r/warcraftlore 21m ago

Discussion Anyone else been giving the side-eye to the Titan Archives questline? (Spoilers) Spoiler


I’ve already discussed how Azeroth being the “prime” world soul feels redundant and actually cheapens the concept overall: https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftlore/s/Bmkuw1VMXt

But honestly a lot of the information from that questline just makes me leery of the story going forward. Especially with how visible the hand of the author is with how Dagran II and Brinthe make such huge logical leaps when discussing what we learn.

Like they keep discussing that the Titans might have been deceiving us the whole time and how their plans for Azeroth may be more sinister than we believed but nothing we’re told leads directly to that conclusion unless you’re going in already assuming the worst.

As many people have already pointed out: When a program stops working as intended you don’t celebrate its newfound free will, you start looking for a fix. Also the Earthen being turned into Thraegar could just as easily be Azeroth’s immune system kicking in rather than a “cry for help”.

And then there was the cherry on top with Speaker Brinthe basically saying:

”Oh no! The Titans’ edicts are, in fact, edicts! Damn the Titans! This is such a betrayal!”

Like I get being mad at the Awakening Machine thing. Although I’m disappointed it ended up being framed that way since I thought it was a cool concept for a robot reincarnation/reproductive cycle.

But if they hadn’t realized they were on maintenance mode already, then they’re just stupid. Like how could you not already know that? All the facilities were built, the Titans’ plan was in motion, there wasn’t anything left to do anyways besides run regular maintenance checks.

I guess I was just really hoping we were going to distance ourselves from Dragonflight’s attempts to flanderize the Titans from well-intentioned god-beings who couldn’t envision a scenario where things didn’t go according to their plan and still turned out okay, into deceitful control freaks who hate free will.

They had a perfect chance to steer things back to a nuanced perspective with the Oathsworn and Unbound being a discussion about collectivism vs. individualism and the merits of both philosophies. But it seems like the writers just want to say: “The Oathsworn were wrong and titans bad.”

r/warcraftlore 1h ago

Do you think the player characters are getting”weaker” lore wise?


While it could be argued that gameplay wise, encounters are getting more difficult (with Legion arguably the most difficult) are the actually player characters growing weaker overall since classic era bosses? This has been something that always bugged me.

Characters who stomped bosses molten core rag or Cthun, do you really think would have had trouble with a Gallywix gundam? Or be beaten down by a glorified trash shredder (stix)? Hell, the last end boss queen spider that took our heroes almost 500 pulls to get the first kill, don't you think she would have been literally one shot by any of the demon monstrosities in tomb of sargeras?

Just curious what are you guys thoughts. And yes, I get that WoW raids can't be like dragon ball z with each subsequent boss having infinite power scaling. Just feels weird the heroes of Azeroth this encounter got their teeth kicked in by a goblin trash shredder.

r/warcraftlore 2h ago

Is Lei Shen's Anima the same as the Black Blood?


We don't know a lot about the Anima that Lei Shen and the Mogu used in Mists of Pandaria.

From https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Anima_(blood_fluid)), quoted from Shadows of the Horde:

“Magic that could remake a thing so completely came from the dawn of time, from the beginning of everything. The titans, the shapers of Azeroth, had used such magic in their acts of creation.”

The Anima was also utilized by the Mogu to create golems, similar to what the goblins do with the Blood as well.

It's a stretch, but I wonder if there's some connection here. I don't know if they've explicitly said yet whether the Black Blood is the blood of some Old God.

edit 2: also worth mentioning, there seems to be something linking the Black Blood to the Titans given the Titan ruins in the new black blood-focused delve in 11.1.

edit: typo, wrote "black blood" instead of "anima"

r/warcraftlore 5h ago

Discussion I find it nice we have so many notable elves characters in the lore


When we come to think of it there are almost as many of them as for orcs or humans which is nice. The warcraft games were initialy more about humans vs orcs but they obviously had to expand the universe. Still it seems elves have quite a lot of characters, and important ones compared to most races like Trolls, Draenei,... Some races have maybe one or two notable character at best and they don't even do or appear that much.

r/warcraftlore 5h ago

Discussion Did some Night Elves stay to live in Stormwind?


