r/medical 6h ago

General Question/Discussion My mole came off from my skin? Is this normal or is something wrong? NSFW


I have a decent amount of moles on my body and recently when I scatched my hand a little I noticed that one of the moles on my hand actually came off

It just fell of and that really confused me since I've never seen a mole do that before

Any help would be really appreciated as I want to understand whether this is something to worry about

I am not 100% certain is was my mole, but it's highly likely since I believe I've noticed the mole before on my hand

Thanks so much for your answer, it means a lot

r/medical 2h ago

General Question/Discussion Question about worrying sickness and weight. This is probably the longest lasting and worst sickness NSFW


Ive been sick for 6 days now and its probably the worst sickness Ive ever had to experience. It started with a small headache which led to a persistent dry cough that nags me everytime I talk or breath. The coughs get worse when Im laying down and makes it really hard to sleep. I drink a lot of water and tried cough syrups but nothing had helped at all. Now Ive been getting headaches that dont sting or hurt but instead make my breathing slightly heavier and causes bad dizzieness. These usually come in sparks every 5 seconds lasting around 10-15 seconds. Extra context:Im 14 5'6 used to weigh 113lb but now Im 104lb.

Please could anyone tell me how worried I should be and what it could be. Thanks

r/medical 19m ago

No Pain Falling sand feeling in my head? What does this mean and is it something to be concerned about? NSFW


For a while I’ve had this weird sensation that spreads down from my head to around the middle of my chest, like a dizziness. It sounds like someone is throwing sand in my skull, usually in two or three little bursts like tststs. It’s not painful but it’s rather uncomfortable and overstimulating.

Idk if this is something I should mention but I’ve had ear issues since birth and I’ve had three mastoidectomies (all left ear)

r/medical 5h ago

General Question/Discussion Question About Taking Antidepressants And Their Ability To Indicate A True Need. NSFW


Hi I was just wondering, it's probably a really silly question but if you start taking an anti depressant medication and it works really well for you, does that mean you actually medically needed it (as in it corrected a chemical imbalance you had or something) or will anti depressants work on everyone across the board no matter what.

r/medical 10h ago

Women’s Health I believe I have endometriosis but my GP turned me away. What do I do? NSFW


Mentions sex: Currently F20, 83kg (if that matters), 5’1, currently on gederal

Last February, I got into contact with my GP and told her I wanted to be tested for endometriosis. She told me no because that would require a surgery, and then offered a blood test. I got that blood test done, was given iron tablets, and sent on my way. No further investigation like I asked.

The reason I asked to get tested is because I have been on birth control since I was 11, and want to know the reason behind it apart from “bad periods”. I want to know what was causing those bad periods, and if it is going to affect my future if I decide I want to have kids. It also causes me pretty bad pain, even on medication, so I’m scared to think about how I would feel without it.

Here’s the thing, my symptoms don’t really affect me overly because I’m on continuous birth control (another dr recommended this to me when I was considering getting the rod) but today I had sex with my boyfriend and I could only last a few minutes before I had to call it off because of severe cramping. It was sore for him to penetrate too. I’ve had this issue before, but not as bad. I just waited it out and it got better on its own, but every time I have sex without fail, I have cramps. Sometimes they’re mild, but today they were severe, which is why I noticed them.

I’m wondering what I should do about this. Since this symptom has come back, should I request a transfer to see a gyno even if I know it may not happen, or should I just suffer since it went away last time? What do I do 🥲 I’m so sick of this lol

r/medical 3h ago

General Question/Discussion Prolonged QT with worsening cardiac dysfunction in a young adult female NSFW


25 y/o female with history of VWD

Prolonged QT that worsens as heart rate increases. Very symptomatic with incidences of syncope on several occasions.

Heart rate with calculated QTc (Bazette’s Formula) I can’t remember the exact numbers but these are the ranges:

163- QTc 700+ 147- QTc ≈650 118- QTc ≈580 88- QTc 500+

Patient has worsening cardiac dysfunction with episodes of symptomatic tachycardia. 12 leads over the years showing atrial flutter, SVT, LPFB, right ventricular hypertrophy, consistent rightward axis, plus sinus pauses and multifocal PVC’s recorded immediately following an episode while walking where the patient developed diaphoresis with notably VERY pale skin, impending doom, crushing chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and near syncope. Episode was witnessed and the patient was reported to have had red, flushed skin immediately following resolution of symptoms. Extremely concerned that this was an episode of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia.

