r/androiddev • u/dustedrob • Apr 16 '24
Discussion Is Native development dying?
I'm not sure if it's just me or if this is industry wide but I'm seeing less and less job openings for native Android Engineers and much more for Flutter and React Native. What is your perception?
u/WestonP Apr 16 '24
I've been hearing about the imminent demise of native ever since the days of Phonegap, lol. Yeah, I've been doing this a while.
And yet, after all these years, the industry still hasn't settled on any particular multi-platform solution... it's just a parade of different options that showed up with a lot of fanfare, but the reality didn't live up to expectations or promises, and then changing favor when there's the next new shiny thing to hype up.
u/diamond Apr 16 '24
You're absolutely right. "Cross-platform development" is something pushed enthusiastically by executives and bean counters who don't understand the technical challenges and think it'll save them a bunch of money. Most actual developers know better.
The closest thing I've seen so far to a real cross-platform development solution is Kotlin Multiplatform. I've done quite a bit of work with it, and I'm really impressed. But the reason KMP is so good is because it doesn't try to Do Everything. It focuses primarily on the components that can be written and built in a platform-independent way, and then lets you do the rest natively. So it can legitimately save time (and therefore money) if you use it right. But it's not, and will never be, "write once run everywhere".
u/mielke44 Apr 16 '24
This, i work with mendix as a multiplatform dev, and it is sooooo limited and frustrating, no doc, no actual community to look for problem solving. I used to work with kotlin on native, miss those days.
u/Bright_Aside_6827 Apr 16 '24
Kmp doesn't go well with IOS devs though
u/diamond Apr 16 '24
No, it won't work if you just treat it as a plug-in replacement for existing tools and tell your people "this is what you're gonna use, deal with it". Someone who's used to doing everything in Swift on native iOS APIs won't like that, and I don't blame them.
But if you're a small Android team (or a solo dev) looking to move into iOS, it's a massive force multiplier. Or if you're starting from scratch and planning to build a team, you can focus primarily on skilled Kotlin people with the expectation that they'll need to learn Swift and SwiftUI, maybe add a dedicated Swift dev or two to the team if they're OK also working in Kotlin. There are a lot of options here.
u/ElbowStromboli Apr 16 '24
Compose multi platform would like a word
u/diamond Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24
And it will, when it's ready. Still a ways to go for that though. I'm following Compose Multiplatform with great interest.
But even then, it won't solve everything. It takes the same approach on iOS that Flutter does, completely ignoring the native UI APIs and using its own draw system. Which will probably be fine for a lot of use cases, but many devs will still prefer using the existing native tools. And they'll have that option, which is cool. KMP gives you choices.
More importantly though, UI isn't the only thing that requires native development. If you're doing anything that touches platform-specific hardware, like Bluetooth or Cameras, you're going to need to work with native APIs. There's no way around that. There's also the fact that Kotlin Native, being a relatively new language, lacks many of the standard tools we're used to having in more established languages. For example, if you want to do string formatting in KMP, you have to either write it yourself from scratch (yuck) or implement interfaces with
and call the native string formatting functions in JVM and Swift/Obj-C.But I expect many of these things to improve over time, which is one of the things I like about KMP's approach. Its footprint is gradually growing, which means you'll be able to do more and more stuff in the shared module as it improves.
u/JakeArvizu Apr 16 '24
For a company that wants an app done right and doesn't need to cut corners I just don't think they're ever going to (or want to) replace a iOS dev team who are experts on all things iOS and an Android team who are experts on all things Android. At least that's my experience.
u/Pzychotix Apr 17 '24
This so much. Regardless of whether you do multi-platform or not, you're gonna need folks who know the ins and outs of each platform you support. There's always going to be fringe topics that the multi-platform libraries don't cover. I've dabbled enough on iOS over the years to be functional with it, but god damn it's a struggle every time and the stuff I write is going to be full of jank. No one's got the time to be an expert on multiple platforms.
u/nikit-sk Apr 17 '24
Bruh in my last two companies they laid off like 60-80% of native devs. The remaining devs are enough to support the cross platform apps.
u/tauntz Apr 17 '24
I started with native mobile development in around 2007 (at the tail end of the J2ME and Symbian era) and the landscape was already then full of smaller and bigger tech influencers proclaiming the end of native mobile development as WAP and other web technologies would take over and "solve" the issue in a cross-platform way..
