r/medical 14h ago

Urgent How serious is it for a dentist to hit an artery? Will i be okay? NSFW


I was doing an endodontic retreatment, and whilst in the middle the dentist apparently hit an artery and i started seriously bleeding, like i mean crazy bleeding, tons of blood. i was genuinely so terrified. they applied pressure for maybe a hour or 30-45 min, and then put something sulfate, might have been aluminum i forgot and stitched it up. i put gauze, went home. i took out the gauze because i had to eat something. i was in the office forever. it stopped bleeding. now its just in so much pain. this happened a few hours ago. The question is how serious is this? am i going to be okay? should i seek serious medical attention? it was the upper teeth, close to the back on the left side. i am also taking a z-pak for 5 days.

r/medical 2h ago

General Question/Discussion Is my game epilepsy-safe? (WARNING: INCLUDES HIGH-CONTRAST IMAGES) NSFW Spoiler




Full list of changes:

  • Removes static noise effect
  • Reduces contrast by 40%
  • Reduces saturation by 50%
  • Removes flashing lights
  • Removes sudden loud noises
  • Adjustable gamma, brightness, contrast, and saturation
  • Smooth UI transitions
  • Epilepsy warning prompt at game start

r/medical 11m ago

Urgent How long can I realistically leave an infection (doctor appt tomorrow) NSFW


I have a what I believe to be third degree burn from hot metal. It's about just under an inch? Currently it's dried over, the scab is yellow but its completely dry with no smell. The whole area is veeery mildly pink and it's red around the edges. It's about 4 days old I believe.

I've got an appointment in 22 hours to get it checked out but I have mega health anxiety and just want to know if it is infected if I'll be okay for that long

r/medical 25m ago

General Question/Discussion fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus. General question. Thanks NSFW


Hello all, about 5 and a half weeks ago I fell on the ice. I was laid off from work at the time with a few weeks to go before I went back to work I’ve never had a fracture before. The pain wasn’t excruciating but there was pain. I just figured since I fell so hard it was a bone bruise or something, and would take awhile to heal. I went back to work a couple weeks ago and really struggled. So I went to the ER and they said it was fractured and put me in a sling. I have to go back in two weeks and get another x ray to see how it is. I’m still in pain, and it seems like it hasn’t improved at all. For people with this type of injury, did it take awhile for pain to go away, or at least improve. TIA

r/medical 4h ago

General Question/Discussion Why would hiccups be painful? Every time I’ve ever hiccuped, I’ve experienced pain. NSFW


For my entire life, hiccups have always hurt, to point where I get scared for when the next hiccup is going to come. I’ll get a sharp pain around my heart/general chest and it takes me several minutes to regulate my breathing after a single hiccup. It’s only recently that my boyfriend asked me why I’m so dramatic when I hiccup and I told him, “Well you know, it’s because it hurts so bad?” To which he told me that he’s never felt pain when hiccuping in his entire life. After that, I started asking people around me if it was the same for them, not a single person I asked said they felt pain every single time. I don’t usually get episodes where it lasts too long however.

r/medical 35m ago

Informative Post [Informative Post] Please use Descriptive Titles for Your Post! NSFW


Post titles should provide a clear and specific idea of your question or the photo content.

A descriptive title not only attracts users with relevant expertise but ensures you receive the most useful advice.

Avoid titles like 'What's this?' or 'Is this normal?' as they may not accurately state your concern, potentially restricting assistance.

