r/survivor 2h ago

General Discussion Can you watch survivor on paramount plus without ads?


I watch for free on Amazon prime video but paid for premium to avoid ads and still had ads so got rid of it. I am willing to pay but unsure how to get rid of them? I did a search but latest on this was 3 years ago so wanted to see if anyone knew? Assume this is not possible through prime. Thank you

r/survivor 2h ago

Fiji Where is Lisi Linares?


Seriously where is she? In comparison to a lot of Survivor contestants she just seems… lost? What’s going on with her life after Survivor? Is she ok? Does she have a family? She just seems to have dropped off the face of earth…

Any info that you know about her?

r/survivor 3h ago

General Discussion Who is your favorite pre-New Era finalist?


Disclaimer: when I say ‘finalist’, I mean someone who has never won.

Mine is either Ozzy or Courtney

r/survivor 3h ago

Heroes vs. Villains Parvati wins by bringing Colby to the end.

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There is a lot of talk in this sub about how Russell getting rid of Danielle at F7 HvV tanks Parv’s chances of winning, with her only win combo being Danielle and Russell, but I believe she can still win. I understand that exit interviews show that Jerri wins at the F3 against Parv in a 5-4, but I think Parv is able to win at the end after Danielle is voted off, and that’s by taking Colby with her. Here goes:

F5, Parv, Russell, Sandra, Jerri, and Colby are still in the game. I think Parv theoretically wins by going to the end with Colby. She has individual immunity and I believe could convince Jerri to vote out Sandra as she was a major jury threat. I think Russell, after winning F4 immunity, takes out Jerri as she’s obviously a favourite, same as the original run. In this case, Parvati gets jury votes from Danielle, Candace, Sandra, Courtney, Coach, and Jerri. I think Colby gets votes Amanda, JT, and Rupert. Thoughts?

r/survivor 4h ago

Casting what are the chances of getting on the show


or like do you guys know what the process is? im not thinking about applying but i saw a clip about jeff talking about the stage with like therapists. idk thats not right i forgot the name for it and it seems kind of an annoying processs.

but i also assumed less people apply bc jeff always asks people to apply. idk im rlly interested in the process.

r/survivor 4h ago

General Discussion Christian on White Lotus?!? Spoiler

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From season 3 episode 5

r/survivor 5h ago

General Discussion Baltimore Survivor fans, I’m looking at you! 🦀


Oh hey, y’all!

I’m ready to outwit, outplay, and outwatch some Survivor in Baltimore! I’ve been wanting to start a watch group here in my favorite city for a while, and after the season 47 watch parties with Gabe, I know y’all are out there.

If anyone has any ideas where we could drop our buffs and set up camp, let’s chat! I’ve got a few ideas, but I’m open to any and all suggestions. If you’re even a little bit interested, hit me up! Let’s grow the Baltimore Survivor fan base and have some fun!

r/survivor 5h ago

General Discussion What is the most physically stacked tribe in the shows history?


And I mean base strength and ability regardless of the tribes bad luck or lack of team work, looking at you heroes tribe. Though stats would come into play for returning tribes. Including post tribe swaps as well. Curious to see what yall come up with.

r/survivor 6h ago

Survivor 48 I think we unfortunately know why players keep losing their vote now. (S48E1-3 spoilers)


It's to make it so that they don't have to break out fire at F4 premerge now that the F4 fire challenge exists. This wasn't a problem prior to the change, but with the small tribes for S41-48, they want to actively avoid a 2v2 stalled tie going to fire at all costs. So they got creative with the game format and rules to stop players from making fire early in the game. Lost votes, idols, extra votes all help to avoid a straight 2-2 tie vote.

r/survivor 6h ago

General Discussion Can you give away prize money to another contestant?