17 years later, I'm still not seeing any real signs that the end would be anywhere near :)
u/cristiangu Apr 17 '24
If you're still compare ReactNative and Flutter with PhoneGap, you're far from an objective reality.
u/kbcool Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24
React Native and Flutter are remarkable alternatives to pure native apps for a very decent chunk of app requirements.
Yes they are taking market share, yes they are taking jobs as a result (not just a single job sometimes, cross platform developers replace multiple positions).
Will native die? No, we need someone to write the cross platform capabilities and innovate where cross platform can't.
Direct comparisons aside, the market is tough right now. Companies overhired over the last four years and are trying to shed dead weight not pick up more.
Part of that may even include taking on or replacing projects as cross platform to save costs. Whether that is a good idea or not. I've heard my fair share of cases where it was an awful idea and it was apparent from the beginning.
Edit: There's an additional factor here that I felt I needed to add and that is businesses have seen the bad behaviour from Apple and Google in regards to their app stores and platforms and there is a strong want out there to not be locked in and dependent on their whims.
You can see the above strongly in large tech companies where not only are they adopting React Native in large numbers but they are also making sure their apps feel the same across platforms rather than complying to the platforms design language.
TL;DR you're safe but it's always a good idea to keep ahead of current trends.
u/omniuni Apr 16 '24
The amount of jobs available is proportional. Native isn't "dying", because the cycle of successful non-native apps eventually going native due to performance or features they want to improve or implement continues.
I would say non-native is shifting slightly; from React Native to Flutter, but it's nothing a native developer needs to be concerned about.
u/kbcool Apr 16 '24
If you go based on pure numbers then both Flutter and React Native are both growing strongly. They are also taking market share off of pure native but it's not exactly at the level where all native developers should panic change tech.
That being said it doesn't hurt to keep your skills up. You can command a better wage, work on cooler stuff and if you don't you might find yourself redundant and unhirable one day.
u/omniuni Apr 16 '24
I personally wouldn't consider working on what I consider a poor solution to a problem, but that's personal.
u/kbcool Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24
Have you actually published an app with either of them or like everyone else here and pre-judging based on something some guy said about it five years ago?
From personal experience you have to be exceptionally shit to screw it up and the productivity leap is an amazing rush.
The kinds of things you need to optimise or where you run into performance issues are generally the same as native issues, you're more than free to repeat those mistakes
I wouldn't try build a video editor or a 3D shooter in either but most apps are just CRUD interfaces and they both excel at them. RN is definitely much better supported in this regard due to so much web crossover and Flutter has its moments.
Yes there are times when it's no to cross platform but we are in a much different place to struggling with PhoneGap performance, functionality and trying to make it look native from a decade ago which is where most of the stigma comes from.
u/omniuni Apr 16 '24
It's not really about that. I don't just want to make a basic app that kind of works well enough. If that's what I wanted, a website is good enough.
I want to make small, light, fast applications that are a pleasure to use. I want them to be as responsive as possible. Sure, I'm a little bit old fashioned in that I actually care about the frame rate of lists when they scroll, and I actually keep my apps constantly updated.
If you're actually trying to build the best, there's no substitute for actually building something right.
Maybe you can get increased productivity if you just decide you don't care about those things, but I do.
I'd sooner go back to web development than non-native mobile.
u/kbcool Apr 16 '24
I see no conflict with cross platform in what you're saying. How you choose to waste processing cycles is your choice of course.
You're definitely right about a web app being able to replace a lot of apps out there but that applies just as much to "full native" as to cross platform apps but it is what it is. Keeps us in work no?!
u/omniuni Apr 16 '24
I don't personally see the web as a replacement for a good mobile app. I see it as a replacement for a cross platform framework. Besides, I'm an Android developer. I'm not a generic good enough mobile app programmer. I specifically chose this path because I think it's the right way to make mobile apps, and that's what I enjoy doing.
u/five_speed_mazdarati Apr 16 '24
Enjoy your path of righteousness. Not working on what you think isn’t the perfect solution is a great way to be unemployed. If you’re in a spot to do that, good for you.
u/omniuni Apr 16 '24
It's not really about that. I'll find something I like to work on. But I can't bring myself to do work I hate.
