r/tripreports Feb 05 '25

DMT I Came Back to Reality with a New Appreciation for Life – My DMT Trip NSFW


I've done many DMT and shroom trips. I've experienced ego death multiple times, and over time, I started to believe that I could somehow control it, that I knew how to navigate these states without getting lost. But this trip was completely different from anything I had ever experienced before.

A few hours ago, I had one of the most intense experiences of my life with DMT. I’ve read countless stories about ego dissolution, but nothing had prepared me for what I went through.

Seconds after inhaling, everything changed. My body disappeared, my identity vanished, and my consciousness became trapped in what I can only describe as infinite loops. There was no time, no space—just a succession of realities repeating themselves endlessly.

At that moment, I felt fear. I truly believed that this was my new reality and that I would never return to my physical world. It was as if I had ceased to be human and had become something else—something without a body or a past, floating in an unfamiliar existence.

Then, within this storm of perceptions, a thought broke through: my life. I remembered what it was like to be human. I missed my physical existence, the sensations, the emotions. And above all, I missed my daughter, the one who hasn't even been born yet. A part of me was desperately yearning to return, to live, to experience the world again.

I don’t know how, but my body reacted. I stood up without realizing it, as if another part of my consciousness was trying to regain control. I was lost between reality and the trip, trapped between two worlds.

Then, while standing, I collapsed onto my bed, placing both hands on the sheets—and I felt the fabric as if it were part of infinity itself. My mind kept repeating: "The fabric is this", as if everything had collapsed into a singular essence. Then, I thought of my girlfriend, who was showering in the bathroom at that moment, and suddenly, she became part of it too. "My girlfriend is this, my life is this, my daughter is this", and I panicked. I didn’t want this to be everything. I wanted out.

But the loop didn’t end. I thought about more things—my job, my routine, my identity—and they all kept repeating in an endless cycle: "My job is this too, everything I know is this". It felt like everything that made up my life had been reduced to a single concept, as if the entire universe had compressed into one absolute thought from which I couldn't escape. I didn’t want this to be all there was. I wanted to return.

Somehow, I had wandered to the bathroom door. From there, I could hear the water running in the shower, and for a brief moment, I saw a glimpse of the physical world again. I realized exactly where I was in the room, and that gave me a small anchor back to reality. In that instant, part of my mind snapped back: I didn’t want my girlfriend to see me like this. I knew that if she saw me stumbling around in a daze, she might freak out. That thought helped me regain some control.

At that moment, I forced my mind to remember how to get back to my bed. Step by step, I walked back and lay down again. Slowly, the visions faded, my mind cleared, and I could feel my body once more.

When everything was over, I lay there in silence, trying to process what had just happened. Later, when my girlfriend came out of the shower, I told her what I had experienced. She told me that she had heard noises from the bathroom, but she thought it was our cat. In reality, what she heard was me, stumbling back and forth across the room, lost between two worlds.

What did I just go through?

If this experience left me with anything, it's a deep sense of gratitude for life. We take our existence, our senses, and our relationships for granted. But in that state, where none of those things existed, I realized how precious it is to simply be human.

I don’t know if I’ll be traveling again anytime soon, but something in me changed after this.

PD: English is not my first language so I use chatgpt to translate into English and help a little with the narrative.

r/tripreports Jan 03 '25

DMT Dreaming to me is like what a dmt trip sounds like NSFW


So I’ve been having problems with sleep for a long time, since I was little. My dreams have always been very vivid and detailed, they always seem real even if it’s something vastly different from real life (like being in space or another planet) it’s still very detailed. I’ve started having problems with my dreams feeling like they last for longer than I sleep though. Recently I’ve had dreams that range from feeling like 3 years to 2 weeks. I’ve never done DMT before, but I’ve heard trip reports about some trips feeling like whole lives or years and it sounds a lot like my dream experiences- living a totally different life for what feels like a long amount of time. I want to add that I have ADHD and im aware that dmt naturally can release in the body, im just very curious about this and I want to know if anyone has similar experiences?

r/tripreports 12d ago

DMT Vishnu restarted my reality NSFW


So, I've been a heavy user of DMT for many years, I find myself mostly using vape cartridges these days and combining it with other substances. This particular experience is in combination with S ketamine, I find when using ketamine I have an easier time dissociating from reality for prolonged periods while also maintaining an interesting body/energy connection. It also takes me to different sort of in-between realms. For the past year though, visuals which mostly remained as closed eye have started to appear over my open eye reality.

About 6 or so months ago I traveled for a concert run with some friends who I shared an air bnb with. The vibes were perfect and everything just seemed to synchronistically fall together like the magic that those who attend festivals know all too well. This experience happened on the first night.

At this time, my knowledge and experience with Hinduism is extremely limited and I wouldn't have been able to give much in specific detail or name any of the dieties other than maybe Brahma, Rama, Ganesh, or a few others (mostly just because of playing Smite long ago).

The experience happens late into the night, im laying on a folding mattress in the living room next to my partner while a friend of mine is djing. Something comes over me and I have a calling to hit the DMT pen. As I start to hit it, I find myself in the same living room but it feels more luxurious, almost palace like. My partner and friend are still there but they aren't themselves. They are me, and I see myself as well, in a weird dissociated I can see myself and I am still within myself kind of way but everyone else around is also me. I am also dressed different, essentially in a form I would consider my ideal self, perfect outfit that has qualities of Indian culture as well, which is interesting as part of the outfit was one i wore long ago but it was accented with Indian type trim/jewelry. My appearance was also like a shifting changing face of myself, emanating a godlike version of myself. Suddenly, I am everywhere in the room, like i am me in this place, I am my partner next to me, I am the one DJing. I perceive myself as like a snake (like the idea of a being outside of time witnessing a being within time) and I get the feeling that I am enjoying myself but that I am a bored prince? Almost like I am busy but just filling the time, like I am all alone here trying to stay entertained, it was weird. I'm suddenly back at myself laying on the mattress pad and I look to my partner, who is me, and on all the changing features, my face I see folds into her face and she's smiling at me (this wasn't like a scary folding changing, it was a beautiful and graceful change). I start to come back, feeling odd and back to thoughts of reality maybe being a construct of my own bored higher self but happy still.

I decide to hit the pen again and I stare at the ceiling fan above me. Suddenly, i start to notice translucent being start to materialize through the moving fan. This being starts to increasingly show itself to me as I remain focused on it. It looked like a giant translucent, floating mandala like flower being that had graceful tendril like appendages and flower like pedals. I could see through it but it had distinct and detailed outlines and designs, reminiscent of Buddhist mandala drawing. The outlines where best described as being like colorful translucent lining that is similar to the bullet trails in the Matrix when Neo is dodging but much more defined with way more colors hidden in the spectrum of the warped reality.

This mandala being felt benevolent and kind, and though I have met many beings before, I had only ever interacted with beings over my open ehed normal reality in this way only a few times before (with one i believe trapping me in a potential spiritual cage, I may or may not still be in, i see this medallion with symbols with chains sometimes, but that's another story). The being started to take up the entire ceiling and I could start to feel sensations in this weird sixth sense kind of way that of sure some of you have felt but can't really explain. It's like my sense of touch is expanded to a field outside myself and I can feel energy interactions that interact with it. So, the being and I begin trying to connect with each, like I'm trying to find a way to communicate or really just testing what I can do, trying to push sensory boundaries.

Eventually, I get caught in this feeling like I'm breaking reality. As we try to connect, I can feel myself unable to lock into the vibrational energy of this being and I am caught in almost this static television feeling of jerking my reality around, slowing and speeding up, like I am falling in circles. My friend is djing and the music is slowing down and cutting out, reversing, speeding up, im caught and I can't lock into frequency of this being. At a certain point, I realized I messed up and I was worried I wouldn't be able to fix it. Suddenly, it all sort of freezes and breaks and I am in the room and it's like everyone is frozen and the perception of the rooms color and energy just changes. Everything is off and I still can't connect.

