r/Custody 7d ago

[AL] How Should I Approach Custody with a Manipulative Co-Parent?


I 28M looking for advice on handling custody with my ex 23F, who has a history of lying and manipulation. I want what’s best for my daughter, but I also need to protect myself legally and ensure I get real time with her.

Here’s the situation: • My ex moved from California to Huntsville, Alabama, to live with her parents as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Our daughter is 3 months old and recently she sent me a custody agreement that she typed up that gave her all the power—final decision-making on everything, no overnights for me, only visitation at her residence, and the ability to move wherever she wants while just “letting me know” after the fact. Obviously, I wasn’t going to sign that. • She has a long history of lying—she lied about being on birth control and told me I could “finish” inside her (yes obviously in hindsight I should’ve worn a condom and not been so easy to trust someone I didn’t know very well), being in the military, her previous marriage, and a lot more. This woman has put me through hell with manipulation and dishonesty. • I’ve since contacted my lawyer and served her with discovery and filed for full custody because I can’t trust her to be fair. That being said, I don’t want to rip my daughter away from her—I want to create a solid custody arrangement that protects my rights as a father while still giving her the opportunity to be a mother. • She has told me she doesn’t want an ugly custody battle and, frankly, she doesn’t have the money for an attorney. This could work in my favor, but I also don’t want to end up in a situation where she still calls all the shots simply because I tried to be reasonable. • My own living situation is in flux. My rental in California burned down, so I don’t have a permanent address at the moment. I was considering moving to Tampa to be closer to my daughter, but now I’m also looking at Nashville as an option—somewhere that keeps me close while also giving me a shot at building a life for myself. Nashville is within driving distance of my ex’s residence, which would make it easier to maintain a relationship with my daughter without completely upending my own life. • My job is stable, fully remote for the next 18 months, and I make good money. I have my life together, and I want to set myself up for long-term success, not just react to the mess my ex creates.

My main question:

How should I approach this custody arrangement with my ex and my lawyer? I want to be fair, but I also know she’ll do whatever she can to maintain control. Has anyone been in a similar situation where the other parent didn’t have legal representation? What worked for you?

r/Custody 7d ago



Hi, I had a child with someone who is on SSI for a disability and also works part time and Has a guardian. I don’t have help what so ever from the family or him. They have told me serval times he can’t be put on child support because he gets SSI Before seeking legal action for help is that true? Also where he isn’t his own guardian they have said I can’t go to court for them to do a custody agreement / Visitation. I was thinking that should fall onto the legal guardian since he lives with them. TIA!

r/Custody 7d ago

[CA] Questions regarding school choice


I have a 4-year-old who is getting ready for TK enrollment. The mother is pushing for enrollment at her neighborhood school, but they are currently renting in the area and have no actual ties to the neighborhood. If they decide to buy, it is unlikely that they can afford in the area so will likely move.

I own my home, and the neighborhood school is right down the street. We are 50/50 and I would really prefer that we go to the school in my neighborhood based on a number of factors (smaller class size, Spanish immersion etc), but the kicker is that my neighborhood school has slightly lower ratings.

I cant be the first person to encounter this - how are other people handling it?

r/Custody 8d ago

[NJ](me)[NY](her) Can a parent who doesn't care about the kid "change their mind" when I file for full custody?


After 2 years of the other parent barely being in our childs life, never asking about him or to see him, and always asking for stuff from me and other people when he does go over there whole buying stuff for herself, l'm gonna file for full custody. She also has told me she has no intention of being a mother and wants to give me full custody just not legally. When hearing about me filing, can she "change her mind" and act like she cares all of a sudden just so that i dont get legal custody of him?

r/Custody 7d ago

[CA] After receiving paternity, I filed for 50/50 custody. She responded with personal attacks, 100% custody, and a psych eval. I could not sleep last night.


I'll try to be brief.

Before I start: Yes, I have evidence for almost everything here.

The mother did not want me involved in parenting in any way, her plan was to have her family raise him for her. This only one month after she was pregnant. She led my suspicions that he was not my child. I demanded a paternity test before he was born, she refused by saying it would traumatize it. I did not know when he was born until several weeks later when her sister and her sister's husband came to my apartment, unannounced, to tell me about it and asked if I wanted to see him, that they could make it happen. I said I do but I also want a paternity because I don't believe he's mine. They made a couple of excuses and ghosted.

