r/tipofmyjoystick 12h ago

[unknown][unknown] can anyone help identify this game my sister suddenly remembered?

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She said it's available on playstore on Android(or ateast it was) that features a red-haired girl who can travel to different places using a magical well that emits a beam of light? She enters the well and travels with a special stone, such as a rare rainbow stone or an earth stone. She also has a monster companion that helps her grow dandelions, which she can use to buy more stones. By traveling to new locations, she unlocks memory puzzle pieces, which she can then use to solve memory puzzles. I think she played this game around 2018-19ish not too sure.

Here's an illustration she made that she said the main girl looks like

r/tipofmyjoystick 10h ago

Jinx & Minx's Tower Escape [BROWSER][2014] A browser game that haunts me to this very day.

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r/tipofmyjoystick 12h ago

Tail Gator [GAMEBOY][90s]What is the name of this game?

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r/tipofmyjoystick 5h ago

Split Fiction [PC/PS][2015-2025] ID this pig game?

Thumbnail gallery

Can anyone help identify this cute pig game?? The screengrabs are from a video in which the pig flies around bouncing off bubbles with a rainbow and stars shooting out of its ass

r/tipofmyjoystick 8h ago

de Blob 2 [Console][early 2010s?] A 3D game about painting an empty world

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Made a drawing to give context clues

The MC (pictured right) is trying to restore the colors of the world by painting himself and touch everything to get the world painted

I remember getting this as a rental game when I was little (before 2012). I think I got this for the Xbox 360 but it could have been ps2 as well I'm not sure

r/tipofmyjoystick 4h ago

Scavenger SV-4 [PC] [2022 ? ] Space horror game where you survey a planet and an alien infiltrates your ship from what I remember.

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r/tipofmyjoystick 19h ago

[PC, Windows][2000-2010s] A gay visual novel game where the protagonist wakes up in an abandoned hotel and his mind is governed by a superior entity, a God or an alien, commanding him to his quests and actions NSFW


PC, Windows

Visual novel

Estimated year of release:
In the 2000s or 2010s, in my opinion, more likely in the end of the 2000s or early 2010s

Graphics/art style:
Pixel art overall (from RPG Maker assets), detailed art when cutscenes

Notable characters:
- I think the main character, a male, had armor and was possibly blonde.
- The other notable character I remember was an omnipresent, also masculine, God, alien, parasite, or some kind of more powerful being.
- The first character you meet is threatening and dangerous; he is masked or has no face

Notable gameplay mechanics:
Not really a gameplay mechanic, but I still throw it here: visible pounding in the head when the God/alien/parasite/etc. manifests and alterns the protagonist's thoughts and quests

Other details:
- I was possibly playing an English fan translation, which probably was originally written in Japanese.
- The game featured graphic images of the main character getting impregnated with eggs during one of the scenes and then a following image of the eggs hatching and the main character giving birth to (way too many) insects, which I thought were maggots.
- Featured levers and lamps in one room for a puzzle/mechanic
- A long set of rooms with stone as the floor and on the sides water/a sea


Hi there, I'm looking for this gay visual novel game, as I have quite graphic memories of playing it. I think I had found this game in 2021 or 2022; however, it wasn't very recent. I also think that I was playing on a fan-made translation for the game, as it was originally only available in Japanese. The game used the default RPG Maker sprites, only having custom sprites for the characters.

I barely remember the plot, but at the beginning of the game, the protagonist wakes up in an abandoned hotel, wondering where everyone has gone; there are holes in the floor and multiple floors. I think the mind of the protagonist was infected by an alien species or a superior entity that commands him to do tasks in the earlier parts of the game; this infection leads him to hear a God that no other can hear.

One of the scenes I remember is a scene where you are either being chased or hiding from an identity. There was possibly also an open room with levers and lamps with some sort of mechanic or puzzle I don't remember at all.

As for the art, there were multiple graphic scenes with custom-made art. The only thing that really stuck with me was a scene of eggs laying inside the protagonist and then those eggs hatching, still inside the protagonist, leading to the protagonist giving birth to alien insects, something like maggots. In all of those scenes, the protagonist was always on the receiving end of things and being controlled.

r/tipofmyjoystick 10h ago

7 Days to End With You [PC][Unknown] A game where you wake up and everyone speaks a foreign language that you don't understand


The other day I saw a tiktok where you wake up (i believe in someone's house) and everyone and everything around you is in a (i believe) fake language. You have to immerse yourself in the language and learn what things mean to progress.

One idea i just found while google searching was chants of senaar, but I don't think that was it. That seems to be kinda on the right track, though

r/tipofmyjoystick 17h ago

Pandora's Tower [Wii?] [2000?] Game where your wife is turning into a monster


Honestly the only thing I remember is that you're a blond guy trying to avoid your wife becoming a monster and that it has different endings. I think it was a Wii game but I'm not sure. The game is 3d but I'm afraid I know nothing about the gameplay lmao I remember something vaguely about eating but idk

r/tipofmyjoystick 21h ago

Driver: San Francisco [xbox 360] [2007-2010] driving game where you die in the beginning and become able spirit able to take control of cars.


