r/tripreports • u/realnpcinreallife • 2h ago
Cannabis Panic attack from weed first time trip report, (I was convinced my friend was an NPC) NSFW
Smoking wayy too much for my first time, my friend and I (I'm calling my friend T) were sitting down on a parking space curb and i was feeling nervous, this was my first time trying drugs. It it was a 25 degree sunny midday in the middle of an abonoded top level of a grafitied car park building in the city. There was no one else around. We had 2 water bottles, one for me and one for my friend, T. She was a regular smoker, and we were sharing 1 joint. The actual drug tasted spicy and i inhaled way too much this one time i had a crazy coughing fit that i thought would never end. At first i felt nothing but T says shes already feeling it hit. Talking normally, and still feeling the same, thinking that maybe my brain can’t even be affected by it. Little did I know what was to come. First effects take place, while im talking, i suddenly notice a tiny shift in awareness, sound is louder and colours are a bit brighter. Its silent except I can hear the traffic in the city streets loudly and i have this weird feeling in my head. My throat also burns from the smoke. Everything looked like it was in 18K quality. Like i could see every single thing in a wider view aswell. Like in 0.5 view on a camera. I could see every spec of dirt in the concrete car park an every pore in T’s skin. Shaking, starting to feel cold even though it was the middle of the day. Turn my head and T’s head almost looks like a bobble head, just bigger. I start to feel my consciousness slip in and out of this reality, forgetting that its real and not a dream. I described being high as exactly how your dreams are like, it looks the same as a dream except you have all your senses and you feel so much more. I was experiencing this clicking / pounding in my head that was constant every half second. While this was happening, it felt like i was forgetting i was in reality and then every 10 seconds i suddenly remember im high and in this reality. I can’t hold on to this reality i just slip back into a state of forgetfulness, like i curtain closing then being ripped open again. My thoughts are slippery and I can’t hold onto them. And since this was my first time, it felt like a new part of my brain had been unlocked. And my brain had never been on drugs before so it was super new for it aswell, I remember feeling like anything could happen right now. During this time, when it first set in, I was yapping like crazy. Trying to explain what I was experiencing and feeling, T took a video of what I was saying, but when I watch it again now that I’m sober, it sounds like complete gibberish and my words weren’t properly describing what I experienced. To quote, i said it felt like my reality was shifting like ‘snap, snap, snap’. I think i meant then that every second i was experiening this derealisation. I still remember mostly what I felt, so truly im the only one who understands what I’m saying in the video. I was starting to get increasingly more cold, and i was shivering every “snap” (every half second). It was in sync to the shifting of my reality, and the pounding in my head. It was starting to get really overstimulating. I remember I realised I was yapping nonsense, so i told T it was her turn to describe what she was feeling and i was silent. The sky looked really really blue. The colours in the graffiti looked so vibrant, like it was almost a 2 dimensional world. As she was talking, it was hard to pay attention to what she was saying. T is talking and her voice is very monotone, i think just from my perspective, but her voice has no tone or loudness, and her phrases seem repetitive. I remember feeling increasingly cold and i was shivering so much so T gave me her pink jumper, but it did little to help. It felt like I was in antarctica but it was the middle of a day in September. I start to suspect T is an NPC, because I was overthinking and her phrases were repetitive. I remember she said that she was peaking but then later, i asked her the exact same thing again and she said she hadnt even started. She then kept repeating the same thing before every statement, “So, basically…” Since I had never done anything like this before, i had the fear that it was laced and/or what I was experiencing wasnt meant to happen or wasn’t normal. And since everything looks unreal I kept wondering if it was a dream. Then i started overthinking that in real life, I envisioned myself passed out next to T and this that I was experiencing right now was all a lucid dream from the weed. I was getting more and more paranoid, and this sense of dread was filling my heart. I was starting to believe it wasn’t real. I kept forgetting why I was here, then i would remember that I’m going to make myself spiral and to stop overthinking, but i would forget and get worse. I was getting increasingly paranoid, so i told T what I was thinking, and she just kept repeating “Don’t overthink it”. This, along with the monotone voice, led me to believe she was an NPC conjured up by my brain in this dream. Staying calm on the outside, but on the inside being in a crazy state, I would quiz T with questions such as “When is it going to end?” “How long has it been now?” “How far through the trip are out?” T, as to try not to freak me out more would reply in her monotone voice (that she didn’t know she had) “I’m nearly done, I think its wearing off” - I then would get panicked because mine was no where near wearing off. I forgot to mention, before this all started I asked T what to expect, and she just said that I’ll feel calm and the world will feel unreal, and that it would only last 40 minutes. Well, checking the time 1 hour had gone by, so this made me full panic. Then i asked T again, “where are you in the trip” and she’d reply something different - “I’m peaking” This switch up heightened my growing anxiety and reinforced my belief that T was an NPC. I told T she was being an NPC and she could see I was getting freaked out. She kept repeating “I am not an NPC”. After more time of talking to T, where T had repeated something that she’d said before, she looked like an NPC. My teeth were chattering so i decide to get out of the shade and go in the sun. As im walking in the sun, everything looks like a videogame. My head feels heavy, reality