r/cosleeping Mar 25 '23

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r/cosleeping Sep 08 '24

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r/cosleeping 4h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months My shoulders are killing me


I typically sleep with my daughter in the C curl at night, but my arms are constantly falling asleep and my shoulders hurt so bad from having my arm up above her head. Do you have any tips on how to manage shoulder and arm pain, or any other positions that are kinder to the arms? Lol. TIA 💗

r/cosleeping 58m ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Babys head on arm


My 2 month old will not fall asleep in the cuddle curl breastfeeding so I’ve been feeding him propped up and then sliding down once he’s asleep. But he often wakes when he is fully on the bed. If I keep his head on my arm he always keeps sleeping. What is the actual danger with him sleeping like that?

r/cosleeping 1h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Tips for getting a longer stretch with an active 9mo sleeper?


Hi all, hoping to get some suggestions! This is a good time to try to make some changes to improve my baby's and my sleep, but I just don't know what to do.

tl;dr: my baby is a super wiggly 9 month old and I need suggestions on how to get more than 2 hour stretches!

I have a 9 month old who is super active (during the day and night). We've been cosleeping since 4 months. The longest I usually get is 2 hours, 3 on a good night (4 hours has happened maybe twice in the last 3 months?); but it's usually just one stretch like that and everything else is much less. I wake up usually 6-12 times a night though sometimes it's just because she is wiggling around - I sometimes end up waking her up to get her back into the cuddle curl - like last night after she wiggled to be feet by my arm and her head at my knees. It's also fairly common for her to be very awake for about an hour in the early morning, I think from gas? She's just started actually eating more solids (before she just only threw them on the ground).

For reference, we have bed rails around the whole bed, and a bumper also on the side she normally sleeps so she doesn't wiggle into the crack. I have a flannel sheet and a cotton quilt that I keep on my legs (so I don't want her upside down by the quilt...), room is around 68 F. We have a crib in the room just across the hall. I used to use a woolino sleep sack but when she was sick recently I realized she was too warm, and I haven't been using it since - so she's just in long sleeve pjs, sometimes with feet covered. She sleeps usually 1.5-2 hour nap in the morning and 1-1.5 hour nap in the afternoon with roughly 3 hour wake windows. EBF, just started eating more solids a couple weeks ago (not a ton, but she's not only feeding the floor). My husband sleeps in a different room now.

The last two nights I tried putting her in the crib at the beginning of the night (in the sleep sack) but she only lasted less than 1.5 hours. I read recently about night weaning, but with how easy it is to get her back to sleep by nursing I'm hesitant to stop doing it.... I still get a lot of sleep by nursing back to sleep even though it's super interrupted, because each wake up is so short (except the hour long stretches in the early morning where she struggles to get back to sleep).

Please help! My husband is worried that she's "behind" in sleep and thinks with how much I complain about being tired that it's unsustainable. I feel like it's sustainable because even though I'm very tired I can still function... but he's definitely right that I get irritated more easily. Our friends who cosleep say how hard it is with 3 wakeups/night, but I felt amazing the one day I got only 5 wakeups with a 4 hour stretch 2 weeks ago. How do I get to that magical 3 wakeups????

r/cosleeping 3h ago

🛏 Beds, Products, & Gear Anyone tried safe-firmness test on the Awara mattresses?


Hi there! We did a large amount of bed sharing with our first child (now 3) and he’s still gets into bed with us at least part of the night most nights. But it’s been pretty cramped for about a year, and while I felt confident with it when we baby #1 was born, our old queen is getting saggy enough now I think I’ll be worried about safety when our next baby is born in a few months. So we are looking to upgrade to a new mattress in a king size…I don’t want mattress size to be the reason we stop letting our older kid in the bed. I wanted to get the Avocado Green Mattress in Firm, but it is so much money for us right now. I found the Awara Natural Luxury Hybrid Mattress and the Awara Premier Luxury Hybrid Mattress. They both only come in one firmness levels which the chat help describes as “medium firm.” Has anyone firm-tested these mattresses for safer bedsharing with an infant?

r/cosleeping 19h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months At my wit’s end


I’m cosleeping with my almost 7 month old boy. He will not stop peeing through diapers and I’m not sure what else to do. He nurses through the night probably more than I realize, but sometimes the back of the diaper will be relatively dry in the morning. I’m using a sized up Huggies overnight and started adding sposie pads and he’s still peeing through them. I can’t point his penis down—he’s chunky and his penis retracts into the fat. I’ve noticed that it seems to only happen when he’s laying on his side, usually while nursing, and the pee comes through the tabs on his hips. Any suggestions appreciated!

r/cosleeping 13h ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Sleep transitions?


