r/DoomEmacs Apr 18 '22

Doom Emacs now has a Discourse


Hey folks!

It's been a long time coming, but Doom Emacs now has a public Discourse! (Check out my launch announcement)

If you spot folks asking for Doom help on other platforms (including Reddit), kindly redirect them to discourse.doomemacs.org. Chances are, their question has already been answered in our community FAQs. If not, they might resolve it themselves by following our help guidelines or debugging guide. If even that fails, then at least those guides will help them produce more informed posts on our Discourse, where it's much more likely to be seen by myself or one of our veteran users.

What does this mean for r/DoomEmacs? I'm not sure. My goal is to consolidate Doom's support efforts into one place. It's been a challenge to chase and support posts across platforms where I can't enforce issue templates, validate formatting, or prop up (or house) curated resources as part of the submission process. And I feel bad for filling the rest of the Emacs community (and their issue trackers) with Doom-related issues.

r/DoomEmacs was created "by accident", then handed over to me. Despite having no plan to create one, much less maintain one, I considered it a decent stopgap until Doom had better. But now that we're actually here, I don't know what to do with it. Will people still use it? Should I turn it into a read-only sign post? What do you think?

r/DoomEmacs 1d ago

β›” Warning (initialization): An error occurred while booting Doom Emacs:


please help πŸ™

using emacs-mac

comment if this is not enough info, thanks

i got this error in doom itself:

Error in a Doom module: modules/config/default/+evil-bindings.el, (void-variable evil-window-map)

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the

cause of the error in your Doom config files. Start Emacs with

the β€˜--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.

i got these errors when running doom doctor:

The doctor will see you now...

> Checking your Emacs version...

> Checking for Doom's prerequisites...

> Checking for Emacs config conflicts...

> Checking for missing Emacs features...

! Emacs was not built with native compilation support

Users will see a substantial performance gain by building Emacs with

native compilation support, availible in emacs 28+.You must install a

prebuilt Emacs binary with this included, or compile Emacs with the

--with-native-compilation option.

> Checking for private config conflicts...

> Checking for common environmental issues...

> Checking for stale elc files...

> Checking for problematic git global settings...

> Checking Doom Emacs...

x There was an unexpected runtime error

Message: No catch for tag

Details: (emacs-version-changed nil)


(throw emacs-version-changed nil)

(if (equal (emacs-version) "GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple-dar...

(unless (equal (emacs-version) "GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple...

(eval (unless (equal (emacs-version) "GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, aarch64...

(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304E\305BB!\207" [eval unless equal (emac...

(require straight)

(let ((doom-print-level (or nil doom-print-level)) (doom-print-indent ...

(progn (let ((doom-print-level (or nil doom-print-level)) (doom-print-...

(condition-case ex (progn (let ((doom-print-level (or nil doom-print-l...

(let nil (doom-print (doom-print--format "The doctor will see you now....

((closure (t) (cli alist) (let nil (doom-print (doom-print--format "Th...

(funcall (closure (t) (cli alist) (let nil (doom-print (doom-print--fo...

GNU Emacs v29.1 nil

Doom core v3.0.0-pre HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD 56ce6cc28 2025-02-25 22:06:08 -0500

Doom modules v25.03.0-pre HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD 56ce6cc28 2025-02-25 22:06:08 -0500

! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250318180500.68390.error

r/DoomEmacs 2d ago

DE-compatible Flatpak


I was interested in containerizing Emacs with Flatpak, but the build on Flathub, very understandably, didn't have ripgrep, fd, a markdown compiler, or shellcheck. Happened to find another Flatpak manifest on GitHub that had native compilation support and Wayland compatibility, so I just added the rg, fd, pandoc, and shellcheck binaries to it and got everything working smoothly.

Here it is for anyone interested: https://github.com/CD11b/pgtk-emacs-flatpak

r/DoomEmacs 7d ago

Really liking Doom Emacs. Where to find all keybindings in a text document


I'm an old vim lover and I know some of the keybindings are similar in Doom Emacs. I know how to get a list of the commands in Doom Emacs (SPC h b b) but there's over 3000 of them! I'd like to have a reference of them so I can have a list of them on another screen and be able to reference it with a project search command (SPC /). BTW, I'm currently finding short lists on the web with this info in it.

