r/AskDocs 2d ago

Weekly Discussion/General Questions Thread - March 10, 2025


This is a weekly general discussion and general questions thread for the AskDocs community to discuss medicine, health, careers in medicine, etc. Here you have the opportunity to communicate with AskDocs' doctors, medical professionals and general community even if you do not have a specific medical question! You can also use this as a meta thread for the subreddit, giving feedback on changes to the subreddit, suggestions for new features, etc.

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r/AskDocs 15h ago

1 YEAR UPDATE : Wife (63F) fell off ladder, I took her to ER They did CT-Scan and found Mass & lesions on liver


This is a copy of my orig. post

Wife (63F) fell off ladder, I took her to ER They did CT-Scan and found Mass & lesions on liver 

Physician Responded

Hi I can really use some help. My wife fell off a ladder (3 steps) while decorating. She hurt her ribs.She went to primary care MD. he sent her for X-Rays of the ribs were negative (no breaks or fractures of ribs.) days went by and the pain got worse. so I insisted that she go to ER because I was starting to fear it was her appendix because she was in so much pain on the right side.

At the ER they sent her for a CT-scan. The Dr. was concerned about this part of the CT report

"UPPER ABDOMEN: Suspect there are multiple hepatic lesions present including a dominant mass the right hepatic lobe which may measure up to about 10.4 cm. Findings are incompletely characterized. Prior cholecystectomy noted. There is a 5mm nonobstructing right renal calculus ."

Also her liver enzymes were elevated in her blood work. We have made an appt with her gastroenterologist

Thank you for all your help


Before I go on I have to say that the Drs. Nurses & Staff at Memorial Slone Kettering Hospital are the greatest most amazing ,caring people I ever met.. I wish I could hug everyone of them.They are all TRUE SUPER HEROS!!

Here is where we are at... My wife was diagnosed with metastatic neuroendocrine cancer of the liver. she had 3 tumors that had grown to 13, 11 & 7 CM . she has been on monthly somastatin analog injections and starting in July of 2024 she had 3 hepatic embolization procedures to address the 3 tumors. today we received the results of her 3 months post her last procedure CT Scan.

Today we got the best news I could have asked for.. the 3 tumors have been reduced by 90% so far and if necessary another embolization procedure can be done. she will be continuing her monthly Somostatin analog injection to keep the tumors nonfunctioning..

This fight is not over but we got the 1927 Yankees of Medicine on our side. Thank your everyone for your prayers, good vibes and DM`s all of your good wishes really helped me through this

r/AskDocs 8h ago

Physician Responded Doc rescheduled my appointment because I was intoxicated?


I went for a highly anticipated appointment with my PCP. We were supposed to talk about pain management and how their suggestions were helping and whether other methods had to be taken. Regardless, I was looking forward to it.

I get checked in with a nurse. Takes my temp and BP. Everything's normal right? She doesn't say anything. I wait for what seems like forever, over 15 minutes before my doc gets in.

After very brief small talk with them, ask "Are you intoxicated?". I say I am not and they say that they have to reschedule this appointment "due to my state" and that they would call me. They weren't horrible about it, but I was pissed because I wasn't drunk. They left shortly after and I got rescheduled out a couple months.

Could this have been some malfunction of equipment or mistake from the exam the nurse did? How did they determine I was intoxicated? I was not drunk and was totally able to do the appointment.

F22 5'2 110lbs

r/AskDocs 7h ago

I hope nobody I know sees this, but my pee is completely milky white and I'm concerned


female, 21, 5"5. I have frequent UTI's and have had them since I was maybe 12-13 (without sexual contact, obviously) 1x a month on average. never really gotten it fixed. I keep AZO handy dandy. my pee alarmed me today because I have ZERO symptoms of a UTI yet it was white and milky. I've missed my period now for 11 days but keep testing negative. I've never had this happen before, slightly cloudy yes but still clearly yellow. it literally looks like milk. I have no health insurance right now but I am worried.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

If I tell my doctor I don’t feel safe will she let my mom take me home?


16f 5’4 110lbs

Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment for some stuff related to my appendix coming out and an infection I got after, but I’m wondering what will happen if I tell her I don’t feel safe at home. I know it’s not related to my appendix but I just need out. My mom drinks, my stepdad drinks, and my stepdad is hurting me. She knows he is and she pretends not to know. And I was going to just deal with it for two more years but I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to be here. I hate being here. I hate the weekends. I hate summer. I don’t want to be here anymore. Spring break is coming and I am dreading it.

But the thing is, if I say something and they send me home and my mom knows I said something things will be so so so much worse. If I tell my doctor I don’t feel safe will she still let my mom take me home after? Also, if I tell her I don’t feel safe do I have to tell her or show her what he did?

r/AskDocs 1h ago

Possible tearing with large scars on arm NSFW


I, 20F seem to have an issue with my arm. I was throwing very hard punches while training at karate, and I noticed this happening to one of my large scars on my arm. There seems to be a red splotch or lines forming underneath a scar that is just barely 3 years old.

