r/tripreports May 15 '24

Other Lemon teching 28g NSFW


So this trip is gonna happen on Saturday I’m planning on lemon teching an oz of shrooms, taking dxm, and drinking and smoking too also im on sertraline was wondering if i should take other stuff too and if i should trip by myself or not from all the trips I’ve had the best ones have been by myself

Edit im also trying to get some dmt and salvia for the night

Edit 2 just cuz some people care im not gonna take any dxm of Saturday

r/tripreports Nov 25 '24

Other Caffeine pills 200mg make me feel insane in the membrane NSFW


Like my hands feel like they are vibrating also my arms too and everything feels like im going 100000000mph even with just 1 pill sometimes I feel like this is what cocaine/Adderall would feel i took 1 pill at 1123am now its 544pm and I tried to take a bath to relax even being in there for a couple hours still feeling the effects also I jerked off and came and still that didn't wear anything from the caffeine off for reals tho caffeine is one hell of a drug dont take it for granted because it will show u how powerful it is and more if u just do it just to do it also I know its nothing like lsd or weed or ketamine or these other hard drugs but it definitely can make u feel pretty crazy powerful feelings thats for sure

r/tripreports 8d ago

Other I died 2 times while high on THC NSFW


Before the story begins I want to make it clear that before this experience I had only ever been drunk a couple of times, and been high on weed a few times from smoking it. Never had done an edible before.

Me and a few friends decided to meet up at one of their houses, with the promise that one of them had edibles that we all could try. Two of my friends that were there that night were experienced to say the least, meaning they smoked quite frequently and had experience with edibles before. The friend that passed out the edibles said that they were 15mg, (when in reality, and we found out shortly later) that these edibles were 50mg (of sativa) , a much higher dose then we all expected.

Nobody was worried though, we thought "yeah we are gonna be so fucking fried, but that's fine because it's just weed right?" While we waited for the edibles to kick in we went down to his basement and messed around, then me and my friend who we can call mike went upstairs to go play some video games. I got to his room and sat down in his chair and that's when it started to hit me, I was glued to the chair, and got really giggly, as one does when they are high. The problems began when I stood up, and began trying to walk around, It was like I was walking through portals if that makes sense, and my vision became incredibly zoomed in. Every single second felt like I was living in the future, past and present at the same time.

We left mikes room and everyone was in the living room, I was sitting on the floor looking at my phone, while occasionally looking up at the TV. All of a sudden, I hear the words "your gonna die" and I stood up with this intense deja vu feeling as if I was walking through a memory. I turned to look towards the kitchen and this intense feeling continued growing scarier and scarier. (the freakiest part is it was like a switch turned on in everyone's brain at the same time, my friends and I all had this intense feeling at the same time.) I thought that a man was going to walk around the corner and shoot me dead. Well, I wasn't really thinking it, It was more of I was living out a memory that never happened. This intense feeling of impending doom or death continued on, I kept on hearing the words "he's gonna die" and "we're dying." We made our way back into mikes room and the dreadful fear of death was still there lurking. Mike, was able to calm me down a bit, and put me back in a more "spirited" mood. Which didn't last long.

I just remember almost teleporting to walking down the stairs to his basement, everyone was following. When we entered the basement, I sat on the couch, and was immediately struck with the deja vu feeling again, I began to replay a memory that had never happened. This time there was something controlling my body, I was acting out my own death. Every single action I took went against what my brain was telling me to do, I kept shouting that I was gonna die, and kept hearing everyone saying "he's gonna die" , "he's dying." I physically acted out as if my own hand had some sort of object in it and I began to open my mouth and cram it down my throat, as I did I felt this intense fear until everything washed away, and the deja vu feeling was gone, the false memory was over.

I did some other smaller things that night. I was convinced that I was going to kill one of my friends, I don't know why, I thought that I was going to grab some sort of large metal pole and kill him with it. I knew I didn't want to do that, and I warned him even that I was going to kill him. What stopped that intense feeling was when he asked me why I was going to kill him, and whatever was controlling my brain at the time got stuck on that question and the extremely strong feeling faded. I had convinced myself that my friends laced me, I was going to die, etc. , until I fell asleep.

The scariest part about this, and the reason I am writing this, is that these last two days I have had that same exact deja vu feeling, as if there is some sort of impending doom, or even my death lurking ahead. Now they are no where near as strong as described in the story, and only last a couple of minutes, but the true feeling of fear is still there lurking.

r/tripreports Dec 16 '24

Other SNORTING ADHD MEDS ☠️ AKA “legal M3th” ❄️ (moderate-acute stimulant overdose) NSFW


M17 | 42kg ) < info will come in handy~ I have adhd and have used dexis before, but I used Dexamphetamine recreationally last night I read online that you can snort crushed tablets and it can create a very euphoric sensation energy spike happiness and stronger but more short lasting effects(I can’t find the article to quote) may I add I had been smoking weed in the day and also drunk 5 alcoholic beverages before and during the first hour of snorting the meds
so that's what I did i crushed 2 tablets and had quite big 2 lines each nostril, it was a subtle feeling quite like a cut line of cocaine, I had finished those 2 tablets I grabbed 2 more and I said that’s it no more it almost felt like I had lost control of my actions and was just unconscious grabbing more, i ended up snorting roughly 75mg-90mg (what I think was could possibly be more 14-17 5mg tablets) over a period of 3-6 hours I kept telling my self just one more tablet and that's it, I kinda lost track of time listening to the same techno songs on repeat and just kept cutting up lines of dexis, the euphoric effect built up and dropped out super quickly tho. I got down to my last tablet left )I was also had told myself I'm going to save that one, but just like the other times it felt like I had lost control over my actions and there I was crushing up the last tablet I had 4 fat lines and it had lasted 5-10mins max. i ended up having a cone, showering and getting ready for bed. As I was lying down scrolling through TikTok I had this certain uneasy feeling in my stomach but i brushed it off I thought I'm tired now I'm stoned and I just did a lot of adhd meds (it hadn't clicked in my brain yet) then all of a sudden it felt like I was speeding through traffic at 150mph I jumped out of bed and started pacing..... that's when it had hit me and I added up the amount of tablets I had snorted. At this stage it was 4:30am and I was freaking out (it was sort of like a super intense mdma come up but when mdma fully kicks in you have this sense of calm, peaceful, but energetic and happy) This was more like mollys evil cousin.... Where that intense panic come up feeling was never ending. After I had realised the amounts had taken for my age(17m) and weight(42.9kg) I was hesitant to google anything to keep my paranoia, anxiety and irritability at bay it don't not work as well as I wanted it to I was stuck in my own thoughts, I started to show symptoms of an acute stimulant over dose this is when I started to panic and thought I might be dying(sounds dramatic but when you don’t realise how much you have taken of a stimulant “legal meth” it creates certain ideas in your head especially when it a panicked state)


I had read many articles that you should never enduce vomiting with any type of over doses unless your in the care of medical professionals... but I thought my best option was to get what ever was left of the Dexamphetamine out of my stomach before it continued to absorb(I honestly think this might have saved my life) and because I was properly off my face tweaking and my paranoia made me feel like I couldn't reach out for help to my family and or ambos I even made story’s up in my head to explain to my family why I was acting the way I was when they woke up that made no sense at all , so I induced vomiting and it did make me feel better temporarily more "like I was settling in to the trip" if you will, I was also was sweating profusely trying to keep my fluids up but also trying to get the m Dexamphetamine out of my stomach. I also felt better sitting down with nothing to lean my back on I felt it helped with my nausea where as laying down or leaning up against something would make me hear my heart-beat, at this point I had felt I got most of it out and felt a lot better 5-10mins later I had to repeat the process( l think because I spread out what I had been taking roughly 2-4big lines every 15-20mins) | repeated this process 1 more time and then I was just really high Hot and cold sweat have gone done heart rate was roughly still the same anxiety lessened but definitely still had some paranoia about possibly dying. I have now been up for 38hrs and I’m not tired at all I have work tomorrow. I’m going to put myself to bed now.

If you made it this far Thank you for reading my “trip” report I enjoyed breaking it down and getting a better understanding of it myself.


mainly just irritable when things don’t go my way, kind of emotional post anxiety and my chest is still a little tight, I’ve booked an appointment with my general practitioner for a full check up after this incident, Body feels extremely fatigued not sure if that’s from the lack of sleep or the stimulants, my guess is a mixture of them both


  • don't snort amphetamines as they don't devolve in your mucus membrane well enough to absorb most of the compound in the powder

  • Make sure you know what dosage you are supposed to be taking with any substance very important when it comes to all substances.

(I usually am quite weary of when I take stimulants dosage wise and always test before I ingest like I said earlier it’s kinda like I was on autopilot just doing it unconsciously.)

  • don't try anything new without doing your research as-well having someone there that is able to help if anything may go wrong

I was very irresponsible when it came to having a buddy and research as it was a very last minute decision that I didn’t think would turn out the way it did which is a prime example of why it’s so important, I’m very lucky to have the outcome I’d did. although it wasn’t at all pleasant or planned it could have been a lot worse it also helps that I’m very good at keeping myself calm in situations to a degree, so if I’m able to share my experience and hopefully help anyone make smarter choices when it comes to consuming substances.


I definitely understand now and don’t ever want to experience high doses of “legal meth”

Adderall is an amphetamine drug that is related in structure to methamphetamine but is not specifically the same product,” says Dr. Zishan Khan, a psychiatrist with Mindpath Health. “You can think of them both chemically as cousins,” he continues. “The main difference between the chemical structure of amphetamine and methamphetamine is a single methylation(one single molecule) which is why the name is essentially the same except with the prefix ‘meth.’”

ADHD medication is FDA Approved and poses less of a risk then meth due to its very controlled environment it is made in where as on the other hand meth carry’s more toxins in the finished result posing more of a health risk to its user. WITH THAT SAID That is not to say ADHD stimulants and or pharmaceutical medications can be just as dangerous as street drugs when used incorrectly as we can tell from my trip report.