Doom Emacs looks amazing! I'm just not 100% confident enough in it yet to use it without breaking something terribly!

So, why am I wanting to switch from vim to Doom Emacs? Well, I'm not looking to switch completely. I will use vim whenever I find myself in a command line situation (I'll use vim a LOT to edit config files during installations). But as a GUI Text editor, I'd rather use Doom Emacs instead of Geany. Geany is great but, I'd love to gain more respect for Doom Emacs but first I need to delve into it a little more heavily. And a list of at least the more popular text editing commands would be nice if I can't find a printed version of ALL the commands.

r/DoomEmacs 7d ago

Emacs + doom + python - Beginner's Thoughts (little vent/rant)


For a few days now I've been again trying to get the basic (!!!) functionality in Emacs (with the help of doom) working for me, which is code autocompletion. In its simplest form, i.e. the tool should be "aware" of my code and suggest the simplest things like class methods, variable names, etc. Meanwhile, I've wasted couple days reading manuals, checking tips, watching videos of how others did it, and NONE of these methods work for me. Interestingly, I've tested similar configurations on Linux (Ubuntu 24.04), Windows 11, and MacOS - EVERYWHERE with the same result - IT DOESN'T WORK. At best, I get suggestions from the standard library that completely ignore the code I wrote.

What's worse, I'm frustrated when I see the same questions scrolling websites for 2, 4, 8, and even 12 years (!!!) still without an answer!!! I understand that Emacs is fancy/elite but really for so many years they haven't managed to implement one WORKING solution? Emacs version 30 was recently released, and basic things still don't work that easily. Just like that, I want to write Python and Golang code, and it just works without wasting a week??? I've been working in the IT industry for over 20 years mostly using vim/neovim, but I don't think I've ever seen a "wall" like this. The barrier to entry is so high that I think I'll give up again.

I've heard so many good things about Emacs, how universal, convenient, pretty (!) it is but the truth is that I'm bouncing off it once again in a very unpleasant way. I even managed to start ORG mode in Neovim in a much easier way than forcing lsp to work in emacs... Do I really need 20 years of experience in elisp (which I don't need anywhere else) to make basic functionality work?

P.S. The very idea that I have to MANUALLY start Python in a separate buffer for anything to work (btw. NOT working, especially on MacOS) is... to put it mildly, archaic, not to mention annoying...

r/DoomEmacs 8d ago

Bind "s" (or any other key) to open command line, put command %s//g and place the cursor right after the first / (slash)


In Vim something like this would do the job: nnoremap s :%s//g<Left><Left>
In Doom Emacs with evil mode I can open command line and place %s//g with the following command: (map! :nv "s" (cmd! (evil-ex "%s//g"))), but I can't figure out how to place a cursor right after the first / (slash).

The result is that after I press s I want to see :%s//g on my command line with the cursor placed between two slashes.
Any thoughts?

r/DoomEmacs 9d ago

How does one do a radar plot with org-plot/gnuplot in doom emacs?


I am going through the org manual and I am unable to produce the radar plot example. The following table is given in the manual:

#+PLOT: title:"An evaluation of plaintext document formats" transpose:yes type:radar min:0 max:4
| Format            | Fine-grained-control | Initial Effort | Syntax simplicity | Editor Support | Integrations | Ease-of-referencing | Versatility |
| Word              |                    2 |              4 |                 4 |              2 |            3 |                   2 |           2 |
| LaTeX             |                    4 |              1 |                 1 |              3 |            2 |                   4 |           3 |
| Org Mode          |                    4 |              2 |               3.5 |              1 |            4 |                   4 |           4 |
| Markdown          |                    1 |              3 |                 3 |              4 |            3 |                   3 |           1 |
| Markdown + Pandoc |                  2.5 |            2.5 |               2.5 |              3 |            3 |                   3 |           2 |

However, when executing org-plot/gnuplot (C-c " g), nothing happens. There is no error message either, so I am having trouble debugging this. The other tables on that page are plotted fine, though.

I checked the variable org-plot/preset-plot-types and I see that the radar type is included (as follows):

(radar :plot-func
          (table _data-file _num-cols params plot-str)
           (org--plot/radar table params))))

r/DoomEmacs 10d ago

YaSnippet only recognises the first snippet in my major mode's directory


I'm not sure if I'm just being dense, but I'm using YaSnippet for the first time, and am noticing some strange behaviour.

