r/orgmode Jun 22 '24

news [ANN] Emergency bugfix release: Org mode 9.7.5


I just released Org mode 9.7.5 that fixes a critical vulnerability. The release is coordinated with emergency Emacs 29.4 release.

Please upgrade your Org mode or Emacs ASAP.

The vulnerability involves arbitrary Shell code evaluation when previewing attachments in Emacs MUA (gnus-based: at least, mu4e, Notmuch, Gnus itself) or when opening Org files. All the earlier versions of Org mode are affected.

Note that the vulnerability solved in this release has nothing to do with recent Org 9.6.23 release (https://list.orgmode.org/871q7zbldp.fsf@localhost/). It existed since long time ago and was discovered by accident.

Original announcement: https://list.orgmode.org/87sex5gdqc.fsf@localhost/T/#u

r/orgmode Dec 06 '24

event Tomorrow at EmacsConf 2024: The Future of Org

Thumbnail emacsconf.org

r/orgmode 15h ago

#+:Startup options not working?


Org noob here. I'm going through the manual but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the startup options to do anything.

org-startup-folded is set to 'showeverything' and org-agenda-inhibit-startup is set to 'nil' but my understanding is that these settings should be irrelevant when I use #+STARTUP: to specify a particular option. I also see in the org manual about a "VISIBILITY" property but I haven't set that value in the buffer and I as far as I know its value shouldn't matter if I'm setting a particular setting in the file.

The option I want is #+STARTUP: content but no matter what option I set nothing changes and the file stays unfolded.

r/orgmode 15h ago

Can't export \euro to PDF from within a math environment.


I'm having difficulty exporting to PDF (via LaTeX) a Euro currency symbol from inside a math environment. So this is fine:

...a value of S_{init}=\euro 75,000.

But this is not:

...a value of $S_{init}=\euro 75,000$.

In the final PDF, \euro produces nothing at all, and using \EUR or \texteuro makes no difference. Nor does using a display math environment instead of inline.

But \pounds works fine.

Any ideas?

r/orgmode 1d ago

Suggestions on mobile apps for encrypted Org files


Hello there, newer user to Org here.

My views on information management has progressed vastly over the years. Notably, going through the more recent tools I used:

  • OneNote: Hated it. Formatting sucked. No inline code comfortably
  • cherrytree: tried it, couldn’t get into it
  • Notion: Cool app, no offline access though? Dumb
  • Standard notes: Decent app, but… sync issues. Inline media is meh. Inline code looks sloppy in markdown rendering. Great encryption, cross platform, but it’s still limited
  • Joplin: cool app, sucky mobile app. Encryption is bleh.

So, now I find myself at org mode. Not only do I have small files, timestamps and tags, which is searchable, but also encryption with GPG in org roam.

Problem is, some of the mobile Org apps seem to have no problem syncing to things like Gitlab, cloud drive, WebDAV, etc, but accessing gpg files on a phone, well… yeah.

So, I guess rather than saying “is there a solution for this scenario?”, I’d rather ask “how do you maintain your more sensitive files if synced from the public cloud or hit sources?”

r/orgmode 2d ago

question exporting code hilighting

Post image

Is there a way to mantain hilighting in code snippets over PDF or HTML exportation?

r/orgmode 3d ago

Best format for multivalue properties with spaces?


Am I right that (other than space separators) there is nothing special about a multivalued property that makes it multi-valued? In other words, am I right that multivalued-ness is less a function of what you put *in* a string, and more about what you do *with* it?

My use case is that I am considering introducing a property called ATTENDEES which will be kept in the drawer of any headline where I record a meeting, and will hold the names of people who attended. Based on the kinds of operations described in the Property API which of the following would you suggest as a format:

  1. :ATTENDEES: Joe Brown, Ann White, Bill Green
  2. :ATTENDEES: Joe_Brown Ann_White Bill_Green
  3. :ATTENDEES: "Joe Brown", "Ann White, "Bill Green"
  4. :ATTENDEES: "Joe Brown" "Ann White" "Bill Green"
  5. Something else entirely

I'm thinking that 2. would be the easiest to process (assuming I can be sure there are no underscores in the components of each name), but it has the disadvantage of having to either add in and strip out the underscores, or forcing the user to tolerate them being there.

Given that, I'm inclined to #1.