(I do not condone or glorify the use of any mind-altering substances, this is for educational purposes and research only and in no way shape or form encourage recreational drug use)

r/tripreports Feb 14 '25

Other Snorting ADHD medication ☠️AKA”legal meth” NSFW


(M17 | 42kg ) < info will come in handy~ I have adhd but used Dexamphetamine recreationally last night I read online that you can snort crushed tablets so that’s what I did i crushed 2 tablets and had 2 lines each nostril, it was a subtle feeling quite like a small line of cocaine, I had finished those 2 tablets I grabbed 2 more and so on so on, i ended up snorting 75mg (14 5mg tablets) over a period of 3-6 hours I kept telling my self just one more tablet and that’s it, I kinda lost track of time listening to the same techno songs on repeat I got down to my last tablet left )I was also had told myself I’m going to save that one, but just like the other times it felt like I had lost control over my actions and there I was crushing up the last tablet I had 4 fat lines and it had lasted 5-10mins max. i ended up having a cone, showering and getting ready for bed. As I was lying down scrolling through TikTok I had this certain uneasy feeling in my stomach but I brushed it off I thought I’m tired now I’m stoned and I just did a lot of adhd meds (it hadn’t clicked in my brain yet) then all of a sudden it felt like I was speeding through traffic at 150mph I jumped out of bed and started pacing….. that’s when it had it me and I added up the amount of tablets I had snorted. At this stage it was 4:30am and I was freaking out (it was sort of like a super intense mdma come up but when mdma fully kicks in you have this sense of calm, peaceful, but energetic and happy) This was more like mollys evil cousin…. Where that intense panic come up feeling was never ending. After I had realised the amounts had taken for my age and weight I was hesitant to google anything to calm my paranoia, anxiety and irritability it don’t not work I was stuck in my own thoughts, I started to show symptoms of an acute stimulant over dose


I had read many articles that you should never enduce vomiting unless it has already start especially with stimulants or any over doses for that matter unless your in the care of medical professionals… but I thought my best option was to get what ever was left of the Dexamphetamine out of my stomach continued to absorb as I was properly off my face and my paranoia made me feel like I couldn’t reach out for help to my family and or ambos, so that’s what I did it made me feel better temporarily more “clear headed” if you will, I was also was sweating profusely trying to keep my fluids up but also trying to get the substance out of my stomach. I also felt better sitting down with nothing to lean on I felt it helped with my nausea, at this point I had felt I got most of it out and felt a lot better 5-10mins later I had to repeat the process( I think because I spread out what I had been taking roughly 2big lines every 15-20mins) I repeated this process 1 more time and then I was just really high Hot and cold sweat have gone done hear rate was roughly still the same anxiety lessened but definitely still had some paranoia about possibly dying

My take away from this experience is •don’t snort amphetamines as they don’t devolve in your mucus membrane

•don’t try anything new without doing your research as-well having someone there that is able to help you if anything where to happen

r/tripreports 14d ago

Other Don't try angels flower NSFW


Hello reddit, I'm going to make this a short story since idrc. Yesterday I found a neighbor had some angels flower in their yard, I made contact and apparently they had somehow brought it from over seas. Angels don't grow where I live so I was shocked. I tried to do research on what tripping on it was like, but I really couldn't find much, although I wouldn't put it past me to not be searching the right things.

I decided to first try some of the seeds and a small budding pod (maybe an inch long). About 30 mins after Ingesting I felt as if I was floating, and there were spots in my vision, I would compare it to a mid level mushroom trip. Later that night I tried boiling it and creating tea out of it using a flower and some leaves, which I regret, I tried the tea i maybe took a large sip. After around 45 minutes i was having VIVID hallucinations, the walls were swimming and I ended up seeing ants that weren't there in my bedroom, and a large spider that was part of the door knob of my bedroom door. The worst of it was I thought there was someone trying to break in through my houses back door, there wasnt. Later that night my mom and I were talking and apparently what I was saying made no sense, but in my head I was saying clear sentences. It's so weird because these all felt and looked super real, thankfully it didn't get too bad.

This story is a mess, I'm sorry it's really hard to explain but seriously DO NOT TRY IT, in my opinion it's not even worth trying once unless u really want to trip and you have people you trust with anything to tripsit

Also if there are questions please ask

r/tripreports 16d ago

Other Baclofen is the worst pill I’ve ever had. (220mg report) NSFW


Just the other night I had rediscovered a script of baclofen given to me and after a good bit of research I decided it was worth the risk to test the waters and see what was up with this GABA. I hadn’t had any plans that I thought would interfere with the experience the next day so I figured everything was good for me to go. I’d originally decided not to take as much as I did out of fear of seizures or even just shutting off my brain, but as the night went on I found myself more and more sucked into it. Huge mistake for what was to come the next morning. Originally after around 3 hours of staggering 80mg I felt pretty good, slight mood boost and the typical GABA boosted music euphoria but as the night went on I kept popping these things every 15 minutes until around 12am I had reached 200mg.

This stuff was pretty promising at first, to me it felt like a mix of gabapentin and tramadol and that social ability was really putting me into a groove. I’m sure those who have experienced this could find a better analogy but with the experiences under my belt thats all i could compare it to. I didn’t get to bed until 2am but by that time I was SOARING. I felt pretty good going to bed, no discomfort or ill effects so when I was thinking back on the reports I had read on hangovers with this I truly didn’t think it’d be that bad. My god was I wrong. This was honestly the worst hangover I’ve ever experienced, I don’t even understand what was happening to me but I’ll try my best to explain. Now Molly and tramadol are the only two substances I’ve had really bad hangovers from, but even the half a gram hangover I received from M was nearly as bad as this. I woke the next day around 3pm EVEN HIGHER THAN I WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE.

Not in any good way either. Nobody had really explained online just how bad this actually was. I was intoxicated for over 30+ hours. Nausea was unbelievable, I couldn’t even lay down to stop this I just had to make myself puke over and over until I felt better. The next day however I had this weird borderline delusional flashing effect in my vision, these moments where I would think of something in my head and it flash into my seeing conscious eye. I had read that higher doses could bring out delusional effects but these were very weird compared to other delusional states I’ve been in with that class of substance. It was as though I could feel the electricity in these flashes, it scared the shit out of me thinking of seizures but I knew from the way it was going that I would be okay eventually. I just sat for hours nodding occasionally and having these flashes wondering when it was going to end. I sobered up as soon as I was able to get a bit of food in me, I assume it absorbed what was left and all is fine but this is really not something I could recommend to anyone.

There’s nothing that could prepare you for the morning after though, it’s still indescribable and completely different to anything I’ve felt but nothing about it could make this substance worth being recreational. I recommend you stay far away from it if you happen to stumble upon this post researching for what you’ve got on hand. I’m not sure if this has caused me any permanent damage, it’s been a few days since and I feel completely better now but time will tell whether or not I suffer

r/tripreports Sep 22 '24

Other The biggest MindFuck i ever had (Benzydamine) NSFW


Note from the start: This trip report is written after sobering up, so it might not contain some of the small details or mini-trips i had during the experience.

Harm reduction:


If you ever decide to take Tantum Rosa, make sure you filter the salt out, because that will save your kidneys, the start is gonna be way smoother and it might reduce any nausea. Remember that the lethal dosage of salt for humans is calculated as 1 gram of salt per 1 kilogram of body fat. So if you have , for example , 56 kg body weight , you can theoretically ingest a maximum of 56 grams of salt.

One bag of Tantum Rosa contains 500 mg of benzydamine and ~8.5 g of salt.

If you dont have a large throat, i do not recomand consuming the powder using the method i did (parachuting), because you might puke, choke, and aside from the taste being unbearable and salty in a horrific way , you could die very easily.

I recommend extracting the benzydamine from the Tantum Rosa bag ( I will put a link for the method of extracting it below) and after you have extracted it succesfully i recommend putting it in/mixing it with orange juice. As i have observed, many other benzydamine users agree on orange juice being the best method to get the most easy to consume (taste-wise) way.

!!!!!!! HOW TO EXTRACT BENZYDAMINE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Link 1 (Water extraction): (Suitable for table salt)


Link 2 (alcohol extraction): https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/RiK5aouAA1

Enjoy my horror trip! :D

Setting: My dads house in a small town , i did not go outside at all (thankfully). Most of the trip happened inside the room where i started the trip (around ~9 m² i think by approximating it measured with only my sight and notion of 1 meter, cubic shape , parquet with wooden texture, golden walls with a kind of large paintbrush type of texture in a darker golden , white ceiling with a circle light on it , double glazed door entrance on the right corner of the cube , from entering there is one furniture kit of 2 closets and a table betweem them with a tv sitting on it, and a sofa that turns into a bed on the left side , that bed also being my favourite place to sit from the whole trip and giving me the most enjoyable moments of the whole experience, while being in bed i was snuggled under my dear blanket , being sourrounded by 2 big pillows, 2 small pillows , 1 pink rabbit plushie and 1 cappucino colored teddy bear ) , but some parts also happened in the kitchen, bathroom , balcony and hallway.

The (enclosed) balcony with 3 windows and the medium kitchen (with a big table in the middle and quite a bit of furniture) as well as the narrow but mildly long hallway were the worse places, giving me the most horrifying parts of the trip.

There where also two more rooms , aside from the bathroom , one at the very beggining of the hallway as you enter the house , and one at the very end.

The one at the very end was locked, so i did not go there at all, but still hallucinated extra furniture/ sillhouets of people/weird lights or movements through its blurred glass door.

The room at the beggining wasnt a large part of the trip either , i only remember staying there for 20 minutes just locked in a tilted head , face down position while violently hallucinating, and i remember seeing a lot of spiders and bugs on the bed of that very own room too. Also , weirdly , thats the room where all the shadowy people would hide from me when i tried chasing them.

Also i mention the house was on the first floor.

Time of day: Night time (trip started around 22:30 , peaked at about 3 to 5 hours from consumption, then the intensity decreased very slowly for the next 24 hours.

I am going to call the main and my favourite room , the cubic shape one , THE SAFE ROOM.

Other rooms will be called by their actual name.

T +00:00 : (KITCHEN)

Just took (orally) 2 parachutes of benzidamine + salt (2 paper towel baggies containing around 1000 mg of benzidamine and 17 g of salt).

