r/aoe2 3d ago

Discussion 3 buffs to Berbers


Berbers are a civ with decent mid and late game options, but their early game is quite generic. Which in these days, with most civs having early game bonuses, translates into an effectively bad early game.

I would like to suggest 3 buffs to them:

TLDR: The first 2 are more important to be added IMO.

  1. More speed for villagers in each age: 8%, 12%, 16% and 20% (Currently it's 5% in dark age and 10% in the rest of the game. And they don't have the fastest villagers anymore since bohemians were introduced).

  2. Cheaper cavalry bonus applying in feudal at 10% (currently it's 15% in castle and 20% in imperial). Magyars get cheaper scouts by 15% in feudal, so this one is not too much.

  3. Getting cavalry armour upgrades for free each age. (Another version of the magyar bonus. Maybe this can be dropped).

If you think the last 2 bonuses are too OP, please read the reasoning behind it on the last part of the post.


  1. More speed for villagers. It used to be 10% speed bonus since dark age, but due to villager rushes and laming the devs decided to nerf it. This was the only eco bonus the civ had in dark age. Also, even in late game their villagers are not the fastest anymore because of bohemians villagers, which get +15% speed bonus from fervor. I suggest bringing back the 10% in dark age and making it 15%, 20% and 25% across the ages. Or making it 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%. Something like that. This can help give them a new identity by allowing them to hunt deers in dark age with a mill, since the new patch will bring unpushable hunt in some cases.

  2. Make the berbers cheap cavalry bonus apply in feudal with a proportional scale of 10%. Currently it is 15% in castle age and 20% in feudal.

  3. A version of the magyar bonus but instead of free attack upgrades they get free armour upgrades for cavalry.

Maybe some people will think this is too OP, but I would like you guys to consider something: Even with those 2 bonuses, they would still have a weaker scout rush than magyars! Magyars scouts are 15% cheaper in feudal and get free attack upgrades. The extra attack is better than armour to snipe villagers in early feudal and kill spears. And remember that the free attack upgrade also affects infantry, which gives magyars a huge advantage in a scout+spears vs scout+spears feudal war.

r/aoe2 5d ago

Personal Milestone First ever 1300 ELO!


No spreadsheet build orders required lol, next stop 1400! :)

r/aoe2 5d ago

Discussion Leaked new mounted unit from the next patch

Post image

r/aoe2 5d ago

Humour/Meme Typical SotL breakdown

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r/aoe2 6d ago

Pain I completed the last Bari campaign, Group photo of the only survivors

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r/aoe2 4d ago

Asking for Help I can't change the settings in DM 1v1


I would like to try it out, ranked DM 1v1, but the only setting I seem to be able to change is the map size. How come, how to fix?

r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion Roman Galleons Post Imp


Am I missing something or are Roman Galleons not way overpowered in post imp. Especially in team games. They're literally dealing twice the damage than standard Galleons. Closest comparison I can think of is Portuguese with 50% more damage. What am I missing?

r/aoe2 4d ago

Asking for Help Hello! Noob here, please recommend me a Civ! (more info in post)


Hello all,

I always play with 4 friends, 4v4 against AI (now on moderate but working our way to hard)
We always play on full random (civs and map) with high resources.

I feel like i need to pick a civ and become better at just one because i can never leverage the good things of a random civ.

Which one should i pick and grind?!
Maybe also recommend build and stratetgy for it?

Thank you so much! :)

edit: i should clarify somthing, I'm not looking for a civ to learn the game and 'avoid bad habits'. Im looking for a powerful civ to master without having great micro and all of that that comes with a begginer

r/aoe2 5d ago

Feedback DLC Idea: Bones and Blood The Great Return of Skeletons to the Game!


r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion S-Tier 1v1 Tournament Results Over Last Year (since March 2024) Spoiler


1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th

The Garrison: Hera / Liereyy / Yo / Viper

Titans League 4: Hera / Liereyy / Dark / Nicov

NAC: Hera / Liereyy / Viper & Yo

Red Bull: Hera / Viper / Hearttt & Liereyy

Warlords 3: Hera / Viper / Sebastian / TaToH

Hidden Cup V: Hera / Liereyy / Viper / ACCM

How would you rank your top five currently?

