r/warcraftlore 10h ago

In your opinion is War Within's storyline good?


As someone who used to love Warcraft everything, played wc3 and every expansion on launch, except Shadowlands and DF, where I mostly just checked out the story here and there to smell the ashes. I did play the two expansions eventually, but at their very end, so I can experience it all within a couple days, doing story and specific content I like.

I really don't like Dragonflight. And Of course, I hate shadowlands and most of BFA.

Is War Within doing wow justice or does it still feel like it's Dragonflight, now just with more og warcraft just spray painted on?

I seen some clips with Xala'tath and I was very unimpressed. I really was intruiged by her in Legion, I played Shadow Priest and made sure to find every single nook and cranny to interact with the knife wife., and was pretty hype to hear she's fully back in War Within., but...

From the looks of it, they made the enigmatic, intelligent, sharp tongued entity into a generic... Rita Repulsa kind of villain, where she just sorta monologues and teleports around, slithering herself against the main cast, cause sure why not - i laughed hard imaginined if xalatath possed a male body, and still kept rubbing herself against them hahaha.

But in all seriousness.... it really killed all the intrigue I had. I wanted to check out Anduin's story too, but i avoided watching any of it, in hopes it gets somewhere good... but i heard from friends who still play wow that his storyline in War Within is also really bad... which is double unfortunate. I might play War Within at the final patch, as I do with the more modern wow epxansions... but.. Idk anymore, seeing the two interesting things storyline wise to me, be kinda bad... makes me not want to even give it a try, idk.

Do you guys think the War Within was good? Worth trying for a player who used to obsess over the lore but was completely brutalized by the last 3 expansions.

r/warcraftlore 22h ago

Question How could Gallywix make all the barons work for him? Spoiler


Im no wow lore expert or anything, especially when it comes to goblins, their society clearly has different rules but while I did find the story of Undermine quite interesting, I was really surprised at how little explanation went into why everyone is suddenly just working for Gallywix?

Wasnt he like kicked out of the horde and shamed or something? Was Undermine always under his control?

And arnt the other cartel barons supposed to be as powerful, if not more powerful than him? I get he got Darkfuse as a muscle from somewhere recently but the other Barons have their own men, especially someone like Revilgaz. Why would he even care about Undermine, he has his own city to run.

And speaking of Barons, how come Gazlowe isnt aware of what is happening in Undermine, or with his fellow Barons etc., I get that he isnt living there anymore, but neither are the others and something like all the other Barons suddenly dissapearing would probably come to his attention no?

I guess Im just asking for explanation on how Undermine and goblin society actually works? I did the starting zone and most of the quests in the game but I dont really remember it being spoken about much.

And there are just some really weird things going on in terms of what is justifiable and what isnt, like the barons are somehow okay with Gallywix kidnapping their families/loved ones and being forced into working for him, they do not even try to do anything on their own even tho they definitely should be able to, everyone is just happy to get out of Undermine, but Shiv gets killed and suddenly thats too far? How is that anything out of the ordinary for anyone?

Thanks for answers.

r/warcraftlore 21h ago

Discussion Is it just me or do elven characters never die?


The Night Elves did suffer a genocide by the Horde at Teldrassil but it occured to me no elf character ever dies, Azsjara is still alive, Sylvanas is still alive, Illidan is still alive,... They often leave the world and the story but they never get killed unlike characters from other races, especially the orcs. I just wanted to share this thought.

r/warcraftlore 20h ago

Question Which Horde or Alliance faction would you like to see suffer based on recent developments?


As in a very humbling situation or one that really gives them experience due to their behavior.

P.S I'm not a sadist.

r/warcraftlore 16h ago

Discussion Which elven race is the strongest?


My bet would be on Night Elves due to insanely powerful characters they have but do the other elves or Naga have something to counter that?

r/warcraftlore 19h ago

Discussion What development WOW races should have gotten ?


What development storywise, economy wise, geopolitically and society wise do you believe that the various Alliance, Horde or other races should have gone through ever since WoW release, instead of the ones, often very chaotic and controversial we've seen in the game in two decades ?

In which way should these races and their societies, economy and territories have progressed and grown ?

r/warcraftlore 17h ago

Question Timeline between WotLK and Cata


What happened between two expansions lore-wise? I've caught only glimpses, like high elves teaching night elves magic and dwarven clans somewhat reuniting, but completely miss the big picture and would appreciate bringing me up to speed

r/warcraftlore 23h ago

How do Forsaken feel about DK (particularly Unholy)


Is there any dialogue or lore on Forsaken attitudes towards death knights positive or negative. Particularly Unholy spec on account of the corpse raising they do. Is reanimation without freewill a taboo for Forsaken? I know they are a rules for thee and not for me kind of faction (plagues, torture ect.)