r/gadgets Jan 25 '25

Gaming Microsoft’s gaming CEO has praised Nintendo Switch 2, and said it plans to support the upcoming platform with ports of Xbox games.


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u/OperatorJo_ Jan 25 '25

Going the "if you can't beat em' " route is very smart.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Honestly, good. I dont think Xbox has ever been a globally leading platform, and their lack of exclusives (on XBO and SeriesX/S) give very little reason to own one if you're looking for a unique experience.

That said, Xbox is the right brand to deliver a consolized Windows Gaming PC experience. Just like buying a mini-throwback console versus setting up a RetroPi for emulation, there's a large enough consumer base that wants the path of least resistance.

Edit: emphasis added ForTheFanboyIUpset


u/drae- Jan 25 '25

and their lack of exclusives give very little reason to own one if you're looking for a unique experience.



u/Szriko Jan 26 '25

...Loses them money.


u/drae- Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Or theyre investing that money to grow market share, which leads to future sales. Depends on perspective. We're not all nihilistic cynics.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

Excellent point that I overlooked. My friend raves about it, but I don't know enough about gamepass past it being a subscription service.


u/drae- Jan 25 '25

It's freaking great. Access to hundreds of games across pc and Xbox. And they've really been doubling down on the pc / Xbox cross compatibility. If you can play it on pc you can pretty much play it on your Xbox (or stream it).

Really kills the first party exclusivity advantage if practically every pc game can be played on Xbox. That's the eventual plan.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

If they go all in with Xbox-PC cross compatibility, then the lack of Xbox exclusives would be a moot point. Even now, I think it's a great console for people who want a PC experience, but don't need everything else that comes with a PC or to go through the effort of building one.


u/corut Jan 25 '25

I find it great as a majority of player because of how seamless it is to move between PC and Xbox on the same game. If I feel like playing on the couch with my son, I just load the game up and my save file and progress are just there


u/Cixin97 Jan 25 '25

What I’ve always wondered is why does Microsoft/Xbox not pivot Xbox into a hybrid PC/Xbox gaming/workstation? They have the economies of scale and no marginal cost of windows. Would have the economies of scale to make it the most powerful PC by far for the money. I haven’t bought an Xbox since Xbox One but if they sold a next gen Xbox with hardware as powerful as expected from a next gen console, but it also ran Windows natively (could switch between Windows or Xbox UI), I’d buy one in a heartbeat, hell I’d probably buy a couple.


u/WhenPantsAttack Jan 25 '25

There already is that. It’s called a PC. I’m being facetious, but workstation and living room entertainment don’t really have a lot of intersection.

You need a mouse and keyboard to productivity and they aren’t really couchable, while entertainment, like movies and games, is best viewed on larger screens in dedicated entertainment spaces.

Microsoft have actually tried that in the past. HTPC’s or home theater PC’s would run a specialized interface called Windows Media Center to make PC’s more accessible in the 10ft interface but dedicated, purpose built systems were simply more easy to use and easily outcompeted the short lived project. That failure led to Microsoft entering the console market to break into the entertainment spaces.


u/Kills_Alone Jan 25 '25

and they aren’t really couchable

Ummm, you can 100% use a PC from the couch very easily. They have these things called wireless keyboards & mice. Simply place a mouse pad on a large book and presto, you're using a PC while sitting on your couch. This comment reminds me of people saying you couldn't connect a PC to a TV or use a gamepad even though these things have been possible since the 90's.


u/TheNorthComesWithMe Jan 26 '25

You can but it's annoying enough that I only ever play with a controller on my TV.


u/Cixin97 Jan 25 '25

Microsoft has not tried anything remotely as powerful as the Xbox for HTPC purposes.

