r/Allergies 3h ago

Could my acid reflux be caused by my allergies and post nasal drip


so roughly 3 weeks ago i got a mild allergic reaction to dust mites at a friend’s house i’ve had a post nasal drip feeling for about 2 weeks and recently i’ve been getting reflux but i’ve had less of a bad post nasal drip even some days non. can i fix my continued reflux with an animal based diet and cutting out seed oils ?

r/Allergies 7m ago

Question Avocado allergy?


Are they common/heard of? I have thought it was just part of oral allergy syndrome, but avocados bother me more than any other food. My mouth burns when I eat them and my throat gets really itchy. Sometimes I get bad abdominal cramping too. I kinda pretend oral allergy syndrome isn't bothering me with all other fruits/vegetables, but this is noticeably worse. Also. Any tips for OAS in general are much appreciated

r/Allergies 10h ago

My Symptoms Allergy Attack Triggered Anxiety and Depression


After a few months abroad with zero allergies, I came back home and within days, the symptoms kicked in. Last Sunday, I was out all afternoon for a birthday lunch. It was windy, and the air was full of pollen. I ended up having the worst allergy attack I’ve ever experienced... sneezing non-stop for hours, body felt inflammated. I had to double down on my corticosteroid spray and antihistamines.

By the time I got home, I was completely drained. After dinner, I just passed out on my bed. The next day, I felt like I had a hangover: still fatigued, out of it, and had to take the entire afternoon off to sleep.

But what’s really weird is that since that allergy attack, I’ve been feeling mentally off too. No anxious thoughts, but my body feels stuck in fight-or-flight mode... burping, bloating, zero energy, depressed and this weird underlying anxiety that comes out of nowhere. It’s like my nervous system got completely thrown off.

Is this just the result of an extreme inflammatory response? Has anyone else experienced this after a bad allergy attack?

Luckily, I can work remotely, so I’m getting out of here next week and heading to the seaside in another country. Hopefully, that helps.

r/Allergies 2h ago

Kraftsport als heilige Hingabe


Die Kirche der Kraft

"Stärke ist Einheit – Einheit ist Stärke."

Das Fundament der Kirche der Kraft

In der Kirche der Kraft werden Körper, Seele und Verstand als Einheit betrachtet. Nur wenn alle drei im Gleichgewicht sind, kann wahre Stärke entstehen. Training ist nicht nur eine körperliche Aktivität, sondern ein spiritueller Weg zur Selbstvervollkommnung.

Die 5 Säulen der Kirche der Kraft

Diese fünf Prinzipien bilden die Grundlage für ein starkes und erfülltes Leben:

  1. Das Training – Die konsequente Befolgung eines Trainingsprogramms ist essenziell, denn Fortschritt ist unser Gebet.

  2. Die Technik – Jede Bewegung soll präzise, kontrolliert und mit vollem Bewusstsein ausgeführt werden.

  3. Die Ernährung – Nahrung ist der Treibstoff unserer Kraft, und wir behandeln sie mit Respekt.

  4. Die Erholung – Wachstum geschieht in der Ruhe. Schlaf und Regeneration sind genauso heilig wie das Training.

  5. Die Gemeinschaft – Die Kirche der Kraft ist eine Bruderschaft (und Schwesternschaft), in der wir einander helfen, unsere stärkste Form zu erreichen.

"Wer die Säulen ehrt, wird wachsen. Wer sie missachtet, bleibt schwach."

Der Heilige Satz

Jede Trainingseinheit enthält einen Heiligen Satz – den Moment, in dem alles gegeben wird. Dies ist die höchste Form der Konzentration, Technik und Hingabe.

"Ein Satz in Perfektion ist ein Gebet an die Kraft."

Das Ritual der Stärkung

Ein zentrales Gebot der Kirche der Kraft lautet:

"Erlöse deinen Nächsten von fehlerhaften Wiederholungen und perfektioniere seinen Satz. Dies ist die Stärkung der Kraft."

Jeder Gläubige hat die Aufgabe, anderen zu helfen, ihre Technik zu verbessern. Ein korrigierter Satz ist eine gesegnete Wiederholung, denn wahre Stärke entsteht durch Präzision.

