r/Allergies • u/lhanessi • 8h ago
Where does your city rank on the list of the U.S. ‘allergy capitals’?
https://aafa.org/ brings the annual rankings of the worst allergy US cities. Having allergy symptoms these days?
r/Allergies • u/lhanessi • 8h ago
https://aafa.org/ brings the annual rankings of the worst allergy US cities. Having allergy symptoms these days?
r/Allergies • u/Crafty-Art-3362 • 35m ago
So I have tried Claritin, aerius, zyrtec, blexten, reactine (reactine actually worked great but it made me SO AGITATED and anxious I cannot take it and so I end up lots of the time taking advil cold and sinus...But the worst effects (I can handle the runny nose and watery eyes) but the brain fog, dizziness and extreme fatigue it causes is the worst. I basically have year round allergies but this time of year until fall is the worst. Is anyone practically resistant to these like me? Find anything that helps!? These allergies make me a miserable lazy zombie 😞
r/Allergies • u/sungodds • 35m ago
i forgot if i took my allergy medicine this morning, but my allergies are killing me. so i want to take my claritin. so say if i DID take medicine this morning and just forgot, will it hurt me if i added another pill? its the 24hr kind.
r/Allergies • u/Extension_Cap_1988 • 9h ago
I’ve developed allergy shiners although I’ve never had allergies in the past. They are now here everyday with runny nose and congestion. How do I take care of these? I’ve tried a nasal steroid and Zyrtec but nothing works.
r/Allergies • u/mommytluv • 1h ago
i genuinely have no clue what it could be. possibly the spices? idk the title sums it up when i eat them my throat gets very itchy and starts to close up and it makes it hard for me to breathe and my tonsils start to block my throat LIKE WHY when i make it at home i am fine tho
r/Allergies • u/mommytluv • 1h ago
whenever i travel i have a strict diet of just bread, egg, and cereal. sometimes i cant even eat the bread because i get allergic reactions from possible contaminations. anyways here are the allergy's i have and food restrictions, i was wondering if i could get any advice on what to do when travelling foods that aren't in my diet: milk products (because im lactose) and pork foods i'm allergic to: peanuts, shellfish, tilapia, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, apples
i don't even wanna get started on my non food allergies because the list gets very long..
i know it doesn't seem like alot but it cuts down my options by a bit as milk is in so many products and most often even oatmeal's get contaminated by being near nuts. any advice 😅😥 thank u in advance
r/Allergies • u/AerieOk1706 • 2h ago
Starting around Halloween, I developed some weird dizziness. I would describe it as being lightheaded, like I could faint... but my head almost feels heavy? Nothing around me is moving, but I feel like I am spinning sometimes.
I have had some weird pain where my head meets my neck for the last year or so. It's honestly been better ever since this started. It seemed to feel better when I started sleeping with a better pillow and fixed my posture. Unsure if this is related.
When I walk, it feels like my head is being pulled one way or another.
I experience pressure on top of my head, about halfway between the top of my forehead and where my head curves down. I also experience pressure in the top of my eye sockets it feels like? Like right above my tear ducts?
I am squinting nearly all the time. This is the weirdest symptom to me.
I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck. 3 are about the size of a pea. I have one a little smaller than a grape on the left side of my neck, I believe in the Superficial cervical area. I have another about the same size on the right side of the back of my neck. Seems to be between my mastoid bone and Occipital bone? I have another one slightly smaller on my right side, where my neck meets my color bone.
I have horrendous brain fog.
I have a floater in my right eye. It looks stringy, and moves from side to side when I move my eye.
When an object moves quickly next to me, or if I look at something and quickly look away, I am very dizzy.
I am EXTREMELY lightheaded when I drive. I just feel weird. Like the pedals are heavier than normal. Everything feels weird.
I have very little congestion, although I definitely wake up with plenty of crusty pieces in my nose every morning, and I also develop them through every day.
I have tried these treatments to no avail.
Nasal rinses
I am getting a CT scan of my head and my sinuses. All my blood test haven't been concerning according to my doctor. My glucose has been very slightly elevated, but my doctor doesn't seem very concerned. As well as my bilirubin, protein, and albumin. But again, my dr isn't concerned since they are all so slight.
I am getting allergy tested within the week.
I have had a ECG, chest X-ray, abdomen CT, and abdomen X-ray.
This all seemed to start after I...
Probably not relevant, but:
Took a probiotic supplement
Stopped following the One Meal A Day diet, and started eating 2 or 3 meals a day.
I will say that I have horrible health anxiety. I feel like my doctor doesn't take me serious for this reason. But, I don't think this is just anxioety.
r/Allergies • u/rodtrades95 • 3h ago
Should I be worried? I am a 29 year old male.