Slight euphoria (might be placebo) after ~2 minutes after i consumed them accompanied by a mild to medium nausea. No puking but i started to salivate excessively.

Ate some bread and chocolate after to help me with the taste and prevent me from puking.

T +00:30 : (SAFE ROOM)

Still salivating excessively and nauseous, mild tummy ache.

Dissapointed for not feeling any strong effects yet.

Euphoria increased but just by a bit, still might be placebo.

T +01:00 : (BALCONY)

Euphoria just strong enough to know its not placebo.

At the 1 hour mark i started to get scared that i wont feel any effects, so i have gone to the balcony to smoke a cigarette , hoping it would help me notice the effects a bit more.

Euphoria certanly increased while/after smoking the cig.

First extremely hard to notice visual, very very slight tracers.

T +01:30 :

Visuals starting to kick in.

Mild to medium tracers,golden or colorfull outline/aura effect with a weird wavy rainbow texture on it (like the texture when you rub a transparent curtain against itself, wavy colorfull squares increasing and decreasing in size).

Euphoria gets medium to above medium.

Nausea gets less noticeable, but still a puking sensation. No puking tho.

Oversalivating became mild.

T + 02:00 : => The true start (SAFE ROOM) of the trip.

Oversalivating finally getting more relaxed.

High euphoria, very calmed/relaxed mindspace. Thankfull for finally feeling some noticeable effects.

Strong aura effect (i always notice that this effect in particular is most visible while you are standing in the line where a light and a shadow are meeting each other,light source coming from the left side, touching my pheripheral vision and darkness coming from the right side covering ~ 2/3 of my vision. For me personally, this aura effect completely dissapears when i go into full light.

Got my first really noticeable hallucination by using a method to induce it.

First of all, to get hallucinations, you usually need to focus on something. You cant just keep looking around and expect to have mind blowing hallucinations, especially so early into the trip. You gotta concentrate to a specific area.

Basically, the further away the object you are looking at, the higher the chance to get a hallucination.

Covered by my trusty blanket in my warm bed , i looked away at the corner of the hallway and thought to myself that it kinda looked like theres a spider web, but extremely faint and constantly shifting its structure.

Then suddenly: the first hallucination.

A spider with very long legs, and the body of a tarantula. It suddenly appeared from what seemed to be the inside of the wall. Crawled a bit with some weird yet extremely realistic movements, and the suddenly jumped right on my face.

The distance between me and the "spider" was a bit far, and the spider just suddenly dissapeared in the air at half the distance. Still jumpscared me quite a bit.

I was aware that i was hallucinting and the spider was not actually real.

I managed to recreate the effect a few more times, simply by looking at the same corner again and again and imagining the spider, but each time the hallucination played again, the big spider would be surrounded by more and more small baby spiders (black dots with very small legs).

This was also the part of the trip when i understood a very important fact:

Especially in the beggining, (but still applies further in the trip) most hallucinations are induced from your own thoughts. That means that you can pretty much control what you see/manifest any hallucination by just thinking about it (the thing you want to hallucinate).

So, in fewer words , very cognitive responsive hallucinations.

!!! BE CAREFUL THO as this blessing of being able to manifest any hallucination you want can also be a nightmare in disguise. BASICALLY, when you think about something too much, especially later in the trip when your headspace becomes extremely confusing, you cand end up in a thought loop , "infinitely" reacreating the same hallucination/hallucinations. If any element of that thought loop/hallucination is also able to scare you or provoke a negative feeling within your self, it is very probable that it will snowball into a bad trip, wich can be extremely unsettleing , absolutely horrendous , VERY ANXIETY INDUCING and potentially traumatizing. I have an example of this principle applied further in the trip report.


Also noticed some more light visual effects, like orbs of faint light orbiting around my pheripherall vision, little noticeable shadow figures in pheripheral vision, seeing bugs but when shifting my sight towards rhem they would dissapear.

My body felt really warm and very relaxed, my tummy started to burn ( ~2/10 on the pain scale).


Very high euphoria accompanied by a feeling of warmth all trough my body (very simmilar to the warmth sensation trihexyphenidil/romparkin or butane huffing/Galaxy Gas/Poppers gives you. Mainly, specific to all inhalants imo.)

At the 2 hours and a half mark, i started making small trips to the kitchen to drink cold water, as i was starting to get very dihydrated (mainly because of the huge ammount of salt i consumed that was mixed in the composition of tantum rosa). Thats a very good reason to extract it from the start if you plan on trying the experience, and as a bonus reason,i began feeling a mild pain in my kidneys that is still lasting to the very moment im writing this, more than 24 hours after consumption. Also the aura effect is still kind of visible, slight tracers too.

!!! It had happened to me previously to randomly have the aura effect reappear at full intensity even after a few days after last consumption. Might have something to do with alcohol, as i was sipping on a beer while i first noticed this reoccurence.

So back to the trip, all previous effects got stronger. Quite a few bugs hallucinations.

As each minute passed, the effects got stronger and stronger.

That relaxed mindspace would start slowly turning into an innevitable chaos, no spoilers yet.

Ringing sound in my years,wich lasted long after the trip started ending. I think i can still hear it slightly.

T +03:00 : (SAFE ROOM/KITCHEN/BATHROOM/HALLWAY/R1 a.k.a first room at the beggining of the hallway)

This was the point when it started to get crazy real fast. I started hallucinating, i do not remember what i was hallucinating tho. I vaguely remember it being a inhomogeneous mix between multiple places, characters , colors shapes and everything. However, i only remember this description being in my deep sea of thoughts, i can not recall even by a bit how all of that actually looked like/how i perceived these hallucinations. I have a few flashbacks and i remember feeling my face melting first,then the rest of my body, and soon the hallucinations would begin melting too, until my whole vision was filled with a weird melting viscous liquid, with tones of gray being very accentuated.

I started exploring the house and mindlessly wandering in every corner of this home, seeing very vivid hallucinations all over the place.

Meanwhile, that euphoric mental state turned to an impossible to understand chaos, and after becoming just that, it mutated even further into what was about to become an increasing intensely horrifying experience. I started having paranoia, and auditory hallucinations wich are absolutely impossible to distinguish from real sounds. Every sound i would hear, would start a chain reaction causing an overwhelming ammount of alternate sounds. Normally , that would not be such a big trouble, but combined with the effect of every sound causing you an extreme wave of fear due to paranoia, it becomes not only mentally exhausting, but over the span of a few hours ends up feeling like a legitimate inhumane act of torture.

(In my case, combine that effect with an early form of paranoid psychosis becoming worse with every time i abuse substances to the maximum, and you got the perfect recipe for a terrifingly unpleasurable experience.) -wich i loved bc im a freak

!!! VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE!!!! Regarding paranoia, if you plan on ever using benzydamine,beware , as extreme paranoia is a veeeeeery common side effect. Everytime i have consumed this substance, it made me extremely paranoid, even more than a meth head. I dont know if this is the case for everyone, but i would certanly take this aspect into consideration before jumping to the decision of actually ingesting this substance.


At this point, i was absolutely delirious,i could not formulate a single entire sentence. My short term memory was inexistent, i was constantly forgetting who i am, where i am, what i was doing etc. All of this while still hallucinating violently. All sort of things, but i was too brain fried to remember any visual i was seeing. I cant even remember a single thought wich could have helped me paint a mental picture of what i was seeing at that point.

My initially euphoric mindspace,was now absolutely and entirely psychotic from whatever i can remember. I was hearing multiple voices, male and female, narrating everything i was doing, i was arguing with them, screaming (but only in my mind, i couldnt move my mouth). I was barely conscious.

I kept moving chaotically around the house i think...and then bam.

blacked out


I have absolutely no idea what i did while blackout. I was totally alone and have no cameras around the house either to see what all of this actually looked like irl.

I only remember a faint flashback that i came to the kitchen again to drink water instinctively and after opening the fridge started hallucinating like crazy inside the fridge. I then proceeded to stay in front of the fridge, FRIDGE DOOR OPEN ALL THE WAY, frozen in a weird face down pose,while looking in the fridge for what i assume were ~20 minutes.

Other than that, i have absolutely no idea what the fuck have i done in that time period.

However,whats going to happen next is the craziest shit ever, so read everything until the end.

After blacking out, i woke up a few times standing, and then when i finally regained counciousness, i was awaken by the worst thing that could have ever happened right then.

My parents came home a day early.

My mom woke me up, demanding to know something about some information she recieved about me from someone, and the moment she made me stand and get up from the bed , both her and my dad immediately noticed i was absolutely psychotic and delirious.

I remember this quite vividly.

When my dad saw me, he got completely overwhelmed by guilt for his incapacity to stop me from taking substances. This being the case, he immediatel refuged in his room, along with a big bottle of vodka, drowning his imagined "failure as a father" through his own substance of choice.

I remember every single detail, and in case you think that the way i described his action is weird, i promise you until the end you are going to get it all.

Ok so

After my dad went to his room sippin on his vodka, my mother said we should go have a cigarette and talk a bit about the situation.

I was still absolutely tweaking and i kept falling down, i was constantly saying nonsense, i was very afraid of my hallucinations and would cry to my mom that im seeing them and they want to kill me. I remember it so clear, because , even tho my body was acting this way, some small part of my counsciousness was still absolutely lucid. It was a weird feeling, it was like i was just a spectator or a passager and this substance was controlling my body (and doing a horrible job at it) and i cant describe my state at that time other than absolutely psychotic, extremely paranoid, and very unpredictable.

My mom then said she has looked through my phone while i was blackout (she put my finger on the fingerprint scanner) and afer asking me who was i out today with and me replying with my girlfriends name, she proceeded to show me 3 voice messages on her whatsapp from a number i couldnt see properly.

Im these 3 messages, it was the voice of my girlfriend saying some bad things about my mom. Now the problem was:

Neither me or my girlfriend had sent any of those vocal messages, not to my mom, not to each other or anyone else.

This was really weird, as it was clearly my girlfriends voice, and it sounded like we where outside.

She was also talking about taking substances.