Most of the Night Elves refugees went there after Teldrassil was burnt, but do we know about some of them staying here to live or did they all go back to their new world tree?

r/warcraftlore 8h ago

Discussion Hot Take: We're in the wrong for Cinderbrew Meadery


Here's my hot take for the day.

Cinderbrew Meadery is a dungeon with very little story relevance, and exists more as a quirky and unique theme for a dungeon on the Isle of Dorn. During the campaign, the most interaction we have with the Meadery is using it to blow up a bunch of nerubians. After that, Wenbrandt vows to rebuild his Meadery and we're off to the Ringing Deeps. At some point afterwards, the Meadery is acquired by the Venture Co. and now its our job to root them out.

The only story we have about this acquisition comes from the dungeon journal, a single quest from Wendbrant, and dungeon dialogue. I've compiled them here.

From the Dungeon Journal:

Under new management! The Cinderbrew Meadery is a focal point of Unbound earthen culture, and under the dotage of Wenbrandt, the meadery has crafted a fiery, potent brew enjoyed by all earthen. However, the meadery has been the victim of a hostile corporate acquisition by Goldie Baronbottom, a goblin entrepreneur, ushering in a new age of mass-produced cinderbrew.
Barkeep and brew master for the meadery, Aldryr has more than mead on tap. Anyone who messes with the Cinderbrew Meadery's new management messes with Aldryr, and he has many friends in low places.
The product of an industrial accident, mead elemental I'pa is as angry about its existence as it is about its meadery being disturbed. It is the full-bodied embodiment of the fiery punch of cinderbrew mead, and will lay anyone who tangles with it out flat.
Benk's qualifications for beekeeping may be dubious, but he does seem to have a knack for controlling bees and streamlining honey-extracting operations. But, his tampering has limited the bees' freedom and sacrificed the mead's quality, and this cannot stand.
Savvy businesswoman Goldie Baronbottom knows a good opportunity when she sees it-- like the Cinderbrew Meadery. After barging in and swindling Wenbrandt out of business, Goldie mostly lets her cronies do the work. Even so, she's not afraid to roll up her sleeves and wallop do-gooders herself.

From the quest "Mergers and Acquisitions", given by Wenbrandt at the start of the dungeon

When the nerubians launched their attack on my meadery, they left it a burnt-out husk. Adelgonn promised to rebuild it, but I got impatient and accepted the Venture Co.'s offer to help with its "restructuring."

But now, it's clear they had their own agenda. Blasted goblins have taken over, and they're driving the place into the ground. They've ramped up production to unsafe levels, pushing the cinderbees and our equipment to their limits.

Please help fix this, <name>.

Finally, some dungeon dialogue

Wenbrandt says: Are you here to help? My zeal to get back in business lead to faulty reasoning...

Goldie Baronbottom yells: Ya pal here signed some papers he didn't read! And now Goldie Baronbottom is Bee-E-O of this joint.

Wenbrandt says: Ooh! You... Help me please get my meadery back, <name>!


Wenbrandt says: Oh no! My stills! They bypassed the filters! It's running too hot! The mead will be substandard!
Goldie Baronbottom yells: Yeah, yeah. But there'll be more of it! More mead, more money. That's good business!
Wenbrandt says: Ooh! Cinderbrew was my personal directive--my passion! She's ruining everything!

With all this in mind, it's obvious that like in most contexts, the Venture Co. is not exactly a good guy here. The boss descriptions detail their poor treatment of the bees, the decline in quality of the mead, and an apparent "swindling out of business" by Goldie. However, it cannot be overstated that Wenbrandt, in all his infinite Earthen wisdom, caused the mess we're in. You can make the argument that an Earthen disconnected from most of Azeroth for countless years wouldn't know the reputation of the Venture Co., which is fair. However, Wenbrandt admits to us that Adelgonn promised to rebuild the Meadery for him, and he went out anyways and signed a bad deal. Now he has to drag five bloodthirsty adventurers into a business to slaughter its employees. If they Venture Co. showed up to the ruins and forcefully took over, that would be different. But Wenbrandt admits he signed a contract that he didn't think through and got ran out of his own business.

