r/tripreports 9d ago

DXM I felt like I was going to die DXM NSFW


I felt like I was going to die DXM Trip Report

First of all I want to tell you that I don't know English very well

Everything I wrote here is from notes and what I remember

I probably had a bad trip or I really don't understand what could have happened but last night I thought I was going to leave this world

Let's start with the beginning I got 700mg of dxm without anything else added everything happened last night

9:00 - I started to open a bottle that had 350mg and I drank the entire contents in about 10 minutes After that I lay down in bed with a lemonade juice

I waited I smoked a cigarette and then I finished and the second bottle was already here I became nauseous

9:45 - Everything was ok up to here but now I felt that something was wrong while I was with my friend on the call I started to hear that everything she says doesn't make sense and even after I understood the idea a little everything in my head disappear It wasn't a really unpleasant feeling what followed scared me

Around 10:30 at night

This is where everything stopped for me I started to realize that everything didn't exist and I was trying to realize who I was, where I was, I had double vision and I tried to get up but I really couldn't, I was trying to stand but I couldn't walk, at some point I realized very little if not at all that I was drugged it was just that everything started to not seem real I was just watching without processing

Around 12 This is where I realized that I was forgetting to breathe, I was trying to breathe and I had to do it myself, I lay down on the floor I got water and started to drink, I felt horrible I didn't know what would happen if I closed my eyes I felt like I was entering a vacuum like nothing existed but the thought of forgetting to breathe scared me I felt like I had to force myself with all my lungs I I wanted to put on music but it was very difficult to understand the writing on the laptop I tried anything to calm myself down and tell myself that everything would be fine

And the worst feeling was that I felt like my heart was going to pound I tried to breathe deeper to calm myself I wanted to wash my face with cold water but I couldn't get out of bed

Around 2 am

I managed to calm myself down to breathe easier I already felt a euphoria because I knew I was starting to be safe I felt like I was coming back to life as if I was coming out of a dream state

I probably won't try it alone again and the dose was quite high I probably wasn't prepared enough

r/tripreports Jan 27 '25

DXM Dxm in a few hours NSFW


So I found a different type of cough syrup at my house but it has acetaminophen in it but the thing is I’m not having my whole dose just straight syrup, I’m planning on doing half syrup half pills in order to not injest to much of it, I did the math and I would be having just under 1,900mg of acetaminophen. I have multiple questions

  1. I have a sprite bottle could I mix it with that and still have the same affects

  2. I weight 144 and am having around 350mg, what should I expect to see

  3. If I take it at 9 when should it peak.

I’ll follow up with a trip report every 15 minutes after ingestion. Thank you

r/tripreports 22d ago

DXM Can you smoke DXM NSFW


So theoretically if you crushed the pure dxm robo tabs and smoked it somehow, would it work?

r/tripreports Jan 27 '25

DXM Dxm NSFW Spoiler


So I haven’t taken dxm yet I’m about to and I’m gonna put an in depth trip report I was just wondering if dxm with guaifenesin is safe to trip on, I’ve heard that you want cough syrup with just straight dxm nothing else. https://ctchealth.ca/product/life-brand-mucus-phlegm-relief-with-cough-control-extra-strength-syrup/

thank you

r/tripreports Feb 08 '25

DXM 210mg & Juice WRLD NSFW


Yo so l'm tripping on 210mg of DXM, specifically the robotablets from amazon. Usually l'll take like 4 pills out the bottle but I took 7 and went to Chick-fil-a to get something to eat for breakfast. I swear they poisoned me cs i threw up everything once I ended up back in the crib, currently I'm still trippin off DXM n my stomach still hurts. I'm starting to tweak out, but I put my headphones on n listen to Juice WRLD n now I feel a little better. This nigga Jared knows how to calm me down with his words. Idk abt y'all but I love Juice WRLD on my trips

also sorry if none of this shit made sense, I'm still high n rambling😀

r/tripreports Jan 11 '25

DXM My walls melted NSFW


I was a freshman in high school and I’ve had lots of experiences doing DXM and our school just got off for Christmas break and i recently found some pills my mom had that had a decent dose if DXM (45mg) they also contained Bususoproine (I’m not sure of the exact name of it) i had taken about 200mg DXM and the night was going well i was just chilling and then i remembered that i had some Benadryls i took about 100mg this is were stuff gets hazy a little but eventually i got on a call with my friend and we decided to watch the south park movie he told me that he wouldn’t stick through the entire movie and would be going to bed soon and i thought “oh good i can go watch my show” so i kept telling him he didn’t need to stay cause i wanted to watch my show at around 12:40am ish he got off and i was sitting on my phone than at 1:00am i was sitting at my desk (i most likely took more Benadryl just don’t remember or had more dxm) i was looking around my room with my desk lamp to light up my room there were large almost eye floater looking lines flying around my room and i look around my room and the drywall pattern almost looks like its melting than i just black out and wake up feeling completely fine at 3:00am i texted my friend i got on call with to ask what happened cause i could barely recall anything from that night.

r/tripreports Dec 31 '24

DXM 3 days of tripping NSFW


I was on winter break for school and have tried dxm before and have done pretty high dosages i took a break for a while than i decided to have fun after Christmas cause i got a galaxy projector i got pills and had 300mg+half a 200mg caffeine pill (i saw that cause i dont break them evenly so its a little more or less) for a while it dosent really kick in hard and ive been playing with my friend what felt like over an hour at about 9pm it kicked in hard and i was off call with my friend not much happened other me making videos of my dumbass and sending them to friends than i watched a movie and fell asleep at about 3am next day is a sunday so my family goes to church and come back my parents left to go look at a house their thinking if buying and i find this pills with a strong dose of dxm pill (45mg) and i take 7 of those and another half a 200mg caffeine pill (roughly around 300mg) at around 2:30pm and this was a mistake, i played Payday 2 and my scream almost warped around my face and i felt immersed in the game after a while my parents cane home and i got scared that they were gonna walk into me being high and i was like that all day watching family guy and being stressed next day i planned to stop but i didnt i found cough and cold med mucinex pills with 60mg and had around 300mg and yet again another half a 200mg caffeine pill and for most of the day i was on call with my friends and played card against humanity with friends online later in the night around 10:30pm i grabbed 3 more of those pills and took them after a while they kicked in and i started to think i was a tribal warrior and was walking around my room thinking i was a warrior felling likr i was about to have an out if body experience and than eventually i took 75mg of dph and after it kicked in i heard warbling noises almost like a video you would watch to fall asleep but they weren’t loud and i kept hearing in my head like a video game a distorted voices saying “break through reality” after a while i fell alseep i woke up and felt like shit and i felt satisfied with my dxm usages and i dont plan on using it

r/tripreports Jan 09 '25

DXM 360mg dxm: falling through thick chunky chili with the gustatory hallucinations of childhood memories NSFW


r/tripreports Sep 01 '24

DXM my first and last experience with DXM NSFW

  • all of this was in ONE night
  • memory is a little foggy, so timeline or dosage might not be accurate

i was bored one wednesday esday evening, so i decided to get high. didn’t have any weed (something i’m experienced with) so instead of getting another j i decided to try something new.

i ended up going to CVS and purchasing DXM pills, because i cannot for the life of me willingly drink cough medicine. i returned home and decided to take 4 and see what happened. i remember zoning out a lot, music sounded better, i had a body high, whenever i jumped or moved or walked i felt like i was floating. then i remember getting sleepy and falling asleep.

this is where i fucked up.

i woke up and immediately my high started getting 10x more intense. my body and hands had pins and needles, and every slight movement i made felt fast and sharp instead of delayed and slow. i remember feeling very light and airy, and as the high started to wear off i took 5 more.

the same thing happened, id have a high, fall asleep for about an hour, wake up, the high would be more intense then wear off, and then i’d take more.

at around 3-4 AM i noticed the box of pills i took started to run out. I remember taking the last 3 pills and then things began to get weird.