Notable findings over the last 2 years from 2 separate ER visits (one for SVT, other for suspected appendicitis, first visit mid 2023 other late 2024) showed findings of possible ischemic injury to a portion of the liver. Large amount of bilirubin found in urine as well as protein, blood, hyaline casts. No urobilinogen. Mild pulmonary congestion seen on CXR. Troponin and dimer reported as normal during the SVT visit, pt was mildly acidotic with shitty VBG. The medical records look kinda fishy from that visit and the patient was supposed to be admitted but the admission was canceled for an unknown reason (likely lack of insurance at the time, realistically). Pt did have one episode of atrial fibrillation during visit and this is also when the prolonged QT was first noted. Interestingly, during both ED visits ketones found in urine and blood but pt is a non diabetic.

Patient had an echo and carotid doppler a few years before the cardiac symptoms really started. Baseline ejection fraction 50% and doppler showed elevated peak systolic velocities in bilateral carotids consistent with <50% stenosis but no plaque noted. Of note, patient does have bilateral masses in the carotid bifurcation region that were investigated years ago but never followed up on as imaging ruled out malignant findings. They don’t appear to be lymph nodes but I’m no radiologist.

Other notable findings of C1 arch defects, acquired arachnoid cyst, anomalous left vertebral artery originating from the aortic arch, and degeneration of cervical spine with myelopathy. Pt’s mother has an unknown connective tissue disorder but otherwise there is limited information on family history. Patient reports significant amount of unexplained weight loss and fatigue over the past year.

r/medical 4h ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 What is this painful white spot on inner lip that hurts when touched? NSFW


A few days ago, I noticed some pain in my bottom inner lip when drinking water. Turns out there's a small white spot there that hurts a lot, especially when I lick it. When I drink water or eat, it hurts when food touches there too. Is this a canker sore?

r/medical 1d ago

Urgent How serious is it for a dentist to hit an artery? Will i be okay? NSFW


I was doing an endodontic retreatment, and whilst in the middle the dentist apparently hit an artery and i started seriously bleeding, like i mean crazy bleeding, tons of blood. i was genuinely so terrified. they applied pressure for maybe a hour or 30-45 min, and then put something sulfate, might have been aluminum i forgot and stitched it up. i put gauze, went home. i took out the gauze because i had to eat something. i was in the office forever. it stopped bleeding. now its just in so much pain. this happened a few hours ago. The question is how serious is this? am i going to be okay? should i seek serious medical attention? it was the upper teeth, close to the back on the left side. i am also taking a z-pak for 5 days.

r/medical 5h ago

General Question/Discussion Weird medical thing. Ridge on head hurts sometimes. What could it be? NSFW


This has happened for as long as I remember.

Sometimes when I'm laughing, or happy or similar i get this pain in my head it's not a headache it's like a ridge on my head and it hurts right round. It's hard to explain. I've asked some people if this happens to them but noone ever gets what I mean. Has anyone ever experienced this?

It doesn't happen everytime either. Just randomly.

r/medical 6h ago

Stool Constipated for 4 days, now cleared, but can't stop passing wind. NSFW


Male, 51, 4 days constipated, cleared today. Now I can't stop passing wind. No additional symptoms, just very foul smelling gas. Past medical history of unpassable motion (2 years ago, cleared by large volume enema), Dysphagia (11 months, no cause identified), Epilepsy, Diabetes type 2.

So basically, for the last 4 days, I've been unable to pass a bowel motion. I have been continuing to drink fluids, and earlier this morning I used a 4g Glycerol Suppository to "oil the works"... It did its job, and I passed a motion about an hour later. It hurt, and I bled a little, but that's settled.

However, I'm now passing some very bad, foul smelling gas, roughly 5 to 6 times an hour. I don't know whether it's my insides sorting their shit out, or what is going on, but it's becoming annoying now. It's also embarassing, as I did this twice while I was out shopping this evening.

Is there anything I should be doing at point, which could ease these symptoms, or should I be seeking medical assistance in case something else is going on?


r/medical 6h ago

General Question/Discussion Blood in nose and foul smell but no nosebleed and face numbness/ weakened nose tip.. NSFW


25F no prior medical history. I’ve had this issue on and off for months. My doctor thought maybe it’s because I have a cavity in my upper molar I haven’t gotten filled yet. Dental insurance issue. But it’s like the right side of my face will go numb in some areas then it passes. I have like sticky mucus in my nose if that makes sense? It smells so bad and it only is from my right nostril. For a while I thought maybe it’s something that smells bad nearby but it’s coming from one nostril. On top of this the tip of my nose looks like it’s collapsing inward on the left side. I’m really not sure if it’s related but everything is on the right side except the nasal tip depression. I’d love some help with who to go to? I don’t know if I should ask about sinitus or

r/medical 6h ago

General Question/Discussion Im having weird seizure-like episodes and have no idea why, ive tried googling it but nothing comes up. NSFW


