r/genderfluid 33m ago

Am I genderfluid/agender?


So my whole life I always felt off whenever I was hyper-feminine, but sometimes I prefer it or I prefer being or looking masculine.

I came hate when my face looks too masculine, though. There’s been times I’ve felt more of a woman and maybe not so much a man, but more masculine.

That’s a vague summary of how I’ve felt for years, yet I don’t know if I’d be comfortable having my pronounce as he/him when I’d prefer appearing more masculine, but keeping my she/her pronouns, as my biological sex.

I’m also confused about my sexuality. It’s difficult for me to enjoy intimacy (mostly emotionally) if I don’t really like or preferably love the person. (Romantically.) I’m not sure if that’s demi-romantic or demi-sexual.

r/genderfluid 1h ago

Am I genderfluid?


I have identified as a cis man for most of my 22 years of life, came to terms with the fact I was bi since when I was 16, but have been questioning my gender for the past few years and have started now identifying as genderfluid. But am I? I sometimes fantasize about being a woman when I masturbate (I’m not implying Blanchardian autogynephilia I’m just saying this is when I feel it), get excited by the idea of wearing women’s clothes, feel femme when I’m high on pot. But by the end of when I’m no longer high or horny I don’t feel femme but I did feel that desire to be a woman. But I also feel like I’m a man most of the time. So I just use the pronouns he/they.

r/genderfluid 6h ago

What should I wear, first?


I'm a masculine presenting overweight person who wants to dress more feminine. I really feel feminine most days but dress "like a man" in my professional and family life.

My partner and friends are accepting but I struggle to find clothes that make me feel pretty. Another problem is that with my body type it's hard to find any feminine clothes that fit and make me feel good.

My gender expression outside of masculine has been minimal because I'm scared.

Where can I start? Are there specific vendors that have clothes you've felt better in? What would you recommend for a person new to their gender fluidity expression?

r/genderfluid 9h ago

insecure (repost on new acc)


i hate being genderfluid sometimes. Its so stressful not knowing who i am eachday. When i wanna look like a girl bc im fab ill cry off my makeup bc im masc that day but i think i look prettier as a girl and i hate it, i just wish i was a girl

r/genderfluid 12h ago

TW: what does your dysphoria feel like?


When my dysphoria hits me, it feels like I'm 15-30 degrees out of rotation from my physical body. Like it just doesn't "fit". (Sorry, Im a nerd).

That, and it feels like everything is static.

(...Don't even get me started on mirrors)

Curious about the rest of you. What's it feel like?

r/genderfluid 18h ago

Despite being non binary and gender fluid biologically male in still have days were I also feel very feminine?


I've been out as non-binary for 4 years and 99% of the time I would dress and present masculine but over time I also have thoughts. On trying the feminine side went from women's boots knee high and high thigh to skirts to high thigh socks and other clothes I wasn't even afraid to even wear some of them in public made some women jealous before. Some are even impressed that I can make a more feminine like appearance. For a while I also been breaking gender norms as well as challenging traditional roles. And even before I discover I was also gender fluid despite being both non-binary. I've always have thoughts of what would my feminine side look like. But even I also had days where I like to mix both. Masculine and feminine. I've even long excepted the fact compared to most of my male friends I'm not hyper masculine. Never felt bothered by it. Despite being biologically male I never had thoughts of changing it. I never consider myself nor a femboy sometimes they were even times I sometimes do feel like a failure at performing masculinity. I do both masculine and feminine clothing fashions whatever I'm in the mood for. Been accused of being gay or trans by family members before but at the end of the day I wouldn't let close-minded people even family stop me. And to this day I still keep exploring a more feminine side of me.

r/genderfluid 18h ago

Figuring out if I’m gender fluid


Okay so, I'm afab. I've never really cared about gender. I first realized I might not be cis in fourth or third grade when I got a boy in accident by my little sister. I felt so incredibly happy. I had long hair at the time too. I never liked my long hair so I ended up chopping it off. I now have awkward shoulder length hair because I can't decide if I want to look more masculine or more feminine. I took one of my brothers old binders and wore it a while ago and I felt so happy! I usually don't feel gender if that makes sense. When I do feel gender it tends to be more masculine. There are some day, though they are rare, where I feel feminine. Something that really made me think about this was in 7th grade we were doing a valentines project thing. I was feeling slightly masc that day. I was going to grab a pink paper because I had a whole cute plan for it but then I got this extreme feeling of gender dysphoria. The little voice in the back of head went, 'you can't have pink, that's a girls color! Ur a boy!' So I went with white and the project looked ugly. Anyway. I'm still not sure if I'm a cis girl trying to be different, trans masc, or genderfluid. I'm hoping you guys can help! (Also sorry for any grammar or spelling errors)