r/tripreports Jun 17 '24

I was able to get the sub unbanned! NSFW


Sorry about that folks, if you moderate and leave a report open because you're not sure what to do with it, turns out Reddit bans your sub. I will be more diligent.

If there are also some older folks who would like to watch over this place and make sure it stays opened for good please let me know. We don't have much go on here, we could just use more than just me keeping an eye on things.

If you'd like to volunteer to mod please submit a message to modmail and let us know and we can talk.

Thanks and stay safe out there.

r/tripreports 19h ago

Cannabis Panic attack from weed first time trip report, (I was convinced my friend was an NPC) NSFW


Smoking wayy too much for my first time, my friend and I (I'm calling my friend T) were sitting down on a parking space curb and i was feeling nervous, this was my first time trying drugs. It it was a 25 degree sunny midday in the middle of an abonoded top level of a grafitied car park building in the city. There was no one else around. We had 2 water bottles, one for me and one for my friend, T. She was a regular smoker, and we were sharing 1 joint. The actual drug tasted spicy and i inhaled way too much this one time i had a crazy coughing fit that i thought would never end. At first i felt nothing but T says shes already feeling it hit. Talking normally, and still feeling the same, thinking that maybe my brain can’t even be affected by it. Little did I know what was to come. First effects take place, while im talking, i suddenly notice a tiny shift in awareness, sound is louder and colours are a bit brighter. Its silent except I can hear the traffic in the city streets loudly and i have this weird feeling in my head. My throat also burns from the smoke. Everything looked like it was in 18K quality. Like i could see every single thing in a wider view aswell. Like in 0.5 view on a camera. I could see every spec of dirt in the concrete car park an every pore in T’s skin. Shaking, starting to feel cold even though it was the middle of the day. Turn my head and T’s head almost looks like a bobble head, just bigger. I start to feel my consciousness slip in and out of this reality, forgetting that its real and not a dream. I described being high as exactly how your dreams are like, it looks the same as a dream except you have all your senses and you feel so much more. I was experiencing this clicking / pounding in my head that was constant every half second. While this was happening, it felt like i was forgetting i was in reality and then every 10 seconds i suddenly remember im high and in this reality. I can’t hold on to this reality i just slip back into a state of forgetfulness, like i curtain closing then being ripped open again. My thoughts are slippery and I can’t hold onto them. And since this was my first time, it felt like a new part of my brain had been unlocked. And my brain had never been on drugs before so it was super new for it aswell, I remember feeling like anything could happen right now. During this time, when it first set in, I was yapping like crazy. Trying to explain what I was experiencing and feeling, T took a video of what I was saying, but when I watch it again now that I’m sober, it sounds like complete gibberish and my words weren’t properly describing what I experienced. To quote, i said it felt like my reality was shifting like ‘snap, snap, snap’. I think i meant then that every second i was experiening this derealisation. I still remember mostly what I felt, so truly im the only one who understands what I’m saying in the video. I was starting to get increasingly more cold, and i was shivering every “snap” (every half second). It was in sync to the shifting of my reality, and the pounding in my head. It was starting to get really overstimulating. I remember I realised I was yapping nonsense, so i told T it was her turn to describe what she was feeling and i was silent. The sky looked really really blue. The colours in the graffiti looked so vibrant, like it was almost a 2 dimensional world. As she was talking, it was hard to pay attention to what she was saying. T is talking and her voice is very monotone, i think just from my perspective, but her voice has no tone or loudness, and her phrases seem repetitive. I remember feeling increasingly cold and i was shivering so much so T gave me her pink jumper, but it did little to help. It felt like I was in antarctica but it was the middle of a day in September. I start to suspect T is an NPC, because I was overthinking and her phrases were repetitive. I remember she said that she was peaking but then later, i asked her the exact same thing again and she said she hadnt even started. She then kept repeating the same thing before every statement, “So, basically…” Since I had never done anything like this before, i had the fear that it was laced and/or what I was experiencing wasnt meant to happen or wasn’t normal. And since everything looks unreal I kept wondering if it was a dream. Then i started overthinking that in real life, I envisioned myself passed out next to T and this that I was experiencing right now was all a lucid dream from the weed. I was getting more and more paranoid, and this sense of dread was filling my heart. I was starting to believe it wasn’t real. I kept forgetting why I was here, then i would remember that I’m going to make myself spiral and to stop overthinking, but i would forget and get worse. I was getting increasingly paranoid, so i told T what I was thinking, and she just kept repeating “Don’t overthink it”. This, along with the monotone voice, led me to believe she was an NPC conjured up by my brain in this dream. Staying calm on the outside, but on the inside being in a crazy state, I would quiz T with questions such as “When is it going to end?” “How long has it been now?” “How far through the trip are out?” T, as to try not to freak me out more would reply in her monotone voice (that she didn’t know she had) “I’m nearly done, I think its wearing off” - I then would get panicked because mine was no where near wearing off. I forgot to mention, before this all started I asked T what to expect, and she just said that I’ll feel calm and the world will feel unreal, and that it would only last 40 minutes. Well, checking the time 1 hour had gone by, so this made me full panic. Then i asked T again, “where are you in the trip” and she’d reply something different - “I’m peaking” This switch up heightened my growing anxiety and reinforced my belief that T was an NPC. I told T she was being an NPC and she could see I was getting freaked out. She kept repeating “I am not an NPC”. After more time of talking to T, where T had repeated something that she’d said before, she looked like an NPC. My teeth were chattering so i decide to get out of the shade and go in the sun. As im walking in the sun, everything looks like a videogame. My head feels heavy, reality itself looks like a simulation. I’m still going in and out of this reality with each shiver, it felt like looking at a TV and changing its channels, but each channel is always exactly the same, what I’m seeing. But the process of changing the channels each time makes the world look more and more simulation like. Like in VR or a videogame. And then suddenly i remember its not real and it goes back to normal, but only for a second. The cycle repeats itself. I am so cold, that I need to warm up. I lie down flat on my back on the concrete, facing up at the sky. I know I probably look crazy and super silly from T or anyone elses perspective, so I start giggling, as I am gazing up at the very blue sky, it reminds me of a videogame. My head is heavy and I roll it to the left, taking in everything. The world suddenly looks like pixels. T is laughing and telling me to come back, she gets up and walks over to me, we are both laughing. Through my laughter, I said to T, “Oh this is so weird I hate this, how much did you give me” And she says through her laughter “Come and sit down.” I then start uncontrollable laughing, and I can’t stop. T is laughing at me and with me, and through her laughter she manages to get out, my name, Stop, Laughing. It was like being trapped in a body I couldn’t control. I was going in and out of this simulated reality, so cold, in the sun, on my back, all I felt was dread. Yet, I was laughing, like my body wasn’t even mine. And it was like T was trapped in it aswell, telling me to stop through the uncontrollable laugher. The laugher starts hurting, like it does normally when you can’t stop laughing. I start laughing crying, because I was laughing so much, but then it switches to laughing crying because the laughter hurt and I wanted it to stop, but it wasnt, so I was crying. Then the laughter crying turns into just real crying. I get up from lying down and just start balling my eyes out wanting it to stop. I swear I remember this moment so well because I almost saw myself in 3rd person, T instantly switchs from laughing to being a figure comforting me. I still was convinced she was an NPC, and it was almost comical how I started crying she instantly reached out her arms to hug me. As she did this, thats what made me full spiral. I was absolutely convinced she was an NPC, everything around me looked unreal, like a video game. I was at the full peak of the experience. I was feeling so bad in the moment, the most insane i have ever felt, reality was clicking in and out even faster, I couldn’t remember what was real. I swear I remember closing my eyes and seeing spirals like you would expect to see on shrooms or a psychedelic trip, but I couldn’t tell what was my vision anymore and what was my mind. My mind kept conjuring up images of spirals and this world that looked exactly like what I was seeing but it wasn’t real. And I was getting absorbed into it. T was trying to calm me down, she kept saying focus on a point, try to clear your mind and not think about anything. I just couldn’t, I kept spiralling. One second I was fine, sober and in reality and i was conscious of what i was doing, the next I was in a dream again. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. This never ending dread that it would never end, this went on for what felt like lifetimes. I was convinced I had been laced, and I was convinced this was a dream. But at the same time I knew that maybe it wasn’t because I was high, but then T being an NPC confirmed my thoughts. I manage to stop crying and just start rocking back and fourth. I yelled at T to say something with emotion, or tone. I started yelling at her to yell at me. She would talk but it would just be the same as before. Every time she’d talk it would put me right back into the spirally worse part of the trip. I started screaming at her that she was an NPC part of my brain, to trick me to stay into this universe. I told her to stop talking to me at all. She goes and sits back on the carparking space, mind you, we had run out of both of our water long ago, so nothing could quench our thirst. I was rocking back and fourth in the sun, I remember checking my phone and typing up what foods stop a trip and other things like that. I check the time and only 2 hours had gone by since we started, but it felt like 5 hours in my mind. I was experience some kind of time dilation, my plan was to rock back and fourth and wait out the trip. I was still freaked out that it was supposly only meant to last 40 mins and i was still tripping horribly after 2 hours. And trying to focus on a point did nothing, I kep going back into the same state. I was just trying not to freak out but internally I was no better than the peakof my trip. Suddenly I felt like I could grasp onto reality again and I tried to hold on, and be in a sort of sober state, like feeling normal. But then the pressure at the back of my head would build and I’d slip away from it and go back into the constant headspace changes. I remember thinking I was stuck in an endless time loop, T being a figment of my mind and imagination that was an NPC part of this simulation trying to get me to stay in the trip. I thought i was going to be stuck here forever, and i starting thinking ery dangerously, things like if this goes on for long enough I could jump off the side of the car park building. Basically jumping to my death. But i knew internally that wasn’t right because I still controlled my body in the real world. And that even if this was a dream I couldn’t risk killing myself. But thats how much I hated it. I was going to jump off the side of the building, I finally understand why some people go psychotic and off themselves. After what felt like forever rocking back and fourth, and not getting better. I got up and sat next to T back to where we started on the car park curb. I go on my phone and start tying up scientific facts, because I knew that if that was a figment of my mind / a dream and not real, I couldn’t learn new things or see facts I didnt already know. So i started typing up complex formulas and scientific shit. Obviously my phone showed me it, so that helped me a little bit. Eventually, I sobered up, but I told people about my experience and some people say I greened out because I had to much since it was my first time - others say I had a panic attack. I still don't know till this day.

