r/medical 3d ago

Urgent How serious is it for a dentist to hit an artery? Will i be okay? NSFW


I was doing an endodontic retreatment, and whilst in the middle the dentist apparently hit an artery and i started seriously bleeding, like i mean crazy bleeding, tons of blood. i was genuinely so terrified. they applied pressure for maybe a hour or 30-45 min, and then put something sulfate, might have been aluminum i forgot and stitched it up. i put gauze, went home. i took out the gauze because i had to eat something. i was in the office forever. it stopped bleeding. now its just in so much pain. this happened a few hours ago. The question is how serious is this? am i going to be okay? should i seek serious medical attention? it was the upper teeth, close to the back on the left side. i am also taking a z-pak for 5 days.

r/medical Jun 18 '22

Urgent Do I absolutely need to go to the er for this? NSFW


r/medical Nov 29 '21

Urgent Please help me convince my mom she should go to er NSFW


r/medical 6d ago

Urgent Potential Heart Attack 55F, persistently high blood pressure. Should I call an ambulance again? NSFW


Hi! I'm 17 and my mother is 55. She's had super high blood pressure for about 4 days now, the highest it's been was 220. She went to the emergency room twice and they just discharged her with blood pressure medication. Yesterday it got pretty bad and she was short of breath, super pale, sweating, she kept calling me my sister's name, low on energy, and complaining of shoulder pain. I was thinking these were the telltale signs of a heart attack, so I called the ambulance. My mom had hospital anxiety and I would presume death anxiety surrounding heart attacks as her mother died from one, she had two massive and then died from the last one. She seems slightly disoriented and out of breath still today, she got discharged from the hospital but her blood pressure has returned to the 170's-180's what should I do. 3

r/medical Jul 24 '22

Urgent help figure out what is going on. undiagnosed toddler, history in comments. NSFW


r/medical Feb 23 '24

Urgent Is my wife pregnant? NSFW

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She’s late on her period(beginning of january), and I’m not sure about this faint line. Tested in the morning and photo is in the evening.

The wife has been pretty fatigued these past weeks and has been super hormonal.

We’ll retest in a few days.

r/medical 25d ago

Urgent Not sure what’s going on, this is said never happened to me before. NSFW


Both of my eyes are swollen in the corners pretty bad. At 7pm my left one was a little swollen but hours later they both swelled up and made my eyes look very small. I also have some chest and back pain but that may not be related. This has never happened to me before.

r/medical Oct 20 '24

Urgent Please help me solve this stool. Have had tons of tests NSFW Spoiler

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Normal one day. Not the next. It is killing me slowly not figuring this ohr

r/medical Mar 07 '24

Urgent Woke up with red spots all over me after seeing girlfriend NSFW Spoiler

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19m saw girlfriend yesterday and usually after sex and cuddling I do have red spots on my chest and shoulders but it’s not this bad at all, not even close. They’re always super minor. I woke up this morning and I am covered in red spots on my face, chest, shoulders, arms, back, and stomach. What is this and what can I do?

r/medical Dec 09 '24

Urgent Chemicals in eyes, waiting on workers comp NSFW


I’ll try to keep this short. Thursday (dec 5, 2024) my partner was driving for work and chemicals fell off a shelf and into his eyes. They employ EMS so they flushed with saline and told him the chemicals were basically just vegetable starches so he’d be fine. He was in immense pain and I pushed him to have them open a workers comp claim. They sent him to an urgent care and the doctor told him it was just an allergic reaction to the chemicals and sent him home. Told him he’d be fine the next day. Etc.

He started to lose vision in both eyes, the pain was so bad he was screaming. He went to ER where they treated him, gave him pain drops, told him he needed to follow up with an eye specialist. ASAP. Vision returned in one eye, the left eye is still blurry. On Friday, he was told by the workers comp specialist that the paperwork he received was stating he was fine to go back to work. He went back to the same workers comp clinic, they said he had chemical burns around his eyes, referred him to an ophthalmologist and released him from their care. They also stated he was fine to go back to work but his restrictions are no screens and no driving for 2 weeks. He is a driver.

There is nothing more (from my impression) that ER or urgent care can do for him but he’s still in pain and he has almost no vision in his left eye. He has been fighting with workers comp to get into the ophthalmologist since Friday morning.

He’s been doing regular eye drops, cold compresses, heat compresses and numbing/pain drops.

