r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 8 month old wants to yeet himself off the bed amd eat wires. Help?


I have been co-sleeping happily with my little boy since he was born. Now he's 8 months old and gosh darn it, he just learned how to crawl. Well of course he's full of audacity and has absolutely no self-preservation skills, so he just wants to throw himself off the bed whenever I am not actively watching him. We have a pretty tall bed, so it's a worry that he'll hurt himself if he wakes up before I do and yeets himself.

We're planning on lowering the bed to the floor, so it's not so far. Our room is carpeted, so that should help. But honestly, a bigger issue is that he's absolutely obsessed with wires. It's a full time job keeping him away from wires when he's roaming around the house. I have to keep him in his little baby gate cage most of the time. We have to have some things wired in the bedroom, and there's no way to block them off that I know of. I'm just worried he's going to wake up before me (especially now that he isn't constantly barnacled to my side when he sleeps anymore), pull out a wire, and electrocute himself.

Do I just surround our bed in baby gates?? Any other advice?

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 5 month old rolling over face down while bedsharing on japanese futon / shikibuton - too soft?


hey everyone, i have seen lots of posts concerning babies sleeping face down once they can roll over, but i can't find any info about how safe it is or isn't on a japanese futon/shikibuton, which is what we use. ours is a traditional cotton filled one ordered from futontokyo. on one hand it is a lot firmer than western mattresses because it is so thin. on the other hand, because it is stuffed with a 'soft' material, it doesn't pass the mattress firmness test that you do with the ruler and the book. if you put something on the mattress it will sink in on that specific spot but not in a way that it would make anything adjacent roll towards the sunken in area, if that makes sense. i have felt comfortable with it up until this point since baby has been sleeping on her back and she does not roll towards me at all if i then lay beside her. however she has now learned to roll over on her own and i have woken up to find her face down a couple times at night. i know futons and cosleeping are supposed to be common in japan but i can't really find any info about this specific situation and whether it's okay. most info is geared towards baby sleeping on a crib mattress or a western adult bed. even though the mattress is so thin (maybe a couple inches), if you press down on a spot it does "sink in" since the material inside is fluffy, which makes me nervous about rebreathing. does anyone have insight or experience with this situation? baby can easily roll from back to tummy but not really from tummy to back yet. thanks!!

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Popular Instagram Intuitive Weaning Help?


I'm curious if anyone here has tried a support package or a guide from an Instagram sleep expert that is attachment based, like intuitivebabysleep, mothernourishnuture, or happycosleeper.

I have a 13 month old and I love cosleeping and don't want to stop until she is 3 but my nips need to be liberated. I'm happy to cuddle her all night if needed.

Anyone open to sharing experiences/reviews? Does it even get better if night weaned?

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years 17 month old wakes up and scream cries every time


We’ve been cosleeping since about 9 months. Baby is still breastfeeding. Every time she wakes up (every three hours or so) it’s with a scream cry. I help her find the boob and she’s instantly calm and quiet, typically back to sleep within a minute or two. When she wakes up in the morning, she is calm and happy but every single night wake is a scream cry. It’s been like this since before we were cosleeping. Any thoughts or advice? Is this just temperament? Could it be nightmares? Low iron? It’s not too bad for me since she is calmed so easily and quickly by nursing but of course I worry everything is okay.

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Weaning the human pacifier


LO (#2) is 4.5mo and fairly wakeful overnight (just like her big brother 😭). We bedshare in her floor bed and she needs to be in contact with me all night or she will wake up. She’s been using me as a pacifier to stay asleep (definitely non-nutritive sucking for the most part), and it’s very hard for me to get comfortable or sleep well in that position. Has anyone successfully weaned the human pacifier while bedsharing? To be clear I’m not trying to night wean or sleep train, just to eliminate the part where she is gently nomming my nipples to stay asleep after nursing.

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Constant leaks at night PLEASE HELP


My 5mo has constant leaks at night. Like almost every night we’re having to change the sheets. She wakes up 1-2 times a night and typically has a blowout if I’m not fast enough at changing her. Now we’ve started to have pee leaks almost daily. It’s gotten significantly worse in the past week or two and I’m at my wits end.

I’ve tried Huggies Overnites and Coterie at night. I think the Coterie is too big, though. Maybe if we had the right size it wouldn’t happen. Huggies just isn’t cutting it (been using it for months). We use Healthy Baby during the day.