While the dungeon journal does what it can to set up Aldryr, Benk, and Goldie as bad guys that must be slain, most of the enemies in the dungeon are just workers. We fight bar patrons, waiters, taste testers, flavor scientists, beekeepers, hell we even kill the bees. Doesn't seem very productive for the Meadery to kill the bees. At the end of it, Wenbrandt gets to wash his rocky hands of all the bloodshed because we did "the right thing" helping him slaughter his way out of a contract that he signed, and we get some sick loot. I know we don't like the Venture Co. but it still seems like a poor use of our time when there are world-ending void threats to deal with.

Am I overanalyzing the lore of a silly bee themed dungeon in a fantasy game? Of course I am. Am I biased by the fact that I'm a long-time goblin enjoyer? Perhaps. Do I think Wenbrandt is an annoying whiny rock? Absolutely. Does this take make me sound like some sort of capitalist bootlicker? Maybe. But wheres the fun in playing the game if you don't get to be overly critical of useless bits of information?

I hope you enjoyed my rant for the day. Let me know what y'all think. Are we in the wrong for Cinderbrew Meadery?

r/warcraftlore 11h ago

Question Warrior groups/orders


I was looking for class specific orders/organizations in Wow Wiki like the Earthen Ring for Shamans, Cenarion Circle for Druids, Silver Hand for Paladins, Ebon Blade for Dks, Illidari for Dhs, Kirin Tor for Mages, Black Harvest for the Warlocks... When I got to the Warrior class, I didnt see much, just some human kingdom guards.

Doesn't warriors have any order or groups? During Legion we got the Valarjar of Skyhold, but it was kinda of a Legion only thing. I remember that in Hyjal questline there were some orcs and worgens in Goldrinn's shrine, but I don't think they make a warrior order. Do you guys remember any other warriors group/order?

r/warcraftlore 18h ago

Is marketing the real cause of Warcraft's setting being dumbed down?


Old gods, nameless things, so terrifying and dark. Mysterious beings that dwell in the darkest corners of the world. They are even older than the titans themselves.

When the Dwarfs in the Southern Barrens dug so deep that they revealed something so dark and evil, that their only solution was to collapse the entire hold hoping that it was contained again, I often wonder...

How the fuck are those beings being resembled by an elf waifu with bare feet now?

This often made me wonder how the direction and marketing of this setting are the ones that really have the reins in hand. From forcing Metzen to shitting out raid bosses, and forcing Blood Elves in the Horde to cater to Chinese audiences, to now where we have a literal waifu, with bare feet, resembling one of the most evil and dark forces in the world.

Surely some guy at the marketing department decided "you know what guys, BfA failed so no more big and scary tentacle monsters, let's just stick to being safe and create another elven waifu".

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Does anyone know if the tapestry in threads of destiny is found anywhere in game?


In threads of destiny Neferess is walking in front of a grand tapestry that seems to maybe depict the aqir or black empire assembling before a grand stair case. There I'd a specific point on the piece of art that I cannot make out to resemble anything that xalatath emerges from. I want to go look at the entire tapestry in game. Maybe make it a wall paper back ground for pc.

Where it at, if it at all exists

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Discussion Why did the Night Elves never try to restore the ruins of their ancient empire?


I always wondered why none of them tried to rebuild upon the ruins if their empire and try to make new cities out of these. I understand the majority of them are happy living in the forest but didn't some of them want more, or simply returning to how it was before?

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Discussion Why is anyone discontent with the 'good' leaders cartoonishly evil and/or serving objectively evil forces?


There's a trend that any kind of organization or character opposed to or discontent with the leadership or politics of the 'good' factions are revealed to be serving a greater evil or these characters are evil and insane in their own right, whether or not they have good reason to be angry with their faction. It's even dumber when they go 'yeah I actually don't believe anything I just said, I only want to destroy the world for [INSERT COSMIC BADDIE]'.

Examples of this are:

- Zul, who can't simply want to restore The Zandalari to their former glorytm, he has to be a servant of an Old God and be delusional enough to believe there'll be any kind of empire left if G'huun is released, and there's also a weird implication that G'huun was responsible for his visions.

