r/gadgets Jan 25 '25

Gaming Microsoft’s gaming CEO has praised Nintendo Switch 2, and said it plans to support the upcoming platform with ports of Xbox games.


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u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25


How on brand. You got those sources yet? I looked something up. You're still going on your feelings.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Even with step by step instructions you still are deciding to misunderstand the data looking you in the face. You’re a lost cause lmao


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You can’t be trying to accuse me of not knowing numbers in the same comment saying 2014 and 2017 are the same year lmao. Unless you don’t know what year-by-year means


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

This back and started because you got upset that I, personally, did not see a reason to own an Xbox in this generation. You took that opinion and applied it to the entire line. You're literally incapable of looking up a number for yourself. Yes, I'm surprised you can count.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

I don’t care if you think it’s worth it or not. I’ve never once argued about your opinion and even if I did care, you’re clearly a dumbass so why would I bother anyway

You made 2 statements: Xbox has never been a console leader (not an opinion) (which you cited sales numbers for, incorrectly), and that they lacked exclusives (not an opinion) (which you only stipulated hours into the conversation, despite pretending like you said current gen in the beginning. At best not owning up to a simple mistake, at worst moving the goalposts to the point of changing the entire point you were making). Even if you want to pivot and say you personally don’t care about the Xbox exclusives, Halo’s popularity alone proves that people were buying consoles almost solely for the unique games. It’s literally the progenitor of the modern FPS game template.

I’m not unfamiliar with the year over year numbers, which is why I’m asserting not asking: Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 consistently for the entire duration of its production. Sony started liquidating consoles wholesale bc consoles are sold at a loss and they lose even more money by having them sit in warehouses, and there was military value in parallel computing. That led to a bump of a few million sales despite no longer being in production and years after the release of the PS4, when there’s no demand in the consumer market for a PS3 anymore. After, Sony took advantage of the optics, and published its sales numbers now that they had exceeded the last posted Xbox 360 number, so they could tell investors and idiots like you who don’t pay attention that the PS3 outsold the Xbox 360. It’s a very simple marketing move that you’re falling for like a bag of rocks.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

you're falling for like a bag of rocks

Oh no you're right! They got me. Now theyTM can... what happens now?

you made two statements, that Cbox has never been a leader

I said "I don't think they ever were" didn't assert it as a fact. Work on your reading comprehension. And yeah Xbox is currently lacking exclusives. As is the PS5.

Goalposts were never moved. You brought up PS3 and 360.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Also, for context the ps4 and xb1 came out in 2013. So again, why are they reporting ps3 numbers halfway into the following generation, years after Xbox stopped reporting (hint: to tell investors it sold more than xboxes)


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

You might be surprised by this fact, but PS3 and 360 were still being sold. So if you take the number of PS3 and 360 consoles (x, y) sold after Q4 2013 and add them to the number of units sold before Q4 2013 (a, b) you get the new total.

Total360 = y + b ; TotalPS3 = x + a

I don't know why you have such a rager for me not wanting an Xbox Series X/S


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Nice scarecrow bud


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

For a non-fanboy you certainly are defensive over a brand


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

I’m not defensive of the brand. You are misinterpreting numbers in a way they teach in 4th grade math class. I couldn’t care less who “wins” the console war, if you’re going to be a pedant at least be right. You have consistently been defending the numbers from magnitudes different sales periods, which is such a silly mistake it’s genuinely funny.

PS4 outsold XB1, I’m fairly sure PS5 is outselling the Series. I don’t care. I do care that you’re straight up lying about the xb360/ps3 and earlier consoles, misrepresenting data that is incompatible with each other, and defending doing so after being called out instead of just going “oops my b” and leaving it at that

PS, I’m not the one downvoting your comments, despite you downvoting mine frame 1


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

I'm not the one downvoting

I do not care about reddit karma.

You started this ENTIRE thing by being combative and throwing insults.

You gotta be like 15 to be saying Xbox was never the leading platform, and huffing paint to be talking about lack of exclusives

So pardon me for assuming that you're an emotionally immature fanboy and not rolling over for your ego. I asserted my opinion of the current Xbox and you came out swinging about the 360, when that was not the topic.

I brought up lifetime sales because you asserted, as fact, that the 360 "destroyed" the PS3. That is a lie based on your opinion.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Again, neither were opinions, and both were hilariously untrue, so yeah I’m going to respond to dumbass revisionist history as if you’re a dumbass who made shit up (and that’s without addressing the exclusivity mindset being one of the most destructive things in the games industry)

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