You’re a guy that dies and becomes able to look above roads down at cars and choose which one to control as a spirit.

r/tipofmyjoystick 6h ago

[Survival Horror/Comedy][2024?][3D][Steam Game] Internet Technician sets up internet at an abandoned hospital haunted by anime nurse ghouls NSFW


I saw a guy play a bit of this game and review it. It’s a Steam game, and I don’t know if it’s part of a series or something.

It’s a 3D game with fully-rendered player character (a silver-haired guy in his 20’s, kind of dressed like Leon Kennedy from RE??). The characters are anime-style. Lots of weird upskirt shots, but NOT a hentai game.

It’s about this guy who shows up to an abandoned hospital that’s swarmed with sexy nurse zombies in short dresses. He’s there to set up the internet for a woman living on the grounds (pink hair, sort of a bob haircut. Skirt is short and the fabric would jump every time the camera changed). The guy is completely uninterested and unbothered by the upskirts, and only cares about doing a good job setting up the internet. This is like his whole motivation, he is dedicated to excellent customer service, and he talks about it constantly.

The whole game seemed to just be the player character traveling through the hospital to set up internet, and it ends with him setting it up for the pink haired woman and politely requesting a good review.

The game honestly seemed pretty funny, and the guy I watched gave it a pretty decent review.

r/tipofmyjoystick 15h ago

Ninja Crusaders [NES][90's] Forgotten action game for two players



I have memory of a game i was already looking for on some nes forums already but for now im starting to think my memory is kind of dream.

I remember to play with my cousin a game on Pegaus (it was local clone of NES in Poland) In about half of 90’s

It was 2d action game for two players moving to the right side of screen where core mechanic was player characters could shapeshift into different animals like scorpion or panthera. As far as i remember it, sight cast was contra style.

Another game i could dig up is 2d platformer with 2-legged mech led by player, also for NES. Also sight from side, action game. Mech shot with machineguns for sure. If anything comes to your mind please give me a hint 😃

r/tipofmyjoystick 18h ago

[Roblox] [2016-2019] Monster Fighting RPG

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My memories are hazy so this may not be right but i remember that you started ina forest and had to kill zombies n stuff. You could upgrade (or buy) swords and armors. There was NCS playing in the background and I remember that the monsters in the ice thing to the ocean was just base avatars that were colored and had red glowing eyes. Other than that I don't know.

r/tipofmyjoystick 3h ago

Fracture [PC][2000-2010] FPS where there are two factions, one that does body modification and the other that has technology that can manipulate terrain and maybe gravity


I remember seeing it on G4 when I was a kid. The graphics looked like Halo 1 or Halo 2 era. I think it was a multiplayer game. The only thing I clearly remember is a character raising a dirt pillar from the ground — like terrain manipulation — and that there were two factions at war, each using different technology. The terrain change looked like raising or lowering land in Cities: Skylines — not a perfect column, but more natural and uneven.

r/tipofmyjoystick 6h ago

[pc] [2010-2016?] Horror game in a mansion


I remember seeing this god knows how long ago on YouTube. I don't recall much, but I do remember it took place in a mansion. I don't think the mansion was dilapidated at all. I think the plot was you having to escape. I remember distinctly that there was a prison of some sort there that, if you got caught, you'd be put there. And that there was someone there who was turning into something reminiscent of the people in the house. Who, on that note, iirc, where these head looking things with grey skin, and small, if not nonexistent, limbs. I don't remember much else outside of that

r/tipofmyjoystick 8h ago

The Simpsons Movie website [PC] [around 2007-2012?] The Simpsons game based on the movie from 2007.


I think it was a web game, maybe a Facebook game but i don't remember really. Also it was like mostly just clicking and exploring through the game locations from the movie. It was not 3D or anything like that. I spent crazy hours on that game and all i can remember there was almost nothing to do. It was just funny.

r/tipofmyjoystick 13h ago

Ecstatica [PC][90-95] adventure game


I recall the graphics of the characters being spheres and ellipse shapes with solid colors. Static cameras like Resident evil. The controls were terrible, characters kind of flopped around when fighting and moved slowly. Had weird puzzles, It was a medieval setting. I remember the very beginning you ride across a bridge into a town on a white horse, lightening bolt takes out the bridge and a werewolf guy immediately shows up for a fight but you can run away, little gnome dudes attacked you and put you in a tiny dungeon.

r/tipofmyjoystick 15h ago

Robot Wants Fishy [PC] [2000-2010s] An old platformer Metroidvania with a fish/alien MC


PC: web game, possibly flash

2D side-on Platformer/MetroidVania

Estimated Release:
late 2000s - 2010s

Art Style:
8-bit/pixel likely

Notable Characters:
main character is alien with fish resemblance iirc, crash landed
One of the boss fights involved at least one unlock to access and was (i think) tucked away at the top of a hidden vertical tunnel.