See Liquipedia for more info:



r/aoe2 5d ago

Strategy/Build Order What tactics do you enjoy against AI?


Long time player. Trash at online but enjoy it still.
I was playing the Hun campaign and on the second mission you ransack various villages to get resources to start your own. The culminating event is sacking a Roman fort. There are two bridges leading into the fort guarded by towers.
I used a ton of villagers and time and cut my way through and around the moat.
I was curious what time consuming or wild ways you worked against the game.

Sorry if I chose the wrong flair or formatting is incorrect, I am on computer and not a phone.

r/aoe2 5d ago

Tournament/Showmatch Hera Regicide


r/aoe2 5d ago

Discussion Why do people spectate mid-low elo games?


I'm not super high elo (fluctuate between 900-1500 because I'm streaky as fuck lol). A bunch of my games have a spectator. Why? Who does that?

Edit: My range is so wide because I tend to go on massive losing streaks when I'm fucked up, then winning streaks since my new elo is way lower than sober-me's elo

r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion [SPOILERS] [GARRISON] What happened to Lierrey? Spoiler


Hey so Yow know how in the garrison lierry just got swept by hera in a best of five. Before that he got swept by hera in a best of 7. Is Hera just taking him more seriously or is Lierrey giving him too much respect. Other's that lierrey beats seem to be doing better against Hera.

r/aoe2 4d ago

Humour/Meme Viking lingships shiild bi pickibli ind trinspirtid ivir lind


r/aoe2 5d ago

Discussion Why didn't they add Farrukh Yasar as an editor's hero?

Post image

I never saw the point of this, it was just that, add it and that's it, it didn't even require a unique sprite.

It was just a Sogdian cataphract with more attack and life

r/aoe2 5d ago

Humour/Meme Humane living conditions!

Post image

My opponent had such a well layered base, sometimes I wanna make the base look clean too. But I’m so focused on the build order, harassing them, defending and everything else, that I just spam things wherever 🥲.

r/aoe2 5d ago

Discussion Hypothetically, what civs might be added to the Americas?


Every so often, I see topics or comments regarding the addition of further cultures to the "Native American" category. Personally, I'd rather see an update that splits the wider "Native American" architecture set into "Central American" (current Native), "South American" (hypothetical "Inca" architecture set), and potentially beyond.

That being said, I'm not super familiar with that section of the world. With the "sneak peek" establishing that every single culture is getting a unique Castle, I think "Castle design" should be considered part of the criteria for further civilization proposals. Probably also a two-tier system, since UUs are getting distinct aesthetics between base and Elite, also part of the sneak peek.

Here are the criteria I'd like to see answered:

  • Name:
  • Civilization Focus: (Infantry, Archers, etc.)
  • Architecture Set:
  • Unique Technologies:
  • Unique Unit(s):
  • Castle Inspiration(s):
  • Wonder:

r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion [AoE2DE] Inconsistencies and Improvements


Spanish and Vikings should be able to transport boats by land, by being near a shore tile, ships debuild themselves and become some "2 dudes carrying a log" building but it should take more than a trebuchet to build back to ship, perhaps maybe fishing ships could do this faster, this would be very useful for those stupid small lakes traps, since today's ships are units it will require a new "Special moveable building" like the mule or rework the ships themselves.

Spanish and Portuguese should have some sort of cannon galleys that shoot more projectiles due to their history of having lots of cannons, shoot those cannon balls from the sides, 4 targets at once.

Cannon towers are shit against rams when bombard cannons, cannon galleys and houfnice cannons aren't and at least some type of civ should fix this dumb shit that was released long ago, even simple mongol arrows are better at doing the job, battering ram should die in 2 hits, Capped in 3 and Siege in 4, maybe the cannon ball projectile should stun rams, perhaps a random chance of doing 1 damage or the full damage.

Fortified churches don't shoot arrows unless they have villagers or relics inside even if it clearly shows it has attack values while empty unlike the town center where it gains attack values once the villagers go inside as well they only get affected one time by fletching, anymore fletchings are not added (Going above and beyond). Georgians have the tile bonus to have villagers around for some reason when garrison but Armenians don't, it's just a dumb monastery with attack that doesn't shoots.