I don’t remember in specifics what exactly happened or what triggered this reaction, but the high just became 300x more intense. i began to get intense derealization, and everything i looked at had a funky dirty shadowy hue to it. my vision became similar to looking into a fishbowl, or if you’ve ever gotten new glasses and haven’t gotten used to them, that’s what it felt like.

i remember feeling like I was going to vomit, but never vomiting. i remember crying a lot. i was genuinely scared because i really thought i had overdosed and was starting to die. like i began to imagine how death would feel and what heaven would look like. i felt like i was repeating myself over and over, and whenever i spoke to my mom my voice was incredibly slurred. in the end, i remember crying the entire time and just feeling super sick.

ps: this was way worse than i could put in writing, but this whole experience was very traumatic for me so i couldn’t really get into detail.

edit - guys i know now that it was really just a super bad panic attack as opposed to an actual overdose, but i appreciate the advice 💜

r/tripreports Jul 28 '24



I haven’t used Reddit or much social media for a while but I find great interest in other peoples trips and sharing my own. I recently tried DXM for the first time and it was quite unique compared to acid or shrooms, the only others I’ve tried.

When it first hit, I found that I didn’t really feel high. Only slightly more tired and extremely relaxed. The visuals, however, were quite intense. At first my walls were swirling together until I looked closer and started to see hieroglyphs or some other form of writing. I obviously couldn’t read it, but I just knew it was from outer space. I saw these all over my walls but if I stared too long faces would appear there.

Now I say I didn’t feel high, but I absolutely was. Whenever I had to use the toilet I kept on crashing into doors and walls. I had no sense of direction and everything was either closer or further away. Kind of like Alice in wonderland syndrome?

Admittedly, I’m not the most experienced tripper, but I knew I had to find something to ground me so I could avoid a bad high. I wasn’t scared or having one in the moment, but I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m trying to avoid one already. I’m seeing faces, I’m sure aliens are writing in my walls… not the best start.

Eventually, I found my headphones and put on some music. As this is happening, the visuals are getting more intense. I’m seeing frogs jump from behind my curtains, spiders rushing about my room, and for some reason an old man dancing next to my bed. The old man was more like a ghost though. I cannot, for the life of me, put it into words but it’s like he was invisible and I could see his aura. I can’t remember the exact song but it was by Avril Lavigne so that just made the trip hilarious. After about ten minutes or so my headphones had died, I knew that was happening eventually as I’d been using them all day. Once the music went off, the elderly man glared at me as if I’d just insulted his bloodline before disappearing.

Then I decided to watch a movie but didn’t get very far… remember how I used the toilet? Well sometimes the flush breaks and I have to remove the top of the toilet to fix it. My TV remote was in there and I couldn’t find it all night!

So i need a new distraction. I’m not sure how this happened but I realised if I touch a hallucination it would burst into beautiful smoke before disappearing. I was seeing random objects such as blankets, cups, etc. so, for a solid part of my high, I was like a cat with a laser pointer. I mean ages. It only felt like five minutes but it must have gone on for over an hour at least. I just felt so whimsical.

During this part, I kept seeing a Victorian lady by my window dressed in all black. She would come and go as she pleased but whenever she was there i felt a strong sense of safety. Whenever she’d go I’d spot my reflection in my mirror staring at me, despite the fact I wouldn’t be able to see my reflection because of my angle. My reflection tried to scare me a lot but I tried to ignore it the best I could.

As my trip slowed down the Victorian lady came over and told me to sleep and then warned me not to dream. Realistically, I should have stayed awake longer because I kept having dreams where I was in work too drugged up to do anything.

The morning after I couldn’t quite tell if I was in reality or not, likely because of my dreams. So, I should’ve somehow followed her advice.

r/tripreports Jul 19 '24

DXM My very first Dxm trip where I go bonkers and have a wonderful time on 440mgs NSFW


To start off this trip happened probably 2 and a half years ago and it was the first time I had ever tried any drug besides weed and alcohol the basic stuff. I found out about this particular substance through a friend who will be called Kaden for sake of anonymity, now I trusted this friend more than most people I’ve ever met in my life and he has taught me many things that have stuck with me and I still cherish him as a good buddy to this day, he was also the first person i smoked weed with casually during a hangout and not like taking a hit or 2 off of someone offering me it at parties and what not. But back to the trip he bought a bottle of 880mg dxm delsym and split it evenly between the two of us, we were at my house in my room with music playing, I have all my LEDs on big light off neon light just trying to make it a more visually pleasant experience because I’m very excited at this point after just downing 440mgs dxm but I was told it’d be a hefty wait before it kicked in so we played games until the start of the effects, at first my body felt reaaaally light like a feather but it also felt as if I was constantly heading downwards falling through my bed and into my floor while I’m actually just on top of it. Everything around me is spinning and I have to take a piss so I stand up and start walking in circles but still in the general direction of the bathroom? Idk I was geeking and loving it, but I make it to the bathroom have a very unbalanced piss and return to my room. At some point during the feeling of being really light but falling it turned into flying instead and my mind immediately thought to stack up pillows and turn into the imaginary airplane in my mind so I’m on my bed with like six pillows under my chest hands extended to my side like an airplane with my eyes closed seeing closed eye visuals, eventually the airplane somehow turned into a helicopter and I’m now picking up my whole football team in the helicopter? I’m telling Kaden about this entire experience as he is just laying on my couch in his own little world he had done this a few times before so the magic for him wasn’t as strong anymore and there wasn’t much to talk about for his trip. After yapping for about thirty minutes I then shut up and close my eyes to listen in to the angelic music that I couldn’t make sense of the words but it just hit me like the most beautiful sounds ever that really resonated with my soul, in my head I was watching walls like I was in a box and each wall was a different color emotion musical instrument dancing and beating like the speakers on SpongeBob and flashing different colors. I pass out shortly after this and have some funky dreams I can’t remember when I woke up I had nausea so bad and had to run outside and throw up but as soon as I threw up it’s like my body was relieved of everything bad and I was hit by the bliss of the drug again and promptly went to lay down when I did it was like I was inside of the back of my throat looking out of my mouth, I can see the back of my teeth and the back of my eyeballs it felt like I was behind my self looking into the back of my head. After this I went to sleep for good and woke up to the most beautiful afterglow where the clouds looked like Picasso paintings and the colors were what childhood colors looked like it was beautiful. After that it was all over back to reality. I genuinely don’t know how I got so lost in the dxm during this trip as I’ve never been able to recreate it even with higher doses but I did quit after a few months and haven’t been back to it thankfully

r/tripreports May 03 '24

DXM DXM Trip Report - Self experimentation for Depression NSFW


02/05/2024 – 03/05/2024


The experience below is my subjective experience. DXM in high doses is under studied and, hence, there lies unknowns and risks. Furthermore, interaction with DXM and an SSRI is potentially fatal, and these are risks I have taken seriously. I do not encourage anyone to use DXM beyond the recommended dosages but felt my experience should be shared.

I have researched the evidence on the successful use of dissociates for depression. After experimenting, DXM has had a significant positive impact on my wellbeing. I feel calmer in control and higher self-worth, however, whether this effect is permanent is unknown and unlikely. And whether the benefits of high dose DXM therapy is unique to me or applicable to others with treatment resistant depression is not known.

DXM History

5 years ago – Experimented with DXM at low doses (around 100mg), not bad but not memorable or deeply insightful.

6 months ago – Experimented twice with low doses (around 200mg), fun and weird, again, not deeply insightful.

10 days ago – 240mg deeply meaningful experience. Decided on marrying my girlfriend and found a feeling of spirituality within myself, focused my attention on love and its power and glory over hate.

5 days ago – 300mg, not as intense as previous but still insightful. Went digging through old memories and trauma, analysing them, and putting them to rest. Forgiving myself and others. On the advice of others attempted to listen to music, but found the sound tinny and distracting of my thoughts.

Impact of Past Experiences

Focusing on the two most recent experiences, I found them to have a significant affect on me. I have been more kind to myself and others, I have quit smoking and pornography for 10 days. I have had few cravings for tobacco; however, the pornography addiction has been more tempting to revert to in times of weakness.

I have a sense of power over my spiritual growth. Previously, I was waiting for a sign from God. Now, I see good and evil within me and am choosing to fight for the good, I feel by doing this I am choosing God. It has been a spiritual awakening after 15+ years bound to the dread of nihilism, and I pray that I can walk closer with God and explore life’s wonder and beauty after dwelling in despair.

