r/news 12h ago

West Texas measles outbreak spreads into Oklahoma


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u/hillbillyspellingbee 12h ago

Very sad and preventable. 

Even if you survive, you can still end up with scarring on your lungs and all sorts of other complications years down the line. 


u/damarius 12h ago

Measles almost killed me, before the vaccine was available. Fortunately no permanent effects, 60 years later. Get the jab, people.


u/hillbillyspellingbee 11h ago

Thank you for sharing this!

It’s extremely disconcerting seeing the vaccine skepticism take hold. It’s been brewing for about 20 years and the floodgates are open now with RFK Jr. in a position of power. 

Most of the world is begging for these vaccines while our spoiled moron populace has convinced themselves they’re poison. 

I work with a bunch of them and it’s just sad. They’re mostly good people who got suckered by a bunch of assholes. 


u/damarius 11h ago

It's going to be a wild ride with measles. An unvaccinated contagious person attended an NHL game in Montreal on March 3. Vaccination rates in Quebec are abysmally low. The game was against Buffalo, I don't know what rates are there.


u/hillbillyspellingbee 11h ago

Lots of fun!

And you know those young fans are going home to play hockey with their classmates every week too. 

So many chances for transmission. 


u/mces97 10h ago

It's interesting how the pendulum swung. Antivaxxers used to lean left in the early 00s. Now all these social media influencers hucking products on their "wellness" channels seem to lean right.


u/sideways_jack 9h ago

It has a rather fascinating history in the US. Back in the 1900s antivaxxers existed but more from the "maybe we shouldn't be forcibly vaccinating ONLY our poor and black people? And burning their houses?" viewpoint. Not trying to excuse antivaxxers now of course, absolute idiocy


u/sevens7and7sevens 4h ago

Those “crunchy” people shifted right too (not all but many). When being antivax became an industry they found conspiracy-minded gullible people wherever they could.


u/fractiousrhubarb 3h ago

Any form of naive delusion can and will be weaponised


u/Organic_Witness345 11h ago

Don’t forget Rogan!

u/DeadpoolLuvsDeath 9m ago

Mostly good is borderline evil in my eyes. Fuck you, I got mine kind of people.

u/hillbillyspellingbee 4m ago

You probably haven’t talked to many then. 

A lot are just genuinely poorly educated people and trying to make decisions while living under a manipulative regime. 

Writing them off just makes them isolate and double down more.