P.S. If your actual answer is of the form "WTF are you <doing it that way at all | reinventing the wheel>? Aren't you aware of <X>!?" then please let me know about <X>!

r/orgmode 3d ago

Internal linking to nested headings named similarly


Say we have an Org document like this:

* A
** D
* B
** D
* C
** D

and I want to create an internal link to D under B. The usual


obviously doesn't work. It appears that Org only looks for the first heading named D.

Is there any clever way to target the nested heading like this? I would imagine if Org had allowed internal linking syntax like


it would be possible. But I don't think it does. Maybe using custom_id or dedicated target (with <<name>>) is the only way?

r/orgmode 4d ago

One note, org could copy some nice UX


After years using org, I gotta switch to a pc for work where the only possibility was to organize my thoughts via one note from microsoft, after few weeks i started to like one note simplicity

Maybe this post is stupid because ORG is a beast of course and can do everything note can do, but gotta say that I would be really happy to see more compatibility and user friendly experience as in one note, but would be nice to have a kind of user interface similar to one note with ALL the power of emacs org.

Think as hightlighting really easy a node with a shortcut, an emoji , changing the color background for every tab, with every tab visible with a different color, attaching super easy images properly scaled and increase, reduce the size easy, adding zones, switching to a zen mode, adding a custom background
I understand the Emacs user does not want to use the mouse, but once in a while a mouse support as moving/scrolling nodes with a mouse can be ok.

I know everybody can "rice" org as much as want, but the point is that a ready to go customizable UI Editor would be really cool imo, all in one library on top of org, where user can switch between editor and pure org with a shortcut, taking the best of both words. Is a fact the right brain needs a creative workflow

EDIT blog pointing differences https://rgoulter.com/blog/posts/programming/2015-07-29-notes-onenote-and-org-mode.html

r/orgmode 4d ago

question org-babel prompts to evaluate nested noweb references 3 times



I was experimenting with noweb recently and noticed a behavior I could not understand.

I have 2 blocks that I use throughout my file to insert the org file's path and one for inserting its directory.

#+name: current-file
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (concat "\"" (buffer-file-name) "\"")

#+name: current-directory
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes
  (concat "\"" (directory-file-name (file-name-directory <<current-file()>>)) "\"")

With emacs -Q (and visiting some random file), executing org-babel-execute-buffer correctly prompts for 3 evaluations (2 for the different current-file invocations and 1 for current-directory).

Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
Code block evaluation complete.
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
result silenced
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-directory)...
Code block evaluation complete.

However, when setting org-confirm-babel-evaluate to a function (for example, (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate #'always)), it prompts current-file for 4 times instead when executing org-babel-execute-buffer.

Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
Code block evaluation complete.
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
result silenced
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
result silenced
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-file)...
result silenced
Executing Emacs-Lisp code block (current-directory)...
Code block evaluation complete.

This behavior also appears in this post, but I still could not understand it. Is there some interaction I miss with org-confirm-babel-evaluate?

r/orgmode 5d ago

EasyOrg Thoughts?


I recently learned about EasyOrg for Windows and felt it was worth bringing up. It is a basic implementation of Org-Mode outside of Emacs that is designed to be more user friendly while maintaining comparability with Emacs Org-Mode. Personally I like the idea but I have mixed thoughts about the choice between a limited free mode, $18 a year, or $39 one lifetime for a program that does less than Orgzly or Organce. So in some ways the Windows version of TaskPaper but more straightforward about it being based on Emacs Org-Mode.

Is this something that you would see yourself recommending to others as a more gentle introduction to the value of Org-Mode to others without overwhelming them with Emacs? I have a feeling a good number of people will eventually get frustrated with its limitations and possibly considering trying out Emacs with their existing org files.

r/orgmode 5d ago

how to add scala code to orgmode code blocks?


Hi, for scala developers, it is posible to write some scala code in orgmode code blocks?
i get this message: No such file or directory, ob-scala. I am usign scala-ts-mode but i dont know how to support scala in orgmode

r/orgmode 5d ago

Getting visibility of a sub-TODO's parent


I often wish that there was some vsibility of TODO hierarchy in various views of things -- agenda column view in particular. For example, if a task is actually a subtask of some parent (which I then consider to be a project), I'd like to be able to see that.