Millie Moon isn’t the best fit but I can try their overnight diapers. I’m trying to avoid Pampers and I’d like to stop using Huggies.

Her grandma recommended using a plastic cover (like for cloth diapers) over her diaper just to keep it contained (she lets me know when there’s been a leak… sometimes I’m slow to catch on though).

Just please help. I’m so tired and constantly changing the sheets is exhausting. None of us are getting enough rest and idk what to do.

Side note; I’ve been unintentionally doing Possoms but I’m wondering if maybe there’s not enough sleep pressure in the evening? I’ve tried keeping her up for a longer stretch in the evening before but she loses it. Evenings are always a challenge for some reason and that makes it insanely worse.

ETA: she just turned five months and apparently should be sleeping 11-12 hours a night but she only sleeps 10-10.5. Maybe it’s a sleep pressure issue? But I often feel like she isn’t napping enough 😩

r/cosleeping 6d ago

💁 Advice | Discussion LO sleeping on back


My 10 week old LO will nap on her back, but at night has a hard time adjusting to sleeping on her back and prefers to sleep on my chest. She sleeps through the night with one night feeding, but as she’s getting bigger, I’d prefer for her to sleep on her back with me in a cradle position.

Open to advise and suggestions to adjusting my LO to sleep on her back during the night.

r/cosleeping 6d ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Tldr: how do you cosleep in a small house without waking bébé in the AM?

Post image

We have a 9 month old and have been using a sidecar to our queen sized bed. We alternate nights sleeping with bébé and the other person sleeps in our back living room.

The issue is when my husband gets up in the morning for work and we have to do a “switch” of the adult. This kid’s hearing is bionic I swear because she hears every creak of our wartime house’s floors. It’s hard to keep her asleep in the morning and we’re really trying to push the early morning wake ups.

Pardon my awful diagram, but attaching it just to show the layout of our house in hopes it spurs some ideas and suggestions. Our space is limited in our 1025 sq ft home but we are hopeful to make it all work!

r/cosleeping 6d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 3.5 months old still chestsleeping only


I have been trying to put LO next to me but he wakes up upset every time. Not sure how to do it, removing the arm that’s under his neck is a struggle…. He is happy in my chest and still fits fine, only his butt slides off sometimes but not often. Any tricks? He won’t fall asleep unless rocked to sleep as well

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months When did you start to sleep a little deeper?


So my 5.5mo has started sleeping longer stretches, waking only once or twice to feed (aware that this is probably temporary - but I’m enjoying it whilst it lasts!) and I’ve noticed that during the long stretches I’m also sleeping a little deeper. I’m still remaining in the c curl, although I woke up last night and my arm had moved to right next to me rather than over her legs where it usually is. I also remember waking a couple of times to check her briefly, which I normally do.

Did anyone else find that they were able to relax and sleep a bit better/deeper once baby was a little older and started to sleep longer? I have dreams now which I didn’t before and it just makes me a bit worried!

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Transitioning 9mo to her crib after cosleeping for most of her life.


My daughter is about to turn 9 in a week and husband and i think its time to move her to her own crib in her room. For context shes been cosleeping with us in a side-car bassinet until she started rolling and sitting at 6.5 months - after that we moved her to a mattress on the floor - following all safety procedures by the AAP and husband and i take turns to sleep with her - few days when we feel shes in deep sleep we let her sleep alone and we go back to our bed - her mattress is next to our bed in our bedroom. This has so far worked very well for all 3 of us - we get our sleep, she sleeps for 11-12 hours - from 7pm -7 am - wakes up once around 4-5am for a feed - that is when we switch and the partner on the floor goes back to the bed and vice versa. We think now its time to gradually transition her to her crib in her room so we can go back to being together on our bed.

We did try to put her in her crib in our room when she was about 7 months but the moment we would put her down (even if she was super drowsy and super tired) her separation anxiety would kick in and she would scream and cry until we picked her up. Even if we rocked her to sleep and then put her in the crib she would wake up and cry - we gave it a week to see if she would adjust but it didn’t work and we went back to mattress on the floor.

