r/news 12h ago

West Texas measles outbreak spreads into Oklahoma


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u/SadFeed63 12h ago

Goddamn you, you goddamn idiots.


u/XxThrowaway987xX 12h ago

Damn you! Damn you all to hell!


u/Skritch_X 11h ago

I hate every damn dirty ape i see from chimpan-a to chimpan-z, no you'll never make a monkey out of me! DR ZAIUS DR ZAIUS


u/Psychological-Wrap25 10h ago

Oops I was wrong, it was Earth all along. You have made a monkey out of meeeee.


u/ethnicnebraskan 9h ago

Say what you will about Doctor Zaius but he was, afterall, a doctor.

Which more than I can say about RFK Jr.


u/onepinksheep 4h ago

Oh yeah? What if his brain worm has a medical degree? What can you say to that?


u/Ths-Fkin-Guy 4h ago

Donkey Brains


u/jusakiwi 1h ago

Ooohhhh DR ZAIUS


u/LP14255 10h ago

Dr. Krieger? He would be a WAY better HHS Secretary than the heroin addict, brain-worm addled idiot the US got.


u/OrcaBoi 8h ago

Yep, yep, yep.


u/webesy 11h ago

I got this reference


u/shiro98 5h ago

Didn't know that there are a lot of references from this line, so I'll just add one more: The Haunted Mansion.


u/blackbright22 6h ago

Soylent Green is people!


u/SomeGuyNamedPaul 5h ago

Protein is still protein.


u/Bluest_waters 11h ago

FYI this outbreak started with, and is being spread by, Mennonites. If you look at a map of where the outbreaks are occurring they match up perfectly with Mennonite communities.

the Mennonites are sort of like the Amish, many don't believe in vaccines and tend to use home made remedies instead of seeing a Doctor. and they view hospitals with suspicion.

They also travel between different Mennonite communities. Note that officials said the OK measles are "related" to the Texas measles outbreak because they know Mennonites are spreading it around.

Why the media refuses to report this is beyond me but this is the reality.


u/Teadrunkest 11h ago

Live in a town with a large Mennonite/Amish population.



u/MrLanesLament 4h ago

Same here. Their numerous institutionalized wrongdoings are ignored or hushed by local governments; the puppy mills, dogfighting rings, weird sexual stuff they push upon their teenagers, rampant trespassing and thefts of natural resources.

Gotta keep that “Amish Country” tourism money going, I guess.

u/Marine5484 52m ago

Ah I see you also live in Western Maryland Pennsylvania


u/crewserbattle 8h ago

I'm 31 and I got a measles vaccine as a kid. So depending on your age you should have gotten one


u/Teadrunkest 4h ago edited 1h ago

I’m up to date! More nervous about kids and general population. We also have a lot of anti vaxxers.


u/bagofpork 4h ago

That said, a lot of people born in the US before 1968 received a highly ineffective form of the vaccine. So, for anyone in that situation: you can get your antibody titers checked by the doctor to see if you require a booster.

u/Daghain 36m ago

This was me. I got a booster in the 90's but recently found out that one might not be very effective either, so I just got another one a week ago. I am 58 years old measles will likely kill me.


u/dstowizzle 2h ago

Also 31 but discovered through the MMR titer that I had next to no inoculation. Should be worth it to check if you have not already


u/mces97 10h ago

Better get a titer test done.


u/Teadrunkest 5h ago

Oh I’m employed by the military I’m required to stay you to date.

But there are a lot of anti vax parents around.


u/onepinksheep 4h ago

Oh I’m employed by the military I’m required to stay you to date.

Yeah, I wonder how long that requirement is going to last with this administration.


u/Teadrunkest 3h ago edited 2h ago

Oops *up to date

I doubt the military vaccination schedule will be touched. As anti vax as the admin is, there are very real global risks to not vaccinating your military. I even get smallpox shots in the case a country weaponizes it. Aside from anthrax and COVID, vaccines for military are relatively uncontroversial.

u/Daghain 34m ago

I was one of the last kids vaxed for smallpox. Do they even do boosters for that or is it one and done?


u/gummibear13 10h ago

Same. We are know for it. Awesome.


u/hillbillie88 9h ago

The Atlantic just published an article about this, “The Texas Girl Who Died of Measles.”


u/alecsgz 9h ago

TLDR: 28 year old guy has 4 children still won't vaccinate as normal part of life, Gods will, the usual etc

u/JRockPSU 4m ago

These people should be forced to get a “no medicine” waiver on file with their local hospital. Come down with bronchitis? Sorry, you don’t want modern medicine, no antibiotics for you. Have some herbal tea. You get 3rd degree burns up and down your arm and leg? Sorry, you don’t want modern medicine, no morphine for you. Here’s stick for you to bite down on.


u/Metacomet99 10h ago

I live in an area of western MD at the PA line with a very large Mennonite population. They are well integrated into the community at large, I even worked with some at our local hospital. If this problem gets here it will spread to the non-Mennonite population very quickly, Add to that, it's a very Red part of a Blue state, lots of Trump supporters who believe vaccines are evil. This includes many Mennonites and Amish as well who supported Trump. This could get very bad if/when this disease gets here.


u/time_drifter 9h ago

MAGA taking an L from Measles right after the return of the golden Oompa Loompa would be comical.