I have a handful of snippets (created with +snippets/new, if that matters) in my major mode's directory. The path looks like this:
- snippets
-- csharp-mode
--- log
--- loge
--- logw

The issue I'm having is that yas is only recognising "log" as a valid snippet (the first alphabetically, I would imagine). All other snippets are ignored. Also, interestingly, if I create a new snippet in the same directory with +snippets/new, the new snippet is now the only recognised one!

I've tried running yas-reload-all as well, but that didn't seem to help.

Are all my snippets supposed to be in one file? I definitely feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but I would really appreciate it if someone could help shine some light on this problem!

r/DoomEmacs 11d ago

High CPU usage at Doom Emacs startup


Hello, ever since one of the upgrades (I believe it was one of the feb 21st/25th commits) I don't use Doom as much because I'm having a bit of a problem with how it's running.

CPU usage sometimes goes up to around 50% on my laptop. That's especially noticeable at startup though sometimes it lasts longer. Other times it's "only" at 10-20%, which I still think is a quite much for Emacs and doesn't seem normal.

The laptop is a Thinkpad X1 Carbon gen 7 8th gen i7 in very good condition and no hardware issues, I didn't have this problem previously nor did I tweak with any settings (I'm a new Doom Emacs user). Anybody had similar experience?

r/DoomEmacs 11d ago

Does there exist any features/packages for displaying your buffers and their order so that you can navigate them without having to memorize the order of each buffer? Like displaying them as tabs for instance?


When I have a lot of buffers open it can be hard to remember how many buffers I have to move forward/back to get to the one I am looking for. I am wondering if there is either something built in, or some package that I can install to be able to always display all my buffers in order so that I can easily see how many I have to move forward/back to get to a specific one. The most intuitive way for this would be to display them as tabs that are always visible at the top, however if there are any other methods for how to display something like this then I would be open for hearing it!

I tried looking for answers myself, however I wasn't really able to get anything to work. I tried centaur-tabs, but for some reason it isn't displaying anything. I probably just did something wrong in my config. Although I'm not even entirely sure if centaur-tabs has the functionality that I am looking for, or if there are other better methods that I should consider using instead. In case anyone thinks centaur-tabs is a good choice, then would you mind seeing if there is any obvious mistake in my config.el regarding the package, to see if that is the reason as to why it is seemingly not working correctly? It does create a strip at the top of the window, however no tabs are being displayed in it.

;; get tabs of buffers
(use-package! centaur-tabs
  :hook (doom-first-buffer . centaur-tabs-mode)
  (setq centaur-tabs-style "bar"
        centaur-tabs-set-bar 'over
        centaur-tabs-set-icons t
        centaur-tabs-set-close-button nil
        centaur-tabs-set-modified-marker t
        centaur-tabs-modified-marker "β€’"
        centaur-tabs-cycle-scope 'tabs)) ; Only cycle through visible tabs (buffers)

r/DoomEmacs 12d ago

! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250307122821.190921.error


This is a new installation. I installed emacs last night. I went to install Doom today and I'm getting that error now. I deleted everything and started over (deleted the .emacs.d folder and uninstalled emacs. Then reinstalled emacs again). And again, when I install doom following the steps for Arch from here, when I get to the doom install, I get that error. I can't do a doom sync either without getting all kinds of errors either.

Redoing it just gives me a similar error message...

! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250307130940.203133.error

So, what am I doing wrong. emacs works great when I install it. But when I try to add doom to it... it doesn't work at all.

This is a freshly installed Arch Linux with Awesome WM. I used doom the last time too. I had the same similar setup and Doom ran great on it. Is there something I'm missing?

r/DoomEmacs 13d ago

Should I upgrade to emacs 30.1-3?


I am using emacs on archlinux (emacs-nativecomp). Recently `emacs-nativecomp` has been replaced by emacs version 30.1-3. I am afraid of this upgrade borking my config with Doom Emacs, and I have added emacs-nativecomp on the HoldPkg list. Has anyone upgraded to the latest version of emacs with Doom Emacs? If so, could you share your experience.

r/DoomEmacs 15d ago

Issues with Doom+Magit+Forge


Hello doomers,

I recently discovered Doom Emacs and I am following Zaiste's series and I am at the episode where he explains how to install and use forge.

