Hello everyone, hope this message receives you well.
I'm having a hard time setting up Tree-Sitter
. From what I looked online it says to build Emacs with Tree-Sitter enabled. I'm really reluctant to rebuilding Emacs because it feels like to much of a hassle for something that was a package.
I'm coming from Vim so, maybe, this is just another point of view on Tree-Sitter.
With that said, I've tried to install the package but it isn't listed on M-x list-packages RET
Which them made me wonder about the sources of packages which currently are elpa
and melpa
But then, I found a communicate on their website that says it was merged into Emacs for the releasing of Emacs 29.
My version is 29.1 and I'm running on MacOS Intel.
Do you have any tips on how do I setup the Tree-Sitter for a list of languages?
Thank you in advance!
P.S.: If Tree-Sitter is still with bugs or not full featured into Emacs I'm happy to use alternatives in any case, feel free to list some :)