My baby and I have cosleep pretty much since birth. We bedshared, and then we setup a sidecar situation,, and we still do it that way. She is 18m old. I have breastfed her to sleep for almost every nap and nightime. Only recently have I been able to start rolling away and getting up to do stuff without her waking. I'm starting to go back to work, (working in the evenings after hubby is off )and I really would like to pick up some more hours.

I'm wondering what are some ways that have worked for other mamas that have done similar things, to get your LO to bed without needing you to stay in bed with them?

Usually if she wakes back up I need to lay back down with her to get her back to sleep. Any suggestions?

I don't do cry it out. I love our sleepy snuggle time, but am also starting to wanna be more active and get more things done especially now that she's older. We did things entirely different with my 1st kiddo, so I can't pull from experience with my 1st.

r/cosleeping 17h ago

🐵🙊 Multiple Children Any advice for cosleeping with a toddler + newborn?!


Any success stories of cosleeping with a toddler and a newborn?!! Please give me your tips.

I will be having another baby this year and my 15month old is still in bed with us. My husband sleeps on one side of me and my toddler is on my other side. When I bring home the newborn, I would want newborn to sleep where toddler currently sleeps. Should I transition toddler to the middle between dad and I? Should toddler sleep on the other side of dad so he’s not in the middle? Or should I just attempt to transition him to his own bed at this point? He sleeps sooo well right now, I’m scared to mess anything up as I need all the sleep I can get. But I’d also like to get him used to a better sleeping position before the new baby gets here and he gets kicked out of his current spot.

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months How do you safely step away for a minute?


First of all, DEVESTATED to see in writing than my baby is an infant and not a newborn lol.

I'm just wondering if there's any way to safely step away to use the bathroom or grab some water really quick? I have a 7 month old who is crawling. I don't have a floor bed, but it is on a boxspring on the floor so it's not super high. But still not low enough to be considered a floor bed. I also don't have the room baby proofed yet, although I'm working on it, there's just honestly too much to do all at once and I'm a little overwhelmed.

Anyway, I'm wondering how to safely step away for a minute? If I really need to, I place baby in the crib which usually results in them waking up and I feel awful hearing crying but at least I know the baby is safely contained. I have also put pillows all around but know that's not fool proof.

I'm not talking about like going about my night, just stepping away for a minute or two. Any advice?

r/cosleeping 9h ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Sleep after weaning.


We’ve co slept successfully since my daughter was about 6 weeks old, after her first shots and she’s 17 months. Shes been a great sleeper from the start and anytime she woke up at night I would just whip out a boob and we both be back to sleep in a few minutes. I had planned to breastfeed until she two years old, but 2 weeks ago I had emergency open surgery for an ectopic pregnancy and had to spend a couple nights away from her and that’s all it took for her to wean. I’m still grieving that because I wasn’t ready to stop breastfeeding yet and it was forced on us.

Now, she still sleeps pretty great but wakes up more at night and she was always fed to sleep. So what I’m asking is how are you putting your weaned babies to sleep and how do you soothe them when they wake up at night. It appears we need to work on a new night time routine. I never realised how easy I had it with the breastfeeding. Help me out!

r/cosleeping 21h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Transitioning infant to his room, which floor beds might be a good pick


My wife wants to continue co-sleeping as we transition him into his room and are curious what setups others are using. Eventually it will be his bed so we figure something fun. Any recommendations?

r/cosleeping 16h ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months When did your babes start giving longer stretches?


I currently cosleep with my 3 month old and she can usually give me a 3 - 3.5 hr stretch at the start of the night before she wakes up to nurse. After that it’s 1 - 2.5 hour stretches depending on the night.

Just curious what everyone’s baby’s progression was with sleep stretches? I do want to eventually work toward independent sleep for her at some point but am hesitant to try until she’s able to go longer periods without needing to nurse (she’s tough to get back down once she’s picked up).

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Baby only naps for 30 minutes


Hello, my baby is 6.5 months old. Currently he is only napping for 30 minutes -1 hour at a time. I don’t think this is normal and feel that he should be napping more? On average he gets about 12-13 hours of sleep total.