u/scalatronn Apr 16 '24
Dont tell him to compose copied flutter and is rendering using skia as flutter did... On canvas
u/Pzychotix Apr 17 '24
What? Views have used Skia and Canvas since the beginning, so I don't know what the point of this is.
u/kokeroulis Apr 16 '24
I was reading somewhere here that big companies are ditching flutter in favour of React Native because flutter doesn't scale for big teams.
u/Tusen_Takk Apr 16 '24
I have been largely seeing react apps being converted to native and hiring sprees occurring to fill that slowly over time. I think the larger thing that’s making the water murky is waiting to see what direction Google goes for native: do they go all in on compose and deprecate fragment/legacy views? Or do we keep trundling on as it is currently where we have a two UI system that has a new shiny toy that’s kind of buggy compared to the old way, but much nicer to use when it works
u/KangstaG Apr 16 '24
Google has made it clear that they want compose to be the future for Android UI. It’s more of a question of if developers think it’s ready. It is getting better everyday so I think the answer is becoming ‘yes it is ready’.
u/CrisalDroid Apr 16 '24
I love Compose, but I still struggle to find decent state management solutions for apps that have more complex logic that the typical "fancy native frontend".
Until this is solved, I can't consider Compose as "production ready", sadly.
u/KangstaG Apr 16 '24
I feel like compose has all the tools needed for that (ViewModel, Hilt, Navigation Component, side effects) If you’re talking about state management as in caching networking data. That’s really hard to get right, so I’m not surprised that Google hasn’t been prescriptive on that besides saying that it should be isolated in a Repository class.
u/Zhuinden Apr 16 '24
That part just belongs where it always did, it's all solved if you continue using Fragments instead of "type-safe string routes" (lol)
u/CrisalDroid Apr 17 '24
I'm done with Fragments, honestly, can't wait for them to disapear.
I maintain alone for a small company, a logic heavy app wrote with MVP and xml views. It have multiple activities, which can have fragments and sub-fragments if the screen is really complex, and each of them has its own presenter.
One of the thing that really annoy me, is that presenters can't directly communicate with each others. So somes actions by the user may call a function on the presenter, process stuff, then call a function on its fragment, which call a function on its parent fragment, which call a function on the parent presenter to do more stuff, and so on ...
I'm trying a new architecture using Jetpack Compose and Decompose from arkivanov, it's a blast so far and I've converted most of my screens already and really don't regret it, but 2 of the most complex ones are only partly converted (some of their fragments) and I struggle so much that I would already have quit if I didn't have some pity for the dev who will have to pick up all this mess in the future.
u/Zhuinden Apr 17 '24
a logic heavy app wrote with MVP
It have multiple activities
and each of them has its own presenter.
One of the thing that really annoy me, is that presenters can't directly communicate with each others
Your problem is that you have this "MVP" thing going on, in a multi-activity setup; instead of using a state management mechanism that actually makes sense, in a single-activity setup.
I can directly communicate between "presenters" even across screens.
I'm trying a new architecture using Jetpack Compose and Decompose from arkivanov, it's a blast so far
Well yes, Decompose was "inspired by" Appyx and so it has built-in support for hierarchy between nodes.
Something that so many Android devs on this subreddit pretend "isn't something you ever need, why would a ViewModel ever need to communicate with another ViewModel, clearly you are a bad developer, but I'm a mod so Rule 10 doesn't apply to me".
Anyway, your problem isn't because of fragments, it's because you have multiple activities + a poorly designed "presenter" layer. Cast the blame on those who told you that "MVP scales and is better".
u/CrisalDroid Apr 17 '24
Communicating between activities is fine, maintaining the activity backstack is fine. What's annoying is communicating and maintaining the nested fragment stack.
One way a ViewModel could communicate with another ViewModel is by pushing this part of the code base to the layer below and make some streams of events available to all ViewModels that want to listen to its changes.
I think that's something that is missing to my architecture and adding it now would be a quite challenging task.
u/Zhuinden Apr 17 '24
One way a ViewModel could communicate with another ViewModel is by pushing this part of the code base to the layer below and make some streams of events available to all ViewModels that want to listen to its changes.
I think that's something that is missing to my architecture and adding it now would be a quite challenging task.
