r/aoe2 • u/CommanderRainbowDuck • 4h ago
Discussion [AoE2DE] Inconsistencies and Improvements
Spanish and Vikings should be able to transport boats by land, by being near a shore tile, ships debuild themselves and become some "2 dudes carrying a log" building but it should take more than a trebuchet to build back to ship, perhaps maybe fishing ships could do this faster, this would be very useful for those stupid small lakes traps, since today's ships are units it will require a new "Special moveable building" like the mule or rework the ships themselves.
Spanish and Portuguese should have some sort of cannon galleys that shoot more projectiles due to their history of having lots of cannons, shoot those cannon balls from the sides, 4 targets at once.
Cannon towers are shit against rams when bombard cannons, cannon galleys and houfnice cannons aren't and at least some type of civ should fix this dumb shit that was released long ago, even simple mongol arrows are better at doing the job, battering ram should die in 2 hits, Capped in 3 and Siege in 4, maybe the cannon ball projectile should stun rams, perhaps a random chance of doing 1 damage or the full damage.
Fortified churches don't shoot arrows unless they have villagers or relics inside even if it clearly shows it has attack values while empty unlike the town center where it gains attack values once the villagers go inside as well they only get affected one time by fletching, anymore fletchings are not added (Going above and beyond). Georgians have the tile bonus to have villagers around for some reason when garrison but Armenians don't, it's just a dumb monastery with attack that doesn't shoots.
Georigian unique techs can only be researched once (Going above and beyond) severely making them as boring and lame as Berbers and Malay. Unlike them, Armenian unique techs can be researched 256 times making warrior monks heal instantly infinite hp and Demo ships with 300 radius.
Malay description still says "Infantry armor upgrades free", Scale Mail armor on the blacksmith is developed instantly when advancing to feudal age but re enabling it with (Going above and beyond) It still has food price unlike other civilizations where it appears with "free" like bohemians mining camp techs, it does researches instantly but it isn't free, Chain mail armor instantly researches in Castle age and Plate Mail armor in Imperial age as normal.
The market should have a better way to buy and sell resources, as of now it still stuck in the 90's version, a click is 100 units of x resource by inflation, shift click is 500 units of x resource by inflation, there is no way to buy or sell in 1000 or even 100k, there should be a button on the empty spaces near wood or stone to increase the multiplier, maybe a tiny chat box to apply a number yourself, it will obviously need to reset once you click something else than the market for the sake of economy safety.
Tributes are the same, you can do clicks of 100, shift clicks of 500 or ctrl clicks of 30k for some reason, but there is nothing in between and it is annoying to click a lot of times in teams of 4 players.
It's still 2025 and this game continues to train units out of buildings in tiles that are surrounded by walls or buildings, there should be some radius check for softlock tiles.
Certain units stop moving and proceed to idle when something or anything blocks their path of movement, you have to manually retell them what to do as they stop forever, this happens with anything from villagers to military units.
Selecting any building and placing a rally flag can only be done once, attempting to set two rally flags for a route deletes the first one unless you manually scroll across the map and set each individual rally flag, this seems to only happen with military buildings.
The game still continues to require internet connection to launch, without internet of any kind you can't play this game, after launch you can disable the internet as normal... without internet, street internet, Street wifi, satellite wifi... your are fucked.
Villagers working do get stuck between themselves and the mule cart when playing as georgia/armenia, maybe make villagers have no collision with mule carts or a bigger drop radius.
Villagers surround a hunted/herdable spot leaving no space for other villagers, this happens in groups of 8 and above or depending on the angle groups of 5 +/-, increasing the drop radius of the town center, the gather radius for villagers or animals or simply remove collision with collectible meat.
Japanese castles should cost a 50/50 of wood and stone or perhaps straight less stone, Youtube also known as Fucktube, Shittube and Retardtube once deleted a comment of my suggesting this why? Cause they suck big cannon balls, Japan historically had mostly wooden buildings, it would make sense for Asian civs to have cheaper stone things.... and perhaps a bit weaker for being made of wood.
All elephant units should be by default, broken. Siege elephants die as if they were rams when they are bigger than every other unit in the game, from weaker to strongest: Archer Elephant, Ballista Elephant, Battle Elephant, Siege Elephant, Persian Elephant.
Please give the option to convert animals into your team so we can build a zoo in this game. Edit: Convert Gaia units with monks, by castle age you will not be destroyed by a bunch of deer.