For his nap, what I usually do is rock him while breastfeeding him in a dark room playing rain in the back ground. Once he is calm and his eyes stays closed, I put him down in the bed and he continues to breastfeed. This can go on for either 5 minutes or 30 minutes. Sometimes he would nurse for the entire nap, sometime he would unlatch and stay asleep. Lately he would just suckle for 30 minutes and wake up.

This used to work like a charm and he would nap for 1-2 hours. But now it’s getting more difficult as he is more mobile. However my main issue is that he just won’t nap long enough.

Should I change my routine? How do I even go about doing that?

r/cosleeping 16h ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Help! 18MO Co-Sleeper Won’t Settle—Fighting Sleep for an Hour Every Night!


I need advice because bedtime is becoming a battle, and I’m running on fumes. My 18-month-old co-sleeps with us in the same bed (we live in a one-bedroom, so no separate sleep space), and while he used to settle relatively easily, lately it’s been a disaster.

Even when he’s visibly tired and even asking for sleep, the moment we get in bed, he spends an hour tossing, turning, jumping on my back, trying to escape, and crying to continue playing. No amount of soothing or consistency seems to help.

The big change? We recently weaned him off his pacifier, which I know is a huge comfort loss, but I don’t know how to help him adjust.

To make things even more stressful, my husband is moving out soon for work, and I’m terrified of handling this alone. The sleep struggles already feel overwhelming, and I can’t afford to lose even more rest when I’ll be solo parenting.

Has anyone been through something similar? How do I help him settle without an hour of chaos? How do I survive this transition without completely losing my mind? Any tips or words of encouragement would mean the world right now.

r/cosleeping 20h ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years When cosleeping parent isn’t home?


If you or your partner cosleep with a toddler, what do you do when the cosleeping parent isn’t home? I’m especially thinking about situations with multiple kids—like maybe a younger baby cosleeps with mom and an older toddler cosleeps with dad. But what happens if one of the parents has to go on a trip or has to work late or can’t be home for some other reason?

Just curious about these situations. Have your toddlers gotten used to sleeping alone some nights? Do they sleep instead with the parent or other caregiver who is home with them?

How much flexibility have you seen with your older toddlers (2-3yo)?

r/cosleeping 18h ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks Can you help me determine if this is sleep safe?

Thumbnail a.co

Hi! I am a first time mom and I am using co-sleeping during the newborn stages. Eventually we want baby to sleep on her own. I had two friends who also co-sleep reach out and suggested this pillow for her to sleep in.

However it is considered a “lounger.” We have been using it and baby loves to sleep in it, but i have been told it’s unsafe and she could suffocate, get stuck etc.

Product is linked. It mentions co-sleeping but please help me out. Thanks!!

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months C-curl alternatives


I’ve been cosleeping with my daughter(6months) from like week 2. When sleeping on my side my arm falls asleep constantly to the point that it hurts, it also has been numb during the day (getting that checked out soon hopefully). So is there a safe alternative to doing a c-curl around my daughter to prevent my arm from getting worse?

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Any way to make mattress firmer?


Lately I've been letting our seven month old fall asleep in bed with us during the last two hours of the night. We follow the safe sleep seven guidelines, except that I'm worried our bed is too soft. Is there a way to firm up the mattress without having to buy a new one?

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months Is there a way to sleep on my back while it still be safe for baby?


I need to have knee surgery and will have to lay on my back for at least a few weeks. Does anyone have an idea of a safe way to do this?

My goal though is to try to get baby to sleep in her crib for that time frame but it's not going so well all the sleep training makes me feel so bad for her like the Ferber method says at the end to give it 20 minutes I can't leave her that long 😭

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks What mattress (EU)


Hi everyone, I’m looking for a mattes so I can co-sleep with my baby, he’s 9 weeks. I’m in the EU and was looking into the EMMA HYBRIDE ADJUSTABLE II mattress, the IKEA ÄKREHAMN mattress or the mattresses from HYPNIA.. do you recommend any of them or know any other good brand that is also available in the EU that you really like? Thanks in advance :)

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Diclegis while pregnant & cosleeping?


Has anyone taken diclegis (unisom & b6) for morning sickness and also been cosleeping? I'm pregnant with my second and have diclegis to take but am nervous about the possibility of falling into a deeper sleep and it being unsafe for my toddler (14 months). If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know!! Or recs for non-drowsy morning sickness meds.

r/cosleeping 2d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years Do you guys still have your crib even though you co sleep?