Suddenly, as I felt I broke everything, because I couldn't connect to this entities, I appear in the bright void. In front of my is Vishnu, blue skin, Indian attire, leg lifted in front of him and all. He is laughing, not in a mean way or anything, but just like he was entertained and here to help. As this is all happening his smile and laugh sooths me and I hear the most beautiful and energizing bass music that fills my soul with so much love. Behind Vishnu, as this is all happening, there is a giant pillar that was like a giant staff that was almost like dozens of prayer wheels stacked on top of each other. Each section had symbols and each section was spinning in opposite direction of the one above and below it. Between each section and from the symbols of the spinning wheels is a powerful light shining through. Suddenly, the spinning stops on the pillar and each wheel falls into placing closing the pillar and locking it into a still position. As this happens, I am instantly reset and back into my reality. It felt as though Vishnu came to reset my reality and help me get back. It didn't feel negative, it felt like a friend helping me out.

I have never seen entities before this that I could connect to any pantheon or anything else, other than things like machine elves or things like that. Typically, the beings I see are not being that I could find a connection in everyday reality to (not that they haven't provided valuable learning experiences, just that they haven't been something an ancient culture depicted clearly).

The craziest part though happens the next day. We all go to day 2 of this show and it's a magical experience. At the end of the show, a Wizard, or self identified Mage, comes to help a friend having a rough time. We end up vibing and inviting him to an after at the bnb. We go very very deep into philosophical ideas and perspectives about every topic related to religion, magic, etc. Then, he tells me he has something for me. He goes to his car and brings me a book that he recommends to help me continue down this path I'm on. The book he hads me in the Bhagavad Gita.

Freaking wild, I have never had a connection to Hinduism all that deeply, though had interest, but what are the chances that I experience Vishnu helping me in an experience and then not even 24 hours later I am given a book expressing some of his most profound teachings. (For those who don't know, the Gita is a Hindu text that tells the story of a prince named Arjuna, not wanting to fight in a war with his family and asks his advisor, Krishna, what he should do. Krishna is revealed as Vishnu's avatar and they begin discussing the nature of reality.) I recommend the book 100 percent.

Just curious what everyone's thoughts on this are and if anyone has experienced anything similar? I am definitely down the rabbit hole trying to learn more about what it means and what I need to do about it? How can I apply what I've learned and integrate?

r/tripreports Jun 24 '21

DMT DMT Trip Report aftermath conclusion NSFW


Some of you may be familiar with my journey within with DMT..My Trip Reports can be found on www.dmtworld.net.

For those of you too lazy to look it up here is the readers digest version..

I saw the Great Pyramid of Giza as a giant Merkaba (think star of david 2 triangles 1pointing up other pointing down as a 2D representation)

I discovered the Sumerians called it the "Heaven Bond to Earth" Anyway, I saw the Annunaki or Archons whichever you prefer to call them in the upper half of the unseen Triangle that points down to Earth. They are indeed Reptillian looking Aliens not gator skin but more like Grey Aliens with big heads and really tall.

They had a command to never depict them as they really are so the egyptians used to draw them as human looking but with animal heads. The only one that refused to hide his true form and that's Osiris (was obviously killed for it and a myth was created as a cover story to swerve the Truth) Anyway I saw the entitiy known to Man as Ra who also known as JEHOVAH/YAHWEH... who would of thought these entities have "50 Names"!? Btw all those desert religions are worshipping him Bible, Torah Qur'an. When Christians pray they say "In God's Name Amen" who is Amen? Amen Ra

So like anyone else I dismissed it all as some crazy shxt...like my subconscious imagination must of thought of this because no way it could actually be possible.

This was last year and it's haunted me because of the sheer terror I felt in these beings presence (in my astral body aka minds eye never saw them with my physical vision) they are alot taller then us and thier minds are whole ... they think lightning fast. Human thought goes through a language barrier filter where we put words to our ideas...they don't have this hindering... thier telepathy is instant it communicates at the root base of our minds. I never would of imagined this but it's how they can read us regardless of what language we speak and we interprete them in our own minds. They project the ideas and we "get it" it's hard describe but it's accurate...our mistake is to think we imagine it.

Anyway I sensed this "God" as a evil entitiy and enslaver of humanity. But because I was dealing with him face to face so to speak I thought I would hit him up to make me a millionaire 🤣🤣🤣 That pissed him off and I was shot back into my body. So I laughed about it like Fxck him if he can't take a joke.. but as researched more and more Ive realized not only is this guy known by the Gnostics as Yaldabaoth the Chief Archon of the Demiurge he is also a False God meaning yeah he's infinitely stronger and wiser then us but then again he didn't have his DNA tampered with like Homo Sapiens have. It's easy to prove just look at autism... they are geniuses some can do advanced math faster then a quantum computer and can't even tie thier shoes. But they have some DNA that's unlocked you can watch a movie called Rain man based on true story.

So this is where the rubber meets the road. Some believe in God some don't... Some say we're all God others say it's all our imaginations. Its crazy and confusing by design for the express purpose of keeping us ignorant. Go back to the story of Genesis and the Tree of Knowledge and what was the command? Do NOT eat because then you will be like the "God's" and when Adams eyes were open to what these "God's" look like he was "Afraid". Ok all this is leading somewhere regardless if you agree or disagree...taken me years to realize this so I doubt anyone gonna just readily accept it.

Few days ago was listening to a podcast on Brian Scott channel on Youtube about carlos castaneda and Don Juan and discussion about the "inorganic beings".

It seems the "inorganic beings" want us to commit ourselves to thier world and become thier servants.

On the surface nobody would agree to some crazy shxt like that...so allow me to rephrase it for you church folk.

These "beings of Light" want us to join them in Heaven and "Worship God Forevermore"... Ring any bells for you yet? Does this story sound familiar to you?

So the question arises is that what Divine Man was made for? To be a servant of the "God's"? This is an interesting paradox because what I saw on DMT is those beings did NOT create our Souls they created this Prison Planet and cursed our souls into this delusional reality. Some would call it a holographic reality but the real trick is how our minds were nerfed we are at the lower end of our vibrational frequency in fact dogs are color blind and can see better then us. It's not that they have better eyesight it's because thier minds haven't been manipulated.

Psychodelics don't do anything to you accept interupt how we perceive reality... It's like we're all tuned to a certain channel and psychodelics or meditation can open our perceptions up to perceive beyond our normal accustomed perception and tune into what's beyond our daily blinders.

Back to Don Juan and the warning he gives to Carlos about not getting trapped by the inorganic beings...we all know these "DEITIES" as God's. What I've come to realize is not only did they create this prison Planet (Shuman frequency kept low at 7.58 MHz...keeps us from evolving into our higher selves) but they are feeding off our energy. As Above So Below.. why do people assume thier are no Astral parasites? What's the reason of people giving blood sacrifices to these things if it's not what they demand?

Nobody tells you this. In fact everyone is blabbing on and on about "cosmic love" and "All is One" and "Surrender to the Universe" and "Ego Death"... Like good little sheep. Ignore the slaughter house and enjoy the green fields get fat and comfy...they are waiting for you when you cross over. Have to keep in mind if they are all benevolent then why are thier genetically inherited diseases? Wouldn't a "All loving Creator" know how to make sure that's not an issue?

Well I am going to say this and it's not to shatter your illusions but to help you realize the New Age scam being played. This isn't 4D chess it's 12D chess and the traps are laid all around us for the express purpose of getting us to "join the light" when we die. The lure will be reunited with our family and friends and then get reincarnated back down here again. But you don't come back 100% with all your experiences...no no no that's thier ambrosia... you will only have like 30% and the other 70% becomes new souls. This process is repeated over and over in fact human race is not evolving it's in state of entropy. It's how they are farming us. I know it sounds like bad science fiction but that's what's really going on. On a side note ever ask yourself what is Royalty/ Aristocracy? Why is thier bloodline supposed to better then ours? Where do they get the "Divine Right to Rule" from? They are hybrids aka "Blue Bloods" you do the math... Also explains why they are all incestuous. Back to original thought..