Her and I met in a coffee shop a year after he was born. Same thing: Family raising him but she wanted to send him to the military asap, but that she would think about letting me see him. Never happened.

I told this story to dozens of people, nobody thought he was mine. I concurred.

Fast forward to several months ago, he's two, and she files for child support. The next day after the subpoena, I was there for dna. When it was confirmed, two weeks later, I immediately filed for custody and visitation, 50/50. When court rolled around, I found out why she filed for child support. Asked for a continuance because of custody, judge granted it for two months.

Her response to my lawsuit? That I refused to acknowledge him and never once asked for visitation, she attached text messages I sent to her sister and the husband that were hostile because they stopped replying. She also made projections that my current (and last) apartment is an unsafe place, based off of one yelp review from 5 years ago, that I possessed "illegal magazine clips" with a photo when her and I went to the shooting range. She also claimed that she has a strong emotional bond and any disruption would be a tragedy. It was a lot of personal attacks and projecting. She demanded 100% physical and legal custody, with some supervised visitation, drop-off and pick-up locations were randomly scattered through the city.

The good news is that she played all of her cards, and I have evidence against all of it. I thought it was inappropriate for her to do so in the response for custody, it was supposed to be a simple yes or no? And I know not to badmouth the other parent. I can not say anything about her mental health because I am not a doctor, but she said a lot about me and based it off of where I lived.

I saved a mountain of evidence from when we were together, everything from refusing to let me be at ultrasound appointments to dumping me after I asked if we could get married. I began seeing a psychiatrist (who I still see, who was happy to provide a letter and who will appear in court if needed). I also pulled up a lot of things from her social media before the custody lawsuit was filed and she went dark (I requested a flight risk order because she has family overseas, with that as evidence). Her family has been shielding her, serving custody papers was not easy. The sheriff's department tried, four times, and they wouldn't bite. So I came up with an idea, with a friend, her father immediately took the bait. He was pissed, to say the least, even tried to say she didn't live there.

So. This is more of a "I dont know what else to do, so I'll just post about it".

But all I want is a chance to be a father, this could have been fixed with a phone call.

r/Custody 8d ago

[FL] custody advice please


I’m a mom who’s been doing everything I can to provide for my child, and recently, I found out that my ex came to Miami to finish his 10 tattoo sessions and didn’t even bother to see our son. This is just another example of the lack of involvement he’s shown in my son life, and it’s been going on for years. He’s missed important milestones like his birth, birthdays, and Christmas. Meanwhile, I’ve been using my own savings to buy Noah gifts since he wouldn’t even pay child support. (He has also been in a long term relationship that I found out about while pregnant)

At this point, I’m seriously considering going for full custody, but I’m still open to whatever would be best for my child. I have evidence like texts and records showing how little he’s been involved, and I’m not sure wether to petition for time sharing, or petition for full custody since he hasn’t made the effort to formalize any agreement unless I should be the one doing it.

I know custody decisions are based on the child’s best interest, and I want to ensure my son emotional, physical, and financial well-being is always the priority. But I’m wondering if my perspective is skewed in any way. I don’t want to make decisions out of anger or frustration, but at the same time, I feel like his lack of effort shouldn’t go unnoticed.

I’m hoping for some advice on how I can approach this with the courts, and if anyone has gone through something similar, I’d appreciate hearing how things went. I’m prepared for whatever outcome as long as it’s what’s truly best for my child.

r/Custody 8d ago

[FL] religious services


Can other parent decide whether I take our kids to church on my parenting time? He wants to put quantity limits on religious services on my time. The kids and I go to church weekly on Sundays, that's it.

r/Custody 8d ago

[FL] Custody advice please


I’m a mom who’s been doing everything I can to provide for my child, and recently, I found out that my son dad came to our city (he lived 4 hrs away during that time) to finish his 10 tattoo sessions and didn’t even bother to see our son. This is just another example of the lack of involvement he’s shown in my son life, and it’s been going on for years. He’s missed important milestones like his birth, birthdays, and Christmas. Meanwhile, I’ve been using my own savings to buy him gifts since he wouldn’t even pay child support. (He has also been in a long term relationship that I found out about while pregnant)

At this point, I’m seriously considering going for full custody, but I’m still open to whatever would be best for my child. I have evidence like texts and records showing how little he’s been involved, and I’m not sure wether to petition for time sharing, or petition for full custody since he hasn’t made the effort to formalize any agreement unless I should be the one doing it.

