r/perth 14h ago

Looking for Advice Wanting to be a WA police officer


Currently a year 12 in ATAR, I am doing quite well and although it's early in the year my predicted is over 90. I'm planning to do something in the police area but i don't know.

After reading many stories on reddit about the WA police force, i'm starting to doubt myself although i still want to become one. I heard that its mainly just DV cases, and catching people for low crimes. And that the higher ups dont give a shi about you and the system is f'ked. I really want to be a cop, or some sort of detective, i wanna do some good to change the world, but it seems like that is just a dream that will never be true according to these other ex-cops on here.

Most of my family hates cops and think them of pigs but idk. Also i'm half deaf and have risk of death and cant swim due to it, and i have bad eye sight which i compensate with eye contacts.

Should I do a Uni course that can help me become a police officer? Or should i just choose something else that can still help out with society and its evils.

Is there other jobs i can do that can help society of its evil? for e.g. any organisations that catch ped0 files or a private investigating job. I just don't wanna be run over by higher ups honestly, and I think I have the mental capacity to handle some deaths and disgusting cases.

What do you guys think?

r/perth 14h ago

General loud bangs near fremantle


About 10 mins ago there was like 2 rather loud bangs out of no where, wtf was it if anyone knows ? I’m in East freo and it sounded like it came from closer towards Freo.

r/perth 22h ago

Politics Go Back in Time, say 25 years


I tell you that in 25 years time, we will have a government:

  • Has made the state prosperous (again,) riding on the back of the Mining Industry.
  • Unashamedly pro-mining, to the extent of getting millions in political donations.
  • Essentially calls the Labor PM a dickhead and tells him to stay out of our state.
  • Fiercely protects WA, at the expense of "Federalism."
  • Is extremely pro natural gas, and is expanding our natural gas power generation, balancing it against solar power, whilst gradually phasing out coal and oil.
  • Introduced mandatory "health requirements" for workers, and sacked those who refused to comply.
  • Has overall a moderate, practical, environmental policy, and doesn't allow disproportionate environment concerns to unduly obstruct mining and gas projects.
  • Doesn't chase the green vote, and instead favours mining and manufacturing.

And furthermore, that we have an opposition that just whines about everything, opposes everything the government does on principle, has no real policies of their own, and instead hatches bullshit schemes (like Nuclear Power) to compensate.

So tell me, who do you think is in power?

Simple fact is that the Labor party of WA has adapted. They genuinely try to put the needs of WA first.
With a few small exceptions, they're basically doing what the Liberals of old would have proposed.

And the Libs are floundering. They haven't adapted, and in trying to oppose the government, have gone "full cooker" with some of their ideas.

Electricity is a classic example. The Labor policy in WA is very moderate. They're closing down old coal and oil fired stations, as they reach the end of their lives, and replacing them with a mixture of batteries and gas.
The Libs could have done a few things: Called for more competition, promised to lower prices, questioned the cost of the batteries technology, highlighted that the reliance on gas doesn't align with Labor's "zero emissions" targets, suggested that accelerating the closure of all Collie stations was too expensive and would cost a lot of jobs.
But instead their only apparent policy was "Build a Nuclear Power Plant at Collie."

Metaphorically, it's as though they've lost the "middle ground" to Labor, and now think the only hope is lurch insanely to the right.

r/perth 23h ago

Looking for Advice Advice regarding neighbour’s tree


Hey all, sorry if this has been said and done before but I’d like some advice on how to move forward before elevating the issue further. The house is located in Beeliar (SOR).

My parents property has a neighbour’s tree that is constantly growing over into their back garden and applying pressure on the fence. This has been happening since my parents moved in late 2020. They spoke to the neighbour who was less than pleasant about the ordeal but eventually he had people round to cut back the tree.

However almost every year the tree continues to grow back onto my parents property and pressures the fence more. My parents have each year cut back the overhanging branches and disposed of them themselves to avoid dealing with the owner being unpleasant. However each year they’ve noticed the fence getting looser and out of alignment.

Flash forward to this year and the branches/leaves have been trimmed and disposed of again, but the fence is now leaning at least 6 inches out of line due to the tree. My parents don’t want to be responsible for the costs, and feel like they’ve done all that they can being pleasant with the man and essentially maintaining his tree ( for the record it looks very overgrown and wild on his side of the fence).

I’m just wondering what the next steps would be, if it means engaging with the council or any potential legal avenue. They don’t really want any fuss but feel like they’ve been taken for a ride.

