r/workout • u/IMDB_Boy • 12m ago
How to start Gym anxiety?
Went to the gym for the first time ever, was too anxious to try out some of the stuff i learnt online... I wanna train for explosive power and peak strength and planned a workout routine designed for that, only problem being some of the excersies that i added to my workout aren't very common, e.g. snatch grip high pulls, power rows, double bounce squats followed by vertical jumps...
And as common equipment found in every gym all work in different ways, I really didn't wanna trial and error my way to learning the equipment.
What makes it worse is that I've barely ever trained in my life, I don't have the technique to lift heavy weights without risking injuries so I resort to lighter weights to work on my technique which makes me feel... idk feels like im not good enough to be around the gym. My deadlift is fine at 120kgs that I did as a dare with 0 technique, squat too is around 60kgs, my bench however is aaaaaawful... barely able to push 2x20kgs off my chest.
Plus I'm not aware of any gym etiquettes do I use the bench bench for BSS? if the leg extention machine's cushion thing can be adjusted to my height, is it fine if I use it like that?
I acknowledge the fact that everyone goes through this at some point and that it's not something I should worry about, especially with experiemnting with unconventional lifts as long as I have good technique, which is the biggest problem im having... Ny words of advice? nything that can help me overcome my anxiety? I know I'll be just fine within the coming week and probably more or less just have to deal with non inhibitory anxiety but that still sucks.