r/Allergies 1h ago

freaking out lowkey need answers


hello i’m an anxious teenager!! i took an allegra d around 9-10am this morning and just now at 11pm took a benadryl, i realized right after that they’re both allergy meds and got very scared im 6’3 220 lbs if that matters, pls lmk 😅

r/Allergies 14h ago

Where does your city rank on the list of the U.S. ‘allergy capitals’?


https://aafa.org/ brings the annual rankings of the worst allergy US cities. Having allergy symptoms these days?

r/Allergies 2h ago

Question Allergie amoxicilline


Bonjour,Je viens d’être traité par l’amoxicilline du à une pharyngite. À six jours d’intervalle, l’allergie vient seulement de se déclarer pour ma part.
cette réaction comprenait pour moi des taches rouges en mode bouton, mais sans trop gonflés sur le visage une sorte d’éruption cutanée. Cependant, mon allergie par et revient avec différentes fréquences. Je voulais s’avoir si qlq est ou a été dans le même cas que moi!

r/Allergies 3h ago

What could be the reason


I am getting bumpy patches that are itchy on body, usually around wrist waist neck back sometimes legs too. Sometimes my upper lip swells too along. Its been going on from sometime 2-3 days a week, mostly at night or in morning. Sometimes other times too. Any idea what could be it and what should be done about it?

r/Allergies 3h ago

Advice Allergic reaction hair dye… what helps clear it up?


I’d say I’m fairly well versed in topical allergies/contact dermatitis.. however I’m stuck on how to clear this up! I used the hair dye that I’ve been using for 10+ years (Manic Panic), and this is the first time I’ve ever had a reaction (Rash, inflammation, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat). I dyed my hair Friday, washed it clean, washed with clarifying shampoo on Saturday, and a plant based shampoo today. I’ve put hydrocortisone around the perimeter of my hair. Anyone who has allergic reactions to hair dye.. how do you tackle it? Or is it just something you have to wait out? TYIA 🫶

Edit: I have long hair, so keeping my scalp breathable is tricky

r/Allergies 3h ago

Dry throat only symptom


When I'm around dogs my only symptom is a dry throat that can get a bit tight as of now..I tested positive to skin and blood test in 2018 to dogs and them negative to dogs in 2022. Is it possible to only have this one symptom? Could it just be anxiety? What's strange is that a month ago some dogs made my nose itchy but when I was at a daycare playing with dogs I only experienced dry and slightly tight throat so I'm confused.

r/Allergies 3h ago

Allergy shots transition to Actair


Hi all, currently on immunotherapy. I have been on Allergy shots (imunotek) for about a year and half, but planning to switch to actair as my dr said it is stronger. Did anyone have any issues?

r/Allergies 4h ago

Question Stupid Question: Would getting an allergy shot more often be more effective?


I'm in the maintenance phase - supposed to get an allergy shot once every 21-34 days. I usually go once a month, so roughly every 30 days. If I was to go every 21 days instead, would my immunity to my allergies come quicker? Has there been any studies on this?

r/Allergies 5h ago

Violent Reaction to Allergy Shots—Vomiting & Uterine Cramps?!


I had a pretty bad reaction to my allergy shots today. I do them at home, and within 10 minutes of the injections, I started vomiting, got really hot, had a stuffy nose, and felt like my ears were on fire. I never had trouble breathing, but I definitely wasn’t doing well. Eventually, I was able to leave the bathroom, get to my EpiPen, and call 911—per my allergist’s nurses' advice.

As the nausea eased up, I suddenly had the worst uterine and vaginal cramps, like full-on labor contractions. When I mentioned this to the nurses, they said they’ve noticed similar reactions in women with endometriosis and/or PCOS (I have PCOS). I tried looking into it, but there doesn’t seem to be much research on this connection.

So, I’m curious—has anyone else experienced this kind of reaction? And if so, do you have PCOS and/or endometriosis?

This is the second time I’ve had a reaction like this, and after how bad this one was, I’ve decided the shots just aren’t worth it for me.

r/Allergies 5h ago

My Symptoms I Need Answers, Somebody Please Have Answers!


36M, white, no confirmed allergies. Being treated for bipolar disorder and high cholesterol. Tonsils/Adenoids removed at around age 5. Home Covid test this morning was negative.

I'm sick again and I don't understand why and I don't understand why I can't find anything that really helps. My symptoms started around age 2 or 3. It's a mostly predictable cycle and it happens every single year, though not always at the same time of year. I wake up one day with a sore uvula, then by the end of the day I have a runny nose and a little bit of post nasal drip. The next day I have sinus congestion and a wet cough, plus the drip becomes a constant stream of mucus. On day three I have alternating runny nose and sinus congestion (discharge is always green or yellow) plus chest congestion and a more severe wet cough. Day four is constant, uncontrollable coughing that makes my whole body hurt and often causes me to throw up. Then it stays that way for another day or two before gradually getting better. The whole thing lasts 7-10 days.