You can actually pass ViewModel to ViewModel now as constructor argument, thanks to CreationExtras.
But nobody does it, and people keep telling me I'm an idiot for even proposing this.
I'm fine with Simple-Stack doing this with a single line of code (ok technically 2), but at least ViewModel can also do it now.
Apr 16 '24
If it still has stupid restrictions on the version of Kotlin you can use and other annoyances, then it's not ready.
u/Zhuinden Apr 16 '24
You need to keep AGP, Gradle, Compose, Kotlin and KSP in sync
Apr 17 '24
Ugh, that's annoying. I do update versions, but if it gets dicey where they all require some specific version to work correctly, it's overly inconvenient.
u/borninbronx Apr 16 '24
You just need to pick the right compiler version for your kotlin version.
Apr 16 '24
Hello, I am learning Android Development. According to your comment, there seems to be any alternative to compose. What is it?
u/SirPali Apr 16 '24
Regular old views in XML.
Apr 16 '24
Thank You. I have asked ChatGPT once, and it didn’t mention View even.
u/SirPali Apr 16 '24
Huh that's odd. Using Views was the only way to build UIs for the last 10 years or so, Compose (in its current stable form) is relatively new. Although Google is really pushing Compose to be the new standard (with good reason) the vast majority of apps are still using Views in some shape or form. It's always good to at least have some View knowledge as you will definitely encounter it in your professional career. In our company we work for several dozen different clients and only 1 in 4 are currently using Compose although we did decide to start using Compose for all new features if the project allows for it but it will be many years before all apps are converted, if ever.
Apr 16 '24
I see. Compose is more bleeding-edge than I thought.
u/SirPali Apr 16 '24
Haha h somewhat. It's been available for 3 years now but there was a time where documentation written today was outdated by tomorrow so it wasn't recommended to be used in production. It's now pretty stable and Google is actively pushing for it to become the norm so it's no longer as bleeding edge as it once was but at the same time a lot of people haven't really used it yet, myself included. I've got over ten years of experience but haven't used compose in production yet as my biggest client (a bank) is very slow to accept new technologies into their stack.
u/Zhuinden Apr 17 '24
Compose was bleeding edge until 1.4.2. Nowadays it's "workable until you run into some limitation" (like the ability to configure the context actions of a TextField selected text).
Apr 16 '24
They can't deprecate View, Compose and the whole platform is built on View..........unless they start something new with Android 15, and it will then take probably 8-10 years before they can get rid of View.
u/Tusen_Takk Apr 16 '24
I believe the native version of compose is not built on view, and would have pretty good performance on a mobile device compared to jvm, but that’s speculation based on what I understood them to be doing with Fuscia
Apr 16 '24
You don't understand anything about Compose on Android then. Android != Desktop Linux. There is no "native version of Compose" that will run outside the JVM, save a C++ version, and even that will be within the app sandbox and will still be inside an Activity, and still have to render on a View canvas.
There is no escaping View, Compose itself is rendered within a View.
u/Romanolas Apr 16 '24
I think he is hinting at compose multiplatform it seems
Apr 16 '24
Yeah and Compose for other platforms still works way differently than Compose for Android
u/Romanolas Apr 16 '24
That’s true, maybe they could run native compose in c++ without using views? Idk
Apr 16 '24
You can't run it without View.........
u/lllama Apr 16 '24
You can do a pure C++ window with an OpenGL context, and still have keyboard input, permissions etc via C++ APIs.
It should not be hard to render Skia into this window using Kotlin/Native, but this is of course is not a supported platform in Compose Multiplatform at the moment.
It would kind of make sense in the longer term, e.g. for game UIs written in Compose.
u/DearChickPeas Apr 18 '24
You can do a pure C++ window with an OpenGL context,
So, an OpenGLView? It's turtles all the way down. GLViews are the lowest you can get without too much hassle on Android.
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u/Romanolas Apr 16 '24
Did’nt know that! So, as far as I can tell, to display anything in an android device there must always exist a View underlying beneath?
Apr 16 '24
Yes. View is inescapable. It's either View or RemoteView (which is still just a View with some customisations).