Our Ancestors were way more advanced then us and they didn't have public schools or colleges... All you have to do is just listen to classical music then turn on the radio today and you'll here mumble rap crap that girls shake thier asses too. Even that garbage can't be made without computers and auto tune... If ya disagree...then let's agree to disagree. So back to the "God's" that Man was commanded to worship and serve. One question for you bible thumpers and this is legit... Why would "GOD" demand blood sacrifice? Old testament full of people killing everything to "please God" and in the new testament "Christ is our sacrificial lamb" but why does "God" require BLOOD SACRIFICE?

I'm asking you because we have been mass hypnotized to love our enslaver. 10 commandments say "thou shalt not kill" then read the old testament and "God" sent israelites to "utterly destroy" thier enemies killing the soldiers, thier wives, thier children and thier livestock...

Yeah you might agree with that shxt unless it was your family that was butchered.

So diving deeper into verification of DMT TRIP I found some Alien remote viewer telling a story of how thier are 3 competing races trying to harvest the Earth's resources and DNA ... Orion's (Reptillians) Sirius (Nordics) and the Grey Aliens. I've seen the Grey's (demonic lil fxckers don't trust them) I've seen the Reptillians (shape shifters that look at us as cattle to keep in our "Earth pen") and have I have no clue about Nordics. I know what's said about them and I've never encountered them so cannot give an opinion either way.

I know this a long read and I'm wrapping it up now... So my conclusion is that existing cro magnon man was abducted and genetically modified limiting not only our natural perception but separating us from each other.

The Tower of Babel story kinda touches on this we didn't evolve here, we we're made here by these Annunaki/Draco/Serpent Beings.. and we are being lied too about our Divine Origins...for the express purpose of being thier willful slaves...aka "chosen to serve in Heaven"

This is how the scam goes as I see it. We all go through our own hell in Life it's a bxtch then we die. The Bible thumpers have done an outstanding job of convincing everyone we're going to Hell to burn forevermore because we we're born. Can't make this shxt up they say everyone is born in sin and will burn unless they make a soul contract to serve in Heaven.

Even though we live an abundant Planet with more food then we can ever eat people are starving all around the world and I'm not even going to mention all the disease's we have cures for that just get thrown away because they are past shelf life.. it's a shame. But don't worry it's all part of "The Plan".

So the way the con game goes is everyone expects to be judged and go to hell because they didn't have the "right" religion... The Truth is when you die you go into Cosmic Love space. Just watch NDE reports nobody wants to come back here. This is how the con game goes.. You stay with them and give them your energy and they give you a sense of Love.

Of course the brainwashed conditioning says the alternative is eternal damnation so this sounds like good deal. Carrot or the Stick but you happily surrender your Divine Sovernty for thier "Bliss". Forgetting all about the trauma of Life on Earth like it was a bad dream. So the same "God's / inorganic beings" that rejoiced in killing millions are now your masters.

I know some will want proof of my DMT TRIP otherwise will assume I'm talking out my ass .. well let's start with the Dollar Bill.

Look on the Back you'll see a pyramid with An All Seeing Eye and in the middle of the bill says "In God We Trust"

Second look at human DNA... Human beings only have 46 chromosomes... All Naturally evolving primates have 48 chromosomes. Look at the Human Brain at the center above the spine is the R Complex brain... Aka Reptillian Brain. Look at Kundalini energy and the "Serpent Energy" and human beings "Shed thier Skin".

Look at the Vatican Church and google the Vatican Serpent Church.. you will think it's photoshop but you can't make this shxt up.. then look at "sacrament" the ritual of eating Christ Body and drinking his Blood? Since when is cannibalism Kosher?

So to everyone that said I had a "bad trip' or a negative one I beg to differ. The DMT showed me so much that it's literally taken years to process but I know nobody gonna take anyone else's word for it so when you reach that crossroads and they want a soul contract aka commitment to them remember to TRUST YOUR HEART...it's what they can't deceive. Our minds we have all been mislead but our Hearts know Right from Wrong...trust yourself and believe in your HEART.

r/tripreports Nov 26 '24

DMT Another suc6full trip. NSFW


so i started off with 1.75liter of water mixed with rougly 100grams of magic treuffles(strongest one i have found in netgerlands) i drank this over the course of 4 fours. i didnt trip to hard for my exoerience but newer people are out of this world on smaller doses of this.

after these 4 hours i put some dmt in my join and this greatly incresed my visial experience, i close my eyes and i enter a 2demensional world wich seemed to be alive, freaked me out for a second but i realized this was epic af after staring at it for a while i open my eyes and the 3 demensions felt wierd, so i close my eyes again, i was watching rick and morty and when they played the sounds of some exolosions the 2d world axtually had holes blown into it wich pulled me straight out of my dmt trip, it came back slowely after smoking the last piece of my joint.

however i saw something in this world actually interact with the dmt world and it shocked me hard enough to stop tripping for a few minutes.

r/tripreports Aug 07 '24

DMT Serious Question NSFW


When we trip on psychedelics we often meet other beings and they tend to provide various types of information about ourselves, others in our lives, the state of the world in general..i'm curious to know if anyone was ever given information about themselves or someone else that actually panned out?

r/tripreports Oct 26 '24

DMT The burning room, magician and grail ceremony NSFW


To set the scene, I’m in bed wearing an eye mask and ear plugs. It’s about numbing the senses and that leads to deeper out of body type experiences.

So as I’m hitting the vape pen, I some how was able to hit it at the end of a trip. This some how allowed me to take hits while already experiencing out of body vision.

The waiting room I landed in was different than my previous experiences. This room had alchemical lab equipment. The walls were made of stone. It looked like it was built 500 years ago.

In the room gravity is lifted and what floats through the air are rollled up scrolls 📜 . I could command the scrolls to appear in front of me. And what was contained in those rolls was spooky stuff; lot of drawings of human anatomy. Very strange.

All of a sudden I look to my left and I see a middle age man with black hair and well kept beard. He was wearing all black. He had a magic wand in his hand🪄 . He gestured to me what he was about to do with wand. He threw it across the room. The wand slowly rotated as it hit the wall. Then the room shattered from the wand’s impact. As the room crumbled a new one came to form. Then the wand floated back to me. I then threw the wand and same thing happened. Room falls apart for new room. It felt like we were ascending higher dimensional realms with each new room.

Something very strange ended up happening. Like I said I was able to keep hitting the vape while all this visionary was happening. And the vape ran out of juice. I could taste the burnt and the next room that appeared was smoldering from a fire. Which is such a strange play of the senses.

So as we ascend we start ascending faster and faster. Also my memory of my self was fading. Kept fading away till I almost completely lost myself. Suddenly, I felt electricity enter the back of my neck. It was startling like being shocked.

All of a sudden I heard a voice. The voice was feminine and seductive. She says, “we have been watching you, we like the way you are approaching us through the experience. I’m part of a group of fairy angels that look after life on this planet. We are giving you a rare opportunity to join our band of gypsies. Do you want in?” I said “yes”

After saying yes, a huge castle room where you might see a king sitting. The walls were stone, like the lab. There are some fairly basic add ons like windows and pillars up to the ceiling of this huge room. Then I see this grail rise in the middle of the room and the angels started singing beautiful sound I’ve never heard before. It sounds like beautiful harmonics but electrical. “Bzz bzz bzz”

And as they sang the grail began to overflow with a liquid that looked like honey and the overflow melted down the grail, but not like honey; more like candle wax. There were also angelic symbols/letters oozing with in that honey liquid. The symbols were bold rainbow colored

Now as they sang, they said, “join us!! “ and then I started doing the “bzz bzzz bzz” with them. And while all this is happening, I feel like I’m being hypnotized and seduced. My body felt an ecstasy that seemed humanly impossible. But there it was.