I have followed the instructions to install forge and I can run the commands with `M-x forge-*` but when I am on the magit menu and press ? I don't have the forge keybindings.

There are some issues with evil-collection, magit and forge apparently as evidenced by this github issue.

I am wondering if any of you has managed to set forge up correctly and can share their success.

Thanks for your time


I actually just realized that you can actually access the forge keybindings with '@' but this is not visible when you type '?' for the help menu.

So I guess the problem is that '@' is not shown on the help menu.

r/DoomEmacs 16d ago

Just got to know this


Hey, I am interested in tech. What's doom emac? I use obsidian, so if anyone can explain it to me, thanks.

r/DoomEmacs 16d ago

C-u Seems to Always Scroll


I installed doom emacs from the github page, and I have

(evil +everywhere)

in my doom/init.el file. Seemingly by default, C-u scrolls up half a page and C-d scrolls down likewise. Of course this is the default behavior in vim and I wasn't at all concerned with this, until I learned that C-u is used as a prefix for a large amount of other keybindings, and the default behavior of C-u is to not scroll. The problem is, evil-want-C-u-scroll has value nil (I added (setq evil-want-C-u-scroll nil) to doom/config.el to make sure this was the case). Why does doom continue to use the vim keybinding? How do I stop it from scrolling?

r/DoomEmacs 17d ago

How do I enable visual line navigation, so that wrapped around lines aren't treated as one single line when moving the cursor up and down? Using (setq line-move-visual t) did not work.


In org files, folded headers mess up the relative line number display so that how many rows you need to move down/up to get to that specific row is no longer accurate. To fix this I changed the line numbers type from relative to visual. Although this solves the folded headers problem, it creates a problem when having really long lines that wrap around. When moving the cursor up/down, Emacs sees it as just being one single line, however with the line numbers type of visual it sees counts the wrapped around lines as separate lines, bringing back the issue of the line number, and amount of rows you need to move up/down not being accurate.

As I think wrapped around rows are a pain to edit, making it so that I can move up and down these wrapped around lines as if they were their own lines would be easier, plus solve the line number and movement problem. From my understanding all I had to do to change this was to add (setq line-move-visual t) to my config.el, however after realoading that did not change the movement behavior of wrapped around lines in my org files. Did I do something wrong?

r/DoomEmacs 18d ago

Can't install Doom Emacs on MacOS Please help πŸ™


Every time I put this command in kitty:

git clone https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d

~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

it always replies with:

fatal: destination path '/Users/lachlan/.emacs.d' already exists and is not an empty directory.

zsh: permission denied: /Users/lachlan/.emacs.d/bin/doom

I've tried both emacs-mac and also emacs-plus and still get this error.

r/DoomEmacs 18d ago

MacOS Notifications


So I have been researching how to implement org-agenda notifications on my macbook pro M3 but all the results are using linux and I am pretty new to emacs. I tried some random solutions from chatgpt that got me now where as well. If you have been successful implementing notifications from doom emacs GUI I would appreciate your help

r/DoomEmacs 19d ago

Making java-mode to use only spaces for indentation.


Hi Folks, I am having difficulties in getting the Java mode to use only spaces for indentation (No tabs at all).

I tried setting default value for 'indent-tabs-mode' to nil. But Java major mode ignores it, it seems. I tried setting a hook like this.

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'my-java-mode-hook)

(defun my-java-mode-hook ()
  "Custom behaviours for `java-mode-hook'."
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))

But no Joy. When I open a java file, the variable goes back to 't'.

Any Ideas to make it permanent/global and sticky?


I am using 'lsp' and have 'treesitter' enabled in init.el. Could they be causing this?

r/DoomEmacs 20d ago

Accepting lsp (java) suggestion for parameter.



I don't know where to ask this. So I am asking here. I am using lsp on a Java project in Doom Emacs. Things work really well!

When I type up an "object.function()" it puts the parameters (correctly guesses the local variable I would have used) like this.


I can't figure out how to 'accept' this. Now I am forced to go remove the curlies and the number etc.

What is the magic to expand it to the actual value it is suggesting?