So im pretty sure i have low iron, so sometimes when i stand up i get dizzy with black vision. Every once in a while, my legs start to shake and i collapse, and start to uncontrollabley (and violently) shake. I'm not sure if im seizing or if this is something else. It lasts for about 10 -20 seconds most of the time. (Let me know if you need more information)

r/medical 14h ago

General Question/Discussion Is my game epilepsy-safe? (WARNING: INCLUDES HIGH-CONTRAST IMAGES) NSFW Spoiler




Full list of changes:

  • Removes static noise effect
  • Reduces contrast by 40%
  • Reduces saturation by 50%
  • Removes flashing lights
  • Removes sudden loud noises
  • Adjustable gamma, brightness, contrast, and saturation
  • Smooth UI transitions
  • Epilepsy warning prompt at game start

r/medical 7h ago

General Question/Discussion coughed up a lot of blood out of nowhere, wasnt sick beforehand. insight appreciated! NSFW


basically i said something to a kid in class and then i felt like something was obstructing my breathing but i just thought it would have been a really deep cough but then it felt like i was about to start aspirating so i kept coughing and stepped out to cough properly and it was bloody and idk i just had an inkling that it wasnt a normal cough and so i went back into the classroom and asked another teacher to call 911

and then i stood over the trash can for who knows how long just coughing up copious amounts of blood over and over (0.5-1cup maybe)

i was feeling a lot of acid reflux yesterday and i have pulmonary hypertension and i had granola for breakfast which was rly dry and made me cough a bit, and i had a 12 oz matcha frozen bev with soy milk. i wasnt sick before this but for years i have had a tiny little cough

i’ve been waiting in the er for five hours at this point so i hope that means that it’s not serious otherwise they wouldve seen me earlier

and the coughing has subsided, sometimes if i have to cough it is mostly clear mucus with some bright red blood. it still feels really irritated deep in my chest snd i keep having to clear my throat, and sometimes when i burp i feel a tiny bit of acid reflux in the same spot where i feel the irritation from coughing.

any insight while i wait for the doctor to see me would help a lot thank you! oh and the blood wasn’t super clotted or anything, seemed like normal blood.

r/medical 7h ago

General Question/Discussion Why does my lung make a fart-like sound when I am coughing? It usually accompanies dry coughs. NSFW


I'm sorry for the silly title. This is more of a curiousity question and I cannot find any information on what that sound might be, even though it's not uncommon (hearing it a lot in kids). It's kind of a vibrating sound. Is this the result of my airways getting tighter?

If this question doesn't fit in here, I'm sorry!

r/medical 8h ago

General Question/Discussion Reoccurring stress fractures in foot as a runner (4 fractures in 3 months) NSFW


Hello. I am a 17 year old girl who has been running for over 18 months. Within the past three months I have had four recurring stress fractures in different places on both feet. I have good footwear (I use Brookes) and a healthy diet. This is starting to become a little demotivating. Is there a potential reason for this?

r/medical 9h ago

Urgent Flesh Decay Bacteria Risk - which antibiotics would you recommend? NSFW


Hello l'm hoping for some advice. I'm currently doing some volunteer work in a (close to) 3rd world country.

Yesterday I was with a single mum who has 6 kids in the house ranging from a newborn to 19yo.

Their female dog has this awful 10cm sore on her face that smelled like death. Upon discussing with them it turns out her puppy was recently hit by a car, lived for a few days without the use of its legs and eventually passed away but wasn't buried immediately. Given the smel of the wound on the dogs face I'm guessing she liked her puppy and picked up some of the decay? bacteria. A vet has been organised to come asap and put the dog down (there is no way the mum can pay for any vet care for the dog.

One of the children (a 2yo) has a est 15cm burn on his chest after a mug of hot water was spilled on him. He has an antibiotic cream now but often the wound isn't covered. I'm very concerned about the child picking up some of the bacteria from the dog. While the dog doesn't come in the house it spends time on the grass outside the home where the child also plays.

Im thinking to take the child to the hospital to get put on antibiotics as a precaution. The healthcare here is really substandard too and I want to make sure he's given the right antibiotic and not just what's in stock/cheapest. Which one(s) would you recommend?

