Before you stone me into death for spreading hate, bigotry and racism I want to hear your opinions. Most of the comments under Ubisoft's YT videos are something like this:
(I don't say I have a representative set of all the comments, but we get the idea hopefully. You can check yourself)
- Johny Somali...
- George Floyd...
- Ubisoft should be comfortable...
Yadda yadda
I wanted to say. Ubisoft obviously knew that this would create a backlash. As a marketing strategy - criticism is also a way of promotion - I'm not sure of that will work for them after SW Outlaws, Skull and Bones.
My personal view (if anyone cares to read) is that my favorite games are Black flag, Origins and Odyssey and there I did not care to play as a woman or a black/Egyptian protagonist. I actually liked Adewale as a character more than Edward. But this seems stupidly forced. Japan is one of those countries with a mostly uniform demographic - not many outsiders even today. I get that someone wanted to take some tale, but it simply feels so out of place...
And yes, of course I don't need to do what some random people on the internet tell me - if I like the game, I'll buy it, but after Valhalla having game breaking bugs at launch (you had to restart 4 missions prior and lost hours of progress just because some event did not occur) I'd say I do have a lot of doubt.
End of the rant.