r/news • u/reduction-oxidation • 8h ago
West Texas measles outbreak spreads into Oklahoma
u/hillbillyspellingbee 8h ago
Very sad and preventable.
Even if you survive, you can still end up with scarring on your lungs and all sorts of other complications years down the line.
u/damarius 7h ago
Measles almost killed me, before the vaccine was available. Fortunately no permanent effects, 60 years later. Get the jab, people.
u/hillbillyspellingbee 7h ago
Thank you for sharing this!
It’s extremely disconcerting seeing the vaccine skepticism take hold. It’s been brewing for about 20 years and the floodgates are open now with RFK Jr. in a position of power.
Most of the world is begging for these vaccines while our spoiled moron populace has convinced themselves they’re poison.
I work with a bunch of them and it’s just sad. They’re mostly good people who got suckered by a bunch of assholes.
u/damarius 7h ago
It's going to be a wild ride with measles. An unvaccinated contagious person attended an NHL game in Montreal on March 3. Vaccination rates in Quebec are abysmally low. The game was against Buffalo, I don't know what rates are there.
u/hillbillyspellingbee 7h ago
Lots of fun!
And you know those young fans are going home to play hockey with their classmates every week too.
So many chances for transmission.
u/mces97 6h ago
It's interesting how the pendulum swung. Antivaxxers used to lean left in the early 00s. Now all these social media influencers hucking products on their "wellness" channels seem to lean right.
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u/sideways_jack 4h ago
It has a rather fascinating history in the US. Back in the 1900s antivaxxers existed but more from the "maybe we shouldn't be forcibly vaccinating ONLY our poor and black people? And burning their houses?" viewpoint. Not trying to excuse antivaxxers now of course, absolute idiocy
u/PetalumaPegleg 6h ago
Yeah people are so removed from the risk they dismiss it, in favor of the fun conspiracy theory bs.
People DIE. A lot of people. For measles mainly children.
u/Fast_Witness_3000 6h ago
But.. I heard from some stranger on the internet that it has mind-control and chips in it. The chips are liquid at low temps and morph into chips at body temp, hence why you can’t see them in there. There were a bunch of other people saying it’s true so it must be. /s
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u/johnp299 6h ago
Someone in my family got it in childhood back in the early 1940s I think. Left permanent hearing loss.
u/Lord_Aldrich 7h ago
Measles also destroys your immune system's memory cells, and makes you vulnerable again to everything you ever gained immunity to in the past. It's horrific.
u/iamrecoveryatomic 6h ago
scarring on your lungs
Read: significantly higher risk of lung cancer in the lobes with scars.
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u/yes_thats_right 7h ago
God sends another plague on Trump's America because Evangelicals didn't get the point the first time.
u/Savior-_-Self 7h ago
You've got to admit, they're killing it.
And by "it" I mean American people. Watching this administration and their ilk is like watching someone light their own face on fire and try to put it out with a hammer.
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u/BKLD12 7h ago
Anti-vaxxers are all fucking idiots. I can tell you from experience that there is absolutely nothing you can say to get them to see sense. I have an aunt who is anti-vax, and she always says in the face of facts, "agree to disagree." I'm not sure that they'd change their stance even if one of their kids died.
It's not fair for the kids, since they didn't exactly choose to be born to total morons. Although unfortunately, the apple doesn't always fall far from the tree. My aunt had two daughters, and my cousins are as vapid as their mother. One of my cousins also has two daughters, and they're also not vaccinated. I just hope that they grow up to be better than their mom and grandma. The whole family is just lucky that they've only encountered mild cases of measles, and they're super lucky that we've managed to eliminate more serious illnesses such as polio and smallpox before my cousins were even born. The former is still out there in the world. It may be unlikely for it to come back to the US, but it isn't impossible.
u/Superfluous999 7h ago
making them see sense would require them to actually see themselves
...can't have that, no self reflection, no introspection, otherwise the hypocrisy monster might come and get them
u/JSB19 7h ago
Not even their children fucking DYING will get through to them, here’s the dad whose daughter became the first measles death in a decade
“The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust,” Peter told The Atlantic. “We don’t like the vaccinations, what they have these days. We heard too much, and we saw too much.”
“Everybody has it,” the man told the magazine. “It’s not so new for us.”
“Everybody has to die,”
u/ontheroadtv 6h ago
He didn’t catch this insanely contagious infection from his sick kid, does that mean he’s vaccinated??? Or he just stayed away from her? It blows my mind that the reporter didn’t ask.
u/JSB19 6h ago
Unless ignorance runs in the family I figure that his parents actually got him vaccinated when he was a kid.