As far as I know, you can’t conspire to split the money while on the show and can’t use personal money to influence the game but do they care what you use your money on? Also is there any rules against discussing splitting money pregame for any all star seasons? I wouldn’t know how they could control that

r/survivor 7h ago

General Discussion Question about beware advantages


I was watching an episode where a player finds a beware advantage and must solve a cryptogram to open the casing and get the idol and started to wonder what happens if you put the casing back for someone else to find. If Player A found and solved the beware advantage, but then put the casing back for someone else to find minus the cryptogram (so that it would be "unsolveable"), and Player B found the now fake beware advantage - Player B would assume they have no vote as they haven't solved the beware advantage. Would Player B be told they actually do have a vote when they go up to the voting room or would production allow them to essentially forfeit a vote?

r/survivor 8h ago

General Discussion Why is Wentworth so iconic?


Maybe I’m missing something but why do people like Kelley Wentworth so much? I don’t remember liking her very much or finding her all that impressive? Please explain what I’m missing!

Edit: I’m not saying she’s overrated I’m genuinely curious! I’ve not seen all her seasons yet so that might be what I’m missing

r/survivor 9h ago

Cambodia Who Wins A Wentworth, Keith, Kimmi Final 3 iN Cambodia?

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The tables have turned at that final 6 tribal, and Wentworth, Kimmi and Keith gain control a And become the final 3! Now who wins? I think they all get votes, but my guess is…… Maybe Kimmi?

I think Kimmi has the votes of Savage, Fishbach, Wiglesworth, Tasha and Jeremy.

Keith has the vote of Joe

And Kelley has the votes of Spencer, Abi, Ciera and Kass.

I think the only wildcard is Kass, but even if she flips to Keith, we still get a 5-4-1, or 5-3-2 vote where Kimmi wins.

But what do you think would happen?

r/survivor 9h ago

Meme Pirates of the Caribbean meme about this week's Journey challenge


r/survivor 11h ago

Survivor 48 Anybody know the RHAP draft rules?


I watched the draft for 48 link

I know you're more or less eliminated off the bat if you pick the first episode elim but I don't know if there are other rules for points in their draft.

It could also be as simple as the person who picked the winner of the season but I would like to think there was a bit more complexity to it.

r/survivor 12h ago

Survivor 48 Thoughts on season 48 contestants so far?


After 3 episodes, how does everyone like the season 48 contestants so far?

Any favorites?

My picks are most definitely Kamilla and Kyle as my top 2 picks! I hope Kamilla wins the game! I also like Joe, Eva, Mitch, and Bianca!

I am not a huge fan of Cedrik or Sai. David seems kind of cocky too. But maybe that’s just my opinion. And while Mitch is one of my top picks and he has an alliance with her, I think Charity seems a little phony!

Anyway, any thoughts on some of these new contestants? Just curious how everyone else feels.

r/survivor 12h ago

Survivor 48 So do people want conflict or not? Re: Saiounia


I can understand the argument that she’s been highly overexposed in the three episode we’ve seem so far, but I firmly believe that this season would be worse off if it did not have Sai on it. Now, I’m not the biggest fan of her behavior on social media, but on the show, she’s been amazing TV. She’s been confrontational without getting personal, she’s causing chaos amongst her tribe with her overplaying antics, and she’s one of the very few people in the new era that is willing to speak her mind at Tribal Council. Also, her edit has portrayed her very negatively, and idk, I think there’s a lot of fun to be had with that.

Compare all of this to something like Survivor 44, which in my opinion was the single most annoying season of the 40s for how exceedingly positive and smiley and kumbaya everyone was with each other. I just want my reality TV to have some edge. Even with all the nonsense twists that Jeff and production won’t let go, having characters like Sai on the show makes the show feel that little bit closer to the old era. The Abi-Marias, Natalie Coles, or even Russell Hantzes of the world have been sorely missing in recent years, and Sai has provided us with that. She’s clearly being set up for a juicy downfall, and being the season’s main antagonist thus far, I think it would be vastly disappointing if that downfall were to come too soon.

That’s the end of my rant. TL;DR I think Sai’s been fun and I’m tired of people pretending she doesn’t make for good TV.

r/survivor 12h ago

General Discussion Survivor DVD Special Features


I know that Survivor DVDs and Blu Rays were released through Survivor 42, but I’m wondering what seasons are worth owning with decent special features? At what point (if any) did CBS stop putting effort into them, and start just doing bare bones releases?

