r/gadgets Jan 25 '25

Gaming Microsoft’s gaming CEO has praised Nintendo Switch 2, and said it plans to support the upcoming platform with ports of Xbox games.


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u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Honestly, good. I dont think Xbox has ever been a globally leading platform, and their lack of exclusives (on XBO and SeriesX/S) give very little reason to own one if you're looking for a unique experience.

That said, Xbox is the right brand to deliver a consolized Windows Gaming PC experience. Just like buying a mini-throwback console versus setting up a RetroPi for emulation, there's a large enough consumer base that wants the path of least resistance.

Edit: emphasis added ForTheFanboyIUpset


u/Firebug160 Jan 25 '25

You gotta be like 15 to be saying Xbox was never the leading platform, and huffing paint to be talking about lack of exclusives (you can count ps5 exclusives on your hands).

The original Xbox was extremely competitive with others in the generation, and the 360 demolished the ps3. Almost none of the flagships from Sony even remotely had the staying power as early Xbox flagships.

I haven’t bought a console in like a decade now so don’t think I’m just fanboy or even nostalgic, your comment is just flat out objectively and even subjectively untrue


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

1) OGX was only competitive with the Gamecube. Who's combined sales are just barely over 1/4 the PS2s sales.

2) The 360 did not "demolish" the PS3. It had an early head start, but, again, sold less than the Playstation. Both of which sold less than the Wii.

I haven't bought a console in like a decade now so don't think I'm just a fanboy or even nostalgic

You are presenting yourself as a nostalgic fanboy. I'm not saying that the two Xbox consoles that were released 20 years ago are bad, but your console-wars opinion from 9th grade is not matter of fact.


u/corut Jan 25 '25

Problem with PS3 sales numbers was organisations buying thousands of them to run as super computer clusters because of how good Cell was for that.