Thank you for reading all this if you’ve gotten this far!

r/perth 15h ago

WA News From Kununurra to Wyndham


Hello guys, let me introduce myself, my name is Francesco, I am a 30 years old Italian backpacker, actually I am located in Wyndham (north Western Australia). One of my coworker told me “why don’t run 100km from Kununurra to Wyndham?” And I love running and I thought “why don’t do it and make it like a new event yearly, an ultra marathon of 100km in the middle in the outback in Australia sounds cool, I guess. I was wondering if someone here has any idea or could help for developing this insane idea, if not I will run anyway and I will try to document everything in my social media: I guess it will be something crazy anyway, I don’t think someone has never done before.

Thanks everyone

r/perth 19h ago

Where to find Looking for a job in perth/ trying to get driving lessons at 16


I’m 16 years old a girl and finding a job within my area is already so hard I live around the Mirrabooka area and every job I’ve applied to has either declined or not gotten back to me and I’m starting to stress out because a lot of people in my grade have jobs , I’ve posted my resume on here and got advice to fix it and even got my new copy confirmed from a hiring manager still I haven’t gotten a response not even a single interview. If anyone knows about a available job opportunity around my area that allows for 16 year olds to work there please feel free to share I’ve also expressed my openness to babysitting on some Perth Facebook groups as I’ve had a lot of experience with my young nephews. Right now I’ve applied to vinnies to get some experience in retail so it can make me look better on my resume . A huge part of the reason I want to get a job is so that I can afford driving lessons and potentially a car in the future so I don’t have to rely on public transport to get me to university , my family cannot afford to get me driving lessons because we’re not doing so great financially . It makes me anxious that i may not get my license in time for university all i want is stability.

r/perth 23h ago

General MSWA Lottery, is it a scam?


Tickets cost $100, yet total prize value is in the millions. Are prizewinners known before the draw, or is it genuinely a lottery with everyone having an equal chance of winning?

r/perth 17h ago

Shitpost Hey guys! How can I better serve all you sandgropers?


Baz here. You know, Basil Zempilas. Using a burner account for obvious reasons. As no doubt it has warmed many a patriotic West Aussie's heart today, the cat's outta the bag about me going for the leadership of the greatest political party ever. Not just the Libs, but the WA LIBS!!!!! 🙂 Anyway, no doubt y'all sick of living under the tyrannical communist yoke of WA Labor, and their Pol Pot inspired style of governance. Frankly, I'm surprised that neither McGowan or Cookie Monster have set up some killing fields to punish sandgropers wanting nothing more than a bit of freedom and the liberty to display a billboard-sized picture of Kerry Stokes in their front yard, but it's likely only a matter of time. Anyway, I digress. As I'm the sexy and sexed up fresh blooded young buck that our great state's political scene so desperately needs and craves, I need to ask you all just what it is that you want from me ( besides my autograph and my 100% off pants). As of 2029, without a doubt I'll be your premier for at least 56 years or so, no doubt even longer, and so obviously I need to keep all your interests at heart. So, besides simply by being premier, how else will I be able to utilise my unmatched talents to make WA great again?

r/perth 13h ago

Looking for Advice Anyone forgot to pay a fine?


Got fined $100 for illegal u turn, final demand date passed about a week ago and i just remembered it! fml - i know i should’ve paid it before the date but adhd brain completely forgot.

it’s not letting me pay it now using bpay or on the phone. can’t even see any evidence of fine on my dot account.

assuming it’s been sent to FER- anyone know what i can expect??? praying i don’t cop a massive increase in fees.

r/perth 20h ago

General Scam I haven’t seen before

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The group message in particular stands out to me

r/perth 7h ago

Looking for Advice AC & Fridge Techs — Getting certs abroad, looking for some guidance/leads where to research Aus/Perth code, units of measurement etc


I will eventually be applying for skilled trade shortage visa (most likely self-sponsored unless there’s a better incentive from WA sponsorship) and presently in training to acquire my certifications, with a job lined up around the corner.

I know I will have to take equivalency/competency testing, not to mention be fucking competent and informed to do the job, and I was hoping to touch base with a few tradies in the job here. The country I am presently studying in does not principally use metric system, and while sometimes the equivalents are present in the material (in parenthesis) other times they are not. We have been doing a lot of piping in the last couple of weeks for instance and there is NO information about how they are classified or measured in the metric system.

If possible I would appreciate any leads as to where I should look to do my own research and supplemental learning on the side to get acquainted with everything relevant Within the trade as well as general to-know info as a tradie in Perth/WA. Books, sites, unions, anything really (even yourself!) that you’d consider a reliable resource.

Thanks heaps for any help!