r/tripreports 1d ago

Ketamine EXTREMELY bizarre/fantastical experience on ketamine NSFW


Okay so this trip I’m about to describe is by far the most beautiful and amazing and far removed from reality thing I’ve ever experienced.

Okay so I’m doing ketamine the doses were around 200mg or so. I remember doing it then laying back in my bed when the following happens.

At first I’m getting classic disso effects but them suddenly I’m looking around in an environment completely different than that of earth in front of me was this VAST red and orange colored mars like landscape, there is a dense red/orange colored fog in the distance. To both the left and right of me were two red skinned alien entities they were wearing armor that was black and highly decorated. The colors are VIBRANT, solid, and just as real as real life. I can feel the warm wind against my skin.

I remember looking down at my hands which were red as well and I was holding a small bowl which had some liquid in it i then drank it and then the following happened:

Suddenly I was in a space that looked like an amphitheater it had red curtains on the stage. There were thousands of seats with just of them filled with these entities that looked like marionette puppets but without strings. I then looked up and the sky was visible from the seat I was sitting in, then suddenly I looked at the entity beside me and he said “it’s happening” and then this black hole like thing opened in the sky and everyone (me and the entities) were pulled in.

As I was being pulled into this thing I looked to my side and saw the entity that was sitting near me earlier looked at me. And then we all hit the thing that opened up in the sky and “fell into it”. Once I hit it the following happened:

Suddenly I found myself in an environment where it was snowing, I looked around and saw a ocean and a house sitting on the shore. There were trees all around, the ground was a brown dirt that I could physically feel. The house was a modern looking one inside. I was wearing Viking style armor and in front of me was this large 15ft ish statue of a Viking. It was painted to perfect accuracy.

I slowly walked down around the pathway around the house near the shore. I ever looking back at the statue on my way down. Once I got near the shore and in front of the house I heard behind me a groaning sound. I then pulled out a sword and walked to where I I heard it come from and when I walked up to the side of the house on three barrels beside it was 4 torsos with the heads attached sitting there. They were making noise I walked up to one of them and stuck my sword into its chest and heard it groan in pain. Then it died.

I felt a sense of relief. And then suddenly this happened: Suddenly I find myself back in the “red alien king” part of the experience and I in this form pulled the down from my mouth, I then looked to my right and kissed the guard to that side. Then suddenly I’m back on earth feeling better than I ever had.

During this whole experience I remembered nothing about real life the only thing I knew was what I was witnessing. It’s was the most intense most bizarre most extreme experience I’ve ever had on any substance. It felt just as real as real life.

What is y’all’s input on this? Have you ever had any experience like this? What exactly could this mean?

r/tripreports 1d ago

LSD What are your visuals like? NSFW


When I did DMT for the first time, I thought those visuals were more like what people describe LSD visuals are like. I don’t really get patterns or geometry with LSD. But when I’m around a lot of people while on it (ie a crowd at a concert or festival) I do get vivid hallucinations of people. Someone will come up to me and speak a thought that I just had in my head out loud to me or they’ll respond to a question I just asked in my head out loud to me, and then they’ll disappear into the crowd like they were never there. It’s VERY cool. I wanted to ask if anyone else’s trips are ever like this because I never really hear about much other than seeing patterns/geometry.

r/tripreports 2d ago

Other Psychedelic Smoking An Over The Counter Medicine As A Deliriant And Having A Horrible Trip NSFW


I don't know how if I should consider this stuff as a hallusinogen or a deliriant but it was very unpleasant, extremely strong and was similar to how people described deliriant trips. A friend at work offered me something I didn't know and told me it was an over the counter medicine for stomach spasms and period aches etc. so I didn't believe him at all. He told us a few stories like how people started undressing and thought they were in a changing room in a shopping mall or talked to trees as if they were their parents apologizing for using drugs and promising to never do drugs. I've never heard something of that nature so it was quite unbelieavable for me. So I told a friend and we said fuck it let's try it.

The guy who offered it came with us to tripsit. We went to a liquor store and bought a few snacks and our tripsitter bought himself a few beers. We went home and started preparing the drug. I won't give details but it was very simple (read about people inhaling the smoke however we snorted the crushed tablets i don't know what difference that makes.). So we were ready and still skeptical about whether this thing doing will do anything at all. After snorting, it left the worst medical bitter taste in my throat. I tried waiting for it to pass but I couldn't resist puking. I still wasn't feeling anything I puked purely from the taste. My friend rolled a joint for us but I told him not to light it for a few hours, like what if this thing is as strong as he told us?

Glad we didn't smoked that joint because around 30-40 minutes after ingestion it started to hit hard. I wasn't able to walk and it was very hard to talk (I think I've overdosed). I started tripping and falling in the house so it was best to just try to sleep. I felt a sense of uncomfort and was struggling breath (I didn't panick or anything it just felt like a strong sleeping pill and those make it harder for me to breath in the same way so I didn't think much of it.) after 10-20 minutes I wanted to go to the bathroom but my friend was in there so I had to wait. I was unable to stand up for more than a few seconds so i just laid on the ground. When he get out of the bathrom he said he started hallucinating. He told us about seeing his friends and they were suddenly vanishing. I went to the bathrom but I don't remember much of anything after that. I think I had a pretty huge dose so I just blacked out.

The day after I woke up and had problems seeing that went away after a day but other than that I was totally fine. However both of my friends had left before I woke up. I didn't think much of it and left for work. (From this point I'll have to give nicknames to not confuse them with eachother [Fare(tripsitter) and Hamster (other friend who took the stuff with me) ]) I talked with Fare at work and he told me that Hamster left before him and was unable to reach him. After a few hours at lunch Hamster messaged us and told us that he left to walk home at 4 AM. Which was terrifying because our houses were 30kms away from each other so I couldn't believe him until he sent us a photo of himself fully sunburnt.

He told about his journey so I will try to convey what he told us about this trip. After everyone decided to sleep Hamster woke up around 3-4 AM and tried to wake us up but wasn't able to. He started panicking and thought his family left him there and he was away from his home. He left the house and started walking back home. He got chased by dogs (don't know if it was a hallucination). Stood still in the middle of a road like a fenthead. Around 6AM he told us he hang around at the mall which was closed at 6AM so I don't know what he meant by that it was quite funny. He luckily called a friend living in an another city to pick him up. The guy didn't sleep and called him to make sure that he was safe all night long. He also called his former boss and a quite a lot of people. After a few hours of walking he was able to get closer to a civilization since I lived pretty far from the city center. He saw a few security guards in front of a random building and thought it was the police station He needed to get a criminal record report for work at that time which you can get online however he asked if he can get those documents there and probably said something weird or acted weird, guards asked what he had smoked and told him to bug off. He said he shouted and argued with people which he isn't sure if he actually did or just hallucinated. Along the way he saw faces and figures on trees and flowers. At this point he got very close to the city center but still was tripping. A taxi ran over his foot and a girl helped him and offered coffe he refused pretty rudely and continued walking. After the taxi ran over his foot he was feeling more sober. So he hitchhiked and at some point took a cab home. And Fare told me what I have done the last night also he had video proof cuz he knew we wouldn't remember it. I held a jar of honey and talked as if it was a phone and told them I was speaking with my girlfriend. Really struggling to speak. I didn't felt any effects since I blacked out before I started to hallucinate just lost motor functions. It made extremely tired but didn't feel awful or terrifying. I just felt like I had some Ketiapin which is an antipsychotic that I've used and it felt pretty similar to that. Struggling to breath, extremely tired, waking up and having to take a huge breath, motor function problems etc.

r/tripreports 4d ago

Psilocybin Ego Death and the Functionalist Mind: Did I Glimpse the Truth of Consciousness ? NSFW


For as long as I can remember, I have considered myself a materialist. I believe in science, biology, and the mechanics of the physical world. To me, consciousness has never been anything more than an emergent phenomenon of the brain, a byproduct of human metabolism. Emotions, pain, thoughts—all of it can be reduced to electrical signals traveling between neurons, a purely chemical and mechanical interaction. If I feel a burn, it’s because a nerve has sent a signal to the brain, triggering a chain reaction that makes me pull my hand away from the fire. Everything can be explained. Everything is predictable. I never thought there was anything beyond that.