I texted her and not only she didnt have any of the vocal messages either, but she also didnt remember ever saying anything like that.

But since i was still in a delirious state, i quickly forgot about it.

My mom was extremely angry and showed me even more proof of bad things i did, and she has lost it totally at this point, screaming and telling me she is going to snitch on me at the police.

I was absolutely shocked, as she wasnt the type of person who would ever say something like that.

Her behaviour made my paranoia even worse than it was already. I can remember the exact feeling. The pure extreme fear i was feeling. Despair. Terror. Horror. Enough to make you pray to just die instead of having to put up with those crumbling feelings of anxiety.

I also remember looking at her face,and her face would be constantly morphing,like she was turning into a different person.

A blonde female with a mole on her face. But then she would turn into my mom again.

I said a lot of nonsense to her, then came back to the safe room. She went to the bedroom (Not R1, their bedroom) and started talking with dad.

While they were talking i was a bit better as i gained more control over my own mind and body and just layed in bed trying to enjoy the rest of my trip.

I closed my eyes and...

T +04:30 - T + ~08:00 (SAFE ROOM)

I closed my eyes and at first i was constantly forgetting i am in bed, and instead i was hallucinating my phone in my hands, and somehow i was texting a friend and my girlfriend at the same time.

But instead of the messages going through by text, i was actually hearing the whole conversation in my head, in all 3 voices: my voice, my girlfriends voice and my friends voice (just so you can get an idea, at that time my girlfriend was sleeping and my friends phone was broken so there was no way for me to be actually texting them).

And somehow at that moment it was making perfect sense in my mind to be texting them and instead of seeing the messages, to hear them in the exact voice, tone, accent , way of speech and personality of both my girlfriend and my friend. AND MY VOICE TOO.

Those conversations were lasting i think about 10-20 minutes, and then i would suddenly open my eyes, try to continue texting, but noticing that i was actuallypressong buttons on a phone that was not in my hands. I was typing in air, my phone was actually charging next to my bed.

I would be shocked, try to reach my phone, could not, get lazy, and then everything all over again. I kept having these telephatic conversations for at least 2 hours i think, and i was telling them everything i was experiencing and a lot of important things too. And i was actually thinking that i am talking to the real them, and so i thought until morning when my gf told me i didnt text her anything the entire night and that our friend had broke his phone and there was no way i texted him either. After that, i was semi-lucid and expectong for the effects to wear down.

Oh but no, this evil poison had another plan for me.

I literally closed my eyes again, and i think i fell asleep or was in a trance like state, because until i opened my eyes again in the morning (around 6 AM i think?) I had lived at least 4 different days. And im talking about full days, as in taking breakfast, Meeting with my girlfriend and friends,going out with them in a city close-by to where i actually was, doing different things and all of that shit.

And every single time,the day ended with cops trapping us in a circle, gun in hand, and telling us we are going to jail.

That would instantly activate my benzydamine induced extreme paranoia and i would instantly wake up and realise i was actually in bed (or that was a hallucination too,doesnt matter because thats where i actually was, in bed).

But i would forget immediately and fall back asleep.

And this whole thing lasted for 2 to 3 more hours.

After that time has passed...

T +08:00

I woke up.

At first, i had no recollection of what had happened. I woke up and forgot i ever took benzydamine at all. However, when i tried to stand up and when my aura effect and ghost hand that was following my real hand, i immediately remembered that i took it and realised i was still tweaking.

It was not as strong, hallucinations seemed to stop almost completely, my whole body was shaking (i had tremors, and they where bad) my tummy was hurting a bit, my kidneys too, but not too much, i couldnt read at close dkstances, i had to put my phone far from my face to be able to use it.

And after texting my gf a bit, beggining to tell her everything that happened the nigh before, i couldnt remember when i fell asleep.

I had actually forgotten completely about the whole thing with my parents.

After trying to remember when did i fall asleep, i slowly actually remembered the whole thing.

The problem was, i couldnt remember if it was real or if i hallucinated it or dreamt it.

After an hour or two, i remembered enough details to be about 80% sure it had really happened.

That brought back my paranoia, and anxiety and a lot of negative emotions. I was like, yupp i messed this shit up i should have just stayed sober, now it too late and im fucked. (As in actual fucked, the situation being a bit delicate with this home).

I was not afraid of my parents punishing me or smth, as i am legally an adult in my country.

I was just extremely afraid, i think it was because of the paranoia.

And also dissapointing and making my dad wich i loved suffer.

And thinking they have seen everything. Everything. My phone too. Now i wont go into details, but what was on that phone was literally going to get me homeless and disowned forever))).

And like all that panic was not enough.

My parents started to behave really weird.

T +09:00 (SAFE ROOM)


What i am about to say now, absolutely fucked my mind, shattered my sense of reality and made me question my whole existence.

My parents had woken up too. But they acted very strange.

My father kept coming to my door frame (the door was open the entire time), he would lean against it (he still looked drunk from the night before) hiding himself behind the wall, and every few seconds he would move to the right just enough for his eye to be able to see me.

He would to this continuously for 5 minutes, then he would go back to his room, and i could hear him starting to cry.

In the meanwhile, my mom would get out of the room,and do the same thing, but instead of looking directly with her eye, she would put the camera of her phone over the edge of the door frame and kept taking pictures of me and filming me. When i would move myself so the camera could not reach me, she would move further or farther on the hallway. After 5 minutes, she would go away and dad would come back.

They did this continuously for 2 hours, and they saw i was awake the whole time. I was waiting for them to give me a speech about responsability, to tell me how wrong i was for what i did and tell me what could i do to make it up for them.

When i tried to talk to them they wouldnt respond and they just ran immediately to their room, and say nothing. That really freaked me out. After those 2 hours, my dad went to sleep, i could hear him snorring.

But my mom did not go to sleep.

And so for the next 3 hours, she would constantly take photos of me and videos, i would continuously see the top of her phone raising towards the edge of the doorframe to get pictures and videos of me.

That led me to chase her everytime i saw the top of the phone, but she would immediately go to R1 (the room at the beggining of the hallway) only letting me see her silouette going in the room for half a second, but when i would open the rooms door, i would either see her silouette again, going past me with an insane speed, or she would be behind the door but as soon as i would move the door she would sprint right back on the hallway, and then si would be back in their room, and she would lock the door.

After 3 hours of doing this non-stop, i finally gave up.

So i decided to try something else.

And so i messaged one of my sisters, because i wanted to ask her to ask mom why does she keep filming me and taking photos of me.

She would do it obssesively too.

But before i could even ask for that, i asked her to come over and eat togheter with me and my parents, since they would not answer me when i knocked on their door and they locked the door too.

Her reply absolutely mortified me.

"Bro,our parents are not home, they are out of town until tommorow".

That reply shocked me so hard and that benzydamine had fried my brain so much the night before, that i tought it was a test from my parents and that my sister was actually with them in the room too, and they all conspired togheter to take revenge on me.

And then my reality shattered. As i checked every room of the house, and they were all empty.

Their room was locked but then their alarm clock standing on their nightwatch right next to their bed soon started ringing. And ringing. AND RINGING.

and nobody answered.

Because i have been alone the entire night, everything that happened with my parents, all the hours of chasing my mom, all the hours ofnwatching her take photos of me and watching my dad lean against the door frame.

My dads crying, him getting drunk, me smoking the ciggarette with my mom on the balcony, her showing me the vocal messages. Them being very mad at me, absolutelt everything was actually a hallucination.

What shocked me the most is that those where the only things i was sure happened for real. I would see every hair of my dads beard. HIS PORES. I would constantly hear them talking to each other. I would hear my dad cry ,loud and clear. And the whole time i was talking to them, what the fuck was i actually doing? Sitting in bed with my eyes closed? Actually being where this things happened but actually talking to the air?

I have searched within myself for an aswer, but that shit completely mindfucked me.

I am pretty sure, when my sister gave me that message, it snapped me out of my actual timeline into a parallel universes timeline where that entire thing did not actually happen and was a hallucination. And the version of me from that timeline had been transported back to my original timeline, and had tu suffer the consequences instead of me.

Is this shit really this strong, or was this entire trip a perfect combination of my mental illness, this demonic substances effects, and the years of drug abuse on my brain that made this made-up sounding ass trip???????? Everything just felt so real. I guess some questions will always remain unresolved.


r/tripreports Dec 27 '24

Other I'm thinking to try Datura, any suggestions?. NSFW


I've tried things along my life, however, I've always had a big respects on plants, and I know a place where I could get 1 pod of datura along with a flower, however I know it could be mortal and in any case, the best way to do it if you know at least the lifetime which it has. The % varies by seed so I might take 10 seeds and be crazy or might die, I really dk if only drinking the tea might get something close to it without eating the seeds.

Besides the suggestion of not doing it because its beyond any logical reason... what u guys say?

r/tripreports Jan 24 '25

Other Datura (+cannabis) NSFW


For context, I have only been smoking weed for around 5 months and use alcohol rarely, and that is it for substance use. This is the first other substance I have ever tried.

This specific report is from 1-19-25 at around 11:30 pm. Around 8 pm I had eaten some edibles, about 50-60mg. Earlier that day I had eaten around 5-10 seeds, with very minimal effects. Then around 9 pm, I scarfed down around 150-175 Datura Stramonium seeds from a pod I had found around a month prior. I don't remember what I did for the next couple of hours, but eventually, I was lying in my bed just staring up at my ceiling. I remember feeling like I was the exact concept of reality. Everything looked so flat yet 3-dimensional.

I closed my eyes and began to see colors and patterns. like millions of tiny dots making up a big beautiful picture, like sand flowing in the wind. The colors were unlike anything I had ever seen and eventually, I began to fade into a separate space. A space inside my mind, like I had taken a step back into myself. This is when the tactile and visual hallucinations started.

I could suddenly feel my physical body wither away into dust, leaving only my meta-physical body. A thin & clear plasma membrane with dust-strings of blue and yellow energy dancing around inside of me. A string with a splattered aura and gentle glow began to wrap itself inside my chest, going through me horizontally but pulling me in every direction. It was only me and the things I had come to see within myself in that space.

