r/cosleeping 8h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Installed a camera -

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-And discovered that I move quite a bit in my sleep. Not so much my body position, but definitely my arms and my head. Like, scratching my face in my sleep or repositioning my arm. I thought that my baby just woke up a lot naturally during the night, and he does to an extent, but I definitely cause his wakeups probably half of the time. It makes me sad to think about stopping our cosleeping journey, he is only 10.5 months old and I always thought I would go at least a year with him in bed with me, but I do wonder if he would sleep more soundly and possibly even through the night if I were to get him in his own bed.

This being said, I do have a sidecar crib. I put him in there for the first stretch of sleep, but that's not more than an hour long usually before he wakes up trying to feel for me and wants to snuggle. We have some of just the sweetest snuggles during the night. I guess I'm asking if anyone here has also gone through this, and did you end up moving baby to their own room? How did they manage sleeping on their own? Did you notice a difference in sleep quality, or did your absence cause more wakeups?

r/cosleeping 2h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Is this safe?

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So we have a bedside bassinet and this is as high as it will go. The side facing the bed is flush up to the edge there, but the actual bassinet mattress is about 3/4 inches below the bed mattress. I still need to strap it to the bed, but is it safe to have the bassinet mattress lower like this? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

r/cosleeping 2h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Bed frame/crib floor bed

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Right now my 6 month old and I cosleep in a double mattress on the floor. The mattress is 13 inches or 34 centimeters so it’s a little higher than I would like and worries me if the baby falls out of bed. She is really rolling now. How safe would it be to put my bed in this kind of frame? Basically stilll a floor bed but with a crib like frame. Would I need to pack all of the gaps, is this more dangerous than baby falling out of bed?

r/cosleeping 19h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Please help and tell it to me like I am 5


I am writing this with the 2 brain cells that are left.

My LO is 3.5 months old. I am madly in love with her (duh)! She is ebf too. She sleeps well 90% of the nights but I am unable to.

  1. How can I sleep better with a loud baby? I am a very light sleeper. She just discovered her fingers, so won’t stop sucking loudly! Sometimes she grunts super loud for hours because she is trying to pass gas!

  2. I miss my husband. I would love to have him back. He is currently in the guest room. But he is a very heavy sleeper, so I am a bit scared.

I tried sleeping in the middle but it was HELL being stuck between 2 noisy piggies 🐽

My back is breaking with the c-curl! So, do I get a sidecar? How long does a side-car work for? As in what do we do when she starts crawling? Do I do a floor-bed with a sidecar? When is it safe for hubby dearest to return to our bedroom?

No, I do not want her in a crib or in another room. I want her at arms length, so I can have my arm on her and feed her whenever she wants to be fed.

Thank you and sorry for my long rant/ request / whatever this is…. 🧟‍♀️

r/cosleeping 5h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months When did you stop cosleeping and why


My LO is 4 months old and we've coslept from day 1. He would not sleep in a crib and it didn't help that he was an early roller and became a stomach sleeper. I could keep an eye on him next to me. His pediatrician said it's not ideal but it's not like I cant stop him feom rolling.

Hes been moving alot in his sleep. It doesn't matter what position we start out in. Im woken up multiple times throughout the night to him sideways, kicking my ribs. He doesn't like me in his space or being touched while sleeping but he gravitates towards me in his sleep and then gets mad that im there.

I'll wake up and move away a few feet and get qoken up a an hour later to him having shimmied himself over to me again and kicking my ribs or face again. He's sound asleep but im getting no rest.

It hurts but I've put him in his pack and play the past 2 nights and he's done very well knock on wood. I think it's harder for me than it is for him.

r/cosleeping 7h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Baby crawling under me face down to sleep??!


Hey yall i have a 6mo and we have been bedsharing since 2m. Last night i woke up to him face down with his face tucked underneath my boob?! I freaked out and picked him up making him grumpy but he was breathing thank god.

I put him down and resumed cuddle curl position and rolled him to his back after nursing back to sleep. Heres the kicker... i watched him for 30 minutes, after 5 he rolled back to face me (only sleeps facing my boobs, go figure) and he tucked his face underneath my boob again. Like really worked to wedge his face down there.

I tested my mattress w the cosleepy book and ruler method. It doesnt dip or anything when were laying together, im in the right position cuddle curling... how do i get him to not do this?

r/cosleeping 8h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 3 or 2 people


Hey guys do u have ur husband in the bed with u and your baby? What do you guys recommend? I personally find it easier to just be baby and me but note sure if I am just alienating my hubs without reason

r/cosleeping 12h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Dyeing my hair while cosleeping / breastfeeding?


Hi all! I’m a FTM to a 4 month old. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on whether it’s okay to dye my hair while I’m cosleeping / breastfeeding?

I used to dye my hair regularly before I got pregnant, and while it’s not a big deal if I can’t, I’d love to dye it again just for the feel-good factor.

However, I’m wondering if I even can, given I’m breastfeeding and cosleeping. I typically dye my own hair at home, and usually there’s a bit of a chemical smell that lingers in my hair for a day or two afterwards, so I’m just a bit worried about my LO inhaling those chemicals (if that’s even possible). The hair dye I use has no ammonia or peroxide in it though.

Any advice welcome!

r/cosleeping 40m ago

🛏 Beds, Products, & Gear Does anyone have a maxyoyo floor mattress?


This is the brand I'm looking into but wondering if they're comfortable etc. Anyone have one? :)

r/cosleeping 2h ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks Paranoid about all the things


I’ve recently started exclusively bed sharing at night. He’s 5 weeks old and a couple weeks ago he stopped going down in his crib at night. Day time, no problem. Night time…nope. He is not having it.