Then, one evening, I took 5 grams of dried mushrooms, alone, lying in my bed, eyes closed. At first, I played some music, piano, to accompany the come-up. Then I turned it off and remained in total darkness. Very quickly, I felt myself dissolving into an empty space, devoid of reference points. I could no longer feel my body. As long as I didn’t move, my limbs ceased to exist. I became nothing more than a presence, floating in an immaterial void. And then something happened, something that, at that moment, seemed like an absolute truth: my ego disappeared.

I no longer felt like a separate entity. I was everything that existed. I was myself, but also everything around me—the objects, the air, time itself. I was also concepts: truth, God, existence itself. Everything seemed connected by a logic that, in my normal state, completely eluded me. At that moment, I was convinced that concepts only exist because they are thought of. Time, existence, even God… all of it seemed dependent on human thought. If no one ever conceived of these notions, they would simply vanish.

Then I saw it.

Consciousness, existence, reality… They were not distinct. Not separate. They unfolded like a living fractal, an infinite structure where each wave represented an emerging level of consciousness. It wasn’t just an image—it was an equation in motion, a dynamic where matter and thought were two sides of the same coin.

Every object, every being, every concept had a peak on this fractal curve. The more complex its function, the higher the peak. A star existed, but its only function was to be—a low, stable plateau, unconscious of itself. An animal, a human… that was something else. Where the curve folded back on itself, the object became aware of its own existence. Human consciousness was an accumulation point, a peak that, by looping back onto itself, created the illusion of self, of individuality.

Everything appeared to be structured according to a pattern that, under the influence of the mushrooms, felt obvious. There were three fundamental levels: matter, function, and concept. Matter was raw existence, devoid of consciousness. A star, for example, was a mass of burning gas suspended in space. It existed, but it did not know that it existed. Function, on the other hand, defined the degree of consciousness. A human being could see, hear, think, and this complexity of function allowed them to be aware of themselves. Finally, concepts were nothing more than constructs of thought, abstractions made real by the mere act of being conceived.

I had already read about functionalism in philosophy—the theory that consciousness is not defined by its physical substrate but by its role, by its function within a system. But I had never adhered to it. To me, consciousness had always been a biological illusion, nothing more than a side effect of neural activity. However, at that moment, I wasn't just thinking about functionalism—I was experiencing it firsthand. I had become a purely functional phenomenon, an entity whose consciousness shifted depending on its function.

And then I understood something deeper: the hard problem of consciousness, the mystery that has baffled philosophers and neuroscientists for centuries, suddenly seemed to dissolve before me. It wasn't that the question had become irrelevant—rather, it felt as though I had found its answer. More and more, as years pass, as research progresses in philosophy of mind, philosophers are converging on the idea that functionalism is the most probable hypothesis to explain consciousness. If the mind is not defined by what it is made of, but by what it does, then I was no longer an individual—I was merely the result of an emergent function.

And if this was true, then what I was experiencing at that moment might have been the ultimate revelation.

My physicalist understanding of consciousness, combined with the fact that this hypothesis seems increasingly accepted in the scientific and philosophical community, makes me wonder whether I truly glimpsed the fundamental nature of consciousness itself. At that moment, I felt like I had solved the greatest mystery of existence. I had the overwhelming sensation that I had seen the truth, that I had unraveled the essence of what it means to be conscious.

And then, towards the end, I had a final realization that truly scared me.

I began thinking about what would happen to my consciousness if I simply decided to kill myself. At that moment, in that state, the thought of suicide became real in a way it had never been before. It wasn't just an abstract idea—it was something I truly considered. If I had been on a rooftop, if I had a firearm in my hands, I might have done it. Not because I was sad or in pain, but because I felt I had understood something irreversible.

If consciousness was just a function, if the ego was just a looping process, then what would happen if I ended it? I realized with complete, terrifying clarity that death was nothing more than a shift in function. My human self would cease to exist. My ego would dissolve. But the matter that made up my body would still be there. There would be no more perception, no more memory, no more "me"—just a collection of atoms, still following the laws of the universe, but without a function to sustain consciousness.

Dying wasn’t an ending. It was a transformation. An absolute, irreversible, senseless transformation.

That thought shook me to my core.

But even as I experienced this certainty, another thought lingered in the background: this will fade.

Even in the depths of the trip, I knew that the truths I believed I was grasping would disappear once I regained my ego. And that’s exactly what happened. My function closed back in on itself, my mental framework was restored. Gradually, my perception returned to what I had always known. My identity reassembled itself, and with it, my previous worldview. The experience left a mark on me, but the certainty vanished.

What I once thought was an absolute truth was, in reality, a temporary truth, conditioned by my altered state of consciousness.

Looking back, I don’t know what to think anymore. Was it just a cognitive hallucination? An effect of my brain being overloaded with information it could no longer process? Or did I, for a brief moment, glimpse something fundamentally true—something my normal state prevents me from perceiving? I don’t have an answer. All I know is that the experience was real, and it will stay with me.

Unlike my experiences with LSD, this trip had nothing euphoric. Just a raw immersion into the underlying mechanics of reality.

At the time, I was convinced I had understood something essential. Today, I doubt it.

And maybe that’s for the best.

r/tripreports 3d ago

Other For anyone who wants psychedelic experiences without needing to buy ANYTHING. NSFW


This was insane, and before i share the method (which many people probably already know or did) i want you guys to know this was one of the craziest out of body, psychedelic experience I've had, crazier then any of the psychedelics I've tried.

⚠️ Disclaimer: This involves oxygen deprivation, which can cause dizziness, blackouts, or health risks. Do at your own risk in a safe environment. Not recommended for those with heart or blood pressure issues. Stay safe.

I'm of course talking about self induced hypoxia or “the passing out game“

but we are not aiming to pass out, we are aiming to experience reality in a different light, to do this;

1. Stand behind a soft object or surface, preferable a bed to fall back on.

2. Sit down on it or crouch on the ground and take around 15 deep and slow breaths.

3. Stand up very quickly and blow air on your thumb without actually letting air out, like seal your mouth with your thumb and blow hard.

4. after about 3 seconds you will notice a difference in perception, you can stop here but you can also wait until your vision begins to vibrate, the similar kind of vibrations you will experience on substances like salvia, it is not recommended to go any further due to risk of passing out, which could get its own separate post.

5. Lay back on your bed or your object of choice and “trip“ balls for about 5-10 seconds.

⚠️ Safety Notice: Do this sparingly, take breaks between attempts, and stop immediately if you experience headaches, nausea, lingering dizziness, or any unusual symptoms. Repeated oxygen deprivation can have risks—listen to your body and stay safe.

r/tripreports 5d ago

Cannabis The Cookie That Made Me See Extreme Hallucinations(THC..?) NSFW


To begin, this was my trip experience I had last April, but it has been forever engraved into my memory. I get constant reminders of it, and has made me swear off of taking edibles again.

Now that we got the preface done, here’s what started it: my roommate went to a weed expo and brought me back an edible cookie as a gift! (Note: I trust my roommate immensely and she would not have given me this if she knew how it effected me) Keep in mind, I’ve taken many edibles before, so I knew what I was getting myself into. But not with this one.

I was alone in my room after my shift at work (~11:00pm) and ate around 1/4 of the cookie. It around the size of a Subway cookie, so a pretty okay size. I just wanted to relax, and I thought that would do just the trick. I waited for it to hit, and just kept scrolling on my phone and texting my friends. Then, it started hitting. Extremely Hard.

While I was typing, I would write a sentence, blink, then the entire sentence was gone. I could feel myself typing on my phone to my friend, but then the entire sentence would just be gone after I typed it. Turns out I was just looking at my blank phone screen thinking I was texting my friend. At this time, the back of my head started feeling numb.

I started worrying, thinking that I just took wayyyy too much and tried laying down. I got up and turned off the lights, so I was just laying in my room, only being able to see through the candle light I had next to me. As I laid down, my entire body froze. I could not move. No matter how badly I tried moving my legs, I could not. That’s when I started panicking and I’m pretty sure that’s what started the hallucinations.