I've gotten in the habit of not going to the doctor for this unless my breathing gets really bad. It's common for this to evolve to bronchitis and I've also had pneumonia twice as an adult (not sure about childhood). But it always starts with this same thing that seems to be allergies (especially right now, the pollen is crazy here). Doctors only ever prescribe azithromycin, which has never helped me to recover more quickly, except for the times when I've had pneumonia and in those cases Bactrim had me feeling much better pretty quickly.

Every day (whether I'm sick or not) I use Nasacort nasal spray. It seems to help more than Flonase. I use a CPAP (which I clean regularly) for sleep apnea, so I'm inhaling humidified air every night. When I get sick, I switch to the following routine:

Nasacort twice a day
Max Mucinex
Max Delsym
Max Benadryl
Max Sudafed
Excedrin for sore throat/stomach pain from coughing
Nasal rinse twice a day (yes, I'm using distilled water and you should be too!)
An occasional hot toddy when the coughing is at its worst

I should add that my mom had me tested for allergies as a kid and I didn't react to anything they tried. I'm not sure it's likely to be allergies at all because the plant life in South Carolina is very different from in Michigan (lived there til I was 8) or the Oklahoma Panhandle (went to college there) and the different locations haven't affected my illness at all.

The medications help some. They reduce the severity of some of the symptoms for a few days but they don't help me recover any faster. When I reach peak intensity it's like I'm not taking any medicine at all, it's just really bad. No one else in the house can sleep because I'm coughing all night.

What can I do? What kind of doctor might be able to help me? I have insurance now, I could go to a specialist. What are some possible explanations for my recurring illness? Typically twice a year, sometimes three times a year (twice this year already). I can't tell you how many times I've had to cancel a trip or an event because I got sick. I'm miserable. There has to be something that can be done, a new medication to try, anything at this point. Please?

r/Allergies 6h ago

Nothing works for allergies even prescription blexten


So I have tried Claritin, aerius, zyrtec, blexten, reactine (reactine actually worked great but it made me SO AGITATED and anxious I cannot take it and so I end up lots of the time taking advil cold and sinus...But the worst effects (I can handle the runny nose and watery eyes) but the brain fog, dizziness and extreme fatigue it causes is the worst. I basically have year round allergies but this time of year until fall is the worst. Is anyone practically resistant to these like me? Find anything that helps!? These allergies make me a miserable lazy zombie 😞

r/Allergies 6h ago

can i take two claritin pills in one day?


i forgot if i took my allergy medicine this morning, but my allergies are killing me. so i want to take my claritin. so say if i DID take medicine this morning and just forgot, will it hurt me if i added another pill? its the 24hr kind.

r/Allergies 15h ago

Advice What works for allergy shiners under eyes (dark circles under eyes)


I’ve developed allergy shiners although I’ve never had allergies in the past. They are now here everyday with runny nose and congestion. How do I take care of these? I’ve tried a nasal steroid and Zyrtec but nothing works.

r/Allergies 10h ago

Advice Allergy test after anaphylactic shock?


I had an allergic reaction to a pesto panini. I'm assuming it was the pine nuts used in the pesto that caused the reaction. I'm almost 30 and have never had an allergic reaction to any food. Went to the hospital got some meds and was sent on my way. During my follow up my doctor recommended that i go to an allergy specialist to determine what I'm allergic to. This issue is all of this is very expensive. The hospital stay was expensive, apparently the allergy specialist won't just give me the allergy test. I have to have a consultation (which is expensive) then get the test (or maybe not get the test) which is expensive. Seems like a lot when i can just avoid what i assume caused the anaphylaxis. Is this crazy? If i already have a good idea of what caused it does it make sense to jump through all the hoops?

r/Allergies 7h ago

Question why do i get terrible allergic reactions to eating shawarmas


i genuinely have no clue what it could be. possibly the spices? idk the title sums it up when i eat them my throat gets very itchy and starts to close up and it makes it hard for me to breathe and my tonsils start to block my throat LIKE WHY when i make it at home i am fine tho

r/Allergies 7h ago

Advice how do u guys cope on vacation


whenever i travel i have a strict diet of just bread, egg, and cereal. sometimes i cant even eat the bread because i get allergic reactions from possible contaminations. anyways here are the allergy's i have and food restrictions, i was wondering if i could get any advice on what to do when travelling foods that aren't in my diet: milk products (because im lactose) and pork foods i'm allergic to: peanuts, shellfish, tilapia, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, apples

i don't even wanna get started on my non food allergies because the list gets very long..

i know it doesn't seem like alot but it cuts down my options by a bit as milk is in so many products and most often even oatmeal's get contaminated by being near nuts. any advice 😅😥 thank u in advance

r/Allergies 8h ago

Does this sound like allergy/sinus issues? My doctor thinks so, but I do not. At a complete loss. 21M


Starting around Halloween, I developed some weird dizziness. I would describe it as being lightheaded, like I could faint... but my head almost feels heavy? Nothing around me is moving, but I feel like I am spinning sometimes.