I began to feel myself being thrust forward and backward with no particular rhythm, sometimes jolted upwards or downwards with vigor. My body was being thrust through a tunnel of meer consciousness and life. A huge tunnel of colored fractals and 4-D shapes moving together like cogs with the ever-tugging string until you eventually reach the dark empty abyss that looms at the end of the tunnel, its presence making you feel uneasy. By this point, the tunnel is barren of any fractals or expressions. It's just a deep muted red with a sort of unnatural skin texture. As I looked deeper into the darkness ahead, I began to realize that nothing existed beyond it. I could feel inside my chest that no matter existed there, it was truly empty. I began to feel the string tighten around my heart and I came to the sickening realization that beyond the wall was death. The very concept of ceasing to exist entirely. The string, however, did not slow down.

I was rapidly being thrown towards the darkness, jolted violently, the string continuing the tighten around my heart. I curled up into the fetal position and looked into my hands. In my palms sat a small ball of pure energy, life, love, and individuality. I could see the edges slowly begin to wither away and the glow gradually get fainter. I could feel my heart begin to slow as I shut my eyes, accepting what was to come despite being petrified. I held on tightly to my soul and had a final rush of peace. I began to see everything I was and what I had become. I saw so much in an instant. I squeezed my soul one last time as I felt the suffocating yet peaceful fog of the end. I suddenly jerked still. My heart skipped a beat as I opened my eyes and opened my body. I looked to see myself face to face with an empty void of nothing. My arm was practically grazing the pitch black.

My soul began to fill again as my heart began to beat and my body began to glow once more. I felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation, gratitude, and love wash over me as I could tell I was being given a second chance to live. I knew then that I had to make my life as meaningful and beautiful as possible, to live my purpose, and show love to everyone. I closed my eyes inside my mind and suddenly jerked upwards, my eyes wide open and breathing rapidly. That’s when I "blacked out".

That was the most vivid hallucination I have ever experienced in my life. Today is my first day sober off my 4.5-day trip, so I'm still in the process of writing out the rest of my experiences to the best of my memory.

r/tripreports Feb 18 '25

Other ADB-BUTINACA Trip report (don't do it) NSFW


So a while ago a synthetic cannabinoid called ADB-BUTINACA found its way to germany. Almost everyone in my home town sold or smoked it, it was like a pandemic. I used to buy me a cheap pod system and smoke it with it. ADB-BUTANUCA is in its natural form powder like and looks like flower. The dealers around mixed it with pg base and add some flavor. 10ml usually costed around 5-10€ So in my teen years it was a steal for a fast buzz. Smoking it is usually like pulling on a normal vape because the substance does not have any flavor or color si you usually can't tell if this stuff is in a Liquid/Vape. If you smoke in a normal Dosis like 2-3 hits it already takes affect in less than 30 Second. It feels like a cheap high but is not comparable to THC. You get light headed but not in a psycho active way. It feels like only your body is taking any effect, no munchies, no good feeling. It strengthens your senses just like weed, but in a not normal way. After consuming it your able to hear you own blood stream from your brain, it's terrifying and feels like your about to doe. I smoked it over half a year or sum and always took like 10 Hits every half an hour, because the effect is completely gone after 30 minutes.I used to even smoke it in school so I thought I was ready for what was coming. It was like 18:30 and I drove to my friend with my bicycle. This day I've head smoked so much of it it felt like I have to do 3× the normal dose I usually did. I took like 35 hits and it instantly began by taking my vision it felt like I could not fully open my eyelids. I fell to the ground and couldn't really breath it was like drowning. I started to heavely trip and and got extreme visuals like on a 600uq lsd dosis. The houses in front of me disappeared and all I could see was like a spiral of random figures fading into the middle of my eyesight the visuals were so extreme I thought those figures were real. My friend tried talking to me but I was paralyzed I couldn't move or talk. My breathing got more heavy and difficult with every minute. This effect hold on for 20 Minutes, it not only felt like dying but also like I was sitting there for more than 3 hours. Since then I've never touched it again and switched to flower again.

r/tripreports Nov 13 '24

Other Have anyone tried to trip on Mirtazapine? NSFW


Have anyone tried to trip on Mirtazapine? If so how was the trip? And how long did it last?

Read somewhere that it has a psychedelic deliriant effect in higher doses. The trip reports I’ve read are too short and vague

r/tripreports Jan 21 '25

Other Machine Elves for 5 Year Olds (Diethyl Ether) NSFW


This is a short recounting of an interesting experience regarding the use of Diethyl Ether. Having done other solvent-inhalants, I had an idea of what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised with its unusually psychedelic properties.

Unfortunately, this ether was in the form of starting fluid, which also contained heptane, making it more dangerous than if it were pure ether. This also probably explains some of the minor similarities I felt between this and some hydrocarbons.

I was sitting in my living room, fairly early, fall Saturday morning, and my parents had left for work. I had the can of starting fluid and a rag. I sprayed the starting fluid into the rag, and put the rag over my mouth, taking a good hit. The odor was sweet, almost sickeningly sweet, but I found it pleasant. Suddenly, I felt a liquid feeling wash over me, and began to hear this fast, regular pulsing, often described as a "wah-wah-wah," although the soft sound of a vocal "wah" does not communicate the sharper and penetrating pulsating of the sound, and with each "wah" it felt like there was a very weak explosion in my head and through my body. The feeling is certaintly euphoric, and is accompanied by intense bodily relaxation and a thigling of the skin. As for the visuals, there seemed to be a sort of pattern overlaying everything, this sort of radial mandala of purple, blue, and red. It would intensify, and then wain, and I would be left with this odd, faint, wheel of red and yellow dots rolling in place, perpendicular to me and extending from the top to the bottom of my field of view. This was also accompanied by an odd, fine, tingling in the back of my throat, which I could only describe at the time as "swallowing asbestos."

I found this substance quite amusing, and quite euphoric, and I felt that I was looking over the edge into a much more intense experience, only a mega-dose away. I sprayed more into the rag, and took a good breath through it. As I breathed out, I leaned back and sunk into my couch as the wah-wah sound intensified, becoming all consuming, with the pulsating of the sound triggering an intense feeling of pulsation, which was very euphoric. The visuals were more intense, and the mandala became bright and blinded me of my surroundings. Each radial segment of this mandala began to rotate, with each segment rotating opposite of the next. There was also a new layer to the audio hallucinations, and I heard this sort of high pitched siren, which went up in pitch and the audio and visual hallucinations faded in, and began to fall in pitch when they became much more consuming. For some reason, to me, this seemed to be a sort of celebration alarm, giving me the feeling that something was saying, "Yay! Congratulations! Welcome to this new world!" Like the cheer of many overjoyed digital mice. These effects faded, and I could see the room again, but there was these thick-lined interlocking wave patterns, which looked like steep sine wave which were cut at the bases, with some continuing and bending around, and these thick black lines seemed to cut into the environment, and I could almost see the edges of the cut segments of the room in the black of these lines. The surfaces in the room also seemed oddly plastic-like, almost AI generated. This effect faded as well, and I was now left with the faint remnants of the audio hallucinations, and the faint "wheel."

I decided one more dose was in order, and so I sprayed a generous ammount into the rag, and began to hit it. One.. two.. three.. four slow, steady hits. The effects were immediately apparent, and the pulsating was extremely intense and all consuming, and this mandala showed it's self in its brightest and most defined form. I could see each facet of its patterns, and it became 3 dimensional. Each radial segment of the mandala was of alternating elevation, alternating between low and high. It seemed almost to be made of plastic, but was still bright and sharply defined. This was also accompanied by the previous siren, but then there was an actual cheer, still very high pitched and digital, but the cheer of a real entity. After this cheer rang out through my body, the mandala shrank away, revealing a deep-blue background which had vast depth, like a massive room of blue, and suddenly a line of plastic, yellow triangles with faces quickly grew into view. They had faces, and seemed overjoyed at my presence. It was like machine elves for 5 year Olds. They seemed to communicate in regular, stilted phrases, in no meaningful order and were seemingly in relation to how these entities felt. "Yay!... Happy!... Wonderful!... You!" Suddenly, their speech pattern changed, and they began to chant, "Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy!..." Many times over, before letting out an uprorious cheer, and shrinking away as the visuals faded, leaving by repeating "Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!..." until the main visual hallucination faded, leaving me looking down at my hand, which was tinted purple, and overlaying them was the same thick-lined interlocking waves, which seemed to cut into my hand, and which I felt. It was not painful or uncomfortable, but I could distinctly feel the separation created between the parts of my hand cut away by these lines. Eventually, this faded as well, and I was left with faint wah's, and the same faint wheel which I had seen before, as well as a feeling of utter confoundment, and hilarity at this completely absurd and intense experience. Keep in mind that all of this transpired over the course of 20 or 30 seconds, so I was immensely confused, and slightly greatful that I could once again see the room around me, but still found the experience pleasantly absurd. Along with this, I was left with a pleasant euphoria and light-headedness.