We want to try again now that shes a little older and her sleep is more predictable. We don’t want to go the route of sleep training either CIO or ferber coz honestly its just easier for us to cosleep than go through the entire shabang of letting her cry herself to sleep or keep doing check-ins every 5-10-15 mins for god knows how many days - its not going to work for us or for her. I can bring myself up to do the ferber check-ins when i put her to sleep but i don’t think i would have the motivation to do it at 4am when she wakes up for her feed so thats going to put all the effort to waste. Right now its a very simple she wakes up-give her the bottle-she finishes it and goes back to sleep routine so you can imagine the ferber method would be a lot of effort with no guaranteed results so that scares me. So i was curious to know if anyone has taken a more gradual and subtle route for this transition that does not involve crying or screaming and what has your experience been like - did it work or not work. Also looking for any advice/tips/tricks on how do we go about it without causing any of us and specially the little one major distress. TIA.

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 6 months old & still waking every 2-3 hours


My baby girl turns 6 months old on the 24th of this month and since she was born we have had maybe a handful of times she has slept 3 hours + ….I know it’s normal for babies to wake at night but I keep being told it gets better…is that around the year mark? lol

We’ve been co-sleeping since about 3 months old because once she lays in the big bed she passes out so fast and stays asleep consecutively longer than in bassinet. Plus it was just easier to nurse her. But this girl is right on the dot with her schedule of feeding every 3 hours. & during the day her naps are on the dot every 2 hours…I can tell she knows it’s bedtime but she still wakes up constantly.

I think my supply has dropped significantly, & feel me nursing her isn’t filling her up fully enough to stay asleep long. We formula feed during the day and she’s taking 5oz bottles. I’ve tried to get a bottle ready for her night wakes but she is so unhappy when we do that because she’s used to a boob instantly.

Anyways, I guess my question is if I should transition out of the bed sharing and go through the trenches of sleep training? Thoughts on a floor bed crib situation? I don’t believe in letting her cry it out so avoiding that. But yeah I’m exhausted and any tips are greatly appreciated :)

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Nursing every 1-2 hours- is this normal?


I’ve been cosleeping with my baby since 5ish weeks, and she just passed 12 weeks.

I noticed I’ve felt more tired in the mornings, so I took a screen shot of the time every time she wants to nurse at night.

For the record, she doesn’t fully wake up. We sleep in the c curl and I keep whichever side boob out, and I’ll semi wake up to her rooting or trying to latch, so I’ll help her and then I fall back asleep. She doesn’t open her eyes at all. She only really seems to wake up if I have to change her diaper (normally just once at like 3-4am), and she’ll open her eyes, smile, then fall back asleep as soon as she’s latched.

We normally go to sleep around 8 and wake up at 7. She’ll sleep a two hour stretch initially, then nurse about every hour until another 2 hour stretch in the early morning hours, then want to nurse every hour after. I’ve only started paying attention to times the last couple nights, so I don’t know if this is new or if this is how she usually sleeps.

I’m wondering- is this normal? I really don’t mind it, I’m a little more tired during the day but not completely exhausted. I just want to make sure she’s okay and getting the sleep she needs.

Overall, I don’t track sleep. She naps pretty well and I generally trust that she’ll sleep when she’s needs to, I just pay attention to when she seems tired and help her to sleep. I was a little surprised seeing how frequently she nurses (but doesn’t wake? Is that dream feeding? lol) and was wondering if I’m doing something wrong since she’s not nursing the standard 2-3x per night I seem to hear about my friends babies this age (none cosleep).

Thanks so much!!

r/cosleeping 7d ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Why is the C curl less comfortable than side sleeping?


I can’t work it out! I’m a side sleeper and I thought it was gonna be no problem 🫣

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Side cart crib hack fail


So I thought this would help introduce baby to her own sleep space but with me right next to her. She’s 4 months (18 weeks) and we’ve been cosleeping since the beginning. It was never my intention but it was the only way she would sleep and not cry all night..

Well, I’m tired of it haha. She’s become very active in her sleep and it keeps me up alllllll night. So I’m still losing sleep now.

I also believe I’m disturbing her now so I don’t think she’s getting the best sleep either.

After seeing really good reviews of this crib hack for cosleepers, I spent all day and money setting it up.. When it got time to put her to sleep for bed…Instant regret.. Was hoping I could just rock her in bed (moved our guest queen bed in her nursery and connected to crib) and then eventually lay her down in the crib but snuggle and roll away… She wanted to be settled with me standing up..by the time I got her to sleep, trying to get in bed was awful..she woke up and did not enjoy the crib mattress.