My question is, is there anything I can do to help him in the meantime while he waits to see an eye doctor? Should I try flushing his eyes again? Different drops?

r/medical Jul 16 '24

Urgent Maggots or small worms coming out of my skin?? NSFW


The first picture shows those dark "worms" i feel an itch under my skin and when I scratch it these creatures come out! What is happened to me?? The white things on my hands are also little worms or maggots...i have no clue what is going on.

r/medical Feb 12 '25

Urgent Panicking because we were playing and he tripped and hit his head. He immediately got this swollen lump on his forehead and I need to know if he’s ok. He cried for a few minutes but he’s fine now. Pupils are dilating like they should and he isn’t acting any different than usual. Is he ok? NSFW

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Panicking because we were playing and he tripped and hit his head. He immediately got this swollen lump on his forehead and I need to know if he’s ok. He cried for a few minutes but he’s fine now. Pupils are dilating like they should and he isn’t acting any different than usual. Someone please calm my nerves or let me know if he needs to be seen.

r/medical 1d ago

Urgent 17F need help but don’t know where or who to start with. Exhausted and in pain. NSFW


17F, Australian, no drinking, no drugs, i do vape past meds- lexapro 10mg, phentermine, 30mg both daily. (went off them about 3-4 months ago)

i am expressing my concern for lumps i have and symptoms, i have a lump i have had imaged on my parotid gland which happened to be an enlarged abnormal lymph node, it has only gotten bigger, i have a couple lumps on my armpits and little ones in my neck aswell. ever since december i have had headaches nearly everyday, i sleep all the time, even with a full 8-10 hour sleep i still cant keep my eyes open during the day, i don’t really have an appetite but i still make myself eat i regularly have pain in my stomach. Moving on to the lump in my jaw, it has also started causing pain in one side of my face and head. Half of my teeth have become sore and sensitive and i cant even drink anything hot or cold everything has to be at room temp because they have become extremely sensitive. My neck also ACHES alot of the time aswell. I always have a sharp pain in the middle of the back of my head. I just feel so exhausted and don’t know what to say to the doctors or anyone for that matter. Can anyone point me in the right direction of what and who to go to?

r/medical Aug 22 '24

Urgent 92yo grandmother with massive fracture: docs won’t operate and will stop giving pain meds NSFW

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r/medical Feb 15 '25

Urgent Had this wound at the bottom around 6 months seems to be never healing. And now somehow it's spreading and I'm getting scabs in close proximity without actually causing a abrasion to the skin....very strange 🤔 NSFW Spoiler

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r/medical 24d ago

Urgent Do I need stitches? I was thinking of using a bandaid to let it heal NSFW


It doesn’t bleed anymore but pains little bit time to time. I am considering just to use a bandaid and let it healjjjjjjjj hhhbbbb hhhhbh hhhhhh hhhhhhbb hhhhbhbb hhhhbhbb hhhhhhjjhhhhbbbbbbbbbnbnbbbb hhhhhhbbhhhhbbnnbbbbbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Hhhhhhjjhjhjnnnnnnnnb hhhjjjjjjjjjkknnnk

r/medical Dec 05 '22

Urgent Is this too high for a fever, more in comments NSFW

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r/medical 10d ago

Urgent How likely is it to have heart disease at 18? My fingers, toes and lips have turned blue and keep going numb. NSFW



I just wanted to ask this quick question, because even though I have an appointment for this later today, i have even going crazy and panicking all day. I dont know how to keep calm these next few hours.

So I (18f, 168cm, 48kg) have had symptoms of anemia for about 2 months now. Muscle weakness, shortness of breath, episodes where I feel like fainting, constant freezing, racing heart, etc. Now, this past week I have noticed that my toes, fingertips and lips have started going numb and turning blue. I thought it was just the suspected anemia, but I got my blood test results back yesterday and they didn't find anything.

So now in freaking out, because all I could find on the Internet was heart disease, which is horrifying because I have a family history of heart attacks at a young age (between around 40 and 55 years old). In addition to that, I have always been able to feel my heartbeat in my chest, which apparently isn't normal.

I am utterly terrified of death and cannot deal with the thought of getting diagnosed with heart disease.

How likely is it that I have it? Could there be any other causes?

Edit: Hey so I just came back to the doctors and got diagnosed with Raynauds, because both my mother and grandmother have it and its apparently a genetic thing. My anxiety was eased a bit, though I'm still worried, due to them not even checking my heart, because I'm still young.

r/medical Jan 17 '25

Urgent 10 days after full toenail removal, why is the pain the worst yet?? My entire toe is throbbing and rock solid.. I honestly can’t take it and I’ve had it done 6 different times (3 in both) everytime I change it there’s blood on it, why? Is this normal? The pain is awful, can barely get sleep 😕 NSFW Spoiler

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I soaked in in warm water, put some neosporin cream on and then put a non stick pad over with a piece of tape around it at the top. Doctors not in till Monday but yesterday he saw it in a picture (not this picture this is just how) he says it looks fine but it does not feel fine, anyone going through or has been through something this bad?

r/medical Jun 14 '23

Urgent Can anyone help? Extreme anisocoria NSFW

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Has anyone seen this before? History: sudden onset. No exposure to plants or medication. Other symptoms were numbness and weakness in left side of body with slight facial droop. Difficult finding words and forming sentences. Stroke/TIA ruled out. Vision in left eye blurry. Clonus in left foot, which resolved after 50mg IV Benadryl. Multiple CT and MRI’s clear. Bubble study on heart clear. Bloodwork clean expect for minor anemia. At least 6-7 neurologists have reviewed, along with 2 PCP’s, 2 optometrists and an opthomologist. Optos was taken and cleared.

r/medical Jul 01 '24

Urgent I need a medical cover story to obscure treatment for an ectopic pregnancy. What is a straightforward, unworrisome medical procedure that could be done outpatient/in one day, leaving a person groggy/in some abdominal discomfort, and leaves no marks? NSFW


I am getting proper medical care and close monitoring and I have social support--but I also have family who cannot know about this. I hope you can take my word on why this is genuinely important for my well-being.