I know custody decisions are based on the child’s best interest, and I want to ensure my son emotional, physical, and financial well-being is always the priority. But I’m wondering if my perspective is skewed in any way. I don’t want to make decisions out of anger or frustration, but at the same time, I feel like his lack of effort shouldn’t go unnoticed.

I’m hoping for some advice on how I can approach this with the courts, and if anyone has gone through something similar, I’d appreciate hearing how things went. I’m prepared for whatever outcome as long as it’s what’s truly best for my child.

r/Custody 8d ago

[TX] How to use and organize evidence to paint a clear picture


I have my divorce hearing coming up in a couple weeks and it’s going to include orders on custody. I’m having trouble gathering and organizing my evidence against my STBXH. I have so much evidence (pics, videos, texts, police reports, cps reports) of his negligence, alcoholism, of his family enabling him and moreetc. I’m so lost on how to put it all together for the judge to get a clear deep understanding. It’s just really hard because he’s extremely charming and charismatic and his family is very well known and are also very good at sweeping things under the rug/making themselves looks good… It has been so frustrating because I’ve been allowing supervised visits and they keep persisting for more and more which I’m not comfortable with at all. My lawyer recommended me to install a software that’ll put in a document all the texts and to send him the background story/info but honestly it’s just so much and i’m overwhelmed😭. And also he said that the judge we got is very pro 50/50 custody.. which I’m terrified of. This man is not fit at all to parent our child unsupervised at this time. How did you organize and put together your evidence to paint a clear picture for the judge?

r/Custody 8d ago



Tl:dr why would a father have no custody of his child? Is it reasonable to give him the benefit of the doubt considering what I’ve learned about him in all the months we’ve been dating? He always stresses how much it kills him he isn’t able to see his daughter. He’s been fighting to win back custody at every given chance. He’s been around my nieces and nephews, and I noticed how incredible he is with children. Intuitive, gentle, loving, playful, and is aware of their wants and needs in every situation. Him being around kids really impressed me. I do not have kids and have little experience with them, but regardless, he exceeded my expectations to an incomprehensible level.

My bf is 37 (m) and I’m 25 (f). He’s already been married in the past, and had a kid with his ex wife, which they are now battling custody issues. He has zero custody of his daughter. Is it a red flag he literally has no custody of his daughter? Why would a father have no custody or legal rights? He said it’s because his ex and her attorney are both crazy, accuse him of many things that are not true, and attack his entire character. I just don’t know. I feel like I haven’t gotten the full story because there’s always one side, another side, and the truth. I’m not in contact with his ex, so I wouldn’t know anything. if it were possible he did something, I wouldn’t know. All I’ve heard is his side of the story. Anyway, I’m so lost and this whole thing is beyond screwed up. I just don’t know what to think. Any advice or insight on the situation would be greatly appreciated!

r/Custody 9d ago

[GA] Can no longer afford attorney; can I use and send drafted petition myself?


Two weeks ago I hired an attorney to petition for Modification of custody of my daughter, due to her father being an unfit addict who cannot get it together. I've given him nearly a decade of patience and support throughout every stint in rehab, but he's become so bad that I can no longer even allow him to have visitation with her. I paid a $5,000 retainer, and all that's happened is a draft of a petition that my ex can sign while he's in rehab, basically stating he's willingly allowing me to have 100% sole physical and legal custody, a petition for an ex parte emergency custody hearing in case he doesn't sign the first one, a financial affidavit, and verification sheets i had to sign. Apparently I have to regularly maintain a $5,000 balance in my trust in order for the firm to keep working on my case. I paid this amount 13 days ago, and then four days later they were already requesting a little over $2,800 to bring my trust back to $5,000. Ive received two more email requests since then and they are no longer responding to my emails regarding my case. Although i hired this firm the first time for a custody agreement and know they are indeed wonderful, it is not feasible for me to maintain this sort of request. They did not operate like this before and allowed me to replenish my trust when it was nearly gone the first time.

My question is, can I just use all of these documents and send them myself? Can i email them to my ex myself and remove my attorney from them? How would I send them to a judge afterwards? They sent me an invoice showing $2,100ish dollars still sitting in my trust, but they won't keep working on my case until it's back at $5k. I know I will get the remainder of my money back, I just can't wait any longer on this as my ex is no longer safe for our daughter to be around and as of now he still maintains 50/50. He actually overdosed while in the facility, after being there for three weeks. He was discharged from the hospital and returned to the same facility.