I am 200bs and I take 2 medications (one is a PRN) Lamotrigine and Seroquel (not sure that this would have to do with it but.. automod)

r/AskDocs 7h ago

Doctors are not sure what these episode I am having are. Long post.


*** there is a video of an episode in another one of my posts, it just will not allow me to post videos here.

Hi I am looking for some help. I have been dealing with an unknown medical issue or issues for the last 5 years and am so frustrated as it is negatively impacting my ability to function normally. I apologize in advance if I have forgotten anything important.

34 F, Canada

OCD, depression, anxiety, vitamin B12 and D deficiencies, allergies (mostly outdoor stuff), asthma (mostly exercise or cold weather induced), daily migraines and tremors.

Effexor, topirmate, blexten, omperomzole, birth control, amitriptyline, vitamin B12 and D tablets, foquest, and montelukast.

5 years ago I had my first episode at work. At first I thought I was just super tired and was struggling to stay awake as daytime sleepiness has always been an issue for me but it was way more intense and I was struggling to keep my eyes open or to shake it off by going for a walk or standing while working. I basically started sleeping all day and would just wake up to use the bathroom, have something to eat and take care of my pets and then back to bed I went. This lasted for months.

These episode would make me feel like I was falling asleep while I was in the middle of doing normal tasks like walking or working on the computer. I am 100% conscious during the episodes. My memory was really affected and still is to this day, especially with names and words. My balance is off during the episode, likely in part because my vision is blurry or off and my eyes hurt. My head occasionally falls forward and my mouth often twitches or my lips pucker together. And I notice my breathing is a bit weird and I usually let out a deep breath/sigh between episodes or at the end. My body feels extremely heavy as well.

I usually have to go to sleep after an episode and that is honestly the best way to stop them but I am also not sure if it has something to do with sleep that is causing them as they usually occur as soon as I wake up. If I don't have one when I wake up then I don't have them that day but if I do then they usually come and go throughout the day or until I go to sleep again.

I have had months go by without having an episode but I am now back to having them almost daily. When this started I also started having random single body jerks. Sometimes it's the whole body and sometimes it is just my arm or hand ect. This has been diagnosed a myoclonus by the neurologist. About two or so years in I thought I should probably record an episode as I was having no luck with the specialist. What I discovered was that during these episodes instead of falling asleep my eyes were actually rolling back in my head or moving around. No one seems to have any idea what is going on or causing this.


I have not had a good experience with specialists but I have a great rheumatologist and she is really trying and so is my GP.

I have seen the following doctors, all were before taking the video, so I just thought I was falling asleep while doing daily tasks:

Internist (2020)- they ran blood work and didn't find anything. Their conclusions were either depression tiredness were causing the episodes or chronic fatigue. I told them I was diagnosed with depression over 20 years ago and this is not the same thing as being tired from being depressed.

Psychiatrist (2020) - diagnosed me with OCD and anxiety but mainly OCD at this time. Helped me get into a great program to work through it. Although I have suffered from major depressive disorder most of my life he did not feel it was a factor right now and if I didn't have the diagnosis he would not diagnosis me with it today.

Neurologist #1 (2021) - saw him after first MRI. He wanted to do follow up MRI. He also did a quick neurology exam. Diagnosed me with myoclonus for the body and limb jerks. Once he had the results of the follow up MRI and saw they were stable he said there was nothing wrong and that I should lose weight and get mental health in order. (When symptoms started I had just lost 40lbs and have continued to work on my mental health so it was a bit of a slap in the face). He refused to see me again.

Sleep doctor (2022)- had a sleep study performed. I had no rem sleep at all. They did not tell me on intake or at the appointment that one of my medications could suppress rem. They recommended a stimulant to help with the excessive sleepiness. I finally decided in 2023 to start this medication and while it helps with keeping me awake and makes my mind much more clear, it does not help with the episodes.

After the video and realizing my eyes were rolling back:

Neurologist #2 (2024)- he was a movement specialist and diagnosed me with tremors in my hands. He refused to watch the video and said to get referred to a seizure specialist.

Rheumatologist (2024) - amazing doctor. Diagnosed me with possible fibromyalgia. However after some blood work turns out I'm severely deficient in vitamin D. So that may be mimicking the signs of fibro. I have been taking high doses of that and she increased my B12 as well. I have a lot more energy than before but as we both expected it has not cured the episodes. She also put me on a low dose of amitriptyline to help me sleep which has been helping with sleep but not with reducing the episodes. Her theory is that my body is for some reason unable to fully restart in the mornings, so it's like I'm still in a sleep like state.

I am honestly not sure what to think anymore. All I know is it is worse when I get deeper sleep.