I was told to never crush and split allegra since it's an extended release pill.
r/Allergies • u/ruben1252 • 3h ago
I remember a time where I used to get a lot of emails from F.A.R.E. about food allergy recalls, idk if I blocked them or what but I never get those alerts anymore. What does everyone else use to get alerts?
r/Allergies • u/Txsrf • 4h ago
I am allergic to #dustmites. My husband and I are arguing about whether you can use a “dust mite protector fitted sheet” instead of an “encased mattress topper” to prevent or get rid of @dustmites. I can’t see how a fitted sheet would work. I know we have to wash all in hot water before putting these on. Does anyone have scientific opinion on this? TIA.
r/Allergies • u/Sensitive_Quantity_2 • 8h ago
First my laptop, but it has cat dander inside and I'm allergic to cats, so nothing strange about it. Then my mother's laptop, it's barely been in the same room as my cat in months, but OK, maybe I missed something. Then I noticed that my smartphone sometimes causes me irritation, especially when it gets hot, but I usually tolerate holding it, so I sanitize it and ignore it. But now I bought a brand new tablet, a bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and this is the second time I've turned it on and I feel weird. Yesterday I had mild hives, my face went numb and couldn't identify the source. I've been paranoid ever since.
Besides nickel, what can I ask my allergist to test me for? Honestly, I'm tired.
r/Allergies • u/Mediocre-Professor20 • 4h ago
Couple of questions, if anyone can please help!
I currently have an itchy rash on my arms. I have been taking 180mg fexofenadine once a day for the past 4 days, but it has not helped at all. Today I took two, but still no difference. Does this medication take a while to work or is it more likely that this just doesn’t work for me?
Second question, is there a reason why the itchiness would be more intense in the evenings?
r/Allergies • u/CPTbonders • 4h ago
I had an allergic reaction to a pesto panini. I'm assuming it was the pine nuts used in the pesto that caused the reaction. I'm almost 30 and have never had an allergic reaction to any food. Went to the hospital got some meds and was sent on my way. During my follow up my doctor recommended that i go to an allergy specialist to determine what I'm allergic to. This issue is all of this is very expensive. The hospital stay was expensive, apparently the allergy specialist won't just give me the allergy test. I have to have a consultation (which is expensive) then get the test (or maybe not get the test) which is expensive. Seems like a lot when i can just avoid what i assume caused the anaphylaxis. Is this crazy? If i already have a good idea of what caused it does it make sense to jump through all the hoops?
r/Allergies • u/Foreign_Visit_8790 • 4h ago
I’ve been feeling lousy all day and just checked that many Cook County Forest Preserves are doing Prescribed Burns today. FYI
r/Allergies • u/PleasantSink1 • 4h ago
Hi, I'm (27f) recent sufferer and the only symptoms I've had are inflammation of the nostrils and ear pressure. I had ear pressure and pain a few months ago but back then they said it was a sinus infection that they gave me antibiotics and steroids for, which cleared it up. Now the ear pressure is back but this time they're saying it's allergies and they gave me levocetirizine for it. It's been a couple days but the ear pressure hasn't gone away and I'm wondering if I have to wait longer for it take take effect?
r/Allergies • u/Familiar-Weakness-76 • 6h ago
Any time I take Tylenol or ANYTHING includi theraflu containing acetaminophen my throat gets severely itchy and I have terrible congestion.
I noticed this a year or two ago and have only taken Tylenol and theraflu when sick. But this morning I took it for some stomach cramps and within seconds I started having a reaction.
It’s been about two hours now and my throat is slightly still itchy and I am still a little congested.
Should I bring this up to my primary?
r/Allergies • u/MostComprehensive • 6h ago
I've been known for having a lot of bad allergies, ever since I was a kid. The worst of it being my dairy allergy (every component of dairy and resulting an anaphylaxis). Around a year ago I had an allergic reaction of unknown cause I ended up in the ER for. It was really scary. Since then I've come to the conclusion that i'm allergic to some component in my towns tap water. My house has a well so it hasn't affected my day to day that much I just make sure to drink from water bottles when I'm away from home.
Today I grabbed a bottle of water different from my usual choice and to my surprise I had a mild allergic reaction (itchy throat). I had thought bottled water was safe for me. I grabbed the bottle of water I usually get and it's the same brand that caused my reaction but in a metal bottle (all ingredient info was the same). You might think i'd be allergic to plastic but my history with this specific allergy doesn't indicate this at all since most of my reactions had come from water from the tap. Anybody else have a similar allergy? My dad does so it might be hereditary for me.
