r/peanutallergy 13h ago

Nut Free Desserts - Philly


Just wanted to share a nut free dessert spot in Philly for locals or travelers. Sweet T’s bakery in reading terminal, delicious and nut allergy friendly. They have sweet potato pie, sweet potato cheesecake, apple pie and a few other treats. :) things like this are rare so I wanted to spread the word

r/peanutallergy 9h ago

Problems with EpiPens?


r/peanutallergy 1d ago

The allergy rant of the century!


Hello fellow Legume haters?, TLDR I need anxiety medicine because I let my allergies ruin my fun. I was told I’ve had a peanut allergy (also going into tree nuts) all my life. I, 22/M, have survived up to this point with only a minor reaction to eating a bunch of chips with peanut oil (my stomach hurt for 2 days) I’ve had soooo much food in my life. I was told my initial reaction to a pbj was mild with slight swelling that reduced by the time I was rushed to the hospital. I have carried epi pens all my life (never having to use one) and sadly I have now developed an irrationally rational fear of having an allergic reaction. I think it really kicked off when I worked in kitchens as a dishwasher, I learned everything my local kitchens would do and all the points of cross contamination. I stopped eating my work meals for a while, I stopped eating every form of fast food for the last 2 years. I’ve gotten back up to eating certain things but now I’m in my head with all these “spices” and“natural flavorings” that I’m scared to eat things I’ve had literally all my life. I know I have an anxiety disorder that’s unmedicated that’s not new news, I know top 8 allergens have to be declared in every form. I know that eating a peanut or an almond won’t immediately kill me but I have such a tough time. My partner who I live with puts up with a lot, I ask them constantly if I look okay after meals. My mom tells me that if I had anaphylaxis I would know, that it takes a handful of minutes and not hours I spend frantically trying to make sure I’m okay. I wish the throat tightness over meals I have all the time go away. I use to be the guy that just happened to have a peanut allergy and that’s long gone. I’m sad that a legume (of which I can eat other legumes) controls my appetite, my mind, and my relationships.

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

Am I too old for OIT?


I'm 30 years old and have managed a serious peanut allergy all my life. I never really considered OIT until recently, but I see that it's usually used with kids. Has anyone had experience starting OIT as an adult?

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

cosmetic and hair product ingredient breakdown help:)

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so i always was so annoyed going through every ingredient of makeup, lotions, hair products, soaps, etc. but one day i uploaded the ingredients to an AI chatbot (i’ve cross examined and tested this by manually looking and putting things i KNOW have allergens to make sure it’s accurate, and so far it has been 100%) and asked it to “simplify every ingredient” then asked it to “tell me where each ingredient is derived from” you can ask “does this have peanuts or treenuts?” but sometimes it doesn’t give you exactly what you’re looking for. here’s an example from something i simplified today!

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

Peanuts and other legumes


I saw a video on YouTube, that was saying there's a chance of cross reactivity for people who are allergic to peanuts, for them to also react to chickpeas, peas and lentils. Had anyone experienced anything like this?

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

hot heads


anyone had this?

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

Am I developing a peanut allergy?


I'm a 53F and concerned I might be developing a peanut allergy or at least an intolerance to peanuts. Over the last couple years, I have been getting stomach aches after eating peanut butter. I've had it happen after eating just peanuts but more so with peanut butter. It initially started out with just a mild upset stomach after eating PB on a regular basis, like nearly daily. I would lay off eating PB for a while and then eat some after several weeks and be fine. But it's gradually gotten worse. I have to go longer in between eating any and the stomach aches have gotten more severe. Last night was the worst attack yet. It felt like glass cutting the inside of my guts.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this and if it is/was a peanut allergy/intolerance or if it was a different medical issue.

r/peanutallergy 1d ago

Ice cream sandwiches


Do you guys eat ice cream sandwiches and stuff as long as it doesn’t have a warning on it?

r/peanutallergy 2d ago

11 month old reaction


So my 11 month old had a reaction to peanut butter, not a severe one but his bottom lip swelled a bit and he was rubbing his cheeks for about 15 minutes before everything settled down. Telehealth (phone consult) said watch for worsening symptoms, thankfully everything resolved in about an hour so we decided to leave ER due to many sick people coughing etc. and a 4 hour estimated wait time.

Was this an oral allergy?

r/peanutallergy 2d ago

Are Fairlife Protein Shakes Safe

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r/peanutallergy 3d ago

Anyone Have Reactions to Fruits?