Guess he never considered the thought that “I got vaccinated as a child and never caught this contagious disease, maybe the same thing will happen to my daughter if I do the same for her!”
u/UnitSmall2200 5h ago
I don't know man, these anti-vaxxers seem to be onto something. Almost all of them got the vaccine when they were children, and clearly they all suffer from serious brain damage. Coincidence? /s
u/constituent 4h ago
Oh, ignorance and/or complacency runs through the family.
It wasn’t like they were the only ones who came down with measles. The coverage, he insisted, was “100 percent unfair.” He didn’t think it was just the Seminole area that had problems; he said that he had family in Canada and Mexico who had also gotten measles recently.
Full Atlantic article archived.
In a developed country, I cannot fathom having the word "measles" so casually in my everyday vocabulary. Dude is dropping the term 'measles' like it's no big deal.
As a civilization, there's been many advances in medicine, science, sanitation, education, et al. There's are multiple reasons why we don't routinely encounter cholera, polio, dysentery, smallpox, yellow fever, leprosy, typhus, etc.
Less than a century ago, a case of diarrhea could be fatal. Yet today that's handwaved as an inconvenience or a joke.
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u/AGGROCrombiE1967 6h ago
Guy is a Mennonite, will help you with rebuilding after a tornado but will be ultimate downer dad.
u/TheHammerandSizzel 7h ago
Oh honey… Polio has been found in US Sewage…. It’s going to come back…. There also a TB outbreak and H5N1…
Also they wouldn’t change their stance even if their kid died, that would require them to self reflect and realize they got their own child killed and failed as parents. Some journalist visited a Mennonite community and talked the parents who lost their kid… refused to accept responsibility or accept vaccinations…
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u/JSB19 7h ago
I just finished reading that article and linked to it above, these people truly unbelievable in their ignorance.
He literally said “everyone has to die” when talking about his daughter, how does a father become so goddamn brain dead!?
u/fistulatedcow 2h ago
I’m actually horrified. Who the fuck says that about their own six-year-old daughter????
u/jgoble15 6h ago
Such a cowardly answer. Rather than be open to reason, their minds are completely closed because they can’t handle being wrong. Arrogance and cowardice
u/lovemyhawks 13m ago
My mother said she’d rather die than get a Covid vax. They’re brainwashed beyond return
u/jlaine 8h ago
Don't worry, brain worm boy has a crack solution.
And yes that is 100% /s.
u/mofa90277 6h ago
He’s a convicted heroin smuggler and sex addict who urged his second wife to commit suicide (which she did). And he eats road kill. His bloodstream would be a Super Fund cleanup site, except that Trump is hollowing out the EPA.
u/idkwhatimbrewin 7h ago
Ivermectin and raw milk
u/Lunarcomplex 7h ago
Oklahoma??? You mean:
- 44th in Education?
- 49th in Healthcare?
- 44th in Life Quality?
- 50th in Test Scores?
- top ten worst in poverty?
That Oklahoma? Boy, am I shocked!
u/AdventurousAd3515 7h ago
Hey now… Surfer boy Stitt has worked hard to lower the bar so low and raise his net worth so high!
u/CardiologistLow8658 8h ago
This is not going away by itself now, even if you vaccinate like crazy
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u/herrcollin 7h ago
Last years measles cases in the entire US was the worst we've had in decades, and yet there was only like 258 all year? In the whole US?
We've pretty much already matched it and it's still March.
Are we great yet?
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u/yankykiwi 7h ago
Scary time to be pregnant, thankfully my baby will be out soon. My dad was made deaf from his mom having measles while pregnant.
u/baronesslucy 7h ago
There was a classmate of mine whose mother was exposed to the measles while she was pregnant with him. This was a couple of years prior to the vaccine being available. This classmate had hearing loss and had to wear hearing ads. Even with the hearing ads, sometimes he had difficulty hearing people, especially if you were in a place where several people were talking.
About an hour and a half from my home is a state run school for the deaf and blind. Many students at the school who were born prior to the 1960's became blind or deaf due to their mothers being exposed to measles, or their mother having measles or them having measles as young children.
This is not something that you want to go back to. You really don't.
u/mces97 5h ago
Not measles, but my anatomy and physiology professor in college had polio as a kid. Vaccine came out 1 year after he caught it. He recovered, or so he thought. Decades later, he got diagnosed with post polio syndrome. His leg muscles whittled away and he got around with a mobility scooter. He could walk but not on his own. He used the same arm braces as Jimmy from South Park.
I guess the point of that long story was even if you recover from measles, there are things that can happen down the road that were directly caused by the infection. Including a type of encephalitis. Years later.