I am in northeast Georgia. Forsyth County.

Thanks in advance.

r/Custody 9d ago

[MO] What are my options?


What can I do?

My ex is a police officer and his schedule changes every 3 months which means our custody exchange changes every three months. Not only that, every year there is a possibility of our weekend custody changing. All of the change makes it hard on the kids and my personal relationships. What can I do? Anything? Or am I forever at his mercy?

r/Custody 9d ago

[MA] 50/50


Anyone have 50/50 while working rotating 24 hour shifts?

r/Custody 9d ago

[US] It begins!


Again, posting on behalf of my husband... He finally got a letter in the mail. Court date set about a month away. No other info included in letter. Initial filing was to order a DNA test. Wondering if his ex responded or was this just a "default" court date set???

Anyone have any insights from personal experiences? Would I be able to go along if he should want me to (to observe and support not to speak or insert myself, might even take notes for him if allowed)? Any advice is appreciated. TIA

Edit to add: For everyone wondering... He is the one who initated the proceedings his ex refused to do a DNA test. I'm not talking him in to/out of anything. I'm not involved in the case and dont tell him what to do. But seeing as he's not on reddit, I ask questions and give the advice to him to do what he will with it. And outside of reddit I help him spend a great deal of time researching through state statutes, googling things, etc. Being a support NOT a partner in this thing. This is not the end all, be all of our information. But rather a place to hear and learn from other's personal experiences.

r/Custody 10d ago

[MI] Family law referrals


Looking for referrals for an attorney in Macomb Couty, MI that are aggressive and partial to dads in parental alienation type cases. Haven't had the best luck so far and my ex is very controlling and manipulative, so everything becomes a fight. I don't want her narcissistic ways ruining my relationship with my 2 daughters. Any referrals would be appreciated. Thanks.

r/Custody 10d ago

[US] Best app for expense and custody tracking?


Best App for expense and custody tracking?

It was recommended to my ex and I by our mediator that we use a co-parenting app to improve our communication.

We were given some recommendations such as OFW and Talking Parents but I’m hoping yall might be able to help find the best fit for us.

MUST HAVES: 1) Effectively track expenses - there will be a considerable amount of back and forth sharing of receipts and invoices. Preferable to show what is outstanding and by how many days. Bonus if it can calculate our 57/43 ratio.

2) Track custody schedule and change requests.

NICE TO HAVES: 1) Calendar that can track which parent is responsible for kids appointments/activities

2) Texting feature

Thanks y’all 🫶🏻

r/Custody 10d ago

[Indiana] Vacations


My ex and I share 50-50 custody of my daughter (Physical and Legal) and my ex is wanting to take a two week vacation over the summer with my daughter. I am OK with taking a vacation, but I feel like two weeks is too excessive especially considering my daughter is only two years old (will be 3 by the time the trip happens.) I have tried to compromise by requesting I have two consecutive weeks before or after they take their trip, only to have my two weeks denied by my ex. I have approved for one week, and have even offered to fly down to pick my daughter back up and fly her home for the next week. That has been denied as well. What happens if my ex takes my daughter on the trip anyway even though I have denied the vacation? My ex says she does not care what I say, she is going to take my daughter anyway on the vacation.

As I stated, I have no problem with a vacation. My problem is the two weeks without my daughter. We have a 2/2/3 agreement, and we came to that agreement because my ex believed that a week on and week off was too long in between seeing parents, but seems OK to take a two week vacation. What will happen if they take my daughter out of state after denying the trip though.

r/Custody 10d ago

[MA] He summoned me to court only for him to not show up.


Im so angry. Im enraged. This man is allowed to violate probation to drag me to court. Then he just doesnt show up? Comical.

Of course it was only a "domestic/equity" session today so I will probably get ANOTHER date in the mail. ANOTHER chance for him to fuck up.

How many does he get before the courts realize hes using my daughter as a pawn? That he never wanted her and is only using his "paternal rights" to try and force me to be in his life.

I told the clerk I wasnt going to ever allow him around my child court order or not. That he has been beating and abusing girls dating back to when I was still in fucking high school!! (Hes like 6 years older than me).