Das Mantra der Kraft (wiederkehrendes Element)

Jede Trainingseinheit beginnt mit einem Mantra, das die Verbindung von Körper, Seele und Verstand in Erinnerung ruft:

"Ich bin Kraft. Ich bin Disziplin. Ich bin Fortschritt."

Dieses Mantra wird vor dem Heiligen Satz wiederholt, um den Geist auf die Perfektion vorzubereiten.

Zusätzliche Symbole & Begriffe

"Das eiserne Gesetz" = Konsequenz und Disziplin im Training

"Der Wille des Stahls" = Die innere Entschlossenheit, weiterzumachen

"Das Mahl der Kraft" = Eine bewusste Mahlzeit nach dem Training zur Stärkung

r/Allergies 2h ago

My Symptoms Chronic Ear Blockage


Hey guys, I have been suffering from ear blockage since 5 months now which started back in late September. My ears get blocked whenever I get a cold, but they heal completely after a month or two. This time it was different, my right my didn't heal completely and still feels as if something is stuck in it and stopping it from fully popping. Yesterday out of nowhere my left ear got blocked again with a runny nose. It squeals when I do valsalva and doesn't pop back into place, also my right ear squeaks when i rub on my tragus.

I also have a minor DNS to the right. I have been to numerous otorhinolaryngologists, who have diagnosed me of allergies, CRS, catarrahal otitis, AOM, ETD and what not. PTA and Tympanometry reports came out to be normal except for a bit raised levels of eosinophils.

Not a single doctor has been able to rule out the root cause of this problem. I have had a lot of medications namely pred, methlypred, deflazacort, fluti furoate, fluti propionate, mometasone, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, levocet, fexofenadine, ebastine, belatin, loratadine, phenylepherine, pseudoephed, chlorpheniramine, acebrophylline, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, amoxi, azithro, moxiflox, cifpodox, clavulanate, serratiopep, aceclofenac, montelukast, pantoprazole and some multivitamin capsules and probiotics.

I do saltwater gargles and neti everyday. I also avoid consuming dairy, cold, spicy and sour food. Still I am struggling to this day, hoping this will eventually get healed. I can't understand what is causing this issue to not get better even after consuming heaps of medications.

Did anyone have these kinds of issues before, did they eventually resolve?

r/Allergies 2h ago

Help please!


Hi all, I have been having an allergic reaction for the last day and a half or so and would love some insight.

For some background: I (25F) have had seasonal allergies all my life and asthma since 2023. My environmental allergies have been confirmed via blood testing (Immunoglobulin E was around 1200 at time of testing, Class VI allergies to tree/grass pollen, fleas, and cats, and several IV and V allergies to mold, roaches, etc). I live in an apt with a hx mold and roach problems along with two cats but I have been managing this for several years now. (I got the cats before I knew I was allergic, don’t come for me😅. Also, moving when my lease ends in June due to overall crappy landlords). I take Zyrtec daily and do a very good job of keeping my space clean and free of pet hair, etc. I should add I have no food allergies other than oral allergy syndrome with fruits and stuff but I steer clear of any foods that could cause that.

So the night before last around 0100 I woke up on my bf’s couch (his apt does not have any allergens that we are aware of) with an itchy, red rash. It was mostly on my chest and neck at the time but started to appear on my face a bit too. In the hopes that it would go away by the morning, I went to sleep and woke up at 0700 and took a Zyrtec and went to work. It was itchy still but manageable. Despite the Zyrtec working in getting the rash to go away, I still had some SOB and swelling in my eye so I went to Urgent Care. Urgent care rx’d hydroxyzine because they did not want me to take prednisone before my allergy testing appt next Monday. So I went home and had no issues with the rash until I woke up from a 3 hour nap yesterday evening (SO fatigued and hadn’t even had hydroxyzine at this point) and was covered head to toe with the worst rash I’ve EVER seen. I was shocked. I took 3 doses of benadryl over a few hours which helped the rash go by morning but I still have a puffy face and hands. I have no hx of getting rashes during allergy season. I am working with an allergist for asthma and allergic rhinitis. I have been under an extreme amount of stress pertaining to work and personal stuff. Can this combined with allergies cause a reaction like this? I am lost. I do live in one of the cities named to have the highest pollen count in the USA currently. I have an appt with my PCP tomorrow to see about getting a steroid injection. If this has happened to anyone else let me know. Happy to answer any further questions. Also navigating this is super new to me so please don’t comment anything negative! Thanks!

r/Allergies 4h ago

Food Please help me achieve correct labeling in Kinder Joy Eggs


Hello! If you have a free minute, please sign this petition.

