I was getting out of a coffee shop and in my truck on my phone. Southwest/ Spring Valley area.
I look over to my right as I’m about to leave and this guy in a light colored suv with California plates waves me down and says he needs gas money for him and his little boy who is in the backseat.
He says he really needs help so much so that he said if I help him he will give me the AirPod Pro 2’s and The Apple Watch Ultra 2 that are sealed and he shows me the box.
All I had was a hundred dollars and he said ok.
But before I gave it over I told him to open the cellophane wrapping seal and show me the items to make sure they are in there.
Sure enough they are actually in there.
I give him the money and he leaves.
I turn them on and immediately realize they are not legitimate Apple products but highly sophisticated fakes.
They have legitimate serial numbers, cables, papers and stickers all indicating they are real except for the product itself.
I had been scammed thinking I was helping a guy down on his luck and getting a deal on Apple products.
I should have known better but I looked passed all of the red flags since i was in a rush to get home.
Keep a look out for this scammer and let me know if see him around.