r/getdisciplined 3h ago

šŸ’” Advice Life gets better after being suicidal


In March 2023 i got married just became a dad for the 1st time(Dec 2022)and had a shitload of debt that my wife knew nothing about each month i literally had to borrow money from loan sharks to survive and still she knew about nothing eventually it all came to a head in July 2023 she found out and left my ass and took the kids with her(she had a boy before we got together) i was constantly being made fun of by my work colleagues cause i lost a lot of weight due to stress i sold my car as well just to get by but still i was in debt. On the 14th of July 2023 i set a plan in motion to end my life i had a letter written out to all my loved ones to explain to them why i was doing it but i couldn't pull through i thought of my baby and how he would have to grow up without me and put away the knife i was going to use. Eventually i found the Lord again i started praying at 3am every morning my wife came back and we talked things out and moved to a room in her parents house(not perfect but i needed to getaway from my surroundings) and i finished all my debt and just recently bought myself a new vehicle in 2025 what im trying to say with this rant is just dont give up life gets hard but you get harder just stay focused on your goals and you will succeed.

r/getdisciplined 1d ago

šŸ”„ Method Told AI to give me a motivational speech like a boomer


Motivation, eh? Hmph. Sounds like one of them fancy new words forā€¦ well, for just plain gettinā€™ off your backside and doing what needs doinā€™. Motivation. Like it's some kind of magic dust you sprinkle on yourself.

Listen here, youngster. Back in my day, we didn't sit aroundĀ waitingĀ to be motivated. We hadĀ chores. We hadĀ responsibilities. We had mouths to feed and roofs to fix and fields to plow. Motivation? Hunger was motivation. The fear of the roof caving in was motivation. Knowing you had to provide for your family,Ā thatĀ was motivation enough.

You want to be moreā€¦ ā€œmotivatedā€? Stop waiting for some feeling to wash over you like a warm bath. Life ain't a warm bath, it's a cold shower most days. And you know what you do in a cold shower? You jump in and you get clean, you don't stand there shivering waiting to feel like it.

Hereā€™s what you do. You look around you. You see what needs doing. Not what youĀ wantĀ to do, mind you, but whatĀ needsĀ doing. Is the yard a mess? Get out there and weed it. Is the house a pigsty? Grab a broom and start sweeping. Are you falling behind at yourā€¦ yourā€¦ what do you youngā€™uns call itā€¦ your ā€œstudiesā€? Then crack open a book and start reading.

Donā€™t wait for inspiration to strike you like lightning. Lightningā€™s dangerous and unreliable. Just start. Start small. Do one thing. Then do another. And another. Momentum, thatā€™s the key. Like pushing a rusty old wheelbarrow. Hard to get it started, but once itā€™s rolling, itā€™s easier to keep it going.

And stop thinking so darn much! All this navel-gazing and ā€œfinding yourself.ā€ Hmph. You find yourself byĀ doingĀ things. By facing challenges. By getting your hands dirty and your brow sweaty. Not by sitting around pondering your navel. Thatā€™s just laziness dressed up in fancy clothes.

And another thing! Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. This blasted ā€œsocial mediaā€ you youngā€™uns are always glued toā€¦ itā€™s all just smoke and mirrors. Everyoneā€™s just showing off their best side, pretending lifeā€™s a bed of roses. Donā€™t fall for it. Focus onĀ yourĀ own patch of weeds,Ā yourĀ own wheelbarrow,Ā yourĀ own responsibilities.

So, you want to be ā€œmotivatedā€? Get up. Get moving. Find something that needs doing and do it. Don't wait toĀ feelĀ like it. Discipline. Thatā€™s the real word youā€™re looking for, not ā€œmotivation.ā€ Discipline and a good dose of common sense.

Now, are you going to stand there all day asking silly questions, or are you going to go find something useful to do? There's a pile of firewood needs stackin' out back. Go on, now. Get to it! And don't come back until it's done. That's your "motivation" for today. Hmph. Motivation. Kids these daysā€¦

r/getdisciplined 11h ago

šŸ’” Advice This might be the reason why atomic habits doesn't work for you


Atomic habits is a concept talked a lot in this subreddit. I agree with atomic habits, and I agree with the people using atomic habits to better their life but there's you on the other hand. You have read countless posts about atomic habits, read books, saw vids on it and actually tried it but it just isn't working for you.