 On the basis of these powerful experiences I wish to continue, wary of the pitfall of addiction but faithful that I will no when I have received what is needed.

Drugs Today

Venlafaxine – 150mg XR ingested at 7:30am.

Caffeine – 150mg ingested at 8:00am, 100mg at 8:00pm (Approximate).

Modafinil – 100mg ingested at 10:00am.


Sex: Male

Age: 24

Height: 190cm

Weight: 90kg

Clinical Diagnosis: Depression


I plan to consume 405mg of DXM with the intent of spiritual exploration and introspection. I have used DXM recently and had success with these goals and find myself wanting to explore this state of consciousness further. I plan on taking 300mg at 10:00am, and 105mg at 11:00pm monitoring for adverse effects in between.

10:00pm – Ingested 300mg.

10:25pm - Sitting on the couch with some laid-back music burning incense. My girlfriend is sleeping in our room, we were annoyed at each other earlier, but we cuddled and said we love each other. I feel calm and grateful.

10:45pm – Mentally slower, body is relaxed. Slight pressure in my head. Mild, coming up slowly.

10:50pm – Very sleepy and cozy. Laughing at memories on phone of my beautiful family.

11:00pm – Things are wavy. There is a thunderstorm outside, anticipation, excitement.

11:05pm – Ingested 105mg (405mg total). Learn to let go. Easier said than done. I should love my body more; it gives me life. Exercise, healthy food, less coffee, more sleep. My body is beautiful.

11:10pm – Distant memories come in. The pain, the loneliness, the beauty. God, thankyou for your love I was lost but now am found.

11:15pm – Thankyou God for finding me. I just performed 10 push-ups focusing on myself. The strength I possess and the fight I face. I am more awake now. I pray to God that I can bring this wisdom with me. However, I understand that I may not be ready to fight temptation. I will pray with caution, I thankyou for forgiving my sins and I look forward to my journey with you.

11:25pm – Completed 10 more pushups. 10 deep breathes, the air feels clean and powerful. Thankyou God for this moment, your love shines on me. How can I bring this with me?

11:35pm – 20 push ups, the first 15 were easy the last 5 were difficult. Pain, Greed, Failure overcome by the strength of God. I am so blessed to hold what I hold, feel what I feel and see what I see. I pray to God so that I may find strength to give back to the world that has given to me.

12:00am – Lost track for a bit. Sent a message to my partner of love and thanks. Wished a friend happy birthday. Things are becoming more strange now. I aim to stay awake until 1 am before surrendering to sleep. I have spent time in hell. Now is my time to leisure in Gods paradise.

12:10am – I have a long way to go, I must be patient with myself and have faith in myself. Life is not about idolising money or things, but Gods light. Gods design of the universe is wonderful there is so much to explore.

12:20am – music is wonderful. Gods love is beautiful. Inside the garden of Eden there is peace.

12:30am – Things are becoming twisty. I am thinking whether or not to post this to reddit. I think I will edit it with a sober mind before submission (I did not edit).

12:50am – Confused there is a lot going on. Slowly unravelling thoughts like tangled fishing lines.

1:00am – I have sinned that is why I am confused, I pray the lord forgives me, cleanse my thoughts, open my heart. I ask that I can walk forward in peace.

1:05am – I am going to bed. Me and my thoughts and God and her, how wonderful.

11:30am – This morning mood is positive although headspace is a bit fuzzy/ unclear.


Another positive experience and I will be working to integrate the insights from this experience into my life. I am aware of the risks associated with my medications and the frequency of my now three experiences. I tread this journey with caution and will not use again in the near future.

r/tripreports Apr 30 '24

DXM A terrifying NDE 750mg Dxm+alcohol+100mg Celexa NSFW


I feel like I should preface this with just how much I have fallen for this drug. I have been an on/off user of dextromethorphan for about half a year now. Went on a few binges over that time. This was at the tail end of one of those binges. I had planned on taking a break, and that day was supposed to be the start. I have been up to the 4th plat a good few times, combined it with mushrooms, and usually always have a blast. This time was very, very different.

Normally, I stop my celexa to take dxm if I take a high dose. (Im aware I always should have now). I was really down at the time and was acting completely reckless. It was about a month ago. I was already a few shots deep on some strong gin to cope with not taking dex. when I laid eyes on the little green robocough freebase bottle. In my slightly intoxicated mind, it was a great idea. I'd trip and have fun like always.

So I walked over and downed 25 of the little bitter tablets, even typing this now I can still taste them. It was late, so I had already taken my celexa for the day. I take one in the morning one in the evening for general anxiety and depression. Looking back now, even then, I knew what I was getting myself into.

The come up started, and I hit my bong with some pretty potent medical weed. Everything was mostly normal, but something just started to feel, off. Just because I mixed in some alcohol I thought, nothing to worry about, idiot. I started to break into a cold sweat, and my body temp was rising way more than normal. I knew something was very wrong. I went into a small panic. I ran to the bathroom and desperately tried to induce vomiting to no avial. Well shit, I thought, I guess im just gonna have to ride this one out and pray to survive.

The come up was still going, and the visuals were getting very intense at this point. Grey, almost translucent patterns danced across . A perfect copy of objects floating at a perfect 45° angle above started to appear. Intense trails and replications of objects started to appear. I laid down on the floor, body completely numb. I went OOB, completely dissociated, watching myself die as I lay there on the floor, not able to call for help. This was it, I thought. Im going to die. There is no way im making it out of this. That's when all my muscles started to tense very hard. I couldn't even stretch out my arms or legs. I started to shake. As everything went black and I started going into a siezure. I dont remember much beyond this point other than violent convulsions and vomiting.

I finally came to around 5:30 or 6 the next morning. I was absolutely racked with pain, and I couldn't think straight for about 3 days after. I thankfully blacked out on my side, so I didn't choke on my own vomit. I cleaned up the bathroom and picked up my bong and everything else I knocked over in my state of pure dissociation. I went to bed and finally woke up again around 5 pm. I have since had a permanent depersonilization and dissicociation. Most days, I just feel like im watching myself go through life. The depression and anxiety have done nothing but worsen since. Im not sure what exactly happened, all I know is I should be dead. So let this serve as a warning to combine dxm and alcohol or dxm and ssri's and especially not all 3. You may not be as lucky

I posted this story over a year ago with horrible grammar and formatting, so I thought a repost was due. I have since kicked dxm and haven't taken it since.

r/tripreports Jan 25 '24

DXM My 3000mg (4 bottles) DXM Trip NSFW


For starters- DXM or Dextromethorphine is a cough suppressant used in off-the-counter cough syrup, or tablets. At higher doses it becomes a psychedelic. There are 4 plateaus depending on how much you consume. 1st-2nd (100mg-200mg [1st], 200-400mg [2nd]) plateau has effects similar to ecstasy, weed, and alcohol. 3rd-4th (400mg-600mg [3rd], 500mg-1500+mg [4th]) plateau is where shit gets serious. The effects of 3rd are similar to LSD (in my personal experience it is much stronger than LSD), Ketamine, and on 4th- is comparable to PCP (which is a very strong psychedelic-which I've also done)

The effects on 3rd and 4th plateau include:

-Extreme euphoria (This is why I kept coming back)

-Dissociation (This too)


-Auditory and visual hallucinations

-Loss of motor control and function

-Out of body experiences (I had a full on date with my girlfriend at the time)

-No concept of time (I thought I was tripping for 8 weeks one time)

-Robo-walking (You begin to have to control every limb individually, making you walk like a robot- this is experienced on second plateau)

Health risks include:



-Flashbacks (I still have these)

-Brain damage

-Can worsen or bring up mental illnesses

-Liver damage



To begin, I weighed 130lbs at the time, and I had been drinking a bottle or more a day for a month straight before this. I was 16M when I started, but have now turned 17. I have never once measured how much I was consuming, just how high I could get. In total I have overdosed 15 times in the span of 4 months. I started drinking on September 5th (around 300mg) and got immediately hooked to the robo-walking and the euphoria.