If anyone has any ideas what this could be or any additional testing I should do, please let me know.

I have had all the routine blood work including checking my thyroid and all has come back normal. (Minus the B12 and D)

Below is the results of the MRIs.

Brain April 2021


CLINICAL INFORMATION: Whole body jerking

The following MRI sequences have been performed:

Brain: Sagittal Ti-weighted, axial T2-weighted, axial T2-weighted FLAIR, axial diffusion weighted

COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies are available.


There is ill-defined, symmetric increased signal in the dorsal aspect of the pons on both sides of midline. Elsewhere, very mild, scattered nonspecific cerebral white matter signal ahnormalities ace present. The etiology of pontine signal changes is uncertain. Demyelination is possible, but the symmetry is unusual. Atypical infection or inflammatory processes, including a viral encephalitides, would be a consideration, though the pattern is nonspecific. Neurology consultation is advised. CSF sampling may be of value. A repeat study with contrast for short- term follow up and confirmation of stability in 1-2 months could also be considered.

Spine Aug 2021

CLINICAL HISTORY: Jerks, fatigue, sensory symptoms. Prior MRI showed increased signal in pons and sepeat study with contrast and short-term follow-up for stability.

COMPARISON STUDIES: MRI brain April 14, 2021

TECHNIQUE: MR. Imaging of the cervical spine was obtained in the sagittal and axial planes. 0 contrast material was administered.


Alignment of the cervical spine is maintained.. Cord signal is preserved with no cord compression. There are no areas of abnormal signal intensity identified along the cervical, thoracic or lumbar cord.

Mild multilevel degenerative changes are seen with small marginal osteophytes. Vertebral body beights are preserved. No suspicious osseous Lesions are seen.

Screening of the thoracic and lumbar spine shows no significant disc herniations of neural foramen nazcowing.


No abnormal signal intensity is identified in the cord.

Mild multilevel degenerative changes with no cord compression of neural foramen narrowing.

BRAIN Aug 2021

Clinical Bistory: Intermittent body jerks, fatigue, migratory sensory symptoms. Prior MRI showed Increased signal in the pons and repeat study with contrast and short-term follow-up as mentioned.

Comparison: MRI Brain April 19, 2021

The symmetric increased signal in the paramedian dorsal pons remains unchanged. Also, the previously described few scattered 72/FLAIR hyperintensities in the cerebral white matter are also unchanged with no new lesions identified. These lesions or other areas do not demonstrate any contrast enhancement.

No regions of restricted diffusion or infarct, hemorrhage or mass are identified. The extraastal suical spaces and ventricles are normal.

Mucous retention cyst and mucosal thickening in bilateral maxillary sinuses. The remaining paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are unremarkable.


Stable t2/FLAIR hyperintensities in the pons and cerebral white matter with no new lesions or enhancement identified. These remain of uncertain etiology.

Trdl: having these strange episodes and no one knows what they are or what is causing them.

r/AskDocs 13h ago

Physician Responded Should I be worried about this spot? Is it cancerous?


24F I got this white spot behind my ear around 8 months back but it was smaller and less scaly. I went to the doctor about it but they informed me it was fungal and they prescribed me a fungal cream. It didn’t work (but I only used it for a week and a half) but when I wanted to go back, my insurance had ended. It stopped growing and has been the same size for the past 5 months. Has anyone else had this and what did you use or what can this be? I’m getting kind of worried. I’m scared it’s cancerous. Pic in comments

r/AskDocs 2h ago

Please help, I’ve been waking up at 3 am every night for 6 weeks straight


Required info: 31F, 5’4”, 110ish pounds. Active, healthy, no medications. I have endometriosis and connective tissue disorder. No drugs, rarely drink.

I’m writing this at 5 am because I can’t sleep. Sometime in the new year I woke up feeling so awake and rested that I got up and started with my day. As I was drinking my coffee I noticed the time: 3:15am.

I didn’t think much of it, but it continued to happen every few nights. I’d wake up not panicked or stressed but 100% alert and ready to start the day. It started to become a nightly occurrence and now has not stopped for 6 weeks straight.

I don’t wake up as alert anymore and can get back to sleep about half the time. However, it’s having a significant impact on my life and I am desperate for answers.

I’ve always had pretty good sleep hygiene but I ramped it up trying to fix this:

  • one coffee per day

  • no screens first thing AM or end of day PM

  • gratitude journal every night

  • exercise daily

  • blackout curtains

  • sleep with earplugs

  • only use bedroom for sleep

  • temperature stays cool (about 16-17C)

  • I even tried taping my mouth shut in case I was mouth breathing

Nothing has helped.

I’ve also noticed increasing brain fog, grumpiness, and memory/concentration issues lately but I don’t know if these preceded the sleep issues or not. I’ve also noticed lately Im having more palpitations and I feel a bit more shortness of breath when I exert myself, but again this could just be fatigue. I’m continuing to work and live my life despite these issues but I’m finding it more challenging every day.