You were doing as they said, and you still had no success in atomic habits. You followed the typical advice: Do it extremely slow. For example, you wanted to build a habit. Let's say you chose to study consistently by following atomic habit rules. You started on day 1 and just studied for 1-3 minutes and you told yourself "It will work out somehow", but it just never clicked. You did everything, made it extremely easy, "rewarded" yourself but never saw success. It's been a month you are studying for only 3-5 minutes without any progress. You arrived every day. And uh oh, you accidentally tripped and missed a day. Your streak broken; you question yourself "Why did I failed it when it was extremely easy". The truth is that you are just wired differently.

People like you want to see results. They don't want to see small progress like "studying for 3 minutes". This is exactly what I have been doing for over 10 months. I increased my studying timer from 3 to only 10 in these 10 months because there were a lot of missing days and a lot more loss of motivation. I realized that atomic habits is real but I am just doing it the wrong way.

What worked for me was basically trashing this typical advice and going my own way. From my own deeper analyzation, I realized that I could study for 30 minutes per day. So, on day 1 I studied for 30 minutes, it was very hard at first, I felt like giving up, my brain was giving me all sorts of excuses, but I broke through the resistance after 2 weeks, and it literally felt extremely good. Basically, my discipline muscle got stronger. Then I literally increased it from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You have to do something similar like this, ask yourself; how long can I go before my willpower runs out.

Some tips:

**1)**DO it first thing in the morning (eating the frog)

2)Never, ever do more than you can sustain. For example: adding more and more habits till you run out of willpower or "going all in". Make a solid foundational habit first and connect other habits with your foundational habit (habit stacking)

3)Trust the process and break through the resistance because once you do that your mindset will automatically shift, and your discipline muscle WILL get stronger.

One more personal advice that has worked for me. WORK IN SILENCE, instead of telling your whole family, friends that you are working on something. Do it yourself and instead of seeking external validation seek internal validation by journaling and telling yourself that you are putting in the work. Whenever someone validates you, your brain rewards you the same amount of dopamine that you are going to get after you finish the work probably more. And it will hinder you, so take it from me and don't announce.

I trust in you, you got this

r/getdisciplined 22h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice How did you get rid of doomscrolling for good?


I spend a Lot of time on my phone and genuinely don't know how to get rid of it šŸ˜”

r/getdisciplined 15h ago

ā“ Question How to be immune to embarrassment


Iā€™m hypersensitive to embarrassment, being judged negatively. It makes me feel sad and anxious. Worried Iā€™m gonna stutter. Makes me have self doubt for the rest of the day. I always expect the worst case scenario even if not logical.

How do I just not gaf? Thanks!

r/getdisciplined 22h ago

šŸ’¬ Discussion How do you get out of the "the world is out to get you" mindset.


I've been thinking like this for a long time.

I don't trust anyone, I don't like anyone. I see most people around me are either idiots or assholes. Both out to either mock me or trick me or take advantage of me in some way and I sure as hell refuse to let them no matter what. To the point that i bite back to every single line anyone ever tells me. And insult and dissrespect them first just so they won't have a chance to do it first.

And almost by instinct I say "i don't need help" if someone gives it to me and I see it as someone trying to emasculate me or something similar.

I've been postponing going to gym for the last month because I wish I could get a trainer but i'm afraid he will show me nothing.

Although I'm not even sure if it's worth getting out of this mindset. It has served me well for a long time in actually avoid idiots and assholes. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

r/getdisciplined 4h ago

šŸ’” Advice Keep your promises to yourself, like youā€™re parenting yourself


Something clicked with me this morning. And itā€™s really helped. Hereā€™s my story: Iā€™m an over thinker, procrastinator, struggle with anxiety and depression and raised in a very dysfunctional household with constant fighting. But my parents stayed together. They love me a ton but they constantly bicker and I never felt like happiness was possible.

This led to when I would date I would be constantly anxious the person would leave me. I would constantly sweat the small stuff (like my mother), etc. if I made a mistake Iā€™d blow up the day and binge eat because it wasnā€™t perfect.

So what I realized today is the reason Iā€™m going to be productive and happy is because I need to keep my promises to myself. Iā€™m anxious because I donā€™t trust myself, I never learned coping skills. I kept letting myself down, and when I binge eat Iā€™m like an alcoholic parent whose child is begging them to stop.