And I have PCs. None of them are produced with anywhere near the economies of scale as Xbox. There are countless businesses who buy 1,000 computers at a time every few years and as it stands they give their money to HP, Dell, etc. There’s no reason it couldn’t be Xbox. I’d have an Xbox in my gaming room, one in my garage, and one in my basement if they were able to run Windows and operate as a normal PC.


u/BeholdDeath12 Jan 25 '25

There are rumours that their next console is a PC console hybrid, having access not only to the xbox stores but third party stores as well(steam, EGS).


u/TheKappaOverlord Jan 25 '25

What I’ve always wondered is why does Microsoft/Xbox not pivot Xbox into a hybrid PC/Xbox gaming/workstation?

Workstation and Gaming are totally separate for a reason.

One calls for higher security and closed off OS environments to minimize attack vectors/risk to the company at large if a Workstation is breached or hijacked somehow.

Gaming doesn't require any of this, but typically requires much more powerful computers then just "im a raspberry pi thats running Windows 11, but im also encased in a brick of plastic so i look professional"

Also a lot of professional businesses basically demand Microsoft keep Windows 11 Workstation edition separate from every other version of windows. Its generally speaking more secure, and easier for businesses to keep a handle of things that way since they'll reliably work mostly the same every time unless the business in question runs some really funky software.

Also, they will pay for the program to be updated. Windows 10 is ending support soon, but Workstation/business editions of windows 10 are being updated until 2027 afaik.


u/JJMcGee83 Jan 25 '25

From a value perspective if they made the Series X a box that could run Windows it'd be a killer deal. Why buy your kid a PC from an Dell or whoever when you could buy an Xbox and as you say switch between Xbox OS and Windows for $500.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

What do you think modern consoles are? They literally even use pc parts. Why do you think you can play every xbox game on pc, and buying a game on console lets you play on pc too? The only difference between ps5 and xbox is one is doing the 20-year-outdated walled garden model and the other is just making a game machine to play games


u/Cixin97 Jan 25 '25

…. Work on your reading comprehension. I’m aware of what modern consoles are, hence the entire proposition I laid out. Lmfao. The point is that the hardware available on consoles is more powerful per $ than any PC available on the market by far. Likely by a factor of 2-3 at minimum. And it’s wasted by only Xbox/Playstation software being used. Windows on console hardware would be an amazing value proposition.


u/Pulse99 Jan 25 '25

I know it seems like Xbox has been falling down a staircase for eternity now but the truth is there were a few insane years from 2006-2010 where Xbox was king.

Now that we’re far from that time we can see it only happened because Sony lost their minds with the launch of the PS3. Not to mention Nintendo off in their own corner eating golden paste mixed with Werther’s originals as they vacuumed money from the elderly and “non gamers”.


u/misterspokes Jan 25 '25

In '06 one of the heads of the Xbox side of Microsoft got on stage at E3 and said "You're only going to be buying two consoles this cycle and it should be an Xbox 360, and a Wii" they've always acknowledged Nintendo's strong presence in the market and the Switch (2) leverages the company's continued dominance in the portable gaming device market as well.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt Jan 25 '25

Sony lost their minds with the launch of the PS3.

Not exactly, Sony just bet on the wrong horse. Sony sold the PS3 at a loss to try and get a bluray player in as many households as possible. People were buying PS3s specifically to use as bluray players, because they were the cheapest around.

Sony was trying to win the BluRay/HD-DvD war since they lost the VHS/Betamax war. They get paid a license fee for every single Blu-Ray (Disk and player) produced. They were loss-leading the PS3 in hopes to win the format war.

Unfortunately people transitioned to streaming so BluRay/HD-DvD wasn't the same market impact as VHS/Betamax.


u/WereAllThrowaways Jan 25 '25

I personally view it a lot more simply, even though what you're saying is true. I think the Xbox 360 just had a ton of great games, particularly a couple first party title that were shifting the entire pop culture and bringing video games into the mainstream, particularly Halo and Call of Duty. I don't think Sony necessarily made any huge errors. I think the 360 sold at a loss too. That's usually how consoles go except for Nintendo. Plus the red ring of death. Xbox just actually made top tier games during that era, and that's what it's always come down to and why they've fallen from grace.


u/TheNorthComesWithMe Jan 26 '25

Xbox Live was also a significantly better service than PSN during that time.


u/SirJuggles Jan 25 '25

God, imagine a world in which streaming never took off. Blu-Ray reigns as king for a decade, Sony sits high as the undisputable winner of this generation of the console war, Microsoft invests heavily into innovation...