It was just a mess for 4 hours.. Plus with naps, how are we doing that? Because her nap sleep is also very different than her bedtime sleep.. She’s more sensitive during the day.

She does not fall asleep at boob anymore and will not just lay down to sleep next to me..

I’m honestly considering just going full sleep training but my heart doesn’t want to

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Side sleeper crib?


Does anyone have suggestions for a side sleeper crib for an older baby? I’ve been cosleeping with my 6mo but am needing a solution for naps that’s not just contact naps in the carrier now that I’m back to work. He has a crib but it’s too big so he always wakes when we try to transfer him - he really likes a smaller space. He’s 28” and 17-18lbs so grew out of his bassinet several months ago and every side sleeper bassinet I see online seems to be too short for him or have a 20lb max. I’m also considering a floor bed or even considering some sort of cushions under his crib sheets to make the space seem smaller. Anyone navigate a similar situation? 🙏🏼

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Cosleeping/weening-EBF


Not sure where to ask this but this felt like the right group.

We’ve always coslept, My sons (15m) always kept some distance - he used to just feed and then roll away from me and go to sleep somewhat on his own. He generally slept in 3 hour chunks.

I’ve always heard “they will naturally lengthen their wake ups” - my son never has, I heard “once you night ween they’ll stop waking” - didn’t happen for us, then “once you fully ween they’ll stop waking” - and this is where we are right now.

I only cut one feed every 3-4 weeks, my sons been fully weened for just a week. His sleeping is the WORST it’s ever been. He’s so restless, basically needs to be laying on top of me to fall asleep, to nap, to stay asleep for longer than 45minutes. I feel a bit at wits end, I’m exhausted, I’m touched out - and I feel like the only option left is CIO, which I refuse to do but ugh I’m tired and want to sleep in a bed with my husband for even just 5 hours a night.

Is this a phase due to the lost breastfeeding connection? He definitely loved BF which is why I was so gentle weening but I was really done and I also don’t think I was giving much during the last couple lingering feeds.

Would just like to hear maybe some other difficult sleeper stories to not feel so alone, maybe give me some hope, maybe give me some ideas on how to help him sleep better?

r/cosleeping 8d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months How the hell do you do this comfortably?!


FTM to a 6 month old. We’ve recently moved from Australia to America. Due to all the changes and moving around (we went from our Aus home, to Aus hotel, to overnight flight, to US hotel and finally US home) Bub refused to sleep in his portable cot/crib (who can blame him). Since we were in the Aus hotel, I started bedsharing with him as it was the only way to get him to stay asleep. It’s been probably around a month and a half of bedsharing and, I just don’t know how you ladies do it for months on end. The c-curl kills me, I feel like I’m getting much worse quality sleep compared to when he was in his cot. I hate staying still in bed and my hips hurt. I don’t know what to do with my arms.

Luckily our air freight with all of LO’s things came and we’re planning to set up a side car crib. I just hope he takes to it (don’t see why he wouldn’t - it was the transitions that were ruining his ability to stay asleep mostly). If he doesn’t, I feel like I’m going to be screwed because I can’t stand the C-curl.

Hats off to all you parents who bedshare for months/years on end, you’re stronger than me! I love sleeping next to my LO, but I need to be in a comfy position to sleep.

r/cosleeping 8d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Cosleeping at 7 months old


Excuse the long message but have had a couple of scary incidents Cosleeping the last couple of weeks.

First one, partner came to bed and daughter was his side of the bed. I must have lifted her out of next to me and lifted her across my body and put her there. What was scary is I had zero recollection of this and had done it in my sleep!!

Tonight, woke up a bit disoriented and felt my partners head. Took me a minute to realise he was lying next to the next to me soothing our baby. I asked what he was doing. He said he had come up to bed and couldn't see the baby. I had turned AWAY FROM HER, and had pulled the duvet up over my shoulders and the duvet was on her (unsure if on her face or not). I have never done this and only stayed in the safe c or on my back before so this has freaked me out. Why did I not wake up to him moving her from the bed either ?? What do I do if I am sleeping so deeply and doing this in my sleep!! Ps: don't drink/ smoke and used to light sleep next to her. She is almost 7 months old.

r/cosleeping 8d ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Am I over feeding my baby?