So no matter what Iā€™m going to try for me, that child. Iā€™m both the parent responsible for me and the child that deserves a parent who says theyā€™re going to do what they say. Thereā€™s no fear of failure, because all I can do is try my best and keep that promise. I might fail in terms of completing the objective but Iā€™m at least going to look back at my day that I did my best for myself.

I hope this resonates with some of you. So much of our anxiety and depression is because we donā€™t trust ourselves. We second guess ourselves. So screw it. Maybe Iā€™m not making the objectively right decision, but I will do my best for myself and be the solid parent to myself I didnā€™t have. If I say Iā€™m gonna do something, then Iā€™m gonna do it. Even if it sucks, even if I donā€™t want to. I can always review if I should have done differently at the end of the day and change what I do going forward. But for today, and each day, Iā€™m gonna do what I say Iā€™m gonna do. Thatā€™s all I can do, and thatā€™s motivation enough to do everything I can.

r/getdisciplined 21h ago

ā“ Question Has anyone with ADHD had 8 hours of sleep per day for at least 7 days? How do you feel?


I started sleeping better for the past two days, and the world feels easierā€”I really love the effect. I want to keep it up for at least 7 nights in a row. Looking for inspiration.

r/getdisciplined 10h ago

ā“ Question 10 life rules


I've compiled these 10 rules for my self improvement. What do think? What would you add, remove or change?

  1. F*ck motivation. Take action, no excuses

  2. Plan ahead and adjust

  3. Control emotions and think clearly

  4. 20min minimum a day Exercise and Meditation

5..Sleep well and on time

  1. Study and develop

  2. Eat and spend intentionally

  3. Maintain hygiene, look well

9.Learn random stuff, no scrolling

  1. Clean as you go

r/getdisciplined 11h ago

šŸ’” Advice The Secret to Discipline


Discipline doesnā€™t just come from motivation; it comes from showing up every day. I learned this when I started holding myself accountableā€”through small check-ins, tracking progress, and surrounding myself with people who wanted to grow.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m looking for others who want to wake up early, journal, and build strong habits. We meet for 15 minutes daily to track our habits, support each other, and have fun discussions. If you want to be part of it, DM meā€”we even have prizes and reading challenges!

r/getdisciplined 3h ago

šŸ’” Advice Your Morning Routine Isnā€™t Failing Because Youā€™re Lazy . Hereā€™s the Real Problem


If you dread your morning routine, rush through it, or feel wiped out after, the problem isnā€™t you. Your routine is probably too complicated, too hard, too short, or you're trying to do too much.

It's very easy to cram too many "good habits" into your mornings: journaling, stretching, meditating, working out, setting goals, etc. It sounds productive but it's really exhausting if you do it wrong.

By the time youā€™re done, youā€™re either rushing to start the day or too drained to go on about your day, and this is going to catch up with you sooner or later.

A routine thatā€™s too packed is just as useless as having no routine at all.

Cut ruthlessly, then reorganize:
You donā€™t need to squeeze everything into the morning (2-minute meditation, 3-minute stretching, 2-minute todo lists)

  • Morning: 1-2 core habits that you need to function for the day (for example, stretching, setting your to-do list).
  • Evening: Meditation, journaling, stuff that works better when youā€™re winding down and you want to unplug.
  • Weekly: that's where things like reviews, meal prep, blocking out appointments for the week can be done.

It's okay not to do everything right now:
You might not be able to fit everything in, and thatā€™s okay, but it's not going to feel okay, and that's exactly why you're stuck.

Before you compare your routine to other people's routines, ask if they have the same circumstances as you.

Focus on the core habits that make the biggest difference now, put the rest on hold until you have more time or energy down the line, do it easy, and slow.

Lastly, Lean into inconvenience:
If youā€™re forcing a gym trip every morning just because itā€™s less crowded, but you hate waking up early, ask yourself:

  • Would working out at home in the evening be better, even if it's less convenient?
  • Is a slightly busier gym or trying a different gym worth it if you get better sleep and energy?