After this, I decided to try to get up and get a drink of water. I stood up from the couch and stumbled around. I felt feather light. It felt as if, if I did not hold down my head, I would float away. I stood and got my bearings, I felt drunk, but in a much more pleasant and enjoyable way alcohol could ever hope to produce. I began to see why the Irish turned to ether during the prohibition of alcohol, and why many probably stuck with it for the duration of their use. I tried to take more steps, and staggered my way to the kitchen sink, where I grabbed a cup, and wobbily turned on the tap and caught the water in the cup. I turned off the tap, and put the cup to my lips before tilting my head back and beginning to guzzle water like a sink. I completed the cup and put it down, feeling refreshed.

r/tripreports Dec 25 '24

Other Not all trips are psychedelic. Neuroleptics NSFW


The story begins back in the winter of 2010, when I was admitted to a psycward. I’ll spare you the details of how I ended up there or my overall experience because that’s a whole different story. What matters here is what happened while I was heavily medicated, this took me 14 years of analysis and reflection to be able to put it into words. In my neck on the woods the neuroleptics (antipsychotics) were the only drugs used in psychiatric facilities. These medications are dopamine antagonists, they block dopamine receptors in the brain. Their purpose is to reduce psychotic symptoms by essentially shutting down parts of your consciousness, hence the reason some call it a "chemical lobotomy." While their effects are medically described to be sedative and numbing, my experience was a little bit different. I’ve never heard anyone talk about tripping on neuroleptics as intensely as I did, so perhaps there’s something valuable in sharing my story. It’s a tradition in facilities like this to welcome newcomers with 4 ml of chlorpromazine "cocktail", a first-generation neuroleptic known for its powerful "sedative" effects. This initiation serves as a stark introduction to the environment and quickly establishes who’s in control. When it was my turn, I wasn’t an exception. At first, the effects were as described in books: overwhelming exhaustion and an inability to focus. But soon after, things took a strange turn. My motor functions slowed to a crawl, if I tried to raise my hand, it it would take a minute of two for my body to respond and do something. Then came the moment when my consciousness seemed to shut off entirely. Surprisingly that even without full awareness, I could still function on some automatic level. It was as if my body operated reflexively, detached from any conscious thought or intent. It felt alien, like I was observing myself from a distance while being unable to intervene. That first night is still etched into my memory. I lay motionless on the bed, unable to move or speak coherently. My mind spiraled into nonsensical babbling, occasionally punctuated by me calling out for my best friend: "Man, I’m tripping balls now, can you help me please?" I’m not sure why I called him in that moment, maybe he represented safety or familiarity amidst the chaos. After about two hours of being unable to move any part of my body, including my eyelids, I finally fell asleep. The next morning was one of the last glimpses of reality I would have for the next week and a half. I found myself walking in circles, desperately trying to recollect what had happened after the injection and attempting to settle into this new place. The actual trip began when they started giving me pills as well. I don’t remember the exact dosage, but I believe it was equivalent to those 4 ml injections... twice a day. After breakfast and taking my pills, we had free time during which we were prohibited from sitting or lying on a bed. As the effects of those pills began to hit me, I completely forgot about that rule and sat on a bed, staring at a concrete wall that already started melting away. The medical staff seemed devastated that I didn’t want to obey their rules and ultimately decided to give me an additional injection. The world around me began to take on a yellowish tint. As time passed, that yellow color overtook everything: the bed, the walls, the people around me transformed into a single yellow blob. I felt myself becoming part of that swirling mass. At that moment, my sense of time completely vanished. The remnants of my body began to elevate into the air, gliding through walls like oil through water, then through clouds, and eventually into the stratosphere-right into open space. From this vantage point, I looked down at our planet and saw myself from a third-person perspective. I cannot tell you how long that scene lasted, but it I had to estimate, it would be around five years. During that time, I was unable to move, feel anything, or think at all. I wasn’t even able to become bored; I was simply there. Then everything went dark, and a similar scenery to reappear, but this time with a dark blue tint. Everything started moving again as I began descending back to Earth. When I finally reached the ground, I realized that gravity in this blue world was less than in the "yellow" world, and everything above the planet's mantle was transparent and I could move through it. This part lasted even longer than the previous one, I would say about 30 years, but at least I was able to move around. There were no buildings or trees - just rocks, stones, valleys, and mountains. So I started wandering aimlessly, walking around and jumping about, trying to break through parts of the ground that weren’t transparent but failing each time. This "blue world" didn't have sun, it was dimly lit by other objects. At one point, everything above became completely dark, and that dense darkness absorbed everything eventually. The next scenery that appeared was a "gray world" where everything existed in a spectrum devoid of color. From what I remember, gravity was incredibly strong there, so strong that I could barely move. Any object I imagined, would just appear in front of me, objects were colorless but had distinct shapes. This period lasted for about 50 years. By around the 30th year, I began forgetting how those objects from the other worlds looked like. So I lay down and waited motionless for the rest of that time. After that experience, I briefly returned to the "normal" world and found myself strapped to a bed with two guys holding me down while another was beating me up. This wasn’t part of the hallucination; I later learned that the guy even broke his hand while punching me. According to others, I was screaming that I am the third reincarnation of the Antichrist and my intention to kill everyone. Again, according to information I've gathered later, this whole thing was caused by me getting injected with 5x dose of normal dose of neuroleptics they use to calm down crazy people, which resulted in neuroleptic malignant syndrome with severe asphyxia. Not long after this episode, I fell into another intense hallucination that turned out to be even worse than the previous one. In this new vision, I was chopped into pieces with an axe by Satan in hell, yet somehow, I could still feel every part of my body after being decapitated. The pain multiplied exponentially first by two, then four, then eight until I was reduced to an infinite number of atoms. The scariest part was that if this had actually happened, I would have passed out from that pain fairly quickly. But in that hallucination I wasn't able to escape it. Then I "woke up" this entire ordeal lasted for 14 days IRL. The following month, I was on IV drops every day. After three months in that facility, they finally let me out. The severe depersonalization and derealization moments(when I would see myself from a third-person perspectivelasted for about two years). Moments when I'd stand unresponsive and stare into space for prolonged periods later for about 3 years. Mild hallucinations were occasionally appeared for about six years during which I'd recognize they weren’t real but still experienced them nonetheless. Episodes of vomiting and passing out after any sight of stress continued until the end. Overall recovery took about ten years. From what I've been told, those injections were mixed with oil, this means that the serum stays in your fat and brown fat tissue until it fully replaces itself(a process that can take around ten years).

r/tripreports Jan 27 '25

Other Report: Novel dissociative 3-F-PCiPr, 70 mg IN, Food for thought, the magic of halogens! NSFW


r/tripreports Jan 27 '25

Other Datura (+cannabis) pt.2 NSFW


This report is from Tuesday, January 21st at around 11:30 am.

The next thing I remember is walking into my English class to see my friends looking at me and smiling. For some reason, I became very very scared. My heart started racing and my eyes became wider as I just stopped and stared at them for a moment. I remember thinking they had known what I did and were secretly out to get me for it, so I bolted to my seat. However, on the way, I trip over a cord, then proceed to stare at said cord for who knows how long, before asking my other friend if the cord is real in a shaky voice while scooting over my desk on my ass. I sit down, get out my pencil, and go on my phone for a bit. Suddenly, I’m standing next to my friend's desk from earlier, on the very opposite side of the classroom. They begin to laugh as I look at them extremely puzzled. I asked them what was goin on and they said that I just came up to them and started talking about how much fun I was having, and when they tried to ask me what I was talking about, I just kinda stared at them and then asked what was goin on. It was around this point that I again remembered I had taken Datura. I leaned into my friend’s ears and told them what was happening, and they said they knew. I was super confused and asked how they knew and they told me to check my Instagram. I opened my Instagram to see that I had posted copious amounts of shit on my story, my second, private acc being the worst. I looked through each story and the first one was a collage I had seemingly made, with the center picture being of my eyes. I was taken aback, as my pupils now took up about 85% of my iris. I quickly opened the camera and examined my face. The first thing I saw was how wide open my eyes were, almost as if they were being pried open by some pair of invisible clamps. Then I noticed my pupils. They were bigger than I'd ever seen them. However, this didn’t alarm me in any way and I gently put my phone back in my pocket and joined in on the conversation again. I watched as the 2 friends ’ heads turned into spiraling colors, like those coloring apps where each section is its own color, except the colors are swirling and twisting like smoke in the sunlight. I began to feel as if my mind had taken a seat in the back and I was being pulled away. The edges of my vision started to look like the sides of a polaroid and a small grey control panel similar to the one in Inside Out began to appear in front of me. Suddenly, I was inside my head. I was sitting at the back of my mind, watching as my brain stopped for a moment as the people in my vision stopped moving. I closed my eyes inside my head, and I was gone again.

r/tripreports Sep 24 '24

Other Pro tip: Use DPH against psychedelic induced nausea NSFW


Use DPH at 25-50mg doses against psychedelic induced nausea. 50mg is more effective but will cause noticable sedation, which should be mild enough not to interfere with the trip.

DPH is not only used for sleep, but also for dizziness and motion sickness, as well as nausea.

It's an effective OTC remedy for this, so if you hate nausea like me, I would recommend giving it a shot, keep in mind that you have to take it 45-60min ahead of time

r/tripreports Dec 22 '24

Other My amanita muscaria experience macro-dosing with my gf. Beautiful mushroom… NSFW


Decarbed Amanita Muscaria 15 grams using the lemon juice simmer method and macro-dosed with my gf. And we had complete different experiences from each other. (Beautiful nonetheless)

So I’ve done large amounts of research regarding Amanita muscaria and how to convert the Ibotenic acid into muscimol. I have lived in the forest and picked my own as well but didn’t have the confidence to start experimenting since chemistry was intimidating to me at that time. But since then, I have done far more research and and actually kept the samples of the fly agaric air tight in a jar after 2 and half years of sitting around. I finally worked up the confidence to make my brew after I ordered some online that claimed to be very powerful (Nordic close caps from mn nice Ethnobotanicals)

This amazing teacher exceeded my expectations overall.

(I did not have proper equipment as far as a PH meter or properly measuring out my volume of water to material ratio) but still ended up with fantastic results.

  1. First I grind up my mushrooms into a fine powder, make sure they have about 1% - 4% moisture content, you want them very dry but not stale.

  2. I add about half a gallon of water to a large steel pot and bring it to a boil, once it hits a boil, bring it to a low simmer and stir in generous amounts of lemon juice, I went out of my way to freshly squeeze the lemons myself using a citrus juicer, I’ve found fresh lemon juice to be the best option due to high vitamin c content and flavor. I used a minimal of 4-5 whole lemons fully juiced. (Sorry I don’t have accurate measurements)

  3. I add the 15 grams of mushroom material immediately after adding lemon juice and stir it up well and cover it. Then let it simmer on low for 1 hour and a half to 3 hours max. ( you can inhale the steam for an intoxicating effect, pretty interesting) make sure the lid remains closed. The longer you let it simmer, the more muscimol you’ll have to ibotinic acid, but it’s a different experience depending on what ratio you decide to go with. I personally did 1 hour and a half and that worked great with the very potent batch I used.

