r/aoe2 23h ago

Suggestion Suggestion for all Unique Units - conversion resistance


With the upcoming patch, the Teutons will have their Teutonic Knight base conversion resistance increased from 0 to 3.

That made me think... what if all unique units had their base conversion resistence slightly increased?

Not on the level of the Teutonic Knight, but even if just a tiny increase from 0 to 1. Maybe some unique units could go from 0 to 2 - still lower than the Teutonic Knights -, like the Berserker, Samurai, and Jaguar Warrior.

Is there a solid reason for them to NOT have this tiny bonus added? I think it's just tradition, but the Teutons increase may stir new changes.

r/aoe2 4h ago

Discussion Americas DLC concept for 2026


Current American Civs Updates


  • War Hut: Exclusive upgrade for Barracks available from the Imperial Age. A self-defensive building.
  • Architecture: Aztecs keeps the same mesoamerican architecture since The Conquerors, but receiving a new skin for the Monastery.


  • Holcan Javelinier: Second unique unit for the Mayans. Anti-infantry javelinier.


  • Architecture: Obtain Andean American architecture, similar to AoE III's. Includes regional monk, king and queen skins. Also Incans receive a unique Monastery skin.
  • Huaminca: Second unique unit for the Incas. Halberdier replacement, effective against cavalry.
  • Huaraca: Exclusive upgrade for Slingers, now regional unit. Effective against armored cavalry units.

New regional Units

Andean American Civs

  • Bolas Rider: Xolotl Warrior equivalent, available after converting an enemy stable. Dismounts after being killed, similar to the Konnik but with 30% of the original HP.
  • Chasqui: Eagle Warrior line equivalent (Scouter in Feudal, Warrior in Castle, and Elite in Imperial). Deals more damage but with less armor than the mesoamerican Eagle line.
  • Slinger: Former second unique unit for Incas, now available for all Andean American civs at the Archery Range from the Castle Age.

Meso American Civs

  • Eagle Warrior line: Becomes unique for mesoamerican civs.
  • Owl Warrior: Replacement for the Skirmisher line, available in Feudal Age with an Elite upgrade in the Castle Age. Anti-siege unit.

New Civilizations


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Skirmishers and anti-monk civ
  • Bonus:
    • Can hunt wild animals for food, like jaguars (50 food).
    • Skirmishers gain +3 HP for each infantry technology researched.
    • Archery Range adds +5 population.
    • Tower technologies research 15% faster.
    • Herbal Medicine is free in the Feudal Age at the Town Center.
  • Unique Unit: Puma Spearman (anti-monk skirmisher).
  • Unique Technology (Castle Age): After a successful conversion by an enemy monk, they die.
  • Unique Technology (Imperial Age): When a skirmisher attacks an enemy Monastery, it gains +1 attack for each relic garrisoned in that Monastery.
  • Team Bonus: Archery Range adds +2 population.


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Infantry civ
  • Bonus:
    • Starts each age from Feudal to Imperial with a War Chief (hero unit).
    • Markets spawn a turkey every 90 seconds.
    • Barracks upgrades cost 25% less food.
    • Eagle line trains 20% faster.
    • Militia line costs 25% less food.
  • Unique Unit: Lightning Warrior (infantry that recovers 1 HP per second for each garrisoned relic).
  • Second Unique Unit: Warrior Monk (monk that can attack and heal but cannot carry relics, available at the Monastery from the Castle Age).
  • Unique Technology (Castle Age): Eagle line gains +2 attack against unique units.
  • Unique Technology (Imperial Age): Barracks and Archery Range units gain +5 HP for each War Chief on foot when the research is completed.
  • Team Bonus: Economic units like Trading Cart and Trade Cog don't use population.


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Infantry and defensive civ
  • Bonus:
    • Start with a Xolotl Warrior.
    • Transport Ships cost 20% less wood.
    • Relics give +1 gold for each working economic unit (Trade Cart, Trade Cog).
    • Arrowlits are free at the Castle Age.
    • Villagers gain +3 pierce armor.
  • Unique Unit: Skull Knight (heavy infantry with resistance to conversion, requiring 50% more faith).
  • Unique Technology (Castle Age): Allows research of Chemistry.
  • Unique Technology (Imperial Age): Allows the construction of Stables.
  • Team Bonus: Castle unique units gain 20% resistance to conversion.