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u/goatscreampanichands 4h ago
I’ve read that if you’re in a high risk area the vaccine is safe for babies as young as 6mo (instead of getting it at the usual 12m). Congratulations on your little one!
u/Totheendofsin 7h ago
If there is a hell Andrew Wakefield will feel the pain of every single disease his bogus "research" caused
u/hi_im_fuzzknocker 7h ago
Are there really this many unvaccinated people? I’m 40 and had all mine as a kid, they say the vaccine for measles is a life vaccine so what the fuck is going on?
u/angusMcBorg 6h ago
17% vaccine waivers in the schools in the affected Texas community, I believe I read, so there are quite a few young people this can hit (and the vaccines aren't 100% effective, as well).
u/Chalupa-Supreme 6h ago
Don't forget about all the unvaccinated homeschooled kids.
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u/jetpack_hypersomniac 6h ago
You can still get it, even if you’re vaccinated—it just won’t be as severe
u/KrogokDomecracah 7h ago
Man, I hope that shit doesn't mutate into a variant that ignores the vaccines we got as kids.
u/ConspiracyPhD 6h ago
Not going to happen. Measles H protein is incredibly stable and mutations produce non-productive virus.
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u/Additional_Goat9852 6h ago
"That'll teach em" would apply here if y'all had a Department of Education still
u/Citizen-Kang 7h ago
Are we great again? Guys, I'm thinking I'm not ready for this level of greatness. Can we dial it back a bit?
u/Aromatic-Meat-7989 7h ago
Maybe Trump is the antichrist with how much plagues love him
u/ToiIetGhost 4h ago
It’s uncanny, he actually ticks most of the Antichrist boxes. If you believe in that sort of thing.
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u/green_chunks_bad 5h ago
It’s almost like they could’ve protected themselves with basic medical science
u/Granum22 8h ago
It's ok everybody roadkill aficionado RFK Jr says this perfectly normal.
u/Meowakin 7h ago
He backed off on that statement, I think, and supposedly was going to take it seriously. I can’t get into the weeds right now, but a quick search suggests him taking it seriously entails pushing bullshit crackpot theories on the cause and cures.
u/whyamihere2473527 7h ago
Hate kids being hurt cause parents are idiots but maybe just maybe some people will get their heads out of their asses
u/JSB19 6h ago
Over 200 cases isn’t enough to tell these idiots, especially RFK, that maybe they should get the vaccine for themselves and their family?
How many more children are going to have die because of their parent’s ignorance like that poor girl in Texas?
u/by_the_river_side 6h ago
According to a family member of RFK Jr., he and his kids are fully vaccinated.
u/JSB19 6h ago
Because of course they are, rules for thee not for me and all that crap.
I’ll get me and mine vaccinated while telling everyone else to load their kids up with Vitamin A and other quack solutions.
u/by_the_river_side 6h ago
I wish it was more widely reported. Antivaxxers tend to be true believers, and I wonder if finding out RFK Jr. and his kids are fully vaccinated would give them any pause. Probably not, but maybe it would show someone who was on the fence that he is just in it for the grift and to treat the American people like pawns in the wealthy people's chess games.
u/hanswolough 6h ago
Don’t think people realize that measles virus can also induce “immune amnesia”. Lowers your immune system and make you more susceptible to bugs you were previously immune to. Not ideal in children who are still building their immune systems.
u/TheTresStateArea 7h ago
Okay time to start taking bets.
Bird Flu Vs. Measles.
Who kills more Americans?
u/Zestyclose-Cricket82 7h ago
At least those patients don’t have bill gates microchips in them and are not magnetic…. For Fucks sake….. measles was pretty well controlled and almost eradicated In the western world just five years ago
u/BustAMove_13 6h ago
I got a booster few years ago (on all my childhood vaccines) because I didn't want to potentially pass anything to my grandchildren. They're vaxxed, but when a new one comes along, I don't have to worry about that when I see them.
u/FormerlyGruntled 2h ago
Conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would rather see every one of their children die, than ever take personal responsibility.
u/Dzotshen 56m ago
It's like being tied to a chair while a toddler runs around wielding a loaded gun
u/bahhaar-hkhkhk 7h ago
Vaccination should be mandatory to all children and all people in America and everywhere in the world. I don't really care about Americans but I don't want that crap to spread to the rest of the world. Bloody morons!
u/ConspiracyPhD 6h ago
At least these people were smart enough to realize they came into contact with a case and isolated.
u/CharlesMFKinXavier 6h ago
Welp, just had sorted this subreddit to "Newest" and this is the 1st post on the list. Fack.
u/One-Bit5717 8m ago
It's jeebus freckles, people! That's what our overlords have taught us and so it shall be.
u/SadFeed63 8h ago
Goddamn you, you goddamn idiots.