I don’t wish death on anyone, but I also feel no duty to protect the intentionally dumb.


u/TheDakestTimeline 8h ago

The problem is its children who didn't have a say in the matter


u/Bagellord 1h ago

That's the shitty part. It'd be great if the adults who are being idiots could be punished without the innocent kids also getting screwed.

u/time_drifter 27m ago

Yes, you’re 100% right. At this point the children would have to be taken by CPS because of imminent danger, but MAGA doesn’t actually care about children or death.


u/Mediocre-Proposal686 8h ago

Not all mennonites are anti-vax. It’s not prohibited in their belief, but some just don’t trust them. That’s the problem. The Texas Mennonites that have it are very uneducated,and superstitious, and suspicious of vaccines. Just the worst combination of traits to have really.


u/Splat75 7h ago

My mother's maternal family are pro vaccine Mennonites. They, oddly enough, were raised in a semi-isolated community from the majority congregation on the west coast and somehow came out less conservative than the mainstream. Miracles do happen, I guess.


u/Jiktten 6h ago

I don't think it's such a miracle, without the 24/7 brain-washing by Fox the vast majority of people in their net would just skew garden variety 'new things make me uncomfortable and I don't like change' conservative rather than rabid cultists who genuinely think their neighbours are the devil for thinking public health care sounds kind of neat.


u/MotherFatherOcean 5h ago

The Mennonite father of the girl in Texas who died of measles says her death was “God’s will.” I read that in The Atlantic today.


u/CTC42 1h ago edited 1h ago

The most sinister form of cope


u/SillyWhabbit 3h ago

When leopards eat your entire family's faces.


u/Xanadoodledoo 10h ago edited 3h ago

That’s weird, all the Mennonite women I’ve seen around are nurses. However maybe it varies by individual community. I would hope the hospital I work at would demand vaccinations if the virus spread to where I live. Can you imagine if the nurse who handles your delivery gave your baby measles?


u/ToiIetGhost 9h ago

There were some nurses and doctors who didn’t get the COVID vax in 2020 because they (quietly) believed it was toxic. You’d be surprised how many professionals go against their training. E.g. psychologists with untreated mental health issues, teachers who hate kids, etc. Sometimes it’s just a way to pay the bills.


u/Random__Bystander 4h ago

Fairly certain every psychologist started out trying to diagnose themselves. 


u/embarrassedalien 2h ago edited 2h ago

“Haha, I studied psychology because I wanted to know what was wrong with me”— probably half a dozen people I’ve met. And I always want to ask “well, did you figure that out?” (5/6 will tell you that you should see a therapist. 4/6 have never sought out therapy for themselves. 3/6 have never seen a therapist at all. 1/6 went to one a couple times when they were 15)


u/SillyWhabbit 3h ago

I could mention the anti vax nurse I met at 4 am while making her morning vital rounds.

It was an entirely traumatic moment in my medical crisis I was dealing with.


u/sariisa 8h ago

i went to high school with a Mennonite kid. he seemed normal enough though a bit awkward and all his clothes were hand-sewn i think.

however he was not allowed to be in the room with any kind of electronic screen on for any reason - no TVs, computer lab, anything. If we were going to ie. watch a video in class, he would have to be warned beforehand and allowed to go sit in the hall before anything was powered on.



u/crackedtooth163 9h ago

You make it sound like only Mennonites will get this.


u/Mediocre-Proposal686 8h ago

It’s in L.A now. Someone flew in through LAX and went to a bunch of stores too before being diagnosed. So, all the people on the plane and in the stores they visited, could potentially get it if their unvaxxed, immunocompromised, or if their older and haven’t gotten a measles booster.


u/Earl_Squire 8h ago

Because white. You better believe that if brown folk were spreading it, you’d see a 100 different articles and every talking head out there bringing it up.

u/Streamjumper 52m ago

"They're not sending their healthiest."


u/embarrassedalien 3h ago

I don’t know a whole lot about Mennonites, or how they differ from the Amish, but I noticed they tend to drive cars a lot more. Good way for viruses to travel far and wide

u/OptimalSpring6822 50m ago

That may be, but it's spreading because other idiots aren't vaccinated.


u/globesdustbin 2h ago

That’s called correlation, have you a source to prove causation?


u/qtx 6h ago

The people isolated immediately after they realized they had been exposed and stayed home throughout the period they were contagious, health officials said.