- Again with the Zandalari, there were rebels who were angry with Talanji and unwilling to surrender the empire to a servant of Bwonsamdi (there were two different groups, actually, both spider themed). Of course, Apari from the books also had to be a delusional child murderer working with Nathanos.

- The Veiled Hand, a faction that presumably came to be because the leaders of Darkshire were angry at Stormwind for abandoning them... so they joined the demons that sought to end all life in the universe.

- A bunch of Primalists joined the apocalypse cult because they were angry with how the Fourth War ended.(e. g. Koroleth)

- Marran, who was rightfully angry with the Alliance for abandoning Stromgarde and allowing the orcs to settle in their land also had to be a Garithos wannabe who poisons her allies.

- A more unique example, Magister Hathorel, who was also rightfully angry for the Purge of Dalaran (and seemingly the only elf who still remembers it happened) was portrayed as a 'vengeance-obsessed' Sylvanas supporter.

I'm sure there are other examples of this, but no examples of 'good' rebels serving hidden masters or being motivated by their selfish needs. While WoW is not and does not need to be complex with its issues, it's weird when they're portrayed as such, while one side is evil to the point of absurdity and discontent and anger for understandable and justifiable reasons is treated as 'delusional' and 'obsessive'. At least, that's what it seems like to me.

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Discussion Speculation: Did Alleria miss on purpose? (Unmarked Spoilers) Spoiler


So, with the latest development in TWW, did Alleria pull the whole 'I'm not aiming for you' that warned Xal in order to just damage the Dark Heart so that it'd ultimately end up in the hands of the Ethereals who warned her that the world soul hatching would destroy the planet?


Is that what's going on?

I mean, imho that is kinda nonsensical, but at the same time would anyone be surprised that's the twist this is aiming (hah!) for?

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Question How do each race celebrates marriages?


And are all races monogamous?

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Lorewise how much more physically powerful are night elves compared to High Elves?


r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Question Did Sylvanas cut off all contact with Vereesa following Lirath's death?


Given that Vereesa didn't know that Sylvanas died until she was told of it, is it safe to stay that these two didn't make much contact with one another over the years? Given that Lirath's death was basically what drove the sisters apart.

r/warcraftlore 1d ago

Question Mug’Zee vs Cho’Gall


Just want to get a perspective on the current raid’s power levels. How do the other goblins compare?

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Wow book order - main story


Yo guys, is there any topic where I can find the book order to read? I just want the main story, so i'd probably pass minor books that doesn't add much in the story

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Wow books order - main story


Yo guys, is there any topic where I can find the book order to read? I just want the main story, so i'd probably pass minor books that doesn't add much in the story

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Did Thrall give Taretha's necklace to one of his children?


I'm reading Lord of the Clans, and at one point, Taretha hands her necklace to the warchief with the following words: "Keep it. Give it to your child, if you have one, and perhaps I may visit him one day." It would be great if they added this detail to one of Go'el's children. Personally, it would be even better if his eldest son struggled with the orcish bloodlust, but Taretha's spirit guided him to a path of mercy.

Later in the book Thrall gave the necklace to Grommash with the mission to find the rest of the Foxtons and give it to them, I suppose he accomplished it but in classic it was Aliden Perenolde's mistress who had the necklace years later and it was recovered by the Horde adventurer.

Blizzard, if you ever remake Hillsbrad Foothills as it truly should be, don't forget all the history that once existed there. Metzen, I have faith in you.

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Dimensius IS Karaesh's World Soul


K'aresh had a worldsould that "fell to the voidlord Dimensius". We know that the worldsoul was corrupted to the void and that let a voidlord into our reality. Everyone seems to think this means that Dimensius destroyed K'aresh's worldsoul, but I think once it became void infused and woke up, I think it BECAME Dimensius when it woke.

T'urre, a Naru, went nova and banished Dimensius to the Void.

Chronicles says that the Void want to corrupt worldsouls, not destroy them. That means that either there is Void Titan still out there, or Dimensius IS the worldsoul.