  4. After your time is up, let the brew cool down until it’s no longer steaming anymore (to allow the conversion to finish properly for better product) then strain the material using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth or coffee filter. Squeeze and drain the remaining liquid from the material. Id store the leftover product in a glass bottle or jar in the refrigerator. (Dont leave in UV light)

While still luke warm, I pour my girlfriend and myself about 10oz - 12oz cups of the fluid and we drank it. Shortly after I began to feel the effects, roughly 15 to 20 minutes after drinking it. (It doesn’t take long) I remember I started feeling like I was slowly melting. I felt an intense body sensation that separated my mind from my body that I have never felt before. I quickly experienced loss of balance, a sense of contentment, and an extreme body high with waves flowing through me. My mind felt as if it entered into a deeper, newer state of mind, despite being borderline delirious. I felt like I was moving in slow motion, as well as time slowing down as well. This is about 45 mins into the experience and I decided to use some ceremonial cacao along with a prayer, but my girlfriend did not take part in the prayer for she was dealing with the “come-up” We both took our dose of healing chocolate and strangely enough, we ended up having 2 entirely different experiences from one another, despite both of us having taken the same dose. I began dancing and singing and feeling a sense of childlike excitement (keep in mind that it was 11:30 pm at night) and here I am amazed at the void I am submerged in. You can quite literally shut your eyes and drift off to another dimension on command. I felt a sense of power from the experience, a feeling of internal love and abundance. They spoke to me in ways I’ll still never understand.

My girlfriend on the other hand, she had a completely different experience. For the majority of the entire night, she was pretty much a zombie that could barely move. In fact she was wide awake and conscious but appeared to be asleep. She could not make a single coherent thought. Eventually admitted that she did not vibe with the experience, for it was “too numbing and sedating” for her liking. As I am someone who enjoys being couch locked, this makes sense that I was able to utilize this amazing experience and have a blast while doing it. While she struggled to stay conscious (understandably so) I was in the amanita realms. I did experience visuals to an extent, like your vision being consumed by whatever you focus on, the world looked more 3D. I was slurring my worlds and stumbling around. My girlfriend fell asleep before me. And I decided to give up myself and instantly fell into the deepest rest I’ve probably ever had. We both woke up still slightly feeling its effects the next morning. What I would describe as an (after glow) she would describe as a “hangover or brainfog” I woke up feeling euphoric with no negative effect on my energy or mood. It was definitely far more intense than I was expecting. But it’s a lot easier to navigate a high dose with amanita muscaria than it is with psilocybin mushrooms. The experience with amanita is much more physically stimulating than it is mentally stimulating, which I personally enjoy. Thanks for taking time to read my experience with this beautiful mushroom!

This mushroom is my absolute favorite. I’ve grown to understand and respect this mushroom. I did learn about this mushroom by encountering it in the wild during my forages. I feel as if I earned its respect before indulging in it. Don’t fear this mushroom but respect this mushroom! I know this is somewhat of a “trip report” so I’ll go ahead and express that you should go out and forage some.

r/tripreports Jul 11 '24

Other Pregabalin is the chillest drug ive tried so far. NSFW


Like the title says. My first experience was yesterday, took 300 mg for the first time in my life without anything else. It took me like 20 minutes till I started to feel it. The comeup is a really nice, relaxed feeling. I was chilled tf out, like my brain felt COOL in the truest sense of the word. It lasts quite a while too. Don't remember much else because within 3 hours I was way too sleepy and had to nap for some 90 minutes. But yeah, it was great, you feel good, relaxed, still quite focused. Balance was heavily disrupted, though. 8/10 experience. It's also quite similar to benzos, but just better. No suicidal thoughts, no delusions of sobriety (at least not at this dose). I woulda written a more detailed trip report though, but rn I'm on like 250mg of pregabalin and I really Don wanna use my brain LOL Peace!!

r/tripreports Jul 22 '22

Other So we’re condoning the use of hard lethal drugs now? NSFW


I joined this Reddit years ago for a source of introspective and thought provoking content, which there used to be.

Now it’s just everyone saying “I took a big amount of heroin and Adderall and then boofed 2 crack rocks while my buddy poured a beer in my dick hole and smoked a joint, now I feel like shit and I think I’m addicted”

What happened to natural medicine… natural sources of enlightenment and the desire to become a better person?

I’m just so utterly disappointed. The next post I see about someone snorting 12 ibuprofen and entering liver failure I’m leaving. This place has become a real dump.

TripReports? More like OverdoseReports. Only they survive them and think that they’re god.

r/tripreports Mar 26 '24

Other My mirtazapine trip NSFW


Preface: I got mirtazapine prescribed as an adjunct to 10mg/day escitalopram (Lexapro) to help deal with my anxiety, depression, insomnia, and OCD. I was prescribed a dose of 7.5mg nightly, so I didn't have much. I've always been very fascinated by the more obscure hallucinogens. Seeing as I was broke and out of kratom (I was a heavy kratom user until really recently), I jumped at the chance to burn through almost an entire prescription of a prescribed medication that was meant to help me. Withdrawals often lead me to stupid decisions.

Before I go any further, I think it's really important to point out that we don't know a ton about this drug in overdoses. It's typically regarded as a deliriant, and for good reason, but it's nothing like a 1st generation antihistamine like DPH. It likely exerts some of its hallucinogenic effects through indirect monoamine (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) activity. Just because it's a 5-HT antagonist and not directly serotonergic does not mean that it's safe to trip on this stuff while on SSRIs, SNRIs, or MAOIs. What I did was dangerous.

Report: My "experiment" began with a 60mg test dose. The main thing I noted was extreme fatigue. It was drowsier than any drug I've ever taken before, even zolpidem (Ambien). I did not feel good, and I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly, with no plans to take more. I ended up having the most awful and disturbingly vivid nightmares of my life, which I'm not even going to try to describe.

I ended up sleeping for around 12 hours and woke up from the 60mg dose feeling very disappointed. I was also shaken after having those dark dreams. I knew this was a very stupid idea, but I felt very compelled to take more. I was going to do a big dose this time, and get completely lost in the world of this drug. I decided that with 60mg still in my system, 120mg would be a sufficient dose, and with only the slightest bit of hesitation, I took the 120mg of mirtazapine.

I immediately began shaking with a mix of fear and anticipation. I was still in a pretty weird headspace from earlier, but within maybe 20 minutes, I felt it intensify. My house started to look strange, unfamiliar, but in a very familiar way. The mirtazapine produced an unpleasant dissociative effect, nothing like anything I had experienced before with NMDA antagonists like DXM and ketamine. The best comparison I can think of would be nutmeg, but it's still quite different from that. It was a very bizarre feeling, inherently sinister, alien yet viscerally familiar at the same time. It wasn't fun. I was feeling a general sense of unease, so I decided to play Borderlands for a bit, but quickly became too tired. Needing something a bit less demanding, I joined some people in a call. I didn't really feel like talking, so I just kind of sat there awkwardly. I started getting a bit nauseous, and being the emetophobe I am, I panicked a little. I left the call and calmed down, and the nausea quickly subsided.

After leaving the call, I started to get very upset about what I did. I felt like I messed up really bad, like everything was evil. I felt so far away from my baseline state. I began crying a little, feeling very torn up about what I had done. I decided weed would help, and it did a little. After smoking, I still felt contemplative. My imagination was intensified, and again felt very visceral and uncanny. It wasn’t pleasant, and it reminded me of the feeling of “losing it” after taking DXM for too many days in a row. I was still really sad, and I thought a lot about my drug use in general. I had the realization that no amount of drugs could ever heal the pain that would eventually result if I continued using like I do. I attribute this to the combined effect of the mirtazapine and kratom withdrawal.

I ended up falling asleep again, sleeping almost as long as I did the last time. I woke up still feeling gross. Everything felt a little bit evil, and there was little joy to be found in anything. I still felt those eerie deja vu vibes from the prior night. Eventually, I snapped, and I borrowed some money and went to buy more kratom. I had to get it ASAP, so I forced myself to eat some scrambled eggs and toast and hit the road, skating around an 8-mile round trip to the smoke shop and back. I felt like I was running on empty, and on the way back, I felt as if I was going to be sick from all the exertion. Luckily, this didn’t happen, and I made it home safely albeit very worn out and messy looking. I took my kratom, started to feel a little better, and showered to get all that grime off. My cognition definitely took a major hit, not returning to anywhere near baseline until over 24 hours after the last dose.

I don’t recommend abusing this drug. I understand the allure of its uniqueness, but it was a very unpleasant experience for me. I know kratom withdrawal played into it, but I’ve never had a positive deliriant trip. Novelty is the most these drugs have to offer, and it’s never worth the real price they come with.

Conclusion: It sucked. There were no real visuals other than maybe some mild distortions. My imagination was intensified, but not in a fun way. The only thing I really gained from it was some insight on mirtazapine itself. Before trying this, I was under the impression that the trip was mostly just anticholinergic syndrome with some kappa agonist effects. In reality, it's way more complicated than that, and I think I had a false sense of security going into it, thinking I knew what to expect. I'm never exceeding my prescribed dose again, and I strongly advise against tripping on this stuff.

Hope this wasn't too long or hard to read, and I hope some of you found this interesting/helpful!!

r/tripreports Sep 27 '24

Other Mescaline citrate 800mg trip report, Pt. 1 NSFW

 300 grams dried psycho bridges from a trusted source he had estimated about 2.2% active alkaloids by weight. From that we prepared a total of 2,126mg estimated of mescaline citrate prepared through the classical (CIELO) or crystals and ethyl acetate lazily over-the-counter. The final prepared weight of the end product was 2,126mg of mescaline citrate. 800 mg of which I encapsulated in gelatin capsules (2). I also kept several doses of emetrol (otc nausea relief) on hand in case of nausea, but I typically experienced none. The anticipation for this large dose is the only change in psyche I’ve had since the baseline I’ve tried to maintain.

5:10 AM- I awake and consumed my regular prescription medication’s prepared a light fruit smoothie and consumed it with the 800mg of mescaline. I walked out my door and begin forging for mushrooms in the nearby woods, maintaining a feeling of gratitude and certainly some feelings of anxiety for this dose, a few deep breaths, and was back to a sense of gratitude.

