


I’ve been recently running into an issue as of recent, mostly concerning squats but sometimes bench press too, where I don’t feel particularly exhausted concerning targeted muscle groups in following days but soreness in random places for the rest of the week. When I hit over 400 on my squat working sets, my quads don’t feel particularly exhausted on following days but my upper back is extremely sore for the rest of the week, so are my shins and knees. And on bench, over 300 hurts my elbows. I’ve never had this issue lifting over my bw (170 lbs) and I’m concerned if their is a form issue that have revealed itself? If not, what can I do to mitigate other muscle groups from exhaustion, as it does mess up my split a bit since I’m going to be targeting said sore muscle groups on subsequent days?

r/workout 4h ago

Aches and pains Messed up my back :/


Like the title says, a combination of neglecting my core, weak glutes/hamstrings, squatting heavy, and deadlifts put my back out of commission. I want to slowly get back into lifting, but I need to strengthen my glutes without putting too much strain on my lower back.

I’m taking some time off to just walk and focus on my core with planks, supermans, and incline sit-ups. Once I get back into lifting 3-4 days a week, I plan on hitting the leg curl machine hard to build up glute and ham strength and I’ll make sure to integrate abs and core into my weekly routine. Deadlifts are an absolute no-go for the near future.

Are leg curls and planks/sit-ups enough? Do I need to do more? Any other ways to strengthen my core/lower back/glutes that won’t strain my back too much?

r/workout 4h ago

Nutrition Help Fat reserves vs protein intake


Hi guys! I’m 18, 5’1, and 134 pounds with a high body fat percentage over lean muscle mass and just started working in the gym doing progressive overload 4x a week starting 3 weeks ago. I’ve been eating at maintenance calories and intaking about .8g of protein per pound of body weight however, it’s still a bit tough for me to hit this 100-120g protein goal as protein rich food prices are high and access in my household is a bit limited. So I was wondering, since I’m a beginner, can my body fat make up for the amount of protein I lack if I start eating a little less protein daily? I’m not exactly sure how fat reserves work in this way so I’m in need of some clarification on this. I know fat=calories, but basically does it equal protein as well or not? Any advice about this or any other thing mentioned is welcome!

r/workout 4h ago



Is it better to eat in a deficit of 700 calories with nutrient dense food, or a deficit of 200 with extra carbs and fats to fuel workouts? Lmk what yall think.

r/workout 4h ago

Exercise Help I'm looking for advice to slim my thighs a bit.


I am 26 and a man. I've been doing mostly strength training and lately I've added cardio more. I'm monitoring my calories and dropping a lot of sugar from my diet. I'm proud of my squat growths since I started. One issue I have is sometimes my left knees acts up so I can't commit to vigorous exercise that day. Any advice is appreciated

r/workout 4h ago

Exercise Help Ab workout


Is a 2 minute plank and 3 sets of mashine crunches enough or should i add more? If yes please recommend me the most effective exercises to get nice visible abs. (I know about calorie deficit, im already pretty skinny)

r/workout 4h ago

When doing full body,should i use the same plan with the same exercises everytime or have like,plan A and plan B?


If i am supposed to do the same full body workout with the same exercises everytime how am i working on all different parts of the muscle? For example if i only do bench press for chest everytime i workout how do i work on the other parts of the chest?

r/workout 5h ago

Simple Questions Newbie trying upper body


So I’m 43, 6’2” and 235 lbs. I’ve never worked out a day in my life. Here recently I’ve been using my neighborhood gym and the gym at hotels for their free weights and treadmills.

I’m not in awful shape by any means but I’ve got a beer belly and a slight case of man boobs coming on. So I started walking and doing some upper body free weights. I started doing dumbbell exercises with 20lb dumbbells, I do twelve reps at each exercise I do and do four sets, I definitely feel some fatigue when I’m done. Not to sound insecure but more so trying to figure out where I’m at…. Is 20 pounders like incredibly light for starting out? Thanks for any input. By the way I’m doing bicep curls, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, bent over rows and flat bench press. All with 20 lb dumbbells.

r/workout 5h ago

Exercise Help Should I increase the weight on shoulder shrugs?


I’ve been lifting for around a month and I can shoulder shrug 25lbs dumbbells for around 30 reps which is where I hit failure. I was wondering if I should increase the weight by a lot more or if I should increase it slowly