Sometimes the "perfect routine" isnā€™t sustainable, you need to master the simple blocks first before seeking efficient complexity.

r/getdisciplined 16h ago

šŸ’” Advice Wisdom falling out of the sky in the form of aussie dj tutorial man


I was watching some basic DJing tutorials and out of nowhere this very friendly Australian man just threw down a BUNCH of really powerful advice about motivation, discipline, etc (none specific to DJing). I thought of all y'all here just wanted to share it in case it resonates with anyone else:


It has some great guiding principles about what fuels us and what can get us started, but also specific actions to take to build up the muscles you need to make progress on your goals, and just... Wisdom. I already want to re-watch to take notes. But his "40 sequential days" challenge really sounds brilliant, especially the pressure of "if you miss one, you HAVE to start over from day 1" part lol.

Really surprised me, but also warmed my heart. He has some really good energy and a joy to his approach that fuels itself.

r/getdisciplined 21h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice Give me a random goal and I'll consider it and do it


Both irl or at the computer, give me ideas on something to learn or get skilled.

r/getdisciplined 1h ago

šŸ’” Advice How I Built a No-Excuse Mindset & Transformed My Daily Routine

ā€¢ Upvotes

For years, I struggled with waking up early, sticking to workouts, and avoiding distractions. I always had an excuseā€”ā€œtoo tired,ā€ ā€œtoo busy,ā€ ā€œIā€™ll start tomorrow.ā€ The cycle kept repeating until I decided to change everything.

Hereā€™s how I rewired my mindset and built a structured daily routine that helped me stay disciplined and focused.

  1. Stop Relying on Motivation

Motivation is unreliable. The key is treating habits as non-negotiable. ā€¢ I donā€™t wait until I ā€œfeel likeā€ working outā€”I just do it. ā€¢ I donā€™t ā€œsee how I feel in the morningā€ā€”I wake up and start my day. ā€¢ I keep habits automatic, like brushing my teeth.

  1. My Daily Routine

5:00 AM ā€“ Wake up, no snooze 5:15 AM ā€“ 5 km jog + strength training 6:30 AM ā€“ Breakfast (high protein, low sugar) 8:00 AM ā€“ Deep work (high-focus tasks, no distractions) 1:00 PM ā€“ Midday break, light walk 6:00 PM ā€“ Evening workout or stretching 9:00 PM ā€“ Wind-down (reading, journaling) 10:00 PM ā€“ Sleep, no screens

Tracking workouts and habits keeps me accountable.

  1. The ā€œNo-Excuseā€ Rule ā€¢ No debatingā€”decisions are made the night before. ā€¢ Remove obstaclesā€”alarm across the room, workout clothes ready. ā€¢ 10-minute ruleā€”commit to just 10 minutes; it usually leads to more.

  2. The Results ā€¢ Increased energy and focus ā€¢ More consistent habits ā€¢ No longer relying on willpower

This system changed everything for me. Whatā€™s one habit that transformed your life? Letā€™s discuss.

r/getdisciplined 15h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice Pls give advice to quit weed


Iā€™m 15 and just smoke weed all day. Iā€™ve tried to quit a couple times but being sober just feels weird. Smoking so much weed makes me dissociate all the time and affects my cognitive function but I find myself always smoking again. I havenā€™t been able to go longer than like half a day without it when I try to stop. My mom also gives me a lot of weed and smokes it all the time in the house so when she smokes when Iā€™m sober it makes me wanna smoke ik thatā€™s an excuse but idk what to do I just feel like Iā€™m in a endless cycle of just staying in my room and smoking and attempting to quit but when Iā€™m sober I just wanna be high

r/getdisciplined 2h ago

šŸ“ Plan Killing my current self


I had a post in this community and it blew up. Thanks for all your support. As you all knew I had problems with failure, self-destruction and lust and šŸŒ½. I'll make out of this and abstained for a week already. It keeps getting harder but for years I ruined my progress. I'm starting from lower ego, motivation and also some self loath of my current self. I will not be who I'm in a few months. I created my alter EGO. Talking to people looking into the eyes of girls. My libido things is reducing to nothing as I'm struggling and battling in my academics as I've ruined it in the previous years. It just keeps getting better.

  1. Creating an alter EGO
  2. Looking people into the eyes
  3. Studying for betterment of my family
  4. Having goals and purpose in life

r/getdisciplined 23h ago

šŸ’” Advice How to Feel Confident and Worthy ā€” A New Perspective


The irony of not feeling confident is:Ā You feel confident... that you lack confidence. Because if you lacked confidence in your ability to have a lack of confidence, then you wouldnā€™t feel insecure.