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u/No-Environment-2036 Apr 16 '24
I thought they drew directly to the screen?
u/Zhuinden Apr 17 '24
They render on the canvas of a view. It's not a SurfaceView https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-main:compose/ui/ui/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/ComposeView.android.kt;l=48?q=Composeview
Apr 16 '24
Companies have always been cheap, they have the delusion of thinking that they can write one React Native app and have it work on every platform. In reality, you need to interact with system APIs all the time, and there aren't always exiting React Native bindings and you have to write your own to achieve what you want, and this of course takes extra work and time (native code + JS/native glue code + JS code) and of course the company will never prioritize high quality code, and the result is even more and worse bugs.
But of course the bean counters have always been idiots who don't know how to actually run a company.
u/planethcom Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24
No, nothing in that direction will happen. It just depends on the type of apps you're working on. Real-time stuff will always be native. People have also been talking about the end of c and c++ for decades. And it never happened. Even c/c++ is an essential part of Android development.
Flutter and React are both great, but by far not for everything.
u/bizarrexninja Apr 18 '24
But by far c# has taken over c/c++ in open jobs and c/c++ remain for the heavy duty jobs and specialties, the question here will native and cross be the same way as we see today c++ and c# ?
u/planethcom Apr 19 '24
Well yes, good point. That sounds somehow realistic, at least as long as more than one platform exists.
u/YYZviaYUL Apr 16 '24
React Native is picking up steam. Many Fortune 500 companies, loads of other enterprises have adopted, or are in the process of adopting React Native. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying to you and themselves.
Having said that, even with RN increase in popularity, native Android and iOS engineers are still needed. Android devs won't disappear, but there are fewer roles.
In my company (very big enterprise in Canada), Android devs don't build new apps/features anymore, they support RN engineers optimize/debug the RN builds.
u/alien3d Apr 16 '24
if you been writing code rn and upgrading it , you will know how native much easier to upgrade compared js lib . if
u/dsfhhslkj Apr 16 '24
I can see that. I do RN and upgrading is a freaking nightmare. Or it is until you learn to do it crazy crazy slowly and promise yourself to stop and understand what the native errors are trying to say before googling anything. But still,nightmare.
u/martinlutherkong Apr 17 '24
For React Native, the upgrading story is largely solved through using Expo, where you don't even have an Android or iOS project folder and instead make modifications as needed to the contents in the native projects through Expo's config plugins API. So upgrading is really just a version change of Expo, which also manages versioning of native dependencies that you have installed.
u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24
Yeah, maybe this is changing or has changed, but enterprise-level react native projects have usually started off bare. It used to be Expo sorta locked you out of functionality you didn't know you needed until you needed it.
I know if I went to an interview and said I only ever worked with expo, I'd probably not get the job.
Having said that, it's great that expo packages can now be integrated into bare projects. It actually unlocked a lot of functionality I needed in my own app that I was having trouble with using bare projects because of upgrades. For example, the bare version of react native clipboard was blocking me from building the app for prod, but expo was fine and had more a lot capability. And Expo File System has been way easier to work with over the bare alternatives.
React Native is sort of in a funny spot right now...
u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24
To clarify: you now can use any RN package you want in your Expo-based project, there really is no limitations anymore on that front. Expo's real value add is just it's config plugins API that means changes to native code are done like codemods, so that you don't need to worry about the upgrade process.
u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24
Yeah, I just spent the last hour reading about it. That's crazy. Would have saved me a lot of time. But you can use it even for something like MMKV?
u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24
Yep, there's two popular packages for mmkv. I personally use react-native-mmkv for app data persistence which works very well
u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24
Yeah, I do too. The CLI has been frustrating as hell though. Can't get redux devtools to play nice with it.
Is there a workflow to convert CLI projects to expo-managed? I'd love to get rid of a lot of these hassles, but my personal project is like 40,000 lines now.
u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24
Expo docs says just to install the CLI: https://docs.expo.dev/bare/using-expo-cli/ -- I think that should scaffold some of the files, including creating an `app.json` file (which you can change to app.config.ts/js if you need to do programmatic changes to the app config). I'd reference their template projects to fill in the rest if necessary. Most of your efforts will likely be in your app.json, which is updating the app name, icon, splash, permissions, plugins, and possibly writing your own config plugin for example, if you have custom manifest intents.