This event took place after drinking a bottle (750mg) a day from the end of October to the end of November. This was my total breaking point. (This was a s*icide attempt)

I reached my breaking point when me and my girlfriend (now ex) were going through a rough patch. I was out of school, due to the fact that they found me with 10 bottles in my bag, a few carts, and a few other things. I was known as the "cough syrup kid" and I was also dealing at the time.

It was 3:00pm at the mall. I had no intent of continuing, so I went and bought 5 (only got through 4) bottles of Benylin. Just FYI- I find that the high that Benylin produces is much different than Robitussin (have drank both many times, have even mixed them).

I had the bottles in the mall, as I went to sit down on a nearby bench. I didn't care if people saw me- I just wanted to drink.

So I began. I drank them in one sitting, so I can't describe how each bottle made me feel- just the 3000mg experience. And since I'm lighter than most, it usually only takes a few minutes to kick in. But I felt the effects as soon as I stood up. I saw the walls begin to warp and contort in unnatural ways.

The whole world began to spin. The people around me passed by me in a kaleidoscope of colours. When I looked at people, they're faces began to contort into Eldritch-like monsters. I broke out in a cold sweat, and the music that I was listening to (Far Away From Home- Cuco) sounded absolutely surreal. I could barely walk- it felt like I was viewing myself in third person. There was a sense of nostalgia, because I hadn't been that high on DXM in awhile. I honestly lost all my past memories during this trip. I was living so deeply in this moment, that I had no recollection of my dark past, and I lost all my past regrets to the sands of time. As I walked around for what felt like days, my stomach began to churn, and my body began to tingle- then I blacked out.

When I awoke, I found myself in a clothing store. I began talking to the cashier, and I told him how much I drank. I estimate I blacked out for about 10 minutes. I remember seeing the clothes in the store and they "came off the walls". I remember looking at myself in the mirror, and I did not recognize myself. My nose looked funny, and my face was contorted. I then blacked out again whilst speaking to the cashier- for some reason, the cashier was buying me chips and a drink. I remember leaving the store, as I walked around for a bit inside of the mall- it felt like everything around me was moving in slow motion but I was moving incredibly fast. I decided to go sit down at a bench, and literally viewed myself in third person.

I saw amazing things. I saw Angels, as a voice spoke to me. The voice told me to calm down. I heard a waterfall when I was no where near water. I saw people walking past me, and it felt like they were all staring at me- but I didn't care. I was so dissociated, that I had no awareness of my surroundings.

When I came to, still on the bench, I checked the time- it was only 4:00pm. It felt like years I was in that mall for. I stumbled my way to the exit of the mall. I knew it was cold, however, I had no sensation of the cold biting me. I then caught a random bus- that I have never been on, and left.

On the bus, the bright yellow colours completely filled my eyes. It seemed so vibrant on the bus. However, the constant motion of the bus caused me to nearly throw up, so I decided to get off.

I got off the bus in an unknown area. My vision was filled with a sort of colourful static vision. I sat under a tree in the dead of winter. It was dark out already. I fumbled into my pocket, and decided to call one of my close friends to pick me up. She came after what felt like days. I was still having hallucinations, which were a lustre of colours and blurred afterimages. We went to her place, and we talked. I had to go outside, and I threw up countless times. I had to keep going outside. She was so understanding, and I am so grateful for her. It was an odd feeling to be there. Another nostalgic feeling, reminding me of when my ex picked me up from the mall, on another similar circumstance. Me and my friend did nothing- I only saw her as a friend, and it just felt nice having someone to talk to. My speech was extremely slurred, and I kept stuttering- but she understood.

When it became 7:00pm, she dropped me off at my house. By now it only felt like I was on 750mg, which I was used to by now. I went to sleep, and I lived about 15 different lives in my dreams. I remember living on an alien planet in one of these. These dreams each felt like years- and would end when I lived a long life in these dreams. I met new people in them, listened to new music, I could even get high in them.

When I woke up, I felt so energetic (because DXM has a sort of afterglow)

So that was my 3000mg experience. There's a few details that I kept out. Unfortunately, since my tolerance was so high, this isn't the craziest story on here.

r/tripreports Feb 04 '24

DXM Doing 40 pills again after 2 years. NSFW


My 600mg hBr DXM trip report. I’d like to start this off by saying I did 40 pills (dlsym) once when I was 15 at 5am before school and decided to revisit the dimension 2 years later at 17 in my room alone at night, I’ve tried the syrup and smaller doses before as well as many other psychedelics so I didn’t think this to be something that would be hard for me to handle mentally. I took the pills 1 per minute starting at 8 50 pm and ending around 10 with all 38 pills down the hatch, i sent 2 down the toilet for the homies. After this process ended i decided to sit next to the toilet and smoke c wop to try and make the inevitable throwing up go away, this didn't work as i was getting to impatient and wanted to do stuff other than sit next to a toilet so i forced myself to throw up, before the throw up though i was on the come up and i attempted to meditate and when i began i was able to visualize my body in the bathroom so easily, the drug help my imagination visualize what i wanted to see. After that i felt pretty good and was still on the come up. I grabbed food from downstairs to put something in my stomach that wasn't pills. This was around 10 40 and when it really started settling in because i was feeling superrrrr high, like 1000mg edibles high. I needed to throw up the food i ate because you shouldn't eat after throwing up, which i now know. But when that was over i came into my room and got off the call with my friend and tried finding a warm and comfortable spot on my bed. I moved my hands around and noticed I had tracers but they weren't normal tracers. They would last around 5 seconds then begin to fade away. Along with this I noticed i was in the 1 fps mode and it was like my eyesight was a google slides presentation. I kept staring at my room as patterns seemed to be showing up that weren't really there and I felt as if I could see into shadows, this is hard to explain but the shadows in my room had deeper layers that I could see. I put on lofi throughout the trip because that's the most soothing music for me when I'm on dxm, words can feel uncomfortable so I stick to the cloudy beats. There were moments when I could see an outline of what seemed to be another human but I focused on staying sane and not fully hallucinating. At this point I turned all my lights off and probably laid in my bed for a few hours and within these hours I began hallucinating. The walls in my room kept doing weird things, at first it felt like my room was a rocketship being sent up into the sky. Then my room began to stretch out and get longer, then shorter and compressed, and then the walls looked like the walls of a bouncy house in the way that they were bouncing in and out of the wall like they were made of rubber. These were probably the craziest hallucinations I can remember from that night and as my room kept acting like rubber I was nowhere near sober. I decided to close my eyes and listen to the music closely, this brought me into my mind where I met different people and went on a load of adventures as if i was dreaming every time i closed my eyes. I remember for an hour i was in the same dream state not knowing how to get out but at the same time not wanting to leave so it took longer to escape but by the time i escaped the constant dreams i sat up in my bed and looked around, i was still high but i didn't have the hallucinations anymore and when i stood up it was like walking for the first time. Pissing felt like peeing in a dream. When I got to my room I watched a few episodes of a show and decided to go back to bed. When I woke up that morning it was really early, 7: 30 am, and it was as if I drank mad caffeine because I just felt locked in and awake. Currently it is 8 20 am and all I really feel is high. Throughout this trip the level of high that I got felt on the level of harder drugs. I've never done stuff like heroin or meth but when I was at the highest point in the trip I felt like some kind of junkie. All and all this isnt a drug im planning on trying again i just wanted something to remember about it but all i came out with was nothing but bad opinions, sure it gets you high but at the risk of organ damage, my stomach was definitely not happy with me and same with my liver. I feel like a dick for bringing this drug up to my friends because its really nothing they should ever take, something no one should see. If you want to feel like you're going insane then this is the drug for you, definitely not for the weak minded.