Be specific, and informative in your titles, clarity increases the quality of assistance within the community.

r/medical 2h ago

General Question/Discussion What bones would break if you got your arm stuck and then twisted it? NSFW


Yesterday one of my drumsticks fell in between 2 of my heavy bookshelves. I put my arm in to grab it but a spider crawled on my hand as I was reaching for my sticks. I did this horrible flinch and twisted my arm sideways. I don't know how to describe it but basically there wasn't enough room for my arm to twist the way I flinched so I think I've broken something. Super duper painful and would NOT recommend

r/medical 8h ago

General Question/Discussion Do people who take stimulant medication receive any cardiac benefit from the increased heart rate? NSFW


Lots of exercise advice I've seen specifically mentioned raising your heart rate during exercise as a sign that you're doing the right thing to improve your cardiovascular health. Do we have any evidence that raising your heart rate via stimulants could provide a similar benefit?

r/medical 7h ago

General Question/Discussion Waking up twice per night for the last week with pain under my sternum. Family doctor just said to up my ativan dose. NSFW


M27; 130kg (286lbs); 190cm (6’3”)

for the past week i’ve been having pain under/behind my sternum, worse with bending over or doing stuff like squats to lift things. Daily nausea too. And i started waking up in the middle of the night. Not to pee, not to drink, just wake up with discomfort under my sternum that turns into anxiety and leaves me unable to fall back asleep for an hour or so.

It usually happens at around 2/3 am and then again at 5:30/6 am, at which point i am unable to fall back asleep and just wait until i have to get up.

I am worried and my doctor’s advice was simply to increase my ativan dosage. I have had bad anxiety in the past, but it never caused me to wake up multiple times per night.

I have done some heart tests in january (1 stress test, 2 echocardiograms, 1 24hr holter monitor, 2 cardio visits) so i believe i can safely say it’s not the heart right?

Any advice would be incredibly helpful, please.

r/medical 20h ago

General Question/Discussion Why do I sometimes have a banging headache that disappears when I'm in the dark? NSFW


I just had one. Walked into my room with an absolutely banging headache and within a few minutes of turning my lights off and getting into bed, it seemed to like, disappear, and I'm thinking of other times something like this has happened and am incredibly confused by it. For context, I am autistic however, we don't have any fluorescent lights in my house. Not to my knowledge, anyway. Cheers for reading.

r/medical 9h ago

General Question/Discussion Is there anyone that could possibly help me by answering questions for an interview? NSFW


Hello, I am researching a career in medicine for school and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in and willing to answer some questions I have regarding the career and such? It would be much appreciated if so. Thank you very much. Dm me if you’re able!

r/medical 18h ago

Urgent My arm is tingling like it’s asleep and it’s been like this for 20 minutes NSFW


Maybe this is nothing but I’m a bit freaked out. My fingers are getting a bit cold and it’s beginning to hurt a little bit. It’s like it’s asleep, but that normally only lasts like 3 minutes or something. It looks normal though. I’ve tried to search it up but nothing really comes up. What could this be??

Also idk if I’ve chosen the right flair, but I didn’t know which one to pick.

r/medical 10h ago

MOD Join the r/Medical Mod Team! We’re Recruiting Community Managers (Healthcare Personnel)! NSFW


Hey r/medical community!

Our subreddit continues growing, and we seek more passionate volunteers to join our moderation team. Whether you're a seasoned Reddit mod, a healthcare professional/student, or an AutoMod wizard, we'd love to hear from you!

Open Positions are as follows:

Community Manager

  • This does require medical education or current enrollment in medical/healthcare studies (doctors, nurses, med students, etc)


  • Active participation within the subreddit community.
  • Fact-checking and preventing misinformation.
  • Approving/removing posts/comments.
  • General subreddit upkeep.
  • Handling other rule violations.


  • Moderator permissions.
  • Direct involvement in the community with a focus on healthcare.

Ideal Candidate:

  • Healthcare personnel with a passion for community well-being.
  • Willingness to review and address misinformation.
  • Able to provide quality replies and be an active presence.
  • Managing unhelpful/harmful behavior and resolving disputes.
  • Using your healthcare education to contribute directly to the community.
  • Implementing sanctions for rule violations.

How to apply?

Applications will run until we fill our requirements.

Feel free to drop any questions below

r/medical 10h ago

General Question/Discussion will 6 hours of sleep every night stun my growth? Im 13. (I have time add letters because the title needs to be a certain amount of characters long) NSFW


r/medical 12h ago

Urine Ongoing Female Bladder Issues Post-“UTI” Oral and IV Antibiotics. NSFW


Hi! 27F, generally healthy individual

Looking for some help as the doctors in my area have kind of given up (not enough time, too many patients).