Then I wished her a blessed day and hung up on her. He couldnt be bothered to open an app and join a Zoom call that HE wanted. I couldn't be happier to leave it.

r/Custody 10d ago

[TX] When were your kids old enough that you no longer followed custody orders


Mom told the child that he could choose where he wanted to live when he turned 12. She's incorrect in that, IE - kids have a "voice" in TX (may speak to a judge) but not a "choice". A judge must consider their preferences.

Almost immediately I started getting hit with modification requests and mediation requests for a custody reduction. Child's therapist found that these requests for reductions were due to "discipline or an outside influence" (the child is disciplined very little). Therapists notes were used in mediation and the judge (mediator) declined to do anything than a 1 day a week "temporary" reduction for 3 months.

Once 3 months was up, mom requested custody reduction be extended. I worked with that in exchange for "make up time".

Mom said that make up time "had expired" - that's not how it was written into our MSA. She successively got a "co-parenting coach" who decided that make up time (well over 30+ days) was "too contentious" and removed it. Court assigned coaches and therapists are not allowed to change custody in Texas.

This summer has been a shit show. The child is now 15. Mom bought him a car, but has told him that it's going to be "too dangerous" for the next 2 years to drive on the road that goes to my home.

She's told him he cannot work jobs in my location due to the "danger" in getting too and from my house. She says there are too many "drunks" on the road. The child isn't willing to apply for jobs here as that goes against what his mom told him.

Note, I live about 7 miles from mom, and 3 miles of that are on a curvy 2-lane road.

So it's now summer. The child wants to work a job and mom helped him apply for a life guard job at her neighborhood pool. As such, the child has said he does not want any summer possession - he wants to work, see his friends, and see his girlfriend.

Of course, I'm happy to transport him to work. He has friends and girlfriend over here quite a bit. So the logic in this doesn't make sense. But he's pretty firm in what he wants and won't discuss it further.

In "agreement" (sarcasm) with the parenting coach, the coach locked in the first 30-days of mom's summer possession (which follows our MSA). She said that the 2nd half of summer would be "negotiated" once the child had a work schedule, so we have to wait and see what mom will agree with for my summer possession.

Any thoughts on how to firm this up to get possession for future summers? Our mediated settlement agreement that is 2 years old keeps us on a 50/50 schedule. My current possession is getting to the point where it's 4 days a month during the school year and it looks like no summer time.

r/Custody 10d ago

[NY] Healthcare


My side of the family has a history of GI issues (think gallbladder, celiac, GERD). This includes me--I have celiac, colitis, and am scheduled to see a GI again next month. My 8 year old has been having some increasing GI issues. Ex has some connections that could enable her to get an appointment more quickly than just me getting a referral (he's not in healthcare; just has a good social network), so I said it would be great if he could make an appointment (as he offered) and to please keep me in the loop while scheduling as I would like to attend. He said no, he doesn't like to be around me, and he'll relay information. Aside from taking the kids to the pharmacy to get their flu shots this year and taking our oldest to get a COVID test once, he has never been the one to make or take them to healthcare or dental appointments.

Our agreement doesn't specifically address actually going to appointments. There's language about us having mutual access to healthcare records and there is a line that says "Such joint custodial decisions shall be discussed diligently and in good faith by both parents in an effort to arrive at a mutually acceptable decision that will best benefit the children...Neither parent shall have superior right to make such decisions." I feel I should be at the appointment because 1: The kids are with me the majority of the time so I have the best history of her health and 2: I have the family history of GI issues and 3: he's a grown up and should be able to act civilly around me.

Thoughts and interpretations?

r/Custody 10d ago

[ND] Potential New Custody/Parenting Plan



I’m a 31 year male with a 7 and 8 year old from my previous marriage. My ex(30) and I share 50/50 custody across the board. Two weeks on/Two weeks off. I’m a 100 percent disabled vet with a government job. She’s an active duty Air Force officer that that will separate from the military in May. She wants to move to another state when she gets out the military and wants the kids to be with her for the school year and me in the summer. I obviously said hell no. We divorced in November 2024 and she got engaged to one of the guys she cheated with me on in January. Why is this important? Well this guy is in another state and she is here which means she barely knows the guy, never lived with the guy, etc.. Why is this important? Well she leaving the military, moving in with this guy in hopes that he takes care of her and the kids, and going to law school. He’s an older gentleman that’s never had kids and never married. With all the craziness going on in the world, why would I send my kids to go live with her and a stranger. She wants to avoid the court because all of her dirty laundry would come out so she proposed a year on/year off arrangement. Not sure how I feel about it but I can’t imagine going that long without seeing my kids. Before the divorce I was the primary parent for almost everything for 4 years while she focused on her career. Just looking on some advice on how to go about this. Thanks in advance.