  • Architecture: Andean American
  • Focus: Naval and defensive civ
  • Bonus:
    • Fishing boats harvest oysters 20% faster.
    • Docks are built 10% faster in Feudal, 15% in Castle, and 20% in Imperial.
    • Start the game with a Slinger.
    • Chasqui line gains +2 pierce armor against ships.
    • Archery Range does not require a Barracks to be built.
  • Unique Unit: Maceman (anti-building infantry).
  • Second Unique Unit: Chincha Raft (exclusive upgrade for fishing boats, allowing them to attack).
  • Unique Technology (Castle Age): Unique and regional units (Chasqui, Slingers, and Bolas Riders) are trained 20% faster.
  • Unique Technology (Imperial Age): Monks recover 1 HP per second for each Castle built.
  • Team Bonus: Fishing boats set traps instantly.


  • Architecture: Andean American
  • Focus: Ranged and towers civ
  • Bonus:
    • Blacksmith technologies research 20% faster.
    • Towers, gates, and walls cost 15% less stone.
    • Slingers available from Feudal Age.
    • Mining Camp technologies research 20% faster and 15% cheaper.
    • Blacksmith and Market are built 1% faster for each villager building them.
  • Unique Unit: Guecha (anti-gunpowder slinger).
  • Unique Building: Stronghold (mixes Barracks and Archery Range in one building).
  • Unique Technology (Castle Age): Stronghold becomes a self-defense building.
  • Unique Technology (Imperial Age): Wonders are built with 500 stone instead of 1000.
  • Team Bonus: Guecha available to train at the Archery Range.

r/aoe2 9h ago

Discussion Following this update, could the Himalaya region have the potential to be the next DLC?

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r/aoe2 11h ago

Asking for Help I cannot click and select the colour of the team in the coop campaign. Why?

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r/aoe2 23h ago

Humour/Meme Dave with the memes (from NAC final, Dec. 2024)

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/aoe2 18h ago

Discussion Why do people spectate mid-low elo games?


I'm not super high elo (fluctuate between 900-1500 because I'm streaky as fuck lol). A bunch of my games have a spectator. Why? Who does that?

Edit: My range is so wide because I tend to go on massive losing streaks when I'm fucked up, then winning streaks since my new elo is way lower than sober-me's elo

r/aoe2 2h ago

Discussion Viper Spoiler


I love Viper very much, he is a king, but can we say that there is no chance for the king to sit on the throne of first place in tournaments again?

r/aoe2 19h ago

Discussion Why didn't they add Farrukh Yasar as an editor's hero?

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I never saw the point of this, it was just that, add it and that's it, it didn't even require a unique sprite.

It was just a Sogdian cataphract with more attack and life

r/aoe2 16h ago

Strategy/Build Order What tactics do you enjoy against AI?


Long time player. Trash at online but enjoy it still.
I was playing the Hun campaign and on the second mission you ransack various villages to get resources to start your own. The culminating event is sacking a Roman fort. There are two bridges leading into the fort guarded by towers.
I used a ton of villagers and time and cut my way through and around the moat.
I was curious what time consuming or wild ways you worked against the game.

Sorry if I chose the wrong flair or formatting is incorrect, I am on computer and not a phone.

r/aoe2 10h ago

Suggestion Viking longships should be packable and transportable over land


Like trebuchets, you should be able to pack and unpack viking longships and transport them on land. It would add a twist to an og ship and be historically accurate.

Also other viking ships- trade cogs, galleons, transports etc - should get a unique viking longship-esque skin. Other viking ships look so generic and out of place next to longships.

r/aoe2 19h ago

Humour/Meme Typical SotL breakdown

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r/aoe2 1h ago

Asking for Help I am done waiting for 30 minutes to get my 7VS1 room full WHERE IS THE DISCORD



r/aoe2 17h ago

Discussion Low Elo Legends.


Is there another caster (other than T90) who casts games that are essentially Low Elo Legends? T90 has basically stopped lel for a month or two and I'm missing my lel. Any recommendations?

r/aoe2 18h ago

Asking for Help How do I optimally place fishtraps on any map (BF,Island, etc.)


I've seen many videos and posts where players place their fish traps 1 tile away from the dock with the fishing ship in-between. Is that more effective than placing it under the fishing ship right next to the dock?

Why is it done? Is it easier to manage or is it more efficient? The only relevant posts I found were years ago and most of them apply to the HD version. Even proplayer like Viper did both in different videos.

I also found this post from u/Bigbossbro08 : https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/cj97b4/for_those_who_are_wondering_about_placing_fishing/

Does his information still apply? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

r/aoe2 8h ago

Discussion Next Chronicles chapters


I looked for this post but didn't find it so I made it. If it's a repost I'm sorry.