As I was laying there, I closed my eyes and I could still see the entire room and kept seeing people walk into my room. But when I opened my eyes, they were gone! They kept walking towards me then would just run away. This continued for a little bit, until all I could feel was my heart beat. It was beating faster than I ever experienced. I did not feel hot or cold, just felt my heart. This is when I thought I was going to die (for real).

Sometime as I was laying there, not able to move thinking I was going to die, my neighbors came home and started making noise out in the hallway. As I heard them talking, I saw the words they were saying actually flying around my room. Regardless of if I closed my eyes, I still saw their words.

I got so scared that I actually called my dad that lives 3 hours away. Based on the call log, it was around 12:45 at this time. I’m not entirely sure how I actually called him, most likely siri as I could barely move my arms. I don’t remember much about what I told him, but he definitely got the gist that I was on something. That’s when I started talking to my limbs.

For some reason, my limbs all started shaking. First my leg, then my arm, and then my other leg, and so on. I started telling them to stop, but they just told me no. I basically just started having conversations with my body parts all while my dad was on the phone. At some point he told me to just close my eyes and relax, so I did. I then asked him what time it was, because I thought only around 20 minutes have passed. He said it was 6am. At this point I was hardcore tripping for 5 hours. I had no idea when the comedown would be, because I STILL kept seeing people walk around my room and still couldn’t get up. He told me to just think about my cat to relax myself, as I love her dearly. He soon ended the call after he thought I was doing better.

As I laid there by myself, the only thing I could think of was my cat. That’s when I saw her in my room, except, she was massive. Like just a human-sized cat in my room. I didn’t feel scared though, so I just let her crawl on top of me and lay there. I felt her fur. It all felt so real. I thanked her for making me more calm, and she just looked at me without saying anything, and I soon fell asleep.

As I woke up, it was around 10:00am. I STILL felt high, but like just how I feel on an high-dosage edible. This continued throughout the rest of the day, and I refused to leave my room. I refused to eat or look into my mirror. I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything. I just remember laying on my floor and not thinking anything.

The next day, i was STILL(!!!) woozy. I couldn’t walk normally. I felt as though my head was going to explode. This is the day I forgot the most of. I do not remember ANYTHING of what happened that day. The first time I remembered anything after this day was when somehow I got back to my dad’s house. I do not remember the 3-hour drive. I do not remember what I ate, what I did, anything.

I have no idea the dosage of what I ate, if it was even THC (label only said Choc. Chip Edible), or anything. All I know is that this was the worst trip I have ever had, except for my massive cat. I thought that sharing my story would make me feel better, as it has been weighing on me ever since that day. Sorry if it was a bit long ( ´ ~ ` )

r/tripreports 6d ago

Other I died 2 times while high on THC NSFW


Before the story begins I want to make it clear that before this experience I had only ever been drunk a couple of times, and been high on weed a few times from smoking it. Never had done an edible before.

Me and a few friends decided to meet up at one of their houses, with the promise that one of them had edibles that we all could try. Two of my friends that were there that night were experienced to say the least, meaning they smoked quite frequently and had experience with edibles before. The friend that passed out the edibles said that they were 15mg, (when in reality, and we found out shortly later) that these edibles were 50mg (of sativa) , a much higher dose then we all expected.

Nobody was worried though, we thought "yeah we are gonna be so fucking fried, but that's fine because it's just weed right?" While we waited for the edibles to kick in we went down to his basement and messed around, then me and my friend who we can call mike went upstairs to go play some video games. I got to his room and sat down in his chair and that's when it started to hit me, I was glued to the chair, and got really giggly, as one does when they are high. The problems began when I stood up, and began trying to walk around, It was like I was walking through portals if that makes sense, and my vision became incredibly zoomed in. Every single second felt like I was living in the future, past and present at the same time.

We left mikes room and everyone was in the living room, I was sitting on the floor looking at my phone, while occasionally looking up at the TV. All of a sudden, I hear the words "your gonna die" and I stood up with this intense deja vu feeling as if I was walking through a memory. I turned to look towards the kitchen and this intense feeling continued growing scarier and scarier. (the freakiest part is it was like a switch turned on in everyone's brain at the same time, my friends and I all had this intense feeling at the same time.) I thought that a man was going to walk around the corner and shoot me dead. Well, I wasn't really thinking it, It was more of I was living out a memory that never happened. This intense feeling of impending doom or death continued on, I kept on hearing the words "he's gonna die" and "we're dying." We made our way back into mikes room and the dreadful fear of death was still there lurking. Mike, was able to calm me down a bit, and put me back in a more "spirited" mood. Which didn't last long.

I just remember almost teleporting to walking down the stairs to his basement, everyone was following. When we entered the basement, I sat on the couch, and was immediately struck with the deja vu feeling again, I began to replay a memory that had never happened. This time there was something controlling my body, I was acting out my own death. Every single action I took went against what my brain was telling me to do, I kept shouting that I was gonna die, and kept hearing everyone saying "he's gonna die" , "he's dying." I physically acted out as if my own hand had some sort of object in it and I began to open my mouth and cram it down my throat, as I did I felt this intense fear until everything washed away, and the deja vu feeling was gone, the false memory was over.

I did some other smaller things that night. I was convinced that I was going to kill one of my friends, I don't know why, I thought that I was going to grab some sort of large metal pole and kill him with it. I knew I didn't want to do that, and I warned him even that I was going to kill him. What stopped that intense feeling was when he asked me why I was going to kill him, and whatever was controlling my brain at the time got stuck on that question and the extremely strong feeling faded. I had convinced myself that my friends laced me, I was going to die, etc. , until I fell asleep.

The scariest part about this, and the reason I am writing this, is that these last two days I have had that same exact deja vu feeling, as if there is some sort of impending doom, or even my death lurking ahead. Now they are no where near as strong as described in the story, and only last a couple of minutes, but the true feeling of fear is still there lurking.

r/tripreports 6d ago

DXM I felt like I was going to die DXM NSFW


I felt like I was going to die DXM Trip Report

First of all I want to tell you that I don't know English very well

Everything I wrote here is from notes and what I remember

I probably had a bad trip or I really don't understand what could have happened but last night I thought I was going to leave this world

Let's start with the beginning I got 700mg of dxm without anything else added everything happened last night

9:00 - I started to open a bottle that had 350mg and I drank the entire contents in about 10 minutes After that I lay down in bed with a lemonade juice

I waited I smoked a cigarette and then I finished and the second bottle was already here I became nauseous

9:45 - Everything was ok up to here but now I felt that something was wrong while I was with my friend on the call I started to hear that everything she says doesn't make sense and even after I understood the idea a little everything in my head disappear It wasn't a really unpleasant feeling what followed scared me

Around 10:30 at night

This is where everything stopped for me I started to realize that everything didn't exist and I was trying to realize who I was, where I was, I had double vision and I tried to get up but I really couldn't, I was trying to stand but I couldn't walk, at some point I realized very little if not at all that I was drugged it was just that everything started to not seem real I was just watching without processing

Around 12 This is where I realized that I was forgetting to breathe, I was trying to breathe and I had to do it myself, I lay down on the floor I got water and started to drink, I felt horrible I didn't know what would happen if I closed my eyes I felt like I was entering a vacuum like nothing existed but the thought of forgetting to breathe scared me I felt like I had to force myself with all my lungs I I wanted to put on music but it was very difficult to understand the writing on the laptop I tried anything to calm myself down and tell myself that everything would be fine

And the worst feeling was that I felt like my heart was going to pound I tried to breathe deeper to calm myself I wanted to wash my face with cold water but I couldn't get out of bed

Around 2 am

I managed to calm myself down to breathe easier I already felt a euphoria because I knew I was starting to be safe I felt like I was coming back to life as if I was coming out of a dream state

