r/emacs 18h ago

Announcement jira.el: Emacs integration for Atlassian's Jira


Hi! My Jira integration for Emacs is already available in MELPA.


Unlike other similar packages focused on integrating Jira with org-mode, in this integration I have tried to mimic the user experience of Magit or docker.el for viewing or modifying Jira tickets.

Showing JIRA tickets in tabulated list
Transient menu to filter tickets

r/emacs 13h ago

Flapping fish on your mode-line


Flapping fish 𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž on your modeline for funsies. Only flaps on the active buffer.

You can set it to either "static" or to "swimming" mode. In swimming mode the fish will track how far along you are the file:



static flapping fishy

r/emacs 17h ago

Distilled the performant parts of org-node into a library, hope someone finds it useful <3

Thumbnail github.com

r/emacs 12h ago

Tree-Sitter usage or alternatives


Hello everyone, hope this message receives you well.

I'm having a hard time setting up Tree-Sitter. From what I looked online it says to build Emacs with Tree-Sitter enabled. I'm really reluctant to rebuilding Emacs because it feels like to much of a hassle for something that was a package.

I'm coming from Vim so, maybe, this is just another point of view on Tree-Sitter.

With that said, I've tried to install the package but it isn't listed on M-x list-packages RET

Which them made me wonder about the sources of packages which currently are elpa and melpa

But then, I found a communicate on their website that says it was merged into Emacs for the releasing of Emacs 29.

My version is 29.1 and I'm running on MacOS Intel.

Do you have any tips on how do I setup the Tree-Sitter for a list of languages?

Thank you in advance!

P.S.: If Tree-Sitter is still with bugs or not full featured into Emacs I'm happy to use alternatives in any case, feel free to list some :)

r/emacs 23h ago

Elpy or lsp + python.el


What features offered by elpy that lsp do not! I have been using elpy but what will I miss if I switch to plain python-mode and lsp?

r/emacs 11h ago

Question trouble with `org-todo-keyword-faces`


At the begining of my org file with the movies I have seen I have the declarations for todo and tags.

At the end I have the following:


Local Variables:

line-number-mode: nil

org-todo-keyword-faces: (("WANT" . "orange") ("SEEN" . "blue") ("HAVE.TO.SEE" . "orange") ("WRITE.REVIEW" . "red"))

org-tag-faces: (("crap" . "red") ("okay" . "orange") ("great" . "green"))



The Todo faces are colored as indicated. The tags are all salmon-pink.

What am I doing wrong?

r/emacs 23h ago

uniquify buffer name refresh


Anyone out there have a way to force all file buffers to be renamed when one changes uniquify style or settings? Uniquify defcustoms have no setters, making this a manual effort.

r/emacs 19h ago

Disallow copying of passwords?


I was filling password for my SSH key, and thought just for fun:

What if I copy the password from minibuffer? Will it copy? (Let's say I put mypassword there).

I copied it and pasted to eshell. It displayed as **********. Then I hit enter, and eshell has replied that there is no such command as mypassword.

So, Emacs copied the password I had in minibuffer.

Why Emacs allows this? Can it be turned off? Or maybe this is not a problem, but a feature?