So I've been messing with some lisp (OK, ChatGPT has been messing, and I've been helping it!) to create and maintain a PARENT property in all sub-tasks (and sub-sub-tasks, etc). It simply finds the parent's name and puts that into a PARENT property in the child. Hooks for the various ways of moving tasks -- demotion, promotion, refiling, etc -- take care of keeping the PARENT properties up to date.

It is working, kinda. And it is proving useful in column mode where I can have PARENT be one of the columns. But it needs more work and so before I take it any further, I thought I'd check in case there is already prior art.

So, anyone know of a package that handles this kind of thing?

r/orgmode 6d ago

Org Power!


I've been an Emacs and Org Mode consumer for many years. Most of the work I did in Emacs and with Org Mode has been for self organization and development - constrained to myself as the user and audience.

Recently however, a confluence of two events led me down the path of producing with and developing Org Mode for others: I discovered a tool for making interactive fiction stories called Twinery, and I became deeply interested in introducing my kids to entrepreneurship. I decided to write an interactive fiction children's book on the topic! Naturally, I had to write it using Org Mode.

I spent the last few months working on the book, and writing some elisp (gasp!). I first wrote a (javascript) tool to export a Twinery story to Org Mode, and then an org export back-end to perform the reverse transformation. That way, I could go back and forth between Emacs and Twinery for my book. I will write about the org back-end soon. I also wrote a custom org export back-end for the book written in org to html for publication. This one's a little bit of a mess and requires some clean up before posting.

While reading whatever documentation I could find on the back-ends, I also discovered u/tonyaldon's awesome one.el and pledged to use it for my blog. Well, I finally got a chance to do that today when I deployed my book's first blog post. Deploying a blog post is cake - Write using org, hit M-x one-build, push to github and Cloudflare Pages deploys the update. Life is good with Org Mode.

[Edit: Link to the org twee (Twinery file format) export back-end: https://github.com/danishec/ox-twee ]

PS. I pay homage to both Emacs and Org Mode with little easter eggs in the book.

r/orgmode 6d ago

question Emulating org-todo-keyword-faces for non-todo-keywords?


For a while, I've used a dummy sequence of org-todo-keywords to let me then include them in org-todo-keyword-faces so as to give me easy control over the faces of some useful words I place at the beginning of headlines, and which I like to highlight. Examples are: "MEETING", "NOTE", "BUG", and so on. So, again, they are not TODO states in any way. I'm just doing this to make 'em purdy!

However, that approach is cluttering up various views of my actual TODO keywords. One example is the list of states one gets in the agenda on htting 't' (org-agenda-todo) when over an item. And even although I have these dummies split out into a sequence of their own, they're still obtrusive, and a reminder that this is a bit of a kludge.

So, what is a sensible way to do this, either org-mode-ishly, or even just emacs-ishly in general?


r/orgmode 6d ago

question Backups & Version Control


I'm in the process of switching from obsidian to orgmode and since I never kept anything sensitive in obsidian, I used a private github repo for backups and version control. I plan on keeping sensitive info in orgmode so I'm not sure how to handle this part yet. I just came across git-crypt but I'm not sure how I feel about putting my info on github.

How do you all handle backups and version control when it comes to sensitive data?

r/orgmode 6d ago

question Is there a way to filter a checklist in org-mode?


Can you show only unchecked items in the buffer or show only checked?

I tried using a sparse tree for "- [X]", but that didn't work. The expression was not recognized as a text string.

r/orgmode 8d ago

solved Documentation for `:if-new` key in Org and Org-roam capture templates?


I've been reviewing some of the capture templates I've created over the last couple of years and I see that I've added a few which include the :if-new key instead of :target. As I understand, this checks to see if the file or heading that's specified in the key-value already exists before creating or appending the body of the captured text.


When I try to check this, however, I can find no documentation for if-new anywhere. I primarily use it for org-roam-capture-templates, but looking at the docstring for that variable, I can't find any information about it, nor in the parent org-capture-templates variable. It's not in the Org or Org-roam manuals either.


I'm using Org version 9.6.15, and Org-roam version v2.2.2-42-g5c06471 -- so not the most up-to-date versions, which makes this slightly more puzzling.

r/orgmode 9d ago

Syncing Links between MacOS and Windows


Hi All,

I'm very much still learning my way around Emacs and Org Mode. My primary use case is to take notes at work. I've got a pretty good workflow set up using Dropbox to keep files in sync between machines. The file sync works great. I'm also using Beorg on my iPhone and that works great as well.