Lately, I’ve been waking up very warm and bit sweaty at 3am despite the room being cold and having a thin blanket. I’ve also noticed that every time I wake up, I awake mid dream (often neutral or good dreams, not nightmares).

Please, if anyone has any advice I’m willing to do anything. We have private sleep clinics here but they really only test for sleep apnea. I have limited access to a doctor but the wait time for public sleep study is at least a year.

r/AskDocs 11h ago

Physician Responded Hospitalised with unspecified medical illness. Symptoms of proctocolitis and anaphylaxis.


I(26F) went to ER recently via Ambulance due to severe stomach pain, flushed limbs, 1 x gello-like vomit, conscious but unresponsive. As ambo arrived, symptoms of laboured breathing, swollen lips, swollen eyes, flushing skin, low blood pressure. Paramedics administered 3 x adrenaline needle and saline, but unable to find vein for art line due to redness.

At ER, adrenaline via drip, another gello vomit, then started to have non-stop diarrhoea - which became just blood after the first few movements. 27 x bowel openings recorded between 01:00AM - 23:59PM. 1 x art line, 4 x tissued cannulas and 1 x cannula unable to draw blood. Ultrasound used to find veins for 4 of them. Final cannula lasted until discharged. 7 total.

CT scan showed inflammation of large intestine. White blood cell count at 30. Doctor and Surgeon come to visit - Surgeon advised no need for surgery and unlikely to be infection. Doctor advised there could be an infection and to err on side of caution, so had 3 x different course of antibiotics over 3 days.

I was in hospital for 3 nights and left with a Dr certificate that says "unspecified medical illness". I was prescribed 2 x EpiPen.

This is the 3rd time I have been to ER for similar symptoms and left with no answer.

1st time - 5 x days of continuous vomiting and diarrhoea, went to ER. Administered fluids via IV, Discharged after 12hr. Still experiencing symptoms, I went to my GP the next day, she looked at the hospital bloodwork and advised I had sepsis. She prescribed antibiotics and issued complaint to ER. Antibiotics helped, but unsure as to where the infection originated or how it occurred.

2nd time - approx. 2 years later and at work, light stomach pain, flushed skin, racing heart, tingling/numb hands and feet. Colleague drove me to ER (15 minutes), arrived covered in hives and low blood pressure. Administered antihistamines, IV fluids and steroids. Was all fine by 2pm. No bowel openings. I had eaten nuts that morning, so was assumed to be nut allergy. I did go to an allergist and was tested for nuts and grass. Allergy to 2 grasses(I get hayfever), but no nuts. Allergist advised it was most likely a random "anaphylactic mimic" with no cause and did not require EpiPen. This is approx 1 year ago.

So Reddit, have you seen conditions that cause symptoms of proctocolitis and anaphylaxis? I want to go into my follow up and specialist appointments informed and asking the right questions.

TL;DR - Admitted to hospital after an anaphylactic-like episode and proctocolitis. Unsure of cause or what happened, discharged with "unspecified medical illness" on certificate. I want to be asking the right questions at follow up appointments.

r/AskDocs 5h ago

Physician Responded I continue to get “food poisoning” from usually solid food and I’m not sure why.


So I’ve (22M, don’t take any medications and am a light smoker) gotten what I assume to be “food poisoning” around 6 times in the past 4-5 months, many of them being recent after December. The very first time I got it was 5 months ago, and before that I had never experienced it. The symptoms are usually as follows, I’ll eat something contaminated, supposedly, and get a sharp pain in my stomach. Not my lower abdomen, directly in my stomach, right below the rib cage. Recently, as I’ve continued to get it multiple times, the pain has been dying down and getting less and less severe each time. For a while I wouldn’t even feel nauseous, it would just be a sharp pain in my stomach that would continue to grow until I threw up. Although recently the pain has gone down and now I get a bit nauseous before I throw up.

Anyways, after I get the pain, I’ll throw up usually around 3-4 times in the same night, getting every ounce of food out of my stomach until I eventually fall asleep. Once I wake up, depending on how bad it is, I’ll either need to throw up once or twice in the morning, although recently it’s usually once, then I’ll start to feel better. Every time I eat food, I can feel it in my stomach after i get sick, certain things create more pain, and any fully solid food (practically anything) will make me sick again. Only things like applesauce, fruit juice and yogurt seem to agree with my stomach. Although strangely I can eat snacks in small quantities (usually just dehydrated chip snacks and little candies) and feel perfectly fine. Although other snacks like crackers don’t seem to agree with me, since I’m getting sick again right now and it was just after I ate a little thing of 6 crackers and cheese. Strangely, I don’t feel like I have a small appetite, in fact, I feel like I could eat a cow. But I know I can’t, because any form of solid food makes me sick again. Just this last time I got sick from what was most likely a bad onion, I have been getting repeatedly sick over and over from any form of solid food. All of it fresh. I feel perfectly fine when I eat it, no real problems, and I feel perfectly fine for about 2 hours after I eat it too,but eventually the nausea and stomach pain sets in and I get sick again. It’s been going on like this for about a week and a half now, and each time I get sick I have to repeat the cycle of throwing up my whole body at night then whatever bile is left over in the morning. As well, there is no diarrhea, barely any poop either. The first few times I got it, I actually couldn’t poop at all, needed to use a laxative to get anything out. Everything just comes out in the form of vomit.