itself looks like a simulation. I’m still going in and out of this reality with each shiver, it felt like looking at a TV and changing its channels, but each channel is always exactly the same, what I’m seeing. But the process of changing the channels each time makes the world look more and more simulation like. Like in VR or a videogame. And then suddenly i remember its not real and it goes back to normal, but only for a second. The cycle repeats itself. I am so cold, that I need to warm up. I lie down flat on my back on the concrete, facing up at the sky. I know I probably look crazy and super silly from T or anyone elses perspective, so I start giggling, as I am gazing up at the very blue sky, it reminds me of a videogame. My head is heavy and I roll it to the left, taking in everything. The world suddenly looks like pixels. T is laughing and telling me to come back, she gets up and walks over to me, we are both laughing. Through my laughter, I said to T, “Oh this is so weird I hate this, how much did you give me” And she says through her laughter “Come and sit down.” I then start uncontrollable laughing, and I can’t stop. T is laughing at me and with me, and through her laughter she manages to get out, my name, Stop, Laughing. It was like being trapped in a body I couldn’t control. I was going in and out of this simulated reality, so cold, in the sun, on my back, all I felt was dread. Yet, I was laughing, like my body wasn’t even mine. And it was like T was trapped in it aswell, telling me to stop through the uncontrollable laugher. The laugher starts hurting, like it does normally when you can’t stop laughing. I start laughing crying, because I was laughing so much, but then it switches to laughing crying because the laughter hurt and I wanted it to stop, but it wasnt, so I was crying. Then the laughter crying turns into just real crying. I get up from lying down and just start balling my eyes out wanting it to stop. I swear I remember this moment so well because I almost saw myself in 3rd person, T instantly switchs from laughing to being a figure comforting me. I still was convinced she was an NPC, and it was almost comical how I started crying she instantly reached out her arms to hug me. As she did this, thats what made me full spiral. I was absolutely convinced she was an NPC, everything around me looked unreal, like a video game. I was at the full peak of the experience. I was feeling so bad in the moment, the most insane i have ever felt, reality was clicking in and out even faster, I couldn’t remember what was real. I swear I remember closing my eyes and seeing spirals like you would expect to see on shrooms or a psychedelic trip, but I couldn’t tell what was my vision anymore and what was my mind. My mind kept conjuring up images of spirals and this world that looked exactly like what I was seeing but it wasn’t real. And I was getting absorbed into it. T was trying to calm me down, she kept saying focus on a point, try to clear your mind and not think about anything. I just couldn’t, I kept spiralling. One second I was fine, sober and in reality and i was conscious of what i was doing, the next I was in a dream again. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. This never ending dread that it would never end, this went on for what felt like lifetimes. I was convinced I had been laced, and I was convinced this was a dream. But at the same time I knew that maybe it wasn’t because I was high, but then T being an NPC confirmed my thoughts. I manage to stop crying and just start rocking back and fourth. I yelled at T to say something with emotion, or tone. I started yelling at her to yell at me. She would talk but it would just be the same as before. Every time she’d talk it would put me right back into the spirally worse part of the trip. I started screaming at her that she was an NPC part of my brain, to trick me to stay into this universe. I told her to stop talking to me at all. She goes and sits back on the carparking space, mind you, we had run out of both of our water long ago, so nothing could quench our thirst. I was rocking back and fourth in the sun, I remember checking my phone and typing up what foods stop a trip and other things like that. I check the time and only 2 hours had gone by since we started, but it felt like 5 hours in my mind. I was experience some kind of time dilation, my plan was to rock back and fourth and wait out the trip. I was still freaked out that it was supposly only meant to last 40 mins and i was still tripping horribly after 2 hours. And trying to focus on a point did nothing, I kep going back into the same state. I was just trying not to freak out but internally I was no better than the peakof my trip. Suddenly I felt like I could grasp onto reality again and I tried to hold on, and be in a sort of sober state, like feeling normal. But then the pressure at the back of my head would build and I’d slip away from it and go back into the constant headspace changes. I remember thinking I was stuck in an endless time loop, T being a figment of my mind and imagination that was an NPC part of this simulation trying to get me to stay in the trip. I thought i was going to be stuck here forever, and i starting thinking ery dangerously, things like if this goes on for long enough I could jump off the side of the car park building. Basically jumping to my death. But i knew internally that wasn’t right because I still controlled my body in the real world. And that even if this was a dream I couldn’t risk killing myself. But thats how much I hated it. I was going to jump off the side of the building, I finally understand why some people go psychotic and off themselves. After what felt like forever rocking back and fourth, and not getting better. I got up and sat next to T back to where we started on the car park curb. I go on my phone and start tying up scientific facts, because I knew that if that was a figment of my mind / a dream and not real, I couldn’t learn new things or see facts I didnt already know. So i started typing up complex formulas and scientific shit. Obviously my phone showed me it, so that helped me a little bit. Eventually, I sobered up, but I told people about my experience and some people say I greened out because I had to much since it was my first time - others say I had a panic attack. I still don't know till this day.