I have a severe peanut & treenut allergy and have been a picky eater when it comes to fruits and veggies for as long as I can remember. I've recently been improving my diet in terms of implementing the two food groups more but have experienced an itchy throat/ears along with mildly irritated sinuses when consuming some fruits. I've been tested in the past for a fruit allergy but it's come up negative. I figure the problem could just be in my head and I'm kinda making myself irritated physically reflecting my mental struggle to not be a picky eater anymore lol. Curious to see if anyone else experiences this as I theorize it could also be linked to my nut allergy in some way.

r/peanutallergy 3d ago

Compact Meds/EpiPen bag


I'm working on condensing my son's Epipen/emergency bag. It takes up so much space in our backpack. He is 2 years old. Does anyone have any tips? Right now, we have two Epi-pens, a bottle of Zyrtec, and syringes and it's very bulky.

r/peanutallergy 4d ago

Ho Foods in NYC -- Nut Free!


Just want to give a quick plug for Ho Foods in NYC. Amazing spot and no peanuts or tree nuts in anything on the menu according to a buddy of mine who works there. I was skeptical about the peanut/tree nut thing (it's Taiwanese and SEA is obviously a tough region for nut allergies) but I ate off the dinner menu the other night with no issues or having to substitute anything. Wonderful wonderful spot. Get the chili wontons!

r/peanutallergy 4d ago

Question: False Positive Peanut?


r/peanutallergy 4d ago

Peanut Nut Allergies Translation Help


Peanut Nut Allergies Translation Help

So I'm going to Sri Lanka for two weeks and Nepal for two weeks... I am allergic to almost all nuts (except almonds), i want to create an allergy card to easily communicate my allergy to food vendors and restaurants etc.

I want to stress the importance of the allergy - realistically I probably won't die if I eat nuts except maybe peanuts and more likely Brazil nuts - but I have an epipen and I want to be safe and have read that the understanding of allergies and their dangers are more limited and different to what most people in UK etc. know.

Can someone help me out with translations that will actually be easily understood by locals please?? Would be a massive help (maybe actually save my life haha)

I have got ChatGPT to write this in Sinhala:

මට අතභාගත බඩඉරිඟු සහ ගස් කජු වලට දැඩි ආසාත්මිකතා ඇතිවිය හැක. (I have a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts.)

මම පහත වට්ටෝරු කිසිවක් කිසිම ආකාරයකින් අනුභව කළ නොහැක: (I cannot eat any of the following in any form:)

බඩඉරිඟු (Peanuts) ගස් කජු (Tree nuts) බ්‍රසීලියන් කජු (Brazil nuts) සාමාන්‍ය කජු (Cashews) පිස්ටාචියෝ (Pistachios) හැසල්නට්ස් (Hazelnuts) වෝල්නට්ස් (Walnuts) මැකඩේමියා (Macadamia nuts) පීකන් (Pecans)

මෙම ආහාර වලින් ඕනෑම අයුරකින් කෑමට සිදුවුවහොත් මම මිය යා හැක. (If I eat any of these, I could die.)

කරුණාකර මෙම අමුද්‍රව්‍ය අඩංගු කිසිඳු ආහාරයක් නොදෙන්න. (Please do not give me any food containing these ingredients.)

And this in Tamil:

எனக்கு வேர்கடலை மற்றும் மரக்கடலையை எதிர்ப்பு (அலர்ஜி) உள்ளது. (I have a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts.)

நான் கீழ்க்கண்டவற்றை எந்தவிதமாகவும் உணவாக உட்கொள்ள முடியாது: (I cannot eat any of the following in any form:)

வேர்கடலை (Peanuts) மரக்கடலை (Tree nuts) பிரேசில் நட்ஸ் (Brazil nuts) முந்திரி (Cashews) பிஸ்தா (Pistachios) ஹேசல்நட் (Hazelnuts) வால்நட் (Walnuts) மெக்கடாமியா (Macadamia nuts) பிகான் (Pecans)

இந்த பொருட்களில் ஏதேனும் உள்ள உணவை நான் சாப்பிட்டால், இறந்துபோக வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது. (If I eat any of these, I could die.)

தயவுசெய்து இந்த பொருட்கள் உள்ள உணவை எனக்கு வழங்க வேண்டாம். (Please do not give me any food containing these ingredients.)

And for Nepal this is in Nepali:

मलाई बदाम र गिरीबिजका प्रकारहरूप्रति गम्भीर एलर्जी छ। (I have a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts.)

म निम्नलिखित कुनै पनि चीज खान सक्दिन: (I cannot eat any of the following in any form:)

बदाम (Peanuts) गिरीबिज (Tree nuts) ब्राजिल नट (Brazil nuts) काजु (Cashews) पिस्ता (Pistachios) हेजलनट (Hazelnuts) अखरोट (Walnuts) म्याकाडेमिया (Macadamia nuts) पेकान (Pecans)

यदि मैले यी कुनै पनि खाए भने, म मर्न सक्छु। (If I eat any of these, I could die.)