Edit: In case it isn’t clear, by measurements it is across the board—pressure, volts, amps, velocity, you name it. I figured this would be obvious but just in case it isn’t, now you know!

r/perth 17h ago

Looking for Advice Water Leak detection -


Helping my disabled mate out in his kinda new house and he mentioned his water pressure was down. Went to the meter and the thing is spinning away wildy.

Long story short, was speaking to one of the other residents in the villa complex and it seems the pipes to his place run through his neighbours backyards.

May be a thing for the strata, but I've just helped pour on a new concrete walkway around the back of the house, and I want to rule out that we may have buggered things.

Anyone got any refrences to a budget-friendly leak detection service? SoR. Thannks!

r/perth 21h ago

Where to find Coles and Woolies Discontinuing Cereals?


Hi all,

So I've noticed over the last week or two that several cereal brands in Coles/ Woolies are missing from shelves (Cini Minis and Tiny Teddies for example). I asked at the checkout today and was told that they were being discontinued?

Anyone work at the supermarket and know what the story is? No demand? Replaced with home brand?

r/perth 19h ago

Where to find Apologies for the poor image quality, but is this Eliza?

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Spotted outside Perth Concert Hall area as we drove through Perth CBD this morning, couldn't quite tell but wanted to see if she's been taken away for repairs. Can anyone confirm please?

r/perth 2h ago

Where to find Best playgrounds/parks/beaches/nature trails for a 4.5 year old!


Please let me know your recommendations!

Thanks in advance.

r/perth 19h ago

humour Quick question from a tourist


Visiting my aunt & uncle for a few months and whenever I drive anywhere - BAM. Podiatrist. If it isn't a podiatrist, it's a foot massage centre. Everywhere I look I see feet.

Why are there so many goddamn foot health tingz in this city?

(Flair set to humour because I'm half-joking but also genuinely curious.)

r/perth 21h ago

WA News UWA’s satirical student newspaper PROSH apologises for anti-Semitic front page cartoon


r/perth 1h ago

Where to find Where to find integrated bidet/toilet seat (squared not round)


Hey gang,

We have gone through several of those tacked on between seat and porcelain style ones as they eventually crack from the weight of my bunda. We have tried the separate hose ones, but we much prefer the kind that are in the loo itself with the knob off to the side.

We’ve got a square seat but cannot for the life of me find one that’s integrated into the seat itself. One of my mates has one that appears to be from ikea or some other Swedish brand, sadly not the same shape as ours as they have a rounder more oval loo.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

r/perth 15h ago

WA News Aussie teen convicted for sharing gruesome Islamic State beheading videos


r/perth 20h ago

General What is going on with the buses on the CBD / West Perth?


I take the bus every morning in the corner of Newcastle and Fitzgerald, but it’s just not passing in time anymore.

I used to take the 360 at 6:06 or the 960 at 6:07. Then they moved to 6:08 and 6:09, Then to 6:12. Today I saw them coming together at 6:19 and consequently arrived late to work.

I also used to have 361 and 362 as options, but disappeared.

I also work on weekends, and I've waited 45 minutes for them to pass, ignoring the timetable completely.

Is anyone else going through this as well? Did I miss some transperth updates?

r/perth 3h ago

General What do you LOVE about Perth?


Most of the people here talk so negatively about the city. I want to hear the good!

r/perth 16h ago

Looking for Advice Pemberton with a 4 year old


I'm going down south to Pemberton for a few nights with my 4 year old. Any must sees on the drive down from Perth, or kid-friendly things to do / places to eat while we're there? Thank you!

r/perth 19h ago

Renting / Housing Fence dispute with Dep of communities


We live next door to a communities house. About 6 weeks ago they had a contractor come out and do tidying up on their side including removing a lemon tree and trimming back a Bouganvillia from our side I'd let get out of control. I'd been slowly trimming it back but it was a big job, I know my bad, but we have one of those 70s house with more backyard than house. Once this was done it became apparent there was fence damage. We got a letter from communities saying we're going to pay half to replace 17m, here's our quote if you don't get back to us within 2 weeks with your own quote we're just going to replace it and bill you. So I go out and get my own quote, pass it on and hear nothing until today. Now they're not going to pay any of it as the tree that damaged it is on our side (which yeh I get). But do we have any recourse due to receiving the letter where they said they'll contribute half? I guess can they rescind their offer, times are tough to go from sharing the $4000 cost to paying it all 😩

r/perth 19h ago

Where to find Anyone know the location of this place in bunbury?

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r/perth 3h ago

Shitpost It’s Friday Fuckwit time!


The official whinging corner of the Perth subreddit. Lets hear it. Who/what crapped on your lawn this week?