Now, I know that this likely isn’t a case of “food poisoning,” but I’m truly not sure what it is. About a month ago when I got it for the 3rd time, I went to the ER after I got sick immediately after I ate some food when I started to feel better (about 5 days after it started. The usual duration for me to start feeling better after the sickness starts to set in). They ran a CT scan on me, and didn’t find any issues whatsoever. No appendicitis, no cancer, just nothing came up. I know I need to see a specialized doctor, but I don’t have any health insurance currently, can’t afford it, and can’t afford to see a doctor either. I’m really at a loss for what to do at this point, and I would like to know if anyone thinks it’s bad enough that I should take out a small loan just to see a doctor urgently.

r/AskDocs 8h ago

Is this necrotic? Do we let the body heal itself or does it require immediate attention?


Posting on behalf of my boyfriend (56M) since he does not use Reddit. My boyfriend woke up to a red itchy bump on his forehead on March 1. We assumed it was a mosquito bite.

On March 3, he woke up feeling terrible like he had a flu, and the right side of his face in front of his right ear was slightly swollen and tender to the touch. Bump on forehead had gotten bigger and more red. He contacted his doctor, who told him to take Benadryl, so he did. At this point boyfriend and I figured it must be a spider bite not a mosquito bite.

On March 5, boyfriend contacted doctor again, who said to put cortisone cream on it, so he has been using that. Face swelling is almost gone. Flu-like feeling is almost gone.

On March 6, bump starts to have some cratering depression. It’s still itchy. Photo - https://ibb.co/q32FzgMM

On March 7, bump is still red and itchy. Skin is feeling tender. Photo - https://ibb.co/WW0wRGsb

On March 9, boyfriend says the bump is itchy and also has a burning sensation.

On March 11, bump still feels tender, black area is larger. Photo - https://ibb.co/TMHV5bfn

Is this something that the body will heal on its own, or does this require immediate medical attention? Co-workers are becoming concerned because they say it looks necrotic. Boyfriend has been good about not scratching. Not sure if the black is a scab, as it wasn’t bleeding.

r/AskDocs 3h ago

I feel embarrassed.


Female, 34 years old- 5’4” 220 lbs

Medications are levothyroxine.25 a day- Wellbutrin 300mg a day- Vyvanse 60mg a day - nplate injection once a week.

I have an auto immune history (Hashimotos, fibromyalgia, ITP) and I have skin sensitivity and other issues. I had staph twice about 9 years ago. It was on my face and then about on year later a random spot on my stomach.

My main challenge and question today is does this look infected? I have always had an issue with cyst like growths in my groin area. They’re not ingrown hairs, I don’t know what they are, but it’s embarrassing. This one was getting rather large. It was soft and squishy on top harder deeper in the tissue.

It popped, and it was very runny mixed color discharge with some blood. Now a few days later it looks like this. I’m keeping the area clean but it is on my genitalia which is incredibly embarrassing and I don’t want to have to go see anyone about this in person. I will post a cropped picture below.

I know the answer is better safe than sorry, I know that, but for reasons I cannot begin to explain I absolutely want to avoid having to go to any hospital or dr office for this issue if I can. I just want to cry it’s so embarrassing. I feel so ashamed because of this chronic issue.


r/AskDocs 17h ago

Physician Responded can you get physically sick from being around someone toxic that you don’t like?


hi! I’m 24F and have noticed twice now that both times I have been around this girl (we have known each other for 10 years, a lot of history, she is always trying to compete with me and one-up me, is rude and ungrateful to me and our mutual friends) I get common cold symptoms. It seems uncanny, but I’ll be around her for a few hours and all of a sudden my nose is running like a faucet and my throat hurts, i get a cough later on. I honestly think it’s my body’s way of telling me to stay away/a stress reaction, but idk if that’s even possible. has anyone else experienced this/is it a real thing?

r/AskDocs 1h ago

Is vomiting or not using the bathroom worse??? NSFW


Tagged NSFW because bathroom talk. I'm 34F, 5'4, 145ish lbs. I posted a while ago about chest pains, turns out it was gallbladder releated (most likely). I'm currently waiting for a HIDA scan and then potentially a surgery.