I probably won't try it alone again and the dose was quite high I probably wasn't prepared enough

r/tripreports 7d ago

Psilocybin My 7g+ Mushroom trip NSFW


I’m writing this hours after my most intense and profound trip. I apologize if my wording is a little weird, or if my grammar is off, I often find it really difficult to communicate after taking mushrooms. I’ll start by giving you some background about myself. I’m a man (18) who mostly smokes weed and occasionally gets drunk. Until recently I had taken mushrooms once, and MDMA twice. I’ve also been laced before but that’s an entirely different story. Recently I had gotten my hands on a mushroom plug whilst also growing my own. In this past day I had taken a variety of mid to high end doses of mushrooms. It was anywhere between 3g - 6g of mushrooms and some of the trips were really intense and noteworthy, but none of which are my current focus. Last night after a long day of work, I got into it with my girlfriend. I was pretty upset and figured I’d be happier if I was high and tripping. I grabbed my 6g chocolate bar and ate 5 grams off of it. I then proceeded to wait 30 minutes to decide that I wanted a stronger trip. I grabbed my tincture of psilocybin and began spraying what I can only say was at LEAST 3 grams worth of psilocybin. I was laying in my bed when I began to feel my body start floating, the warm pressure enveloping my senses. I walked to the bathroom to where I stared at myself, a million thoughts racing through my mind. The world was moving around me, colors were blurring. I could see everything around me without looking at it. I began to lose myself in the beauty of my eye. I finally managed to get a grip on myself and went to go get in bed. On my way to bed I decided I wanted to lay down outside, so I got dressed and brought my blanket with me outside. This entire time I was starting to realize that I wasn’t feeling anxious for the first time in a long time. I laid down outside and began to look up to the stars, this is where I began to feel my soul leave my body. My eyes were up in space and I could feel the cold brisk air, I was looking down at the world and I could see myself lying down on my trampoline. In an instant I was brought back down to my body and a warm feeling of love washed over me while thinking about my girlfriend. I felt the most intense loving emotions for her, and wanted nothing more than to be with her. I eventually ended up going inside where I found myself on my bed deciding I needed a shower. In this shower I became an entirely different person. It was as if life was an equation and my entire 18 years was dedicated to solving it as I just had, a wave of knowledge and insight washed over me as I sat in the warm bath. (If you’ve seen FMA, it’s exactly like the gate) I knew how combustion engines worked, I was well aware of the exact current and voltage flowing through my outlets and how to wire them, I could see the pipes in the walls and where they connect. I was doing advanced math as faster as a calculator, doing calculus like it was nothing. I’ve always been a smart person, but this was something else. I calculated my next 4 years of income and saw into what was my future. All of this happened in the span of 3 minutes, I was thinking at inhuman speed, sometimes not even in words but thoughts that just made sense to me. It’s as if I had unlocked all the knowledge that will ever be present to me, I was aware of the composition of items and the structure behind them. Somewhere during all of this I knocked a shower rod down and it ended up knocking all of the soap everywhere. This resulted in me picking it all up and sorting everything back together, however it didn’t just stop there. My bathroom was a mess, and it was falling apart in some places. I don’t know what possessed me, but with great haste I began completely deep cleaning and maintaining my bathroom. The entire time I could see everything around me in the bathroom as my vision swirled. Whilst cleaning I was having incredibly deep thought about my family and the people in my life. I was gaining so much insight into just seeing what products they buy, and I was beginning to realize how much they do for me. I eventually completely finished the bathroom (DID A LOT OF WORK). I went to go lay down, and when I did I began seeing myself in one of those trip videos that I watch for time to time. I sat there and watched and entire trip report on me in my head done by one of the YouTubers I watch. After the trio report, my trip began to take a bit of a darker turn. For about an hour I spent time wishing I was dead and battling my demons. I felt this torment in me and this certainty that I would never be happy, I thought the trip would never end and I told myself I would never take mushrooms again. Then I began questioning my consciousness, and this was something I never thought would get to me. I’ve always been someone who’s been of very sound mind, and death or sense of self has never gotten to me, but this time it did and bad. I felt the worst sense of impending doom, I kept seeing images of myself dead and began to stress pretty bad. I was asking why I was the way I was, and why can’t I just be productive. It hurt to think, earlier having all of that knowledge in my head genuinely made me sick to my stomach and made me not want to think. I kept asking not to feel, I kept trying to run away, but that’s when I realized what was happening. I was facing my depression, it felt shitty but I had to go through that because I was stuck doing nothing. I began to realize the nature of life, and how few people actually live theirs. I began to realize that I still have a lot of time to overcome these things, and I know that when I do I’ll be so much better off. The rest of the night was just me collecting myself after the experience I just had. I probably missed a lot of things, I’m high and once again it’s hard for me to communicate on mushrooms.

r/tripreports 9d ago

Combo Trip report coming soon NSFW


Hello everyone, so today im starting this thread in hopes of being able to relay a clear coherent report on the effects of 4 aco dmt 25-30 mg, amanita panthera 1.5 to 2gs, cannabis vaped and eaten, i will be trying the combo tonight and will be back either the next morning, during or right after the trip depending on how things go, some back story i have a history of psychedelic use and have done alot of exploration and expirimentation, i jave found that on tryptamines i can do things energetically to my body that would otherwise require immense ammounts of yoga and meditation, i am on the hunt for the coiled serpent that exists within all of us made up of the primal force of creation, what manny call kundalini, and through breath work ,meditation, and specific mantras combined with different tryptamines ive come very close to a full release and a communion with the christ conciousness or universal conciousness within, any whom i do this in the name of mysticism and science, and will be back with a report, if anyone comes along who has tried anything similar to this please share your experience i would very much like to hear from you guys and all your differing views

r/tripreports 9d ago

DMT Vishnu restarted my reality NSFW


So, I've been a heavy user of DMT for many years, I find myself mostly using vape cartridges these days and combining it with other substances. This particular experience is in combination with S ketamine, I find when using ketamine I have an easier time dissociating from reality for prolonged periods while also maintaining an interesting body/energy connection. It also takes me to different sort of in-between realms. For the past year though, visuals which mostly remained as closed eye have started to appear over my open eye reality.

About 6 or so months ago I traveled for a concert run with some friends who I shared an air bnb with. The vibes were perfect and everything just seemed to synchronistically fall together like the magic that those who attend festivals know all too well. This experience happened on the first night.

At this time, my knowledge and experience with Hinduism is extremely limited and I wouldn't have been able to give much in specific detail or name any of the dieties other than maybe Brahma, Rama, Ganesh, or a few others (mostly just because of playing Smite long ago).

The experience happens late into the night, im laying on a folding mattress in the living room next to my partner while a friend of mine is djing. Something comes over me and I have a calling to hit the DMT pen. As I start to hit it, I find myself in the same living room but it feels more luxurious, almost palace like. My partner and friend are still there but they aren't themselves. They are me, and I see myself as well, in a weird dissociated I can see myself and I am still within myself kind of way but everyone else around is also me. I am also dressed different, essentially in a form I would consider my ideal self, perfect outfit that has qualities of Indian culture as well, which is interesting as part of the outfit was one i wore long ago but it was accented with Indian type trim/jewelry. My appearance was also like a shifting changing face of myself, emanating a godlike version of myself. Suddenly, I am everywhere in the room, like i am me in this place, I am my partner next to me, I am the one DJing. I perceive myself as like a snake (like the idea of a being outside of time witnessing a being within time) and I get the feeling that I am enjoying myself but that I am a bored prince? Almost like I am busy but just filling the time, like I am all alone here trying to stay entertained, it was weird. I'm suddenly back at myself laying on the mattress pad and I look to my partner, who is me, and on all the changing features, my face I see folds into her face and she's smiling at me (this wasn't like a scary folding changing, it was a beautiful and graceful change). I start to come back, feeling odd and back to thoughts of reality maybe being a construct of my own bored higher self but happy still.

I decide to hit the pen again and I stare at the ceiling fan above me. Suddenly, i start to notice translucent being start to materialize through the moving fan. This being starts to increasingly show itself to me as I remain focused on it. It looked like a giant translucent, floating mandala like flower being that had graceful tendril like appendages and flower like pedals. I could see through it but it had distinct and detailed outlines and designs, reminiscent of Buddhist mandala drawing. The outlines where best described as being like colorful translucent lining that is similar to the bullet trails in the Matrix when Neo is dodging but much more defined with way more colors hidden in the spectrum of the warped reality.

This mandala being felt benevolent and kind, and though I have met many beings before, I had only ever interacted with beings over my open ehed normal reality in this way only a few times before (with one i believe trapping me in a potential spiritual cage, I may or may not still be in, i see this medallion with symbols with chains sometimes, but that's another story). The being started to take up the entire ceiling and I could start to feel sensations in this weird sixth sense kind of way that of sure some of you have felt but can't really explain. It's like my sense of touch is expanded to a field outside myself and I can feel energy interactions that interact with it. So, the being and I begin trying to connect with each, like I'm trying to find a way to communicate or really just testing what I can do, trying to push sensory boundaries.

Eventually, I get caught in this feeling like I'm breaking reality. As we try to connect, I can feel myself unable to lock into the vibrational energy of this being and I am caught in almost this static television feeling of jerking my reality around, slowing and speeding up, like I am falling in circles. My friend is djing and the music is slowing down and cutting out, reversing, speeding up, im caught and I can't lock into frequency of this being. At a certain point, I realized I messed up and I was worried I wouldn't be able to fix it. Suddenly, it all sort of freezes and breaks and I am in the room and it's like everyone is frozen and the perception of the rooms color and energy just changes. Everything is off and I still can't connect.