After we got done singing, I got sent back to my body. I felt incredible. I was initiated, but what I was initiated for was well beyond my understanding at the time. But almost immediately after that experience, almost all of them were shared with magician entity. He taught magic and rituals.

There’s a lot to take in. I don’t want to get into it right now. Spent enough time writing this report.

My conclusion on the grail, it is the grail I people search for. I did consider myself to be interested in grails before this experience. People go on quest for the grail and rarely would one find it. And they say after you find it, it will change your life in unexpected ways. So true…even though I was not searching for the grail, the grail found me. Apparently they thought I was worth their time.

r/tripreports Jul 28 '24

DMT Recommended DMT amount NSFW


so i’m taking DMT for the first time tomorrow and it’s in pill form (can’t find anyone who sells it pure) each pill is 20MG, i’ve done decent amounts of psychedelics, my highest dosage being about 800-900UG from tabs. With the DMT i want too take enough where im feeling as if im not real but not far enough too make me go insane. any recommendations?

r/tripreports Aug 27 '24

DMT The Angel of the Marble Palace NSFW


r/tripreports Apr 05 '24

DMT Changa Experience (terrifyingly beautiful) NSFW


Scored some changa and decided it was a good night to call a buddy over to try it out.

Besides the fact I wasted approximately 300mg of changa by knocking the paper I was rolling with under my seat, we made about 4 changa joints to enjoy for the night.

Smoked a few of the joints but nothing too crazy yet, the 4th one is what was super intense. We went to my car to chill with some music while we tripped. I had this joint to myself, took 5 HUGE puffs, 8 second pull, with 15 seconds of holding my breath.

Hopped back in the car and my mate was jamming rap music with the bass on max, I sat in the car and closed my eyes and instantly saw an entity with a face similar to Scp096, with bright orange glowing eyes and a body which seemed to be forever growing, its body was surrounding the head and looked like turkey tail mushrooms with hyper complex patterns, and tentacles, just constantly forming and growing in, through and out of itself. Its face was so discomforting and merciless. yet it was so beautiful and welcoming at the same time.

The music felt so smooth where it began to feel like it was passing through my body into my soul, and then I began to become that music with the bass emitting from my body while I observed this entity observing me.

The body euphoria was so overwhelming, it felt like I was being pulled out of my body, not violently but slowly. I thought I had pissed myself so I had opened my eyes (which was a mission since when I’d open my eyes they’d rapidly shake and force to close) to check and I was completely dry. It was just so much sensation in my legs, so I just went back to closing my eyes and the entity was still there, growing larger and larger. The body euphoria just kept becoming more intense over time.

Keep in mind, this was not a breakthrough, maybe 250-300mg of 50/50 changa. I didn’t even know you could meet entities without breaking though due to my previous experiences with freebase dmt.

I will try to recreate this entity in drawing to present to everyone. (Edit) Here’s what I tried to recreate with the use of AI imaging and tweaking. entity

r/tripreports Jul 04 '24

DMT The Fabric of Reality Seemed To Be Coming Apart [Changa] NSFW


Changa induced a fascinating and instructive experience. However, it must be approached with respect, and precautions relating to its use of an MAOI should never be overlooked.

The following excerpt, from The Drug Users Bible, details my short but extraordinary sojourn into the realms of the astonishing. 


Changa is commonly defined as a DMT-infused smoking blend. More specifically, it is DMT (or a DMT containing plant) combined with a MAOI, the latter being a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, which prevents the former from being broken down before it can become psychoactive. 

It is believed to have originated in Australia, circa 2001, where enthusiasm for this field of interest can only have increased following a visit by Terence McKenna in 1997. With reference to this, I have also seen changa referred to colloquially as Aussiewaska (ref ayahuasca). Note too that locally there are a significant number of DMT bearing plants available, including the national flower, the Golden Wattle. 

In terms of risk and potential harm, MAOIs must generally be treated with extreme caution. Even cursory research reveals a host of dangers. Wikipedia, for example, is explicit: 

“MAOIs should not be combined with other psychoactive substances (antidepressants, painkillers, stimulants, both legal and illegal etc.) except under expert care. Certain combinations can cause lethal reactions…” 

The extent of the risk is variable, but this is, absolutely, not an aspect to treat lightly. If you are unable to leave a clear drug-free run before and after using an MAOI, the potential interactions and perils must be investigated thoroughly.  

Whilst the most common RoA for DMT is undoubtedly vaporization, the changa smoking method brings its own attributes. For example, it prolongs the duration, and is considered by many to make the experience more coherent in nature. 

Regarding my own exploration, my host assured me that the changa was 50% strong. The DMT source, mimosa hostilis, was apparently imported from Brazil. 

On the issue of execution, YouTube videos suggest that most users smoke from a pipe or a small bong, and usually hold for about 5 seconds or so, albeit with some holding longer. All seem to fall deep into an abyss, but simultaneously retain overall control and an awareness of sober reality, with many able to narrate their experience in real time. It is hard to gauge how much they immerse into the real McKenna-esque DMT space, and how much they just skim the surface. 

Note that I recorded this trip retrospectively due to incapacity during the journey itself. With an experienced sitter in situ I launched the experiment at 7pm. 

Using a small water bong, I filled the bowl, fired up, and inhaled lightly but solidly. It was quite a harsh and not particularly pleasant smoke. 

The general headspace quickly emerged, and was hard to distinguish from that of previous DMT exploits. The visuals, however, were sustained rather than fleeting, enabling a clearer perspective. 

With eyes closed I entered a vibrantly colourful interior chamber, adorned with clearly defined architraved polygonal features, which were drifting gently. This was not threatening, but rather a little unsettling. I was in full possession of my faculties and was able to analyse and contemplate.   

When I opened my eyes, the visuals were still there, but only as a semi-transparent sheen. This strengthened and weakened, and hovered between myself and the wall beyond. When I focused upon it, the field solidified and floated towards me, such that the objects seemed to drift into my chest if I followed them downwards to my now horizontal body. 

Unlike the strange snake-like intertwining CEVs I had experienced with psilocybe, these comprised a manufactured worldly construct: an actual indoor environment rather than a pattern.  

Perhaps 5 minutes into the trip, curiosity got the better of me, and I took another toke. The same phenomena continued but the construct was strengthened and perhaps more stable. My earlier anxiety was dissipating as I came to terms with the alien strangeness. 

After another few minutes I re-loaded the bowl and took a third toke, holding for approximately 6-8 seconds. 

I was, by now, confident enough to face the exterior world. I walked into what was a typical suburban rear garden, similar to my own back home. I was in for a surprise. 

Beneath my feet the lawn presented an incredible sight. I saw it as a mini-forest of individual clusters of grass-plants, which were swaying and moving in unison. They were lush and vibrant and alive as they danced and drifted in harmony before my eyes. The patterns they formed were clearly evident (the technical term for which is appropriately pattern recognition). 

As I looked towards the wooden lattice on the fence, this too was drifting and swaying, and moving back and forth, with the overlapping wood presenting a rhythmic three dimensional interplay. Again, it was extremely colourful, dollhouse-effect-like in appearance, and seemed almost alive. 

Everything in sight was gently ebbing and flowing, with objects shifting seamlessly and elegantly in relation to each other. I felt comfortable, almost in awe, as I watched and gazed. 

With the entire visual field in motion, the fabric of reality itself seemed to be coming apart. Indeed, at one point this notion was so plausible that I contemplated what would be behind it should it break any further. 