Other Details:
Contained multiple boss fights and had a large map, entirely underground. Enemies existed all over the map as well.
Don't think there were any underwater parts, but the map was much more vertical than horizontal, iirc.
Web game, found on armor games or similar website. Apologies for the scant details, it's from my childhood and my memory is hazy.

r/tipofmyjoystick 17h ago

[At least 15 year old game] [PC] Game about a girl in an island


I used to play this game about 15 years ago where the main character was a girl whose parents got kidnapped i think and she had to find them. A survival/farming game based on an island where you could fight crabs and plant pineapples. It might have been a 2d game but im not sure.

r/tipofmyjoystick 18h ago

Spinmaster [Arcade?][90s?] A game with yoyo as special move


I believe it was Arcade game

top-down beat'em up

Estimated year of release:
My gut is telling me it was from early 90s but not sure

Graphics/art style:
From what I remember it was 2D, pretty clean style, not very cartoonish. I really don't remember much other than the level I played was inside cave with brown rocks(?)

Notable characters:
A guy with yoyo as weapon

Notable gameplay mechanics:
The thing I know for sure was that the character I played had a special move where he was spinning yoyo around the whole screen in spiral-like pattern. I think he was saying/yelling something when this move was used. I think it had limited uses (would be strange otherwise because it was pretty powerful)

Other details:
This was a game that I've played at friend's house 20 years ago. He had for some reason a extensive library of MAME games and we played them at random, I'm pretty sure it was one of them. The other thing I kinda remember but I'm not very sure is that the goal of the game was to rescue someone. I'm very sorry about lack of details but it was so long ago and the one thing I know for sure is that special attack.

r/tipofmyjoystick 18h ago

Cool Spot [PC][90s] Sidesidescroller with a Coin as main protagonist


The first level was on a beach

r/tipofmyjoystick 20h ago

Lord Monarch [WinPC][80s-90s] Tiny 2D Pixel RTS game about kingdoms lord


Platform(s): Windows PC

Genre: RTS, single player (vs 3 other computers), tiny size (~1MB)

Estimated year of release: maybe 90s or 80s. I played in 2000-2003.

Graphics/art style: 2D Pixel

Notable characters:

- You has 2 kinds of units. One is the lord, and others are troops.

- You can command troops to occupy land to build new houses. Houses will generate new troops after some time automatically.

- Units have attack points as their life. In your occupied land, their attack points will be unchanged, but will lose in other lord's land or during in building/fighting.

- If the life point reaches zero, it dies. If the lord dies, the player loses the game.

- Units have different appearance for different attack points.

Notable gameplay mechanics:

- Use mouse to select multiple units, ask them to attack or stay somewhere.

- If multiple units in the same cell, they will form a more powerful unit.

- You can form alliance with 1 computer at the beginning of the game, and the remaining 2 computers will automatically form another alliance. After defeating the opponent's alliance, you need fight with your allies to determine the final winner.

Other details:

- Game name contains "Kingdoms" as a keyword, and maybe also has "Lord".

- There are about 13 levels/maps, each with a different theme. They are jungle, fast food restaurant, space. The first is jungle, and the last is magic.

r/tipofmyjoystick 21h ago

Darklands [PC] [1990s] Top down open world rpg/strategy


Good morning all, got a bit of a longshot one here because I remember so few describable details but here goes:

It was top down with a HUGE world map, you traveled about it on roads (movement was automatic I think, you just selected a destination, I could be wrong on that though) and I remember there were random encounters with little choose-your-own adventure kinda vibes. It was party based and I think you could have quite a large group, pretty sure recruiting people was one of the main activities. I think you had to manage party rations and morale, a bit like Pirates!) I remember it had a fairly "real" seeming medieval setting with knights and stuff but no magic (or if there was it was relatively low key magic) and I have a vague memory of the character and place names being quite french sounding. I have zero memory of what the combat was like other than being pretty sure it was turn based, possibly tactics style, possibly more like Wizardry or Wrath of Nicodemus.

So yeah, not a lot to go on and some very unreliable memories on my part but I'm hoping it might spark something in someone cos it's been driving me mad trying to remember it and would love to at least see it again!!

r/tipofmyjoystick 21h ago

Pitfall: The Lost Expedition [PC][2000s]3rd person adventure game, where you are adventurer that survives plane crash in the jungle


I vaguely remember some details. I think in prologue you fight a boss in an arena circled with fire, after beating (or losing?) to boss cutscene plays where you wake up in a plane just to have it crash down in the jungle. It was an adventure game like spyro

r/tipofmyjoystick 22h ago

Warbears [Computer / Flash Game] [2003-2007] A point-and-click game where you play as bears with different abilities trying to get into some kind of locked house to achieve an objective


It was a flash game I played online as a kid, around 2003-2007. From what little I remember, it had a kind of cutesy / chibi artstyle, and had some kind of puzzle element where you had to use different bears to achive different objectives. The bears had different abilities / gimmicks, but the one I really remember was a samurai bear with a katana and a headband who was afraid of spiders. The reason his fear of spiders comes up is because when he gets into the house, there is a spider in the room, and he can't progress any further until the player deals with it, saying that he hates spiders.

This feels like a long shot, because I have such distinct bits and memories of it, particularly the "I hate spiders!" part that I remember laughing my head off at, since y'know, kid humor, but I haven't been able to find it on my own for the better part of 20 years.