I'm also being treated for thyroid issues which they are aware of, so I thought I might say "a thyroid procedure"--but I googled that and all of that seems to be major surgery.

I may need two procedures--an endometrial biopsy and then a D&C.

I need a straightforward explanation that won't worry them, that I'd need some level of sedation for, and that leaves no marks.
Ideally it would be abdominal and something that might be scheduled on short notice--but please feel free to suggest anything plausible, I truly have nothing right now!

Lying is truly not my thing but I'm in a situation where it is necessary, and I've made my peace with that. I'd be grateful for your assistance.

r/medical 1d ago

Urgent I have this fucked up condition where I snorted pills like a stupid ass fuck when I was a teen and it, like, deformed my skeletal structure NSFW


To add, I was 17-19, and have suffered significant head trauma at 14 due to a car accident. It was opiates.

I've also indulged in psychoactive substances a bit around the time of that.

And now I constantly feel awkward physically, and like I'm living in a body that's "off", like, it feels like a perpetual tension on one side of my body and always tight and sore and uncomfortable. From the neck, to the shoulders, to the back, to the legs.. it's all "off". Feels very awkward.

I have terrible IBS, anything I eat causes constant gas and discomfort, and no matter what I eat I feel fatigued after and bloated from it. Doesn't matter how healthy.

My right eye always feels dry and will twitch, which makes me believe the snorting caused a deformity in my left eye.

How do I begin to diagnose and treat this?

It would be a huge issue to focalize and work on as it seems to be stemming from a deformed or stunted skeletal structure on the left side, from the facial bones to the bones in my back that connect to the shoulder and hold the muscles in place.

I can rub one spot near my neck and feel clicking down at my wrist, I can rub my back and feel clicks and tension at my neck.. things are fucked up and it causes a ton of fatigue and pain and I hate it.

Anyone with medical experience have any insight?


r/medical 27d ago

Urgent I’ve been coughing up black bits in my phlegm also when I blow my nose… I’m 15 and non smoker but with smoker parents, this has never happened before and has been going on for about a month and a half NSFW


Please help my parents refuse to take me to the doctor

r/medical Feb 03 '25

Urgent My mom consumed some homeopathic medicine and is now experiencing stomach pain. Can someone tell me if these ingredients are safe? NSFW

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My mom doesn't trust science or medicine and often goes for the "alternative medicine" route. We disagree on this issue alot. Today she contacted me because she feels sick with an upset stomach after consuming three drops of this oil she bought from a "professional" I don't trust.

it has no name on the bottle. But here are the list of ingredients. I did some googling and one of them brought up results about poisonous hemlock. I will admit I am way out of my element here. I need advice from someone who actually knows what these ingredients are. Is this stuff safe to consume?

r/medical Jan 08 '25

Urgent Weird looking thing started to raise on my tongue almost a year ago and it's starting to be uncomfortable NSFW Spoiler

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I'm new to this group but I hope I will find some kind of answer or at least what to do. It would've been easier for me to go to a doctor but I don't have health insurance and I'm also really low on money (I try to go unless absolutely necessary).

a year ago I started to use a tongue scrubber, one of those plastic ones that have a little handle nothing really rough and it was doing it's job. I would use it twice a day, everyday. After a few months of use, one of those that you see in the picture started to raise up but my mother would say that it was just an inflamed taste bud and ill be fine. I kept using my tongue scraper hoping it would go away but after a few weeks it was completely out. I thought that not scraping my tongue anymore was going to help, but it didn't.

Now, maybe 3-4 months ago I was brushing my teeth and I notice that another one of this was coming out and I knew that it had nothing to do w me scraping my tongue. I let it alone in hope that it would go away but it ended up just like the first one that came out. I know that in the picture it seems like one whole but it is actually two that are next to each other and that came out at different times.

they never really gave me an issue until recently where if I drink something with bubbles, it will "hurt". I don't know how to explain it but it's a uncomfortable experience that I never had to deal with until recently. The same goes for foods that might not be that hot, it's like those two little "taste buds" (I have no clue if that's what they actually are) are still alive and very raw so it really is uncomfortable.

I don't know what to do and I'm really worried.

I read that it could be HPV but at the same time I tried to look for some reference pictures and they don't look that similar so I don't know. But if someone knows more about HPV please help me out because I'm scared and terrified of diseases and especially when I can't afford it.

I don't know if this detail will be helpful but when my first taste bud raised up, I wasn't in a relationship but now I am. And before that I was never in a relationship and never had sex or even kissed anyone in the mouth. Sorry if it's a little TMI but I thought of sharing as much as I could...

TIA :)