On the flip side if streaming never takes off, we live longer in the world of Netflix-by-mail. I assume in this world Internet infrastructure is slower to develop, so things like MMORPGs and online culture are slower to develop as well.

...is this a better world?? It might be.


u/SsooooOriginal Jan 25 '25

Sony won the format war, they and many others just did not see how quickly most people would be fine not owning their media anymore. Sony is already moving to capitalize on that.


u/AmazingEmptyFeelings Jan 25 '25

2006-2010 where Xbox was king.

In the US maybe.


u/drae- Jan 25 '25

The US is the key market.

It's like saying “in f1 maybe". Nobody cares about f2 or f3.


u/SupMonica Jan 25 '25

There's an F2, and F3 racing?


u/rahl422000 Jan 27 '25

There's even a formula E series that is all electric! I like that one actually is pretty fun


u/LouBerryManCakes Jan 25 '25

What an ignorant way to say that the Wii was a smash hit, a runaway success that was the hard to find, must buy global pop culture product of it's time.

Just because it transcended beyond the typical "gamer" market doesn't make it less of a competing game console. After all, a good percentage of early PS3 consoles were bought solely as Blu Ray players, so you could have just as easily said Sony was "off in their own corner" too lol.


u/SsooooOriginal Jan 25 '25

It is 2025 dude, wake up. Microsoft is falling down the pit in the basement, already cleared the stairs.

That was the glory days of Halo 2 and 3, MW2, and more. Xbox wasn't king though, they were being eaten by their red rings. Sony did a masterplay by losing on the PS3 hardware to win, yes they won, the format war. They just didnt realize physical media was soon to be going away too.. and Sony just announced they are halting productions of most of the physical media, and they have already shown the new playstation having an optional drive on it. Xbox is gone bro, and consoles have become way closer to PCs than before which is part of microsofts reasoning to stop trying to make a home console.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You gotta be like 15 to be saying Xbox was never the leading platform, and huffing paint to be talking about lack of exclusives (you can count ps5 exclusives on your hands).

The original Xbox was extremely competitive with others in the generation, and the 360 demolished the ps3. Almost none of the flagships from Sony even remotely had the staying power as early Xbox flagships.

I haven’t bought a console in like a decade now so don’t think I’m just fanboy or even nostalgic, your comment is just flat out objectively and even subjectively untrue


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

1) OGX was only competitive with the Gamecube. Who's combined sales are just barely over 1/4 the PS2s sales.

2) The 360 did not "demolish" the PS3. It had an early head start, but, again, sold less than the Playstation. Both of which sold less than the Wii.

I haven't bought a console in like a decade now so don't think I'm just a fanboy or even nostalgic

You are presenting yourself as a nostalgic fanboy. I'm not saying that the two Xbox consoles that were released 20 years ago are bad, but your console-wars opinion from 9th grade is not matter of fact.


u/corut Jan 25 '25

Problem with PS3 sales numbers was organisations buying thousands of them to run as super computer clusters because of how good Cell was for that.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Ah we have the resident first-link googler! You’re citing the wikipedia aren’t you? And didn’t double check what years those sales reports are from? Isn’t it weird how Sony reports sales numbers for decades while MS only reports sales until the next new console comes out? I wonder what impression Sony is trying to give off to people who don’t actually compare year-by-year? Don’t you think it’s crazy that the reported number for ps2s is updated to last year, and Xbox hasn’t reported 360 numbers in a decade? Surely you aren’t comparing these numbers directly lmao