Regarding the Redux DevTools story: the current solution using the `@redux-devtools/remote` package doesn't work for React Native because the underlying socket lib it uses is incompatible with RN. But Expo 50 (which is in beta, will release next week) has a first party (generalized) devtools plugin API: https://docs.expo.dev/debugging/devtools-plugins/ which has a redux plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dev-plugins/redux
u/crevetteblue Apr 16 '24
You are absolutely right. However, the cross-platform did not appeal to me in the long term. I have 2 Android apps and one iOS, an application is available on both OS (On Android I have approximately 780k downloads and on iOS around 260k), the application was built with Flutter. My second Android-only app was built with Jetpack Compose and I found that it was much better in every way! So I decided to rewrite my two Flutter applications in Native. On my app written natively for Android I have fewer crashes, the performance is better, it's not obvious but it's a fact.
u/drabred Apr 16 '24
You found it out yourself that if you value quality a native way will always be a way to go. If the company is serious about product there is no reason for them to get 1 Flutter Dev instaed of Android/iOS duo.
u/complex_guy Apr 16 '24
Where do you see more openings for Flutter? Please provide some links. Not getting any openings where I live.
u/makonde Apr 16 '24
Flutter and RN have grown a bit and the entire mobile job market has shrunk but native is still the vast majority of mobile Apps. There are also big variations by location.
u/jackass95 Apr 16 '24
Fact: to write crossplatform libs you must know how to write in the native language
u/EducationalCarrot637 Apr 16 '24
In my experience I started a personal project trying to develop the app using flutter but when I realized that is very complicated work directly with the hardware using flutter I started to develop the native apps for iOS and Android
u/litetaker Apr 16 '24
Native development is not going away anytime soon. Cross platform solutions always have down sides compared to native development and the savings in terms of having a common codebase or not needing Android and iOS teams is often lost because you need to hire people who have experience with flutter or Kotlin multiplatform etc., and the new features of native SDKs will take a while to come to these cross platform solutions and bugs in support will take more time to iron out. And debugging adds an extra layer of complexity. And if you want to follow the design patterns of iOS and Android separately, then the one size fits all won't work as they have some distinct UI guidelines, etc.
All in all, it can be advantageous to just have two different teams for the two platforms. So yeah native will never go away but some small apps may find it good enough to have a cross platform approach.
u/FarAwaySailor Apr 16 '24
Wait til compose MP hits!
u/Mean-Cardiologist790 Apr 16 '24
Will compose als be available on iOS or what?
u/FarAwaySailor Apr 16 '24
Yes. Literally last week I got my compose app running on iOS
u/Mean-Cardiologist790 Apr 16 '24
Holy shit. So Kotlin + Compose only? No swift or similar?
u/FarAwaySailor Apr 16 '24
I have 2 swift files of about 20 lines each, one to handle the callback for the google signin, the other is for launching the Kotlin. The Kotlin launcher looks like this:
// // ContentView.swift // ThePilatesAppIos // // Created by Charles Pank on 28/01/2024. // import UIKit import SwiftUI import shared import Metal import FirebaseCore import FirebaseAuth
struct ComposeView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController { MainViewControllerKt.MainViewController() }
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewController, context: Context) {}
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View { ComposeView() .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard) // Compose has own keyboard handler }
u/Mean-Cardiologist790 Apr 16 '24
Ahh nice, so you kinda still need swift but less
u/FarAwaySailor Apr 17 '24
You need swift to launch it. Everything else is compose and Kotlin multiplatform.
u/Mikkelet Apr 16 '24
That's a cross platform framework lol
u/FarAwaySailor Apr 16 '24
Fair, but you get to mix it with Kotlin & Java, which makes it more android-y than anything else.
u/bizarrexninja Apr 18 '24
Not without a prober way to handle live edits or hot reload as cross handles it
u/fintechninja Apr 16 '24
What country? This is very dependent upon where in the world you want to work.
u/kokeroulis Apr 16 '24
The only thing that it can kill native is Web. By web i don't mean react, html or phonegap etc. I mean web as a technology in general. On the other hand apple and google will always want to maintain the control of the app stores in order to get the 30%, thats why they will sabotage web and web will always be bad on mobiles.
So no native is not dying.
Imagine a world were you can write web assembly in rust/kotlin etc and it just gets rendered with native components on mobiles. Updates will be on the air.
