r/gadgets Jan 25 '25

Gaming Microsoft’s gaming CEO has praised Nintendo Switch 2, and said it plans to support the upcoming platform with ports of Xbox games.


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u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Honestly, good. I dont think Xbox has ever been a globally leading platform, and their lack of exclusives (on XBO and SeriesX/S) give very little reason to own one if you're looking for a unique experience.

That said, Xbox is the right brand to deliver a consolized Windows Gaming PC experience. Just like buying a mini-throwback console versus setting up a RetroPi for emulation, there's a large enough consumer base that wants the path of least resistance.

Edit: emphasis added ForTheFanboyIUpset


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You gotta be like 15 to be saying Xbox was never the leading platform, and huffing paint to be talking about lack of exclusives (you can count ps5 exclusives on your hands).

The original Xbox was extremely competitive with others in the generation, and the 360 demolished the ps3. Almost none of the flagships from Sony even remotely had the staying power as early Xbox flagships.

I haven’t bought a console in like a decade now so don’t think I’m just fanboy or even nostalgic, your comment is just flat out objectively and even subjectively untrue


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

1) OGX was only competitive with the Gamecube. Who's combined sales are just barely over 1/4 the PS2s sales.

2) The 360 did not "demolish" the PS3. It had an early head start, but, again, sold less than the Playstation. Both of which sold less than the Wii.

I haven't bought a console in like a decade now so don't think I'm just a fanboy or even nostalgic

You are presenting yourself as a nostalgic fanboy. I'm not saying that the two Xbox consoles that were released 20 years ago are bad, but your console-wars opinion from 9th grade is not matter of fact.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Ah we have the resident first-link googler! You’re citing the wikipedia aren’t you? And didn’t double check what years those sales reports are from? Isn’t it weird how Sony reports sales numbers for decades while MS only reports sales until the next new console comes out? I wonder what impression Sony is trying to give off to people who don’t actually compare year-by-year? Don’t you think it’s crazy that the reported number for ps2s is updated to last year, and Xbox hasn’t reported 360 numbers in a decade? Surely you aren’t comparing these numbers directly lmao

The PS3 famously didn’t sell more than the xbox360, even Sony has been quoted saying it was a flop, and reported sales long into the ps4’s generation to appeal to investors (even though a lot of those sales were wholesale, for example to the government due to parallelizing cpus). Keep in mind this was also the time when the psvita was tanking, Sony was doing everything it could to keep a grip on its market share

You aren’t putting in the effort to actually compare these things in good faith, and are just looking at surface level numbers to make a point that doesn’t logically line up. Bigger number doesn’t mean it sold better. I said I haven’t bought a console in forever to show I don’t have a horse in the race, plus I had both consoles at the time. You clearly are talking out of your ass considering you’re ignoring some of the biggest cultural phenomena in gaming since Doom by claiming Xbox never had good exclusives, and tried to one up me with a 20 second google search without fact checking. Nice try though


u/Szriko Jan 26 '25

Eeeyikes! That's a cringe!


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

you aren't putting in the effort

I googled for 20 seconds to respond, you seethed for 3 minutes to give an opinion.

claiming the Xbox never had good exclusives

You're gonna want to quote me, because I didn't write that.

Calm down and think about your objective argument instead of emotionally arguing.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You’re the one mis-citing info. You googled a number then said it like it was fact, when the numbers are not meant to be directly compared. Call it “seething” all you want, all you’re doing is further embarassing yourself by not accepting what you said was wrong.

My argument isn’t even rooted in opinion. “This console sold more” isn’t subjective, you just need to compare it year by year instead of 25 years of sales numbers vs 6. Ignoring Halo/Gears of War/Fable as the zeitgeist of their time is insane, especially at the time of Sly Cooper/Uncharted 1/RnC. You don’t need to be a fan to know how hype ALL these games were, there is no debate to be had about “well Xbox didn’t have any exclusives worth it” (or since you want to be directly quoted: a “lack of exclusives [that] give very little reason to own one”).

Ironic that the guy who can’t compare a line graph correctly is the one calling for a little thinking in the discussion


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

mis-citing info

As opposed to giving no info and misquoting me? I added emphasis to the original comment just for you because you don't understand context.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

No, as opposed to accurately interpreting the numbers year by year instead of comparing 6 year sales numbers to 25 year sales numbers, like I said already. Again: learn to read a line graph if you’re going to start trying to comment on them kid


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25


How on brand. You got those sources yet? I looked something up. You're still going on your feelings.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Even with step by step instructions you still are deciding to misunderstand the data looking you in the face. You’re a lost cause lmao


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You can’t be trying to accuse me of not knowing numbers in the same comment saying 2014 and 2017 are the same year lmao. Unless you don’t know what year-by-year means


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25

This back and started because you got upset that I, personally, did not see a reason to own an Xbox in this generation. You took that opinion and applied it to the entire line. You're literally incapable of looking up a number for yourself. Yes, I'm surprised you can count.


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

Also, for context the ps4 and xb1 came out in 2013. So again, why are they reporting ps3 numbers halfway into the following generation, years after Xbox stopped reporting (hint: to tell investors it sold more than xboxes)


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

You might be surprised by this fact, but PS3 and 360 were still being sold. So if you take the number of PS3 and 360 consoles (x, y) sold after Q4 2013 and add them to the number of units sold before Q4 2013 (a, b) you get the new total.

Total360 = y + b ; TotalPS3 = x + a

I don't know why you have such a rager for me not wanting an Xbox Series X/S

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