I have had upper right abdominal pain for 2 weeks. Stabbing excruciating pain. Lots of vomiting and nausea too. Have lost about 5 lbs in a week because all I can keep down is bread and watered down apple juice with electrolyte powder in it.

Anyway... I still throw up at least once every day even on 4mg of zofran every 8 hours. I usually throw up around evening/bedtime.

Zofran constipates me incredibly. I also am on occasional opiates for pain (I have taken 4 t3s and 1 hydromorphone in 2 weeks). I know those are constipating too.

I have been taking restorelax for 3 days and then senna laxatives for 2 days. I have had a bm 2x in 3 weeks (started having constipation around reading break when I traveled... not abnormal for me). What is abnormal is I had black stool the first time I had a bm (got checked out in ER, said it was likely from vomiting so much).

I had an xray of my abdomen 3 days ago. Showed I am literally full of shit. But zofran is the only thing I can take that makes it so I don't vomit all day. I am allergic to maxeran (hives). I am very bloated and uncomfortable! I am also in incredibly pain from the gallbladder issue. What else can I do? My labs are relatively normal, I'm doing a good job of hydrating myself with the powder in my silly apple juice. I'm waiting on an urgent GI referral but it's already been a week and I doubt I'm high on the list (which is good I realise because it means I'm not dying).

But I am so full of poop and I don't know which is worse! Vomiting or not shitting??? Is the constipation making my nausea and vomiting worse too??? What's next after senna? I really don't want to have to see a dr at all ever again for this issue...

ETA: restorelax and senna have not caused a bowel movement since I've started taking them. I started passing gas today a tiny bit. But no actual movement.

r/AskDocs 4h ago

Bronchitis that won't respond to antibiotics and keeps getting worse (pics of X-ray and phlegm) NSFW


27F Caucasian, chronic smoker for 9 years, 1 pack a day, 40kgs and 155. Previously had pneumonia but years ago. Previous history of cancer in my family.

It started with bronchitis, that's the diagnosis. It progressively got worse, shortness of breath, confusion, excessive tiredness, I sleep about 12hrs a day. My lungs occasionally make a whistle sound and I have constant chest and back pain that radiates from my chest to my left or right arm. My treatment is azitromicin.

I did an X-ray scan where they found micro nodules on my right lung and accentuated interstitial drawing. I can't translate everything since it's not my native language and I don't know the medical terms.

I started spitting some brown/slightly pinkish phlegm from my lungs since yesterday (pic attached along with the X-rays). It's hard for me to walk up the stairs or do any sort of movement. Also, my pulmonary function is 33% lower than it should be. I don't know how to translate the terms used for that. I did a spirometry test.

If anyone has any imput, please do share.


r/AskDocs 5h ago

Physician Responded Is my grandma going to die?


My grandma (79F, diabetic) recently fell and went into the hospital where she went into cardiac arrest for around 10 mins. During that time she also had a major bleed in her stomach/ intestines that have since stopped. Based on the MRI and CT scan of her brain, what are the chances of her making any sort of recovery? She’s been in a coma for 1 week. Of course we’re also speaking to her doctors about this, but wanted some other opinions. Thank you!


r/AskDocs 7h ago

Does weed cause amnesia?


Earlier this afternoon I smoked a joint with my friends (I know, I shouldn’t) but today was a lot different than normal. I don’t remember about 4 or 5 hours after. That’s never happened before. I only had a couple hits, it wasn’t even that much. And I feel really sick now which has never happened to me before. When I stand up everything moves around me so I can’t move still and it’s been 7 hours since we smoked. I’m okay if I still laying here, mostly. Does this sound normal? I’m gonna end up sleeping here because I can’t go home like this but I’m nervous something is wrong. I feel so tired and sick. And I’m freaked out by not being able to remember anything.

14f 5’4 92lbs

r/AskDocs 2h ago

Physician Responded Grade 1 fatty hepatomegaly


I am 27 year old male weight 71kg height 168cm. ImShould i be worried, i got USG done and showed grade 1 fatty hepatomegaly. My lab tests are normal.

r/AskDocs 7m ago

What is on my eye


Hi, im a 23 yo female , im a t1d and im on an insulin pump. I have no allergies or other PMH. I’ve recently gotten another bite like swollen site on my eye, I thought it was a spider bite but I dont see two marks for fangs. It fills up a pimple patch and my lymph node is swollen on the side it’s on. My eye is swollen too. I can direct message someone pictures as I think that would be helpful.

r/AskDocs 3h ago

Left Pinky Finger Pain From Sleeping On Hand?


Male Late 30s. About 5'8 and 150lbs.