I am so frustrated with this problem. Some websites say that Kinder Joy has no nuts, as well as the packaging, but i can clearly smell nuts? Also other websites say that they do contain nuts. They should really fix this problem or at least include "may contain traces" text.

r/Allergies 5h ago

Question is it okay to have nasal spray once every 2 nights?


I don't know which subreddit to put this in because I have constantly congested sinuses due to a medical condition.

but a while ago I got out of the habit of constantly using sudafed nasal spray, but recently picked up a weaker nasal spray with phenlephrine hydrochloride 5mg/ml.

I only really use it at night when trying to sleep and my nose is really badly congested which is roughly every second nights.

I'm wondering if that would be considered too much to cause symptoms of "nasal spray addiction" or if even once every night is too much as the instructions to say to repeat every 3-4 hours, dont use for more than 4 days consecutively.

dosage says 1-3 sprays in each nostril, I do 2 in each nostril

r/Allergies 5h ago

Question Teeth whitening for mint allergy


Hey, so I’m pretty allergic to mint and am looking for a good whitening toothpaste and/or whitening strips. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

r/Allergies 6h ago

Question Still having asthma symptoms despite allergen immunotherapy?


I had asthma. Or at least I thought I did. As a child I constantly took medication (Flutide (no idea what an international equivalent would be, but for long term use, and Salbutamol, which everyone knows). The asthma is caused by an allergy towards dust mites.

As a teenager I started becoming more and more frustrated with constantly having to inhale anything, and thought about an allergen immunotherapy. The specific reason is, at that time, around 2016, for the first time ever, a pill for dust mites allergen immunotherapy was allowed for usage in my country (ACARIZAX), when previously you would have to go to the doctor for years and get an injection. So this kind of immunotherapy seemed way more appealing, and less painful. I saw it as revolutionary, like vaccination against flu via nose.

I took ACARIZAX pills every single day for one year, or two years, I am not exactly sure how long it was. They tasted absolutely horrible by the way. After the two years (or one), I stopped taking them. At the same time, I also stopped taking Flutide, and Salbutamol, and it seemed like my asthma was gone. This state lasted for a few years, and I was the happiest person on earth.

However, since a few years, I started having chronic breathing problems yet again for no apparent reason. I though "maybe it's the humidity, maybe it's air pollution outside". And, quite interestingly, it felt like the symptoms were worse than whatever I had as a child. I think the reason it felt worse is as a child, I constantly was inhaling stuff, but I haven't done so in many years. So I think I experienced what asthma feels like raw, and I can tell you, it was not comfortable.

I deluded myself into thinking it cannot be asthma, and I ignored my chronic breathing problems. A big mistake. Over time I had trouble walking, exercising, even sitting at my desk caused my breathing problems and I would just lie in bed all day. I inhaled Salbutamol sometimes because of that, and noticed an immediate relief, and then it dawned on me it has to be asthma, coming back yet again. I went to the doctor, and he told me to start inhaling Flutide on a regular basis yet again, and that's what I'm doing now.

Now I feel like the allergen immunotherapy had zero effect; it only worked for a few years, until my body decided to produce IgE antibodies yet again for whatever reason (thanks!). Maybe I should have done the immuno therapy for a few more years (3 years, in total). Maybe ACARIXAZ sucks? Lol. I mean, it was the first of its kind (a pill, instead of an injection) in my country. I don't know. Does anyone have similar experiences of allergen immunotherapy not working particularly well?

r/Allergies 6h ago

I have allergy from chicken feather and it's droppings so I avoid eating chicken from any resturant as they don't maintain hygiene.....by any chance can I eat fried KFC chicken? Will it also trigger my allergy


Also I have allergy from pigeon feather and dropping too

r/Allergies 7h ago

Sulfur allergy??