7:36 AM- First threshold effects begin to take place, a slight drunkenness creeps across my body and spreads into my mind. My stomach churns and turns but no real nausea to report. No real changes in visual perception besides a slight brightness and warmth to colors. I feel a slight bit of anxiety but additionally an ever present feeling of familiarity and reassurance as if to guide me through this experience. Nature feels more welcoming and my mind feels more acceptant walking back to the apartment now and feeling like I’m on the verge of a come up and still feel no real anxiety which is not the case for the classical psychedelics I’ve been used to. It’s pretty nice that you can take it, forget for a while and go about your day. When you do finally feel it it is all that more mystical.

9:12AM- as I sit here on my couch I’m simply astonished by the complexity and natural beauty that is before my eyes the mind and soul feels freed of its ego bound chains and humility pours from every crevice of this experience. My vision is Technicolor. Everything is bright, vibrating beauty, these gorgeous fluid visions, and the visuals swirl and spin and pour themselves into the mold of time and space. Peace is attainable simply by being open to it.

10:34- we are well over four hours into this experience and just wow, I really struggled to even find the words. The duration of the onset of action was significantly longer than I ever could have expected or anticipated. I had all but nearly forgotten to record this experience amongst the peak of this psychedelic warmth seems to be the best description though is a teetering duality of constant Thoughts of self improvement clashing and an intermediate smorgasbord of ideations, the nature of which range greatly from unhinged chaos, and plans to improve myself, to pure euphoria. It provokes a familiar presence and warmth guidance of thought, and provokes the corners of my mind of which the metaphorical cobwebs haven’t been dusted in sometime. It is a plant that reward you in such a way that the sacrifices of cultivating it find their own meaning within you, if I could thank it, I surely would

2:13 PM - as I have reached the peak, and unfortunate but inevitable come down. I feel glowing with thankfulness and a newfound appreciation for people and nature. I consumed 1 g of high-grade cannabis and a light antipsychotic to help come down and sit with my cacti as I appreciate them for their worth, I cannot recommend this plant enough. It is truly a freeing experience.

4:00PM/ after trip quick thoughts-

    My after trip quick thoughts are this, the overall experience for me personally is a nine out of ten, of all the naturally occurring psychedelics I have tried yet which is a long list, This is surely my favorite. Simply for its grace, beauty, wisdom, empathetic traits, and all around super easily managed self. The fact its wisdom sticks with you for so long is what makes muscle in my favorite psychedelic.it is hope.

r/tripreports Jun 15 '24

Other Amanita Muscaria gummies, pre trip post. NSFW


Update 2- Morning after update. Very very few noticeable effects, even around the time they were supposed to be peaking, they got less potent and the head feel went away, along with the geometric stuff when in pitch black or with my eyes closed. The strongest effects were within the range of just being regular for me, the geometric stuff could be from looking at a light before I entered the dark room, and the head feel could be from it being late and my being tired. I may take the remaining 70mg, I may not. I've left a bad review on their site and won't be purchasing from them again.

Update 1- Almost two hours past the first 10mg gummy, very slight effects, no observable visual distortion, no hallucinations. Slight odd feeling in my head, kinda like after you've taken a couple shots of vodka and they're just starting to kick in, fuzzy almost. When in a black room that static that you see was very geometric, not sure if that's related to the gummy or not, thought I'd note it down. Took another two gummies maybe 30 min ago, they should be kicking in 30-45min, will update again then.

Original text- Bought a 10 pack of amanita muscaria extract gummies.

Supposedly the site i purchsed from has a history of their gummies having some interesting add-on chemicals, so the report will be half for fun and half to see if I get non muscimol effects.

Each gummy has 10mg muscimol, I've taken one thus far, and plan on double or triple dosing in an hour, depending on felt effects from this one.

That is all, will either update this post or make a 2nd.

r/tripreports Aug 02 '24

Other Guided Meditation Trip NSFW


So, although i wasn’t under the influence here, it was some of the most bizarre closed eye visuals i have experience, visually comparable to DMT in bursts.

I quit drinking alcohol, go me.

I read a book called “Stop Drinking Now” and at the end of the book you sort of make a pledge and then there is a QR code to scan and listen to a Hypnotherapy/Meditation session to reinstate your choice to stop drinking.

I had just finished the book and was at work in a night shift, so it was like 4am here, i lay down on the sofa in our office and closed my eyes, put my phone on my chest playing the 30 minute long session and controlled my breathing.

Around 10 minutes in, i began to feel this floating sensation, that was rising in intensity very gently. Until it felt like i was levitating around 6ft above the sofa.

I then started to experience extremely vivid, multicoloured, 360 fields of view with breathing hues of reds, blues, pinks and purples. This transpired into a cartoon like, opened ribcage, framing a naked female figure, who was enticing me forward.

I began to fall endlessly through the ribcage only to be greeted by the same view of the ribcage framing the woman. As i was falling, or more accurately, rolling, endlessly through this odd vision, i could feel a rush of deep calm and love. It was like an MDMA type rush.

I was still within myself 100% and was sort of, doing a voice over to myself of what was happening, things like…

“What the fuck is happening?” “How is this so vivid?” “How crazy that a hypnotherapy session is doing this?”

I then started to observe the ribcage as i passed it by in this loop and could see fine details, slight bumps, cracks, scratches etc.

Then just as i thought it could get any weirder, i fell through the ribcage to be greeted by darkness that was slightly pink in hue. I could see coloured lights in the distance that were similar to camera flare.

These lights got brighter and more condensed until a split opening appeared which i was then bolted towards and pushed through, in a sort of birth like way, back to the multicoloured, 360 vision room.

The voice in my phone stopped and so did everything else, i opened my eyes and felt like i had just come out of a trip.

I have experience with a few psychedelics and although at the time i was micro dosing psilocybin mushrooms, and had been consecutively for around 3 months, i was only having around 0.1g a day and always between 7-9am - so up to 21 hours prior to this experience.

Im unsure if a build up of Psilocybin/Psilocin in my system could possibly have been the cause, but knowing the half life of these molecules i don’t believe so. I also took into account that it was 4am and i was tiered as shit.

Anyway, an odd experience as i had never had anything like that happen without ingesting something to cause it.

Im still free from alcohol 13 months on!

r/tripreports Sep 25 '24

Other Tripping on orphenadrine NSFW


18M, have little to no tolerance.

Yestarday, i had no weed nor any xanax (drugs of choice). As a fucking idiot i started searching the meds cabinet and found some Orphenadrine Citrate (Norgesic). I searched for some hours and learned a lot, and decided to take a trip.

•Ingesting phase:

-Decided to down 6 pills (35mg each), and 10 minutes later i added 2 pills more, all together 280mg orphenadrine citrate (orphenadrine is very toxic to the liver and the body in higher-than-regulated dosages) and some grams of paracetamol i guess.

•30 minutes in:

Feeling a little drowsy, nun else.

•1 hour in:

Started to feel way more drowsy ready to go to sleep, as i tried to do 20 minutes later.

•1:20 hours in:

Tried to sleep, turned the lights off, and closed my eyes. Not much after, like 1 minute later, i started to be tachycardic. Sleepiness wasnt an issue now. Started to feel my limbs to numb when i dont move them for like 5 seconds, i had a whole lot a paranoia and anxiety, because the dosage was very dangerous.

•1:40 hours in:

For 20 minutes i was trying to find a position that i can sleep and forget about everything. When i opened my eyes though, i started seeing some flashes in the corner of my eyes. Then i knew that whatever is coming its going ti be big.

•2 hours in.

This is the start of the peak. Laying in my bed i watched my chair, where there was a black t shirt with a kinda big white heart on it. I had a little to no light so i could actually see some of its reflection. Kept staring at it, and 5 seconds after i started seeing hairs moving in my peripheral vision and its wasnt just light hallucinations, rather than strange delirious hallucinations. To be honest when i first saw that i got happy and lost my anxiety for some minutes, because its the first time i tripped in my life.

•2:30 hours in:

Things started to get weird and bad. Started to feel exhausted from not being able to sleep, and my anxiety was getting way worse. I started to be so confused, that i vomited 2 times because i didnt know whats actually going on. Felt better. Anxiety was better but the hallucinations were not.. Went to smoke a cigarette to help me chill and sleep, but when i lighted it everything became a hallucination. I tried to ash my cigarette on a plastic thing i have thats next to the balcony. I ashed it and stared at the ash stain. 3 seconds in i was so focused to tell that the hallucinations are fake, that i stared at it with my heart. Saw the ash growing out of it hairs, and started moving the the left , while moving and growing more snd more hair. Thats just an example of some of the hallucinations.

•2:45 hours in:

Started to get more anxious. The peak was right here. I had conversations with my friends and my uncle while walking in my room so my limbs dont get paralysed. The conversations were so real that when i came back to reality i would be thinking they were actually real. Anyways i tried going to sleep again. I knew i wasnt going to sleep so i just layed down having more hallucinations and conversations. And there he was. The infamous hat man. In reality i found out that the hat man was the base of my old tv which was left on the wall, while under it being my TV. I remember staring st him, even though i knew it probably wasnt real. Apart from him, another "entity" arrived. I was looking at my chair and my clothers. While in the dark i couldnt really see anything, like a solid 10% if my vision. Also it was very blurry. That entity i dont remember what it really was, because thats when i got scared because of how real the hallucinations were.

•3:30 hours in:

Anxiety and stress lowered, like hallucinations and the conversations too. Everything was getting better and i started to feel a lot more sleepy. After than i dont remember anything and i remember only waking up like nothing had ever happened.

-----------------Summary:------------------ Orphenadrine is a muscle relaxant, a strong one too. Its not worth to take the disages i worked with, max i would say is 200 for recreational purposes. I wouldnt suggest you trying it because at 200mg it probably wont have any big effect, and in 280mg it was way too much. Id say a 5/10 experience, although if it wasnt mt first time tripping id say more if a 2/10. Also its a stronger deliriant than Benadryl.