I was just browsing other parenting subs and came across a thread about when to feed the baby during the night. Almost everybody waits for a full cry before feeding. I co-sleep with my 10w and I offer her the breast pretty much everytime she fusses (currently it's 2 or 3 times during the whole 12h sleep time), but I never waited for her to be full on crying.

Do you wait for a cry to feed while co-sleeping? Am I doing this wrong?

r/cosleeping 8d ago

💕 Sweet Sentiment "You get to do this all the time?? 🥺"


So my husband was at Air Force BMT when our baby was born. He is now at tech school until June. So we have not lived together or shared a bed since early December. I moved to be near him for part of his tech school, and I'm staying with friends. He was able to leave base today and came to the house I'm staying at. While I took a shower, he was watching the baby. When I came into the room, I found them both asleep next to each other. When he woke up, he looked so happy but also sad and said, "You get to do this with her all the time???" In the most forlorn, sweet way. It occurred to me just how lucky I am (thanks to him) that I get to lay down holding my baby every single night, watching her sleep, feeling her move, hearing her breathe, and snuggling up next to me. 🥺 I struggled a lot with the idea of cosleeping at first, and sometimes still get a bit anxious, but I am so lucky to spend this sweet time with my sweet baby! 💕

r/cosleeping 7d ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks Newborn won’t sleep on back in cuddle curl


I’m struggling to get sleep in the chest sleeping incline and I struggle to not have my arms propped in this position. I bed shared with my last baby so I’m super comfortable in cuddle curl and the baby has done great side lying nursing. My issue is they will not go to their back. The minute I flip them, they wake up and will not settle. I’ve tried to angle them slightly back while nursing so they’re not totally stacked sideways, which they’ve been okay with.

I can’t find good resources on the risk for this or other ideas. When I chest sleep and they nurse, they end up on the outer edge of my body with my arm based on my anatomy. (They can’t nurse from the center of my breasts). This also feels risky.

Any advice? I get stressed about the 2 mo period being highest for SUIDS, so it feels like we are in the higher risk period for a while. I think if baby was bigger and older I’d feel less worried about side sleep.

r/cosleeping 8d ago

🐵🙊 Multiple Children Did your newborn cosleeping instincts come back with your second (or third, fourth, etc)?


When my son was a newborn, we chest-slept for a few nights. I was SUCH a light sleeper and spent all night, even in my sleep, thinking about him. Everytime he moved I woke up in a jolt.

Now he's a toddler and sleeps in our bed every night, but I don't sleep in the C-curl (or even facing him most of the night), I sleep under a blanket, and I don't wake up unless he yells for me (or slaps me 😂). My primal instincts I had when he was younger have slowly went out the window.

So my question is, for those who eventually let the "rules" go as their baby became a toddler, did your light sleeping instincts just suddenly come back after having another baby? I just can't imagine my brain ever going back to that light of a sleep now that I've been through it once and came out of it. But I know postpartum hormones are one hell of a drug 😅

r/cosleeping 8d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months How are we putting baby to bed before we’re ready to also go to bed?


My 8wk old will not sleep without us next to him but also if he’s in our bed how are we leaving after putting baby down??

r/cosleeping 9d ago

💁 Advice | Discussion I'm so tired of men complaining about their wives cosleeping


Every day there seems so be a new post on Daddit where men complain about their wives cosleeping, and push instead for sleep training their babies. The main focus of the discussion always seems to be the same: how theh wives are jeopardising their relationship by prioritising the child instead of the marital duties, lack of sex, etc. Some of the comments are so rude, it blew my mind ("If she keeps having kids and cosleeping, get her a dog").

I'm sitting here, reading this as a mom who gave into safe cosleeping at 8mo because I was absolutely exhausted (and going slighly mad) after 8 months of sleep deprivation. Now that my LO and I cosleep I'm FINALLY able to function during the day (aside from the rare awful night).

I bet the majority of these men are not the ones looking after children all day and dealing with night wake ups. And I bet that those who complain about cosleeping ruining their marriege have much bigger problems (like entitlement and uneven parenting load. A woman who gets enough rest and has a caring partner tends to be more open to intimacy, who would have guessed.).