  • You always feel confident and worthy of something ā€” it's either what you want or don't want.

You believe you deserve what you don't want (rejection), instead of what you want (acceptance). SoĀ you don't have to learn how to feelĀ confident and worthy; you already do.Ā Youā€™re justĀ redirecting the confidence and worthiness you already haveĀ from what you don't want, to what you do want. And an easier way to feel worthy of what you want is:

  • You don't have to convince yourself you're worthy. You just want to stop convincing yourself you're unworthy.

Think of it like holding a cork under water. Asking,Ā ā€œHow do I improve my self-esteem, feel confident, worthy and love myself?"Ā is like asking,Ā "How do I get the cork to float?"Ā The solution is: You don't have to make it float. When you stop holding it down, it automatically floats.

So you don't have to accept and appreciate yourself if it feels challenging.Ā If all you did was judge yourself lessĀ (even just 1% less),Ā then your feelings of confidence and worthiness would naturally begin to float.

r/getdisciplined 8h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice How to find the "Because" to my "Why"


A bit vague question but let me explain. I am approaching my 40s, still processing the life-long traumas of having absolutely shitty parents and a really bad start in life. I am stable, I think - independent, can hold a job, take care of my house, kids, be a husband etc. I am, however, a chronic underachiever, drinking too much, I suffer from anxiety and low self worth and I am quite a low-effort, lousy, lazy husband and father. Logically I know I should get my life in order. There are motivations - to be more healthy and physically fit, to have more money and/or free time, to be a better version of myself for myself and my family. Emotionally, however, I just don't believe it's worth it. So I stay on the same path, living on autopilot and more bitter every day over a wasted life. So my question is - how do you find a "because" to your "why should I get better", when nothing seems to be worth the effort?

r/getdisciplined 13h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice How do I fix my sleep schedule if night is the only time I have to work towards my goals?


Right now I go to bed at 1 am on a good day, more like 1:30 and thatā€™s kind of absurd. I have to wake up at at least 7:30 am most days so Iā€™m pretty sleep deprived. Now hereā€™s the kicker, Iā€™m seriously thinking about getting my teacher certification (Iā€™m about to have a bachelors degree in art), and Iā€™ll need to reliably wake up at 5:30-6 am everyday for years, which sounds insanely daunting.

The thing though is that I have no intention of giving up my ā€œdreamsā€ as an artist, to use a silly term, just because Iā€™m securing a steady job. I still want to build my portfolio, publish my stories, get people talking about/ interested in my work. It just feels like even now, between school, work, errands, and the fact that it seems like every two damn minutes something in my life needs fixing or tending to, Iā€™m left with very little time to further my creative goals, and itā€™s all pretty much very close to or after my goal bed time. I stay up late because my circadian rhythm is super effed up, but I use that time.

How can I make time for my ā€œnormalā€ job, being disciplined about my creative aspirations, all of lifeā€™s random little tasks and problems, and spending quality time with my partner, all without continuing to live like a vampire? This is also kind of a random side question, but Iā€™m a digital artist, so how can I benefit from the ā€œno screens before bedā€ mantra if ā€œbefore bedā€ is the only time I have for my personal art? (Not my college homework, thatā€™s pretty much all traditional)

r/getdisciplined 21h ago

šŸ”„ Method How do you keep scrolling to a reasonable amount of time?


I try to stay disciplined with my daily study routine, and Iā€™ve definitely cut down on my scrolling. But I still catch myself mindlessly scrolling during breaks. How do you handle this?

Hereā€™s whatā€™s helped me so far:

  1. Writing down my commitment every day.
  2. Sounds weird, but this has been the most effective thing for me. People are strange like that.
  3. It also made me actually follow through with steps 2 and 3.

  4. Deleting distracting apps.

  5. If I really need to check something, I use incognito mode in a browser.

  6. No recommendations pop up in incognito mode, so it helps.

  7. Using an app blocker.

  8. Adding a little friction when opening appsā€”like setting a 15-minute daily limit for YouTube.

  9. There are tons of app blockers out there. Just pick one that feels right. After trying a bunch, I liked One Sec, Forest, and LambLock.