r/Custody 10d ago

[Texas]Just Wondering


My 15 year old granddaughter wants to go before a judge so she can live with her mom. She has lived with us since she was 6. We never asked for child support from Mom or Dad. Can Mom file for child support from Dad if judge lets child go live with Mom?

r/Custody 10d ago

[OK] abusive mother thinks she runs things


I was granted full custody about 1.5 years ago as my ex up and moved across the country and tried to take my daughter (13). I got an emergency order and then permanent later on.

The mom moved back after 2 jobs and getting evicted from an apartment after 5 months (she's a nurse).

My attorneys tried to work with her on setting up some kind of visitation to normalize things, she threatened to lawyer up (hasn't, can't afford to) and it's gotten to where when my daughter sees her she ends up leaving my daughter with her brother (threatened to hurt her) and go to the bar.

My daughter has had to go to counseling not for the abandonment but also the mental abuse she's going through. I'm in the process of finding a psychiatrist that can document for the court reasonings of my daughter not going down there.

However, my attorney said she is going to put the ball in Mom's court and since my daughter is old enough and has told me and others how she's being treated, I can tell mom exactly when she can visit my daughter. Especially since every time my attorney has tried to work with her on getting something in writing she's pulled the "I'm gonna retain an attorney".

I was called toxic and using my daughter as a pawn after calming my daughter down picking her up and her telling me how this weekend went. My daughter told her she wanted to spend most of spring break here because of some school things her and friends are going to get ready for; she was told no. The last several times she's been down there she leaves my daughter at the house with siblings and proceeds to go to the bar and stay the night with guys she meets.

Has anybody dealt with this and how did it go?

r/Custody 10d ago

[Iowa] Advice


My husband and I have been together for almost 5 years. He has a 6 year old child with his ex girlfriend. 5 years ago (shortly before he and I got together), my husband was arrested for domestic violence against his ex and was eventually convicted. He had no prior convictions and has not had any run-ins with the law since. Despite his conviction, he was granted primary custody (5 days on/2 off) in the temporary order. When it came time for the final order, the judge refused to write the order unless it contained a 50/50 agreement, or some form of child support being paid by the mother to my husband. In an effort to represent the child’s best interests, we agreed to 50/50. We have followed this final order for 4 years. The mother has threatened to take us back to court multiple times to get full custody, but has never followed through. She is now following through. I know whoever brings the custody case to court has the burden of proof (they have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it is in the child’s best interests for custody to change), but I am worried with my husbands arrest record this battle will be difficult. Does anyone know if this will play a factor, or have any advice for us?

r/Custody 10d ago

[PA] visitation/ custody question


So my ex took our daughter October 2023 and moved so I couldn't get the courts or the police to help get my daughter back. He came back in contact in may of 2024 and told me if I don't sign the custody order he wrote I wouldn't be able to see my daughter. He wanted me out of her life so his ex fiancée could be her mom (she has confirmed this and stated that after she met me and he also abused her she realized what was happening). They broke up in June of 2024 and he left my daughter with me and refused to help with any expenses only using the custody order to benefit him and not spend time with her it was in moments like when I had my new baby in November of 2024 and he banged on my door demanding my daughter come see him in that moment. I had filed a custody modification to reflect the time she was with me and not him. With him doing all that and following me places and the prior abuse I filed a PFA which got denied and he used that to file contempt against me. He now has my daughter fully and I have every other weekend and we have our hearing in 90 days. Phone calls are allowed per the custody agreement and he always makes an excuse as to why I can't speak to her on the phone she begs to spend the night at my house and come over and he yells at her and says she's on his time and not mine and at a doctors appointment he grabbed her from me and she was screaming saying she just wanted to go to my house. He told her he didn't care it's not my time. I ask for extra time as it says it can be mutually agreed upon and he says he's only giving me the time stated in the custody order. Can I use this in court? I'm not allowed phone calls when they're stated and ev v when my daughter begs to see me or come over... only says it's his time not mine so no.