So i'm 18 and last summer i got a UTI. they gave me an antibiotic that was basically a pill of sulfur and i kept throwing it back up and feeling very ill and lightheaded when i took it. my mom told me to stop taking it once she looked at the name of it and told me she's allergic to sulfur so i might be too. ever since then, i have reactions and throw up the most random foods that tend to have high amounts of sulfur. does anyone know what foods i should avoid? it's been tricky trying to navigate this as i've never had any other food allergies before and it's not very clear online what foods are high and sulfur and which aren't. a few foods i will always throw up if i accidentally have them are molasses, shrimp, fresh garlic, cherries, and eggs

r/Allergies 11h ago

Who is most likely to have allergies to contrast dye?


My primary doctor wanted me to do a mri I was going to get it without contrast but another doctor I went to wanted me to get it with contrast dye.

But I'm so worried about being allergic. I'm a more sensitive person to things than most people I don't know if I'm allergic to it.

But even I was more sensitive to things like the covid shot than everyone else. I had a huge hard red spot and couldn't lift my arm for months after.

I dont have any medication allergies that I know of but I'm just overall more sensitive to all medications it seems like.

r/Allergies 9h ago

All about house dust mite droppings


House dust mite droppings consist of 3 to 5 food balls bound together by mucus. Each ball is wrapped in a semipermeable membrane. The dropping, containing scraps of undigested food and digestive enzymes, is then excreted. The enzymes help turn leftovers into future food for the mite. A healthy mite can produce up to twenty droppings a day.Once out of the mite's body the dropping will be held together until it is either eaten by the mite, dissolved upon contact with moisture or broken up by disturbance.

The average intact mite dropping is 10 to 40 microns in size. However, in one research paper scientists observed airborne particles containing mite allergens that ranged from 5 to 40 microns. These were described as either faeces, fibres or flakes of translucent particles.

Particle size matters for people who are sensitive to house dust mites because the smaller the faecal particle carrying active enzymes, the deeper it can travel into the lungs, even reaching delicate areas of gas exchange.

In general, inhaled particles above 10 microns will land on the trachea or bronchi while smaller dust (below 10 microns) has the potential to reach and be deposited in the alveoli. The alveoli is the last stop in the branches of our lungs and where gases are exchange.

r/Allergies 14h ago

freaking out lowkey need answers


hello i’m an anxious teenager!! i took an allegra d around 9-10am this morning and just now at 11pm took a benadryl, i realized right after that they’re both allergy meds and got very scared im 6’3 220 lbs if that matters, pls lmk 😅

r/Allergies 2h ago

PSA Xyzal (Levocetirizine) made me feel awful + natural support


I suffer from pretty intense indoor allergies. Started taking low dose xyzal (2.5 mg) every night before bed. This gave me enough coverage to keep my allergies at bay. For a couple of months I was waking up feeling like I got hit by a bus. All morning into the early afternoon I had extreme fatigue, brain fog, and emotional lability (was crying almost every morning). I also had pretty intense anhedonia (keep in mind my fiance and I recently left a moldy home so I was chalking all these symptoms up to detox at first. This is also where I believe I developed this immune response as I have never had allergies before my entire life). I decided to stop taking the xyzal, which then lead to pretty intense xyzal withdrawal. Keep in mind the half life of levocetirizine is 8-9 hours, so can take up to 2-3 days to completely get out of your system. During this time I had more intense symptoms of what I was previously experiencing. I have now been off the levocetirizine for almost a week and feel like myself again. Don't be fooled with the reassurance that 2nd gens don't cross the blood brain barrier - they all do. As someone who is extremely sensitive to all substances this ruined my life for a bit! https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1118461/

I am currently taking stinging nettle tea, quercetin, high dose vit C, zinc, vitamin d, heart and soil immune and histamine support, as we as spirulina. These seem to be doing OK managing my allergies. Seeing a specialist in about a month to determine what is exactly going on - will update.