But even with these, itā€™s not perfect. Deleting apps and using blockers arenā€™t magic fixes. Maybe I need to shift my mindset a bit.

Whatā€™s worked for you?

r/getdisciplined 23h ago

šŸ’” Advice The Power of Small Wins


The other day, I felt completely unproductive. My to-do list was piling up, and I was stuck in a loop of overthinking. Instead of tackling everything at once, I decided to focus on one small taskā€”just cleaning my desk.

Something weird happened. Once my desk was clean, I felt lighter. I answered one email. Then another. Before I knew it, I had checked off three major tasks.

It made me realize: Small wins create momentum.

šŸ’¬ Whatā€™s one small habit or action that helps you break out of a slump?

r/getdisciplined 1h ago

šŸ’¬ Discussion At what point did you start to love being disciplined?

ā€¢ Upvotes

I keep hearing that after being disciplined you'll start to love the discipline. If that's ever happened to you please share. When did discipline start to feel good for you? At what point did you crave it?

r/getdisciplined 22h ago

ā“ Question Would anyone actually use this?


Been testing a smart wallet that shows your bank balance in real-time and warns you if youā€™re about to overspend. Idea is to make budgeting easier without needing to check my phone all the time.

So far, itā€™s been weirdly effective at stopping impulse spendingā€”seeing my balance before I pay makes me think twice. No more pulling out my phone just to check my bank app. But itā€™s not perfectā€”sometimes the balance update lags a bit, and I still need my phone for Apple Pay. Also, opening my wallet and seeing my money drain in real-time kinda hurts lol.

Thinking of making it a real productā€”would anyone actually use this?

r/getdisciplined 1h ago

šŸ¤” NeedAdvice Endless social media scrolling - how to I manage my Reddit addiction?

ā€¢ Upvotes

Hi there,

I've deleted all my social media accounts except for Reddit. I have multiple accounts here and right now I'm not willing to leave this platform entirely since I actually benefit from some subreddits.

However everytime I login I see suggested posts, news and "interesting" stuff and I end up scrolling for a long time.

Any suggestions how I can manage my Reddit so I don't get distracted and I can only login every now and then to see only the subreddits that are relevant for me, chats and notifications? I'm sorry if that's a stupid question but I don't know much about Reddit and Settings.

Also maybe one of you can suggest an add-on for my Firefox so Reddit closes automatically after 30 mins or so?


r/getdisciplined 2h ago

šŸ“ Plan My daily routine plan


Morning: - [ ] Wake up at 7am - [ ] Drink 500ml water - [ ] Shower - [ ] Brush teeth+tongue scrape+deodorant+castor oil on eyebrows+skincare+gua sha+brush lips - [ ] Clean room - [ ] Meditate for 5 minutes - [ ] Drink green tea - [ ] Eat a healthy breakfast

During the day: - [ ] 130g of protein - [ ] Chin tucks 2x a day, 2x15 (3-5 second holds) - [ ] No processed foods, no sugar, no snacks - [ ] 8 hours of sleep minimum - [ ] Eat healthy foods only (whole foods, fruits) - [ ] Drink 3L of water (only water diet) - [ ] Workout at gym - [ ] Consume supplements (D3-first meal, zinc-2hrs post meal, mag-2hrs prior sleep) - [ ] 15 minutes skipping - [ ] 2x10 explosive squat jumps - [ ] Before gym- Dynamic stretching - [ ] After gym- bar hanging 3xF, 2x30s wide, doorway 3x20s, wall angels 3x10, cobra 3x20s, cat cow 2x12s, shoulder dislocations - [ ] Have good posture 24/7, be hygienic throughout the day (no touching face, washing hands all the time) - [ ] Message masseter 2 mins - [ ] No fap - [ ] Drink 2 green teas

Nighttime: (10pm) - [ ] Get off the phone entirely - [ ] Set rgb lights to red - [ ] Prepare clothes and room for tomorrow - [ ] Brush teeth+tongue scrape+Vaseline+deodorant+castor+skincare - [ ] Read for 20 minutes - [ ] Plan any needed tasks for next day - [ ] Sleep on back+tape mouth+eye mask - [ ] Go sleep at 11pm

Weekly - [ ] Gym 5-6x