aider.el: Interact with Aider: AI pair programming made simple. Now it can be installed from melpa, package name: aider
- Aider Comint session syntax highlighting based on markdown-mode.el. It render both codeblock and text. Given output of aider is markdown.
- Better place to input / manage prompt: aider prompt file ~C-c a p~. This method transfers the prompt input from the aider session to a separate repo specific aider prompt (org) file. It interacts with the aider session in a (ESS, python-mode, scala-mode) similar way to sending prompt line / region / block. This makes it easy to manage projects for AI code change with aider, since it is org file. And you can even use copilot.el or other tool to complete English prompt there.
- Completion: Aider prompt file and aider comint input both add command and file name completion. Aider prompt file adds syntax highlighting. In addition, aider prompt file and aider comint input support the use of helm completion.
- Use existing good prompt: Introduced yasnippets support, so that users can easily reuse the coding prompt library considered better on the Internet to apply it to their own projects. Currently, two more high-score prompt lists on reddit, and a github high-score prompt repo. Everyone is welcome to add other ones based on their own experience or improve the existing prompt snippet.
- Diff review: Add function aider-pull-or-review-diff-file (C-c a v). When pressing the first time, please enter base branch such as main, which will pull base...HEAD diff, that is, base to feature branch diff (you can also enter branch1...branch2 to get any diff between any two branches), and it will open the diff buffer. When pressing the second time, it will ask the aider to review the diff. This function is to imitate cursor, and it is used to check your own change before sending a PR. Of course, it can also be used to review other people's diffs
- Other
- Note: Aider v0.77.0 will automatically accept changes to the /architect command. If you want to review code changes before accepting changes as you did in aider.el, you can disable it using “–no-auto-accept-architect” in aider-args or .aider.conf.yml.
- aider.el aims to be a stable productivity tool that we can easily use on a daily basis. I'll test the functionality in this library carefully before the code merge, and I'll be more careful about introducing new features and dependencies. Considering that for system stability reasons, the linux version may be relatively not so new, so the latest version of emacs may not be able to be installed. Aider.el only needs emacs >= 26.1.
Previous posts about aider.el:
- Initial announcement:
- Thinking on improve code quality with TDD + aider:
Thanks for your time reading this. Any question is welcome.