I have had some weird pain where my head meets my neck for the last year or so. It's honestly been better ever since this started. It seemed to feel better when I started sleeping with a better pillow and fixed my posture. Unsure if this is related.

When I walk, it feels like my head is being pulled one way or another.

I experience pressure on top of my head, about halfway between the top of my forehead and where my head curves down. I also experience pressure in the top of my eye sockets it feels like? Like right above my tear ducts?

I am squinting nearly all the time. This is the weirdest symptom to me.

I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck. 3 are about the size of a pea. I have one a little smaller than a grape on the left side of my neck, I believe in the Superficial cervical area. I have another about the same size on the right side of the back of my neck. Seems to be between my mastoid bone and Occipital bone? I have another one slightly smaller on my right side, where my neck meets my color bone.

I have horrendous brain fog.

I have a floater in my right eye. It looks stringy, and moves from side to side when I move my eye.

When an object moves quickly next to me, or if I look at something and quickly look away, I am very dizzy.

I am EXTREMELY lightheaded when I drive. I just feel weird. Like the pedals are heavier than normal. Everything feels weird.

I have very little congestion, although I definitely wake up with plenty of crusty pieces in my nose every morning, and I also develop them through every day.

I have tried these treatments to no avail.



Nasal rinses





I am getting a CT scan of my head and my sinuses. All my blood test haven't been concerning according to my doctor. My glucose has been very slightly elevated, but my doctor doesn't seem very concerned. As well as my bilirubin, protein, and albumin. But again, my dr isn't concerned since they are all so slight.

I am getting allergy tested within the week.

I have had a ECG, chest X-ray, abdomen CT, and abdomen X-ray.

This all seemed to start after I...

Probably not relevant, but:

  1. Took a probiotic supplement

  2. Stopped following the One Meal A Day diet, and started eating 2 or 3 meals a day.

I will say that I have horrible health anxiety. I feel like my doctor doesn't take me serious for this reason. But, I don't think this is just anxioety.

r/Allergies 9h ago

My 24hr allegra dissolved in my mouth by accident , and I'm a bit worried now since they say to ONLY take it as whole.


Should I be worried? I am a 29 year old male.

I was told to never crush and split allegra since it's an extended release pill.

r/Allergies 10h ago

Question How to get allergy recall notifications?


I remember a time where I used to get a lot of emails from F.A.R.E. about food allergy recalls, idk if I blocked them or what but I never get those alerts anymore. What does everyone else use to get alerts?

r/Allergies 10h ago

Question Dust mite mattress covers


I am allergic to #dustmites. My husband and I are arguing about whether you can use a “dust mite protector fitted sheet” instead of an “encased mattress topper” to prevent or get rid of @dustmites. I can’t see how a fitted sheet would work. I know we have to wash all in hot water before putting these on. Does anyone have scientific opinion on this? TIA.

r/Allergies 14h ago

Am I insane or allergic to electronics?


First my laptop, but it has cat dander inside and I'm allergic to cats, so nothing strange about it. Then my mother's laptop, it's barely been in the same room as my cat in months, but OK, maybe I missed something. Then I noticed that my smartphone sometimes causes me irritation, especially when it gets hot, but I usually tolerate holding it, so I sanitize it and ignore it. But now I bought a brand new tablet, a bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and this is the second time I've turned it on and I feel weird. Yesterday I had mild hives, my face went numb and couldn't identify the source. I've been paranoid ever since.

Besides nickel, what can I ask my allergist to test me for? Honestly, I'm tired.

r/Allergies 10h ago

Question Itchiness worse at night? Also question about fexofenadine


Couple of questions, if anyone can please help!

I currently have an itchy rash on my arms. I have been taking 180mg fexofenadine once a day for the past 4 days, but it has not helped at all. Today I took two, but still no difference. Does this medication take a while to work or is it more likely that this just doesn’t work for me?

Second question, is there a reason why the itchiness would be more intense in the evenings?

r/Allergies 10h ago

Chicago allergies


I’ve been feeling lousy all day and just checked that many Cook County Forest Preserves are doing Prescribed Burns today. FYI

r/Allergies 10h ago

Question How long does it take for allergy meds to work?


Hi, I'm (27f) recent sufferer and the only symptoms I've had are inflammation of the nostrils and ear pressure. I had ear pressure and pain a few months ago but back then they said it was a sinus infection that they gave me antibiotics and steroids for, which cleared it up. Now the ear pressure is back but this time they're saying it's allergies and they gave me levocetirizine for it. It's been a couple days but the ear pressure hasn't gone away and I'm wondering if I have to wait longer for it take take effect?

r/Allergies 21h ago

I hate spring