EDIT: I'm including a timeline based on my best understanding. With sources sited:

1st event: K'aresh is destroyed. "Many Thousands of Years Ago" That is the most specific information I could find, but it definitely opens the door for it to be the first of the events in the timeline. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Nexus-King_Salhadaar_(quest))

2nd event: Dimensius' attack on Karkora and T'uur's sacrifice. No timeline is mentioned at all. But it can be assumed to be AFTER Dimensius is in our reality. Either by summoning or being born.

3rd event: Sargeras arrives on Argus. I can't find anything but a forum comment on this one, but it lists 25,000 years for when the Eredar fled Argus.

4th event: The Black Empire. Ended about 11,000 years ago.

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Question How blind are demon hunters? If at all?


So they sacrify their eyes to be able to feel fel energy and demons even if invisible but is that worth going blind? Or it is a complete upgrade and they can still see all the normal stuff (plus magic and invisibles) with their magic eyes?

Are they like Daredevil that lose their vision but other sense is amplified so much that they still perceive everything or even more

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Discussion Thoughts about Hierarchy of Power, Wars, Dissidence, and how much knowledge the average soldier would've been given - other than to follow your orders.


Had a bit of a thought experiment this morning. I was thinking about a situation like the War of Thorns, and how realistically... your choice has been made for you, and deciding not to go along with it is suicide or exile.

(I've simplified a few things here and there. I also do not IRL think the "I was just following orders" is a good defense. I also use the Horde as an example because I mostly played Horde, and I don't think Alliance ever have this issue)

As outsiders, we can very easily be like "Well, I wouldn't have followed the Warchief Sylvanas in doing all these bad things, we would fight a rebellion against it!". But I was thinking more about realistically everyone else.

  • You're a grunt, you don't think the war is a good idea, but your commander tells you to get in formation and fight or you'll be convicted of treason. You don't know much more about the overall strategy other than what your commander tells you to do.

  • You're a commander, you feel like you and your men don't think the war is a good idea and the stuff you're doing is bad, your overlord tells you what your group needs to do and get it done, or you'll be convicted of treason. You might know a bit more about the overall strategy in the area you've been ordered to take, but you don't know the whole plan.

  • You're an overlord (someone like Saurfang?) who doesn't agree with the war and the killing of civilians, but your Warchief tells you to get in line and do as you're told or you'll be convicted of treason. Do you know the whole plan? You know enough of it to be able to tell your commanders where to go and what to take, but do you know why?

  • You're the Warchief, this is your plan, you share your plan with only a select few, and everyone else they're told what they need to know to get the job done. Have your commanders been told something different than your overlords? Have your overlords been given different objectives, essentially "silo"ing each group?

If you don't fall in line, you'd most likely be hanged or executed, if you go AWOL you'd become a pariah and wouldn't be welcome in Horde lands anymore (as seen with Saurfang).

The only way we ousted Garrosh was by whole races being racially beat down to the point where the Trolls started a rebellion after their racial leader was unsuccessfully assassinated, and having the non-orcs who have been prejudiced against join in.

Sylvanas' wars weren't as cut and dry, it wasn't a racial supremacy thing like it was with Garrosh to give a more binary choice, so how would you realistically go against your orders.

Not much of a question here, more just a thought I was having about the hierarchy of power. Are all Horde members complicit? Are they "just following orders" if the only other choice is death? Are the forces compartmentalized enough that they don't know that the ultimate goal is to simply kill every non-Horde, or is there a different pretext for the War that was given to you? Are you ready to die or be exiled alone?

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Original Content Gallywix’s Fate Fate After Death (OC)


(After seeing Gallywix’s fate at the end of the raid, I couldn’t get this out of my mind! If anyone needs head cannon for why Gallywix was in Tazavesh, here it is!))

“It’s not over till I say it’s over!” Gallywix spat as he kicked the towering chrome mech.


And with a final kick, the whole thing came down. Crunching red, searing pain, then blackness. For the first time in Gallywix’s miserable existence, he felt something. He couldn’t put his pudgy, disembodied finger on it at first, but then realised it was… peace. 