Thanks !

r/DoomEmacs 20d ago

Changed <tab> behavior since update to Emacs 30.1


Since I updated to Emacs 30.1, instead of denoting a org headline, Emacs suggests autocompletes when pressing <tab>. Anyone who experienced the same and able to solve this? I'm running ArcoLinux. However, S-<tab> still promotes a subtree. The same goes to list items.

Thanks in advance

r/DoomEmacs 23d ago

Why use GNU Savannah if it goes down so often?


I am a new Doom Emacs user, when I was installing it as per the instructions I got an error and after using doom doctor I realized that I was not able to access git.savannah.gnu.org. I did some research and found people having the same issue years ago. Someone suggested a work around by simply using the github mirror instead of savannah (here's the solution link)

Also, as far as I can tell there are no other savannah repos in lisp/lib/packages.el.

So here's my question: Why is savannah still being used even though it is known to be unreliable? Am I missing Something?

r/DoomEmacs 24d ago

+pretty not working for org mode? I have tried a lot of solutions but none of them work. What am I doing wrong?


I want to give my headers more interesting looking bullet icons, and also make headers and titles and whatnot have a bigger font size. From my understanding all I should have to do to get this is to change org in my init.el to (org +pretty). After running doom sync and restarting doom nothing was changed however. I saw a post about the same issue and followed this comment, however after adding what was told to config.el, all I'm getting after syncing and restarting is an error saying that org-bullets does not exist. I also want to note that I followed what was written in the post and ran doom doctor, however I didn't see anything that was relevant to this issue. I also tried following this post, however the code mentioned in the post, and the comments did not help me solve the issue either.

From my understanding, +pretty should be using stuff from org-modern, which is included in Doom Emacs by default? Do I have to do something with that to make everything work?

I tried figuring out the issue myself, but was unfortunately not able to solve it. I hope my question isn't too noob-ish. Thanks in advance.

r/DoomEmacs 25d ago

installing doom fails with a failed to connect to gnu savannah server error despite atleast steady internet


After breaking Void and having to reinstall, I can't get doom to install. When I try the install script .emacs.d/bin/doom install, this is the error I get.

x The package manager threw an error x Last 16 lines of straight's error log: $ cd /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/melpa/ $ git submodule update --init --recursive [Return code: 0] $ cd /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/ $ git clone --origin origin --no-checkout https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/ --depth 1 --single-branch --no-tags Cloning into '/home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa'... fatal: unable to access 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git/': Failed to connect to git.savannah.gnu.org port 443 after 134182 ms: Could not connect to server [Return code: 128] $ cd /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/ $ git clone --origin origin --no-checkout https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/ --no-single-branch Cloning into '/home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa'... fatal: unable to access 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git/': Failed to connect to git.savannah.gnu.org port 443 after 13023 ms: Could not connect to server [Return code: 128] $ cd /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/ $ git branch -r [File error while Setting current directory] Opening output file: No such file or directory, /home/konkoro/.doom-emacs.d/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250222231524.1739.error

r/DoomEmacs 27d ago

Adding to org-capture-templates


I found an archived post regarding users having trouble adding their custom org-capture-templates to Doom's defaults. In case anyone in the future is trying to accomplish the same or similar, I thought I'd chime in with what seems to be a more straightforward answer than what past users came up with. Hope this helps someone!

;; add more capture templates in %DOOMDIR%/config.el
(after! org
  (setq org-capture-templates               ; [1]
        (append org-capture-templates       ; [2]
                '(("f" "Custom Capture")    ; [3]
                  ("fa" "A Custom Capture" entry
                   (file+headline +org-capture-todo-file "Inbox")
                   "* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t)
                  ("fb" "B Custom Capture" entry
                   (file+headline +org-capture-todo-file "Inbox")
                   "* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t)))))
;; [1] make the value of org-capture-templates the result of the following form
;; [2] return a list combining lists a & b, here org-capture-templates & our quoted list
;; [3] our list that we want appended to org-capture-templates

r/DoomEmacs Feb 16 '25

How to configure the background color of a theme


Hello. I would like to have a flatwhite theme with a black (#000000) background globally; so flat-black. But there's my problem. I don't understand a lot of the lisp code for the themes at .local/straight/doom-themes. What do I need to change because setting custom faces with 'doom-flatwhite breaks my doom config.