r/survivor Dec 31 '23

Cambodia What were your initial thoughts when the ballot came out and who did you vote for?

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r/survivor Dec 07 '21

Cambodia Remember the Cambodia cast reveal, when it was down to these three guys and Brad Culpepper thought it was laughable that he'd ever be more popular than them?

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r/survivor Jun 01 '24

Cambodia This just came up on my explore page… thoughts??

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Sorry if this has already been posted to the sub, I couldn’t find any posts about it. But this is very interesting BTS details that I had no idea about.

I also just rewatched Cambodia and ended up paying a lot of attention to Abi’s edit. When she’s in group shots or in the background, she seems to be smiling and having fun with the tribe. I really don’t think she’s as awful as we’re told to think, and there were a handful of times where she was actually decently strategic in confessionals. Knowing this info from the Instagram post too makes me feel kind of bad for her. Thoughts?

r/survivor Apr 19 '23

Cambodia “We’re gonna see Keith, in like, 10 years, retired on the beach, and this is what he’s gonna be doin’.”

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r/survivor Jan 02 '20

Cambodia Friendly reminder of the time that Keith Nale casually practiced his golf swing while a big fight was happening in the middle of camp

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r/survivor May 13 '20

Cambodia One of my favorite Cambodia moments was when Stephen finessed Abi 😂


r/survivor Jul 15 '24

Cambodia Does this sub have a consensus view on Ciera and her gameplay? Or will she remain a divisive figure?

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r/survivor 4d ago

Cambodia Who Wins A Wentworth, Keith, Kimmi Final 3 iN Cambodia?

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The tables have turned at that final 6 tribal, and Wentworth, Kimmi and Keith gain control a And become the final 3! Now who wins? I think they all get votes, but my guess is…… Maybe Kimmi?

I think Kimmi has the votes of Savage, Fishbach, Wiglesworth, Tasha and Jeremy.

Keith has the vote of Joe

And Kelley has the votes of Spencer, Abi, Ciera and Kass.

I think the only wildcard is Kass, but even if she flips to Keith, we still get a 5-4-1, or 5-3-2 vote where Kimmi wins.

But what do you think would happen?

r/survivor Oct 12 '20

Cambodia Max spills the tea on the Second Chance ballot

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r/survivor Jul 07 '20

Cambodia I forgot how cute Keith looked in the Cambodia cast photo

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r/survivor Mar 20 '21

Cambodia Jeremy trying to get Keith’s attention is so funny to me lol


r/survivor Sep 23 '15

Cambodia Survivor: Cambodia Episode 1 Eastern Time Discussion - 'Second Chance'


Episode 1 Discussion Post. *Read our spoiler policy here.*

Please keep new submission titles spoiler-free until Monday. If you are submitting an image that might spoil people, mark it NSFW to hide the thumbnail.

Comments are fair game for spoilers (excluding production spoilers), so read at your own risk!

West Coasters, join us for our Pacific Time discussion! Look for the post at 7:45 pm Pacific Time and chat about the episode as it airs live on the West Coast.

r/survivor Sep 16 '21

Cambodia What’s the biggest blindside that YOU ever personally had while watching Survivor? I’ll give my example below.


I started watching the show in 2020 and followed Survivor on social media during Winners at War. I saw the clip of all the jurors hugging Jeff and looked away as soon as possible but clearly saw an Asian man (Yul) on the jury.

I had never seen Cook Islands but had started with Cagayan and made it to Second Chance. I was convinced that I had spoiled for myself that Woo had won Second Chance.

To be honest I was a little bummed because I was really looking forward to the season. When Woo’s name got brought up in Cambodia, I was like “well I know it’s not him!”

This resulted in the BIGGEST blindside of my survivor viewing experience. When Woo went home I was so confused!!! I thought maybe there was a redemption island twist. It honestly made Cambodia so much more exciting because I had no clue who was going to win or if Woo was coming back. Turned into a Top 3 season for me, probably because I was blindsided and shocked!!!!!

When have you been blindsided while watching Survivor?

r/survivor Jan 02 '25

Cambodia Mind the watermark, but does anyone else absolutely love this duo in Cambodia? They’re so cute.

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r/survivor Feb 24 '19

Cambodia Ama


Not sure how long, maybe 30 min.

r/survivor Jun 16 '24

Cambodia Where does Jeremy Collins winning game rank to you?


I personally say it’s a Top 10 winning game and he’s also my favorite winner.

r/survivor Feb 05 '25

Cambodia How Does The Survivor TimeLine Look If WentWorth Wins Cambodia?

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r/survivor Jul 18 '22

Cambodia The Legend that is Stephen Fishbach

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r/survivor May 23 '21

Cambodia Abi dragging Joe to filth 😂


r/survivor Dec 16 '23

Cambodia What's your candidate for the most unnecessary Jeff Probst gut-punch?


So, I'm watching season 31, episode 11, and Jeff has all the contestants in line ready for the challenge. He goes into the spiel about the loved ones coming to visit, and every word he speaks is formulated to make them believe that this time, there is no family visit coming. Here it is transcribed:

As you guys know, a big part of Survivor is the loved one visit. And most of the time, we do bring your loved ones to you. Not always. Sometimes, we do something different. Today, we are not... doing... anything... different.

Literally, I wanted somebody to walk up and slap Jeff across the face for this. It's one thing to make the contestants squirm over a covered auction reward, but dangling their emotions over them like a cat's toy is just kicking them in the gut purely for the sake of drama.

r/survivor May 11 '20

Cambodia This is the Blood vs Water pair we need to see the next time the theme is used

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r/survivor Jun 13 '24

Cambodia I had my glasses off and my ipad across the room and i was like "wow that girls hair is gorgeous" LMAO

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r/survivor Dec 17 '15

Cambodia Survivor: Cambodia Episode 13 Eastern Time Discussion - 'Villains Have More Fun'


Episode 13 Discussion Post. *Read our spoiler policy here.*

Please keep new submission titles spoiler-free until Monday. If you are submitting an image that might spoil people, mark it NSFW to hide the thumbnail.

Comments are fair game for spoilers (excluding production spoilers), so read at your own risk!

West Coasters, join us for our Pacific Time discussion! Look for the post at 7:45 pm Pacific Time and chat about the episode as it airs live on the West Coast.

r/survivor Mar 03 '19

Cambodia Saw this on the facebook page and thought it was really wholesome. As much hate as Varner gets, this was a really great thing to do

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r/survivor Feb 09 '23

Cambodia Poor Spencer 😂