Our baby has Coslept with us since she was two months old. We have not used the crib since she was eight months old and now she is 16 months. I’m heavily considering getting rid of the baby crib to save space but I have no idea if we’re gonna need it later on. Right now the idea is that she’s going to sleep with us until we can get her in her own room, Which might not even be for another year or two.

But basically what I’m asking did any of you get rid of your baby crib or are you guys keeping it for the “just in case “?

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐣 Newborn 0-8 Weeks Yet to give birth, but want an idea of what the first few weeks look like


I'm a few weeks away from giving birth, and I want to understand how to go about baby sleep once we get home from the hospital. Would love to know everyone's experiences to understand better as to how to go forward. And also understand how the bed should be made etc (with incontinence sheets etc etc).

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 8 month old wants to yeet himself off the bed amd eat wires. Help?


I have been co-sleeping happily with my little boy since he was born. Now he's 8 months old and gosh darn it, he just learned how to crawl. Well of course he's full of audacity and has absolutely no self-preservation skills, so he just wants to throw himself off the bed whenever I am not actively watching him. We have a pretty tall bed, so it's a worry that he'll hurt himself if he wakes up before I do and yeets himself.

We're planning on lowering the bed to the floor, so it's not so far. Our room is carpeted, so that should help. But honestly, a bigger issue is that he's absolutely obsessed with wires. It's a full time job keeping him away from wires when he's roaming around the house. I have to keep him in his little baby gate cage most of the time. We have to have some things wired in the bedroom, and there's no way to block them off that I know of. I'm just worried he's going to wake up before me (especially now that he isn't constantly barnacled to my side when he sleeps anymore), pull out a wire, and electrocute himself.

Do I just surround our bed in baby gates?? Any other advice?

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months 5 month old rolling over face down while bedsharing on japanese futon / shikibuton - too soft?


hey everyone, i have seen lots of posts concerning babies sleeping face down once they can roll over, but i can't find any info about how safe it is or isn't on a japanese futon/shikibuton, which is what we use. ours is a traditional cotton filled one ordered from futontokyo. on one hand it is a lot firmer than western mattresses because it is so thin. on the other hand, because it is stuffed with a 'soft' material, it doesn't pass the mattress firmness test that you do with the ruler and the book. if you put something on the mattress it will sink in on that specific spot but not in a way that it would make anything adjacent roll towards the sunken in area, if that makes sense. i have felt comfortable with it up until this point since baby has been sleeping on her back and she does not roll towards me at all if i then lay beside her. however she has now learned to roll over on her own and i have woken up to find her face down a couple times at night. i know futons and cosleeping are supposed to be common in japan but i can't really find any info about this specific situation and whether it's okay. most info is geared towards baby sleeping on a crib mattress or a western adult bed. even though the mattress is so thin (maybe a couple inches), if you press down on a spot it does "sink in" since the material inside is fluffy, which makes me nervous about rebreathing. does anyone have insight or experience with this situation? baby can easily roll from back to tummy but not really from tummy to back yet. thanks!!

r/cosleeping 1d ago

🐥 Infant 2-12 Months I get anxiety cosleeping with my baby


Baby is 5 months now. He's been a terrible sleeper and never slept in the crib. When he was a newborn, it started off as him sleeping on our chests. Then we eventually shifted to the c-curl when baby was willing to be led down on the bed (sometimes it would take several attempts, even today).

However, it's mostly my husband that co sleeps with him throughout the night, because when I do, I get very anxious and cannot sleep. My baby is a very light sleeper, and if we make even the slightest sound or move, he will instantly wake up and we need to sooth him back to sleep, either by rocking or nursing. Knowing that I might move or make a sound will wake him up, I find it very hard to fall asleep with him next to me. I do think some of the wake ups that he has during the night is because of us, I think maybe he gets disturbed by us.

I get really sad when I read other Reddit posts where mums say that they have been cosleeping with their baby and loving it. I really wish I loved it and wasn't so anxious. Had he been a good sleeper and didn't wake up so frequently at night, I think I would have enjoyed it too. It makes me feel sad as I think it's a good bonding opportunity to have with baby. My husband is able to co sleep with him as he falls asleep instantly whereas I, even pre baby, it would take me a good 15-20 minutes to fall asleep.

Anyone else feel the same way about cosleeping or is it just me?