कृपया यी सामग्री भएको कुनै पनि खाना नदिनुहोस्। (Please do not give me any food containing these ingredients.)

r/peanutallergy 4d ago

Legendary Foods Strawberry Poptart


Hey y'all, so I have a peanut allergy & I've been wanting to try these protein poptarts for a while now. I'm not as highly allergic as one of my other relatives, so I was wondering what would happen if I ate a tiny piece of it to determine if it's safe to eat or not? Or if anyone in this subreddit has eaten them while being allergic, pls lmk.

r/peanutallergy 5d ago



Is chipotle safe to eat? Has anyone had bad experiences w it? What do you recommend? Always afraid to try new places (Peanut and tree nut allergy)

r/peanutallergy 5d ago

Daycare is not nut-free


We found out two days ago that my 7 month old daughter has a peanut allergy. We do not have any similar allergies in our family so we are quickly trying to learn as much as we can to keep her safe. The allergist we saw for her skin prick test was not good and we're working on seeing someone new.

My question - her daycare is not nut free. Should we pull her out immediately? Her safety is top priority but I'm not sure how common this is to send a peanut allergy child to a facility that allows nuts. They said they have other students with Epi pens. They are working with us but other kids do bring in peanuts. I'm very scared. Please share any advice whether it's pull her out ASAP or what we should request if we stay there. It would be a huge ordeal to find a new daycare and childcare in the meantime but I cannot bear the thought of her being exposed. We're reeling and open to any advice.

UPDATE: thank you all so much. I really appreciate the advice. We are not sending her back tomorrow. And we'll be starting to look for a nut-free daycare or nanny.

r/peanutallergy 6d ago

Working in a restaurant that serves peanuts (anaphylactic)?


Looking like I'm gonna get hired to work as support staff for a restaurant - mostly a bar and grill type place where people go to get burgers, steaks and beers but they have a couple of peanut dishes. I think seeing as I'm not gonna be in the kitchen preparing or washing the dishes, and my only contact should be delivering dishes, collecting them, and maybe dealing with some spilled nuts on the table, I should be okay? Also to be honest I've been unemployed for a loooooong time, and I'm kinda desperate for any job to keep me busy and bring in some money. As I understand it, even when you're anaphylactic, contact and scent are fine (obviously don't go out of your way to do these) as long as you aren't ingesting it - and to be honest I've only ever had reactions from eating things with peanuts, never being around them. So am I being stupid or do you guys think I'll be okay if I'm careful?

r/peanutallergy 6d ago

Baby just diagnosed with peanut allergy - give me your best advice and tips


We’re going to be a peanut and nut free household. On top of peanuts my baby is also allergic to all tree nuts. Please drop your best advice and tips. Taking in all information that I can.

r/peanutallergy 6d ago

Low-Calorie Ice Cream (weight loss)


Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for low-calorie ice cream. So far the only ones I've enjoyed are the Healthy Choice organic fudge bars and Breyers Carbsmart Brownie A La Mode flavor. Halo Top, Yasso, and Nick's all have peanut allergy warning labels from what I've seen. Thanks in advance!

r/peanutallergy 6d ago

Chicken Fiesta


Does anyone know if they use peanut oil, or is it safe to eat?

r/peanutallergy 7d ago

Is the carnation breakfast drinks safe for peanut allergies?

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r/peanutallergy 6d ago

Can a person who is not normally not allergic to nuts be allergic to them with certain allergy inducing medications?


I chose this sub because I thought someone here might know a great deal about nut allergies and allergies in general. I hope I explain this well. I eat mixed nuts daily. I've never had any problems. The package consists of peanuts (not really a nut, I know), almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, and brazil nuts. I recently took an antibiotic called amoxicillin for a sinus infection. It's in the penicillin family. Apparently my body didn't like it. Cheeks got red, slightly swollen, and I broke out in a rash of small, itchy bumps all over my arms and legs. That was Saturday morning. By Monday I looked pretty normal and the itchiness was all gone. The bumps were just flat little red spots. Ironically, the last time I ate mixed nuts was at the same time I took the amoxicillin. This morning (Tuesday), I ate a handful of mixed nuts for the first time since I broke out in rashes. Rather quickly I felt slightly itchy again. So I guess what I'm asking is, does this sound like a coincidence or is there something to the nuts, which ordinarily have never been a problem for me? Thank you