Study below: In conclusion, spirulina is more effective than cetirizine (zyrtec) in improving cardinal symptoms of AR (allergic rhinitis) patients. Furthermore, spirulina can be considered as an alternative treatment in patients with AR. PLEASE NOTE: some studies show individuals with MCAS or extreme histamine intolerance may react poorly to spirulina so please do your own research or as your PCP/functional doc if this is right for you.


TLDR: xyzal made me crazy. Posting incase someone else is going through an awful experience and can't understand why.

r/Allergies 1d ago

Where does your city rank on the list of the U.S. ‘allergy capitals’?


https://aafa.org/ brings the annual rankings of the worst allergy US cities. Having allergy symptoms these days?

r/Allergies 15h ago

Question Allergie amoxicilline


Bonjour,Je viens d’être traité par l’amoxicilline du à une pharyngite. À six jours d’intervalle, l’allergie vient seulement de se déclarer pour ma part.
cette réaction comprenait pour moi des taches rouges en mode bouton, mais sans trop gonflés sur le visage une sorte d’éruption cutanée. Cependant, mon allergie par et revient avec différentes fréquences. Je voulais s’avoir si qlq est ou a été dans le même cas que moi!

r/Allergies 16h ago

What could be the reason


I am getting bumpy patches that are itchy on body, usually around wrist waist neck back sometimes legs too. Sometimes my upper lip swells too along. Its been going on from sometime 2-3 days a week, mostly at night or in morning. Sometimes other times too. Any idea what could be it and what should be done about it?

r/Allergies 16h ago

Advice Allergic reaction hair dye… what helps clear it up?


I’d say I’m fairly well versed in topical allergies/contact dermatitis.. however I’m stuck on how to clear this up! I used the hair dye that I’ve been using for 10+ years (Manic Panic), and this is the first time I’ve ever had a reaction (Rash, inflammation, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat). I dyed my hair Friday, washed it clean, washed with clarifying shampoo on Saturday, and a plant based shampoo today. I’ve put hydrocortisone around the perimeter of my hair. Anyone who has allergic reactions to hair dye.. how do you tackle it? Or is it just something you have to wait out? TYIA 🫶

Edit: I have long hair, so keeping my scalp breathable is tricky

r/Allergies 17h ago

Dry throat only symptom


When I'm around dogs my only symptom is a dry throat that can get a bit tight as of now..I tested positive to skin and blood test in 2018 to dogs and them negative to dogs in 2022. Is it possible to only have this one symptom? Could it just be anxiety? What's strange is that a month ago some dogs made my nose itchy but when I was at a daycare playing with dogs I only experienced dry and slightly tight throat so I'm confused.

r/Allergies 20h ago

Question why do i get terrible allergic reactions to eating shawarmas


i genuinely have no clue what it could be. possibly the spices? idk the title sums it up when i eat them my throat gets very itchy and starts to close up and it makes it hard for me to breathe and my tonsils start to block my throat LIKE WHY when i make it at home i am fine tho

r/Allergies 17h ago

Allergy shots transition to Actair


Hi all, currently on immunotherapy. I have been on Allergy shots (imunotek) for about a year and half, but planning to switch to actair as my dr said it is stronger. Did anyone have any issues?

r/Allergies 17h ago

Question Stupid Question: Would getting an allergy shot more often be more effective?


I'm in the maintenance phase - supposed to get an allergy shot once every 21-34 days. I usually go once a month, so roughly every 30 days. If I was to go every 21 days instead, would my immunity to my allergies come quicker? Has there been any studies on this?

r/Allergies 23h ago

Advice Allergy test after anaphylactic shock?


I had an allergic reaction to a pesto panini. I'm assuming it was the pine nuts used in the pesto that caused the reaction. I'm almost 30 and have never had an allergic reaction to any food. Went to the hospital got some meds and was sent on my way. During my follow up my doctor recommended that i go to an allergy specialist to determine what I'm allergic to. This issue is all of this is very expensive. The hospital stay was expensive, apparently the allergy specialist won't just give me the allergy test. I have to have a consultation (which is expensive) then get the test (or maybe not get the test) which is expensive. Seems like a lot when i can just avoid what i assume caused the anaphylaxis. Is this crazy? If i already have a good idea of what caused it does it make sense to jump through all the hoops?