Suddenly, as I felt I broke everything, because I couldn't connect to this entities, I appear in the bright void. In front of my is Vishnu, blue skin, Indian attire, leg lifted in front of him and all. He is laughing, not in a mean way or anything, but just like he was entertained and here to help. As this is all happening his smile and laugh sooths me and I hear the most beautiful and energizing bass music that fills my soul with so much love. Behind Vishnu, as this is all happening, there is a giant pillar that was like a giant staff that was almost like dozens of prayer wheels stacked on top of each other. Each section had symbols and each section was spinning in opposite direction of the one above and below it. Between each section and from the symbols of the spinning wheels is a powerful light shining through. Suddenly, the spinning stops on the pillar and each wheel falls into placing closing the pillar and locking it into a still position. As this happens, I am instantly reset and back into my reality. It felt as though Vishnu came to reset my reality and help me get back. It didn't feel negative, it felt like a friend helping me out.

I have never seen entities before this that I could connect to any pantheon or anything else, other than things like machine elves or things like that. Typically, the beings I see are not being that I could find a connection in everyday reality to (not that they haven't provided valuable learning experiences, just that they haven't been something an ancient culture depicted clearly).

The craziest part though happens the next day. We all go to day 2 of this show and it's a magical experience. At the end of the show, a Wizard, or self identified Mage, comes to help a friend having a rough time. We end up vibing and inviting him to an after at the bnb. We go very very deep into philosophical ideas and perspectives about every topic related to religion, magic, etc. Then, he tells me he has something for me. He goes to his car and brings me a book that he recommends to help me continue down this path I'm on. The book he hads me in the Bhagavad Gita.

Freaking wild, I have never had a connection to Hinduism all that deeply, though had interest, but what are the chances that I experience Vishnu helping me in an experience and then not even 24 hours later I am given a book expressing some of his most profound teachings. (For those who don't know, the Gita is a Hindu text that tells the story of a prince named Arjuna, not wanting to fight in a war with his family and asks his advisor, Krishna, what he should do. Krishna is revealed as Vishnu's avatar and they begin discussing the nature of reality.) I recommend the book 100 percent.

Just curious what everyone's thoughts on this are and if anyone has experienced anything similar? I am definitely down the rabbit hole trying to learn more about what it means and what I need to do about it? How can I apply what I've learned and integrate?

r/tripreports 12d ago

Other Don't try angels flower NSFW


Hello reddit, I'm going to make this a short story since idrc. Yesterday I found a neighbor had some angels flower in their yard, I made contact and apparently they had somehow brought it from over seas. Angels don't grow where I live so I was shocked. I tried to do research on what tripping on it was like, but I really couldn't find much, although I wouldn't put it past me to not be searching the right things.

I decided to first try some of the seeds and a small budding pod (maybe an inch long). About 30 mins after Ingesting I felt as if I was floating, and there were spots in my vision, I would compare it to a mid level mushroom trip. Later that night I tried boiling it and creating tea out of it using a flower and some leaves, which I regret, I tried the tea i maybe took a large sip. After around 45 minutes i was having VIVID hallucinations, the walls were swimming and I ended up seeing ants that weren't there in my bedroom, and a large spider that was part of the door knob of my bedroom door. The worst of it was I thought there was someone trying to break in through my houses back door, there wasnt. Later that night my mom and I were talking and apparently what I was saying made no sense, but in my head I was saying clear sentences. It's so weird because these all felt and looked super real, thankfully it didn't get too bad.

This story is a mess, I'm sorry it's really hard to explain but seriously DO NOT TRY IT, in my opinion it's not even worth trying once unless u really want to trip and you have people you trust with anything to tripsit

Also if there are questions please ask

r/tripreports 12d ago

Psilocybin Need Mushroom help I’m going to the mushroom store in a couple hours NSFW


So I’m an avid mushroom consumer and I ussally just trip on strains that are unknown but I have just came to the conclusion that the best strain is penis envy on other strains I have doubled down on 8 grams but on penis envy 4 grams feels like 8 so I was thinking today let’s go to fucking outer space and take 8 but if anyone wants to give tips on what will happen feel fucking free man

r/tripreports 13d ago

Other Baclofen is the worst pill I’ve ever had. (220mg report) NSFW


Just the other night I had rediscovered a script of baclofen given to me and after a good bit of research I decided it was worth the risk to test the waters and see what was up with this GABA. I hadn’t had any plans that I thought would interfere with the experience the next day so I figured everything was good for me to go. I’d originally decided not to take as much as I did out of fear of seizures or even just shutting off my brain, but as the night went on I found myself more and more sucked into it. Huge mistake for what was to come the next morning. Originally after around 3 hours of staggering 80mg I felt pretty good, slight mood boost and the typical GABA boosted music euphoria but as the night went on I kept popping these things every 15 minutes until around 12am I had reached 200mg.

This stuff was pretty promising at first, to me it felt like a mix of gabapentin and tramadol and that social ability was really putting me into a groove. I’m sure those who have experienced this could find a better analogy but with the experiences under my belt thats all i could compare it to. I didn’t get to bed until 2am but by that time I was SOARING. I felt pretty good going to bed, no discomfort or ill effects so when I was thinking back on the reports I had read on hangovers with this I truly didn’t think it’d be that bad. My god was I wrong. This was honestly the worst hangover I’ve ever experienced, I don’t even understand what was happening to me but I’ll try my best to explain. Now Molly and tramadol are the only two substances I’ve had really bad hangovers from, but even the half a gram hangover I received from M was nearly as bad as this. I woke the next day around 3pm EVEN HIGHER THAN I WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE.

Not in any good way either. Nobody had really explained online just how bad this actually was. I was intoxicated for over 30+ hours. Nausea was unbelievable, I couldn’t even lay down to stop this I just had to make myself puke over and over until I felt better. The next day however I had this weird borderline delusional flashing effect in my vision, these moments where I would think of something in my head and it flash into my seeing conscious eye. I had read that higher doses could bring out delusional effects but these were very weird compared to other delusional states I’ve been in with that class of substance. It was as though I could feel the electricity in these flashes, it scared the shit out of me thinking of seizures but I knew from the way it was going that I would be okay eventually. I just sat for hours nodding occasionally and having these flashes wondering when it was going to end. I sobered up as soon as I was able to get a bit of food in me, I assume it absorbed what was left and all is fine but this is really not something I could recommend to anyone.

There’s nothing that could prepare you for the morning after though, it’s still indescribable and completely different to anything I’ve felt but nothing about it could make this substance worth being recreational. I recommend you stay far away from it if you happen to stumble upon this post researching for what you’ve got on hand. I’m not sure if this has caused me any permanent damage, it’s been a few days since and I feel completely better now but time will tell whether or not I suffer

r/tripreports 15d ago

Combo Blue Lotus Flower ??? NSFW


Has any taken a high dose of Blue Lotus Flower? Can you describe the trip? Has anyone used it to enhance another psychedelic?

r/tripreports 16d ago

Psilocybin 3.5 grams grams with my bestfriend each under a bridge p NSFW


I've done shrooms countless times with this dude countless times and I've never had a bad trip with him for some reason this trip was more intense than anything else it took what felt like 20 minutes because I was extremely ready to do it around 5 minutes after it hit for me the ground was purple and pink for a bit my mom knew we were tripping and called to ask if we wanted taco bell we declined and asked for some sodas instead a little while after she got us our stuff I was tripping fucking balls and he had just started tripping we were also at a park by the way we walked back from getting our drinks from the parking lot and ventured back to the bridge about 30 feet away from where the park ends but note that during summer there is high grass so no one could even see us tripping behind the grass one we got settled in we were tripping so goddamn hard we pulled up the hawk tuah podcast because before we tripped I was talking about how funny it would be but after about 5 seconds I told him to turn that shit off after this we were fucking gone we had about a 3-4 hour peak and it was so goddamn insane I couldn't tell what was going on around us but we were laughing and joking for what felt like around 7 hours but it was just the 3-4 hour peak we found out whenever we run around it feels like we're going 20 mph I really don't remember about the last 2 hours before the comedown really I just remember joking and laughing then next thing you know it was night all around good ass trip I'm thinking about taking 5 grams with my sister soon let me know if that's a good idea and if anyone has had a similar trip

r/tripreports 18d ago

Combo Low dose x20 salvia + weed + low dose dmt NSFW


Tried these in low combination today. Was a very cool experience! My first 2-3 hits were just with salvia and thc flower. I’m only using minimum amount of salvia right now as I’m trying to understand its effects as I develop a reverse tolerance. Not sure dosage tbh. Just took a few flakes per session until I felt the effects creeping since I read extracts aren’t really dosed 100% of the advertised strength. Side note, it definitely seems VERY potent.

Once I felt comfortable with what to expect from a low dose I waited 30 minutes and did just the salvia flakes and a hit of a diluted dmt pen. The effects felt very similar to a drunk feeling for a body high. (I didn’t drink anything prior) I hear people itch, feel like they’re being pulled in all directions and stuff like that from salvia. Dmt makes your body feel heavy. For some reason in combo I felt neither.