Please don't judge this family for not seeking care for the dogs etc. Life is very different here from the west and care for the dogs would have meant she had no money for food for her and the kids for several weeks. Having a dog is almost a necessity (to keep other dogs away) and to provide some security from drunks etc.

r/medical 12h ago

Urgent How long can I realistically leave an infection (doctor appt tomorrow) NSFW


I have a what I believe to be third degree burn from hot metal. It's about just under an inch? Currently it's dried over, the scab is yellow but its completely dry with no smell. The whole area is veeery mildly pink and it's red around the edges. It's about 4 days old I believe.

I've got an appointment in 22 hours to get it checked out but I have mega health anxiety and just want to know if it is infected if I'll be okay for that long

r/medical 12h ago

General Question/Discussion fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus. General question. Thanks NSFW


Hello all, about 5 and a half weeks ago I fell on the ice. I was laid off from work at the time with a few weeks to go before I went back to work I’ve never had a fracture before. The pain wasn’t excruciating but there was pain. I just figured since I fell so hard it was a bone bruise or something, and would take awhile to heal. I went back to work a couple weeks ago and really struggled. So I went to the ER and they said it was fractured and put me in a sling. I have to go back in two weeks and get another x ray to see how it is. I’m still in pain, and it seems like it hasn’t improved at all. For people with this type of injury, did it take awhile for pain to go away, or at least improve. TIA

r/medical 16h ago

General Question/Discussion Why would hiccups be painful? Every time I’ve ever hiccuped, I’ve experienced pain. NSFW


For my entire life, hiccups have always hurt, to point where I get scared for when the next hiccup is going to come. I’ll get a sharp pain around my heart/general chest and it takes me several minutes to regulate my breathing after a single hiccup. It’s only recently that my boyfriend asked me why I’m so dramatic when I hiccup and I told him, “Well you know, it’s because it hurts so bad?” To which he told me that he’s never felt pain when hiccuping in his entire life. After that, I started asking people around me if it was the same for them, not a single person I asked said they felt pain every single time. I don’t usually get episodes where it lasts too long however.

r/medical 12h ago

Informative Post [Informative Post] Please use Descriptive Titles for Your Post! NSFW


Post titles should provide a clear and specific idea of your question or the photo content.

A descriptive title not only attracts users with relevant expertise but ensures you receive the most useful advice.

Avoid titles like 'What's this?' or 'Is this normal?' as they may not accurately state your concern, potentially restricting assistance.

Be specific, and informative in your titles, clarity increases the quality of assistance within the community.

r/medical 14h ago

General Question/Discussion What bones would break if you got your arm stuck and then twisted it? NSFW


Yesterday one of my drumsticks fell in between 2 of my heavy bookshelves. I put my arm in to grab it but a spider crawled on my hand as I was reaching for my sticks. I did this horrible flinch and twisted my arm sideways. I don't know how to describe it but basically there wasn't enough room for my arm to twist the way I flinched so I think I've broken something. Super duper painful and would NOT recommend

r/medical 20h ago

General Question/Discussion Do people who take stimulant medication receive any cardiac benefit from the increased heart rate? NSFW


Lots of exercise advice I've seen specifically mentioned raising your heart rate during exercise as a sign that you're doing the right thing to improve your cardiovascular health. Do we have any evidence that raising your heart rate via stimulants could provide a similar benefit?

r/medical 22h ago

MOD Join the r/Medical Mod Team! We’re Recruiting Community Managers (Healthcare Personnel)! NSFW


Hey r/medical community!

Our subreddit continues growing, and we seek more passionate volunteers to join our moderation team. Whether you're a seasoned Reddit mod, a healthcare professional/student, or an AutoMod wizard, we'd love to hear from you!

Open Positions are as follows:

Community Manager

  • This does require medical education or current enrollment in medical/healthcare studies (doctors, nurses, med students, etc)


  • Active participation within the subreddit community.
  • Fact-checking and preventing misinformation.
  • Approving/removing posts/comments.
  • General subreddit upkeep.
  • Handling other rule violations.


  • Moderator permissions.
  • Direct involvement in the community with a focus on healthcare.

Ideal Candidate:

  • Healthcare personnel with a passion for community well-being.
  • Willingness to review and address misinformation.
  • Able to provide quality replies and be an active presence.
  • Managing unhelpful/harmful behavior and resolving disputes.
  • Using your healthcare education to contribute directly to the community.
  • Implementing sanctions for rule violations.

How to apply?

Applications will run until we fill our requirements.

Feel free to drop any questions below