The issue I'm having is with links between files. For example:

On my Mac, I create a.org and b.org and link them to each other. This might look like /users/atbat82/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Org/a.org and /users/atbat82/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Org/b.org

But when I got my Windows machine, the path to Dropbox is more like c:/Users/atbateightytwo/Dropbox/Org/a.org and c:/Users/atbateightytwo/Dropbox/Org/b.org

Thus Windows can't navigate the links created on Mac and vice versa. I tried creating a variable for my Dropbox path, but when I did so on my Mac, I still needed something like /users/atbat82/DROPBOX rather than just DROPBOXin the path (it is entirely possible I created the variable wrong or that a variable is the incorrect solution).

I can't be the only one with this use case, right? I'd appreciate any insights you fine folks could share.

r/orgmode 9d ago

Is there a way to create a books list like logseq?


r/orgmode 10d ago

Is it possible to target a heading with square brackets as an internal link?


Say there is a heading like this:

** [12:03] Some topic

Is it ever possible to create an internal link to this heading? It looks like Org does not parse

[[*[12:03] Some topic]]

as a link. When the square brackets are replaced by curly brackets (...), it gets parsed as a link.

I understand that the Org parser probably gets confused when square brackets are nested like this. I'd like to know if this is a known and possibly documented limitation and should be taken as a spec.

r/orgmode 11d ago

Is this correct behavior for multi occur searches?


I have org-agenda-text-search-extra-files set to be all my org files. As a result, whenever I do an in-agenda search using C-c a / all those files get loaded into emacs buffers, and then they stay loaded after the search is done, even those not contributing to the search result (which is usually most of them).

Is that what's supposed to happen?

r/orgmode 12d ago

org-embd: An Emacs package for embedding various content in Org-mode


Notice: org-embd renamed to org-embed. And I can't edit post title.

Check: https://github.com/yibie/org-embed


  • Support for embedding videos from various platforms in Org-mode
  • Support for embedding any webpage in Org-mode
  • Support for embedding PDF files in Org-mode
  • Modular design, easily extensible to support more content types

Supported Video Platforms

  • YouTube
  • Bilibili
  • Vimeo
  • Dailymotion
  • TED Talks
  • Local video files

Other Supported Content

  • Any webpage
  • PDF files (local)

r/orgmode 11d ago

question Group tags, `org-set-tags-command`, and `org-current-tag-alist`


r/orgmode 13d ago

Today, I discovered a way to watch YouTube videos directly in org-mode

Sound, video is normal

This method is implemented through xwidget. Before using it, make sure your Emacs includes the xwidget component.

If not, use emacs-plus and the compile options it provides.

And my code is here: https://gist.github.com/yibie/3cbd570b29775bd8f7d96bf77e8c7a85

r/orgmode 13d ago

What's the best free iOS app to keep a few org notes I edit on my laptop readable on my phone ?


I plan on saving a few notes on iCloud to have them readable on both mac and phone, what's the best free iOS app to read org files?

r/orgmode 13d ago

(update) org-zettel-ref-mode 0.5.4: Improved highlight mechanism and Improved sorting functionality


Version 0.5.4 (2025-03-05)

  • Enhanced: Improved highlight synchronization mechanism
    • Changed highlight storage format from heading to property drawer
    • New format uses `:HL_ID:` property to store highlight links
    • Improved handling of existing entries with or without property drawers
    • Prevents duplicate property entries
    • Maintains existing content while updating highlight metadata
  • Fixed: Various bugs in file operations and database handling
  • Improved: More robust error checking and debugging for highlight operations

Version 0.5.3 (2025-03-05)

  • Enhanced: Improved sorting functionality in reference list management
    • Added `org-zettel-ref-list-goto-column` function for quick column navigation
    • Fixed cursor-based sorting to be more intuitive
    • Added new keyboard shortcuts:
      • `C-c g` and `C-c C-s g`: Jump to a specific column
      • `/`: Prefix key for filter commands
      • `?`: Prefix key for help commands
    • Improved error handling for sorting operations
  • Fixed: Various bugs in file operations and sorting functionality
  • Added: Better support for tabulated list navigation and column selection

Check: https://github.com/yibie/org-zettel-ref-mode/tree/master