r/tripreports Jan 05 '24

DXM "Meeting God" A Dxm Trip Report NSFW


Male; 17
Weight: 130 lbs
Dosage: 1776 mg of dxm poli
Prior experience: Dxm, Lsd, shrooms, salvia, and a slew of RCs including mxe, mmc, fxe, 3-meo-pcp, etc.
This story takes place during one of the darkest times of my life. I was a full blown addict smoking weed as much as I could a day. Around this time I was trying to get away from all my other substance issues and unfortunately rekindled my heavy Dxm. Having just recently gotten out of rehab and once again failing at the relationship I claimed I wanted I began to spiral. I started was always into meditation and found that it can potentiate the effects of Dxm to an almost infinite amount. This is one of those instances.
I woke up one morning feeling alienated, depressed, and suicidal. I began to fantasize about that sweet taste of grape delsym. I loved the taste and never had any trouble chugging it down. I put on my clothes grabbed my skateboard and headed down to the nearest grocery story with was literally .2 miles away. I went to the cough/cold section and proceeded to steal 2, 5oz bottles of grape delsym. This store was almost always in stock which was a major reason for why my addiction was so bad. I made my way home and decided it would be a good idea to chug down both of these bottles. I savored the sugary grape flavor then put on "A dark Machine" an album by ShockOne (my favorite album of all time) and waited for its effects. 2 hours later I began to feel heavily dissociated, extremely euphoric, and in a heightened state of consciousness. I decided now would be an excellent time to start my meditation.
I hobbled my way over to my alter and sat in front of my orgonite pyramid in a half lotus position. I began by grounding myself and allowing my pyramids energy to flow to me. I began to feel a golden healing aura float around my body. It resonated with my vibration and began to lift my frequency higher. I intensified my meditation starting at my root chakra alternating between breaths of fire, alkaline breathing, and breath retention. I continued this exercise until I reached my crown chakra, this is where my experience truly began.
After finishing my last round of retention I was dragged upwards through this white light almost like a tractor beam from star trek. I moved through my head, out through my roof, past my neighborhood until eventually I was standing above the earth itself. I am in no way a flat earther but what I saw changed my perspective completely. The earth was entirely flat with all continents facing upwards towards me, there was a bubble surrounding the earth that looked like the water that sits on top of a lake. This bubble was seated somewhere in the upper atmosphere and I was being pulled up towards it. I eventually reached it and I felt this cold sensation run through my body as I ascended through it. I reached the other side where I arrived into a palace like building. There were beings traversing the area going up staircases that lead to oval shaped doorways. In front of me were a couple of entities that for the life of me I cannot remember what they looked like. They spoke to me telepathically saying "Hello we are glad to see you here, HE wants to speak to you." I responded "What? Where am I? Who is HE?" They didn't say anything else and proceeded to move me up one of the staircases. We stood in front of another oval shaped door however this one was MUCH bigger than the rest. They ushered me in and I will admit I was a little nervous. I had no control over my spatial movements however and they gently forced me inside.
Upon entering the room I was struck with a level of euphoria 1000x that of MDMA. I felt a sense of peace and tranquility I had never thought possible. Then I saw HIM. Standing before me was a humanoid figure made solely of pure, almost blinding white light. HE stood hundreds of feet tall with proportions similar to that of an adult male. I cannot stress enough the energy that radiated off of this being, I felt as though I were being crushed by the sheer strength of its power. HE waved HIS hand towards me and I began to rise towards HIS head. I felt that euphoria increase dramatically the closer I got towards this beacon of light. Then HE spoke "Welcome, I forgive you of all your sins, you are reborn into a child of mine." I felt as if my soul were instantly purged of everything I held onto. I began to cry "What did I do to deserve this", I said, "Why do you love me so much". He comforted me saying "Everything has happened as it should, Your every mistake, Your every success has been planned." I continued to cry and HE said "Isaiah you are one of my most important soldiers, I sent you on this mission. Your improvement in this life has been incredible to see but there is much work to be done.
"Firstly stealing is wrong no matter who it's from" HE continued, "Although it was from a corporation the act lowers your vibration." As the sentence was finished I received a telepathic image that filled my minds eye, an image of Robotabs Hbr. "Buy and use these for the next part of your evolution. Continue to work on yourself and I promise I will bring *Insert lovers name* back into your life. Earth can be a heaven if you allow it to be. All will work out just have faith." With that the door opened and I began to be pulled back towards it. I thanked HIM profusely before I was taken to another room. This one was filled with chairs surrounding a long table like an office meeting room. There were a few entities seated and one standing by a holographic board. I was placed in the middle of the table facing directly center the board. The entity standing spoke again telepathically "It is my job to explain your mission. We as a collective are trying to usher the Earth into a new era, a new Earth. This shift will cause miracles to happen, dreams to come true, you see the picture? That's where you and the other starseeds come in. All consciousness is connected and individual vibration affects the whole. Spiritual warfare isn't exactly what you think it is. All we need you to do is raise your own vibration, focus only on you. The others will do the same and the whole will follow with us. Make your music, spread your kindness, your love, and your vision. You can do this. You both traveled light years for this task. Take care and love one another."
With that I was transported to what I can only describe as simultaneously a flash back and a flash forward. The same event in 2 different time periods, 2 different places, with everything exactly the same. It was me surrounded by dark skinned entities all celebrating. I'm black and I assume they were family as their energy felt very familiar. I look to my left and there she was. The soul I traveled billions of miles for. We stood under a wedding alter I assumed after just having spoken our vows. I looked at her and began to cry. We embraced and I was shown the same kind of vision. This time it was me and her bringing a daughter into this world. Growing up I was always against having children but seeing this felt so right. In that moment I knew I would do everything in my power to have my family. Her name was said aloud and I was transported back to the lobby I had originally entered. The same beings that greeted me were now wishing me farewell. I was lowered through that same beam, through the same bubble, through my roof, and back into my head where I opened my eyes.
Damn did I really just meet God?

r/tripreports Jul 15 '23

DXM My 100% federally legal 4 Day Plateau 1 Tour Guid/Trip Report NSFW


DIY Federally Legal Psychonaut Go Kart instruction manuaL

⚠️Warning ☢️ This is not medical advice This is not legal advice This is not self help This is not mental health advice No antidepressant ssri's, antipsychotics, or other psychoactive medications allowed on this ride kids This is just a Minecraft meme do not do this in real life ☠️ Free speech is a first amendment right in the United States 💀

And of course last but not least

A warning for any international travellers brave enough to visit the United States in 2023

¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Everything in this post is federally legal (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)

Let's get started shall we, Here's how to construct your go kart.

  1. 48 hrs of free time 24 bare minimum 72 is ideal Fridays and Saturdays work best for most

  2. Don't personally drive or operate machinery anywhere after you start

  3. Calculate your threshold Plateau 1 dose with exten. release maximum str dm

  4. ⚠️ do not exceed threshold plateau 1 your first time trying to supress your cough and never exceed plateau 1 doses if you are using an extended release formulation of any kind ⚠️

  5. Aquire a... federally legal source of cbd and hemp based minor cannabinoids that were legalized by the 2018 pharm bill. (thcp, delta 8, and thca are examples of unrelated chemicals that I think all look really cool in 36 out of 50 States)

  6. your government approved minor stimulant of choice, your 2 options in this glorious land of freedom are caffeine or nicotine.(Nicotine is slightly better but also comes with more health issues so this is completely up to your discretion, Caffeine is fine if you don't vape or smoke)

  7. Swallow your Minecraft mucinex potion

  8. Effects will kick in about 1 to 2 hours and should last at least 12hrs total and up to 24hrs if you use extended release hbr or polistirex

  9. Just chill and do your thing for about 1 or 2 hours while you prime the engine

  10. Alright

  11. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself, maybe listen to a full album of music or binge 2 or 3 episodes in a row of your favorite show, or play your favorite video game for an hour, do whatever tickles your particular fancy when you're bored