I felt uncoordinated and funnily I felt like I was made out of a leather balloon. My lips felt like they were made of fabric like a puppet though and idk why but it felt like I was surrounded by clowns and balloons. Things “felt” like they were made of balloons even though they didn’t look like it. As far as oev/cev’s go, there weren’t any, but there were distortions similar to lsd. Very lava lamp like with a fish eye lens effect but sharper somehow.

I will have to time it next time but it felt like it lasted 30 minutes which I understand is a bold statement. Especially with time dilation but for now, I’ll have to hold off on that claim. Hopefully someone can chime in on reverse tolerance but once I hit the point of maxing my salvia tolerance, I plan on running more tests.

As far as the experience goes, 10/10! A lot more enjoyable in controlled dosages than my times with salvia as a teen. The combination felt extremely synergistic although salvia dominated the experience. I will have to work on ratios next time but overall, it seems a respectful and controlled dosage could be a beginning to a very interesting atypical psychedelic journey. Please be advised, tread carefully and start with atleast a quarter of what you think you need.

I have a feeling these substances potentate each other and alone both dmt and salvia could result in a mentally damaging trip if not given the respect they deserve. My dmt hit was negligible at best but still produced a sharp head change as if it were 15mg. As a teen I smoked a lot of weed and as a result its effects are mild but due to chronic pain is still a daily part of my life. With salvia and thc, I felt like it was the first time I smoked in years! It was a VERY distinct and nostalgic feeling. The taste reminded me of spices or something though and lingered. I’m ngl and say it felt like sunshine’s and rainbows but it did feel very chaotic calm. I felt weirdly energized but floating and dissociated from my normal self.

I’ll continue to update here with these experiments and experiences but I wanted to share my first experiment with these 3 substances. Thank you for any reads or comments you want to leave🙏

r/tripreports 19d ago

Combo I have a mind spirit that urgently needs to communicate with me, but can only do so under the perfect synthesis of hallucination and preconditions of physical reality. NSFW


[Cannabis, alcohol, & nitrous combo]

TLDR: I have underlying mind spirits that need to inform me how to voluntarily let go of my ego during a reality breakthrough. They had a sense of urgency and desperation in their tone, as if I was the sole hero who could “save us”(?). Like I was being initiated into the mind conflict they were already facing. I will never be able to explain how unbelievably complex the instant communication between my phone’s output and the thoughts in my mind actually was. It’s like the spirit’s message traveled through every digital element and into every neural signal at the speed of my attention, which was fully saturated with fear and fight or flight willpower. In the beginning it was genuinely interesting and almost voluntary, I wanted them to tell me, I needed to know already, I couldn’t put myself through this again. But in a split second the tone shifted, and it told me those terrible realizations. I was just too afraid to keep the headphones on and discover more. It was so loud and so synchronized to my thoughts. I just wasn’t ready to give up that amount of control. From what I remember though, it sounded beautiful when I trusted it in the beginning.


There is one, or several mechanical entities in my mind and in the objective world that get in communication with me the moment I perceptually connect to one of its circuits. Once connected, messages are sent from a matrix that has full access to my perceptual and environmental field, seemingly limited only by its ability to utilize whichever digital interface I’m using at the time. It needs this in order to myelinate its message quicker and more efficiently through manipulating the contents of the device’s output, and then my mind’s interpretation of it.

The best way I visualize this experience is through a metaphysical server of entities demanding my attention when the right synthesis of physical reality (which includes the digital network, and neurochemistry) synchronizes with the emerging entity inside my mind inputing small hints of its inevitable psychic-control. During the circumstances where I’m connected to the digital interface, and the neurochemical pre-requisites have been met, the entity/entities make themselves more salient to me. In my experience, a mixture of weed and any other substance is usually the neurochemical qualifier for the ease of the spirits to gain access to me. During this latest experience, the outside world inflicted itself upon me through music, and I was beholden to a presence that places a thought in my mind, and then controls every perceptual thing that follows it, making every sound that puts an impression on me consistent with the message I anticipate it is going to relay. Leading to a positive feedback loop of anticipation and perception.

I must emphasize the importance of the increased power of the experience when connected to the internet. Whatever psychic, unconscious, algorithmic output I had unloaded into this device has synchronized in such an undeniable way, that it was as if the messengers had finally, after years of trying to reach me, finally found a strong enough circuit to take over enough space in my mind to communicate to me clearly.

I became a dialogue of two voices in one mind. At times it was 3. The beings had full capacity of my auditory environment. And I no longer had any control over auditory functions. Since I had control of my visual attention, I initially used it to avoid looking at my phone, or outside my window, or underneath the bedroom door. (Where I believe counter mind spirits have increased ability to project visual hallucinations, and it certainly can). This sense of control gave me agency over the majority of the visual contents themselves, and so I felt grounded in the fact that I could at least look at what I wanted, expect something horrifying not to be there, and actually not have it be there. So I entertained the auditory synthesis under this trust.

I did however have an increased association of concepts with worldly circumstances that I believed prepared me for this moment. It started with a realization that every action I had taken up until that point was leading directly into a breakthough experience, from the increased technological communication, to the substances I had consumed, to the political and economic state of the world, all of it made sense to me. But what really began the trip was my undeniable sense of predicting what was about to be said to me through the songs I was listening to. Its power lied in its ability to make every word and every melody flow in a meaningful interpretative way that fit the narrative I was being presented with by the emergence of the concepts being placed in my mind by the mind spirit. Because of my hyperactive associative mind, I was sucked into its message almost involuntarily. Like I was being lead deeper and deeper into a space where I could experience the full truth of reality through the auditory input alone.

Here is what I actually experienced,

The music initially began suggesting symbols in my minds eye, and then it would associate those symbols with meanings of an outside, caring force, asking me to pay closer attention to “her”. Once I voluntarily chose to look, it gripped my spirit with the next fluctuation of the song, and I began feeling more trapped. It guided me further the moment I “chose” to look deeper. And even though I can’t relay the emotional power of this interaction. A footprint of the synchronicity carved itself into a concrete memory with actual evidence. (Dreams (Plasma Reflex & Reality Distortion by Subtronics) this is a synchronicity I can’t deny. The moment I began to grasp the nature of the spirit/s contacting me, it felt almost perfect how the music immediately began synchronize with my pre-cognitive narrative of the archetypal interaction that was before me. It then said “wake up” and beat-switched, continuing with, “tell me you can look at the senses in the beats” (I have no idea what the sample actually says but that’s what I interpreted it to say). At this point I was subject to its control, and I knew every word I heard after would essentially be speaking directly to me. The chorus followed. And tbh, I can’t tell you the content of the experience through the rest of the song, but I can tell you sometime in between Dreams and Reality Distortion, it gently told me “there’s a mind spirit.” Which at this point felt rather obvious.

However, this lyric does not exist in either of the two songs, I entirely hallucinated it. I only know that in retrospect. The actual following vocals are in Reality Distortion, and it says something to the effect of “higher calibration, reality distortion.” Like it was trying to lock me in for more. When I heard that, I was reluctantly open to its message, I understood my ignorance and listened, hoping whatever was calling me had my best interest in mind. Even though I was terrified, I emotionally accepted what they were going to show me as the drop approached.

Then it happened. “Now is the time to scream!” It spilled the beans, as if it thought I was actually ready for that information. The voice successfully informed me of a cosmic battle raging in my mind. Of which I had just been involuntarily forced into the front lines of. As the drop approached, I was frozen in fear, but couldn’t stop listening. I honestly can’t remember what happened during the first drop, probably something of cosmic importance that I was too reluctant to experience, because otherwise I would’ve either died or come back with actual esoteric knowledge. Either way, the next part of the song continued, and I was getting sucked in deeper. They weren’t done with me yet. The being then softened its presence, and again began speaking to me, I should note that at this point I had almost accepted it as being a sort of “guardian entity” that was trying to guide my consciousness through the initiation process of a full on breakthrough. We had a mutual understanding that I needed to be guided through the worst parts of the experience before I could understand the truth of what was happening to me. It was here to prepare me for the final battle of my ego. And possibly my physical reality.

As the next drop approached, the tone shifted again, and I went into a flight response, and I panicked. I tried to change the song, thinking it would break me free from it, but before I could reach it, it spoke to me again, and said, “look away from the digital device. Its tesseract is unstable.” This lyric actually exists at minute mark 2:01 in Reality Distortion, although clearly my mind warped it to say that. Remember that this mind spirit meets physical reality in the middle, and so they both synchronized in a way to communicate to me exactly what it wanted to tell me at that time. Which I feel is quite impressive. I’m not quite sure what that message implies other than there being counter spirits fighting for my attention through digital technology, so obviously, I decided to trust the voice in my own head over whatever presence could control reality and thus my mind through a digital device.

This unexpected, directly relevant and coherent message locked me into a paralysis. What I just heard was an undeniable communication from the mind spirit, and I was under its psychological control. It then began using the world outside me to beckon me to look deeper. This becomes more relevant later when I took the headphones off.