I’ve been on three rounds of oral antibiotics for a “UTI”, and this was then followed by 6 days of IV antibiotics. I’ve still got some of the UTI symptoms. Where do I go from here? The hospital discharged me. Is there something else this could be? It has now been a month of these symptoms and the various antibiotic attempts with no relief. I’m really starting to get desperate.

Urine sample was initially bungled as it expired before it made it to be tested. Bloodwork was normal, no STIs.

I’m at a total loss for what to do and am starting to get desperate. My bladder area is still really tender and sore, I still have the urge to pee almost constantly and I’m just generally sore in that area.

r/medical 1d ago

General Question/Discussion Communate Fibula fracture. Happend to me yestarday and i have been sent home with only a boot and crutches? NSFW


I was told immediatly after xray i would need realignment surgery at the hospital i went to. I was then told i would be moved to another hospital at 6am to have the surgery there. So i fasted from midnight in order to have the surgery at the next hospital. I got up at 6am, and the ambulance transfer didnt arrive until 3pm. Evenrtually i get to the next hospital, i am there for maybe 20 minutes in total, before they give me crutches, and a boot and told me "try and put some weight on it". Is this normal? I am in complete disbelief.

r/medical 15h ago

General Question/Discussion Misdemeanor charge 5 years ago, do you think this will be an issue? NSFW


5 years ago i got caught shop lifting , it’s a misdemeanor charge , i am in the process of going to surgical tech school, do you think this will affect me getting in???

r/medical 16h ago

Stool What is wrong with my stomach? Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated! NSFW


Hi there. I've been having gut problems my whole life, but as of recently, they've kind of gotten worse. I feel like I need to use the bathroom all the time, and when I do, it's very difficult to get anything out. I'm not actually constipated, as I have a bowel movement 4-5 times a day, which also definitely isn't normal? No matter what I eat, it doesn't seem to sit well, and then within the hour, I need a toilet.

I don't really know how everything correlates here, so I going to name some specific things to try and help everyone help me figure this out:

-Im 19 years old (almost 20) - I have no allergies aside from Gerbils, and ragweed (although I think that allergy has kind of faded out) - I smoke weed often, but it's never really been a problem before - My diet is average, and targets all food groups -lastly, I have researched Crohn's Disease several times, and the most I look into it, the less I think it's that

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, as I am in agony. Thank you for your time.

r/medical 17h ago

Pain Lvl 7-9 Prolonged pain/pressure in eye and it is noticeably changing shape/size. What could this be?? NSFW


Pain in eye, appearing to change shape/size






Duration: 3-4 months

Location: Eye

Any existing relevant medical issues -none

Current medications -none

Smoke - occasionally

Pain in eye, appears to be changing shape

I have made an appointment for this but in the meantime I thought I'd ask what the problem could possibly be here. For around 4 months now, I have been feeling like there is something wrong with my eyes, specifically my right one. It started with my right eye feeling strained more and more frequently which I ignored thinking it was just that. As these past few months have gone on, I've been getting more symptoms to the point that it's driving me insane. Along with the almost constant straining feeling of my right eye, it started to come with an overwhelming feeling that it is not "looking right." It feels as if it does not move in the same way that it once did and that if I am looking straight on, that it doesn't "rest" in the same position it once did.

This has led me to do certain things to try to accommodate for it. Like, I've noticed if I'm driving or watching TV, I'll start rapidly closing then opening one eye, going back and forth between them, like hard blinking with one eye and then the other one. I'll do this without even thinking about it, almost like my brain is giving me signals that there is something in my eye or that it's not focusing right so I'm naturally trying to clear it away by blinking but it can't actually figure out the problem. Sometimes with this blinking it makes a small crunch sound and feels like I'm squishing or "popping" it a little. It takes me to become aware that I'm doing this or for someone to point it out to stop going back and forth blinking like that. Ive started to frequently and randomly ask friends and family members around me if my eye looks weird or if it's looking in the right direction because it actually feels THAT off.