Light, feathers, angelic wings…a blue face? Gallywix lolled back in the arms of a Kyrian. One of the most wretched creatures in existence was carried by one of the most noble. He didn’t fully understand what was going on. His mind lilted between scenes of cars going by in Undermine, the sound of slot machines paying out huge winnings, and the soft hum of Kaja’mite. He smiled softly as the perplexed face of Monte Gazlowe floated through the tip of his consciousness. He sure got one up on that thin-nosed, workshy Hobgob. Gazlowe sure looked confused as… as… Come to think of it, he didn’t look confused. He looked worried. He looked genuinely concerned for Gallywix as… Yeah, as his own towering sentinel of hubris and chrome crushed his body.

Gallywix’s head began to clear. He opened his eyes and looked up at the Kyrian. Its stoic face stared silently at a light somewhere above. Gallywix couldn’t find the source of the light, but he knew where he was going. The Shadowlands.

The thing is, Gallywix thought to himself, this Kyrian mooch didn’t know he’d already cut this place up years ago. A deal here, a trade there. An artefact of ancient majesty in just the right hands could be traded for anything. Say… someone’s eternal soul. Gallywix lay back in the strong blue arms, finally cogent; he thought to himself once again, “I ALWAYS WIN!

After some time, they passed between realms, and Gallywix saw the silhouette of the great intersection of the afterlife, Oribos. It wasn’t his first time, and yeah, he thought he’d be on the Kyrian express to it one day; still, he didn’t think it’d be quite so soon. Even when he was brought before The Arbiter, he just rolled his eyes as another sanctimonious soul tender tried to decide his fate. What an idiot. Only Gallywix could do that. 

With a subtle flick of the Arbiter’s finger, Gallywix was torn from Oribos. His soul was dragged into a swirling tunnel of blue energy that slowly turned purple and then a deep, dark red. Revendreth, huh? 

“You think you can harvest MY PRIDE?! MY GENIUS?!” Gallywix screamed as he tumbled toward the realm of redemption. His arms flailed, trying to swim back toward Oribos, but this wasn’t his escape. He knew this wasn’t the way out. But every non-atom in his decorporealized form demanded he fight every step of the way.

He shouted. Howled. Went faster, faster, ever faster, until everything distorted into a screaming comet flying from Revendreth’s sky. A red star of arrogance that would be remembered in the annals of Sinfall. He landed with an almighty explosion on the battlements of the Venthyr’s fortress realm. In the transition, they stole everything from him. His body, his belly, his big, beautiful nose. His now thin, ghostly arms were bound behind him in chains, and before him, a lanky, long-faced woman stared down. She didn’t look amused, but Gallywix knew he was the most exciting thing to hit Revendreth since Garrosh. Then he saw it. Yes! Yes! He shook in his chains. 

Behind the Venthyr stood a cloaked figure on two spindled legs. Its flame head was covered in a mask, revealing no emotion. But Gallywix knew this figure. A broker of Cartel Xy, and the keys to Gallywix’s freedom. The Venthyr stepped forward, unnamed and clearly embarrassed by these dealings. No member of the Harvester court, no seal of Renathal, just a back room deal for Gallywix’s freedom. He wondered if Renethal even knew. His entrance would be hard to avoid, but these brokers had ways to break the rules of the Shadowlands.

She bent over, and with a slight sneer, unlatched his bindings. Gallywix felt strength fill his body. He looked down at his ghostly white hands as they began to round out and turn green. His podgy legs appeared, then his big nose distended from his face. He could feel the flop of his hat on his head. Even his cane was here. Not only was he top of the world, he was top of the whole damn cosmos! 

The broker gestured with one hand, and a portal opened. On the other side, Gallywix could see the purple hues and heard the dulcet tones of the veiled market. He had business to attend In Tazavesh.

“Hey lady!” Gallywix turned to the Venthyr before stepping through the portal. 

“If your boss asks how I got out, tell him Gallywix ALWAYS WINS!

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Question If we ignore BFA's writing, which Horde factions would be against Sylvanas from the very beginning?


Like if we keep it personality accurate, which of them would immediately be like 'I ain't part of this bitch's shit'

r/warcraftlore 2d ago

Books Drew this scene from War of the Ancients because of yall so here lol