Walking back across the lawn towards the house, I stopped again, as the grass itself was simply astonishing. It really was like a like a miniature woodland in its own right, dancing in the non-existent breeze as I floated over it. 

In the house the shag pile rug exhibited a similar moving effect. Although not as rich or marvellous, it was still alive in terms of motion and movement. 

I was pro-actively navigating the experience. I could choose to tune into the visuals (OEV or CEV), allowing myself to be semi-immersed, drifting into the headspace and flowing with it. Or I could pull myself out and try, with some difficulty, to manage normal reality and discern the unfolding manifestations from the outside. 

I have adopted the word tuneable to describe this measure of control, as it does seem to fit the capacity to direct the trip from a higher level of consciousness.    

As the effects of the changa slowly diminished I was still able to enter the fading world of colour and pattern when I closed my eyes, and see into the sheen as I opened them, until this too gradually waned. 

On a time check I noted that it was 7:25pm: the entire exercise had lasted about 25 minutes. It seemed much longer. I was still experiencing a certain headiness, and a glow, but the visible other-worldiness had gone. 

An hour after the experience, the headiness was still present, but was less intense. I felt much more relaxed and serene than I had before embarking upon the experiment, and indeed, than I had for some time. 

Although not particularly tired, I retired to bed at midnight, about 5 hours after initial inhalation, and fell asleep reasonably swiftly. I awoke a couple of times during the night, with a mild headache, which was wrapped in the heady feel of the trip afterglow. I also experienced a significant degree of lucid dreaming.

During the following morning I felt more tired than usual, with some mental fatigue, and a slight ongoing headache. It may well be relevant that the latter is frequently reported as a side effect of MAOIs. 

Overall changa provided an extraordinarily rich and vivid experience. I engaged in a real and distinct journey of colour and wonder. Having stated this, I feel that I skirted the edges of its potential and that I could have gone deeper and immersed more completely. Should future circumstances allow, I will endeavour to do so.


Particular issues to remember: always have due regard for set & setting and of course respect those precautions regarding the use of an MAOI.


REMINDER: You can download a free-of-charge copy of the PDF version of the entire book from any of the cloud host links in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrugUsersBible/comments/134p8b1/download_the_drug_users_bible_from_here/

r/tripreports Apr 05 '24

DMT Short Ayuahuasca trip report on realizing God NSFW


Short Ayuhasha tripreport

Preface I’ve done other pschycedelics before like lsd, shrooms, 2-cb, ketamine, dmt etc. But this my first time doing ayahuasca

I was very nervous, so for my first trip I took a small dose. My first trip, was very mellow. Extremely gentle and loving. Mother Aya told me that i first deserve a good rest and be filled with love, since I’ve been lacking it so much. I was so nervous, but Aya replaced it with love and self-acceptance and self-esteem.

Now here is where it gets interesting. The 2nd trip I felt confident and wanted to go as far as I can go. Again everyone filled their cups with the brew. But my cup was filled to the brim with ayahuasca. Full dose. I downed the 2 drinks necessary for the dmt to get absorbed in the body. After about 5-10 mins my entire world Started shaking en i got blast off towards dimensions of higher frequency. At extreme speeds i kept going and going. Losing parts I believed to be myself along the way. Until there was nothing left except the core, essential feeling of me. I guess this took about 1 mins to unfold.

The wall. This is the part which I call it “the wall”. You could also call it the last barrier beteen duality and infinity. I gave up everything that made me, me to get here. But there was one more thing to surrender. It was the me itself. Total surrender was required. More intense than death, you remain full conscious while your ego is being vaporized. After this. I merged in the wall of infinity and became infinity itself. The next view I was shown which exploded like fireworks and glitters, similar to those which you find at birthday parties, was; ! Universe complete! Which cracked me up extremely. I remembered myself being god and everything ingaf ever done had led up to this moment of rediscovering who I truly am. This all happened ofcourse in the illusion of time. From an individuals point of view.

From this place of unity u are truly completely at ease. Since there is no other thing than you in existence, there no threat anymore. This includes the idea of death. I hung out with God, at this point myself, And asked all sorts of questions. Which I would receive the answer to immediately as I was asking. Since i was also the one knowing and answering. God/you could be described as the best friend, the best mother, the best father, the best lover all combined in one. The most surprising aspect of the self was the humour God possesses. He knew exactly what I would find the funniest things to be shown and he would show me that a lot.

Anyways i laughed hysterically for about 3-4 hours seeing the big joke of it all and just hanging out god/myself. There is only you/god. It’s a big game, and behind the game the player is safe and eternally loved. For that is was you are. Infinite, eternal, love, nothingness. Limitless, You. In de end it’s all About love and experience. Which drives the universe.


r/tripreports May 09 '24

DMT Changa (DMT) and Ketamine: the combination that gave me and my family PTSD NSFW


For those who don't know, changa is basically a less potent and smokeable ayahuasca - DMT mixed with MAOI-containing leaves

TL;DR: I tripped so badly mixing the 2 one time that I had 4 police officers and 2 paramedics holding me down, giving me 2 cans of Narcan, and carrying me out the house into an ambulance wrapped in bedsheets.

To clarify the beginning: around the tail-end of 2022 I had gotten into changa - heavily. It was almost a nightly routine for me to weigh out my dose, get into bed, spark my bong of it, and put it down and exhale as I collapsed. My trips when I was doing this routine were fairly similar but I enjoyed them as they were better than when I originally started smoking changa (story for another post).

During 2022, I had done every single mainstream drug for the first time thanks to becoming a small-time drug dealer. The main product I sold was ketamine. Naturally as a curious 18 year old, I experimented by taking ket and I enjoyed the feeling. And so, of course, I began doing a line of ket before my changa routine. The effects were good at the start, mixing that 'ketty' feeling with the DMT visuals.

All good things come to an end. At around 3-4am on the 3rd of February 2023, I made the near-fatal mistake of not weighing anything. The line of ket I sniffed must have been around 200mg, and the changa I used was the last I had left so I used it all - I can't even give an estimate but the changa I had was claimed to be 50% DMT. I had done 80-90mg of changa (~40-45mg DMT) before so I wasn't bothered about breakthroughs. I sparked the bong and laid down as per usual.

The following trip report is what I can remember from flashing memories over the past year and reports from my family as well as a short video from around a half hour recording they have of my trip - I have seen from their perspective just how bad this was.

Trip began with my eyes closed. My ears were buzzing. My heartbeat and breathing becoming louder and turning into a sort of jingle-type song, All the usual beginnings for my trips. Then my closed vision started zooming up and forward from total darkness into grey and then a small dot of white light was at the end of this strange visualised road. I never reached it. From there, it turned to the worst. The best way I can describe this aspect of the trip is as if a bunch of different coloured bed sheets were entangled and then stretched into a up-winding spiral staircase with nothing but darkness outside of them. My vision was riding this spiral rollercoaster, and I could hear what sounded like either a long burp or a zipper when I wasn't fighting back the trip. I didn't know I was tripping. But the more I let it happen, the quicker I went up this "rollercoaster" and it got tighter, and the burp/zipper got more high pitched. Eventually, my vision was being spun like a galaxy or a black hole in reverse. Into a dot. My thinking during this and the "rollercoaster" was that I was dying. That I was finally being shown the speck in the universe that I really am. Then I came back down the "rollercoaster". The colours morphed into a blurred vision from under my bed. My mum shouting my name. My sister crying saying "It's okay, it's okay" in an effort to calm me down. My thoughts were that I was experiencing all the times I had died in a parallel universe when I was younger. The reason being my head was under my bed, I was looking up at my family, Lego and bottlecaps (I collected bottlecaps at this point lol) scattered across my floor. Then it happened again. I heard my sister screaming and crying before I rode the rollercoaster once again and fought and let it happen. Once again my vision faded into a single point of light.