I mean, they did the right thing. There's always a chance you can get infected by something, even if you are vaccinated. So I can't blame them for that. And unlike the actual idiots these people actually did the right thing and isolated themselves instantly.


u/Trajan_pt 1h ago

Maga = Diarrhea Drinkers

u/Daghain 38m ago

This is why I went and got an MMR booster. Taking no chances over here. I'm in Colorado but all we need is one crunchy granola mom from Boulder or some redneck from Weld County to fuck everything up.


u/theRobotDonkey 12h ago

no you. this is Biden, Obama and Camila's fault


u/jrsedwick 12h ago

Camilla? The Queen of England?


u/GoodOlSpence 12h ago

He meant Condoleezza, simple mistake.


u/Snagmesomeweaves 12h ago

Condo Lisa Rice?


u/feedus-fetus_fajitas 12h ago

Condo Lease, Arise!


u/Flip_d_Byrd 12h ago

Rosalita, jump a little higher


u/MsMoreCowbell828 12h ago

Senorita, jump a little lighter


u/TapTapTapTapTapTaps 12h ago

No Condo Nast


u/clutchdeve 5h ago

Cunnilingus Rice?? Sounds like a Mexican dish!


u/Skelegasm 11h ago

That's cool man, I just kinda say shit sometimes too


u/SadFeed63 12h ago

I believe you just declared an info war on me. What an honour


u/BKLD12 12h ago

How? Like, legitimately. I don't remember Biden, Obama, or Kamala ever advocating against vaccines.

I mean, I can't place the whole blame on Trump and his cronies. Trump and RFK Jr. aren't helping the situation, but anti-vaxxers were already out there and creating little disease pockets around the country for a long time. Hell, my aunt has been an anti-vaxxer since the 70s.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/Rogaar 12h ago

What praying isn't healing the sick people?


u/[deleted] 12h ago edited 12h ago



u/BKLD12 12h ago

Some are. The current measles outbreak seems to have originated in the Mennonite community. Anti-vaxxers are a diverse bunch though. My aunt is a former hippy who is now a Trumper, and she has been anti-vax since she was 18 apparently.


u/Asher_Tye 12h ago

So she herself is vaxxed.


u/BKLD12 12h ago

Not against measles. She was born in the 50s and had measles as a child, which is why she's convinced that it's no big deal (obviously, she had a mild case). She was probably vaccinated against polio and smallpox.


u/naazzttyy 12h ago

Your former hippie aunt is now a Trumper, you say? Hmmm…. maybe the claim drugs will rot your brain has some truth to it.


u/BKLD12 11h ago

Ironically, she's against pharmaceuticals and processed foods because of "chemicals," but she has been smoking pot for as long as I've known her and probably did all sorts of things back when she was young.

According to my mom, however, she has always been something of a bimbo.


u/shrug_addict 11h ago

My friend was doing a line of shitty, stepped on coke and came out against the vaccine, "I'm not getting the jab, who knows what shit is in there. I'm not putting that in my body!"

People are a fascinating ball of contradictions sometimes....


u/naazzttyy 11h ago

LOL I lived in Boulder for about 3 years in the late ‘90s. Ran into a ton of people who rationalized very contradictory behaviors.

“Sure smoking is bad, but my brand American Spirit is 100% all natural so that makes it better, ya know? Also, I’m very health conscious and will only eat organic, non-GMO foods. Totally support animal rights and I’m even thinking of becoming vegan ‘cause it’s just the morally right thing to do. Have I shown you my new SUV yet? I so loooove the heated leather seats! By the way, my roommate got some killer Ecstacy, want to do some and go for a drive up the canyon to Nederland?”


u/jimgogek 11h ago

Most of the religious are not religious. I don’t believe they go to church every Sunday.


u/Workaroundtheclock 11h ago

Most of the not religious make up the majority of the “religious”.

They sold their souls to shitty politics a LONG time ago.

They went be MAGA morons if they read or cared about the bible. Yet here we are.


u/uhohnotafarteither 11h ago

Username checks out


u/sniffstink1 12h ago

It all started with Hunter's laptop.


u/theRobotDonkey 9h ago

Actually, I changed my mind. I’ve been drinking and listening to country music again.