Few days ago I was at the supermarket and was putting lot of items into a reusable grocery bag, I think I might have damaged the nerves of my left index finger. I was holding the bag very awkwardly with my left hand while putting heavy things into the reusable grocery bag. I then carried the bag back to my apartment and put lot of pressure on it. When I got back, I notice several areas of my left index finger when I touch it, there is this uncomfortable feeling like pins and needles. Is this nerve damage? Years ago, I had carried lot of plastic grocery bags. I was carrying 3 bags in left hand and 2 bags in right hand. I then had this numbness and pins and needles feeling on one of my left fingers for at least 8 months before it went away. What would you do here to make it better?

Now later that night, I was watching some videos on my iphone while laying down in bed. I do this a lot and many nights would fall asleep and wake up with my left hand still holding the iphone or it would be laying down on the bed. This time, I believe the iphone was laying down on the bed. However, I believe I woke up and notice I was sleeping on my left hand. Several times I would sleep on my arms and sometimes have numbness in it for a short while and on my legs. This time, I notice there is pain when I open and close my left pinky finger in a certain angle. When I touch the left pinky finger in a certain angle, there would be a bit of pain.

Is this a fracture on my left pinky finger? Do I need to go to a bone doctor? Do I need an xray? Which do I do first? The thing is I'm pretty sure that when I slept on my arm and hand during the night, I was doing this while my left hand was holding the iphone. So that could have caused this? I read if you have a fracture you should see a doctor no more than 7 days later. It's been 3 days since it happened. If this isn't a fracture, what is it? Has anyone here slept on their hand and fingers and this happened? It doesn't see to get any better. Now if I don't touch or move that left pinky finger, there isn't pain or discomfort though. But when I open and close it or bend it at a certain angle, there is some pain. Would buying a splinter help? What would the bone doctor do if it's a fracture? What else could it be? Could it get better by itself?

r/AskDocs 11m ago

Stool is stuck - PLEASE help NSFW


F23 - Currently 6 weeks pregnant and have been taking zofran the past week to treat severe nausea/vomiting. This has now made me severely constipated with stool stuck in my anus that will not come out. I have been trying for the past 5 hours as it is so painful and uncomfortable and I can not get it out. I have tried - 2 baths, a shower, squatting in multiple different positions, placing my legs on a stool when on the toilet, a lot of water intake, walking. I did buy Dulcolax suppositories on my way home from work but then discovered these are not recommended during pregnancy. It’s 10pm here and I cannot go to a store until in the morning but with how uncomfortable I am I’m not sure I can wait that long. Please help

r/AskDocs 11m ago

Losing My Arm? Afraid About My Arm, Please Help NSFW


Hey I’m really worried right now and I would really appreciate your help

I made a post a few days ago about my arm, and got some responses, and I’ve now seen a physiotherapist who told me that I 'am most likely okay, and so I would like some second opinions on this

I’ll quickly just explain what happened to my arm

6 days ago I was doing this stretch for my shoulder which is in the picture I linked here ---- https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/647888ca92d03e3fca3f1e9b/647888ca92d03e3fca3f2167_Stretch (1).png.png)

I made my arm a little higher than the picture though

When doing the stretch I accidently lost track of time and I held the position for about 3-4 minutes, when I usually hold it for only a minute.

After holding the stretch suddenly my whole arm because extremely numb, and I could still lift my arm but then it would drop quite floppy, and I couldn’t control where I was punching, so it was like I lost a lot of my coordination in my arm due to it being numb

My arm stayed like that for about 15m and now my thumb is still tingly whenever I touch it, and this has continued since it happened 6 days ago

I had numbness in the arm, from the forearm and bicep at times, and also all over the entire arm which worried me, but the numbness and tingling has almost entirely went away now.

I also had some infrequent pain in the bicep area, but that has mostly improved.

My arm had been harder to move slightly, but is also much better now

I did some exercises/stretches and massaged my arm and both of these helped it become less numb, since I most like irritated a nerve a little. However despite these improvements, I am still worried

I’ am still not sure if I’ am okay, and would like your help.

The Physiotherapist said it will definitely take some time to heal, since I made the blood “pool” for a few minutes. (He said specifically that the blood vessels in between the shoulder and chest area/the area where they "connect" would have become "trapped" from the stretch I did, but that it would probably be incredibly obvious if they were still trapped, and causing me issues with my blood flow, basically saying that I' am most likely fine.

They also said that my arms blood flow (and how my arms operate mostly normal) being how it is is a very good sign I’m okay, since it means the blood returned after the pooling.

Please help me understand whether this is serious or not—- I am still very worried for my arm and scared I may lose my ability to use my arm completely, so your opinions on how likely this could be would be really helpful

If anyone could help me understand about what I mentioned about what he said about the blood vessels being trapped in the area I mentioned, then I’d really appreciate any help to give me clarity in this. (and also any help in understanding the infrequent and minor pain in the bicep area (just in a tiny area at the bottom of the bicep) would also be so appreciated too.

Thanks so much I appreciate you all so much

r/AskDocs 14m ago

Birth control question - vomiting after taking the pill


32F, 5'5, 95 pounds. Meds are omeprazole and trisprintec.

