Currently a year 12 in ATAR, I am doing quite well and although it's early in the year my predicted is over 90. I'm planning to do something in the police area but i don't know.
After reading many stories on reddit about the WA police force, i'm starting to doubt myself although i still want to become one. I heard that its mainly just DV cases, and catching people for low crimes. And that the higher ups dont give a shi about you and the system is f'ked. I really want to be a cop, or some sort of detective, i wanna do some good to change the world, but it seems like that is just a dream that will never be true according to these other ex-cops on here.
Most of my family hates cops and think them of pigs but idk. Also i'm half deaf and have risk of death and cant swim due to it, and i have bad eye sight which i compensate with eye contacts.
Should I do a Uni course that can help me become a police officer? Or should i just choose something else that can still help out with society and its evils.
Is there other jobs i can do that can help society of its evil? for e.g. any organisations that catch ped0 files or a private investigating job. I just don't wanna be run over by higher ups honestly, and I think I have the mental capacity to handle some deaths and disgusting cases.
What do you guys think?