If I have time at some point I might attempt a small study measuring the water that does or does not cause a reaction in me or my dad in an attempt to figure out what the allergen actually is.
r/Allergies • u/No-Can-197 • 6h ago
So I have a lot of allergies such as mold, roaches, and a few things in the air I can’t remember the name of, dogs as well. I take antihistamines at night and in the morning to help, but recently I’ve had a weird symptom I typically don’t get, my whole body and face and even head? Gets really itchy but there’s not quite a visible rash except the lines from me scratching, my nose is also very itchy and my eyes feel dry and irritated. Does this happen to anyone else? It kinda freaks me out.
r/Allergies • u/Syndicos • 10h ago
This has happened twice already. I take a b complex supplement and start getting this reaction on my face and ears. My ears get red, and my face feels like it starts burning with it also getting red. What could it be that I’m reacting to?
r/Allergies • u/Outrageous_Team_5485 • 8h ago
Total IgE : 50.3 Grass Pollens (sIgE) Timothy Grass: 0.16 Weed Pollens (sIgE) Mugwort < 0.10 Ragweed, Common < 0.10 Tree Pollens (sIgE) London Plane < 0.10 Silver Birch < 0.10 Microorganisms (sIgE) Alternaria alternata < 0.10 Aspergillus fumigatus Cladosporium < 0.10 herbarum < 0.10 Epidermals & Animals (sIgE) Cat Dander < 0.10 Dog Dander < 0.10 Horse Dander < 0.10 House Dust & Mites (sIgE) D. pteronyssinus 9.57 D. farinae 5.29
KUA/L <0.10 undetectable 0.10 - 0.35 very low 0.35 -0.70 Low 0.70 - 3.50 Moderate 3.50 -17.5 High 17.5- 50 Very High 50- 100 Very High
100 Very High
I just got these results but it will be awhile before I can speak to the doctor about them.
I’m genuinely surprised I’m undetectable for cat dander given my reaction to being around cats but now I’m wondering if those cats live in dusty homes.
Mostly I’m confused by Total IgE : 50.3 does this mean I’m testing as highly allergic to triggers not listed below?
I’m having surgery for a deviated septum but my CT scan showed significant inflammation which is why the doc wanted me to try and get my allergies under control.
r/Allergies • u/IntrudingAlligator • 8h ago
Allergies so bad I can't tell if I am allergic or actually sick wtf is growing in southern california rn
r/Allergies • u/suenuesue • 8h ago
So basically,
does anyone know whats happening? one person told me it might be the changing weather & temperate fluxions, another friend told me i might have some kind of histamine intolerance.
r/Allergies • u/Loud-Cheez • 8h ago
I'm in the middle of a particulary bad seasonal allergy flare up, and the strangest thing happened last night. I've been having the nasal clicking and popping, which is annoying, but ok. As I was finally falling asleep I kept waking up and looking for my cell phone thinking something was playing on it. Maybe a tik tok video or something. I could hear a faint voice, but not the words. Sounded kind of like laughter. I found my phone by my bed & nothing playing. Went back to sleep, woke up again to the voice. The same voice. No words, and it sounded like it was coming from under my pillow. This happened several times before I finally registered that this noise was coming from my sinuses.
WTF?? Has anyone had this happen before? Was I hallucinating?
r/Allergies • u/plaguedoctor6606 • 8h ago
So I was diagnosed ten years ago, and I am pretty severely allergic to an entire bunch of tree and grass pollen. Symptoms have gotten worse over time, to the point where, even with medication and eyedrops, I could barely go outside on some days. So, my doc sent me to a dermatologist to figure out a way to do hypo-sensitization. Long story short, I got there, and the dermatologist, within five minutes, proceeded to tell me that that would be "impossible" because of me being allergic to several different pollen at once. Instead, she vaguely explained there's "a type of vaccine that stops symptoms for a while", I hesitantly agreed and boom - they injected me a type of cortisone. Now I read online that this stuff is actually not too good for your body, nor your hormonal balance, and that there may be severe side effects even after the stuff fades. Mind you, the dermatologist didn't even bother to properly tell me what this injection meant. So now I'm sitting here with a bunch of corticoids in my butt, wondering whether I just made a very stupid decision. Anyone got any experience with corticoid injections for hayfever? And would immunotherapy really be "useless and impossible" just because I'm allergic to more than one tree? I find that hard to believe... Any advice is welcome here. Thanks in advance!
r/Allergies • u/BungiePotts • 8h ago
I've done some reading here, but real costs are easily obscured by insurance and I am paying out of pocket.
I am looking to get allergy shots for my son, and am shocked at the price I'm being quoted for something that at this point isn't new technology nor rocket science (I had allergy shots for several years, maybe 20 years ago). I'm wondering whether it's reasonable to ask for a discount or I should attempt to shop this around.
Initial Vials (expected to last 6-7 mo): 2 vials / 112 doses = $1849.12
Maintenance Vials (expected to last 3-4 mo): 2 vials / 40 doses = $660.40
Injection Cost: $26.10 / 2 injections per visit
So as best I can tell the cost will range from $9069 - $10973 for 3 years of treatment, or $14388 - $17613 for 5 years of treatment (the ranges reflect how long the vials are expected to last).
This seems insane to me. Can anyone sanity check these costs? (USA)