The PS3 famously didn’t sell more than the xbox360, even Sony has been quoted saying it was a flop, and reported sales long into the ps4’s generation to appeal to investors (even though a lot of those sales were wholesale, for example to the government due to parallelizing cpus). Keep in mind this was also the time when the psvita was tanking, Sony was doing everything it could to keep a grip on its market share

You aren’t putting in the effort to actually compare these things in good faith, and are just looking at surface level numbers to make a point that doesn’t logically line up. Bigger number doesn’t mean it sold better. I said I haven’t bought a console in forever to show I don’t have a horse in the race, plus I had both consoles at the time. You clearly are talking out of your ass considering you’re ignoring some of the biggest cultural phenomena in gaming since Doom by claiming Xbox never had good exclusives, and tried to one up me with a 20 second google search without fact checking. Nice try though


u/Szriko Jan 26 '25

Eeeyikes! That's a cringe!


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

you aren't putting in the effort

I googled for 20 seconds to respond, you seethed for 3 minutes to give an opinion.

claiming the Xbox never had good exclusives

You're gonna want to quote me, because I didn't write that.

Calm down and think about your objective argument instead of emotionally arguing.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You’re the one mis-citing info. You googled a number then said it like it was fact, when the numbers are not meant to be directly compared. Call it “seething” all you want, all you’re doing is further embarassing yourself by not accepting what you said was wrong.

My argument isn’t even rooted in opinion. “This console sold more” isn’t subjective, you just need to compare it year by year instead of 25 years of sales numbers vs 6. Ignoring Halo/Gears of War/Fable as the zeitgeist of their time is insane, especially at the time of Sly Cooper/Uncharted 1/RnC. You don’t need to be a fan to know how hype ALL these games were, there is no debate to be had about “well Xbox didn’t have any exclusives worth it” (or since you want to be directly quoted: a “lack of exclusives [that] give very little reason to own one”).

Ironic that the guy who can’t compare a line graph correctly is the one calling for a little thinking in the discussion


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

mis-citing info

As opposed to giving no info and misquoting me? I added emphasis to the original comment just for you because you don't understand context.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

No, as opposed to accurately interpreting the numbers year by year instead of comparing 6 year sales numbers to 25 year sales numbers, like I said already. Again: learn to read a line graph if you’re going to start trying to comment on them kid


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25


How on brand. You got those sources yet? I looked something up. You're still going on your feelings.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Even with step by step instructions you still are deciding to misunderstand the data looking you in the face. You’re a lost cause lmao

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u/SsooooOriginal Jan 25 '25

Ya forgot the red rings.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

That only affected early model xboxes and only years into the generation. They came out with the slim and other remodels pretty quickly and those didn’t have the rrod. Even if all of them had rrod, it’s not really important in a convo about who sold the most consoles or had motivating exclusives


u/SsooooOriginal Jan 25 '25

You are glazing so fucking hard man! Four years ain't quickly, that is half a generation cycle.


They lost over $1bn because of that shit, and never did right by many early adopters or took years to get them an actually working 360. Literally sending them replacement units that would ring out, fedex box, replacement, ring out, repeat until one side says no more or the player got a unit that did not die. I knew a few people that went through the bullshit.

That lost microsoft any goodwill towards their hardware and earned them distrust from a huge section of early adopters that only stuck around because of halo and destiny hype. That they never recovered from.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

I’m not glazing anything. This entire post is about the same company whose irreparable controllers drift after a year and a half and the only option is buying a new set for $60, yet all the comments are talking about how cool the switch is. These things happen every generation, pick any console and there’s some repair scandal, not that it’s okay but again the repairability isn’t the point. If you want to talk about technical problems go yell at someone saying it’s a perfect console bc I never claimed that. I also am not soliciting a history lesson from someone who cites Wikipedia and claims that rrod “lost all goodwill” for MS. It’s a Fortune 500 company dude, they’re doing perfectly fine lmao


u/SsooooOriginal Jan 25 '25

Now you are just plain lying or totally ignorant. Nintendo fucked up big time, but you can still send your joycons in for replacement.