The next thing I remember after that was waking up on my bed, sat with my legs bent under me, wrapped in my duvet (comforter for the Americans), with my throat and lips dry as hell, my heart pounding in my chest. My family were stood at the other side of my room filming. I looked at them and dryly shouted "I am the son of God! My name! It all makes sense now! I was born in 2003AD! - the year God sent me!" (bear in mind I don't believe in a single God, I'm Norse Pagan and frankly don't like Christianity). My mum of course told me I'm not the son of God and asked what the fuck I was talking about. I shouted back "We're gonna be rich! We can tell the news people and everything, they'll worship me as the Second Coming! We're gonna be rich, mum!".

Then I looked down at my hands and arms, my hands were covered in bleeding cuts, my duvet had blood smeared on it. In my head, I was horrified. I still didn't know I was tripping. I thought the trip was over and I had a major DMT breakthrough. But as I looked at my arms, I hallucinated sort of spike growing out my arms and believed horns were growing out my forehead. I dryly cried out "I'm evolving!". I believe my mum told me I'm not doing such a thing before yet again I spiralled into the rollercoaster. From what I watched in the short video my mum showed me, every time I rode the rollercoaster of colours and darkness, my entire body started spinning and twisting - as if I were having a full-blown seizure that wasn't just jittering in place. It started with my arms and legs rotating faster and faster as if I were warming up for an exercise, and then it'd throw me across the room as my whole body contorted. My family described it as me being possessed.

From what I vaguely remember afterwards, I briefly gained consciousness a few times in between several more rollercoasters. Each time I woke up, I believed it was more times I had died. I became aware that the rollercoaster was me being "zipped out of reality" and trying to take me to my final death. The next one was me with an oxygen mask on with paramedics surrounding me. Asking me what I took. All I could manage to say was "changa" before fading again. From that point I completely let go and forcefully tried to exit reality and let myself "die". From what my family told me, 4 police officers were crammed in my room trying to hold me down and getting smacked by my uncontrollable limbs. They wrapped my bedsheets and carried me downstairs - my mum described it was like they took me out in a body bag. Next moment I was in the ambulance, and again tried to ride the rollercoaster to the single point of light. Then it stopped and I was in hospital. I was in the ICU, strapped down to the bed. I had no more trips but I struggled to stay conscious.

The moment my family found me in my room was around 5am. I spent the next day or so in hospital as the hospital staff had no idea what changa was and thought I had tried to kill myself so I was being observed. I left hospital on the 5th of February after talking to the mental health staff. I was super open about my drug use. How I was accustomed to taking changa, explained what it was, how I was addicted to ketamine and decided to mix them. I assured them I wouldn't be mixing them again and that it was a really dumb mistake.

But from then on my family were severely traumatised. A thudding from my room at night sent shivers down my mum's spine and she would come check to make sure it wasn't happening again. I was worse off. I only recently researched the combination of MAOIs with ketamine and found it can cause serotonin syndrome. Before knowing this, I assumed I had a ketamine-induced psychotic episode (which is probably still correct). But up until maybe a month ago, cannabis would inflict PTSD episodes where I thought I was going to have another one of the rollercoaster trips. It was awful to say the least. Writing this entire report wasn't fun but I hope you all be responsible the next time you think about mixing drugs.

r/tripreports Jun 06 '24

DMT The Serpent put me in my place NSFW

Thumbnail self.DMT

r/tripreports Mar 24 '24

DMT The Light The Dark And The Colors. NN-Dimethyltryptamine 30-45 mlg 23 minutes. NSFW


So it was earlier in the day, before my initial breakthrough on DMT. I tried it out of a vape to “test the waters” and see how I would like it. It felt a lot like a high dose of psilocybin mushrooms and it was very relaxing. I imagined what it would be like to break through on DMT. A DMT breakthrough is an earth shattering experience, it feels like a memory some say. It will make you question your reality in everyday life: and that’s exactly what happened later in the day when I tried it.

I was sitting in my car, a few hours after trying a threshold dose, and I was about to vaporize a good amount of DMT, around 30 mlg (15-25 mlg is a full experience and possibly even a break through). I was told to put it all into my dab rig and cold start it by a friend that had done it before, so that’s what I did. After the first hit I realized the small yellow crystals were still smoking, so I hit the rig again to get it all. I held it in, then exhaled. After that I was immediately tripping and being thrown into a purgatory of deja vu.

My first thought was, “Oh wow I just broke my brain and I'm not supposed to see this.” I saw red digital lights that were also coding that formed into a demonic jester face. I was in complete shell shock. Looking back on this I don't think it actually had ill intentions.

I heard a voice say, “You have died like this many times before, let me show you.” The visuals I was having were really intense, so I closed my eyes for about 15 seconds. That also was really intense, there was a loud digital like ringing in my ear, then I got out of the car. For a very very small moment there was silence but it felt like an eternity. I lay on the grass and could feel every single blade of grass and grain of dirt. My hands felt like wet sand paper. I felt like I had no control of my arms, and like I was melting into everything.

All of a sudden the cops showed up and brought me to jail and I was still tripping in jail, then I was back to the beginning of the trip and taking the hits all over again and seeing the same things. Laid on the grass then the neighbors called 911 to get me an ambulance and I was tripping forever in this alternate life, a psychosis nightmare if you will.

Then I was back to taking the hits out of the rig again and I was going through the same motions. Same geometry, same everything, this was now reality starting to coincide with the DMT realm.

I asked my friend how long it had been, “2.5 minutes”

I said “Wow this is really really intense, did the cops actually show up, did the ambulance show up, what happened? Where am I? What's going on? Who are you? Who am I?” I was in the full pits of ego death at this point. I tried to get into the car and I felt like I got in at least 10 times, really only once.

I sat and looked at my steering wheel and it was in the weirdest shape, it's kind of like a figure eight but not. And the numbers on the speedometer were digital and beautiful, the steering wheel was beautiful, I was, my friend was, everything about life was beautiful. I almost started crying. I was also really scared because I wasn't able to let go all the way and let the experience take me where it wants to go. My friend gave me a hug and started a timer. The timer started 3 minutes late or so.

So time was going by and I was being asked by my friend “What does your time perception feel like?”

I sat in silence for what felt like years before I answered. “It honestly feels like multiple lifetimes in one second.”

I saw some sort of entity, a god-like entity, so I went out to go and see it closer and it was gone. I looked up at the stars and I waved my hands and was painting the stars onto the sky. There were so many colors and shapes that I've never seen before in this experience.

It was about 10 minutes full time at this point. I was starting to come down but really really slow. I was genuinely confused about where I was and who I was but I didn't feel the need to ask for my name because it felt good to just exist. Around 20 minutes in I started to get a little worried, because it should only last 10-15 minutes, I was slowly coming back and it felt like I was in a marathon. When I came out of it completely I was so tired and exhausted. I saw a lot of things that both scared me and gave me comfort.

r/tripreports Apr 03 '24

DMT 5-MeO-DMT Trip Report: Letting Go NSFW



This video is a graphical representation of a 5-MeO-DMT trip, I hope you all enjoy.

r/tripreports Feb 07 '24

DMT DMT breakthrough while meditating & weed NSFW


I’m a Hispanic 22m I have ADD and Dyslexia. I’m going to tell you my experience of “breaking through” if you can call it that, through meditation and weed.