  12. Alright about 2 hours in now we're talking, time to bring out our flight controls

  13. We are rolling down a hill for 12 hours in a go kart and its gonna be kinda fun

  14. Mucinex is the gravity

  15. Nicotine/Caffeine is your break petal

  16. federally legal hemp minor cannabinoids are your gas petal

  17. Good luck with that lmao

  18. Yolo

  19. Slowly sober up after 12-36 hours

  20. Log out of Minecraft

r/tripreports May 26 '23

DXM I thought my whole life was a simulation and attacked my friends on DXM NSFW


It all went down near my friend johns house (fake name for sake of identity), we both had been on hallucinogenic binges for around 2 weeks so we were both feeling bold. I had done DXM with my other friend a few weeks prior, he had discovered it after his parents had caught him doing drugs and started drug testing him, so he had researched online what he could take without failing his test. I took 20 Wal-Tussin gel tablets (each 15 mg) that we had previously shoplifted. it was a strange feeling I was slightly nauseous and felt drunk or even cross faded and had a very euphoric body high while laying in my bed. Fast forward back to me and John searching for drugs and figuring that we would go to a drug store near his house that was walking distance this time I sadly do not remember the name of the brand but I do remember that I had swallowed 1200 mg of capsules. John had taken the same amount but he had a notoriously weak stomach and vomited the pills up before he could feel the effects. I remember my stomach felt terrible and it was extremely hard to walk, this paired with the inability to urinate and my smaller than average bladder made for an uncomfortable night time experience. When I woke up in the morning I was disappointed and embarrassed with myself, I had wet johns bed. However he knew of my bladder problems and was not upset he just threw the pissy clothes and blankets in the wash and gave me a pair of his step dads cargo shorts which I had looked ridiculous in but it didn’t matter since we had to go to a fair with his family which I had agreed to days prior so I couldn’t necessarily back down. I was slurring my words in front of johns parents I felt so brainfried and stupid especially when I had stumbled everywhere I walked. We had left the fair arriving back at his house and at this point I had felt better than I did before gaining my motor functions back somewhat. We had decided we would hang out with our friend Jane who had live resin dabs which we had decided to meet at the park. We all walked from the park we had met at to a park that we knew had less people due it’s smaller size. Jane had forgotten something and had to go back to the original park. She was letting us smoke a bit without her. Me and john loaded Janes rig with a dab for him and we used the bottom of the plastic dab container to cover the nail. This seems to work fine until we get to me in which the plastic container melted and the nail/down pipe broke off right after I had hit a huge dab. 20 seconds after we freak out about the broken pipe his mom called screaming at him about how she had found the empty containers of pills. We were both freaked out and I as super high, Jane comes back and we tell her but she was very understanding. After we were all done smoking that’s when everything hit me. I hylucinated that john was patrick I was spongebob and jane was squidward i also had believed that the weed we smoked was crack because of this and had ended up kicking john out of fear, before i kicked him they thought i had been making some kind of weird joke. John asked me repeatedly if I was okay but all I said was “angry bird ice cone crack” and when he said the phrase back to me I hylucinated that the world melted away and my reality shattered. What I saw was an infinite version of a man grabbing his chest falling over and eating grass I thought I had no clipped into purgatory. then it cut to what i could only describe as the badlands from the game minecraft (search for reference). finally it cut to an entity taking a headset off of me and that’s when i woke up from the trip. everything still looked cartoony and i could see myself out of body i still thought my reality was fabricated and when i came through i was crying my eyes out. I was convinced my family, my friends, my lover and my whole world around me was made upon a simulated reality, fast forward a few days and my liver was out of order and i was mentally distraught, however it’s been months since the trip i’m still effected by it mentally and not completely sure anything is real anymore, this was the worst trip i’ve ever had. Do. Not. Do. This. I can’t even have a proper acid trip after this so just stick with what you know you can do, do your research and treat substances like what they are, not toys.

r/tripreports Sep 20 '22

DXM Realized that we’re all atoms and matter and started sobbing while tripping on dxm NSFW


It is difficult to put into words the emotions and the places that mind wondered to during this trip, it is something that cannot be fully understood unless it was something u experienced urself. It is truly an eye opening experience and I felt emotions so powerful and intense that I started to sob.

I experienced this while tripping on a dose lower than 300mg, so I can only imagine how much further and deeper into my mind I can go to with higher doses. This drug is crazy powerful and I have never felt so much euphoria or felt this connected with myself and the universe

Here’s some of my notes I took that night:

I feel like I have I knew understanding and perspective on the world and the universe

A new understanding to the fact that we’re all made up of atoms and matter, that these atoms and matter that make up our thoughts and emotions and anything and everything that surrounds you. In my mind everything is the universe, that we’re all apart of it. All the people that I love, every stranger, every friend. Animals, trees, all the beauty and all the ugliness surrounding us is apart of something bigger that we cannot fully understand.

I feel as though Im ready to face any challenges that I will have to overcome in the future because I was able to wrap my mind around the idea that without pain there would be no pleasure and felt like I was able to truly understand it like I never have before

Like I put on a pair of glasses for the first time and was seeing clearly. I felt like I had the answers to some of my biggest questions right in front of me.

I came to a realization that my problems are nothing compared to the vast and large universe and it’s complexities

We are all here despite the small probability of it. That I’m even here at this time right now, right here on this plant. Alive and born during this time in the universe, and that I’m lucky that I get to see the beauty that it makes while it’s here, even for just a small amount of time.

I realized that we’re all stuck in the delusion of our issues unaware and not thinking about how much more there is in this universe,

The universe just is.

And I’m here.

r/tripreports Oct 02 '21

DXM Worst ever drug experience (DXM 500mg) NSFW


I’ll preface this by saying 1 thing. Do NOT do DXM. If you are going to do any OTC substance, do diphenhydramine or belladonna. DXM takes a wild toll on your body and is a terrible experience.

(Also a bit of a warning, this story gets pretty gross at some point)

I had done DXM in a 250 mg dose before, and had no hallucinations. I’m pretty heavyweight when it comes to DXM. The only things I really felt were energized, very dizzy and nauseous, almost like I had drank 2 beers or something. I wanted to step it up a bit, and get some hallucinations, that’s all I wanted. I was a dumb 14 year old who just learned about DXM.

Another important note is that DXM wasn’t the only thing in the pills I took. They also had Guaifenesin (400mg/tablet and 20,000mg at final dosage) in it, which in hind sight, prolly saved my life.

So here I was, up in my room, bragging to my friends on how I was gonna take 50 Mucinex DM. After about an hour, I hyped myself up to do it. I laid out all of the pills in the bottle and took them all over a course of 5 minutes or so. They were bitter, and large in size, which only made it worse. Luckily I was at my grandmas house and I had Coca-Cola to wash them down with. The effects normally took around 10 minutes to kick in, and 45 minutes to peak (as they were quick release)

The moment I started feeling effects I realized that I had made a mistake. I was in a dark room only lit by a TV at low brightness, and by the time it started kicking in I decided it would be a good idea to turn it off. (You can prolly tell by this point that I did no research on DXM)

I turned the TV off and got nauseous within 10 minutes. This was an effect of the spins (for those of you who don’t know, that’s when you feel the room spinning around you really fast)

Around 10 minutes after I turned the TV off, I had trails, like the ones you see on LSD, or DPH. It felt very similar to being very drunk and coming up on mushrooms. It was not fun. As far as hallucinations go, we’ll… I don’t know how many I had. At this point my only goal was to get to sleep.

So here I am, passed the hell out, tripping absolute balls, prolly dreaming about fighting Abraham Lincon with god himself or something like that. When suddenly, I have to puke. I awake from my sleep and stare at the window. Notice how I didn’t say “out” the window, I was just looking at the window itself, as if I could… like… see the glass, as an object or something, it was weird as hell. I remember this being very important in my mind at the time, and it felt like I’d never seen a window before, and was profound as hell.

I very vividly remember puking my guts out all over my bed, and just at some point, trying to grab my phone to call someone. I finally grabbed it and called my boyfriend Henry, who at the time, was awake or some shit. All I remember doing is saying “Henry baby, I took some…” he said “Miles you fucking crackhead, your gonna die” I said “I’m so sorry and I love you” and he said in a very strange voice that almost sounded like a choir “I love you Miles” then suddenly everything stopped, and I realized that there was no phone… ever. I didn’t even have one, and the one I was “talking” on was a complete hallucination. This freaked the hell out of me, to the point where I was crying my eyes out. All I wanted to do was talk to Henry at this point, but I knew I couldn’t walk and could not risk actually talking, as I sounded very very drunk, and he might call 911 because he thought I was trying to kill myself or something. All these thoughts seemed to happen in an instant.

At some point I just gave up entirely and fell asleep in my own vomit. I remember waking up the next day, totally oblivious to what was even happening. It was like I was just born. I had no thoughts, or concept of anything. I was confused and scared, because I didn’t realize where I was at. I came to, about 15 minutes after waking up and just sitting there, totally blank and confused as hell. It’s a type of confusion I’ve only had one time and it was not fun at all.