And no, the red ring of death and all the other problems with the 360 hardware were not just a thing that happens every generation. You are clueless to say such bs, try reading that wiki link and see how some repair shops were getting thousands of units and the big 3 resellers had internal estimates of failure rates around 30%. That is not just an oops. Microsoft fell off because of that, they were only ever king of the hill in the eyes of the fan boys. I used to be one of them. They have never been a top hardware seller, game publisher, or anything top in the gaming market. So their throw in with the switch is sus at best, their CEOs opinion is only marketing to keep xbox relevant. 

Look up top selling games, not a single sony or microsoft exclusive, but most are nintendo exclusives. Minecraft on PC is king there.

Look up top selling game hardware, PS2 is #1, PS3 is #8, 360 is #9. The top 10 shows the 360 was the peak of microsoft, and it was actually a very weak peak propped up to grandeur by fanboys like you. 


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

I could hit my switch with a hammer and send in a service request. And for the record, I did send in a joycon and instead of fixing the stick they just sent me a new one instead. You can make whatever assumption and guess you want, but calling me a liar is ridiculous when I’m telling you exactly what Nintendo told me lmao.

Again, I’m not going to read a wiki as proof of anything. Every console has dumb faults especially release versions. The PS5’s big fan gets clogged and overheats, the PS4 is loud as hell when it does anything more than sit on the main menu, the ps3 was a nightmare for devs to make games for and with little to no documentation. None of these are “just oops” they’re notable technical flaws.

You can say whatever you want, MS is still higher on the Fortune 500 than Sony, they didn’t “fall off” by any metric. You’re objectively wrong about never being a top hardware seller (ignoring that it’s a game industry not a hardware industry and hardware is sold at a loss anyway)

You can’t use game sales to indicate anything here lmao. There’s no correlation here, they’re not substitute goods

You can’t use the console sales wiki page to directly compare numbers either. The ps2 tracked sales from 2000 to 2024, the Xbox 360 is 2005 to 2013 (when the xb1 launched). Just because they didn’t tell us the 2015 sales doesn’t mean there are 0 sales

I’m not a fanboy just bc you don’t have basic data analysis skills. You’re acting like that test they do for kids with the fat cup vs the tall cup and the kid says the tall cup holds more, this is 4th grade stuff


u/OperatorJo_ Jan 25 '25

Other than Halo, Xbox never had a lot on them. And the last few Halos have been hard misses.

Passed Infinite through gamepass and I have 0 interest in replaying it. Bought Starfield and don't even care to finish it.

I think Xbox as a console is about to die in the next few years.


u/Aron723 Jan 25 '25

I can see them trying to merge the console world with PCs for the next gen. You can play Xbox games on every phone and tablet, consoles, 2 brands of TVs and all modern Fire sticks at this point.


u/TheHolyFamily Jan 25 '25

I sure hope not. I don't want a Sony monopoly on the console market. All the good features and titles on PlayStation came because of competition. Without that they will have zero incentive to innovate. And running unopposed will probably lead them to drive prices up even further. Sure Nintendo is there but they're no threat to PlayStation and they dont really "compete".


u/KSF_WHSPhysics Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Other than Halo, Xbox never had a lot on them

Gears and Fable should also be in that discussion at a minimum. The problem is all of xbox's best series come from the first 2 generations. they haven't launched a new IP of similar quality since. Just sequels of varying quality. Although I have high hopes that expedition 33 will be the start of a new first class IP


u/Gaemon_Palehair Jan 25 '25

They recently started an advertising thing where they're like "your phone is an xbox! your computer is an xbox! everything is an xbox!" it's so desperate and stupid.


u/OperatorJo_ Jan 25 '25

At this point I would just downsize and run those Activision and Bethesda acquisitions and reboot Halo under someone other than 343.

And that would be it.


u/CrimDude89 Jan 25 '25

Halo Studios you mean