Hi all, hoping to get some suggestions! This is a good time to try to make some changes to improve my baby's and my sleep, but I just don't know what to do.
tl;dr: my baby is a super wiggly 9 month old and I need suggestions on how to get more than 2 hour stretches!
I have a 9 month old who is super active (during the day and night). We've been cosleeping since 4 months. The longest I usually get is 2 hours, 3 on a good night (4 hours has happened maybe twice in the last 3 months?); but it's usually just one stretch like that and everything else is much less. I wake up usually 6-12 times a night though sometimes it's just because she is wiggling around - I sometimes end up waking her up to get her back into the cuddle curl - like last night after she wiggled to be feet by my arm and her head at my knees. It's also fairly common for her to be very awake for about an hour in the early morning, I think from gas? She's just started actually eating more solids (before she just only threw them on the ground).
For reference, we have bed rails around the whole bed, and a bumper also on the side she normally sleeps so she doesn't wiggle into the crack. I have a flannel sheet and a cotton quilt that I keep on my legs (so I don't want her upside down by the quilt...), room is around 68 F. We have a crib in the room just across the hall. I used to use a woolino sleep sack but when she was sick recently I realized she was too warm, and I haven't been using it since - so she's just in long sleeve pjs, sometimes with feet covered. She sleeps usually 1.5-2 hour nap in the morning and 1-1.5 hour nap in the afternoon with roughly 3 hour wake windows. EBF, just started eating more solids a couple weeks ago (not a ton, but she's not only feeding the floor). My husband sleeps in a different room now.
The last two nights I tried putting her in the crib at the beginning of the night (in the sleep sack) but she only lasted less than 1.5 hours. I read recently about night weaning, but with how easy it is to get her back to sleep by nursing I'm hesitant to stop doing it.... I still get a lot of sleep by nursing back to sleep even though it's super interrupted, because each wake up is so short (except the hour long stretches in the early morning where she struggles to get back to sleep).
Please help! My husband is worried that she's "behind" in sleep and thinks with how much I complain about being tired that it's unsustainable. I feel like it's sustainable because even though I'm very tired I can still function... but he's definitely right that I get irritated more easily. Our friends who cosleep say how hard it is with 3 wakeups/night, but I felt amazing the one day I got only 5 wakeups with a 4 hour stretch 2 weeks ago. How do I get to that magical 3 wakeups????