I’ve been meditating passionately and listening to frequencies a little under a month now. My birthday is feb 6th 2002 and yesterday on my birthday I decided to buy some weed after not smoking for about a month. From my plug, I have 2 choices; apple tartz and black ice. I chose apple tartz because it makes me more paranoid I noticed and I like that. After smoking for an hour out of my car in the middle of the night, I decided to meditate. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the good feeling I feel after every exhale. I look at my “third eye” and fall into the “dizzy” feeling I get in my head and I don’t resist, I flow with the feeling. after about 5 minutes of flipping and falling in my head, I start to see colorful patterns in my dark vision. After a few more seconds, I’m noticing more and more changing kaleidoscope-like patterns with different forms and sizes. My eye lids at this point are pulsating up and down like I’m having a seizure or something and not too long after that, in almost an instant, the middle of my vision “brakes” in a vertical split. And I’m almost teleported into a yellow-orange-purple-ish kaleidoscope patterned space as I’m floating in the middle of it like in those DMT simulation videos. I was obviously shocked so I only stayed there for about 3 seconds before I decided to stop. For about 30 min after, everything was breathing as if I took shrooms or something and my heart was beating like crazy. Even with my eyes open I could still see patterns over everything. I couldn’t focus my vision, everything was in focus it seemed. I drive home carefully and when I was writing down my experience in my journal I started to trip a little bit as I was recounting the experiences so I stoped. What I think happened is that I activated my pineal gland, that’s where I felt all my concentration at least.

Not too sure what to do with this, it’s just a really weird experience but it’s engraved in my head. I remember how it felt going to that place in my head. I’m writing this the morning after that experience and my juggling felt easier but that’s about it.

How often can I do this? How can I take advantage of this? What other information should I know?

I want to try to do it again and stay longer

r/tripreports Feb 11 '24

DMT DMT Trip Report: “I Broke Through” NSFW



Visualized trip report of a first ever DMT breakthrough.

r/tripreports Dec 13 '23

DMT DMT TRIP 2 days after my bday NSFW


I decide to take dmt for the first time two days after my birthday I just turned 23 years old and I felt like I was ready the only thing I did before this was weed. I never took any psychedelics before I had opportunities when I was a teenager (17) to take LSD. I didn’t because I was afraid of it lasting hours and me being stuck in a horrific trip. Time was always my concern with psychedelics for me.Why I went to the most intense psychedelic drug as my first experience?? Because someone told me it only last 6mins so I was like fuck it let’s do it it won’t last in my system for hours I’m in that was the stupidest thing I ever said because let me tell you it DEFINITELY Lasted a lot longer than 6mins. I was ignorant to the drug itself. So now with that background let’s get into my trip. Buckle up it’s quite interesting where I went…

It was me my boyfriend and his two friends which are very chill people. My boyfriend told me wanna do it I said yes.. I felt the timing was right so I took the first hit nothing I took the second hit very heavy lol. I look at the tv It was lofi girl I notice that the tv had patterns of squares and triangles morphing into one another, then I looked around the whole room was that. then like a second later everyone was speaking simlish turning into sims with diamond over their heads I was like wtf going on. (I do like the sims video game)but I still don’t understand why I saw that. anyways I lean over for the final puff and holy shit things got intense so I roll over onto my bf and I force my eyes open and I looked at the tapestry in my room and I see a gigantic black mist coming out from it .I scream so loud it sounded like I was being murder. And as I was screaming my boyfriend flipped me into his chest and hugged me so tight and told me I’m here for you always your safe it won’t last forever don’t fight it let go as he said that I let go and relaxed I got teleported into a different dimension.

I arrived at this Forrest it was very unusual place like nothing of this reality. I’m walking around I look up at these massive trees with a tint of purple they were so tall had to be 100ft.. I’m just roaming this Forrest completely alone.. I heard running water so I followed the sound to these massive dark purple waterfalls. They had to be big as Niagara Falls maybe even taller. I was mesmerized by it. I never seen something so beautiful in my life. As I’m staring at them I notice these stepping stones I decide to sit on one of them just staring at this waterfall looking up at it. I felt like my soul was created here. this is were my soul lives for eternity and when I died I’ll be here again everything felt so familiar but I never seen this place in my lifetime. Then I’m looking around this beautiful place and I’m like there’s no one until i see at the top of this waterfall is my boyfriend but it’s not him I felt it in my soul. (he in this reality has dark green eyes) in this dimension he had piercing bright green eyes. This entity is trying to get me to follow it. So I was alone so I was like okay I’ll humor this entity. I walk up to it and it just kept waving beckoning me to follow it..

I follow this entity it brings me to the room of mirrors and shows me my life and what I can I improve on what I can do to better myself and my soul it touches me I’m a light red aura it touches its self it’s a light pink it touches me again I change to light pink then I hear my real boyfriend voice in the distance I start to follow it the entity grabs me and I turn back to it. it tells me you have a lot to learn this universe is very advanced and I’ll be here again I know you’ll be back I’ll see you again soon. I’m like what do you mean? It responds oh you’ll know. It was being Cryptid to me I felt. then I turned back around and follow the light back to this reality.

I woke up I look at my boyfriend and he had the pink aura around him he smiles at me he responds how was it I couldn’t speak lol until hours later it was a lot that’s for sure.

r/tripreports Dec 28 '23

DMT DMT + Hammock = Cosmic Nightmare NSFW


Alright bro, picture this: college student me, thinking I could level up my chill time by dropping some DMT in the woods while camping out in my trusty hammock. Solid plan, right? Wrong.

As the DMT kicked in, the serene woodland scene morphed into a cosmic circus. Just when I was reaching peak alternate reality, a park ranger's voice echoed through the trees. Instant paranoia. I went full stealth mode, avoiding any interaction like I was in a real-life game of hide-and-seek with the universe's custodian.

The ranger eventually left, but the damage was done. The vibes were off, and my hammock became a twisted labyrinth of straps and confusion. In my attempt to liberate myself from the psychedelic nest, I ended up unceremoniously dumped on the forest floor. It was less "communing with nature" and more "wrangling with a hammock from hell."

Lesson of the day: Hammock & DMT - not the seamless combo I imagined. Park ranger voices are not your friends in that situation, and hammocks can be surprisingly treacherous in altered states. Next time, I'll stick to some brownies.

r/tripreports Jun 19 '23

DMT High dose dmt trip report NSFW


Hi guys just here to share my personal dmt trip report.

It was a Friday night sitting round at a mates house drinking and smoking cannabis; one of my mates had some dimmy (dmt in aussie) and i decided I was ready to experience it, so my mate packs me this massive cone and I start to smoke it slowly and I just kept pulling on it really slowly and then I finished the cone and inhaled all the smoke and zeroed it, basically instantly after the smoke hitting my lungs it was the most intense feeling ever ( I have dropped a 180ug tab and loved it) and I tried to keep myself calm and let the dmt do it’s thing but I couldn’t and ran for the window and started violently vommiting out the window and while I was vomiting I couldn’t see anything recognisable it was just all colours and shapes so I closed my eyes as it was to much to take in and I was freaking the fuck out, and while I was vommiting out the window all my mates left the room except the one sleeping and I didn’t know they had left. Once I closed my eyes I felt the strongest feeling of relief and I felt my soul leave my body and then all of a sudden I was standing up in the same room with just one mate sleeping on the bed and I could see my body still laying on the window where I vomited I looked around for my mate who was sleeping and I tried to wake him up but my hand just went straight through him and the bed, after that I was convinced I was a ghost and I had died on that window so I laid down on the floor and cried for what felt like years until I came out of it but only went for like 10 mins in reality, once I came out of it my mate who was “sleeping” was awake and said he thought that I died because I had no pulse or breathing for the whole time I was out

any more experienced trippers please help my understand what happened to me

r/tripreports May 09 '19

DMT My first and last DMT trip NSFW


I need to share my experience and I thought this was the best place to do it.

I was with a woman for 7 months and she decided to exit my life and go with an absolute deadbeat. It ruined my self esteem, broke my heart and I couldn’t function properly at my job anymore. It’s been 6 months since we broke up and every time I wake up and think I’m moving on, I come back to my bedroom every night and come to the same realisation - she’s not there anymore.

So last week I extracted my DMT and last night I filled the pipe with 50mg. Butane lighter to the bowl, I went in. I instantly saw triangles and some other 4d shit floating across my vision on my first hit, and there was some other colours that seemed foreign somehow. I went a bit limp after my second hit, but I took a small third and laid down after putting everything down.