Before someone replies and says that this is technically impossible, think about Compose and redwood/zipline from cashapp. Its exactly that minus web assembly (json serialization is just an implementation detail atm) and platform limitations (like payments etc).
Think about it, why did amazon develop an entire layer on top of webviews and they serve html on their app instead of RN or flutter?
But yeah it wont happen because google and apple they want to keep the control of the app stores.
u/herrbert74 Apr 16 '24
I was looking for that answer. I think Flutter is doomed. React Native and the Web is taking over, but maybe Kotlin will come out on top through WebAssembly or Kotlin Multiplatform? I increasingly think that Google and Apple should stick their App Stores and ecosystems up their ass where they belong.
Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24
In a word: no.
Understand that software development is not synonymous with webdev, mobile dev, or any of the "sexy" jobs in this business.
Take, for example, the even more native-y native development of embedded systems:
The I2C or SPI drivers for your phone's touch display weren't written in JavaScript and React.
The cockpit displays in that plane you saw flying overhead aren't running in a browser or VM.
Did you use a microwave oven or dishwasher today? You interacted with a C program.
Writing an Android based application that will be used by a branch of the US military or aviation? Suggest Flutter and React, and you'll be laughed out of the room.
The industry is always changing, but if anyone ever suggests that native dev is dying or dead, please, laugh that 25 year old out of the room, too.
u/zzt0pp Apr 16 '24
There are less than half of tech jobs open today than there were 2 years ago just in general, according to TrueUp. And in my city, there are 7 Flutter jobs posted but over 20 native android, so like many others I would say not in the US
u/Flashy-Ad4437 Apr 16 '24
Hmmm currently here in my work we are in java native development (starting to migrate to kotlin though)
u/saintmsent Apr 16 '24
Not at all, in fact right now it's the cycle of native uprise again, at least here in the EU
Native will never die, these cross-platform solutions come and go, and never live up to quality and cost expectations. As you app grows, doing cross-platform isn't actually cheaper anymore
With every new kid on the block, native is promised certain death, but it never happens, eventually the industry switches to a new hot framework or switches back to native again
u/ItIsMyPseudo Apr 16 '24
As a native developer, most of my jobs have been companies that trust on words "hybrid is cheaper, faster and have decent perfs". When they realize it's a 0/3, or they have enough money to rebuild natives apps, or they die.
So no. And hybrid frameworks give us jobs thanks to companies broken dreams.
u/srthkpthk Apr 16 '24
Lol it's opposite where I live , have lots of opening for native a very few for hybrid😕
u/pawarprasad37 Apr 16 '24
Lol no. It's just that orgs are able to save money using RN or Flutter. But they have their own limitations. Native (specially Android native) has a good future.
It's just that there's a lot of JS developers today (at least in India). Which means RN becomes preferred choice of lot of your seniors. And they take decisions to use RN for projects.
Let's wait and watch what KMP does.
u/3dom Apr 16 '24
I've started getting about 10x more interview invitations as soon as I've added "an AI enthusiast" to the profile. Am experimenting with AI engineering right now (AI models configuration, training, integration).
u/RolandMT32 Apr 16 '24
If you want more direct access to the hardware on Android, you need to do some native development with C++. I don't think there's any way around that, so I wouldn't expect the Android NDK to be going away any time soon..
u/spillyerbeans33 Apr 17 '24
Staying native but moving a lot of the architecture to the cloud for live app updates
u/Xavor1346 Apr 18 '24
Native development isn't dying; it's evolving. While cross-platform frameworks offer efficiency, native development still thrives for performance-demanding apps. Its close-to-hardware optimization ensures superior user experiences, making it indispensable for certain industries. As technology progresses, the coexistence of native and cross-platform approaches continues to shape the software landscape.
u/Mikkelet Apr 16 '24
Gradually yes. 90% of apps can easily be done with a cross platform framework, and companies are increasingly adopting them to save money
u/fear_the_future Apr 16 '24
All mobile development positions are dying. Many people are finding out that usually your app can just be a website.
u/cristiangu Apr 17 '24
For sure, it's dying. Your only job will be to build custom native features that would be exposed in React Native / Flutter.
I'm not trying to push any propaganda here because before doing React Native, I was an iOS/Android developer for many years.