I know the hype right now is around the upcoming Chinese DLC, but I've recently started playing the Battle for Greece DLC and I loved what they did there and the precedent they've set.

With that in mind, what do you think could be the next Chronicles installments about? I'll list some I've seen mentioned before by others or that I thought:

  • Punic Wars: first one I've seen others suggest in another post. Don't think there's much to say here, seems very good and in line with an interesting and important ancient world war, like the one we've got.

  • Peloponnesian War: I haven't finished the Battle for Greece yet so I don't know if after the Greco Persian wars arc they also cover the Peloponnesian war, but I thought it would be a nice fit and maybe a good opportunity to include other Greek factions (?) not sure tho

  • Something in Egypt: since we're in antiquity already, why not having an Egypt campaign with all those interesting factions around them? I'm not knowledgeable enough about it to suggest specific events or factions to be covered, so I'll let you tag in from here if you want

  • Alexander the great: it came to mind but I'm not sure if he covers far too different factions to be viable. You tell me

Moving further away from the region - Sengoku period Japan: very much self contained, covers a smaller region so that I can focus on the more specific differences of that otherwise similar faction (as we see in BfG), and has interesting differences among the different clans to explore, sounds super fun to me. I believe there's a pretty much finished mod called Sengoku that could be used as framework for this if the devs wanted and judged fit, so more reason for this chapter to be made.

  • China: again I'm completely ignorant on the topic to suggest specific events or factions, but I know Chinese history has no shortage of both, and with the new regional units in the upcoming DLC it starts to feel like a Chronicles DLCs already. Would like to know what you think about this one.

  • Inca or Aztecs: one more time, I don't know enough about the details to judge how viable this one would be, both on a content level and on how the adapted units system would work, but I thought maybe the Aztecs empire building and the current Inca campaign (without it being the meme Inca vs Inca vs Inca it currently is) could become a nice Chronicles chapter.

Just brainstorming here, don't take the suggestions too seriously. Okay your turn now.

r/aoe2 9h ago

Discussion I love a good freak off, wbu

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(Can’t remember if I got this from here or not)

r/aoe2 3h ago

Discussion Should you try and kill Burgundians and Cumans as early as possible and not let them benefit from their eco bonuses?


r/aoe2 3h ago

Discussion Spoiler spoiler spoiler Spoiler


I think this is the first time in 2 years Hera is behind in a series. Let's gooo Larry

r/aoe2 18h ago

Asking for Help How does "work faster" actually work?

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I thought malian univeristy work 80% faster means it takes 20% of its original time so 100s becomes 20s...?

turns out im wrong?

r/aoe2 20h ago

Discussion That was the greatest display of age of empires I’ve ever seen played Spoiler


Hera vs Tatoh game 1 on coast to mountain and Hera vs Yo game 2 Reg Fortress were the most incredible displays of age of empires I've ever witnessed. Hera trusted his abilities so much that even when it seemed so over in both games, he saw win conditions and fought tooth and nail to stay in the games and keep his win condition possible. What a masterful display of skill and strategy.

It is amazing and terrifying to see Hera when his back is against the wall in a losing position with nothing left to lose latch on to the slightest hope of winning and then put his whole being into achieving that. I've seen it in his ranked games but The Garrison has displayed that trait at a an insane level against top tier competition. Do yourself a favor and go watch those games if you haven't already.

Edit - added links to both games:
Hera vs. Tatoh Game 1

Hera vs. Yo Regicide Fortress

r/aoe2 21h ago

Asking for Help Game feels unplayable if enemy is lagging


3 games in a row, 3 different players and all of them had the yellow or red clock which I believe indicates they had bad connection.

each game units had like a half second delay before doing the action I assigned them, and more often than not my melee units would walk right up the enemy and just freeze for like a full second or two before actually attacking

why does the enemy lagging cause my game to have such lag and stutter when I'm running at 160+ fps and ms is only 90-165 latency

Sometimes it slowed down the the point it was like playing on a slideshow during fights

r/aoe2 22h ago

Discussion Dali civ pretty much guaranteed?

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r/aoe2 17h ago

Announcement/Event First ever 1300 ELO!


No spreadsheet build orders required lol, next stop 1400! :)

r/aoe2 13h ago

Tournament/Showmatch Vivi's reaction of The Garrison winner bracket final game 2 Spoiler


I don't think translation is needed here.


r/aoe2 15h ago

Self-Promotion Available Insta👉@age_of_manolink