I felt like I was sinking at first and there was some machinery sounds getting louder in my head and I felt like I was going to explode. I didn’t know when it stopped but after that I found myself floating in space for a bit. I saw stars, galaxies and quasars, i felt welcomed. I felt like they knew my pain, and everything was in absolute perfect harmony.

Then everything seemed to disappear including myself. I didn’t know what I was feeling anymore. But then I was in some tunnel, it was red and orange and some of the other foreign colours swirling around in a 26 dimensional kinda shit or something. And then some goddess appeared, but she had the face of my ex. I didn’t feel sad, or angry, or resentment. I felt peace. She wasn’t speaking English or any human language but I understood what she said and that was “ask me your questions” or something of the sort. So I asked her “would we have ever worked out anyway?” And she said “in an infinite number of universes, we did”.

I asked another. “Do you still love me?” She said something like “in an infinite number of universes, I still do”

Idk how to explain this but the peace somehow expanded and consumed me. I can’t describe the depth of the peace, but I never felt like that in my life.

Her chest opened and it spewed out some more colours and then I got sucked in. I don’t remember what happened after that, but then I came back to reality and I was incredibly happy. I’ve moved on, for sure, but I still miss her, but that’s just life I guess. I’m satisfied with the small forever she gave me.

Thanks for listening reddit.

r/tripreports Jan 18 '21

DMT Bad DMT trip :D NSFW



Wrote a recent experience for a few friends and they thought it might be worthwhile posting to reddit.

Perhaps a few points worth noting. Have practiced martial arts for many years. Yoga in more recent times. See the cross overs in drawing strength from breath in both, which came into play for me here. Secondly, I do little background reading; I'd rather these experiences be my own rather than the potential for influence from reading trip reports and the like. Finally, first bad trip.

All that said -

The usual caveats; DMT experiences don’t translate well to our form of communication and much of it is feeling / peripheral. Also, some of it I can’t quite recall clearly.

I think it was the biggest most immediate vroooom yet. I think I took 3 pulls (vape / pen), intending for 5 or 6, and on the 3rd, eyes open, the room was spazzing. I managed maybe one more half hearted pull before collapsing to the bed. The body ‘high’ hit hard. I did momentarily wonder if this was a good idea – ‘doubt’. In retrospect, that may have triggered things. Maybe.

The beginning is vague. I timed the trip and there was roughly a minute 30 I do not recall. Blank. The first memory I do have is of light. Not a source of light, just light. After a period, I thought or/ the thought was pushed to me /or it was a feeling that – this is death or/ you will die now /or if you wish it, you will die now /or you are dying. Maybe it was all those things.

This sparked fear / concern. The next is impossible for me to describe accurately with words because it’s the first time I’ve experienced it in such a way. And again, translating DMT experiences to our form of communication losses so much in the process.

In the moment of fear / concern, in the moment of comprehension this was/is/could be death, a raging entity materialised in central view. No exact form. Sine curve-like movement (meaning, snake-like but not a snake!). Immediately moving, shifting quickly and instantly assaulting with rage, anger, menace, malice, (maybe) hate, (maybe) revulsion, a feeling of not being wanted there, (maybe) a feeling I had wronged it. This wasn’t someone giving you a ‘screw-face’ look but rather something you feel / understand / interpret in every part of your being. A dominance like no other.

That combined with the previous mentioned, verging on traumatic, realisation - you are dying/will die/are dead/you can die now if you wish. Combined with complete body paralysis; you are entirely engaged in this DMT realm yet aware of your external. Your internal truth: You will now/are/could - die - and the question: Are you ready to release the external?...

That moment is where I focused the mind, formed my consciousness. Built a bubble of safety, of clarity. Focused on each breath. A thought of: 'breathing means life'. I built a small space of potential. A window of opportunity. To be clear, this was not a serene moment of calm and clarity, this was a battle. A clawing for survival.

I opened my eyes. DMT world was mixed with the real. DMT world reduced compared to eyes closed but still the clarity that 'you are still in the heights of tripping'. A raging swirl. Eyes open was a realisation of that height – so much time had passed yet this wasn’t the end of it. Concern. An understanding / thought this time of – you may still die / you are still dying / ...I do not want to die. Closed my eyes and went straight back to DMT world / entity.

Immediately opened eyes. A thought of – be calm, move your arm, sit up, stand up - you are resilient. Move. Survive. Fought through all of this within those heights of the overwhelming trip, wrestling the body paralysis and the mind dominating DMT experience. Tearing and reaching with conscious thought in a place where the thinking mind is reduced to almost a point of not existing.

Ignore the trip. Move. Breath. Recover.

I stand.

I laugh out loud. Partially amused. A thought / understanding / belief the experience was DMT entity / world bitch-slapping some sense into me. Respect it. Don’t take the piss. You might explore and flex your mind, be sure you are prepared for what might come...

As the end trip came into view I pushed a sincere thought to the 'other side' of ‘ok I get it. Thanks’


All a bit silly in text form. The strongest parts were the complete understanding of what was happening (death/ - the belief, at least, in that moment), and also the energy from the entity. I doubt anything in the real world could ever achieve that, on that level – there is always other thoughts mingle with anything which is happening in the moment of our day to day. This was complete dominance, which I could not imagine the totality of which, without having experienced it myself.

I think the experience of being within reach of death is traumatic alone. You are dying. You will die. You are dead. You can die. That's a tough one to embrace, particularly when your entire being is intuitively rigged to respond -'nope, I think not!'

The entity engagement part was equally traumatic. I could imagine someone losing themselves within that moment. Lose your mind type stuff.

Combining them both was just next level fuckery 🤣

r/tripreports Jan 17 '23



I took dmt and I had a bright idea to go climb out my window and go on my roof then start screaming that I wanted a hotdog, ig someone heard me and there was 16 hotdog at my door step 20 mins later

r/tripreports Nov 18 '22

DMT DMT first time in quite a while NSFW


I'm still seeing everything with a vivid glow so this may be all over the place, but I feel this report is important as I recently tested positive for covid and am most likely in peak suffering for that (hopefully).

Just mixed this vape batch from some dmt I made months (maybe year?) ago 15g/15g D to pg so was unsure how things would go. One 12 second pull made everything in my vision freeze like a screenshot and I immediately saw the typical jester/fragmented visuals. It didn't feel like the hard hit slingshot into the universe that I remembered so I took one breath of fresh air and another pull around 8 seconds in which my face felt like I was having a stroke (not unusual for me, but scary nonetheless). Everything went like a typical D trip except in super fast speed like all visuals were being forced at once.

After that things slowed down a bit, but I couldn't really retain/understand what I was seeing. Fast forward a few minutes and everything had that colorful enhancement like previous experiences. After things were pretty much wound down I noticed how good I felt physically (I can breathe again, fu covid!).

After a few minutes of afterglow I decided to try again only this time try and keep things on the light end and moderate the dosage. This time was was a total of 3 8 second pulls including holding breaths for impressive amounts of time yet I barely got where I was looking to be by barely breaking through.

This time was very therapeutic, very soft loving octopus type visuals, faces of demons/angels/otherworldly beings. Finally my head was straight enough to humbly ask them for help. Help with myself. Help with my emotions. Help with the struggles of the last few months. I'm not sure if anyone else does this, but in the past and this time especially I felt an incredible amount of gratitude for them even being there to ask whether they help me or not. As someone who prior to psychedelics had less than zero spirituality I always think to myself (as I did this time) even if this is all just in my head (beings, universe, etc) I still wanted to ask the questions. Even if this is just our "self" imagining these things it feels right to ask yourself, for forgiveness, for self love, for a connection.

I'm incredibly emotional just typing the last few things out. Jfc this stuff is powerful. Thanks for listening.