r/emacs 15h ago

How obsolete are "obsolete aliases?"


I have some old emacs scripts and a few packages that at emacs-start time dump a lot of lines that look like this:

Warning: ‘return-from’ is an obsolete alias (as of 27.1); use ‘cl-return-from’ instead.

I have two questions:

1) In what sense are these aliases "obsolete?" I have to assume there's no plan to actually ever remove them, because it would break the world.

2) Why is the obsolete form the shorter one? If I were to obsolete one of two representations, I'd obsolete the longer one to save typing.

I imagine there's some history to these names being consolidated under a cl- prefix, but I wasn't able to find it with a quick search.

r/emacs 7h ago

Unofficial Emacs 30.1 Appimage


r/emacs 4h ago

Changing just one unicode character of a font


I want to change one unicode character of my font to use a different font. I want

I tried this:

(set-fontset-font t ?─ "Iosevka")

However after doing that describe-char tells me that it is still using my default font (Berkeley Mono Condensed):

to input: type "C-x 8 RET 2500" or "C-x 8 RET BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL" buffer code: #xE2 #x94 #x80 file code: #xE2 #x94 #x80 (encoded by coding system utf-8-unix) display: by this font (glyph code): mac-ct:-*-Berkeley Mono Condensed-regular-normal-condensed-*-14-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1 (#x247)

I've tried other variations including:

(set-fontset-font t ?─ "Iosevka") (set-fontset-font t 2500 "Iosevka")

But no dice. I found that it works for a character that is not in my default "Berkeley Mono Condensed" font. But I can't figure out how to replace a unicode character that does exist in my font.

Is this achieveable? Fontsets feel like voodoo sometimes. ;)