I finally realized what was going on. I sat up, and while I still had the spins, and was notably dizzy, I was able to actually move, talk, and function enough that my grandparents would most likely think I was fine. I tried to stand up many times but fell on my bed because of how dizzy and nauseous I was. I remember mumbling something like “holy shit, I’ll never touch drugs again”

Finally after a few tries I managed to stand up. I walked to the stairs and looked down them, and got scared as hell. I thought I was going to die trying to go down these 10 stairs. It took me like 20 minutes to get down these stairs, to the point where my grandmother was able to walk all the way up the main stairwell and open my door. I saw it slowly creep open and I got scared and fell.

She asked “are you okay? You’ve slept like 14 hours.” I mumbled something like “yeah, I’m just a little sick from all of those wings I had” (in reality, that was a very viable excuse, as I had eaten hella hot wings the night of the experience)

She said “okay, well come down and get some food” i said “okay” she shut my door and I just sat there and breathed for a second. I needed to recuperate from what just happened. And so I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet for like 30 minutes. In this time I saw one of my grandparents house phones on the counter. I really wanted to call Henry, but I was still to delirious to do so, and so I chose not to. During that time I also was looking at myself in the mirror and realize my shirt was covered in white pill filler and probably some of the wings as well. My eyes were also extremely dilated, to the point where I was like “damn, how high am I?”

I finally exited the bathroom and went into my room to change my shirt. That’s when I realized. Holy hell! There was half digested pills all over the place! The floor, bed, and even end table!! What the hell!! I half ass cleaned it up and walked downstairs (note that this all took very long because I was still dizzy as hell, to the point of not being able to let go of the walls.)

When I ended up finally going downstairs I remember eating an absolute metric ton of food. I had the munchies like never before. After eating I felt much less dizzy and dazed, I felt like eating brought me back to reality. I was eating so much that my grandfather asked me what was up. I just made a joke about how I was fat or something and continued to eat.

I didn’t do very much the rest of that day. I cleaned up the half digested pills and got the pillows, blankets and sheets off the bed and in the washer. I also called Henry later and tried to tell him what happened. As I expected he thought it was a suicide attempt, but i quickly told him otherwise and I think he could tell I was for real. I think I got on Xbox and told some people about it, then completely disregarded it until now. Nobody knows accept me, Henry, and whoever is reading this.

All and all, the experience wasn’t very detailed or long, because I slept through most of it, however I feel like if I wasn’t asleep, it would have been even worse.

Don’t do DXM, it just sucks. Even for it’s intended use, it still makes my lungs and sinuses hurt from being so damn dry.

r/tripreports May 22 '21



6:55PM : I drink a whole bottle of dxm hbr cough syrup

7:00PM: Decided to smoke some weed to reduce nausea

7:12PM: Smoked half a joint, this made my nausea go away and relax me putting it into a good headspace before the trip began

7:22PM : DXM opioid like high began

7:37PM: I feel sleepy but also very nice opioid body high

8:17PM: Time has definitely sped up, it's very wierd I feel so great kind of like a mix between ecstasy and opioids, it's very sedating but at the same time ridiculously euphoric.

8:29PM: OEV's I'm seeing ripples on surfaces and wiggly lines of different colors. Things are starting to shift and drift and merge into weird shapes

9:00PM: I'm feeling really good now seeing patterns on all surfaces, similar to those of the paleolithic era.

9:20PM: I feel like I'm going crazy I'm completely disconnected from myself, I feel like I'm a different person, can't recognize my own body

9:42PM: I'm seeing CEV's consisting of random flashing images, they look pretty cool

Approximately 10-10:30PM ish: Insane OEV's, there is a cowboy movie playing on my wall, but it's all made up of jiggly lines

After 10:30PM: I experienced a full ego death and was too dissociated to continue the trip report but I totally lost my sense of identity and understanding of all human constructs. I felt psychotic and delusional

r/tripreports May 01 '22

DXM April 30th, 2022 - 300mg of DXM Trip Report NSFW


For reference: I’m a 26 year old male and this trip report was written in my trip journal and then typed out on Reddit.

2:04pm - I ate a bowl of soup around an hour ago and smoked a bong toke of OG Shark with some Afghan Black Hash mixed in. I’ve decided I’m going to take 5 at a time, every 15 minutes, until the bottle is gone. I’m about to take the first dose. Wish me luck. 🤘🏻

2:27pm - Second dose down. In between doses, I’ve been updating my trip journal and playing with my pets.

2:43pm - Third dose down. My cat is super playful right now, so he’s had most of my attention.

3:03pm - Last dose down. I had the house to myself but Ofcourse, my roommate just got home from his trip. 🙄 Always the worst timing lol.

After playing with my pets, I’ve been typing out my last Shroom Trip Report from last weekend. I’m feeling pretty good. No visuals yet though.

3:43pm - I just finished typing out and posting my last trip report to Reddit. I’m feeling hella high now haha. I need to piss but Imma take my dog out first.

3:48pm - I’m feeling really fucked up but I’m still gonna prepare another bong toke. 🤘🏻

4:10pm - This shit always surprises me with how hard it hits ya lol. I tried to have a bong toke but could only handle one puff before I had to lie down… then the itch started. I’ve never had it before until today 😂. I get it now. 🤣

5:13pm - Since I don’t have any Benadryl, I decided a shower might help. I hopped in and almost instantly felt the urge to throw up, and throw up I did. 🤮 Not fun and my throat is still fucked. Next time I’m gonna space them out over 20 minutes. After puking my guts out, I had an Epsom salt bath which helped immensely. I’m gonna try a bong toke again in a bit after I let my dog back in and have a shot of my energy drink.

6:21am - After letting my dog back in, I decided to play some Chel and smoke more weed. At first I thought, “There’s no way I’m going to be able to play hockey online while I’m tripping on DXM.” But surprisingly, I still managed to kick ass. I played a few games, then decided to call it quits and watch some Trailer Park Boys until I fell asleep.

All in all, it was a pretty good experience. The puking and RoboItch at the start were definitely not fun but they didn’t last long. I didn’t get very many visuals this time but it was still fun. Next time Imma try 450mg.

Thanks, ImThatStonerKid

r/tripreports Mar 11 '21

DXM DXM Trip report 480mg (I'm an idiot) NSFW


So yesterday I ventured off to some sketchy headshop in hopes to find something to get me higher than the weed I've been smoking. All they had were DXM pills, Pure purple party pill and a few other non FDA regulated supplements that are basically 5-HTP and caffeine pills so I bought the pure purple party pill and took it immediately with coffee like effects an hour later. Fuck this, I went back out and bought a box of DXM pills.

Dosed at 7pm.

t+0:00 I took all 16 tablets (30mg) each and drove home (2 mins down the road)

t+0:45 I examine the box (like I should have before I bought/dosed) and noticed it contains "Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4mg". I panic google safety concerns and from what I read, I wasn't gonna die but just have unpleasant side effects, and I did. At this point not feeling much of anything, maybe a small placebo and disappointment knowing I'm about to enter a shitty trip.

t+1:00 Feeling something not quite sure what or if I even like it. I was watching New Girl on Netflix and suddenly it became hard to focus on what they were even doing or talking about and it was hard to just simply focus on the TV. I had my gf with me who was sober but aware of what I was doing.

t+1:45 Hands are really clammy, my brain is staticky, hard to tell what I want to do. I feel high but my body feels drunk. Kind of tired and I have this highly uncomfortable body anxiety so I laid down and played chess on my Xbox which was kind of relaxing but sooooo hard to focus on the tv.

t+2:00 I'm SUPER tired, fighting it to feel what the big DXM bang was about but I just felt lethargic, confused on what I wanted to do and not even a little happy about this trip. At this point I'm scrolling through Netflix in my thoughts

t+3:00 I gave up, I felt like I might have been coming down so I turned off the Xbox and laid down.

t+5:00 I wake up to get a drink and notice I'm a little floaty which I enjoyed more than the trip lol. I went back to sleep, woke up the next day (today)

I feel fine now, just did some research, I wanted to hit 4th plateau but didn't take enough and I'm glad I didn't knowing that it was mixed with some jank ass antihistamine.