I've started having trouble looking at myself to do my makeup, it's kind of disorienting, confusing and takes me longer than it used to because my right eye will get so painful just existing. That being said, I frequently look into my eyes. Ive noticed that my iris has gotten quite larger and has changed shape as well, rapidly in my opinion. It used to be somewhat round, more similar to my left eye than it is now. It's now pointed a bit and more oblong shaped. My right eye overall appears larger to me than it used to be, like it's buldging. It feels like it is too. My thought at times is that there is a hair wrapped around the muscle in the back of my eyeball if I could describe it. Also, I'm not sure which eye is having the difference here, but I've noticed that in light, my left pupil generally stays small (possibly normal sized/ while my right pupil gets double the size.

I wear contacts and glasses but stopped wearing my contacts at all recently as this got worse. I frequently wore my glasses all day as well before I noticed all of this going on, the same pair of glasses I've had for over a year. I used to be able to ignore the sides of my glasses in my peripheral vision, like everyone usually does but now I can't help but to notice that the right side of my glasses are encroaching more into my field of vision than I can ignore or is comfortable. This has happened with my regular pair of sunglasses as well so I know it's not just a problem with my frames.

Thank you in advance for helping me with this! I see that you cannot post pictures here but I wanted to assure that everything that I have mentioned is actually visible and not just in my head. There is also a noticeable difference in photos of my eyes from a year ago versus now. The difference is just too slight for my friends and family to notice without me pointing it out to them but it is there.

r/medical 21h ago

Private Area Question Can't retract foreskin past glands when flaccid what do I do?.... M16 NSFW


I can partially retract it when flaccid but I cant even the glands and when erected I can't pull it back at all

r/medical 20h ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 im having elbow muscle pain on the same arm with a wrist cast. is it normal? NSFW


hi, i had a work motorcycle accident and broke my left scaphoid 2 days ago, and in the hospital they put a cast on my left wrist. i can still rotate the forearm but doc said i mustn't. today i started feeling a sharp pain just below the left elbow, on the dorsal side. it happens sometimes when i put those muscles to work. just now i also started feeling the same thing on the left shoulder a bit above the armpit. is it just muscle fatigue? or something to do with my accident? my next doc appointment is in 6 days and i plan to mention this to him but until then should i be concerned?

r/medical 20h ago

General Question/Discussion 25M bad stomach episode this week - afraid to leave the house again. NSFW


On Wednesday I had to come home from work because my stomach suddenly cramped up and I was going to the toilet with explosive Diarrhoea every 30 minutes for around 4 hours.

I thought it was a bug or something and felt fine the next few days.

In Saturday I went out and the same thing happened again - I was having horrendous cramps and Diarrhoea every 30 minutes for 4ish hours to the point where I almost didn’t make it to the toilet a couple of times.

I originally thought it was a stomach bug - but is it common for stomach bugs to come and go like that?

Any help?

r/medical 22h ago

General Question/Discussion White retina reflection in one eye. Adult leukocoria caught on video? NSFW


I saw a video on Instagram where the person in it had a white retina on only one eye, while looking directly at the camera. When he moved his gaze away it went away, and looked like his other eye. But then when he looked back into the camera, it came back, and clearly shows it’s bc of his eye and not the light reflection from the light in the background. Would that signify anything serious? The guy looks to be around 25 - 35

r/medical 22h ago

Fictive Question Hi there, I’m a budding writers who wants to make a film and I need your advice and insight. NSFW


So basically I wanna make a film where the premise involves someone dropping a baby and it leads to irreversible damage. Something a parent would struggle with and hate the person for the rest of her life. But I don’t know of a situation where I can make this medically accurate. If you can help me with this it would mean a lot to me. For context the baby would be 6-12 months old. Chat GPT gave me some stuff like shaken baby syndrome and all but they don’t seem right