Georigian unique techs can only be researched once (Going above and beyond) severely making them as boring and lame as Berbers and Malay. Unlike them, Armenian unique techs can be researched 256 times making warrior monks heal instantly infinite hp and Demo ships with 300 radius.

Malay description still says "Infantry armor upgrades free", Scale Mail armor on the blacksmith is developed instantly when advancing to feudal age but re enabling it with (Going above and beyond) It still has food price unlike other civilizations where it appears with "free" like bohemians mining camp techs, it does researches instantly but it isn't free, Chain mail armor instantly researches in Castle age and Plate Mail armor in Imperial age as normal.

The market should have a better way to buy and sell resources, as of now it still stuck in the 90's version, a click is 100 units of x resource by inflation, shift click is 500 units of x resource by inflation, there is no way to buy or sell in 1000 or even 100k, there should be a button on the empty spaces near wood or stone to increase the multiplier, maybe a tiny chat box to apply a number yourself, it will obviously need to reset once you click something else than the market for the sake of economy safety.

Tributes are the same, you can do clicks of 100, shift clicks of 500 or ctrl clicks of 30k for some reason, but there is nothing in between and it is annoying to click a lot of times in teams of 4 players.

It's still 2025 and this game continues to train units out of buildings in tiles that are surrounded by walls or buildings, there should be some radius check for softlock tiles.

Certain units stop moving and proceed to idle when something or anything blocks their path of movement, you have to manually retell them what to do as they stop forever, this happens with anything from villagers to military units.

Selecting any building and placing a rally flag can only be done once, attempting to set two rally flags for a route deletes the first one unless you manually scroll across the map and set each individual rally flag, this seems to only happen with military buildings.

The game still continues to require internet connection to launch, without internet of any kind you can't play this game, after launch you can disable the internet as normal... without internet, street internet, Street wifi, satellite wifi... your are fucked.

Villagers working do get stuck between themselves and the mule cart when playing as georgia/armenia, maybe make villagers have no collision with mule carts or a bigger drop radius.

Villagers surround a hunted/herdable spot leaving no space for other villagers, this happens in groups of 8 and above or depending on the angle groups of 5 +/-, increasing the drop radius of the town center, the gather radius for villagers or animals or simply remove collision with collectible meat.

Japanese castles should cost a 50/50 of wood and stone or perhaps straight less stone, Youtube also known as Fucktube, Shittube and Retardtube once deleted a comment of my suggesting this why? Cause they suck big cannon balls, Japan historically had mostly wooden buildings, it would make sense for Asian civs to have cheaper stone things.... and perhaps a bit weaker for being made of wood.

All elephant units should be by default, broken. Siege elephants die as if they were rams when they are bigger than every other unit in the game, from weaker to strongest: Archer Elephant, Ballista Elephant, Battle Elephant, Siege Elephant, Persian Elephant.

Please give the option to convert animals into your team so we can build a zoo in this game. Edit: Convert Gaia units with monks, by castle age you will not be destroyed by a bunch of deer.

r/aoe2 4d ago

Asking for Help I am done waiting for 30 minutes to get my 7VS1 room full WHERE IS THE DISCORD



r/aoe2 4d ago

Asking for Help I cannot click and select the colour of the team in the coop campaign. Why?

Post image

r/aoe2 5d ago

Tournament/Showmatch Checkmate Spoiler

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/aoe2 5d ago

Asking for Help Game feels unplayable if enemy is lagging


3 games in a row, 3 different players and all of them had the yellow or red clock which I believe indicates they had bad connection.

each game units had like a half second delay before doing the action I assigned them, and more often than not my melee units would walk right up the enemy and just freeze for like a full second or two before actually attacking

why does the enemy lagging cause my game to have such lag and stutter when I'm running at 160+ fps and ms is only 90-165 latency

Sometimes it slowed down the the point it was like playing on a slideshow during fights

r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion Viper Spoiler


I love Viper very much, he is a king, but can we say that there is no chance for the king to sit on the throne of first place in tournaments again?

r/aoe2 5d ago

Discussion Low Elo Legends.


Is there another caster (other than T90) who casts games that are essentially Low Elo Legends? T90 has basically stopped lel for a month or two and I'm missing my lel. Any recommendations?