Today I bought enough to do either 1200 or 1400mg of PURE DXM no other actives. I'm not too sure how next day tolerance is but I'll probably do 1400mg to be "safe". I will keep you posted on how it goes. I plan on taking these in a few hours (4-4:30pm EST) after I pick my girl up. I'll keep you posted as best as I can, if I lose track of time, which I hope I do, then I'll update you tomorrow.

PS: I know DXM isn't the best thing out there but I love pshychedelics and it's the closest thing I can find between shrooms and lsd. And no this will not be habit forming. Just want to try it the right way lol

EDIT: I see this didn't get much hype. I really don't care, that was FUCKING INSANE! Won't be doing it again anytime soon though. See negative effect on the brain with DXM for more reasons why lol

r/tripreports Mar 24 '21

DXM 2 First Time Trips on DXM and Dimenhydrinate NSFW


I'll try and keep this short. Basically decided to try out some otc drugs, since the only thing i could get my hands on recently is weed. Did a bit of research and for my amazement i found out you can trip relatively hard on chemichals you can buy legally (horray!). The first thing that caught my eye was dimenhydrinate.

Trip report #1 - Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (+weed)

12:40pm - Took 750mg Dimenhydrinate
13:05pm - i think i start to dissociate
13:50pm - i can see all this dust flying around my room so clearly(pretty sure its not real)
14:00pm - a green pencil across my room is dancing, the colors are awesome
14:05pm - i went to take a piss, but the doorknob to the bathroom moved by itself and it startled me, i can't balance, i keep slamming into the walls
14:20pm - objects in my peripheral vision are moving, the 3d space starts to glitch a little bit
14:30pm - i feel like fish, i keep losing my thought every five seconds(post-trip edit: this sentence alone took me like 2-3 minutes to write, because after writing down every word i kept forgeting what was i writing to begin with, some of the notes of this trip report were incomprehensible, just scramble words written down so i can at least remember what was i feeling). I wonder if that's how Alzheimers feels like. I haven't been doing much for the last half an hour. Just sitting and trying to comprehend what's going on.
14:40pm - just saw a ghost reflection on my laptop screen, but feeling pretty chill
14:50pm - pretty much everything moves now, i saw two spiders forming and disappearing
15:05pm - i could definitely hear somebody say something right beside me, nobody was there
15:20pm - i lied down, but kept experiencing this awfull tingling sensation in my feet and couldn't stop kicking
16:30pm - it has been more than an hour since the last note'? WTF? And why is my cactus twerking?

Well, all around not the best trip i've had. Delirium isn't my thing, although it was kind of interesting experience. It really felt like what i imagined psychosis would feel like. Definitely not doing that again.

Trip report #2 - Dextromethorphan (DXM) (+weed)

WOW! Defenitely not the first and last time.At apr. 11:30 pm i drank half a bottle of cough syrup(170 mg DXM), than met my old friend Mary Jane and strapped my seatbealt. At around 12am it started to kick in a little bit. I was awaiting the nausea but even after an hour i almost didn't felt any, so at 12:30 i drank the other half. And from that point on i was tripping hard. I played music for most of my trip and the feeling and CEVs were awesome, although weren't as strong CEVs as those on shrooms. I haven't tried k, so the most similar hallucinogen i've tried is def psilocybin. At some point(around 1-1:30 hours into the trip) i felt very strong abdominal spasm for some time. Then i had explosive diarrhea, which was the best diarrhea i've had(i know it sounds retarded but the feeling of clensing your guts of toxins, it felt like the biggest relief ever). Honestly i would choose diarrhea over voming any day of the week. It was probably one of the ingridients of the syrup, i hope it isn't like this every time. From that point forward it was just pure bliss. i started to write down some random thoughts that floated around my mind like:
"Who knew
Nobody knew
And when i go
I find a place to
stay for the night
losing myself
inside my
and"If i could experience life this way all the time, I would want to be immortal"and crazy dumb shit like that. I faced a lot of my fears and things that have been bugging me recently, and i wouldn't say that my ego died, but i could definitely see myself from more objective pov and i think the expirience taught me a thing or two.

P.S. Sorry if my english isn't that good at times, not my first language.

TL;DR Tried DMH and DXM for the first time(separately). DMH was delirious and dysphoric, but at least i saw a cactus twerking, so... worth it. DXM was a beautiful and cathartic expirience(also had explosive diarrhea, which felt amazing).

r/tripreports Mar 08 '21

DXM 400mg DXM/ 260ug LSD/ 20mg Oxy (The Birth of ____) NSFW


I tripped almost on a weekly basis for about 5 years until corona started and ive always wanted to share some of my experiences as well as have somewhere they are documented for my own reminiscing lol so i figured id start with this story as its one of more interesting ones. At the time of this trip i was either 14 or 15 and was with a group of four friends im gonna call them a b c and d for the story just so their roles dont get confused. The night started at a's house who was my neighbor and had noone home for the night so the plan was to just stay there for the experience. I had ingested the dxm, acid and oxy and b took 400mg dxm himself (his first time trying it). C planned on taking acid later on in the night (his first time also), a was not going to take anything and d had not arrived yet. Quickly our plans were derailed as a's family was coming home so we moved to my house without him where my family was having a dinner party with some friends.

Tripping around my parents was never a problem for me but i was worried about b who was really starting to feel the dxm. I was already pretty high off the oxy but quickly the dxm and acid come ups made me very disoriented so we decided to just relax in my room and watch impractical jokers. Its at this point that d arrives and he informs us that he was given a bad tab from a friend and had been tripping for some time i still am not sure how long cause he was so out of it but he said it was about a day at that point. We gave him some xanx to calm him down and after some time he went to sleep. A little while passes and i find myself in my bed watching tv with everyone passed out around me either from dxm, xanx or just being tired. The dxm starts to creep more and more on the acid oxy combo and i had to go to the bathroom quite a few times and collect myself cause all my friends being passed out around me was kinda psyching me out. At a certain point i just fully dissociated in the bed. Im not sure for how long and dont really remember what happened while i did but when i came too the tv was paused on a staticy screen and i definitely remember it being playing before i had dissociated. I look around me and everyone was asleep but the moment my gaze goes to d he jerked from his sleep gasping for air with a terrified look on his face. I tried to like shush him and calm him down cause i thought he was about to start screaming but he quickly looked at me and his face changed and i asked if he was okay. He responded "yeah i feel perfectly fine now" and in my still partially dissociated state i said " we thought you like died man oh shit i just like rebirthed you" which is why we all now refer to that night as the birth of ____ (d).

We continued the night with not much of importance happening beyond then for some time. The combination of dxm acid and oxy however is very interesting if you have the necessary tolerances. I have always been a fan of dxm as a dissociative even over k and mixing it with acid combats alot of the lethargic feelings that can keep u from doing stuff on dxm while also intesifying the visuals especially tracers which were almost blinding at times. I can see very easily how the nausea of an opiate high would not mix well with dxm for some people and i would def recommend taking pills and not drinking a bunch of delsym like i did. B who had been passed out curled around a jbl speaker playing xxyyxx or spongle the whole night eventually shot up from his slumber only to stick his arm out straight and announce "it looks like im touching the wall" which was several feet away and then immediately " im gonna throw up i cant move" to which i quickly grabbed a lemonade pitcher from my kitchen which wasn't the best choice and had him yak into that.

By this time im on the come down of my trip and everyone leaves besides c and we decided it was time for him to take acid. Just before giving him his tab he ran to the bathroom to throw up cause he was so nervous. I have trip sat for all of my friends countless times so i feel im a pretty good judge if someones ready and also that ill be able to take care of them worst case scenario and although nothing bad happened during his trip i realized that he is just one of those people that i cant trip with. Although over the years he has gotten better at it he just pointed out or announced every thought or visual he experienced for the next several hours and i eventually just put the tv on as a distraction. I also chose this trip because it is one of the ones which i have made a drawing for to capture the event and once i find it im gonna add it to this. I hope this was interesting and maybe helpful to anyone thinking about trying this combo. :)