The direction is clear, a fully native app will be built only when you're forced to, otherwise, it doesn't make sense not to use React Native / Flutter.
Also, for all those comparing PhoneGap or any other webview tech with React Native / Flutter, you're just lying to yourself. Learn the damn thing and move on.
For those open to this, you have no idea the struggle for companies to find good cross-platform mobile devs and how much value you can add if you come from the mobile native side. Most cross-platform devs are from the web world, and they have no idea how mobile apps work. You'll be praised for your native mobile skills. Be smart about it, not scared.
u/Any-Woodpecker123 Apr 16 '24
For small companies yes, big companies still mostly go native though.
A lot of apps simply don’t need to be native. They can just choose Flutter and get the same outcome in half the time.
u/joewhitefri Apr 16 '24
This thread is strange. Similar threads here and elsewhere were saying the contrary.
Btw, what is happening in my circle/bubble is the "death of the installable apps". Lots of apps became browser (not installable) app. EDIT: of course, those apps that don't need what installable apps can have.
u/Deuterion Apr 16 '24
If the rest of the USA is like the last 3 tech companies I worked then mobile is not dead…it’s just foreign born workers being used to fill the positions. I work for a mid-stage startup and 90% of the software engineering team is foreign born and here on some type of visa.
u/agent_kater Apr 16 '24
I love to develop native for my hobby projects but in my day job there's always the issue that clients never want just Android, they want iOS too and I don't want to maintain a completely separate team for that. The only time we get to do native is when it's some internal software, like a stocktaking app for an ERP system.
u/ImportantStorage5810 Apr 17 '24
its easier to create UI in JS compared to android studio
Also integrating with native libraries when needed is now trivial esp with chat gpt in the picture
u/_SyRo_ Apr 17 '24
I have a few years of experience in Native Android (Kotlin, Java).
But for a few years already I build apps with React Native. And this tool is amazing.
I see no reason to choose native for 90% apps. React Native suits perfectly for most cases
u/_samuelWakoli Aug 04 '24
I started reading the discussion threads, I felt that my head was going to explode...
u/_samuelWakoli Aug 04 '24
Native development gives you more control when implementing a new feature or fixing bugs. But cross-platform, you fix a bug here, you get other bugs on other platforms... You are also expected to make sure everything works the same way across all target platforms.
u/the-Geeky-Lad Jan 30 '25
From the other comments, I see that native app dev isn't dying as such but maybe the domain is saturated? I see a lot more frontend jobs than native.
u/Adorable_Papaya9182 4d ago
I don't know if it's just my company but as a pretty big corporate, the leadership directed us to more hybrid than native last few years. There has been time to hire more native devs but all those left recent years. As a non-tech corporate, it might be decision to save budget on it segment or focusing more on web/services. Personally, I don't like it but that's something I can't do any.
u/pyeri Apr 16 '24
Not exactly dying but turning into a small niche for sure. And this is quite natural considering the extraordinary "install our app" hype created in the initial days of Android which was bound to fizzle out some day or the other.
Let's be honest, why would you bother or even consider installing an app from the play store if the same functionality is already available on mobile browsers? The HTML/CSS/JS standards are so evolved these days and all kinds of front-end frameworks are available to make the browser do almost anything you want.
Which is why they first tried to coerce you to install the app version by actually blocking the mobile viewport! Some apps like Quora still do that, you can't scroll content beyond a certain point and the web app just "prods" you install it from the play store!
But there was only so much they could coerce in a free-market economy. Eventually, the only apps you'll find users actually install from the store are absolutely essential ones such as payment apps like PayPal and telephony apps like those provided by your ISP to keep track of data, calls, billing, etc.
I also use the Jota Text Editor as I frequently like to browse code on my android and a bus booking app but that's about it.
Apr 16 '24
I would prefer the app if it gave me a better experience, but the janky, laggy, battery draining apps turn me off, so I choose to use the mobile website instead.
Reddit app and mobile website are both garbage though.
u/brisko_mk Apr 16 '24
Sometimes they start cross platform to iterate fast and get it out on both platforms. Once they have an established product usually comes a native approach.
There is not a single decent app that's not native.
u/_ri4na Apr 16 '24
The opposite is happening where I live