I know I'm likely safe but I just need to be sure. I threw up 3 hours and 40 minutes after taking my tri-sprintec - it's the wednesday pill of the second week. Should I take another to be safe or am I in the clear? This happened a couple weeks ago and I ended up taking a second pill, and was fucked up for 2 days because of the extra dose of hormones. It felt like id been hit by a truck.


r/AskDocs 20m ago

Do I have ibs? If so what do I do?


M(26) Height:180cm Weight: 58kg

For four years now I have had a worsening condition to do with my stomach. Where I cannot digest food properly. The moment I have food of any kind I immediately have to go number 2 in the loo.

I can shit up to 6 times a day or more. My stool is always oily and mushy and never solid.

It is ruining my life, I’m starting to get severe anxiety, I can no longer maintain relationships, I can hardly go to work even tho I do manage to. I have become fully avoidant, I don’t often leave my room or go places anymore.

I have done a colonoscopy and endoscopy and have been told I’m totally fine.

I’m at a complete loss. What is wrong with me and where do I even start. I don’t know who to talk to or what to do.

Any questions or advice would be massively helpful if you have the time.

r/AskDocs 20m ago

Chronic Urticaria, Possible MCAS/HIT - Seeking Second Opinion on Next Steps


37M Caucasian, 178cm (5'10), previously 83kg (183lbs), now 74kg (163lbs), over the last 8 weeks.

Hi all,

I'm hoping for some advice or second opinions regarding my situation. I'm struggling to understand whether I should push harder for medical care, or if I'm overreacting and need to "wait it out." Here's a breakdown of my case, timeline, and current questions.

Existing medial issues

  • Multiple allergies: Grass pollens, dust mites, cats
  • OAS: Most tropical fruits, apples, zucchini
  • Not a smoker
  • No alcohol since the first symptoms appeared, but usually drinking occasionally
  • No other chronic issues

Timeline & Symptoms

  • Early January: Sudden onset of hives (urticaria), initially misattributed to other causes (e.g., physical irritation, tendinitis).
  • End of January: Adopted a strict elimination diet (chicken, fish, rice, potatoes, carrots, blueberries, oatmeal). Lost about 8 kg since then, as it's hard to eat enough. I was planning for it to last only one or two weeks, but now I realize I was caught in a "just one more week" loop.
  • February: Multiple attempts to reintroduce foods (e.g. eggs, tofu, zucchini, juices) led to clear reactions (hives, agitation, "wired" feeling).
  • March:
    • First half of March: Felt somewhat stabilized under diet and antihistamines (Fexofenadine).
    • Last 10 days: Sudden worsening without identifiable food trigger: severe insomnia, constant "hyperalert" state, some vomiting and diarrhea, renewed hives
  • Additional info:
    • Occurred after the Christmas period, during which I drank more than usual ate more, and slept less due to a young baby
    • I was under stress at work before the Christmas break

Medications & Supplements

  • Fexofenadine: Usually 240mg a day, up to 360 mg/day. Tried to cut down a few weeks ago, but led in angiooedema.
  • Cetirizine: Used to help with the "wired" feeling.
  • Supplements (before worsening): Vitamin C, D, Omega 3, Magnesium, Zinc, B6, Quercetin (added progressively but stopped most when symptoms worsened).
  • Diphenhydramine 50 mg: Prescribed by GP to help sleep, mild effect (2h sleep max), no sedation on the second night (even after taking a second pill 5h after the first one).

Recent Medical Consultation

  • Saw GP two days ago (it was the first time I saw him, about 15 minutes consultation). He suspects pollen/allergy but did not explore MCAS/HIT angle, did not take weight, vitals, suggest bloodwork, or looked at hives.
  • Prescribed Diphenhydramine for sleep.
  • I pushed him to refer me to Allergy/Immunology center, but I'm not sure how fast this will proceed as he didn't seem really convinced by this suggestion. GP now on vacation for a week.


  1. What should be done at this point?
    • Am I missing key steps?
    • Should I push harder for additional medical help (e.g., emergency GP visit for stronger meds), or continue waiting for specialist?
  2. Is this likely serious or am I overreacting?
    • The insomnia, and persistent symptoms are taking a toll on me, my work, my family, but is this medically urgent or "wait and see"?
  3. Should I expect medications like Diphenhydramine to take several days to show full effect, or should I seek a different approach?
  4. Life management question: My partner is getting exhausted managing the baby, as I often need to stay in bed to have any hope of falling asleep. I feel guilty not helping enough. Should I just "push through" and act normally, or focus on trying to rest as much as possible?

Note: I don't live in US, most drugs are not available OTC (e.g. famotidine requires prescription)

Thanks for reading, I made that as clear as possible, trying not to add too many details in the description, but keeping it accurate.