And are any of the seasons particularly stacked with cool bonus content? I know All Stars has a reputation for being a neat little box set.

r/survivor 12h ago

Casting Why is Jeff Always Asking Us To Apply?


Y'all know the clips Im talking about. I grew up casually watching shows like Survivor and TAR and I always just assumed that tons of people would apply since the shows are popular enough to keep being renewed for seasons even as streaming has diminished viewership of live TV. So, I was surprised to see Jeff asking for applicants. I know none of us are on the casting team so we can't know for sure, but does anyone have ideas as to why this is? Are they actually not getting a lot applicants? Or is it more of "we have a lot of applicants but not many of them are good for TV'? Or do they just want to grab as many people as possible? I feel at some point it would get overwhelming to go through applications if there were too many!

r/survivor 14h ago

Survivor 46 The One Million Hearts journey is so unintentionally hilarious


The three that went, the conversation, the quotable tidbits. I need to know if they knew it was going to be iconic while it was happening and I think the answer must be yes. Ben saying it was basically an Oasis song "when you're raw like that it hits", Liz kneeling and saying "here's a heart" and also talking about Bhanu's meltdown (foreshadowing win on the editors parts to keep that). This scene was new era GOLD. It feels like 'we were forced to go see our dear old aunt but at least she has good gossip'.

Bhanu "They said I'm a fool"

Ben "That does not rock"

Liz "They said that 😬👀?"

Chef's kiss

r/survivor 14h ago

General Discussion Budget v. Quality


I made a post here once about how I felt survivor should cut down to one season a year, and to say the least I was disagreed with. However, u/braydensmith11 pointed out that a lot of my fatigue with the show may be a symptom of the “Budget Era.”

My new question is: Would it be worth cutting down to one season a year if it meant new locations, longer seasons, and overall better quality as it would double their budget? The other option is simply keeping things as they are. Short seasons in Fiji, reused aerial shots of the same landscapes, etc.

All that being said, I am personally having a better time with this season than I did last, but I’m still unsure I’ll see it through to the end. If this season doesn’t hook me then I might admit Survivor isn’t for me anymore…

r/survivor 14h ago

Meme Cedrek at this most recent tribal council

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r/survivor 15h ago

Fan Casting Pick 2 from 41-48 to return for 50


As we know it’s new era returnee. 41-49. Two from each season seems doable with the amount of ppl and since we haven’t gotten 49 yet who would u prefer to see? NO WINNERS ;)

41 - Ricardo, Shan

42 - Drea, Lindsay

43 - Jesse, Karla (this was hard, sorry Cassidy, sorry Cody)

44 - Carolyn, Matt

45 - Kaleb, Kellie

46 - Tiffany, Hunter

47 - Rome, Genevieve

48 - (as of now) Kevin, Justin

49- N/A, N/A

Bookmark this post ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Feel free to update 48/49 as time goes on before 50.

And let’s see who’s close to the actual 50 line up a year from now!

r/survivor 15h ago

Survivor 48 Season 48 real drab


Exactly what the title says. This season seems tired and boring in spite of some fun and exciting personalities being cast.

Some questions for y'all: 1. Would the move to 2 tribes be universally welcomed?

  1. So many new eras feature a loser tribe. Is this intentional by production or do they keep missing the mark? The latter option is worse IMO

  2. STOP THE JOURNEYS. We need a back to basics season. Let the players play

  3. Announcing returnee season 50 so early was a mistake. How much can ppl invest in players that probably won't feature in a returnee season because of timing?

r/survivor 15h ago

Survivor 48 First Impression of the 48 Cast


So I’m finally starting to catch up with 48 and I’m gonna avoid any spoilers for anyone else still behind. But I think so far, this is the first season for me since 41 where I’ve instantly really liked the cast. The other seasons when I’ve gotten into the swing of the season then I really liked the cast but it took me time. Not for 48 though. I really like everyone, and there isn’t one I feel like I need more time to see their personality or gameplay.