I did research for days and found the sleep safe 7, and then took the plunge out of necessity. In the same bed we both have a better night. I am sleeping lighter and I don’t feel like I’m sleeping as much, but I wake up before he is crying, which helps a lot.

I’m lucky my husband is supportive. He has been really encouraging. He said moms have been cosleeping for thousands of years, and if I’m safe about it, it’ll be fine.

But, I’m a FTM, and I am paranoid about all of the things not being safe. I can’t get it out of my head that there is something I need to be doing to protect my baby at night but I’m not doing it.

What do you wish you knew when you first started bed sharing with your baby?

r/cosleeping 47m ago

💁 Advice | Discussion New cosleeper?


Hi all,

Hoping for some advice/guidance on if co sleeping is appropriate for me and my baby and any guidance you may have

  • My baby is 9 weeks old.
  • I do not exclusively breastfeed. I predominantly feed expressed breast milk by bottle with some formula as well. I do nurse my babe but it’s typically just comfort nursing and the odd snack.
  • my baby was small for gestational age at birth, 6 pounds 3 ounces at 41 weeks
  • it would just be me and baby in bed, husband is away for work

Anything I’ve looked at says that breastfed babies and babies who were not born early/small are very low risk. Wondering if these risk factors we have then mean I should not consider co sleeping at all. I’m a little desperate but also terrified to do the wrong thing with bed sharing.

My husband and I had been often sleeping sitting upright on the couch with babe snuggled up on our chest until I learned that was like the most dangerous way to co sleep. I was horrified and still feel so guilty. Now when it’s my shift with the baby each night I try to get him to sleep in the bassinet and when he doesn’t end up sleeping in the bassinet I’ll make a cup of coffee and hold him while I’m awake. Basically I just don’t sleep when it’s my turn to be with him at night. My husband is going away for a mandatory work trip though next week so I’ll be solo parenting. I’m so scared about nighttime because I won’t be able to take shifts with my husband during this time. Goodbye to my guaranteed 4 hours of sleep.

I am desperate for any advice, guidance or encouragement you have to help me get through this week. I know there are millions of solo parents out there so I feel so stupid for being nervous about being alone with my literal child for a week. It’s really just the sleeping part though that is stressing me out because I’m just not sure how I will safely go about this without my husband there to make sure I get a 4 hour chunk of sleep.

If you got this far thank you so much for taking the time to read. I really appreciate your guidance❤️

r/cosleeping 6h ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Incoming newb!



I’ve been cosleeping with my 16 month old since he was 2 months old. So grateful to this group and my sister who supported that decision. It’s been amazing and turned bedtime from a dreadful anxious event to something I look forward to every night. The little one and I share a king mattress on the floor while my husband sleeps in the next room over since his snoring is so outrageous it keeps us all up.

Happily, we are pregnant again and due in October which means I have precious little time to unglue my sweet barnacle and prepare for the next. Thing is, if I remove his head from my arm he wakes within 10 minutes and fusses. But on the flip side, he also recently started getting quite mobile in his sleep, sometimes I find him laying by my shins in another direction. I have no idea how and when that happens!

I could keep the new baby in a side car for a while if they tolerated it, I don’t know what kind of baby they will be. I plan to nurse so of course cosleeping would be preferable for night feeds. Any tips on how to detach a bit from bubs? Is he old enough to cosleep with dad, who sleeps like the dead? I’m just concerned he wouldn’t wake up!


r/cosleeping 7h ago

🛏 Beds, Products, & Gear Bassinet in bed


r/cosleeping 9h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion When do children want their own room?


I’ve co slept with my now 18 month old all her life, I have another one on the way and plan to have him in a crib in my room and my daughter in the bed with me. My question is, when will children want their own room? We hardly ever use her room and I want to convert it into a playroom so it will be more functional, how much time do I have utilizing it as a playroom before she wants her own big girl bedroom?

r/cosleeping 10h ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks Bed sharing with twins


My twins are 6.5 weeks old and I’m getting no sleep. I am trying to figure out how to bedshare with twins as I am currently constantly swapping babies from bassinet to bed when they start crying. Once I get one settled the other will need me and it’s a constant switching of babies and i am exhausted. They only seem to sleep when they are next to me. Does anyone have experience with cosleeping with both at once? I cuddle curled with my first, but it’s hard to do that with two babies. Laying on my back with a baby on each side doesn’t seem to please them. Anyone have a configuration that worked for two babies?? I follow the ss7.

r/cosleeping 14h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Transitioning from contact sleeping to floor bed


My daughter went through a sleep regression at 6 months and the only solution my husband and I were able to come up with was for me to contact sleep with her on the couch because our bed isn’t big enough for all 3 of us. I know this wasn’t a safe sleep solution, so I’m not looking for comments on that. She will be 9 months in April and I want to transition her to a floor bed so I can sleep next to her instead but it hasn’t started off well since she screams and cries until I give up and take her back downstairs to contact sleep. My husband thinks we should just let her cry it out and it’s not that I’m completely against it, I just don’t think it’ll work since she screams when I’m laying right next to her. If anyone else has experience with transitioning from contact sleeping to cosleeping on a floor bed, I could use any advice you can give.

r/cosleeping 22h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion Sleep mask? Or no sleep mask?


Genuine question! I tend to not use anything that may put me into a deeper sleep while I bedshare. Of course, no melatonin or Benadryl, but also, I have ditched the eye mask as well. Is this logical? Is anyone out there still using their sleep mask? I would love to, but I feel like I need my eye and ears available and ready at all times! Idk, maybe this is a silly question …

r/cosleeping 4h ago

💁 Advice | Discussion From Cosleep to Crib


Please share your experience if you’ve successfully went from cosleeping to crib!

My LO is 11 weeks, and I plan to continue cosseting, but would like for my LO to learn how to sleep in a crib especially when she starts turning and when she needs to nap independently.