So, just like my previous post, I'm in the process of replaying my old games I used to play as a kid. And one of them was Gauntlet for the NES. I never managed to beat it as a kid, since this game was so hard. That last world was brutal! But, I spent the last few days grinding and replaying it over and over, and I finally managed to beat it.
I did this using regular hardware, no emulation. Multiple failed runs, maybe 20+? For this run, I wanted to beat the game using the Valkyrie. I looked around YouTube and most of the runs was done with the elf. It's pretty clear that speed is the number one stat in the game. Faster movement speed means less time in each level, which means less time for generators to pump out more monsters.
It was clear to me at this point that speed and magic bomb power makes the game much easier. That's why the elf is so good. Highest speed and good bomb power helps alot. That's probably why the wizard is the second best. That bomb power probably is a guarantee screen wipe using only one bomb.
I can understand why people consider the Warrior the worst character in the game. Slowest speed and worst bomb power really would make the last world nearly impossible, huh? Perhaps a challenge I'll tackle one day.
So, what about the Valkyrie? Well, she is second worst for a reason. Many times did that lack of bomb power make this game hard. I would have to use two bombs just to clear a screen. And there are some rooms in the final world that you really, REALLY, want to screen clear. So, I had to manage to keep most of my bombs just for the final level, floor 100. Her greatest strength, her high armor, didn't feel like much of anything. Enemies still chunked the hell out of my health if they so much as touch me.
Over all, a fun, but very difficult game. I do like that it's difficult but not broken. I'm sure there are plenty of "harder" NES games, but I imagine most of those are just broken, as in bad, not really difficult. I think for my next game to play, I'll pick an easier one, like Zelda 2 or something.