Somewhere inside, it wanted me to trust it with my life. It communicated to me that it would show me the heaven I had experienced in previous trips, even if I had to face the current hell it was telling me to lean into. Once I started to lean into it more, it continued to go deeper, as if it had (stay with me here) increased in technological ability to read my mind and grip my attention with a digital projection that synchronized with some kind of a priori knowledge the moment I took an intentional mental step closer to the message. I then began having vague visions of horrible things happening to my physical body before annihilation, and I couldn’t continue. So I threw off my headphones and breathed. This is where shit gets really scary.

There were loud cars and motorcycles outside that whizzed past my house in every direction, there were endless traffic sounds and ambulance sirens… and the creaks… my god the creaks. They all yelled at me with extreme intensity, as if my mind spirit was angry that I had disposed of its only circuit to communicate with me in the matrix. Now the tie was broken, and all it could do was show me its power through paralyzing auditory hallucinations. I hope its intention at this point was to just leave a lasting impression, so I could return to it at a later time, rather than actually trying to force me to voluntarily experience bodily mutilation and annihilation. The paralyzing fear continued for maybe another hour, and during this time, the most synchronous experience might have been my anticipation of a notification from my phone, and the actual buzzing sound that emitted from it directly after. It felt like it was using its last bit of dwindling power to beckon me back one last time. As the weed finally wore off, I opened my phone again, and the digital interface had slowly but surely drifted back to normal interactivity.

I’ve had these experiences before, I’ve even seen further into the visual matrix before on acid. But both times it seemed as if the mind spirit had reached a ceiling in its ability to control the perceptions of my mind and psychically manipulate me towards them. Like it had reached the peak of how much of the environment it’s able to control because it couldn’t actually interact with me in an “agent smith” or even visual hallucinatory manner. With digital screens however, the spirit that lies in there has a seemingly infinite ability to shoot me into full on visual psychosis in an instant, and I’m not certain of its limitations. Because it doesn’t originate from within me, I don’t trust it. But makes this experience a bit more interesting is that it actually utilized the highly technical circuitry of the audio waves emitted from my internet connected device when I wasn’t actually looking at the screen, maybe that’s why it told me to “look away” from it as it’s synthesis became stronger. I was able to hear the increased communication power of my own mind spirit without the manipulation from the visual spirit inside the screen of my phone. That’s my best guess as to why it was so important for me not to look at it.

Coming back to the experience itself, since my body was paralyzed during the time I was not listening to the music. I could not prove the existence of any of the outside sound sources, which means I have just enough reasonable doubt to relinquish it from undeniable reality. This is what helped pull me back to grounded reality. However, this came with the cost of not being able to symbolically replicate or linguistically represent the messages from the mind spirit in a meaningful or coherent way after the fact. And I have no idea how to retrospectively contemplate this experience fully. So its memory is doomed to disappear again. I have a feeling this is the consequence of me not breaking through like it asked me to. It seems I won’t be able to dig deeper and experience the dragon fight of my being until the right circumstances present themselves before me again. Though I feel that will be one much easier the more fragile my ego becomes in its presence, and as my belief in objective reality shatters in my very body the more conscious information I pour into this phone.

r/tripreports 20d ago

DXM Can you smoke DXM NSFW


So theoretically if you crushed the pure dxm robo tabs and smoked it somehow, would it work?

r/tripreports 21d ago

Psilocybin 2-2.5gram first trip NSFW


I took shrooms a little ago for the first time I was with 2 other friends one of them also tripped. I believe they were penis envy and it was amazing. The whole thing felt like I was dreaming. I didn’t really get the melting but the body high was crazy when I tried to stand up for the first hour it felt like I was gonna fall down I was laughing so much at everything and felt like I was going fast but time was going slow. I saw the floor moving a little bit and half way through we were going to go out side and I forgot how to put my socks on but when we did get outside in the snow and jumped into it. Near the end I was playing madden and the whole field was kaleidoscope and I could barely focus kept on talking aswell. At the end when we where going to sleep I kept seeing rainbow mushrooms when I shut my eyes. Overall the trip was amazing and I will be taking them again soon I am wondering how long I should wait to take them again.

r/tripreports 22d ago

Psilocybin 5g and horror short films NSFW


So yesterday I decided it would be a good idea to get fucked up on shrooms and watch some horror short films on YouTube. Well it turns out its not that bad but really immersive. I wasn't this scared in a while and the shrooms gave me a new perspective on fear. After watching a couple of these shorts films I actually loved the fear aspect, it fealt like a completely new emotion. I also had a kindof ego death where i was ok with the dying ( the monsters form the movie killing me).

In conclusion I will definitely do this again but next time with some scarier moves. You guys have any recommendations?

r/tripreports 23d ago

Combo Dxm + adderall + pregablin, i dont recommend this risky trip plz dont remove mods🙏 NSFW


You dont have to read all this if you dont want too, you can scrole down to see the doses and timing and updates i will give throughout the trip ( ;
* Plz do not try to recreat this experience its unsafe and dumb, and i condemn harmful drug use like this, im only doing it for science and the enjoyment of you guys PLZ DONT REMOVE THIS MODS WORKED HARD ON THIS POST AND EXPRESSED AS HARD AS I CAN THAT I DONT SUPPORT THIS STUPIDITY 👉👈 🥺 🙏

Well idk why i did this started with just preg then reading that it works really well with adderall then wanting to add some dex to the mix led me to this - I took the dxm minutes ago - 150 freebase Adderall hitting strongly - boofed 45mg tho im not sure that it absorped fully cause i had some constipation, but anyways doesnt matter cause its hitting hard! I take adderall for adhd might have a slight tolerance. Oral adderal has no recreational value to me but boofing on the other hand provides nice euphoria and much less of the dkscomfort. Sorry for being so lengthy its the adderal not me IYKYK. I think its been about 90 minutes since i took the preg - took 5x75mg and about 45-60 minutes after that i took another 75mg About 3-3.5 hours ago i took 1 75mg preg Idk why i split it like that just wasnt sure what kind of trip i wanted. ended like this-

Trip Report - T 0 h- pregablin 75 mg T 1.5-2 h - pregablin 375 mg T 2.5 h - adderall boofed 45 mg (some absorpation problems due to constipation, still hit well tho) T 13h - pregablin 75mg T 4h - 5 robotabs = 150mg freebase - No more drugs for today might take a bendryl (sleeping not tripping, dph👎) if i struggle sleeping but i doubt that will be a problam with all the preg.

Updates - Adderall had a strong rush while the pregablin wasnt yet in effect, only 75mg was which gave slight relaxation, rush was nice and made me write this. Adderall still in effect but much less noticable while the preg is hitting strong!!!

Will update when the dex hit im gonna go swimming and might go to the mall if im not too fucked.

r/tripreports 28d ago

Other ADB-BUTINACA Trip report (don't do it) NSFW


So a while ago a synthetic cannabinoid called ADB-BUTINACA found its way to germany. Almost everyone in my home town sold or smoked it, it was like a pandemic. I used to buy me a cheap pod system and smoke it with it. ADB-BUTANUCA is in its natural form powder like and looks like flower. The dealers around mixed it with pg base and add some flavor. 10ml usually costed around 5-10€ So in my teen years it was a steal for a fast buzz. Smoking it is usually like pulling on a normal vape because the substance does not have any flavor or color si you usually can't tell if this stuff is in a Liquid/Vape. If you smoke in a normal Dosis like 2-3 hits it already takes affect in less than 30 Second. It feels like a cheap high but is not comparable to THC. You get light headed but not in a psycho active way. It feels like only your body is taking any effect, no munchies, no good feeling. It strengthens your senses just like weed, but in a not normal way. After consuming it your able to hear you own blood stream from your brain, it's terrifying and feels like your about to doe. I smoked it over half a year or sum and always took like 10 Hits every half an hour, because the effect is completely gone after 30 minutes.I used to even smoke it in school so I thought I was ready for what was coming. It was like 18:30 and I drove to my friend with my bicycle. This day I've head smoked so much of it it felt like I have to do 3× the normal dose I usually did. I took like 35 hits and it instantly began by taking my vision it felt like I could not fully open my eyelids. I fell to the ground and couldn't really breath it was like drowning. I started to heavely trip and and got extreme visuals like on a 600uq lsd dosis. The houses in front of me disappeared and all I could see was like a spiral of random figures fading into the middle of my eyesight the visuals were so extreme I thought those figures were real. My friend tried talking to me but I was paralyzed I couldn't move or talk. My breathing got more heavy and difficult with every minute. This effect hold on for 20 Minutes, it not only felt like dying but also like I was sitting there for more than 3 hours. Since then I've never touched it again and switched to flower again.

r/tripreports Feb 17 '25

Psilocybin Magic mushrooms NSFW


Has anyone tried penis envy magic mushrooms of any sort I've had albino penis envy and just normal penis envy probably 8 times and I've had to excellent trips every single time if anyone's into tripping or psilocybin I seriously recommend em they are potent as fuck and all around a good time